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孙航  陈介 《云南植物研究》1990,12(2):117-125
本文结合花粉形态和叶脉结构特征讨论了棋子豆属(Cylindrokelupha)的范围,并指出该属荚果圆柱形或近圆柱形,果瓣厚、直,种子较大为圆柱状,充满荚果空间等特征是独特的和稳定的,将之归入其它属(如合欢属,Archidendron属)是不妥的。经研究得出,该属在中国有10种,其中包括1新种和1新记录种。  相似文献   

目的:研究甘草荚果和种子形态特征地理变异规律并分析其形成的生态学机制。方法:采用样方调查的方法测定全国4省区8个旗县甘草野生种群的地上植株形态特征,采用双重筛选逐步回归分析方法探讨甘草荚果和种子形态特征的地理变异规律及其形成的生态学机制。结果:(1)不同甘草种群的荚果数、荚果腺毛长度、种室数目、每荚种子粒数和结实率5项指标的差异达到了极显著水平(P〈0.01);荚果长度、荚果厚度、荚果腺毛密度和种子长度4项指标的差异达到了显著水平(P〈0.05)。(2)荚果厚度、种室数目等5项形态特征与经度呈显著相关,只有荚果腺毛长度1项指标与纬度显著相关。结论:甘草野生种群荚果与种子形态特征存在显著的地理变异,其变异趋势以经向变异为主,光照因子差异是导致地理变异的主要原因,其次为温度因子和水分因子,其相关关系可用多元回归模型解释。  相似文献   

豆科紫藤属Wisteria约有5-6个现生种,间断分布于中国、日本和美国的温带地区,但化石记录表明,该属在新近纪可能广泛分布于捷克、荷兰、格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯远东、日本和中国。因此,研究紫藤属化石有助于深入认识它的早期演化、分类、多样性、古生态和生物地理,其中荚果化石的分类价值和演化意义尤为显著。文中基于对产自山东临朐中中新世山旺组的山旺紫藤W.shanwangensis荚果化石的再观察,并结合紫藤属3个现生种——紫藤W.sinensis、藤萝W.villosa和多花紫藤W.floribunda的荚果发育特征,讨论这些化石的分类、演化、发育和埋藏学意义。结果进一步证明,山旺紫藤荚果化石与国产的2个现生种——紫藤和藤萝的荚果更为相似,呈倒披针形、种子较少和室间缢缩明显。比较而言,日本和美国产的紫藤属现生种——多花紫藤和美国紫藤W.frutescens的荚果呈线形、种子较多和室间缢缩不明显,而且日本中新世和上新世报道的紫藤属荚果化石与多花紫藤的荚果更为相似。然而,中国和日本报道的紫藤属荚果化石迄今都没发现被毛,这与现生种中最原始的美国紫藤的荚果相似,而与东亚紫藤属现生种密被绒毛的荚果形成显著差别。因此,中国、日本和美国的紫藤属种类可能早在中新世就已经发生了形态地理分化,而荚果无毛或许是该属演化过程中一个比较原始的性状;紫藤属现生种荚果在发育的中、后期果壁上具有与纵轴方向成锐角的倾斜纤维纹饰,它们在荚果完全成熟后导致果瓣沿缝线开裂并卷曲,卷曲的果瓣放入水中又能恢复平整。值得注意的是,山旺紫藤荚果化石果壁上也发现了类似的倾斜纤维纹饰,这表明它们在脱落保存时处在发育的中、后期,这一发育时期脱落的荚果更有可能保存为化石记录;山旺紫藤荚果化石果壁的碳质残片中还富含硅藻类,近似于远距直链藻Melosira distans和颗粒直链藻M.granulata这些浮游相的、生活在深水区的优势种。因此,山旺紫藤荚果脱离母体后可能沉积在湖水较深的地方,而且它也可能是在成熟开裂的状态下脱落,瓣片本来卷曲,被短程搬运至湖中,又在湖水的浸泡下恢复平整状态,而后经沉积物掩埋后形成化石。  相似文献   

