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Whole-plant faba bean silage has a high content in indigestible fiber. Improvement of fiber digestibility of faba bean silage would benefit animal production. However, there is no study on pretreating fibrolytic enzyme in whole-plant faba bean silage-based diet for dairy cows on animal performance. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of pretreating whole-plant faba bean silage-baseddiet with fibrolytic enzyme (a mixture of xylanase and cellulase; AB Vista, UK) derived from Trichoderma reesei (FETR) on lactational performance, digestibility, ruminal fermentation characteristics, and feeding behavior of dairy cows. The animal trial was conducted using eight lactating Holstein cows (BW = 710 ± 44 kg and Days in Milk (DIM) = 121 ± 17 days) with four levels of FETR (0, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 mL of FETR/kg DM of silage) in a replicated Latin square design. These enzyme treatments were selected based on the previous in situ and in vitro findings that showed positive responses to the whole-plant faba bean silage. The enzyme treatments were directly applied on the silage prior to mixing process. The total mixed rations contained 31% of faba bean silage, 14% of grass hay, 3.5% of straw, 30% of barley and corn grain and 21.5% of concentrate. There was no significant difference of applying FETR on nutrient intake (P > 0.05) except for CP intake, which was reduced in FETR group compared to control (P < 0.01, 4.4 vs 4.54 kg/d). There was a linear effect found in NDF digestibility when treated with FETR, where maximum improvement was achieved with 0.5 mL of FETR application. The milk fat yield, percentage of milk fat and fat-corrected milk were linearly affected by the increasing level of enzyme. The cows fed a diet supplemented with enzymes tended to have a lower milk fat. Feed efficiency linearly responded to incremental levels of FETR. There was no enzyme effect on feeding behavior and nitrogen balance and utilization. Results from this study indicated that supplementing fibrolytic enzyme on whole-plant faba bean silage diets for dairy cows improved lactational performance, intake and digestibility with 0.5 mL of FETR application. However, adding higher enzyme level resulted in negative effects on animal performance.  相似文献   

Twelve multiparous Holstein cows at 72 ± 20 days in milk were used in a switch-back design with 14-d periods to determine the effect of replacing barley grain into a dairy total mixed ration with micronized or raw flaxseed on nutrient digestibility, milk yield, milk composition. Total mixed diets were (DM basis) 50% barley silage, 50% concentrate mix mainly rolled barley grain and canola meal. Diets were supplemented with 1 kg raw (RF) or micronized (MF) flaxseed to substitute 1 kg of rolled barley grain (C). Neutral detergent fibre, ADF and CP digestibility of the diets were not significantly affected by supplementation; however, calcium digestibility was reduced by 62% and 46% when raw and micronized flax were fed, respectively. Milk yield (38.3, 39.6, and 38.4 kg/d for diets C, RF and MF, respectively) was similar for all diets. Milk fat (3.50, 3.48, and 3.52%) and protein (3.31, 3.34, and 3.31%) for diets C, RF and MF, respectively, were not affected by treatment diets. Concentrations of c9, t11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; 0.51, 0.72 and 0.76 g/100 g fatty acids) in milk fat increased (P < 0.05) similarly among the two flaxseed supplemented diets. The RF and MF diets significantly increased the C18:1, C18:1 trans-11, C18:2 cis-9, cis-12 and C18:3 in milk fat however, C12:0, C14:0 and C16:0 were significantly reduced compared with control. Replacing barley grain with flaxseed in the diet of lactating cows increased the beneficial fatty acids in milk without depressing nutrient digestibility. Micronization of flaxseed did not reveal any advantage over raw flaxseed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtilis natto, which was initially isolated from fermented soybeans on milk production, rumen fermentation and ruminal microbiome in dairy cows. In Experiment 1, 36 early lactation Chinese Holstein dairy cows (56 ± 23 days in milk) were randomly assigned to three groups: Control, cows were fed total mixed ration (TMR); BSNLOW, TMR plus 0.5 × 1011 colony-forming units (cfu) of B. subtilis natto/cow per day; and BSNHIGH, TMR plus 1.0 × 1011 cfu of B. subtilis natto/cow per day. During the 70-day treatment period, daily milk production and daily milk composition were determined in individual cows. The results showed that supplementing dairy cows with 0.5 × 1011 and 1.0 × 1011 cfu of B. subtilis natto linearly increased (P < 0.01) milk production (25.2 and 26.4 kg/day v. 23.0 kg/day), 4% fat-corrected milk (27.3 and 28.1 kg/day v. 24.2 kg/day), energy-corrected milk (27.3 and 28.2 kg/day v. 24.2 kg/day), as well