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《Journal of Asia》2007,10(4):363-367
Arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis (Kuwana), feeds on the foliage, stems, and fruits of citrus trees, and causes tree dieback when heavy infestations occur. The objective of this study was to collect basic data to establish seasonal management strategies for U. yanonensis. The abundances of male nymphs and female adults were monitored in unsprayed citrus orchards. The overwintered females started to produce their progenies (1st gen.) from mid-May. The populations of the 1st nymphs in the 1st generation showed a bimodal occurrence pattern, with a 1st larger peak between late May and early June, and a 2nd smaller peak in June. The nymphs in the 2nd generation, which were laid from newly developed females, were observed from late July, and the 1st peak occurred in mid-August, followed by an obscure later peak (the 2nd peak) around late September. The numbers of live females for the overwintered populations began to decrease gradually from early June by the impact of the predacious Chilocorus kuwanae, as well as by natural mortality factors, and dropped to a low level in mid-July. When there were abundant predator attacks, the U. yanonensis female populations sharply decreased from early June and were almost nonexistent in July. New female adults (1st generation adults) appeared from late June and peaked in mid-July. The 2nd generation female adults, consequently, the overwintering generation, occurred from mid- September, and gradually increased to late October. Overall, these results will be useful in terms of management strategies for U. yanonensis in citrus orchards.  相似文献   

黑刺粉虱及其天敌的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
黑刺粉虱Aleurucamhus spiniferus Quaint.是柑桔、茶树等经济作物的重要害虫。福建一年发生4-5代,闽北、闽中发生4代,世代重叠。主要以若虫在柑桔等叶背越冬,越冬若虫于翌年2月间开始化蛹(伪蛹),4月间成虫羽化并产卵。各世代若虫发生期为第一代4月上旬至6月上旬;第二代6月中旬至7月下旬;第三代7月中旬至9月上旬;第四代9月中旬至翌年3月,11月进入越冬期。一年中以6-9月为发生为害高峰期。黑刺粉虱的寄生性天敌和捕食性天敌资源丰富,蛹期被寄生率甚高,对该虫的综合治理可以生物防治为主要措施。  相似文献   

李虎  王晓贝 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):I0003-I0004
金绿宽盾蝽Poecilocoris lewisi Distant在北京1年1代,以5龄若虫在侧柏(Platycladus orientalis Franco)附近的落叶和石块下越冬,翌年4月上中旬陆续从越冬处爬出,取食侧柏嫩叶。5月中旬5龄若虫开始羽化,6月初为羽化高峰期,6月中下旬羽化期结束,5月到8月为成虫期,7月底到8月中旬交配产卵,8、9月份若虫由1龄发育至5龄,9月中下旬为5龄若虫高峰期,11月5龄若虫开始转移越冬。  相似文献   

Populations of Homalodisca coagulata (Say) were sampled from citrus orchards in southern California, USA to characterize and quantify seasonal occurrences of nymphs and adults with the goal of identifying management opportunities through well-timed treatments and/or natural enemy releases. Higher densities of H. coagulata in 2001 contributed to a complete seasonal profile that began in early spring with the emergence of first instar nymphs and their progression through five nymphal instars lasting until mid-August. Adult emergence began in mid-June with peak adult densities attained from mid to late August followed by a gradual decline through autumn. A persistent and significant male bias was observed in the adult sex ratio from the time of first emergence through mid-October in oranges; the same trend was present in lemons, but with more variability. Adult densities gradually declined through the winter months into the following spring before rapidly increasing again in June as the 2002 spring generation of nymphs began emerging as adults. The seasonal timing of nymphs and adults in 2002 was nearly identical to that observed the previous year. Phenology data from both years were incorporated into a stochastic, temperature-dependent model that predicts the occurrences of H. coagulata stages through time. Applications of imidacloprid early in the spring generation of nymphs proved very effective at reducing nymphs and sustaining lower densities of adults through summer.  相似文献   