对21个代表种果实形态与解剖特征观察发现:(1)中国柴胡属(Bupleurum L.)果实以芹亚科(Apioideae)原始的两侧压扁型为主,在外形上可分为圆柱形、矩圆形和卵形3类;(2)在柴胡属中果皮细胞内没有发现广泛存在于芹亚科基部类群变豆菜亚科(Saniculoideae)和天胡荽亚科(Hydrocotyloideae)的晶体后含物;(3)从果实的横切面看,可将柴胡属划分为棱槽单油管型和棱槽多油管型两大类。结合前人对伞形科其它类群果实形态解剖特征的研究及近年来分子系统学的证据,认为:(1)中国柴胡属植物的多油管类型为本属较进化类群;(2)柴胡属可能是芹亚科中连接基部类群与其它类群的过渡环节或进化旁支;(3)果实形态与解剖特征可作为探讨国产柴胡属种内和种间关系的辅助性状,并给出了分种检索表。  相似文献   

东喜马拉雅地区雀儿豆属的修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文依据形态特征对分布于东喜马拉雅地区的雀区豆属植物进行了研究,认为荚果圆柱形,长圆形并且果皮具海绵状结构非该类植物所特有;垫状生活型则是植物对高山带,荒砾质带生态适应的结果。  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒属病毒的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus)是种类最多的一类植物病毒,现在国际病毒分类委员会(ICTV)承认的成员有168种。它们的病毒粒子都是弯曲线状的,长度在680-900nm,在植物细胞内可以形成圆柱形(风轮状)内含体或卷旋状内含体。基因组为正义单链RNA,翻译时先翻译成多聚蛋白(polyprotein)。本属病毒可由蚜虫传播。Riechmann等曾在1992年介绍过其基因组结构、基因组表达等方面的进展,本文主要介绍1992年以后的研究进展。1基因组结构与功能马铃薯Y病毒属的基因组为正单链RNA,约10,000个核着酸,5’.端具有病毒基因组连接蛋白(VPg)…  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地锦鸡儿(Caragana)种群形态变异   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以柠条锦鸡儿(Caraganakorshinskii)人工种群为对照,研究了自然分布在内蒙古毛乌素沙地各类生境(硬梁、覆沙硬梁、覆沙软梁、覆沙滩地和沙丘)的9个锦鸡儿种群的具分种意义的形态特征的变异。荚果长度在一个植株内是比较稳定的性状;但在各个种群内、种群间变异很大,覆盖了小叶锦鸡儿(C.microphylla)、中间锦鸡儿(C.intermedia)和柠条锦鸡儿3个种的范围。同一生境不同种群以及不同生境种群的比较,说明,.决定荚果长度的主要是遗传因素,环境因子如水分条件可能只起次要作用。每个自然种群荚果长度的分布出现几个峰值,说明种群遗传组成的异质性。小叶形状和被毛的资料也说明各个种群内和种群间的异质性。看来,该地区锦鸡儿是上述3种锦鸡儿的杂种带(Hybridzone).形态变异资料也说明毛乌素沙地在遗体多样性方面也是生态过渡带。  相似文献   

圆盘菌属Orbilia Fries是圆盘菌科的模式属。CABI数据库中收录了该属247个名称,但其中仅有50个左右是圆盘菌属成员(Baral,私人通讯),《Dictionary of the Fungi》(Kirketal.,2001)仅承认34个种。我国已报道11个种,Liueta1.(2006)提供了圆盘菌属中国已知种的检索表,本研究又发现该属4个中国新记录种。  相似文献   

百脉根的综合利用丁玉川俞小秋百脉根(Lotuscorniculatus),又名牛角花、五叶草,蝶形花科多年生草本植物。高10—60厘米。小叶三出,生于叶柄基部的2枚托叶与3小叶相似,故欲称“五叶草”。花冠黄色,长1厘米以上。荚果长圆柱形。种子绿色,肾...  相似文献   

矛束孢属(Doratompces)是Corda1829年建立的新属。迄今,我国已报道一种(中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会1992)。本文报道我国矛束抱属一新记录种。小抱矛束抱新记录种图1Doratompcesmlcrosporus(Sacc.)Morton&Smith;Mycol.PaP,86:77一80.1963.菌落平展,灰黑色或近黑色,绒毛状或絮状;菌丝部分表生、部分埋生。抱梗束高400~800pm,暗褐色,直立,头部圆柱形或椭圆形,单根分生抱子梗浅褐色,光滑,上部分枝,分枝伸展开形成分生泡子梗的头部;产抱细胞瓶形,单生或呈扫帚状聚生,分生抱子链生,卵圆形,单胞,浅褐色,光…  相似文献   