as milk fat (1.01 and 1.03 kg/day v. 0.88 kg/day), protein (0.77 and 0.82 kg/day v. 0.69 kg/day) and lactose yield (1.16 and 1.22 kg/day v. 1.06 kg/day) but decreased milk somatic cell counts (SCC) by 3.4% to 5.5% (P < 0.01) in BSNLOW and BSNHIGH treatments compared with Control. In Experiment 2, four rumen-cannulated dairy cows were fed the basal diet from 1 to 7 days (pre-trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 6 and 7; the same cows then were fed 1.0 × 1011 cfu/day B. subtilis natto from days 8 to 21 (trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 20 and 21. B. subtilis natto was discontinued from days 22 to 28 (post-trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 27 and 28. Compared with the pre- and post-periods, ruminal pH decreased by 2.7% to 3.0% during the trial period (P < 0.01), whereas ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total volatile fatty acids and molar proportion of propionate (P < 0.01) and valerate (P < 0.05) increased. Molar proportion of acetate decreased and the acetate to propionate ratio was lower (P < 0.01) during the trial period. However, no differences for 24-h in sacco dry matter digestibility were detected among different periods (treatments) though NDF digestibility was reduced in the trial and post-trial periods (P < 0.01). Compared with pre-trial period, total ruminal bacteria, proteolytic and amylolytic bacteria in rumen enumerated by culture methods increased by 15.0%, 16.2% and 11.7%, respectively (P < 0.01) but protozoa decreased to 5.35 log10 cfu/ml (P < 0.01) during the trial period. These results demonstrate that B. subtilis natto improves milk production and milk components yield, decreases SCC and promotes the growth of total ruminal bacteria, proteolytic and amylolytic bacteria, which indicate that B. subtilis natto has potential to be applied as a probiotic for dairy cows.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in using locally produced protein supplements in dairy cow feeding. The objective of this experiment was to compare rapeseed meal (RSM), faba beans (FBs) and blue lupin seeds (BL) at isonitrogenous amounts as supplements of grass silage and cereal based diets. A control diet (CON) without protein supplement was included in the experiment. Four lactating Nordic Red cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin Square design with four 21 d periods. The milk production increased with protein supplementation but when expressed as energy corrected milk, the response disappeared due to substantially higher milk fat concentration with CON compared to protein supplemented diets. Milk protein output increased by 8.5, 4.4 and 2.7% when RSM, FB and BL were compared to CON. The main changes in rumen fermentation were the higher propionate and lower butyrate proportion of total rumen volatile fatty acids when the protein supplemented diets were compared to CON. Protein supplementation also clearly increased the ruminal ammonia N concentration. Protein supplementation improved diet organic matter and NDF digestibility but efficiency of microbial protein synthesis per kg organic matter truly digested was not affected. Flow of microbial N was greater when FB compared to BL was fed. All protein supplements decreased the efficiency of nitrogen use in milk production. The marginal efficiency (amount of additional feed protein captured in milk protein) was 0.110, 0.062 and 0.045 for RSM, FB and BL, respectively. The current study supports the evidence that RSM is a good protein supplement for dairy cows, and this effect was at least partly mediated by the lower rumen degradability of RSM protein compared to FB and BL. The relatively small production responses to protein supplementation with simultaneous decrease in nitrogen use efficiency in milk production suggest that economic and environmental consequences of protein feeding need to be carefully considered.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that adding a combination of fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes to the diet of early-lactation dairy cows would improve rumen enzyme activity and bacterial diversity, promote energy metabolism, and benefit milk production in cows. Twenty multiparous early-lactation (90 ± 5 d) Holstein cows with similar body conditions were randomly allocated to control (CON, n = 10) and experimental (EXP, n = 10) groups in a completely randomised single-factor design. The CON was fed only a basal total mixed ration diet, and the diet of the EXP was supplemented with a combination of fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes at 70 g/cow/d (cellulase 3 500 CU/g, xylanase 2 000 XU/g, β-glucanase 17 500 GU/g, and amylase 37 000 AU/g). The experiment lasted 28 days, with 21 days for adaptation and 7 days for sampling. Enzyme addition increased the activity levels of α-amylase and xylanase, and the ammonia-N concentration (P < 