Arrowhead scale (AHS), Unaspis yanonensis (Kuwana) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), and pink citrus rust mite (PCRM), Aculops pelekassi (Keifer) (Acari: Eriophyoidae), are important arthropod pests of organic citrus orchards in Jeju. This study was conducted to evaluate the stage-specific mortality effects of petroleum spray oil (PSO) (AI 95%) and lime sulfur (LSF) (AI 22%) against AHS and PCRM in the laboratory. The developmental stages of AHS were divided into the 1st nymph, the three sub-stages of the 2nd nymph (N2a = early soft body, N2b = hardened body, and N2c = late apolysis), and the two sub-stages of adult females (A3a = early age, and A3b = middle age). The developmental stages of PCRM were divided into eggs, the 2nd nymphs, and adults. PSO 100× and LSF 80× resulted in high mortality against the 1st nymphs of AHS. The effects of PSO and LSF were significantly different among the application rates on 2nd nymphs of AHS and were higher on N2a. The PSO and LSF treatments significantly affected egg hatch rate of PCRM: LSF 50× (2.4%), LSF 100× and PSO of 50× and 200× (17.8% to 20.4%), and LSF 200× (39.0%). PSO and LSF also significantly affected the mortality of the 2nd nymphs and adults of PCRM. PSO and LSF resulted in low direct mortality on A3a and A3b of AHS, but induced an abnormal morphology. PSO treatment resulted in a loose attachment of AHS scale cover on the leaf surface and LSF treatment resulted in an abnormal or lacking scale cover.  相似文献   

柿长绵粉蚧Phenacoccus pergandei Cockrell是近年来严重危害柿树的重要害虫。该虫在河南省郑州地区1年发生1代,以3龄若虫在枝条上和树皮缝中越冬。每年3月上旬越冬若虫开始为害,4月中旬雌成虫继续为害。4月下旬开始产卵,卵期约20d。5月上旬卵开始孵化,5月中旬为卵孵化盛期。幼虫有3个龄期,以3龄若虫于10月下旬开始越冬。7种药剂对柿长绵粉蚧的田间药效试验结果表明,40%杀扑磷乳油1000倍液、3%高渗苯氧威乳油1000倍液、25%噻嗪酮可湿性粉剂2000倍液对柿长绵粉蚧具有良好的防效,药后7d和药后15d的防效均达90%以上。  相似文献   

Seasonal abundance and activity of all the three post-embryogenic stages of Haemaphysalis longicornis, both feeding and free-living phases, were evaluated over a period of 2 years, from February 2008 to January 2010, in North China. Feeding ticks were removed weekly from head and ears of domestic sheep and the attachment sites of this tick were assessed coinstantaneously; free-living ticks were collected weekly in four habitat types by flag-dragging. The results suggested that H. longicornis mainly resides in shrubs and completes one generation per year with population attrition between stages. Infestation of nymphs was detected from March to September with highest peak between late April and early May; adults were detected from April to September with highest peak between late June and July, and an overwintering male population was found during late September to March; infestation of larvae was observed from June to October and peaked between middle August and early September. Most of this tick (91%) attached to head and ears of hosts. Additionally, we captured rodents from April to September 2008, but only a negligible number of nymphs were detected. This result suggested that rodents are not the principal hosts for this tick in the study area.  相似文献   

调查表明,厦门菩提皮粉虱若虫发生高峰期分别在8月上旬(8月1日)、8月下旬(8月29日)、9月下旬(9月28日)和11月中旬(11月12日),卵的高峰期出现在7月下旬(7月26日)、8月下旬(8月29日)、9月下旬(9月28日)和10月下旬(10月31日)。在厦门一年可发生5代,其中第四代虫口数量达到全年高峰,菩提皮粉虱12月中旬开始越冬。  相似文献   

