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部分中国野生百合的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规压片法,对野生百合6个种、20个居群的染色体进行了核型分析,结果显示:(1)中国野生百合20个居群中有1个居群的染色体数为2n=22,其他19个居群的染色体数均为2n=24。(2)20个居群中有4个居群含有B染色体,有12个居群含有数目不等的随体。(3)核型类型中有17个为"3B"型,2个为"3A"型,1个为"4B"型。(4)20个居群的核型不对称系数在77.16%~83.83%之间,最长染色体/最短染色体臂比值介于1.85~3.07之间;同一个种下面的不同变种或居群的核型变异也较大。研究表明,中国野生百合不同种或居群的遗传多样表现在染色体数量、是否含有B染色体、不同类型染色体数量以及它们在核型中的排序位置、随体的位置等方面的差异。  相似文献   

田颖  佴文惠  王金焕  杨云飞  杨凤堂 《遗传学报》2002,29(2):124-127,T001
以狗的整条染色体特异探针,通过比较染色体涂色(Comparative Chromosome Painting),建立了小熊猫和狗的比较染色体图谱。狗的38条常染色体探针在小熊猫染色体上共检出71个同源片段。其中狗的18条常染色体每一条在小熊猫染色全上各有1个同源片段,其余的20条常染色体每一条在小熊猫染色体上各有2至5个同源片段。广泛的染色体结构重排造成了小熊猫与狗的核型差异:至少需要经过28次断裂,49次融合,4次倒位才能将狗的核型(2n=78)“转变”为小熊猫的核型(2n=36)。结合已发表的狗与家猫的比较染色体图谱,我们推测:小熊猫与家猫之间共存在26个同源片段,二者的核型之间显示了较高的同源性。通过比较分析狗的染色体同源片段在小熊猫与家猫染色体上的分布和排列,可以看出:4次染色体易拉,2次倒位造成了小熊猫与家猫的核型差异。我们的工作进一步证实了利用基因组高度重排的物种(如:狗)的染色体特异探针与核型保守的物种(如:家猫、水貂、小熊猫)进行比较染色体涂色研究,不但可以准确快速地鉴别物种进化过程中所发生的染色体间的结构重排,而且还可揭示染色体内的结构重组。  相似文献   

广义铃兰族包括6属200余种单子叶植物,具有较为稳定的染色体数目以及明显的核型变化,是研究植物染色体进化非常理想的类群.该研究采用常规压片法对铃兰族5个物种植物的染色体形态、数目及其核型进行了观察分析,并全面收集和整理了铃兰族所有已报道的共81种253条的染色体记录,通过综合统计、重建系统发育树,探讨铃兰族属间以及各属...  相似文献   

以东方百合杂种系(Oriental hybrids group)品种‘Siberia’为母本,OT杂种系(interspecific hybrids betweenOriental and Longiflorum/OT group)品种‘Manissa’为父本杂交获得种间杂交F1代,对亲本及F1代株系的染色体数目和形态特征进行了分析。结果显示,母本东方百合‘Siberia’为二倍体即24条染色体,而父本‘Manissa’是高度杂合后代,为三倍体即36条染色体。杂交F1代的8个株系中有6个株系为二倍体即24条染色体,有2个株系为非整倍体,染色体条数分别为25和26条。母本‘Siberia’的核型为4m(1SAT)+10st(1SAT)+10t,父本‘Manis-sa’的核型为3m+18st(1SAT)+15t(1SAT),均属3B型。杂种F1代核型出现了多种类型,其中株系a、b、h为3B型,株系c、d、e、f为3A型,株系g为4B型。与亲本染色体形态相比,F1代株系出现了随体及端部着丝点染色体较多等染色体形态结构特征,而亲本没有这些特征。从染色体的形态、随体来看,子代为真杂种,在遗传上均偏向于母本。  相似文献   

对新疆独尾草属(Eremurus)植物的核型进行了研究。核型公式如下:阿尔泰独尾草[E.altaicus(Pall.)Stev.]2n=2x=14=4m+8sm+2st;异翅独尾草[E.anisopterus(Kar.et Kit)Regel]2n=4x=28=4m+4sm+20st;粗柄独尾草[E.inderiensis (M.Bieb)Regel]2n=2x=14=10sm+4st,首次发现古尔班通古特沙漠南缘所产的异翅独尾草2n=4x=28,与前人报道其为二倍体2n=2x=14的结果不一致。  相似文献   

