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R. Levy 《Andrologie》1999,9(4):449-458
It has become clear in recent years that programmed cell death occurs spontaneously in the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Induced germ cell apoptosis occurs at specific stages of the spermatogenic cycle and the existence of supracellular control of germ cell death during spermatogenesis has been documented. If apoptosis is a key phenomenon in the control of sperm production, the existence and role of apoptosis in ejaculated sperm cells remain controversial. Apoptosis — as determined by DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) and ultrastructural analysis — is abnormally frequent in the sperm cells of the ejaculate of sterile men with classical biochemical and ultrastructural pattern. In this review, we discuss the possible origins of DNA damage in ejaculated human spermatozoa and the consequences of DNA damage if the apoptotic spermatozoa is used for ICSI. Percentages of DNA fragmentation in human ejaculated sperm are correlated with fertilization rates both after FIV and ICSI. Detection of DNA fragmentation in human sperm could provide additional information about the biochemical integrity of sperm and may be used in future studies for fertilization failures not explained by conventional sperm parameters. However, the analysis of other molecular markers of apoptosis (Fas, Annexine V ...) is necessary to assess the role of apoptosis in human ejaculated sperm cells.  相似文献   

Résumé En irradiant (500 kR) une fraction seulement du volume cellulaire de la cellule internodale deNitella, il est possible de distinguer au cours des phénomènes de restauration du mouvement cytoplasmique ceux qui dépendent de Pendoplasme (observation de la cyclose dans la zone protégée) et ceux qui dépendent de l'ectoplasme siège de la force motrice (observation de la cyclose dans la zone irradiée).Dans la zone protégée, la vitesse de la fraction endoplasmique irradiée se rétablit en fonction du temps suivant une équation du second ordre. L'augmentation du volume irradié diminue la rapidité du premier des deux processus de restauration et la quantité d'endoplasme qui reste altérée s'accroît.Dans la zone irradiée, le courant cytoplasmique est suspendu; il ne reprend que 4 minutes après le traitement alors que la couche chloroplastique se réorganise. Le glissement des inclusions qu'il charrie se fait un certain temps par saccades. La vitesse de la fraction endoplasmique protégée y augmente régulièrement témoignant ainsi du rétablissement de la force motrice. Le rétablissement a lieu suivant un schéma analogue à celui de Pendoplasme irradié sauf que ce phénomène y est plus rapide et que la force motrice du moins pendant les premières heures se rétablit intégralement. Ces résultats sont discutés (rôle des groupes SH, effet indirect d'empoisonnement, nature des lésions) et comparés à ceux obtenus pour des cellules irradiées in toto.
Cytoplasm and motive force separated recovery during the re-establishment of the gyclosis in irradiatedNitella cells
Summary In these experiments onNitella internodal cells, only a fraction of the cellular volume is irradiated (by 500 kR). The restoring of the endoplasm (by measurement of the cyclosis in the shielded zone) and the restoring of the ectoplasm where the motive force is generated (by measurement of the cyclosis in the irradiated zone) can be examinated separately during the recovery of the cytoplasmic streaming.In the shielded zone, the plot on a semi-logarithmic scale of a typical rate of streaming-time curve shows that the speed of the irradiated endoplasm. increases again according to a second order equation. With increasing irradiated cellular volume, there are a gradual slowing down of the first processus of restauration and an increase of the definitively altered fraction of the endoplasm.In the irradiated zone, the cytoplasmic streaming stopped completely. About 4 minutes after the treatment, when the chloroplasts layer is reorganising, it exhibits a tendency to flow again. The carried inclusions slide then in jerks during several minutes. The rate of the protected fraction of the endoplasm increases regularly, proving the recovery of the motive force. An analysis of this processus versus time shows that it can be exprimed by a second order equation as that of the irradiated endoplasm. But it is faster and the motive force resumes until full recovery (at least during the first hours).These results are discussed (importance of SH-groups, indirect poisoning effect, kind of lesions) and compared with those observed in completely irradiated cells.

