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狭义干蘑属(蘑菇目)概要及新的系统学处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对狭义干蘑属(Xerulas.str.)的范围进行了重新界定,该属仅包括模式种干蘑(X.pudens)及其周围的几个种。属的特征是担子果金钱菌状,有假根;菌盖及菌柄表面干燥,被有黄色至褐色直立、披针形的刚毛;菌褶边缘无不育带;子实层有近梭形的小担子。这些特征可以将干蘑属的物种从干蘑属-小奥德蘑属复合群中分开。现知干蘑属包含六种,本文提供了这些种的检索表,并对各种进行了描述、图示或讨论。其中,硬毛干蘑(X.strigosa)是一新种,它与干蘑(X.pudens)和中华干蘑(X.sinopudens)相似,但与干蘑不同在于其担孢子较长,锁状联合稀少,侧生囊状体顶端壁薄;与中华干蘑的区别在于其侧生囊状体壁厚,顶端有头状至近头状膨大并覆盖有结晶,担孢子宽椭圆形至椭圆形。中华干蘑和小刺干蘑(X.setulosa)分别为我国和哥斯达黎加的新记录种。干蘑属虽然广布北半球,但未见东亚-美洲或欧亚广布的物种分布类型。  相似文献   

基于形态和分子系统发育证据,报道了拟口蘑属Tricholomopsis的1个新种,即尖顶拟口蘑T. mucronata。该种菌盖表面黄褐色,中央有一尖凸;菌褶米黄色至淡黄色;菌柄近顶端有菌环区;担孢子小,近球形;褶缘囊状体棒状至头状;柄生囊状体棒状,顶端或近顶端常有尾鞭状长出物。该种见于云南西北部亚高山针叶林中。  相似文献   

本文对狭义小奥德蘑属Oudemansiella s. str.的概念做了修订,在修订后的属中,狭义干蘑属Xerula s. str.的物种不纳入其中。在狭义小奥德蘑属下,提出了一个包含4个组O. sect. Oudemansiella、Mucidula、Dactylosporina 和 Radicatae的新系统。小奥德蘑组sect. Oudemansiella包括热带至南温带的一些物种,如新热带小奥德蘑O. platensis、澳洲小奥德蘑O. australis、旧热带小奥德蘑O. canarii和宽褶小奥德蘑O. crassifolia,这些物种的菌盖表皮为粘栅栏型,由菌丝组成,但其中常夹杂有链状排列的膨大细胞。粘蘑组sect. Mucidula包含北半球温带至亚热带的一些物种,如粘小奥德蘑O. mucida、网褶小奥德蘑O. venosolamellata和近粘小奥德蘑O. submucida,其菌盖表皮为粘子实层-栅栏型,由近棒状的顶端膨大细胞组成。小奥德蘑组和粘蘑组的物种,在外形和小生境上有相似之处,其担子果皆生于地表外的腐木上,菌柄上有或无菌环。刺孢组sect. Dactylosporina包含中南美洲那些孢子表面有指状凸起的物种。长根组sect. Radicatae由长根小奥德蘑O. radicata及其近缘种为代表,是该属中最大的组,包括该属其他三组之外的所有种。北美的O. americana、欧洲的O. caussei 和东亚的O. hongoi曾被置于小奥德蘑属中的白毛组O. sect. Albotomentosae或干蘑属的亮毛组X. sect. Hyalosetae,在本系统中它们没有纳入小奥德蘑属,因为它们可能代表一个单独的属。本文还提出了1新等级、32个新组合和1个新名称。  相似文献   

环柄菇属卵孢环柄菇组(Lepiota sect.Ovisporae)含有一些剧毒的物种。但在中国人们对这些物种认识仍然不足。对采自华中地区中毒现场的标本进行了研究,形态学和分子系统发育证据均表明该种是尚未正式记载的物种。文中描述了此新种,即毒环柄菇Lepiota venenata。该种的主要鉴别特征是盖表密被褐色至棕褐色反卷的细小鳞片,担孢子长椭圆形、偶椭圆形或圆柱形;褶缘囊状体窄棒状,盖表鳞片栅栏状,顶端细胞披针形至近圆柱形;具锁状联合。  相似文献   