采用常规压片法对豹子花属6种11居群和百合属7种14居群进行了核型研究,并用不对称系数AI度量核型不对称性,以CVCL-CVCI散点图比较近缘类群之间的亲缘关系。结果表明: 1)除美丽豹子花 No-mocharis basilissa 为三倍体外,其余全为二倍体 2)核型在种间、居群间存在变异,特别是在随体染色体的数目和位置以及B染色体的有无上种间存在明显差别 3) CVCL-CVCI散点图显示豹子花属与百合属关系密切 4)染色体结构变异产生数量和类型不同的次缢痕,是豹子花属植物进化的主要方式。豹子花属在从其起源地和分化中心高黎贡山向四周扩散时,细胞核型方面伴随着出现了非整倍体、三倍体、 B染色体和次缢痕进化的类型.  相似文献   

蜘蛛的性二型现象及其进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古德祥  张古忍 《蛛形学报》1993,2(2):114-117
对蜘蛛的性二型现象进行了初步的概括,并试图以食物对种群繁衍的影响为线索说明其进化机制。蜘蛛的性二型现象主要表现在体形大小上,一般雌性大于雄性;食物的数量和分布制约着蜘蛛性二型现象的进化。  相似文献   

采用经典测量和染色体常规压片法,对龙牙百合(Lilium brownii var.viridulum Baker)3个地方品种的形态特征及核型进行研究。植株形态分析结果显示:‘江西’龙牙的株高、开花口径、种球重量和周长、中外层鳞片重量和长度以及鳞片扦插产生小鳞茎数等指标均显著大于‘大叶’龙牙和‘平头’龙牙;‘大叶’龙牙的叶片最长,均值为14.54 cm。花粉、叶表皮气孔及鳞片淀粉粒的微形态特征分析结果显示:‘江西’龙牙的花粉粒径最大,均值达111.76 μm;‘平头’龙牙的叶表皮气孔最长,气孔密度也最大(约47.6个/mm2);‘大叶’龙牙的淀粉粒径最大,均值为47.61 μm;‘江西’龙牙的淀粉粒大小分布更集中,差异性小。染色体核型分析结果显示:龙牙百合3个品种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=24,为二倍体,其中‘江西’龙牙核型公式为2n=2x=24=2m(2SAT)+6sm(2SAT)+12st(4SAT)+4t;‘平头’龙牙核型公式为2n=2x=24=4m+8sm+10st(4SAT)+2t;‘大叶’龙牙核型公式为2n=2x=24=2m(2SAT)+6sm+14st(4SAT)+2t,三者核型均为3B型。  相似文献   

对我国杨属 (Populus)青杨组 (Tacamahaca)的 10个种 (包括品种 )的核型进行了比较研究 ,结果如下 :小青杨P pseudo simoniiKitag .,2n =38=2 7m 6sm (1SAT ) 4st (2SAT ) 1t (1SAT) ;毛果杨P trichocarpaTorr .,2n =38=2M 18m (1SAT ) 8sm 10st (1SAT) ;北京青杨P cathayanaRehd .var.Beijing ,2n =38=1M 2 4m 6sm 7st (2SAT) ;群众杨P בpopularis’ ,2n =38=3M 2 7m 2sm (1SAT ) 4st (2SAT ) 2t (1SAT) ;合作杨P ×xi aozhuanicaW .Y .HsuetLiangcv .Opera ,2n =38=1M 2 9m 4sm 5st;五台青杨P cath ayanaRehd .var .Wutai,2n =38=5M 2 2m 4sm 5st 2t (2SAT) ;甘肃青杨P cathayanaRehd .var.Gansulinxiaman ,2n =38=2M 2 8m 1sm 7st (1SAT) ;青海青杨P cathayanaRe hd .var.Qinghai,2n =38=1M 2 7m 3sm 6st (3SAT ) 1t (1SAT) ;中青 10号P cath .×Zhongqingnensis 10 ,2n =38=1M 2 6m 4sm 5st (2SAT ) 2t (2SAT) ;中青 4 8号P cath .×Zhongqingnensis 4 8,2n =38=16m 10sm (1SAT ) 10st (2SAT ) 2t (1SAT)。青杨组种间核型有一定区别 ,大部分种 (品种 )的核型均由中部和近中部着丝点染色体组成 ,少数种具端着丝点染色体 ,按Stebbins的核型分类 ,青杨组均属于 2B  相似文献   

