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Hyperforin and adhyperforin contribute to the antidepressant effects of Hypericum perforatum. The involvement of branched-chain amino acids in the biosynthesis of hyperforin and adhyperforin was demonstrated in H. perforatum shoot cultures. L-[U-(13)C(5)]Valine and L-[U-(13)C(6)]isoleucine, upon administration to the shoot cultures, were incorporated into acyl side chain of hyperforin and adhyperforin, respectively. Feeding the shoot cultures with unlabelled L-isoleucine at a concentration of 2mM induced a 3.7-fold increase in the production of adhyperforin. The addition of 3mM L-threonine, a precursor of isoleucine, stimulated a 2.0-fold increase in the accumulation of adhyperforin. The administration of L-valine at concentrations of 0-5mM had no stimulating effect on the hyperforin production in H. perforatum shoot cultures.  相似文献   

HPLC法测定新疆贯叶连翘中绿原酸和芦丁的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用液相色谱法测定贯叶连翘中绿原酸和芦丁含量。用Hyperil ODS色谱柱(12.5 cm×6.0 mm i.d.,5μm)进行分离。流动相为甲醇-1%冰醋酸梯度洗脱,流速为0.6 mL/min。检测波长为343 nm。绿原酸线性范围为0.0076~0.3040μg,相关系数R=0.9997。芦丁线性范围为0.312~3.120μg,相关系数R=0.9999。样品的平均回收率分别为101.2%,99.8%。此方法准确、快速,适用于绿原酸和芦丁的定量分析。  相似文献   

Shoot organ cultures were established from callus derived from anthers of Hypericum perforatum flowers and the effect of elicitors on hypericin and pseudohypericin production in shoot organ cultures was investigated. Mannan stimulated pseudohypericin production up to four fold (0.82 mg/g dry wt) and hypericin production up to two fold (0.04 mg/g dry wt.) beta-1,3-glucan and pectin slightly stimulated pseudohypericin production (ca. two fold), but had no effect on hypericin production. On the other hand, yeast extract showed no stimulatory effect, on either hypericin or pseudohypericin production.  相似文献   

Seedings of Hypericum perforatum L. have produced multiple shoots on RM medium supplemented with 2.22 or 4.40 μM BAP. Regenerants were evaluated for variability in several morphological characteristics. A comparison with the control showed significant differences in fresh and dry matter and height of plants, but did not effect branching and the number of glands containing dianthrones.  相似文献   

Root hair formation is an important model with which to study cell patterning and differentiation in higher plants. Ethylene and auxin are critical regulators of root hair development. The role of jasmonates (JAs) was examined in Arabidopsis root hair development as well as their interactions with ethylene in this process. The results have shown that both methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and jasmonic acid (JA) have a pronounced effect on promoting root hair formation. However, the effect of MeJA and JA on root hair formation was blocked by ethylene inhibitors Ag+ or aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG). The stimulatory effects of MeJA and JA were also diminished in ethylene-insensitive mutants etr1-1 and etr1-3. Furthermore, the JA biosynthesis inhibitors ibuprofen and salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) suppressed 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)-induced root hair formation, and decreased the root hairs in seedlings of the ethylene over-producing mutant eto1-1. These results suggested that JAs promote root hair formation, through an interaction with ethylene.  相似文献   

Alkamides and N-acilethanolamides are a class of lipid compounds related to animal endocannabinoids of wide distribution in plants. We investigated the structural features required for alkamides to regulate plant development by comparing the root responses of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings to a range of natural and synthetic compounds. The length of the acyl chain and the amide moiety were found to play a crucial role in their biological activity. From the different compounds tested, N-isobutyl decanamide, a small saturated alkamide, was found to be the most active in regulating primary root growth and lateral root formation. Proliferative-promoting activity of alkamide treatment was evidenced by formation of callus-like structures in primary roots, ectopic blades along petioles of rosette leaves, and disorganized tumorous tissue originating from the leaf lamina. Ectopic organ formation by N-isobutyl decanamide treatment was related to altered expression of the cell division marker CycB1:uidA and an enhanced expression of the cytokinin-inducible marker ARR5:uidA both in roots and in shoots. The involvement of cytokinins in mediating the observed activity of alkamides was tested using Arabidopsis mutants lacking one, two, or three of the putative cytokinin receptors CRE1, AHK2, and AHK3. The triple cytokinin receptor mutant was insensitive to N-isobutyl decanamide treatment, showing absence of callus-like structures in roots, the lack of lateral root proliferation, and absence of ectopic outgrowths in leaves under elevated levels of this alkamide. Taken together our results suggest that alkamides and N-acylethanolamides may belong to a class of endogenous signaling compounds that interact with a cytokinin-signaling pathway to control meristematic activity and differentiation processes during plant development.  相似文献   