0.05) tended to increase the activity of β-glucanase (P = 0.08) in rumen fluid. However, there was no significant difference in the rumen bacterial richness and diversity, phylum (richness > 0.1%) or genus (richness > 1%) composition between the CON and EXP groups (P > 0.05). A tendency of difference was found between CON and EXP (R = 0.22, P = 0.098) in principal component analysis. Ten genera showed different abundances across the CON and EXP groups (linear discriminant analysis effect size, linear discriminant analysis > 2). EXP increased the ratio of albumin to globulin and the concentrations of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P < 0.05) and tended to increase triglycerides (P = 0.09) in blood. Milk yield, 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield and energy-corrected milk yield increased with enzyme supplementation (P < 0.05). The production levels of milk fat and lactose increased, but the percentage of solids, not fat and protein, decreased in EXP (P < 0.05). Although the DM intake was not affected, the feed efficiency tended to increase (P = 0.07) in EXP. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with a mixture of fibrolytic and amylolytic enzymes on multiparous early-lactation dairy cows increased α-amylase and xylanase activity levels in rumen fluid, enhanced milk performance and tended to improve the feed efficiency in cows.  相似文献   

Despite the increased use of dry active Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast supplementation in ruminant feeding, inconsistent results among studies hamper the prediction of its effects on animal performance. A meta-analysis has been conducted to quantify the magnitude of yeast supplementation effects on ruminal parameters, total tract nutrient digestibility, growth and feed conversion across different studies with sheep. Different methodologies and small numbers of studies necessitated the use of the classical effect size method, in which a unitless standardised effect size (Hedges's g) was used to calculate differences obtained in outcomes between supplemented and non-supplemented sheep. Summary statistics across studies were calculated with fixed and random effects models, whereas subgroup-analysis and meta-regression were applied to identify possible interfering factors that could be responsible for between-study variability. Possible publication bias was evaluated with graphical and statistical tests. Effect sizes for ruminal ammonia nitrogen (33 comparisons), pH (42 comparisons) and total volatile fatty acids (38 comparison) did not (P > 0.10) present heterogeneity among studies, and was not affected by yeast supplementation. No effects (P > 0.05) were detected on the stoichiometry of volatile fatty acids or protozoa counts. Effects sizes calculated for digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid-detergent fibre and neutral-detergent fibre, which included from 17 to 28 comparisons, showed considerable (>50%) between-study variability. This variability could not effectively be explained by the categorical variables (1) mode of yeast application, (2) feed intake (ad lib versus restricted) or (3) faeces collection method, or the continuous independent variables (1) adaptation period, (2) study period, (3) dietary roughage concentration and (4) dietary crude protein concentration. According to random effects models, digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein were increased by yeast supplementation, with no effects found for digestibility of fibre components. Substantial unexplained between-study variability (50–90%) was found for growth (13 comparisons) and feed intake (9 comparisons). This meta-analysis presented evidence that addition of dry active S. cerevisiae yeast to diets did not have any effect on growth, feed conversion, ruminal parameters or fibre digestibility in sheep.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary Quebracho tannin extract (QTE) on feed intake, apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD), excretion of urinary purine derivatives (PD) and milk composition and yield in dairy cows. Fifty Holstein cows were divided into two groups. To reach a similar performance of both groups, cows were divided according to their milk yield, body weight, days in milk and number of lactations at the start of the experiment averaging 33.2 ± 8.2 kg/d, 637 ± 58 kg, 114 ± 73 d and 2.3 ± 1.6 lactations, respectively. The cows were fed a basal diet as total mixed ration containing on dry matter (DM) basis 34% grass silage, 32% maize silage and 34% concentrate feeds. Three dietary treatments were tested, the control (CON, basal diet without QTE), QTE15 (basal diet with QTE at 15 g/kg DM) and QTE30 (basal diet with QTE at 30 g/kg DM). Two treatments were arranged along six periods each 21 d (13 d adaptation phase and 8 d sampling phase). The ATTD of DM and organic matter were reduced only in Diet