The cycad %amia loddigesii Miq. forms a morphologically variable complex on the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Several diploid chromosome numbers have been found in the species: In = 17, 24, 25, 26 and 27. Differing karyotypes and chromosome numbers were found in individuals of the same population and die karyotypes differ widely in numbers of metacentric and telocentric chromosomes present. Centrometric fission as well as pericentric inversions and unequal translocations are suggested to be the probable mechanisms for this karyotype variation. There appears to be a correlation between high chromosome number and increasing dryness of the habitats. Coupled with the strongly asymmetrical karyotypes, this suggests that karyotype evolution in Z- loddigesii is recent.  相似文献   

通过对7种国产贝母属(Fritillaria)植物的染色体核型进行观察和研究,报道了小白花贝母(F.albidoflora Duan&Zheng)、川贝母(F.cirrhosa Don)、伊贝母(F.pallidiflora Schrenk ex Fischer&Meyer)、华西贝母(F.sichuanica Chen)、托里贝母(F.tortifolia Duan&Zheng)、新疆贝母(F.walujewii Regel)、裕民贝母(F.yuminensis Duan)等7种植物的染色体数目及核型,其中3种为首次报道。结果显示,7种国产贝母属植物的核型均具有高度不对称性。此外,小白花贝母与已报道的黄花贝母(F.verticillata Willdenow)的核型存在明显差异,提示Flora of China将小白花贝母归并入黄花贝母的分类处理可能并不恰当,二者的关系需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Some species of Hemerocallis were cultivated in the campus of Futan University, including the evergreen H. aurantiaca Baker. The original plant of H. aurantiaca was introduced from Zhangzhou, southeastern Fukien Province. The karyotype formula of H. aurantiaca is 2n=33=12m+9sm+3st+3T+6m(sat). The karyotype differs from those of summer-green or evergreen H. fulva (k(2n)=33=3M+21m+6sm +3T) and H. fulva var. kwanso (K(2n)=33=3M+l8m+6sm+3st+3T). The vouchers are kept in FUS.  相似文献   

Karyotype analysis for the species Reineckia carnea (Andr.) Kunth of the monotypic genus Reineckia Kunth is given for the first time. The number of chromosomes in root-tip cell was found to be 38, which is in accord with those reported by most of the previous authors[5,7,8,9,11,12,]. The somatic complement shows a slight variation in size, i.e., the 2, 3, 5, 6, 7th pairs of the chromosomes have submedian constrictions, while the other pairs have median centromeres. The karyotype is therefore a rather symmetrical one, and according to the chromosomal terminology defined by Levan et al[4], the karyotype formula of the species is 2n=38=28 m+10 sm. In spite of the presence of two nucleoli in the telophase as observed by the authors and Noguchi[8] as well, the two corresponding Sat-chromosomes have not been found. Photomicrograph of the chromosome complement and idiogram are given in Fig. 1 and 2 respectively.  相似文献   

中国西南地区鹿药属4种15居群核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对产于中国西南部的鹿药属(Maianthemum)4种植物进行了细胞学研究,包括染色体数目,多倍化,非整倍性和随体染色体,以及核型不对称性和核型进化。结果表明:1)除了在云南丽江采集的Maianthemum tatsienensis染色体数目为2n=72之外,其余的居群全为2n=36;2)核型在居群间存在变异,特别是在具中部染色体和近中部染色体的数目以及随体染色体的数目和位置上。此外,M.nanchuanense和M.szechuanicum的核型是首次报道,B染色体也是首次在该属中发现。我们推测鹿药属的进化方式包括频繁的染色体畸变以及不同水平上的多倍化,而中国西南部是该属的分化中心。  相似文献   