产生担子器的担子菌一新科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庄文颖  贺新生 《菌物学报》2007,26(3):339-342
作为担子菌的一个新科石花菌科目前包括单属、单种,即新属石花菌属和新种石花菌。新种子实体大型,胶质,石花菜状,具多级分枝;担子器(basidiopycnidium,新术语,用于描述一种内部产生担子的、发育良好的壳状结构)自末端分枝产生,长颈瓶状,具细长的喙,有发育良好的壁,内生担子和担孢子;担子短柱状,具3个横隔,无色,担孢子梗侧生;担孢子椭圆形,无色,单细胞。提供了子实体的形态、担子器形态及解剖结构、担子和担孢子的图解和详细描述,并对新种的分类地位进行讨论。  相似文献   

杨祝良  冯邦 《菌物学报》2013,32(3):545-556
作者对国产类脐菇属Omphalotus(含亮菌属Lampteromyces)标本进行了研究,报道4种,即鞭囊类脐菇O.flagelliformis、日本类脐菇O.guepiniformis、莽山类脐菇O.mangensis和亮耳菌Lampteromyces luminescens,其中鞭囊类脐菇为新种。作者对亮耳菌的模式标本进行了研究,发现它与日本类脐菇即使不是同一物种也是很近缘的,但由于没有亮耳菌模式产地或其附近地区的更多标本用于形态和分子系统发育的比较,故不对其进行分类处理。利用新近采自我国东北的标本,作者对日本类脐菇的显微特征进行了较为详细地研究,发现日本类脐菇、莽山类脐菇和亮耳菌都具有厚壁担孢子,厚壁担孢子的孢子壁外表在显微镜下看上去粗糙至不平滑,这可能是因为孢子壁不同区域的密度不同所致。云南桩菇Paxillus yunnanensis曾被猜测为类脐菇属的物种,作者对该种的模式标本进行了研究,发现模式标本具有巨大的褶缘囊状体,应是假白蘑属Tricholomopsis的成员。  相似文献   

本文通过电镜扫描、石腊切片及用苏木精染色法和DAPI荧光染色,对榆耳子实体有性结构进行观察,证实榆耳子实体菌盖结构分三层:上表层为毛层,表面着生有排列较密集顶端游离的菌丝,它们相互粘连呈菌丝束;中间层为髓部,由较疏松而相互交织在一起的薄壁菌丝组成,菌丝间充满胶质物质;下表层为子实层,表面起伏不平,呈不规则的疣状突起,上面着生担子和囊状体,担子无隔膜棍棒形,外表有不规则的网状纹饰,其顶部着生4个瓶梗状小梗,每个小梗上着生1个椭圆形或腊肠形担孢子,大小为2.5—3.0×6.0—6.5μm,担孢子表面有不规则的网状纹饰结构。在担子间的囊状体为长圆柱形或圆锥形,表面有较密的不规则的网状纹饰。 榆耳有性生殖为异宗配合。绝大多数担孢子含一个细胞核,很少数担孢子含两个细胞核。孢子萌发为一端萌发,也有少数为两端萌发。初生菌丝单核,不能形成子实体,当两种不同遗传性的交配型的初生菌丝结合后,形成具有锁状联合结构的双核菌丝,并可发育成子实体。榆耳具有典型减数分裂过程,不具有减数分裂后核分裂行为,四个子核分别进入四个担孢子内。 在初生菌丝或次生菌丝上,均可产生间生的或顶生的厚垣孢子。经过温度、光照和紫外线照射的诱发,均未发现有其它类型的无性孢子产生。因此,榆耳菌的生活史和大多数担子  相似文献   

报道了口蘑科中国新记录属——紫杉菌属。并基于形态特征及分子系统学方法描述了中国新记录种粗壮紫杉菌,标本采自中国浙江省丽水市。该种的鉴别特征是子实体中型,菌盖浅黄褐色,中央黄褐色至深褐色,具有不连续的褐色锥状鳞片,菌褶直生,菌柄圆柱状,中实,基部略膨大,菌环以下污白色,具近似于盖上的锥状小鳞片,常脱落。菌环膜质,易脱落;担孢子椭圆形至宽椭圆形,表面具疣状纹饰,非淀粉质;褶缘囊状体和侧生囊状体缺失,菌盖鳞片由匍匐或半直立状菌丝组成,末端细胞圆柱状,无球针状囊状体,分支,具硬壳。  相似文献   