QTE30, whereas both QTE treatments reduced ATTD of fibre and nitrogen (N), indicating that QTE impaired rumen fermentation. Nevertheless, feed intake was unaffected by QTE. In Diet CON, urinary N excretion accounted for 29.8% of N intake and decreased in treatments QTE15 and QTE30 to 27.5% and 17.9%, respectively. Daily faecal N excretion increased in treatments CON, QTE15 and QTE30 from 211 to 237 and 273 g/d, respectively, which amounted to 39.0%, 42.4% and 51.7% of the N intake, respectively. Hence, QTE shifted N excretion from urine to faeces, whereas the proportion of ingested N appearing in milk was not affected by QTE (average 30.7% of N intake). Daily PD excretion as indicator for microbial crude protein (CP) flow at the duodenum decreased in treatment QTE30 compared with Diet CON from 413 to 280 mmol/d. The ratios of total PD to creatinine suggest that urinary PD excretion was already lower when feeding Diet QTE15. While there was no effect of Diet QTE15, treatment QTE30 reduced milk yield, milk fat and protein. Both QTE treatments reduced milk urea concentration, which suggest that ruminal degradation of dietary CP was reduced. In summary, adding QTE at dosages of 15 and 30 g/kg DM to diets of lactating dairy cows to improve feed and protein use efficiency is not recommended.  相似文献   

Protein supplements are expensive and not easily accessible under small-scale livestock production systems in Ethiopia and other developing countries, which necessitates investigating the alternative protein sources for cost-effective livestock production. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp) leaves (PPLs) are rich in protein and are well-suited for feeding small ruminants; however, the effect of inclusion of PPL in the concentrate mixture (CM) on the performance of dairy cows was not well documented. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementation of PPL and CM to native pasture hay-based rations on feed intake, milk yield and composition, and blood metabolites of crossbred dairy cows (Holstein × Zebu). A 4 × 4 Latin square design with three replications, balanced for carryover effects, was used for this study. The treatments included native pasture hay provided ad libitum as a basal diet, supplemented with a CM alone (T1), the inclusion of 10% of PPL in the CM (T2), 20% PPL in the CM (T3), or 30% PPL in the CM (T4). Supplements were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Total DM intake (hay + supplement intake) was similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. Hay intake was greater (P = 0.05) for T1 and T2 than for T4, while supplement intake was the least for T1 (P < 0.05). The treatment groups T2, T3, and T4, where PPL was included, had similar (P > 0.05) supplement intake. Feed intake, milk yield and composition, feed conversion efficiency, body condition score, serum total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, triglyceride, urea N, creatinine, and cholesterol were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. The inclusion of up to 30% of PPL in the CM resulted in a comparable performance of crossbred dairy cows as supplementation with CM under the conditions of the current experiment. Therefore, further study is required to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of a higher level of PPL in the concentrate mixture on the performance of lactating crossbred dairy cows.  相似文献   

It is not clear if B vitamins supplied to the small intestine of dairy cows from dietary and rumen microbial sources are provided in sufficient quantity to maximize animal performance. Our objective was to determine effects of adding a ruminally protected B vitamin blend supplement, containing biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine, to the diet of high producing dairy cows on their productivity. Two dairy facilities located in California (USA) were used, one with mid lactation Holstein cows (Experiment 1) and the other with early lactation Holstein cows (Experiment 2). In each Experiment, cows were randomly assigned to treatment in a 2 × 2 crossover design with 28 d (Experiment 1) or 35 d (Experiment 2) experimental periods. In Experiment 1, milk and milk fat yield were unaffected by treatment, although milk fat proportion was lower (37.1 versus 36.3 g/kg; P<0.01), but milk protein yield was higher (1.21 versus 1.24 kg/d; P=0.02) in cows fed B vitamins. In Experiment 2, milk (39.60 versus 40.46 kg/d; P=0.02), milk fat (1.40 versus 1.47 kg/d; P<0.01) and milk protein yield (1.10 versus 1.16 kg/d; P<0.01), as well as milk energy output (113.2 versus 117.8 MJ/d; P<0.01) were all higher with B vitamin feeding. Body condition score (BCS) increased more with B vitamin feeding in Experiment 2, but was unaffected in Experiment 1. Body locomotion score (BLS) increased with B vitamin feeding in both experiments (P=0.01 and < 0.01, respectively), possibly an indication of reduced locomotory ability. Overall, productivity of high producing lactating dairy cows responded positively to feeding a mixture of ruminally protected B vitamins, although differences in the extent of the positive responses between experiments perhaps suggests that early lactation cows, with lower DM intake to milk yield ratios, may be more responsive to ruminally protected B vitamins than mid lactation cows, with higher DM intake to milk yield ratios.  相似文献   