Secretory organs are a specialised anatomical feature of plants, these tissues function in the production and/or storage of specific chemical substances, which often have pharmacological properties. The genus Hypericum is characterised by the presence of specialised secretory structures such as black nodules, translucent glands and secretory canals. The presence of these structures is not homogeneous for all the species or between the various floral and vegetative parts of the plants. In this study, we have compared the distributions, morphology and development of secretory structures in the leaves of H. perforatum and H. richeri. Whilst, black nodules occurred in both species, translucent glands followed different development stages depending on the leaf age.  相似文献   

Among the five members of AUX1/LAX genes coding for auxin carriers in rice, only OsAUX1 and OsAUX3 have been reported. To understand the function of the other AUX1/LAX genes, two independent alleles of osaux4 mutants, osaux4-1 and osaux4-2, were constructed using the CRISPR/Cas9 editing system. Homozygous osaux4-1 or osaux4-2 exhibited shorter primary root (PR) and longer root hair (RH) compared to the wild-type Dongjin (WT/DJ), and lost response to indoleacetic acid (IAA) treatment. OsAUX4 is intensively expressed in roots and localized on the plasma membrane, suggesting that OsAUX4 might function in the regulation of root development. The decreased meristem cell division activity and the downregulated expression of cell cycle genes in root apices of osaux4 mutants supported the hypothesis that OsAUX4 positively regulates PR elongation. OsAUX4 is expressed in RH, and osaux4 mutants showing longer RH compared to WT/DJ implies that OsAUX4 negatively regulates RH development. Furthermore, osaux4 mutants are insensitive to Pi starvation (-Pi) and OsAUX4 effects on the -Pi response is associated with altered expression levels of Pi starvation-regulated genes, and auxin distribution/contents. This study revealed that OsAUX4 not only regulates PR and RH development but also plays a regulatory role in crosstalk between auxin and -Pi signaling.  相似文献   

Summary St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a valuable plant used as a herbal remedy or in phytopharmaceutical drugs to treat a variety of physical ailments. Much research has been performed to study the biochemical production of secondary metabolites of in vitro cultured plants or organs. However, all of these studies have looked at the regeneration of plants from explants in only one genotype. In addition, no study has revealed the mechanism of plant regeneration in H. perforatum, i.e. organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis. We found that different genotypes Helos, Topas, Elixir, and Numi responded similarly to regeneration medium. The regeneration responses (i.e. callus, root, or shool production) of identical explants from different genotypes were similar. However, the source of explant material (leaves, hypocotyls, and roots) from the same genotype had significant effects on the response to media and plant regeneration frequency. Using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, the progress of organogenesis and embryogenesis under similar culture conditions was recorded. Root segments were the most responsive explants, producing the maximum number of shoots per explant of all the genotypes.  相似文献   

The effect of the gene dosage on the expression of rRNAs was studied in Hypericum perforatum. The methylation levels of rDNA were analysed using the isoschizomers MspI and HpaII and eleven additional methylation-sensitive enzymes. No differences in rDNA methylation were observed between diploids and tetraploids at an early ontogenetic stage.  相似文献   

随着贯叶金丝桃( Hypericum perforatum L.)叶中分泌细胞团的发育,其细胞中质体的数量和体积逐渐增大,但一些质体局部出现解体,大量的深色管状结构和小泡出现在退化质体的周围,有些小泡与液泡融合,并将其内容物释放至液泡中,导致液泡中出现大量的多泡结构、多膜结构和嗜锇滴.同时,高尔基体分泌小泡进入液泡.然而,当分泌细胞团发育成熟后,分泌细胞被含有灰色均匀的分泌物(金丝桃素)的大液泡所占据,嗜锇滴消失.表明嗜锇滴可能是金丝桃素的前体物,来源于退化的质体.出现于质体和嗜锇滴之间的内质网和高尔基体可能也参与了金丝桃素前体物的合成和细胞内的转运.  相似文献   

