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Nevskia ramosa, a bacterium that is very difficult to grow in artificial culture media in its recognizable and natural habit was induced to grow and multiply rapidly in mixed culture in an amended ASM medium. ASM liquid medium, an inorganic mineral medium, amended with 0.5 g ml-1 of nitrapyrin and various levels of ammonium chloride (25–100 M) produced very significant enrichment of Nevskia ramosa within 24 h, permitting formation of its characteristic bushy dichotomously branched, stalked colonies with the bacterial cells at the apices of branches. ASM medium amended with either nitrapyrin or ammonium singly failed to produce growth of N. ramosa. The nitrapyrinammonium combination in ASM medium also produced a significant increase in growth of other heterotrophic bacteria. Our results should be of value to bacteriologists interested in studying N. ramosa, a species which has received little attention thus far.  相似文献   

Two heterotrophic bacteria that oxidized thiosulfate to tetrathionate were isolated from soil. The enzyme system in one of the isolates (C-3) was constitutive, but in the other isolate (A-50) it was induced by thiosulfate or tetrathionate. The apparent K(m) for oxygen for thiosulfate oxidation by A-50 was about 223 mum, but, for lactate oxidation by A-50 or thiosulfate oxidation by C-3, the apparent K(m) for oxygen was below 2 mm. The oxidation of thiosulfate by A-50 was first order with respect to oxygen from 230 mum. The rate of oxidation was greatest at pH 6.3 to 6.8 and at about 10 mm thiosulfate, and it was strongly inhibited by several metal-binding reagents. Extracts of induced A-50 reduced ferricyanide, endogenous cytochrome c, and mammalian cytochrome c in the presence of thiosulfate. A-50, once induced to oxidize thiosulfate, also reduced tetrathionate to thiosulfate in the presence of an electron donor such as lactate. The optimal pH for this reaction was at 8.5 to 9.5, and the reaction was first order with respect to tetrathionate. There was no correlation between the formation of the thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme of A-50 and the incorporation of thiosulfate-sulfur into cell sulfur. Thiosulfate did not affect the growth rate or yield of A-50.  相似文献   

Oxidative consumption of nitric oxide by heterotrophic bacteria in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Uptake rate constants for nitric oxide were measured in a neutral calcic cambisol (KBE) and an acidic luvisol (PBE). The NO uptake was higher under oxic than under anoxic incubation conditions by a factor of about three. Gassing the soils with air containing 10 ppmv NO resulted in the accumulation of nitrate which accounted for 57–94% of the NO consumed. Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria were isolated on glucose-yeast extract medium from soil dilutions corresponding to a most probable number of 108–109 bacteria per gram dry weight soil. One of the isolates (strain PS88, a Pseudomonas sp.) exhibited NO consumption activity that was much higher under oxic than anoxic incubation conditions. When sterile KBE amended with strain PS88 was gassed with air containing 10 ppmv NO, 88% of the consumed NO was recovered as nitrate and nitrite. A screening of various bacteria obtained from culture collections showed a widespread ability for consumption of low NO concentrations. Our results indicate that NO consumption in soil is not only possible by reductive denitrification, but also by oxidation due to aerobic heterotrophic bacteria such as strain PS88.  相似文献   

Competitive relationships between antibiotic-producing marine bacteria and other non-producers were studied in seawater mixed cultures. Producer strains showed a competitive advantage against non-producers as the latter were inhibited after a short time. Inhibition was also noted in mixed cultures of two producer strains. The inhibitory effect was not observed in a mixed culture with two non-producers, which indicates that an amensalist interaction occurred between populations of antibiotic-producing and non-producing marine bacteria. The results suggest that antibiotics could play an important role in the competitive relationships between marine bacterial populations.  相似文献   