Penile amputation due to circumcision is a tragic complication in which the operator is responsible. The current treatment is based on microsurgical replantation methods by anastomosing penile dorsal vessels and nerves. We report a new case of penile glans amputation due to circumcision in a 6-year-old boy. Replantation was done without microvascular and nerves anastomosis. After 7 months of treatment, the final result was found to be good in terms of the urinary stream, erectile function, sensitivity and morphological aspect of the glans.  相似文献   

The nature and content of free sterols, analyzed by MIKE spectrometry, were investigated in in vitro cultures submitted to different light regimes with or without the addition of exogenous mycosporin. The sterol composition was related to varying degrees of induced sexual morphogenesis, particularly when mycosporin was added to the nutrient medium.  相似文献   

Subtle motor, emotional, cognitive and behavioural abnormalities are often present in apparently healthy children and adolescents who later develop schizophrenia. This suggests that some aspects of causation are established long before psychosis becomes manifest. We aim to assess the factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia focusing mainly on genetic factors, pregnancy and delivery complications, early development and scholastic performance, as well as later educational, social and health consequences. This is done by reviewing the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, its scientific activities, publications and work in progress.  相似文献   

Résumé Par la technique de Falck et Hillarp, nous avons étudié la localisation des monoamines indoliques et catéchniques épiphysaires durant la vie pré- et postnatale, chez Lacerta vivipara. A partir du stade 36 de l'embryogenèse, le traitement par les vapeurs de paraformaldéhyde induit en U.V. une fluorescence jaune, labile, dans l'épithélium épiphysaire dont la localisation est étudiée en fonction de la différenciation épiphysaire. L'analyse microspectrofluorimétrique des fluorophores jaunes permet de garantir, à tous les stades de la vie, un stockage de 5-HT et peut-être de 5-HTP, dans les cellules de type photorécepteur rudimentaire sécrétoire. Chez l'embryon, la confrontation des recherches histochimiques et ultrastructurale montre que les cellules «interstitielles» de type épendymaire (= «cellules de soutien») jouent un rôle dans le captage des acides aminés, dont les précurseurs de la sérotonine.Grâce à la technique de culture des embryons, en chambre noire, l'application de traitements pharmacologiques renseigne sur les modalités d'incorporation, et de stockage des dérivés indoliques. Le problème des systèmes enzymatiques impliqués dans la biosynthèse et le catabolisme de la sérotonine est discuté chez l'embryon.La fluorescence verte des fibres nerveuses pinéalopètes n'apparaît qu'au stade 39. L'analyse microspectrofluorimétrique des fluorophores verts, chez l'adulte, montre que le neurotransmetteur de ces fibres est la noradrénaline. L'apparition de la sérotonine et de ses rythmes éventuels ne dépendent donc pas de l'innervation adrénergique, aux jeunes stades de la vie embryonnaire.Dans les conditions normales et expérimentales, les monoamines (5-HTP, 5-HT et catécholamines) ne peuvent pas être mises en évidence dans l'oeil pariétal embryonnaire.
Monoamines in the pineal organ and the parietal eye of Lacerta vivipara A fluorescence microscopic and microspectrofluorometric study
Summary The distribution of monoamines (indole- and catecholamines) was studied in the pre- and postnatal pineal organ of the lizard Lacerta vivipara (J.) using fluorescence histochemistry. After formaldehyde treatment, a yellow (U.V.-labile) fluorescence first appears at stage 36 in the parenchyma. The distribution of this fluorescence is considered with regard to cellular differentiation. Microspectrofluorometric analysis of the yellow fluorophores shows a storage of 5-HT, and possibly 5-HTP, in secretory rudimentary photoreceptors throughout life.The fluorescence histochemistry and electron microscopy of the embryonic pineal organ indicates that the interstitial cells of the ependymal type play a role in the uptake of tryptophan and 5-HTP (precursors of serotonin).Dark chamber culture of embryos was used to clarify the incorporation and storage of indole compounds. The presence of enzymatic systems, involved in the metabolism of indoleamines is discussed.From stage 39 onwards a green fluorescence can be demonstrated in sympathetic nerve fibres running in the pineal capsule. Microspectrofluorometric analysis of the green fluorophores in the adult showed noradrénaline to be the normal neurotransmitter. Evidently the appearance of 5-HT during embryonic life does not depend on the adrenergic innervation of the pineal organ.In normal and experimental series, monoamines could not be demonstrated in the embryonic pariétal eye.
Que le Dr. Björklund (Institute of Anatomy and Histology, University of Lund, Lund) trouve ici l'expression de notre profonde reconnaissance, pour avoir accepté de nous conseiller dans l'application de la technique microspectrofluorimétrique et dans la correction des courbes.Ce travail doit également à la collaboration technique de Mme. Benay, et à Frl. Vaihinger pour la réalisation des schémas. Nous remercions également la firme Beckman (BRD) qui nous a autorisé à modifier l'un de ses schémas, concernant le microspectrophotomètre MS 1206, la firme Leitz (BRD) qui nous a procuré une lampe à tungstène calibrée et les Laboratoires CIBA, PFIZER-CLIN et ROCHE (France) qui nous ont gracieusement fourni des drogues.Avec l'aide de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Round spermatids are post-meiotic cells with a haploid genome contained in a nucleus, with a structure initially similar to that of the somatic cell nucleus. During spermatogenesis, the spermatid nucleus undergoes drastic remodelling during which it first elongates and then condenses into the very specific and tightly packaged structure of the sperm nucleus. During this remodelling dthe histones are replaced by transition proteins, which, in turn, are replaced by protamines, the specific nuclear proteins of the spermatozoa. Immediately prior to their replacement, the histones are hyperacetylated. The first part of our work was to precisely characterise the changes in histone acetylation during murine spermatogenesis. We have shown that the core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are hyperacetylated in the elongating spermatids. We have also shown that these changes in acetylation are associated with degradation of the enzymes responsible for histone deacetylation, histone deacetylases or HDACs, while histone acetyl transferases are still present in these cells. The histone acetylation pattern was also investigated during human spermatogenesis, revealing that histone hyperacetylation in the nucleus of elongating spermatids, which appears to be conserved during the course of evolution, also occurs during human spermatogenesis. Moreover, our data obtained from the testes of men with severely altered spermatogenesis, including SCO syndromes (Sertoli Cells Only Syndromes), show that a global hyperacetylation of the Sertoli cell nuclei is associated with an absence of meiotic and post-meiotic cells. This suggests that the global histone acetylation variations observed during spermatogenesis are part of a signalling pathway involving germ cell — Sertoli cell communication. Altogether, these data provide a basis for a better understanding of the mechanisms and identification of the factors involved in post-meiotic remodelling of chromatin.  相似文献   