斑翅肩花蝽Tetraphleps galchanoides Ghauri是铁杉球蚜Adelges tsugae Annand (hemlock woolly adelgid) 的重要天敌昆虫。在云南省兰坪县天生桥林区通过实验室和林间的饲养观察与测定、林间线路调查等方法, 研究了斑翅肩花蝽的生物学特性、生境及食性选择,并描述各虫态形态特征。斑翅肩花蝽在该林区一年发生2代, 无世代重叠, 寿命长。第1代(5月下旬至10月下旬)卵期13.8±1.6 d,若虫期97.6±7.4 d,成虫期55.2±4.7 d;第2代(11月中旬至翌年4月下旬)卵期11.3±1.1 d,若虫期105.7±8.5 d,成虫期60.4±5.3 d。若虫共5龄,以5龄若虫在云南铁杉Tsuga dumosa枝条树皮裂缝下或枯枝落叶层内越冬。雌雄成虫性比8.5∶1,雌雄成虫飞行缓慢,其飞行活动主要受到交尾、产卵、捕食铁杉球蚜补充营养的影响,多在树冠下层活动。该林区的斑翅肩花蝽最适生境选择: 海拔为2 851~2 980 m,云南铁杉密度为13.3~15.5株/100 m、郁闭度为0.61~0.70。以寄主铁杉球蚜及附近常见的冷杉球蚜Aphrastasia pectinatae (Cholodkovsky)、华山松球蚜Pineus armandicola Zhang和落叶松球蚜Adelges laricis Vall为食物进行选择性试验,结果表明,斑翅肩花蝽对这4种球蚜的选择性存在显著差异,最喜好捕食铁杉球蚜,可成为生物防治铁杉球蚜的主要天敌之一。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):311-317
Emergence of adult citrus gall wasp (CGW) Bruchophagus fellis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) in citrus orchards in far western New South Wales, Australia, was monitored with sticky traps for three seasons (2010 to 2012 inclusive). Emergence started from early October to early November, peaked from late October to mid-November, and was mostly finished by mid–late November. Emergence timing was mainly influenced by year and site, with the largest differences observed between years. Most emergence (90%) took place during an average period of only 19 days each season (range of 11–28 days across all trap types, sites and seasons). The role of temperature in emergence timing was investigated using a degree-day (DD) model. DD accumulated since 1 April using a lower threshold temperature of 15°C and an upper threshold temperature of 35°C or 40°C gave the best predictions of median emergence dates in the three years. The required DDs to achieve 5, 50, and 95% emergence were 336, 403 and 447 DD, respectively. The maximum difference between predicted and observed median dates for 2010–2012 was only four days. CGW adult emergence in future years can be predicted using these DD parameters and a combination of observed and average historical temperature data for the target site. Effective prediction of emergence peaks will allow the timing of pesticide applications to be optimised whilst providing protection for establishing parasitoids which emerge from the galls 2–3 weeks after citrus gall wasp.  相似文献   

Studies on the seasonal abundance and activity of larvae, nymphs and adults of Dermacentor silvarum (Ixodida: Ixodidae), both on and off the host, were carried out over a 2-year period from February 2008 to January 2010 in northern China. During the study period, feeding ticks were removed weekly from domestic sheep and free-living ticks were collected weekly by flag-dragging in four different habitat types. Rodents were captured and inspected for immature ticks from June to September 2008. The results of this study suggest that the ticks mainly reside in shrubs and complete only one generation per year with sequential seasonal distribution and little overlap between the activity of the larvae and nymphs. Adults were most prevalent from late February to late May and peaked in number in mid-April. Larvae were found from early June to early September and peaked in number in mid-July. Nymphs were mainly distributed from late June to late September and peaked in mid-August. Adult and nymphal D. silvarum were found primarily on the ears of sheep, but no larvae were found on sheep. Additionally, an overwintering male adult population was detected on sheep after October, but no free-living adults were found by dragging.  相似文献   

The Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is known to be the primary vector of pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer) Nickle that causes pine wilt disease. Adult activity of M. alternatus caught in a pheromone trap on Jeju Island of Korea showed a bimodal form with the first peak in mid to late June and the second peak in mid to late September. The two peaks were separated between mid and late August, showing a valley. Accumulated degree‐days predicted that the emergence of the second generation adults could be possible just before the second peak. But actually no adults of the second generation occurred in the field development experiments of M. alternatus in 2016 and 2017. Pine trees without oleoresin flow (namely dying trees by the infection of pinewood nematode) were abundant during early July to early August. The bimodal adult activity pattern of M. alternatus could be partially explained by the competitive attractiveness of dying trees against pheromone traps, when we accepted the assumption that dying pine trees attract strongly M. alternatus.  相似文献   