Twenty-six Alpine and Saanen goats, 12 fitted with a rumen cannula and a T-type cannula in the duodenum, were used in a 6-week experiment on the effect of a monoterpene blend on rumen fermentation, duodenal terpene and nutrient flows, milk yield and composition. The monoterpene blend consisted of 45.2, 36.7, 16.0 and 2.2 mol/100 mol terpene for linalool, p-cymene, α-pinene and β-pinene, respectively. The four compounds were considered as good models of northwest Mediterranean sward terpenes and were supplied in the same proportions as in the spring diet of dairy goats in the Basilicata (Southern Apennine range, Italy). The goats were assigned to three experimental groups fed a total mixed ration with no terpene or with the monoterpene blend at two levels, 0.043 and 0.43 g/kg dry matter intake. Ruminal fermentation characteristics remained unchanged among groups. In average, the total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration was 89.0 mM and the proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate were 66.4, 21.1 and 10.1 mol/100 mol VFA, with an acetate:propionate ratio of 3.19. In average, 0.0, 2.7, 3.5 and 23.5 mol/100 mol of the ingested amounts of linalool, α-pinene, p-cymene and β-pinene were recovered in the duodenum. The mean terpene composition of duodenal digesta was 11.7, 9.2 and 79.1 mol/100 mol terpene for p-cymene, α-pinene and β-pinene, differing markedly from the dietary blend in both supplemented groups. Apparent rumen digestibility of dry matter (0.40), of neutral detergent fibre (0.54), and of acid detergent fibre (0.45) was not affected by either level of terpene supplementation. Dry matter intake and milk production, milk fat content or milk fatty acid profile were not affected by terpenes. It is concluded that, because of extensive ruminal degradation of each terpene, the monoterpene blend had no effect on ruminal digestion of dietary constituents or on milk performance whatever the supplementation level.  相似文献   

In this study, a modified version of the gas production technique was used to determine protein fermentation characteristics in rumen fluid of 19 feedstuffs. Performing the incubations in a N-free environment, and with an excess of rapidly fermentable carbohydrates, made N the limiting factor to microbial growth, and so gas production profiles reflected the availability of N from the feed samples. Results showed that fermentation of protein in rumen fluid can be determined with this modified gas production technique, and that there were distinct differences in protein fermentation between the feed samples. Availability of protein for fermentation was highest in wheat, potato pieces and lupin, and lowest in Rumiraap, a formaldehyde treated rapeseed meal, palm kernel expeller and brewery grains. The protein degradation characteristics of the 19 feed ingredients were also determined with the in situ nylon bag technique. With the obtained results, the amount of rumen escape protein (REP) was calculated for each feedstuff. The results showed that the rate of degradation ranged from 0.010/h for Rumiraap to 0.151/h for wheat. The amount of REP ranged from 197 g/kg CP for lupin to 840 g/kg CP for Rumiraap. Comparing the gas production results with the results obtained with the nylon bag technique showed that there was a good relationship between the gas production after 12–25 h of incubation and the calculated amount of REP (r2 = 0.83–0.85). The results show that the adapted gas production technique, being depleted of N and using an excess of rapidly fermentable carbohydrates, is suitable to recognize differences in N availability between feed samples and can be used as an alternative to the nylon bag technique and other in vitro techniques.