M.L. LEMOS. C.P. DOPAZO, ALICIA E. TORANZO AND J. L. BARJA. 1991. Competitive relationships between antibiotic-producing marine bacteria and other non-producers were studied in seawater mixed cultures. Producer strains showed a competitive advantage against non-producers as the latter were inhibited after a short time. Inhibition was also noted in mixed cultures of two producer strains. The inhibitory effect was not observed in a mixed culture with two non-producers, which indicates that an amensalist interaction occurred between populations of antibiotic-producing and non-producing marine bacteria. The results suggest that antibiotics could play an important role in the competitive relationships between marine bacterial populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We investigated the feeding of the small heterotrophic dinoflagellates (HTDs) Oxyrrhis marina , Gyrodinium cf. guttula , Gyrodinium sp., Pfiesteria piscicida , and Protoperidinium bipes on marine heterotrophic bacteria. To investigate whether they are able to feed on bacteria, we observed the protoplasm of target heterotrophic dinoflagellate cells under an epifluorescence microscope and transmission electron microscope. In addition, we measured ingestion rates of the dominant heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Gyrodinium spp., on natural populations of marine bacteria (mostly heterotrophic bacteria) in Masan Bay, Korea in 2006–2007. Furthermore, we measured the ingestion rates of O. marina , G . cf. guttula , and P. piscicida on bacteria as a function of bacterial concentration under laboratory conditions. All HTDs tested were able to feed on a single bacterium. Oxyrrhis marina and Gyrodinium spp. intercepted and then ingested a single bacterial cell in feeding currents that were generated by the flagella of the predators. During the field experiments, the ingestion rates and grazing coefficients of Gyrodinium spp. on natural populations of bacteria were 14–61 bacteria/dinoflagellate/h and 0.003–0.972 day−1, respectively. With increasing prey concentration, the ingestion rates of O. marina , G . cf. guttula , and P. piscicida on bacteria increased rapidly at prey concentrations of ca 0.7–2.2 × 106 cells/ml, but increased only slowly or became saturated at higher prey concentrations. The maximum ingestion rate of O. marina on bacteria was much higher than those of G . cf. guttula and P. piscicida . Bacteria alone supported the growth of O. marina . The results of the present study suggest that some HTDs may sometimes have a considerable grazing impact on populations of marine bacteria, and that bacteria may be important prey.  相似文献   

Ecological relationships between sulfate-reducing and methane-producing bacteria in mud of Lake Vechten have been studied by continuous culture studies using the chemostat technique. The maximum specific growth rate (μ max) and saturation constant (K s) were, respectively, 0.36 hr−1 and 0.047 mM for lactate-limited growth ofDesulfovibrio desulfuricans and 0,011 hr−1 and 0.17 mM for acetate-limited growth ofMethanobacterium sp. Calculated values for the true molar growth yieldsY G) and maintenance coefficients (m) were 30.6 g bacterial mass/mole of lactate and 0.53 g substrate/g dry wt hr forD. desulfuricans and 37.8 g bacterial mass/mole of acetate and 0.54 g substrate/g dry wt hr forMethanobacterium. No growth ofMethanobacterium was observed at apS2− value (the hydrogen sulfide potential) of more than 11 and there was no effect on the growth atpS2− values above 13. In mixed continuous culture experiments the concentration of acetate decreased in the secondstage growth vessel, whereas that of methane increased stoichiometrically. If the substrate concentration in the reservoirs (S r) was increased from 0.1 to 0.5 mg/ml, the population ofDesulfovibrio increased and that ofMethanobacterium was washed out of the culture vessel, since the concentration of hydrogen sulfide reached apS2− value of 10.5. From the mixed continuous culture experiments a commensalism between the two species can be described, i.e., the acetate-fermentingMethanobacterium benefits from the acetate released byDesulfovibrio which is, in turn, not affected in the presence of the former.  相似文献   

