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永仁瓶尔小草 新种 图1Ophioglossum yongrenense Ching ex Z. R. He et W. M. Chu, sp. nov.Species nova aspectu inter O. kawamuram Tagawa et O. parvum Nishida et Kurita Japonicae, differt a priore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus praeditis (in illa frondibus omnino laminis sterilibus non praeditis), a posteriore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus non praeditis (in O. parvo Nishida et Kurita frondibus omino laminis sterilibus praeditis).Planta minor, gracilis, 2-9 cm alta, petiolo co… 相似文献
采用95%乙醇提取制备总浸膏,经萃取及柱层析法分离,波谱法鉴定结构,从川产狭叶瓶尔小草Ophioglossum thermale Kom.中分离得到7个已知化合物。分别为亚油酸(1)、三油酸甘油酯(2)、β-谷甾醇(3)、正十五酸三甘油酯(4)、亚油酸甘油单酯(5)、3-甲氧基槲皮素(6)和3,4-二羟基苯甲酸(7)。7个化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到。 相似文献
本文发表了山矾属一新种,即思茅山矾Symplocos simaoensis Y.Y.Qian,sp.nov.. 相似文献
DalbergiamengsuoensisY.Y.Qian,sp.nov.Fig.1 SpeciesaffinisD.benthamiiPrain,sedfoliolispapyraceis,suprasecuscostaspubescentibus,paniculisterminalibus,floribus3.5-4mmlongis,leguminibus8-11cmlongis,3-3.3cmlatisdiffert. Frutexvelfrutexscandens;ramulivetibadii,albo-lenticellati,glabri,juvenilesviridesinsiccofusci,cerino-pubescentes.Foliapinnata5-15cmlonga;rhachidesetpetiolicerino-pubescentes;foliola2-3-jugata,papyracea,terminalialongeobovata,lateraliaoblongavellongeellipticavellon… 相似文献
孟连姜花新种图1 Hedychium menglianense Y. Y. Qian sp. nov. (Subgen. Euosmianthus) Species affinis H. sino-aureo Stapf, sed plantis ad arbores epiphyticis, laminis (2-)10-27 cm longis, (0.5-)1.7-4 cm latis, petiolis 2-8 mm longis, ligulis papyraceis,1.5-2 mm longis, spicis 10-17-floribus, 5-8 cm longis, bracteis calycis tubos non circumnexis, apice emarginatis, calycis tubis bractea parum brevioribus, corollae lobis linearibus 11-13 mm longis, labellis ovatis, 8-9 mm longis, basi sessilibus, filamentis7-7.5 mm longis, ventraliter pubescentibus, antheris 4.5-4.9 nm longis differt. 相似文献
利用扫描电镜对中国产瓶尔小草科2属7种的孢子进行了研究,其中包括瓶尔小草属6种,即裸茎瓶尔小草(OphioglossumnudicauleL.f)、尖头瓶尔小草(O.pedunculosumDesv.)、钝头瓶尔小草(O.petiolatumHook)、狭叶瓶尔小草(O.thermaleKom.)、心脏叶瓶尔小草(O.reticulatumL.)和瓶尔小草(O.vulgatumL.),蛇蕨属1种,即蛇蕨(又名带状瓶尔小草OphiodermapendulaPresl),对每个种的孢子形态特征进行描述。根据孢子形态特征,我们认为将中国的瓶尔小草科植物分为瓶尔小草属和蛇蕨属两个属是合适的。通过观察,进一步认定孢子外壁的纹饰特征极具分类参考价值,并可以作为种的界限的依据。 相似文献
GalactiasimaoensisY.Y.Qiansp.nov.Fig.1SpeciesaffinisG.tenuiflorae(KleinexWilld.)WightetArn.,sedcauledensetomentoso,foliolisovatis,7-18cmlongis,4-10cmlatis,calycibuscirca4mmlongis,extradensepubescentibus,corollisinfernealbis,apicepurpureis,vexillisrotundis,apice2lobatis,carinisalisbrevioribusdiffert.Subfrutexsubscandens.Cauliscanovelhelvolotomentosus.Foliispinnatis3foliolatis;foliolapapyracea,ovata,raroelliptica,7-18cmlonga,4-10cmlata,apiceobtusacumacumine,… 相似文献
本文发表了作者最近在考察勐仑热带雨林时发现的楼梯草属一新种,勐仑楼梯草Elatostema menglunense。 相似文献
三翅槭 (新种 )AcertrialatumL .L .Deng ,K .Y .WeietG .S .Fan ,sp .nov .A buergerianoMiq .affine ,seddiffertfructibustrialatis,rarobi velquadrialatis ,aliscumnuculabrevioribus ,1 5 - 2cmlongis ,foliisbrevioribus ,2 - 5cmlongis.Arbor ,4 - 5malta .Cortexgriseusvelgriseobruneus .Foliachart… 相似文献
该文描述了自云南西北部发现的毛茛科银莲花属一新组,即维西银莲花组(sect. Deinostigma)和一新种,即维西银莲花(Anemone weixiensis)。此组与卵叶银莲花组有亲缘关系,与后者的区别在于其心皮较少(约11枚),子房被短柔毛,柱头明显,呈椭圆体形,瘦果被短柔毛,不扁,无肋,顶端具椭圆体形宿存柱头。 相似文献
