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Mitochondria are double-membrane enclosed eukaryotic organelles with a central role in numerous cellular functions. The ultrastructure of mitochondria varies considerably between tissues, organisms, and the physiological state of cells. Alterations and remodeling of inner membrane structures are evident in numerous human disorders and during apoptosis. The inner membrane is composed of two subcompartments, the cristae membrane and the inner boundary membrane. Recent advances in electron tomography led to the current view that these membrane domains are connected by rather small tubular structures, termed crista junctions. They have been proposed to regulate the dynamic distribution of proteins and lipids as well as of soluble metabolites between individual mitochondrial subcompartments. One example is the release of cytochrome c upon induction of apoptosis. However, only little is known on the molecular mechanisms mediating the formation and maintenance of cristae and crista junctions. Here we review the current knowledge of the factors that determine cristae morphology and how the latter is linked to mitochondrial function. Further, we formulate several theoretical models which could account for the de novo formation of cristae as well as their propagation from existing cristae.  相似文献   

To determine whether there are structural differences in two topologically separated, biochemically defined mitochondrial populations in rat heart myocytes, the interior of these organelles was examined by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. On the basis of a count of 159 in situ subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SSM, i.e., those that directly abut the sarcolemma), these organelles possess mainly lamelliform cristae (77%), whereas the cristae in in situ interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM, i.e., those situated between the myofibrils, n = 300) are mainly tubular (55%) or a mixture of tubular and lamelliform (24%). Isolated SSM (n = 374), similar to their in situ counterparts, have predominantly lamelliform cristae (75%). The proportions of crista types in isolated IFM (n = 337) have been altered, with only 20% of these organelles retaining exclusively tubular cristae, whereas 58% are mixed; of the latter, lamelliform cristae predominate. This finding suggests that, in contrast to SSM, the cristae in IFM are structurally plastic, changing during isolation. These observations on >1,000 organelles provide the first quantitative morphological evidence for definitive differences between the two populations of cardiac mitochondria.  相似文献   

In a mutant form of Neurospora crassa, in which sheltered RIP (repeat induced point mutation) was used to deplete Tom19, protein transport through the TOM/TIM pathway is arrested by the addition of p-fluorophenylalanine (FPA). Using intermediate-voltage electron tomography, we have generated three-dimensional reconstructions of 28 FPA-treated mitochondria at four time points (0-32 h) after the addition of FPA. We determined that the cristae surface area and volume were lost in a roughly linear manner. A decrease in mitochondrial volume was not observed until after 16 h of FPA treatment. The inner boundary membrane did not appear to shrink or contract away from the outer membrane. Interestingly, the close apposition of these membranes remained over the entire periphery, even after all of the cristae had disappeared. The different dynamics of the shrinkage of cristae membrane and inner boundary membrane has implications for compartmentalization of electron transport proteins. Two structurally distinct types of contact sites were observed, consistent with recently published work. We determined that the cristae in the untreated (control) mitochondria are all lamellar. The cristae of FPA-treated mitochondria retain the lamellar morphology as they reduce in size and do not adopt tubular shapes. Importantly, the crista junctions exhibit tubular as well as slot-like connections to the inner boundary membrane, persisting until the cristae disappear, indicating that their stability is not dependent on continuous protein import through the complex containing Tom19.  相似文献   

Rapid nerve impulse conduction depends on specialized membrane domains in myelinated nerve, the node of Ranvier, the paranode, and the myelinated internodal region. We report that GPI-linked contactin enables the formation of the paranodal septate-like axo-glial junctions in myelinated peripheral nerve. Contactin clusters at the paranodal axolemma during Schwann cell myelination. Ablation of contactin in mutant mice disrupts junctional attachment at the paranode and reduces nerve conduction velocity 3-fold. The mutation impedes intracellular transport and surface expression of Caspr and leaves NF155 on apposing paranodal myelin disengaged. The contactin mutation does not affect sodium channel clustering at the nodes of Ranvier but alters the location of the Shaker-type Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 potassium channels. Thus, contactin is a crucial part in the machinery that controls junctional attachment at the paranode and ultimately the physiology of myelinated nerve.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and other membranous organelles are frequently enriched in the nodes and paranodes of peripheral myelinated axons, particularly those of large caliber. The physiologic role(s) of this organelle enrichment and the rheologic factors that regulate it are not well understood. Previous studies suggest that axonal transport of organelles across the nodal/paranodal region is locally regulated. In this study, we have examined the ultrastructure of myelinated axons in the sciatic nerves of mice deficient in the contactin-associated protein (Caspr), an integral junctional component. These mice, which lack the normal septate-like junctions that promote attachment of the glial (paranodal) loops to the axon, contain aberrant mitochondria in their nodal/paranodal regions. These mitochondria are typically large and swollen and occupy prominent varicosities of the nodal axolemma. In contrast, mitochondria located outside the nodal/paranodal regions of the myelinated axons appear normal. These findings suggest that paranodal junctions regulate mitochondrial transport and function in the axoplasm of the nodal/paranodal region of myelinated axons of peripheral nerves. They further implicate the paranodal junctions in playing a role, either directly or indirectly, in the local regulation of energy metabolism in the nodal region.  相似文献   