The ways of the creation of cyanobacterial-bacterial communities with a high remediation potential for cleaning of oil-contaminated soils and water reservoirs are considered. A special methodology was elaborated for the obtaining of bacteriologically pure (axenic) cultures of cyanobacteria: Phormidium sp. K-1, Oscillatoria sp. A-2, and Oscillatoria sp. C-3. It was shown that 14 strains of bacteria associated with these cyanobacteria manifest a hydrocarbon-oxidizing activity. They belong to the genera Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter, and Bacillus. The usage of oil-degrading bacteria, which we isolated from water reservoirs or took from collections, allowed us to construct artificial cyanobacterial-bacterial communities with a high hydrocarbon-oxidizing activity. In field experiments on the landfill site Khimpromservis Aktobe, the high remediatory effect of cyanobacterial-bacterial associations between Phormidium sp. K-1 sp. and bacteria Pseudomonas stutzeri A1, Pseudomonas sp. N2, and P. alcaligenes A5 was demonstrated. The results obtained are the basis for the elaboration of microbiological technologies of environment protection using cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Predatory behavior, a property associated with ecosystems, is not commonly observed in microorganisms. However, cannibalistic tendencies have been observed in microorganisms under stress. For example, pure culture of Bacillus subtilis exhibits cannibalism under nutrient limitation. It has been proposed that a fraction of cells in the population produce Spo0A, a regulatory protein that is responsible for delaying sporulation. Cells containing spo0A would produce a killing factor by activating skf operon and an associated pump to export the factor. Cells that do not contain spo0A in the population are lysed. However in addition to the competition among the cells of B. subtilis, these cells also compete with other organisms for the limited nutrients. In this work, we report the cannibalistic behavior of B. subtilis in presence of Escherichia coli under severe nutritional limitation. We demonstrate that B. subtilis lyses cells of E. coli using an antibacterial factor under the regulation of Spo0A. Our experiments also suggest that B. subtilis prefers predation of E. coli to cannibalism in mixed cultures. B. subtilis also demonstrated predation in mixed cultures with other soil microorganisms, such as, Xanthomonas campestris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobactor lwoffi. This may offer B. subtilis a niche to survive in an environment with limited nutrients and under competition from other microorganisms.  相似文献   

Summary We explored the feasibility of using mixed cultures for herbicide degradation, with the ultimate aim of application for effluent treatment. The present study reports on mixed cultures which were developed to grow aerobically with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as the sole carbon substrate. Degradation of 2,4-D was verified by HPLC and UV-spectroscopic analysis of the residual 2,4-D concentration in the test cultures. Cultures that were initially developed with 2,4-D also grew readily with glucose, but the degradation of 2,4-D was effectively prevented under mixed substrate conditions. Mamor intermediates or metabolites resulting from 2,4-D degradation were not detected with the HPLC methodology except 2,4-dichlorophenol which appeared to accumulate transiently in the growth medium.  相似文献   

1. Dry weight yields from mixed cultures ofProsthecochloris aestuarii orChlorobium limicola with the sulfur reducingDesulfuromonas acetoxidans were determined on different growth limiting amounts of acetate, ethanol or propanol. The obtained yields agreed well with values predicted from stoichiometric calculations. 2. From mixed cultures of twoChlorobium limicola strains withDesulfovibrio desulfuricans orD. gigas on ethanol as the growth limiting substrate, dry weight yields were obtained as calculated for the complete utilization of the ethanol by the mixed cultures. 3. Dry weight yield determinations for two pure cultures ofChlorobium limicola with different growth limiting amounts of sulfide in the absence and presence of excess acetate confirmed that acetate is incorporated byChlorobium in a fixed proportion to sulfide; compared to the yield in the absence of acetate the yield is increased two to threefold in the presence of acetate. 4. The lowest possible sulfide concentrations necessary for optimal growth of mixed cultures of eitherProsthecochloris orChlorobium withDesulfuromonas on acetate were 7–8 mg H2S per liter of medium. 5. Doubling times at the growth rate limiting light intensities of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 lux were determined under optimal growth conditions for the following phototrophic bacteria:Prosthecochloris aestuarii, Chlorobium phaeovibriodes, Chromatium vinosum andRhodopseudomonas capsulata. Reasonably good growth was still obtained withProsthecochloris at 10 and 5 lux light intensity at which no growth of the purple bacteria could be observed.  相似文献   

Resource availability is a key factor regulating biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, but the relationship between resource availability and diversity has only been rarely investigated in microbial communities. The aim of this study was to determine how diversity and community structure of a functional group of soil bacteria are influenced by resource concentration. To achieve this, we used soil microcosms to investigate degradation of benzoate, which served as a model compound, by soil bacterial communities. Microcosms were supplied with 13C-labelled benzoate at four concentrations and RNA-stable isotope probing followed by molecular fingerprinting analysis of 16S rRNA genes was employed to identify bacteria able to assimilate benzoate at different concentrations. The composition of the benzoate degrader community differed at different concentrations and there was a significant decrease in taxa evenness at the highest substrate concentration. Active organisms could be grouped into generalists, occurring at all substrate concentrations, specialists, active at one particular benzoate concentration only, and taxa that were active at either the two lowest or two highest concentrations. The study comprises the first explicit demonstration that resource availability has an effect on the diversity of a functional group of heterotrophic soil bacteria.  相似文献   

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