Four new 4α-methylsterols in the seeds of Solanaceae were identified as 31-norlanost-9(11)-enol, 24-methyl-31-norlanost-9(11)-enol, 4α,24-dimethylcholesta-7,24-dienol and 4α-methyl-24-ethylcholesta-7,24-dienol. The other 4α-methylsterols identified in the seeds were 31-norcycloartanol, 31-norcycloartenol, cycloeucalenol, 31-norlanost-8-enol, 31-norlanosterol, obtusifoliol, 4α,14α,24-trimethylcholesta-8,24-dienol, 4α-methylcholest-8-enol, lophenol, 24-methyllophenol, 24-ethyllophenol, gramisterol and citrostadienol. The distribution of these seventeen 4α-methyl- sterols in the seeds of eight species of the Solanaceae was determined.  相似文献   

The fatty acids of the oil from tubers of Cyperus esculentus L. were determined by gas chromatography with DC-11 and DEGS stationary phases. Oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids are the major constituents in the fatty acid fraction, while lauric, myristic, linolenic, arachidic, dadoleic, behenic and tetracosanoic acids are the minor ones. The unsaponifiable matters of the oil were separated by column chromatography with silica gel and thin layer chromatography with silica gel G into three fractions: sterols, 4-methylsterols and triterpene alcohols. The acetates of sterols, 4-methylsterols and triterpene alcohols were separated by TLC with 20% silver nitrate impregnated silica gel G, using CH2Cl2-petroleum system as developing reagents. The identification of major components was carried out by TLC, mp, optical rotation, GLC, IR spectrum and GC-MS. It was found that β-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol were present in large amounts in the unsaponifiable fraction, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, △5-and △7-avenasterol, 24- methylenecholesterol and 24-methylenecholest-7-enol in the sterol fraction, obtusifoliol, gramisterol and citrostadienol in the 4-methylsterol fraction, and cycloartanol, cydoartenol, 24- methylenecydoartanol and cyclobranol in the triterpene alcohol fraction were isolated and identified, while campesterol, campestanol, stigmastanol, △7-stigmastenol, △7-campestenol and △7-cholestenol were identified only. We found no evidence of the occurence of nonedibles in this oil.  相似文献   

Cholest-8(14)-enol is the major radioactive component of the 4-di-demethyl sterol fraction biosynthesized from 4,4-dimethyl[2-(3)H(2)]cholest-8(14)-enol by rat liver microsomal fractions, and therefore the first steps in the biosynthesis of cholesterol from the latter compound probably involve removal of the 4-methyl groups. 4,4-Dimethylcholesta-8,14-dienol therefore is not an intermediate in this process, although its presence in the incubation medium at a concentration of 0.146mm almost completely inhibits the demethylation of 4,4-dimethyl[2-(3)H(2)]cholest-8(14)-enol. Nor is cholesta-8,14-dienol an intermediate in the conversion of cholest-8(14)-enol into cholest-7-enol and cholesterol. With 4,4-dimethyl[2-(3)H(2)]cholesta-8,14-dienol as the cholesterol precursor, 4,4-dimethylcholest-8(9)-enol becomes heavily labelled and there is very little radioactivity associated with cholesta-8,14-dienol.In this case, the most heavily labelled 4-di-demethyl sterols are cholest-7-enol and cholesterol with the former predominating. There is little or no radio-activity associated with cholest-8(14)-enol. A similar labelling pattern amongst the 4-di-demethyl sterols was observed with dihydro[(14)C]lanosterol as the precursor. The first step therefore in the synthesis of cholesterol from the 4,4-dimethyl[2-(3)H(2)]dienol is reduction of the Delta(14(15)) bond and not removal of the 4alpha-methyl group. Depending on the nature of the precursor, addition of the soluble fraction of the cell to the microsomal fraction resulted in a two- to four-fold stimulation of 4-di-demethyl sterol biosynthesis from the 4,4-dimethyl sterols studied. Under these conditions, 4,4-dimethylcholesta-8,14-dienol is the most efficient precursor of cholesterol and cholest-7-enol, and dihydrolanosterol is better than 4,4-dimethylcholest-8(14)-enol.  相似文献   

