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Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 (NPC1L1) is a recently identified protein that mediates intestinal cholesterol absorption and regulates biliary cholesterol excretion. The itineraries and kinetics of NPC1L1 trafficking remain uncertain. In this study, we have visualized movement of NPC1L1-enhanced green fluorescent protein (NPC1L1-EGFP) and cholesterol analogs in hepatoma cells. At steady state, about 42% of NPC1L1 resided in the transferrin (Tf)-positive, sterol-enriched endocytic recycling compartment (ERC), whereas time-lapse microscopy demonstrated NPC1L1 traffic between the plasma membrane and the ERC. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching revealed rapid recovery (half-time approximately 2.5 min) of about 35% of NPC1L1 in the ERC, probably replenished from peripheral sorting endosomes. Acute cholesterol depletion blocked internalization of NPC1L1-EGFP and Tf and stimulated recycling of NPC1L1-EGFP from the ERC to the plasma membrane. NPC1L1-EGFP facilitated transport of fluorescent sterols from the plasma membrane to the ERC. Insulin induced translocation of vesicles containing NPC1L1 and fluorescent sterol from the ERC to the cell membrane. Upon polarization of hepatoma cells, NPC1L1 resided almost exclusively in the canalicular membrane, where the protein is highly mobile. Our study demonstrates dynamic trafficking of NPC1L1 between the cell surface and intracellular compartments and suggests that this transport is involved in NPC1L1-mediated cellular sterol uptake.  相似文献   

Transmission of HIV-1 via intercellular connections has been estimated as 100-1000 times more efficient than a cell-free process, perhaps in part explaining persistent viral spread in the presence of neutralizing antibodies. Such effective intercellular transfer of HIV-1 could occur through virological synapses or target-cell filopodia connected to infected cells. Here we report that membrane nanotubes, formed when T cells make contact and subsequently part, provide a new route for HIV-1 transmission. Membrane nanotubes are known to connect various cell types, including neuronal and immune cells, and allow calcium-mediated signals to spread between connected myeloid cells. However, T-cell nanotubes are distinct from open-ended membranous tethers between other cell types, as a dynamic junction persists within T-cell nanotubes or at their contact with cell bodies. We also report that an extracellular matrix scaffold allows T-cell nanotubes to adopt variably shaped contours. HIV-1 transfers to uninfected T cells through nanotubes in a receptor-dependent manner. These data lead us to propose that HIV-1 can spread using nanotubular connections formed by short-term intercellular unions in which T cells specialize.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to follow fusion of individual pseudotyped virus expressing HIV-1 Env to cells by time-resolved fluorescence microscopy. Viral envelopes were labeled with a fluorescent lipid dye (DiD) and virus content was rendered visible by incorporating a Gag-GFP chimera. The Gag-GFP is naturally cleaved to the much smaller NC-GFP fragment in the mature virions. NC-GFP was readily released upon permeabilization of the viral envelope, whereas the capsid was retained. The NC-GFP thus provides a relatively small and mobile aqueous marker to follow viral content transfer. In fusion experiments, virions were bound to cells at low temperature, and fusion was synchronously triggered by a temperature jump. DiD transferred from virions to cells without a significant lag after the temperature jump. Some virions released DiD but retained NC-GFP. Surprisingly, the fraction of lipid mixing events yielding NC-GFP transfer was dependent on the type of target cell: of three infectable cell lines, only one permitted NC-GFP transfer within minutes of raising temperature. NC-GFP release did not correlate with the level of CD4 or coreceptor expression in the target cells. The data indicate that fusion pores formed by HIV-1 Env can remain small for a relatively long time before they enlarge.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells (EC) participate in inflammatory and immune reactions by producing and responding to soluble mediators. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 profoundly alters the features of EC. In some anatomical districts, they are infected by the virus and may represent a relevant reservoir. During lymphomononuclear cell diapedesis, EC activate virus replication in crossing cells. Direct or indirect damage of EC is particularly relevant in central nervous system, where blood-brain barrier perturbation is pivotal in neuronal degeneration. The observed alterations of EC adhesive properties contribute in altered leukocyte traffic from blood to lymphoid organs and tissues and play a role in the onset of immune surveillance alteration. These alterations of EC functions are relevant for the general vasculopathy, which marks the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and in particular are instrumental in the pathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma. Here we discuss the biological and molecular activation of EC in HIV-1 infection that represents the basis to understand the pathogenesis of HIV-1 associated vascular diseases.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoproteins of primate lentiviruses, including human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV), are heterodimers of a transmembrane glycoprotein (usually gp41), and a surface glycoprotein (gp120), which binds CD4 on target cells to initiate viral entry. We have used electron tomography to determine the three-dimensional architectures of purified SIV virions in isolation and in contact with CD4+ target cells. The trimeric viral envelope glycoprotein surface spikes are heterogeneous in appearance and typically approximately 120 A long and approximately 120 A wide at the distal end. Docking of SIV or HIV-1 on the T cell surface occurs via a neck-shaped contact region that is approximately 400 A wide and consistently consists of a closely spaced cluster of five to seven rod-shaped features, each approximately 100 A long and approximately 100 A wide. This distinctive structure is not observed when viruses are incubated with T lymphocytes in the presence of anti-CD4 antibodies, the CCR5 antagonist TAK779, or the peptide entry inhibitor SIVmac251 C34. For virions bound to cells, few trimers were observed away from this cluster at the virion-cell interface, even in cases where virus preparations showing as many as 70 envelope glycoprotein trimers per virus particle were used. This contact zone, which we term the "entry claw", provides a spatial context to understand the molecular mechanisms of viral entry. Determination of the molecular composition and structure of the entry claw may facilitate the identification of improved drugs for the inhibition of HIV-1 entry.  相似文献   