Annals of Botany 99: 1097–1100, 2007 Unfortunately in Fig. 1D  相似文献   

贯叶金丝桃叶中分泌细胞团的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着贯叶金丝桃(Hypericum perforatum L.)叶中分泌细胞团的发育,其细胞中质体的数量和体积逐渐增大,但一些质体局部出现解体,大量的深色管状结构和小泡出现在退化质体的周围,有些小泡与液泡融合,并将其内容物释放至液泡中,导致液泡中出现大量的多泡结构,多膜结构和嗜锇滴。同时,高尔基体分泌小泡进入液泡。然而,当分泌细胞团发育成熟后,分泌细胞被含有灰色均匀的分泌物(金丝桃素)的大液泡所占据,嗜锇滴消失。表明嗜锇滴可能是金丝桃素的前体物,来源于退化的质体。出现于质体和嗜锇滴之间的内质网和高尔基体可能也参与了金丝桃素前体物的合成和细胞内的转运。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypericum perforatum contains the therapeutically important compounds hypericin and hyperforin. Hypericin is known to accumulate in the dark glands. This investigation aimed to determine the accumulation site of hyperforin. METHODS: Dark and translucent glands as well as non-secretory tissue in leaves were manually isolated under the microscope. Hyperforin content was quantified by UV HPLC. Secretory structures were surveyed anatomically. KEY RESULTS: The hyperforin content of intact leaves was found to be about 3 mg g(-1) fresh tissue, whereas a content of about 7 mg g(-1) fresh material was found in isolated translucent glands. Hyperforin was found only to occur in minute amounts in dark glands (approx. 0.4 mg g(-1) fresh tissue). In non-secretory tissue no hyperforin was detected. CONCLUSIONS: The accumulation of hyperforin detected in the translucent glands supports the proposed hypothesis that hyperforin is synthesized by the same biosynthetic machinery as monoterpenes in the chloroplasts of cells delimiting the gland.  相似文献   

The effects of the non-ionic surfactant, Pluronic F-68, on the growth of shoots regenerated from seedlings (14 days post-germination) of Hypericum perforatum L. were studied. The supplementation of agar-solidified medium with 0.001% (w/v) of Pluronic increased the mean fresh weight of the regenerants after 60 days by 40% and the mean number of plant regenerants recovered per seedling by 34%; a less pronounced increase in the number of regenerants occurred with 0.01% (w/v) of the surfactant. By contrast, the mean fresh weight of the regenerants cultured in the presence of 0.1% (w/v) Pluronic F-68 was 15% lower than untreated controls, although the mean number of regenerants per seedling remained unaltered. The growth of seedling leaf-derived Hypericum callus after 60 days was unaffected by all the concentrations of Pluronic tested. However, there was a tendency for callus cells grown in the presence of Pluronic to be more highly pigmented with anthocyanins. The cultivation of leaf explants with 0.001% or 0.01% (w/v) Pluronic did not affect either the mean fresh weight of the regenerants or the mean number of regenerants per explant. However, decreases in both the mean fresh weight and the mean number of regenerants (both 33.0% lower than the control) occurred following the cultivation with 0.1% (w/v) Pluronic.  相似文献   

The phytochrome family of photoreceptors are potent regulators of plant development, affecting a broad range of responses throughout the plant life cycle, including hypocotyl elongation, leaf expansion and apical dominance. The plant hormone auxin has previously been linked to these phytochrome-mediated responses; however, these studies have not identified the molecular mechanisms that underpin such extensive phytochrome and auxin cross-talk. In this paper, we show that phytochrome regulates the emergence of lateral roots, at least partly by manipulating auxin distribution within the seedling. Thus, shoot-localized phytochrome is able to act over long distances, through manipulation of auxin, to regulate root development. This work reveals an important role for phytochrome as a coordinator of shoot and root development, and provides insights into how phytochrome is able to exert such a powerful effect on growth and development. This new link between phytochrome and auxin may go some way to explain the extensive overlap in responses mediated by these two developmental regulators.  相似文献   

贯叶连翘分泌结构的发育及其内含物积累的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡正海  吕洪飞 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):287-292,T008,T009
应用半薄切片和组织化学观察结果表明,贯叶连翘植物内具有分泌囊和分泌细胞团,叶片,萼片,花瓣中都存在2种分泌结构,分泌囊尚存在于果壁内,而分泌细胞团还在花药和茎棱中 ,2种分泌结构均起源于幼叶的基本分生组织内,其原始细胞形态相似,都垂周分裂为2子细胞,接着分别以不同分裂方式形成原始细胞群,并分化出鞘细胞,以后分 囊原始细胞群以裂生方式发育成由1层鞘细胞,1层上皮细胞包围着分泌腔组成的分泌囊,而分泌细胞团原始细胞群则继续增加细胞数目和体积发育成2-4层鞘细胞包围紧密排列的分泌细胞组成的分泌细胞团,其中给终未出现分泌腔,组织[化学试验表明,前者产生和贮存油类物质,而后者产生和贮存金丝桃素类物质。  相似文献   

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