本文报道利用扫描电镜对短裙竹荪产孢组织中的密丝组织、担子、担孢子、侧丝,囊状体及索状物的形态结构观察的结果。  相似文献   

根据形态和分子系统发育证据,描述采自我国西南的新属和新种毛离褶伞Tricholyophyllum brunneum。与离褶伞科其他属不同,该新属的菌盖表皮为毛皮状,菌柄表皮为不连续的毛皮状,有褶缘囊状体,担孢子长椭圆形至圆柱形。  相似文献   

Structure and ornamentation of basidiospore walls in Xerula (inclusive of Dactylosporina) are illustrated using scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. Oudemansiella spores are not depicted, but all sections of Xerula are represented by 17 taxa. Spore wall sculpturing cannot be used as an infrageneric diagnostic character, nor to separate Oudemansiella and Rhizomarasmius from Xerula. Xerula caulovillosa is proposed as a new species, and Xerula radicata f. marginata as a new combination.  相似文献   

As a part of the revision of Xiphion (Iris subg. Xiphion) for the ‘Flora Iberica’ project, some material collected in the 19th and 20th centuries in the Tangiers area (northern Morocco) was found impossible to assign to any of the known taxa in the genus. In part, they resembled X. junceum and X. rutherfordii, but showed a peculiar combination of vegetative and floral characters which to date is exclusive. Accordingly, the new species X. heracleanum Mart. Rodr. & M. B. Crespo is described for these plants, and evidence is reported to justify the adopted treatment. Relationships to other taxa in the genus are also discussed, and the new combination X. rutherfordii (Mart. Rodr., P. Vargas, M. Carine & Jury) Mart. Rodr. & M. B. Crespo comb. nov. is provided.  相似文献   

Beenken L  Zoller S  Berndt R 《Mycologia》2012,104(3):659-681
Dasyspora gregaria, the single species of the allegedly monotypic rust genus Dasyspora (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales), was investigated by light microscopy and DNA sequencing (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region, partial LSU and SSU of the nuclear rDNA, mt cytochrome oxidase subunit 3). Both methods indicated that D. gregaria is not a single species but can be split in 11 distinct taxa, each of which appear confined to a single Xylopia species (Annonaceae) host. Herein nine of these are described as new. Both the phylogenetic analyses and morphology show that the species are grouped into two main clades designated Dasyspora gregaria and D. winteri. The first comprises D. gregaria, the type species of the genus, which is restricted to X. cayennensis, two new species on X. aromatica, D. segregaria from northern South America and D. echinata from Brazil. The second clade is formed by D. winteri, recombined from Puccinia winteri on X. sericea, and the new species D. amazonica on X. amazonica, D. emarginatae on X. emarginata, D. frutescentis on X. frutescens, D. ferrugineae on X. frutescens var. ferruginea, D. guianensis on X. benthamii, D. mesoamericana on X. frutescens, and D. nitidae on X. nitida. Dasyspora frutescentis and D. mesoamericana were not clearly distinguishable by their morphology and host associations but differed from another in their sequences and geographic distributions. They are considered cryptic species. An identification key and the distributions are given for all recognized species. Along with molecular data we discuss the systematic position of Dasyspora in the Pucciniales.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Fagaceae are established for compressed leaves and attached fruits which represent one of the dominant taxa in the rich Miocene Clarkia flora of northern Idaho. The leaf and fruit morphology, cuticular and pericarp anatomy, and leaf phytoliths fall within the range of variation of the subfamily Fagoideae. The unique fruit consists of a large, exposed, distinctly keeled, trigonous nut and a diminutive basal cupule. The cupule has an apical frill of free, petiolate, leaflike appendages but lacks other ornamentation, and there is no evidence of a distinct Valvation. As no other genus of the Fagaceae has fruits with this combination of characters, a new genus is established and is referred to the subfamily Fagoideae. The Miocene genus seems most closely related to the extant genus Fagus.  相似文献   

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