When Chlorella sorokiniana was grown in the presence of 4 ppm AY-9944 total sterol production was unaltered in comparison to control cultures. However, inhibition of sterol biosynthesis was shown by the accumulation of a number of sterols which were considered to be intermediates in sterol biosynthesis. The sterols which were found in treated cultures were identified as cyclolaudenol, 4α,14α-dimethyl-9β,19-cyclo-5α-ergost-25-en-3β-ol, 4α,14α-dimethyl -5α-ergosta-8,25-dien-3β-ol, 14α-methyl-9β,19-cyclo-5α-ergost-25-en-3β-ol, 24-methylpollinastanol, 14α-methyl-5α-ergost-8-en-3β-ol, 5α-ergost -8(14)-enol, 5α-ergost-8-enol, 5α-ergosta-8(14),22-dienol, 5α-ergosta-8,22-dienol, 5α-ergosta-8,14-dienol, and 5α-ergosta-7,22-dienol, in addition to the normally occurring sterols which are ergosterol, 5α-ergost-7-enol, and ergosta-5,7-dienol.The occurrence of these sterols in the treated culture indicates that AY-9944 is an effective inhibitor of the Δ8 → Δ7 isomerase and Δ14-reductase, and also inhibits introduction of the Δ22-double bond. The occurrence of 14α-dimethyl-5α-ergosta-8,25-dien-3β-ol and 14α-methyl-9β,19-cyclo-5α-ergost -25-en-3β-ol is reported for the first time in living organisms. The presence of 25-methylene sterols suggests that they, and not 24-methylene derivatives, are intermediates in the biosynthesis of sterols in C. sorokiniana.  相似文献   

Leaves of Spinacea oleracea and Medicago sativa were incubated with (2-14C, (4R)-43H1 mevalonic acid and the sterols isolated. Cycloartenol had a 3H: 14C atomic ratio of 6:6 whilst oxidation to cycloartenone resulted in a ratio of 5:6 showing that tritium was present in the 3α-position and that the cycloartenol was symmetrically labelled. Separation of the 4-demethyl sterols gave α-spinasterol and a mixture of stigmast-7-enol and 24-methylcholest-7-enol, which had 3H: 14C atomic ratios of 3:5. Ozonolysis of α-spinastery] acetate gave the terminal side chain fragment as 2-ethyl-3-methyl butanoic acid. The acid contained 14C but no tritium thus showing that the C-24 hydrogen of cycloartenol is lost during the alkylation reactions leading to the C-24 ethyl group of α-spinasterol.  相似文献   

Sterols were identified in six marine prymnesiophyte isolates, some of which appear to have value as bivalve food. The principal sterol in Pleurochrysis carterae (Milford #961) and an unidentified prymnesiophyte (CCMP1215) was 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dienol, a common sterol in prymnesiophytes. Isolates CCMP594, CCMP609, and CCMP459 contained either 24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dienol or 24-ethylcholest-22-enol as the major sterol. In addition, Pavlova pinguis (CCMP609) and Pavlova sp. (CCMP459) contained the unusual dihydroxysterols 24-methylpavlovol and 24-ethylpavlovol, which have been found only in members of the Pavlovales. Prymnesium parvum contained cholesterol without traces of other sterols. Compared to the other isolates, the quantity of sterols was extremely low in P. parvum.  相似文献   

The steroids of normal and male-sterile (Texas type) genotypes of maize were investigated during tassel development. A bioassay for estrogen activity of the normal meiotic and postmeiotic tassels was negative, indicating estrogen activity (estrone equivalent) much less than one ng/g of plant tissue. The sterols found were cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, and probably isofucosterol, stigmast-7-enol, and 24-methylenecholesterol. In the premeiotic, meiotic, and postmeiotic stages of both genotypes between 300 and 400 μg of C28 and C29 free sterols per g tassels (wet wt) were found, the proportions of the sterols being ca 45% sitosterol, 30% stigmasterol, and 13% campesterol, with less than 5% each of the remaining sterols. In all three stages before saponification more free sterols were found in the normal than in the male-sterile tassels. The differences were significant at the 95% level in the meiotic and post-meiotic stages. The amounts of these sterols derived from esters decreased from approximately 140 μg/g in the premeiotic stage to 50 μg/g in the meiotic stage, and to an undetectable amount in the postmeiotic stage. After application of cholesterol-[4-14C] to the normal and male-sterile maize leaves for 3 days at meiosis, the label was found in the free sterols and steryl esters of the leaves but only in the free sterols of the tassels.  相似文献   