周晓榕  陈阳  郭永华  庞保平 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1598-1603
2010—2011年于内蒙古乌兰察布市四子王旗格根塔拉草原对亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus(B.-Bienko)种群动态进行了研究。结果表明,亚洲小车蝗种群空间格局为随机分布;亚洲小车蝗于6月中旬开始孵化出土,1~3龄蝗蝻高峰期在6月中下旬至7月初,终见期在7月下旬;4~5龄蝗蝻于6月下旬始见,高峰期在7月上中旬,终见期在7月末;成虫于7月上旬始见,高峰期在7月中旬至8月下旬,终见期在9月上旬。应用最优分割法将亚洲小车蝗种群动态划分为3个阶段:(1)6月中旬,为蝗蝻开始出土期,数量稀少,空间格局为聚集分布或随机分布;(2)6月下旬至7月上中旬,为蝗蝻发生盛期,密度低时为随机分布,密度高时为聚集分布;(3)7月中下旬至9月上旬,为成虫发生期,空间格局为随机分布。  相似文献   

西藏飞蝗的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李庆  封传红  张敏  蒋凡  杨刚  罗林明 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):210-213
西藏飞蝗Locusta.migratoria tibetensis Chen在四川甘孜州1年发生1代,某些地方(乡城县)1年发生不完整的2代,即以卵越冬,翌年3月下旬开始孵化出土,4月中、下旬为孵化盛期,1~3龄始盛期为4月中旬~5月中旬,高峰期为5月下旬,7月上旬初始羽化,7月下旬~8月上旬为羽化盛期,8月上旬始见产卵,8月下旬~9月上旬为产卵盛期,第1代成虫较早产下的卵块在条件适宜的情况下可于当年9月上旬孵化出土,但孵化出的蝗蝻不能越冬。该虫卵、全蝻期及全世代的发育起点温度分别为14.2,16.1,14.6℃,有效积温为179.1日.度、360.0日.度、787.8日.度。在18,21,24,27和30℃等5种恒温条件下其平均世代历期214.4,133.3,79.2,66.3和50.7d。  相似文献   

1 We assessed the importance of several factors potentially affecting the settlement rate of the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) on uninfested foliage of the eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis. We conducted our experiments in Massachusetts (U.S.A.) with overwintering sistens adelgids, and applied standard densities of infested foliage to uninfested branches in a planned multiple‐comparison design. 2 Settlement rates of progrediens crawlers produced by the overwintering sistens were highest when adelgid‐infested foliage was loosely attached to uninfested foliage and both branches were then enclosed in a mesh sleeve. 3 Early‐emerging crawlers settled at a higher rate than did late‐emerging crawlers. 4 Increasing the density of infested branches did not affect settlement rates. 5 We also tested whether less severe winter conditions improved settlement, and found that overwintering infested foliage in a refrigerator decreased settlement rate relative to foliage overwintered outdoors. 6 Our results suggest a protocol for adelgid inoculations that could substantially increase the success rate of experimental manipulations and encourage additional research on the population dynamics of this pest.  相似文献   

Field experiments in an area of south-western Australia where bush fly (Musca vetustissima) adults occur permanently, showed that it overwintered by continuous breeding; but only two to three generations occurred between June and September. Low survival of eggs and larvae in the food (cattle dung) from May to August was associated with rainfall rather than low temperatures. High egg-adult survival occurred in late August; lower egg and larval survival in September and early October was attributed partly to dung fauna. Egg and larval survival was high in late October until December but predation or parasitization caused low survival of puparia outside the dung. Experimental and wild adult flies were largest and therefore most fecund in early spring; smaller wild flies in late spring appeared to result from larval competition for food. Simultaneous high egg-adult survival, high fecundity and rapidly decreasing generation times in late winter and early spring provide a basis for explaining the major increase in adult bush fly abundance observed in some areas in mid-spring.  相似文献   