Charles Kaminski 《Planta》1971,99(1):63-72
Summary The specific peroxidase ( and phenoloxidase ( activities are quantitatively measured during the life of Coleus, from germination until flowering. In most organs investigated, the peroxidase activity increases rapidly with growth while the phenoloxidase activity remains low. The latter activity is higher in root apices than in more differentiated regions of roots. From the results obtained it may be concluded that the phenoloxidase activity accompanies cellular proliferation. It is suggested that the peroxidase activity plays an indirect role in root initiation through its role in cellular differentiation.

Extrait d'une thèse de doctorat soutenue à la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Liège.  相似文献   

Glucose derivatives of hydroxycinnamic acids have been identified in tomato fruits either as esters or glucosides, the latter always being the most abundant and increasing during growth and at the time of ripening. These compounds can be synthesized in vitro by a fruit glucosyltransferase from free hydroxycinnamic acids and UDPG; glucosides are always formed in higher amounts than esters.  相似文献   

Peroxidase catalase, IAA-oxidase and polyphenol content of growing barley coleoptile. Effect of kinetin. - Kinetin strongly inhibits root and coleoptile growth of germinating barley in the dark. Treated coleoptiles become senescent before the untreated ones. Soluble proteins content, peroxidase, catalase and IAA-oxidase activity were greatly increased in treated coleoptiles while the level of polyphenols was reduced. These biochemical effects joined with the other property of kinetin to diminish α-amylase synthesis in the endosperm are discussed in relation to growth and in connection with the classic view of a cytokinin retarded senescence.  相似文献   