Retroviral Gag proteins are membrane-bound polyproteins that are necessary and sufficient for virus-like particle (VLP) formation. It is not known how Gag traffics through the cell or how the site of particle production is determined. Here we use two techniques, biarsenical/tetracysteine (TC) labeling and release from a cycloheximide block, to follow the trafficking of newly synthesized HIV-1 Gag. Gag first appears diffusely distributed in the cytosol, accumulates in perinuclear clusters, passes transiently through a multivesicular body (MVB)-like compartment, and then travels to the plasma membrane (PM). Sequential passage of Gag through these temporal intermediates was confirmed by live cell imaging. Induction of a transient rise in cytoplasmic calcium increased the amounts of Gag, Gag assembly intermediates and VLPs in MVBs, and resulted in a dramatic increase in VLP release. These results define an intracellular trafficking pathway for HIV-1 Gag that uses perinuclear compartments and the MVB as trafficking intermediates. We propose that the regulation of Gag association with MVB-like compartments regulates the site of HIV-1 budding and particle formation.  相似文献   

Identifying the membrane proteome of HIV-1 latently infected cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Profiling integral plasma membrane proteins is of particular importance for the identification of new biomarkers for diagnosis and for drug development. We report in this study the identification of surface markers by performing comparative proteomics of established human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) latent cell models and parental cell lines. To this end we isolated integral membrane proteins using a biotin-directed affinity purification method. Isolated proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) after in gel digestion. Seventeen different proteins were found to vary on the surface of T-cells due to HIV-1 infection. Of these proteins, 47% were integral membrane proteins, and 18% were membrane-associated. Through the use of complementary techniques such as Western blotting and fluorescent staining, we confirmed the differential expression of some of the proteins identified by MALDI-TOF including Bruton's tyrosine kinase and X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis. Finally, using phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors and flavopiridol to inhibit Bruton's tyrosine kinase localization at the membrane and X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein expression, respectively, we showed that HIV-1 latently infected cells are more sensitive to these drugs than uninfected cells. This suggests that HIV-1 latently infected cells may be targeted with drugs that alter several pathways that are essential for the establishment and maintenance of latency.  相似文献   

This overview summarizes the data for how epithelial cells sort and deliver proteins and lipids to the apical and basolateral cell surface domains. The basolateral pathway uses a Rab-SNARE mechanism for docking and fusion, while the apical route employs a different machinery. This latter mechanism is based on lipid microdomains, composed of clusters of sphingolipids and cholesterol, which function as rafts for apical delivery. The sphingolipid-cholesterol raft mechanism seems to be employed generally by mammalian cells to transport raft-associated proteins to their post-Golgi destinations.  相似文献   

The acquisition of dendritic cell (DC) molecules by T cells has been previously reported. However, it remains unclear whether the transfer is only mono- or bidirectional. In this study, we incubated CMFDA-labeled ovalbumin (OVA)-pulsed DC2.4 (DC2.4(OVA)) cells with Dil-labeled OT II CD4(+) T cells and analyzed the potential bidirectional molecule transfer. We also assessed the distribution of internalized membrane using two engineered DC2.4/Ia(b)GFP and MF4/TCRCFP DC lines. Our findings showed that membrane molecule transfer is bidirectional. CD4(+) T cells acquired Ia(b), CD11c, CD40, and CD80 from DC2.4(OVA) cells, and conversely DC2.4(OVA) cells took up CD4, CD25, CD69, and T cell receptor from T cells. The internalized molecules acquired by T cells and DCs mostly localized in endosomes and lysosomes, respectively. Taken together, this study demonstrated a novel phenomenon of bidirectional membrane molecule transfer between DCs and T cells.  相似文献   

A peptide epitope from the gag protein of SIV and from HIV-1 is described which is presented by a cynomolgus macaque MHC molecule and with HLA B14. Comparisons were drawn between recognition of this peptide and that of a second peptide defined in SIV and HIV-2 which has been reported to be presented by the rhesus macaque molecule MaMuA01 and HLA B53 respectively.  相似文献   