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of LaCl3 supplementation on rumen fermentation, urinary excretion of purine derivatives and feed digestibility in the total tract of steers. Eight ruminally cannulated Simmental steers (420 ± 20 kg) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experiment. The treatments were control (without LaCl3); La-low; La-medium and La-high with 450, 900 and 1800 mg LaCl3 per steer per day, respectively. Diet consisted of 600 g/kg corn stover and 400 g/kg concentrate (dry matter [DM] basis). Dry matter intake (averaged 9 kg/day) was restricted to a maximum of 90% of ad libitum intake. Ruminal pH (range of 6.59–6.42) was quadratically (P<0.04) changed, whereas total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration (range of 74.16–88.61 mM) was linearly (P<0.01) and quadratically (P<0.01) increased with increasing La supplementation. Ratio of acetate to propionate decreased linearly (P<0.01) from 3.28 to 1.79 as La supplementation increased due to the increased in propionate production. In situ ruminal neutral detergent fibre (aNDF) degradation of corn stover was improved but the crude protein (CP) degradability of soybean meal was decreased with increasing La supplementation. Urinary excretion of purine derivatives was quadratically (P<0.01) changed with altering La supplementation (75.5, 81.0, 82.4 and 70.6 mmol/day for control, low-, medium- and high-LaCl3 supplementation, respectively). Similarly, digestibilities of organic matter, aNDF and CP in the total tract were also linearly and quadratically increased with increasing La supplementation. The present results indicate that supplementation of diet with LaCl3 improved rumen fermentation and feed digestion in beef cattle. It was suggested that the La stimulated the digestive microorganisms or enzymes in a dose-dependent manner. In the experimental conditions of this trial, the optimum La dose was about 900 mg LaCl3 per steer per day.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of isobutyrate supplementation on rumen fermentation, lactation performance and plasma characteristics of dairy cows. Twenty multiparous second filial generation (F2) cows of a cross between Chinese Jinnan Yellow and Holstein cows at 148 ± 4.5 days in milk and 22.3 ± 0.81 kg milk production were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experiment. The treatments were: control (without isobutyrate), low (LIB), medium (MIB) and high (HIB) isobutyrate supplementation of 20, 40 and 60 g per cow per day, respectively. Experimental periods were 30 days with 15 d of adaptation and 15 d of data collection. Dry matter (DM) intake was not affected by increasing isobutyrate supplementation, but milk yields were highest for the 40 g/d isobutyrate supplementation level, where proportion of milk fat, true protein and lactose were minimized. Ruminal pH (6.38–6.24) and ammonia N (13.8–11.1 mg/100 ml) were linearly (P<0.01) decreased, whereas total VFA concentration (124–131 mM) increased at a decreasing rate with increasing isobutyrate supplementation. The ratio of acetate to propionate increased linearly (P<0.01) from 2.77 to 4.43 as isobutyrate supplementation increased due to the increase in acetate production and decrease in propionate production. Digestibilities of OM in the total tract increased linearly (P<0.01) as isobutyrate supplementation increased, digestibilities of DM and EE were highest for the 40 g/d isobutyrate supplementation level, digestibilities of CP, aNDF and ADF increased at a decreasing rate with increasing isobutyrate supplementation. Plasma concentrations of glucose and growth hormone linearly (P<0.03) increased, whereas concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids linearly (P<0.01) decreased. Results indicate that supplementation of this diet with isobutyrate changed the rumen fermentation pattern towards acetate production, improved digestion and modified plasma concentrations of glucose and growth hormone. This suggests that isobutyrate stimulated digestive microorganisms or enzymes in a dose-dependent manner with the optimum isobutyrate dose at about 40 g per cow per day in terms of improved digestion.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the impact of dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MLM) as a substitution for soybean meal on nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation, rumen enzyme activity, blood metabolites, growth-related hormones, and growth performance of buffalo calves. Thirty buffalo calves eight to nine months of age with an average body weight of approximately 153.7 ± 0.97 kg were randomly distributed through three dietary treatments (ten calves/treatment). MLM inclusion rates were 15% (M15) and 20% (M20), replacing soybean meal by 50 and 75% in the concentrate mixture, respectively. The results indicated that, digestibility of dry matter, organic matter (OM), and crude fiber (CF) increased significantly (p < 0.05) with MLM inclusion, while the digestibility of crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE) reduced significantly (p < 0.05) with MLM addition. Dietary supplementation with MLM significantly affected (p < 0.001) rumen fermentation by reducing ruminal enzymes, ruminal ammonia-N, total protozoa, and acetate/propionate ratio and increasing acetic, propionic, and butyric acids and total volatile fatty acid concentrations (p < 0.001). Furthermore, dietary inclusion of 15% MLM significantly improved (p < 0.001) final body weight, dry matter intake of feed, daily weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, blood metabolites, and plasma insulin growth factor-I (IGF-I). It can be concluded that MLM is a multi-purpose protein supplement that provides some nutritional and therapeutic advantages when replacing 50% of soybean meal. Dietary supplementation of 15% MLM improved rumen fermentation, growth performance, blood metabolites, plasma IGF-I and mitigated ammonia and methane without any adverse effects in growing buffalo calves.  相似文献   