A three year study was carried out at Hoytville and at Wooster, Ohio, USA from 2006 to 2008 to investigate the influence of planting date, transgenic maize and hybrid maturity on Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner) population dynamics and oviposition patterns. Maize plants were planted in late April or early May, mid‐May and early June during each year. The moth flight pattern showed bivoltine generations during the three years. The first moth flight peaked in June, with the populations declining during July. The second moth flight peaked in August and declined towards the end of September or early October. Egg mass density did not differ significantly between transgenic and non‐transgenic maize of different maturities. Significant differences were observed, however, among planting dates, sampling dates, and sampling date × planting date interactions. Generally higher numbers of egg masses from second generation moths were deposited on late planted maize than middle and early plantings.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of Palpita nigropunctalis larvae was studied on five oleaceous tree species in Ibaraki, central Japan, for two years. The larval population peaked on some tree species in both spring and autumn while it peaked on other tree species only in autumn. In bimodal populations, the spring peaks consisted of larvae infesting leaves, while the autumn peaks consisted of larvae infesting various tree parts (flowers, fruits and leaves). Larval development was longer and pupal weights were lower on Ligustrum lucidum fruits than on Ligustrum japonicum fruits. Thus, L. japonicum fruits were suitable for larval development in autumn. First-instar larvae appeared to occur three times per year (in late April to early May, mid to late September and early to mid October). Adults were observed from late March to early April, mid May to early June, and early September to mid November at the census sites, showing that P. nigropunctalis had three generations a year. The percentage of females having premature ovaries were 64.3 and 12.5% at 15 °C under 14-h and 15-h photophases, respectively, and 28.6 and 25% at 20 °C under the respective photophases. These temperatures and photoperiods are typical of those in May and June in the census sites. The ovaries of females collected in the field between late May and mid July were premature, in agreement with the laboratory experiments. The pupal duration was prolonged under the short photoperiod, especially at reduced temperatures. We discuss a possible life cycle of P. nigropunctalis in Ibaraki.  相似文献   

Abstract In western North America, the tick Ixodes pacificus Cooley & Kohls (Acari: Ixodidae) is the primary vector to humans and domestic animals of the disease agents causing Lyme disease and granulocytic ehrlichiosis. We examined the seasonal activity patterns of I. pacificus nymphs over a 4‐year period, including the wet and cold El Niño winter/spring of 1998, in a dry oak/madrone woodland, and for one year in a cooler and moister redwood/tanoak woodland in Mendocino County, California. Linear regressions were used to estimate when nymphal densities first exceeded and then fell below 25, 50 and 75% of the recorded yearly peak densities. In oak/madrone woodland, nymphs typically were active by mid‐March, reached 50% of their yearly peak densities in early to mid‐April, peaked by early May, fell below 50% of their peak densities by early to mid‐June, and were absent by late July to mid‐August. The lengths of the periods with nymphal densities exceeding 50 and 75% of the recorded yearly peaks in oak/madrone woodland were associated positively with rainfall and negatively with maximum air temperatures during April–May. Moreover, nymphal numbers typically reached 50% of their peak 10–15 days later, remained at levels above 50% of the peak 1.3–1.5 times longer, and started declining 4–6 weeks later under cooler, moister climatic conditions (oak/madrone woodland in 1998 and redwood/tanoak woodland in 2000) relative to warmer, drier conditions (oak/madrone woodland in 2000–2001). In oak/madrone woodland, nymphal densities typically started to decline when mean maximum daily air temperatures exceeded 23°C. Nymphal densities were higher in dry oak/madrone relative to moist redwood/tanoak woodland from mid‐March to late May 2000, similar in both habitat types in early June, but higher in redwood/tanoak woodland from late June onwards. We conclude that large‐scale studies of the density of I. pacificus nymphs in California need to consider spatial variation in the length of nymphal activity periods and select temporal sampling regimens that yield representative data for all included habitat types.  相似文献   

The seasonal histories and phenological relationships of European corn borer,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), and its 2 parasitoids,Macrocentrus grandii (Goidanich) andEriborus terebrans (Gravenhorst) were studied in southcentral Minnesota. Both parasitoids overwintered in mature borer larvae, broke diapause, completed development, and emerged at the same time as did borer adults. Thus the 1st generation parasitoids coincided with the peak abundance of their preferred larval instars of the 1st host generation. Both parasitoids had a 2nd generation, matching the bivoltinism ofO. nubilatis in Minnesota. The activity of 2nd generationE. terebrans was before the peak 2nd generation borer moth flight and was not synchronized with the peak abundance of 2nd generation borer larvae. The peak activity of 2nd generationM. grandii occurred after the peak 2nd generation borer moth flight and was fully synchronized with the peak abundance of 2nd generation borer larvae. Thus,M. grandii has both generations synchronized with the host seasonal history, and was the more effective of the 2 parasitoids.  相似文献   

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