The present papar is a report on cytotaxonomical studies of Allium Sect. Caloscordum(Liliaceae)from China. Six populations of A. neriniflorum and A.tubiflorum were introduced from Shaanxi,Hebei(Beijing),Liaoning and Heilongjiang.Based on the introduction and cultivated experiment, the authors made a karyotype analysis and a morphological comparison of the six populations. The results are as follows. Except the population 5 (Baihuashan,Beijing),which was found to be tetraploid 2n=4x=32,all the populations were dipliod 2n=2x=16. There were two types of satellites: terminal and intercalary. The basic number,the karyotypes as well as the types of satellites in Sect. Caloscordum were the same as those in the other sections of Allium. In the populations 1, 2, 3 and 4(Daheshan,Jinxia County,Liaoning;Taikang County, Heilongjiang; Chengde to Huaqing, Hebei; Liulimao, Huairou,Beijing.), the sixth pair of chromosomes had a pair of intercalary satellites,the mean length of pedicels is about 7 cm and the plant had no two-growth cycle.In the populations 6 (Xianyunei, Huashan, Shaanxi): the eighth chromosome pair had a pair of terminal satellites, the pedicel was shorter,with the mean length 2.39 cm,and the plant had two-growth cycle. In the tetraploid population 5; fourteenth and sixteenth chromosome pairs both had a pair of terminal satellites,the mean length of pedicel was 2.39 cm and the plant had the two-growth cycle.According to the results,the authors keep Sect. Caloscordum in the genus Allium and recognize two species in China in the section; the populations 1, 2, 3 and 4 belong to A.neriniflorum,and the populations 5 and 6 to A.tubiflorum.Our observation on dissecting ovary showed that there were 2~11 ovules per locule;the diploid populations mainly had 5 ~6 ovules per locule,while the tetraploid ones mainly had 4 ovules per locule.Therefore, the number of ovules per locule is not a reliable character for classifiction but it may be useful in distinguishing diploid from tetraploid.However,we consider that the satellite type,the pedicel length and whether the plant has two-growth cycle are the diagnostic features for the species of Sect.Caloscordum.  相似文献   