长期以来,Termopsis lanceolata R.Br.被误认为是黄华属的模式。根据有关文献考证和国际植物命名法规,作者为认T.;lanceoltata是一个不合法名,黄华属的合法模式应为Thermopsis Lupinoides(L.)Link.分布于东北亚,花具互生花的黄华长期被误定为T。lupinoides(L.)Link,应更正为Thermopsis fabacea(Pall)DC.。 相似文献
通过对标本的比较研究及广泛的野外考察,界定了披针叶黄华,承认了一个种级名称Thermopsis lupinoides(L.)Link.并组合了9个新异名。 相似文献
在扫描电镜下观察了豆科黄华属Thermopsis 18种植物种子的表面纹饰,发现 T.alpina,T.bar-
bata,T.inflata,T.lupinoides,T. licentiana,T.smithiana和T.turkestanica的种子表面为粗网状,T
californica,T.divaricarpa,T. macrophylla,T.mollis的种子表面为细网状,T.gracilis,T.montana,T.
面为粘膜状,T.rhombifolia的种子表面为条形及 T.viuosa的种子表面为碎屑状纹饰。结果表明黄华属的种子表面特征对属下类群的划分有一定意义,对澄清某些混乱的种有一定价值。 相似文献
【目的】调查和观测内蒙古毛乌素沙地大和切叶蜂 Megachile (Xanthosaurus) japonica Alfken对其蜜源植物披针叶黄华 Thermopsis lupinoides (L.)的盗蜜行为。【方法】在披针叶黄华花期内, 设置样方观测披针叶黄华的主要访花昆虫。采用目测, 拍照等方法对大和切叶蜂盗蜜行为进行观测, 记录和统计花被盗蜜后留下的盗蜜孔的数量和在花上的位置。【结果】大和切叶蜂在披针叶黄华传粉蜂中数量上占有绝对的优势。作为初级盗蜜者时, 用上颚在花基部切割出一个纵向裂口, 将口器伸入孔内吸取花蜜。作为次级盗蜜者时, 利用已有的孔洞来吸蜜。在盗蜜时没有表现出寻找已经存在的盗蜜孔来吸蜜的现象, 同时其个体在盗蜜时表现出“偏好”花基部一侧的行为。在13个样地, 已开放花朵被盗蜜率最低为95.4%, 最高达到100%, 而未开放花朵的被盗蜜率最高则达到64.7%。【结论】在毛乌素沙地大和切叶蜂既是披针叶黄华的主要传粉者, 也是其初级盗蜜者和次级盗蜜者。 相似文献
Protoplasma - An in-depth understanding of the development and distribution of laticifer (latex secretory structure) will be important for the production of both rubber and medicines and will... 相似文献
Nutlets of Hemigenia R.Br. and Microcorys R.Br. were examined using SEM. Significant variation, mainly useful at the infrageneric level, was found in nutlet shape, nature of the attachment scar, nature of surface sculpturing, exocarp cell shape and sculpturing, and nature of the indumentum. Typical nutlets are ovoidal, strongly reticulate or rugose. The exocarp cells are isodiametric and convex to papillate. Also common are cylindrical nutlets, often with longitudinal ridging and papillate exocarp cells. Surface pitting and concave exocarp cells are rare. A cladistic analysis of nutlet characters suggests both Hemigenia and Microcorys are polyphyletic, and Microcorys paraphyletic with respect to Westringia Sm. Notwithstanding that, the infrageneric classification of Hemigenia was largely supported, while in Microcorys, there was support for sect. Hemigenioides, but sects Anisandra and Microcorys were not resolved as distinct. 相似文献
Scientists consider saltwater one of the effective environmental stress that negatively affects the growth and establishment of trees and shrubs worldwide. Utilizing the potential of Bio-stimulant compounds present in the brown seaweed extract is an alternative strategy to improve crop tolerance to salinity. This study focused on the application of seaweed extract as a Bio-stimulant agent to counteract the salt stress on the growth and some physiochemical aspects of milkweed seedlings. In this experiment, the seedlings were treated with seaweed extract (SWE) of Sargassum angustifolium at four concentrations (non-SWE or control, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5%) and then exposed to salt stress at four levels (0, 7.5, 15, and 30 dS m?1 of diluted seawater) in a completely randomized design (four replications per treatment) over a time-span of 3 months. The results indicated that SWE-treated seedlings