Analysis of sterols of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants N3, N15, N26, and N3H, defective in sterol biosynthesis, was performed. Strains N3, N15, and N26 were isolated from their mother strain, M10, by screening with nystatin (Nagai et al. (1980) Mie Med. J. 30, 215-224), and strain N3H was isolated from N3 as a doubly-mutated strain. The main sterols of N3, N15, N26, and N3H were ergosta-7,22-dienol, ergost-8-enol, cholesta-5,7,24-trienol, and ergosta-7,22,24(28)-trienol, respectively. The former three strains were characterized as defective in delta 5-desaturation, delta 8--delta 7 isomerization, and C-24 transmethylation. Strain N3H was found to be defective in delta 5-desaturation as well as in delta 24(28)-reduction. However, the defect of N26 and N3H was suggested to be leaky, since small amounts of ergosterol and ergosta-7,22-dienol were found in these mutants, respectively. In N15, an accumulation (2% in total sterols) of the compound likely to be hydroxylated sterol was found. By aerobic adaptation of these strains, the accumulation of these strains, the accumulations of ergosta-7,22-dienol (22 mg/g dry cells), ergosta-7,22,24(28)-trienol (24 mg), ergosta-8,24(28)-dienol (18 mg), and cholesta-8,24-dienol (22 mg) reached a maximum in N3, N3H, N15, and N26 after 20, 20, 30, and 30 h, respectively. These strains appear to be useful for making 14C-labeled and non-labeled preparations of the above sterols.  相似文献   

T Itoh  T Tamura  T Matsumoto 《Steroids》1977,30(3):425-433
Thirteen 4-desmethylsterols: cholesterol, 24-methylcholesterol, 24-ethylcholesterol, stigmasterol, 24-methylcholesta-5,24-dienol, 24-ethylcholesta-5,24-dienol, 28-isofucosterol, 24-methylenecholesterol, cholestanol, 24-methylcholestanol, 24-ethylcholestanol, cholest-7-enol and 24-ethylcholest-22-enol, were identified in the seeds of solanaceous plants. The distribution of these 4-demethylsterols in the seeds of eleven plants among seven genera of the Solanaceae family was determined.  相似文献   

Growth of Cryptococcus neoformans was inhibited by nine nitrogen and sulfur-containing sterols with a heteroatom positioned at C3, C7, C24, C25 or C32 in the lanostane frame. Analysis of the sterol composition of control and treated cells by GC-MS and 1H NMR has proven that the C-methylation reaction catalyzed by the sterol 24-C-methyltransferase (24-SMT) is the crucial first step in a kinetically favored pathway that fails to include obtusifoliol or zymosterol as intermediates. Cultures fed [methyl-2H3]methionine led to two deuterium atoms into each of the newly biosynthesized sterols forming a route lanosterol, eburicol (24(28)-methylene-24,25-dihydrolanosterol), 32-noreburicol and ergost-7-enol to ergosterol. Examination of the substrate specificity of a soluble 24-SMT from C. neoformans showed lanosterol to be the optimal acceptor molecule. Incubation with the test compounds generated induced amounts of lanosterol, eburicol or 32-noreburicol concurrent with a decrease of ergosterol. Among them 24(R,S),25-epiminolanosterol (inhibitor of 24-SMT) showed the most potent in vitro antifungal activity comparable to those of itraconazole (inhibitor of the 14-demethylase). Taken together, these data indicate that treatment with substrate-based inhibitors of 24-SMT, a catalyst not found in humans, can disrupt ergosterol homeostasis involved with fungal growth and therefore these compounds can provide leads for rational drug design of opportunistic pathogens.  相似文献   

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