To maintain polarity, epithelial cells continuously sort transmembrane proteins to the apical or basolateral membrane domains during biosynthetic delivery or after internalization. During biosynthetic delivery, some cargo proteins move from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) into recycling endosomes (RE) before being delivered to the plasma membrane. However, proteins that regulate this transport step remained elusive. In this study, we show that Rab13 partially colocalizes with TGN38 at the TGN and transferrin receptors in RE. Knockdown of Rab13 with short hairpin RNA in human bronchial epithelial cells or overexpression of dominant-active or dominant-negative alleles of Rab13 in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells disrupts TGN38/46 localization at the TGN. Moreover, overexpression of Rab13 mutant alleles inhibits surface arrival of proteins that move through RE during biosynthetic delivery (vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein [VSVG], A-VSVG, and LDLR-CT27). Importantly, proteins using a direct route from the TGN to the plasma membrane are not affected. Thus, Rab13 appears to regulate membrane trafficking between TGN and RE.  相似文献   

Although implied by other models, proof that Langerhans cells (LCs) in the human vagina participate in dissemination of infectious human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been lacking. Here, we show that LCs migrate from HIV-1-exposed vaginal epithelia and pass infectious virus to CD4+ T cells without being productively infected themselves, and we point to a pathway that might enable HIV-1 to avoid degradation in vaginal LCs. Transport by migratory LCs to local lymphatics in a nonproductive but infectious form may aid HIV-1 in evasion of topical microbicides that target its intracellular productive life cycle.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120-induced apoptosis of bystander T cells is not well defined. Here, we demonstrate that CD45, a key component of the T cell receptor pathway, plays a crucial role in apoptosis induced by HIV-1 gp120. We observed that HIV-1 gp120-induced apoptosis was significantly reduced in a CD45-deficient cell line and that reconstitution of CD45 in these cells restored gp120-induced apoptosis. However, expression of a chimeric protein containing only the intracellular phosphatase domain was not able to restore the apoptotic function in the CD45-negative clone, indicating an important role for the extracellular domain of CD45 in this function. The role of CD45 in gp120-induced apoptosis was further confirmed in T cell lines and peripheral blood mononuclear cells using a selective CD45 inhibitor as well as CD45-specific small interfering RNA. We also observed that gp120 treatment induced CD45 association with the HIV coreceptor CXCR4. Further elucidation of downstream signaling events revealed that CD45 modulates HIV-1 gp120-induced apoptosis by regulating Fas ligand induction and activation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway. These results suggest a novel CD45-mediated mechanism for the HIV envelope-induced apoptosis of T cells.  相似文献   

Immature dendritic cells are among the first cells infected by retroviruses after mucosal exposure. We explored the effects of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) and its Tat transactivator on these primary antigen-presenting cells using DNA microarray analysis and functional assays. We found that HIV-1 infection or Tat expression induces interferon (IFN)-responsive gene expression in immature human dendritic cells without inducing maturation. Among the induced gene products are chemokines that recruit activated T cells and macrophages, the ultimate target cells for the virus. Dendritic cells in the lymph nodes of macaques infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) have elevated levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein 2 (MCP-2), demonstrating that chemokine induction also occurs during retroviral infection in vivo. These results show that HIV-1 Tat reprograms host dendritic cell gene expression to facilitate expansion of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Regulation of membrane trafficking in polarized epithelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polarized epithelial cells continuously sort transmembrane proteins to either apical or basolateral plasma membrane domains. Research in recent years has made tremendous progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the major pathways to either basolateral or apical domain. This understanding will help us elucidating how these pathways are interconnected in ensuring maintenance of cell polarity and integrity of epithelial monolayers.  相似文献   

The regulation of membrane trafficking is thought to be predominantly under the control of agonist-receptor transduction pathways. In the present study, osmomechanical stress due to swelling, a condition often accompanying cell activation, was shown to induce multiple membrane trafficking pathways in polarized absorptive epithelial cells in the absence of agonists. Osmomechanical stress activated rapidly (seconds) pathways of calcium-dependent membrane insertion into the basolateral domain, pathways of calcium-independent membrane retrieval from the basolateral domain, and a novel pathway of transcytosis (transcellular) between basolateral and apical cell domains. These pathways appear to underlie the transfer and regulation of transport proteins amongst cell compartments. This broad affect of osmomechanical stress on trafficking pathways may reflect a global mechanism for redistribution of transport proteins and other membrane components amongst cell compartments during states of mechanical stress.  相似文献   

The gp41 envelope protein mediates entry of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) into the cell by promoting membrane fusion. The crystal structure of a gp41 ectodomain core in its fusion-active state is a six-helix bundle in which a N-terminal trimeric coiled coil is surrounded by three C-terminal outer helices in an antiparallel orientation. Here we demonstrate that the N34(L6)C28 model of the gp41 core is stabilized by interaction with the ionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or the nonionic detergent n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (betaOG). The high resolution x-ray structures of N34(L6)C28 crystallized from two different detergent micellar media reveal a six-helix bundle conformation very similar to that of the molecule in water. Moreover, N34(L6)C28 adopts a highly alpha-helical conformation in lipid vesicles. Taken together, these results suggest that the six-helix bundle of the gp41 core displays substantial affinity for lipid bilayers rather than unfolding in the membrane environment. This characteristic may be important for formation of the fusion-active gp41 core structure and close apposition of the viral and cellular membranes for fusion.  相似文献   

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