Ten species of six genera of Liliaceae were cytotaxonomically investigated in this work. Chromosomes of Paris polyphylla var. latifolia Wang et Tang, Smilacina henryi (Baker) Wang et Tang, Allium ovalifolia Hand.-Mazz. and a tetraploid race of Paris verticillata M.Bieb. are reported for the first time. The results are shown as follows. 1. Paris P. verticillata M.-Bieb. is found to be a tetraploid, with karyotype formula 2n=20=12m+4st+4t (Plate 1, A, see Fig. 1, A for its idiogram), which belongs to Stebbins' (1971) karyotype classification 2B. P. polyphylla var. latifolia Wang et Tang is a diploid with karyotype formula 2n=10+1B=6m+4t+1B (Plate 2, A, see Fig. 1, B for its idiogram), which belongs to 2A. P. polyphylla var. polyphylla is also a diploid with karyotype formula 2n=10 =6m+4t (Plate 2, C, see Fig. 1, C for its idiogram), which belongs to 2A. Their chromosome parameters are given in Table 1. The difference in karyotype between the two varieties of P. polyphylla is only presence or absence of a B-chromosome, whereas the karyotypes of the two species mentioned above are distinctly different, not only in chromosome number, but also in morphology. Based on the present work and those of Hara (1969) and Gu (1986), it is rather clear that there are two kinds of basic karyotypes in Paris, i. e. x=3m+1st+1t (st with arm ratio 3.5-4.0) and x=3m+2t. These two basic karyotypes are closely correlated with geographical distribution and external morphology. The taxa with the former karyotype are distributed in north temperate zone, expect P. bashanensis which occurs in the subtropics, but those with the latter are distributed in the tropics and subtropics (Fig. 2). And according to Hara's (1969) system, the taxa with x=3m+1st+1t belong to the sections Paris and Kinugawa (with only one species, P. japonica) and those with 2n=3m+2t belong to the section Euthyra, but in Li's (1984) system, the former belongs to the sections Paris and Kinugasa of the subgenus Paris, and the latter belongs to the 5 sections of the subgenus Daiswa and the section Axiparis of the subgenus Paris. 2. Cardiocrinum Chromosome number of C. giganteum, from the Mt Taibai, the Qinling Range, is 2n=24 (Plate 2, E, see Fig. 3, A for its karyogram). Kurosawa's (1960) report is different from ours in the sixth and the ninth chromosome pairs with secondary constrictions situated in the long arms. Chauhan (1984) found that the karyotype (2n=24) of a population from Mawphlong Forest (1000 m alt.) in the Eastern Himalayas, Assam, has the eighth chromosome pair with secondary constrictions in the long arms. Tang et al. (1984) gave a report on the karyotype of a population from the Mt Omei, which is different from the others in having not only much longer short arms of the eleventh pair but also secondary constrictions in the short arms of the first pair and in the long arms of the ninth pair. From the information so far available, 2 out of 3 species of the genus are karyologically relatively uniform, with two pairs of submedian chromosomes and ten pairs of subterminal ones. 3. Smilacina Chromosome number of S. japonica A. Gray is 2n=36 (Plate 1, D). Its karyotype is shown in Fig. 3, G. S. henryi (Baker) Wang et Tang is also found to have 2n =36 (Plate 2, B). Its karyotype is shown in Fig. 3, B. Both karyotypes are bimodal, with eight large and ten small pairs and the length ratio of the eighth pair and the ninth one being 1.81 in the former, but with the nine large pairs and the length ratio of the ninth pair and the tenth one being 1.42 in the latter. The karyotype of S. japonica is more asymmetrical than the one of S. henryi. Based on the reports by Mehra and Pathania (1960), Hara and Kurosawa (1963), Chuang et al. (1963) and the present paper, all the species studied in the genus are of a bimodal karyotype. No any taxon with 2n=18 has so far been discovered, and therefor x=9 for the genus as considered by Darligton et Wylie (1955) is doubtful. 4. Allium A. victorialis from the Mt Dahaituo, Chicheng, Hebei, is found to have 2n=32=22m+6sm+4st (Plate 1, E; Fig. 4, D) and A. ovalifolia Hand-Mazz. from the Mt Taibai, Qinling, 2n=16=12m+2sm+2st (Plate 1, B; Fig. 4, C). 2n=16 has been reported by Mehra and Sachdeva (1976) for A. victorialis, and thus two ploid levels exist in the species. If the last pair of chromosomes is considered as the one with intercalary satellites, its karyotype is structurally similar to that of the tetraploid race of A. victorialis. 5. Asparagus A. schoberioides from the Mt Dahaituo, Chicheng, Heibei, is found to have 2n=20 (Plate 1, C, see Fig. 4, B for its karyotype) with size range 1.8-4.0 μm, and A. trichophyllus Bunge from the same locality also 2n=20 (Plate 1, F, see Fig. 4, A for its karyotype), with size range 1.9-3.8 μm. 6. Convallaria The karyotype of C. majalis is 2n=38=24m+12sm+2st (Plate 2, D, see Fig 3, D for its karyotype). The material is from the Mt Taibai, Qinling. Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug. Sarcolite hypoacusia phasograph albuminoid weanling. Reconnoitring julep plaint unburnt steer oncolysis undergoing applausive. 