The evaluation of how the gut microbiota affects both methane emissions and animal production is necessary in order to achieve methane mitigation without production losses. Toward this goal, the aim of this study was to correlate the rumen microbial communities (bacteria, archaea, and fungi) of high (HP), medium (MP), and low milk producing (LP), as well as dry (DC), Holstein dairy cows in an actual tropical production system with methane emissions and animal production traits. Overall, DC cows emitted more methane, followed by MP, HP and LP cows, although HP and LP cow emissions were similar. Using next-generation sequencing, it was found that bacteria affiliated with Christensenellaceae, Mogibacteriaceae, S24-7, Butyrivibrio, Schwartzia, and Treponema were negatively correlated with methane emissions and showed positive correlations with digestible dry matter intake (dDMI) and digestible organic matter intake (dOMI). Similar findings were observed for archaea in the genus Methanosphaera. The bacterial groups Coriobacteriaceae, RFP12, and Clostridium were negatively correlated with methane, but did not correlate with dDMI and dOMI. For anaerobic fungal communities, no significant correlations with methane or animal production traits were found. Based on these findings, it is suggested that manipulation of the abundances of these microbial taxa may be useful for modulating methane emissions without negatively affecting animal production.  相似文献   

Responses to exogenous growth hormone were measured in lactating dairy cows surgically prepared to allow measurement of nutrient exchanges across mammary and hind-limb muscle tissues. Cows were injected daily with either saline or growth hormone, at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg liveweight, over periods of 6 days. During administration of growth hormone milk yield, milk fat content and yields of milk fat protein and lactose increased. Arterial plasma concentrations of glucose and non-esterified fatty acids were increased, uptake of glucose by leg muscle tissue decreased, lactate release from leg muscle tended to increase, mammary uptake of non-esterified fatty acids increased, blood flow to leg muscle tended to increase and blood flow to mammary tissue increased during injection of growth hormone. The results show that growth hormone affects supply to and utilization of key nutrients by tissues, resulting in the supply to the mammary gland of additional precursors for milk synthesis.  相似文献   

Holstein cows were fed total mixed rations (TMR) supplemented with protected palm fat (PPF), whole sunflower seed (WSS) or extruded linseed (ELS) for 100 days. Percentage of dietary crude fat was 5.3, 5.1 and 5.1, respectively. Diet had no (p > 0.05) effect on feed intake, milk yield or milk protein content. Percentage of milk fat and yield of fat – corrected milk were significantly increased when diets were supplemented with WSS and ELS. Feeding PPF resulted in the lowest (p < 0.05) ruminal concentration of volatile fatty acids. No significant dietary effect on plasma characteristics was observed. Concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was higher (p < 0.05), and PUFA n-6/n-3 ratio lower (p < 0.05), in the milk fat from cows fed ELS compared to WSS. Supplementation of TMR with oilseeds compared to PPF increased the content of CLA in milk fat (p < 0.005) and decreased its atherogenicity, primarily due to a significant reduction of palmitic acid concentration. Both oilseeds significantly improved the spreadability index of manufactured butter. ELS, but not WSS, increased the susceptibility of milk fat to oxidation (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that feeding of oilseeds to dairy cows improved nutritional quality of milk fat, with supplementation with ELS producing an even more desirable milk fatty acid profile than WSS supplementation.  相似文献   