could tolerate salinity up to 15 dS m?1 and also increase the survival rate by 69%. The growth parameters like height, specific leaf area, root length and volume, root and shoot dry weight were considerably enhanced by SWE (1%) from 7.5 to 30 dS m?1. Moreover, gas exchanges and chlorophyll pigments were markedly increased using SWE (0.5%) under salt lower 15 dS m?1 than control. Also, both SWE and salt stress significantly enhanced antioxidant enzymes over control, but SWE more increased the parameters. SWEs agent at different dosages significantly decreased electrolyte leakage at all salinity levels (except in 7.5 and 15 dS m?1) compared to control. SWEs (1%) resulted in increasing K+ uptake but decreasing Na+ uptake and markedly enhancing K+/Na+ ratio in stressed-milkweed versus free-salt stress. Totally, this research illustrates the potential of SWEs (at lower dosages) for elevating milkweed tolerance to moderate salinity stress and highlights the possibility of applying it as Bio-stimulant fertilizer. 相似文献
Malcolmia meyeri Boiss. subsumes according to the anatomical structure of the dissepiment under the genus Maresia Pomel. The species represents an evolutional link from which ancestors there proceeds on one hand the genus Maresia Pomel with other nine species, on the other hand a shorter evolutional line with two species subsumed so far under the genus Malcolmia R. Br. in Aiton: Malcolmia crenulata (DC.) Boiss., Malcolmia exacoides (DC.) Spreng. 相似文献
The effect of NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid) on the development of cluster roots in members of the Proteaceae and Leguminosae was investigated. The exogenous addition of NAA led to initiation of cluster roots in phosphate conditions normally inhibitory for their development, but initiation took place within the limits of the cluster pattern under –P conditions. There was no change in spacing within the cluster root nor between cluster roots in Grevillea robusta Cunn. ex R. Br. or in rootlet length or cluster root length. In Lupinus albus L., change in rootlet length and cluster root length was noted at 10 -10 and 10 12
M NAA. In L. albus, the length of time that roots were exposed to NAA does not appear to be important, with similar levels of cluster root initiation after 48 h and 7 days. Cluster root production in G. robusta differed from that in L. albus in terms of the concentration of NAA needed to induce initiation, and in the effects of extremely low levels of NAA on rootlet numbers and lengths. L. arboreus L. does not produce cluster roots under –P conditions. Furthermore, neither L. arboreus L., L. angustifolius L., L. luteus L. nor L. mutabilis L. were induced to produce cluster roots under –P conditions, nor under +P conditions in the presence of exogenous NAA. Thus, exogenous NAA only leads to the induction of cluster roots, at levels of P normally inhibitive of their development, in species of Lupinus that produce them under –P conditions. Auxin-induced cluster roots develop within the same constraints as those developing under –P conditions. NAA does not induce cluster roots in species of Lupinus that do not produce them under –P conditions. 相似文献