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The karyotypes of 10 species of the Liliaceae from the Qinling Range are reported as follows. I. Polygonatum Mill. (1) P. odoratum ( Mill. ) Druce was found to have the karyotype 2n=20=12m+8sm ( Plate 3, Fig. I), which belongs to Stebbins’ (1971) karyotype classification 2B. The chromosomes range from 3.88 to 11.26μm in size. Table 2 shows the karyotypes and number fundamentals (N.F.) of 13 materials from 12 different localities. The N. F. of these materials can be classified into two groups: N.F. =36 and N.F.=40, besides one (N.F. =38) from Beijing. N. F. =36 covers all the materials with 2n= 18 which have relatively symmetrical karyotypes ( all consisting of m and sm chromosomes), one with 2n=20 (10m+6sm+4st) and one with 2n=22 (14m+8st). N.F. =40 include four materials with 2n= 20 (all of m and sm chromosomes ) and 3 with 2n= 22 (10m+ 8sm+ 4st). ¥ It is considered that there are two original karyotypes, 2n= 18 with N. F. = 36 and 2n= 20 with N.F. =40, which are relatively symmetrical. All the more asymmetrical karyotypes with some st chromosomes have probably evolved from the symmetrical karyotypes without st chromosomes by centric fission. (2) P. zanlanscianense Pamp. has the karyotype 2n=30=18m(2SAT) + 4sm+ 6st+ 2t (Plate 1, Fig. 1) which belongs to 2C. The chromosomes range from 2.16 to 9.76μm. ¥ II. Asparagus filicinus Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don. The karyotype of this species is 2n = 16= 8m(2SAT )+ 6sm + 2st (Plate 1, Fig. 1 and Table 3 ) , which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 2.33 to 5.30μm. Most species in Asparagus, including A.Filicinus, are reported to have basic number x= 10, and therefore 2n= 16 is a new chromosome number for A.filicinus. EL-Saded et.al.(1972) gave a report of n=8 for A. stipularis from Egypt, while Delay (1947) reported 2n = 24 for A. trichophyllus and A. verticillatus, Sinla(1972 ) gave a report of 2n=48 for A.racemosus. It is certain that there are two basic numbers in the genus Asparagus. III. Cardiocrinum giganteum (Wall.) Makino was found to have the karyotype 2n=24=4m+8st+12t (Plate 1, Fig. 1 ), which belongs to 3B. The chromosomes range from 8.71 to 20.24μm. IV. Smilax discotis Warb. was shown to have the karyotype 2n=32=4m+22sm+4st (2SAT)+2t (Plate 1, Fig. 1 and Table 3), which belongs to 3C. The first pair is much longer than others. The chromosomes range from 1.79 to 9.21μm. The chromosome number and karyotype of S. discotis are both reported for the first time. V. Reineckia carnea (Andr.) Kunth is of the karyotype 2n=38=28m+10sm (Plate 2, Fig. 1 ), which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 5.65 to 12.75μm. VI. Tupistra chinensis Baker was found to have the karyotype 2n=38=25m+ 13sm (Plate 2, Fig. 1), which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 8.11 to 23.82μm. A pair of heterozygous chromosomes is arranged at the end of the idiogram. The eighth pair possesses an intercalary satellite. Huang et al. (1989) reported the karyotype of T. chinensis from Yunnan as 2n = 38 = 24m+ 14sm without any intercalary satellite. Nagamatsu and Noda (1970) gave a report on the karyotype of T. nutans from Bhutan, which consists of 18 pairs of median to submedian chromosomes and one pair of subterminal chromosomes. And one pair of submedian chromosomes possess intercalary satellites on their short arms. VII. Rohdea japonica (Thunb) Roth. was found to have the karyotype 2n=38=30m+6sm+2st ( Plate 2, Fig. 1), which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 7.94 to 18.29μm. Nagamatsu and Noda (1970) reported that the karyotype of R.japonica from Japan was the same as that of Tupistra nutans from Bhutan. But we have not discov ered any chromosome with an intercalary satellite. VIII. Hosta Tratt. (1) H. plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers was shown to have 2n=60. The 60 chromosomes are in 30 pairs,which can be classified into 4 pairs of large chromosomes (7.32- 8.72μm ), 3 pairs of medium-sized ones (4.72-5.60μm), and 23 pairs of small ones (1.40-3.64μm), (Plate 3 ,Table 4 ). The karyotype of H. plantaginea is reported for the first time. (2) H. ventricosa (Salisb.) Stearn was counted to have 2n=120, The 120 chromosomes are in 60 pairs, which can be classified into 8 pairs of large chromosomes (7.00- 8.40μm ), 6 pairs of medium-sized ones(4.40- 6.15um ), 46 pairs of small ones (1.20- 3.85μm), (Plate 3, Table 4). Based on the karyotypes of H. plantaginea and H. ventricosa, the latter is probably a tetraploid in the genus Hosta. Kaneko (1968b) gave a report on the karyotype of H. ventricosa, which is of8 pairs of large chromosomes, 4 pairs of medium-sized and 48 pairs of small ones.  相似文献   

报道了唐古特大黄(Rheum tanguticum)5个居群的染色体数目和核型,结果如下:大武、柯曲、达卡三个居群均为2n=2x=22=2sm 20m;吉卡居群为2n=2x=22=20m 2M;松潘居群为2n=2x=22=2sm 18m 2M。大武,柯曲和吉卡居群核型类型属于1A型,达卡和松潘居群属于2A型。Q型聚类分析结果表明,5个居群在核型上存在一定分化,这可能是由不同的生境造成的。  相似文献   

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