This study explored the potential for using seed cake from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) as a protein feed for dairy cows. The aim was to evaluate the effects of increasing the proportion of hempseed cake (HC) in the diet on milk production and milk composition. Forty Swedish Red dairy cows were involved in a 5-week dose-response feeding trial. The cows were allocated randomly to one of four experimental diets containing on average 494 g/kg of grass silage and 506 g/kg of concentrate on a dry matter (DM) basis. Diets containing 0 g (HC0), 143 g (HC14), 233 g (HC23) or 318 g (HC32) HC/kg DM were achieved by replacing an increasing proportion of compound pellets with cold-pressed HC. Increasing the proportion of HC resulted in dietary crude protein (CP) concentrations ranging from 126 for HC0 to 195 g CP/kg DM for HC32. Further effects on the composition of the diet with increasing proportions of HC were higher fat and NDF and lower starch concentrations. There were no linear or quadratic effects on DM intake, but increasing the proportion of HC in the diet resulted in linear increases in fat and NDF intake, as well as CP intake (P < 0.001), and a linear decrease in starch intake (P < 0.001). The proportion of HC had significant quadratic effects on the yields of milk, energy-corrected milk (ECM) and milk protein, fat and lactose. The curvilinear response of all yield parameters indicated maximum production from cows fed diet HC14. Increasing the proportion of HC resulted in linear decreases in both milk protein and milk fat concentration (P = 0.005 and P = 0.017, respectively), a linear increase in milk urea (P < 0.001), and a linear decrease in CP efficiency (milk protein/CP intake; P < 0.001). In conclusion, the HC14 diet, corresponding to a dietary CP concentration of 157 g/kg DM, resulted in the maximum yields of milk and ECM by dairy cows in this study.  相似文献   

The environmental profile of central Arizona is quantitatively described using meteorological data between 1971 and 1986. Utilizing ambient temperature criteria of hours per day less than 21° C, between 21 and 27° C, and more than 27° C, the environmental profile of central Arizona consists of varying levels of thermoneutral and heat stress periods. Milk production data from two commercial dairy farms from March 1990 to February 1991 were used to evaluate the seasonal effects identified in the environmental profile. Overall, milk production is lower during heat stress compared to thermoneutral periods. During heat stress, the cool period of hours per day with temperature less than 21° C provides a margin of safety to reduce the effects of heat stress on decreased milk production. Using minimum, mean and maximum ambient temperatures, the upper critical temperatures for milk production are 21, 27 and 32° C, respectively. Using the temperature-humidity index as the thermal environment indicator, the critical values for minimum, mean and maximum THI are 64, 72 and 76, respectively.  相似文献   

The major objective of this study was to evaluate, using survival analysis and multivariable regression models, the relationship of sire predicted transmitting ability (PTA) for production traits with their daughters' milk production, fat, and protein percentage (PROPCT), reproductive performance, postpartum disease incidence, and survivability. Data were collected from six large commercial dairy farms, and data analysis included 22,205 cows. Information regarding each sire's genetic evaluation included the following: PTA for fat yield (FAT), fat percentage (FATPCT), milk yield (MILK), protein yield, and PROPCT. Sire PTA was categorized into quartiles to facilitate data analysis and interpretation. Retained placenta, metritis, displaced abomasum, and clinical mastitis were diagnosed and treated by farm personnel. The overall average daily milk production, milk fat and PROPCT during the first 10 months of lactation was higher for the cows in the highest quartile of sire PTA, and cows in the lowest quartile had lower averages. There was no significant association between sire PTA for production traits and first test day fat to protein ratio or the incidence of postpartum disease. Sire PTA for MILK, FATPCT, and PROPCT were significantly associated with the hazard of pregnancy. The median days from calving to conception were 159, 155, 170, and 181 days for cows in the sire PTA for MILK quartiles 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Sire PTA for PROPCT and FATPCT were also significantly associated with the hazard of pregnancy. The median days from calving to conception were 175, 189, 152, and 145 for cows in the sire PTA for PROPCT groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Additionally, cows in the highest quartile for sire PTA for FATPCT had the lowest median days from calving to conception (144 days) and cows in lowest quartile had the highest median interval (177 days). Sire PTA for FAT was the only sire PTA significantly associated with the hazard of death/culling. When compared with the cows in the highest sire PTA for FAT quartile cows in the first, second, and third quartiles were at 1.51, 1.30, and 1.13 times higher hazard of death/culling, respectively. In conclusion, this study shows that high sire PTA for MILK and low sire PTA for milk fat and PROPCT are associated with decreased daughters' reproductive performance. Sire PTA for production traits were not found to be associated with postpartum disease incidence.  相似文献   

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