Résumé Les cellules cartilagineuses des membres postérieurs deTriturus cristatus en régénération après amputation, ont été étudiées en microscopie électronique et par cytophotométrie à balayage. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la structure et à la distribution de la chromatine mais aussi à différents organites cytoplasmiques. Dans l'étude de cytophotométrie à balayage, la chromatine a été considérée à travers son constituant majeur, l'ADN, coloré par la réaction de Feulgen. Au cours de la régénération du membre, l'hétérochromatine initialement condensée, essentiellement accolée à la membrane nucléaire se décondense. Les vacuoles du cytoplasme, caractéristiques des animaux âgés par rapport aux animaux jeunes, disparaissent, les mitochondries et le reticulum endoplasmique rugueux deviennent plus abondants. Les caractéristiques nucléaires de l'activation cellulaire apparaissent précocement, précédent les modifications cytoplasmiques et conduisent à des cellules en tous points identiques aux cellules d'animaux jeunes en dehors de tout processus régénératif. Cette phase d'euchromatisation et de restructuration cytoplasmique est peut-être nécessaire à l'accroissement d'activité métabolique et à la division cellulaire qui suivent. Son déroulement peut expliquer tout au moins le ralentissement de la régénération observé chez les animaux âgés par rapport aux animaux jeunes.
Electron microscopic and scanning cytophotometric study of chromatin structure and distribution in nuclei of cartilaginous cells of agedTriturus cristatus during regeneration
Summary Cartilaginous cells of aged newts (Triturus cristatus) were studied during hind limb regeneration. The electron microscope was used to study the structure and distribution of chromatin in the cell nuclei, while the DNA content of the chromatin was measured by means of a scanning cytophotometer.Changes in the ultrastructure of the cytoplasm during regeneration were also studied.It was observed that the structure and distribution of chromatin in the activated cell is greatly modified. In the non-activated cell of the aged newt, the chromatin is found highly condensed and distributed peripherally close to the nuclear membrane. In contrast, in the activated cells, the chromatin is much less condensed and is distributed throughout the nucleus. Moreover, cytoplasmic vacuoles, found only in the non-activated aged cells, disappear and an increase in the mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum is also observed.Changes in the nuclear structure are observed prior to the cytoplasmic modifications.It is interesting to note that the process of activation induces structural changes in the aged cells which make these cells appear to be structurally identical to the young cells. This process of rejuvenation takes 3–5 days in the newt.We suggest that these structural changes of the chromatin and cytoplasm in the aged cells are necessary to increase the metabolic activity which precedes cell division. It may also explain why regeneration takes a longer time in the aged animals than in the young ones.

Résumé Nous avons montré, à l'aide d'actinomycine tritiée, que cet inhibiteur pénètre en quantité égale dans les cellules de planaires adultes qui ne régéénèrent pas en présence de fortes concentrations (50 g/cm3) et dans celles de jeunes planaires qui peuvent former un blastème en présence d'actinomycine D, malgré l'inhibition de nouvelles synthèses d'ARN qui en résulte. Chez les jeunes, le taux de pénétration de l'antibiotique est comparable dans les noyaux des cellules indifférenciées qui participent à la formation du blastème et dans les noyaux des cellules différenciées. Les noyaux à nucléoles dissociés ne sont pas plus radioactifs que les noyaux où le nucléole est seulement appauvri en granulations. La radioactivité diminue uniformément dans toutes les cellules si les animaux sont remis en élevage dans l'eau. La radioactivité cytoplasmique observée est probablement due à la nature des fixateurs qui favorisent la rétention de molécules non liées.Nous pouvons conclure que les noyaux de toutes les catégories cellulaires présentent la même perméabilité à l'actinomycine. Celle-ci est présente dans les cellules de régénération des jeunes qui édifient cependant un blastème où le taux de synthèse des protéines est au même niveau que dans une régénération normale.
On the action of actinomycin D on the cellular differentiation during the regeneration in Planarians
Summary 3H actinomycin inhibitor of RNA synthesis enters equally cells of adult planarians which never regenerate when applying the drug at high concentration (50 g/cm3), and young planarians which can form a blastem in the same solution; regeneration occurs despite of the inhibition of new RNA synthesis which ensues.Ultrastructural histoautoradiographs of newly hatched Planarian tissues show that this drug enters equally nuclei of undifferentiated cells which make up the blastem of regeneration and whose nucleoli are not dissociated, and nuclei of differentiated cells whose nucleoli are very often dissociated. The radioactivity is very often located upon heterochromatin. After return of the animals into water, radioactivity becomes reduced evenly in all cells.The cytoplasmic radioactivity that we have observed probably depends on the nature of fixatives which favour the retention of non linked molecules.We can conclude that the nuclei of all cells have the same permeability to actinomycin D, whatever the state of morphological differentiation. The inhibitor is present within the regeneration cells of young Planarians which build a blastem wherein the rate of protein synthesis is at the same level as in normal regenerating tissues.

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