Our previous work suggests that cone photoreceptor inner segment (CIS) mitochondria demand and produce more ATP than rods. The CISs utilize two complimentary strategies to increase ATP production: increase the absolute number of mitochondria and their cristae surface membrane area. In this treatise, we ask: How are crista junctions formed and regulated? Once formed, are there physical mechanisms that constrain their diameter? How are the constrictions in cristae regulated and is this key for cytochrome c release during apoptosis? What are their differences in rod and cone susceptibility to apoptotic cell death during calcium overload and oxidative stress?  相似文献   

The structure of neuronal mitochondria from chick and rat was examined using electron microscope tomography of chemically fixed tissue embedded in plastic and sliced in ≈500-nm-thick sections. Three-dimensional reconstructions of representative mitochondria were made from single-axis tilt series acquired with an intermediate voltage electron microscope (400 kV). The tilt increment was either 1° or 2° ranging from −60° to +60°. The mitochondrial ultrastructure was similar across species and neuronal regions. The outer and inner membranes were each ≈7 nm thick. The inner boundary membrane was found to lie close to the outer membrane, with a total thickness across both membranes of ≈22 nm. We discovered that the inner membrane invaginates to form cristae only through narrow, tubular openings, which we call crista junctions. Sometimes the cristae remain tubular throughout their length, but often multiple tubular cristae merge to form lamellar compartments. Punctate regions, ≈14 nm in diameter, were observed in which the inner and outer membranes appeared in contact (total thickness of both membranes ≈14 nm). These contact sites are known to a play a key role in the transport of proteins into the mitochondrion. It has been hypothesized that contact sites may be proximal to crista junctions to facilitate transport of proteins destined for the cristae. However, our statistical analyses indicated that contact sites are randomly located with respect to these junctions. In addition, a close association was observed between endoplasmic reticulum membranes and the outer mitochondrial membrane, consistent with the reported mechanism of transport of certain lipids into the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Our previous work suggests that cone photoreceptor inner segment (CIS) mitochondria demand and produce more ATP than rods. The CISs utilize two complimentary strategies to increase ATP production: increase the absolute number of mitochondria and their cristae surface membrane area. In this treatise, we ask: How are crista junctions formed and regulated? Once formed, are there physical mechanisms that constrain their diameter? How are the constrictions in cristae regulated and is this key for cytochrome c release during apoptosis? What are their differences in rod and cone susceptibility to apoptotic cell death during calcium overload and oxidative stress?  相似文献   

Morphological properties of the mitochondrial organelles in the asexual and sexual gametocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum have been analyzed and found to be markedly different. From in vitro cultures of both stages in human erythrocytes, it has been demonstrated that the asexual stages contained a defined double-membrane organelle having a few tubular-like cristae. The numbers of mitochondria in the gametocytes were found to be approximately 6 organelles per parasite, and they showed a greater density of the cristae than that of the asexual stage parasite. The organelles of the gametocytes were successfully purified by differential centrifugation following Percoll density gradient separation with the results of approximately 7% yields and approximately 5 folds. The gametocytic organelles contained much more activities of mitochondrial electron transporting enzymes (i.e., cytochrome c reductase, cytochrome c oxidase) than the asexual stage organelles. Mitochondrial function as measured by oxygen consumption were found to be different between these two stages organelles. Their rates of oxygen consumption were relatively low, as compared to those of human leukocyte and mouse liver mitochondria. In contrast to the coupled mammalian mitochondria, the gametocytic organelles were in the uncoupling state between oxidation and phosphorylation reactions during their respiration. However, they were sensitive to inhibitors of the electron transport system, e.g., antimycin A, cyanide. Our results suggest that the mitochondria of the gametocytic stages are metabolically active and still underdeveloped, although their inner membranes are extensively folded. The biochemical significance of the unique structure of the mitochondria in these developing stages in host erythrocytes remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane (IM) serves as the site for ATP production by hosting the oxidative phosphorylation complex machinery most notably on the crista membranes. Disruption of the crista structure has been implicated in a variety of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we characterize ChChd3, a previously identified PKA substrate of unknown function (Schauble, S., King, C. C., Darshi, M., Koller, A., Shah, K., and Taylor, S. S. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 14952-14959), and show that it is essential for maintaining crista integrity and mitochondrial function. In the mitochondria, ChChd3 is a peripheral protein of the IM facing the intermembrane space. RNAi knockdown of ChChd3 in HeLa cells resulted in fragmented mitochondria, reduced OPA1 protein levels and impaired fusion, and clustering of the mitochondria around the nucleus along with reduced growth rate. Both the oxygen consumption and glycolytic rates were severely restricted. Ultrastructural analysis of these cells revealed aberrant mitochondrial IM structures with fragmented and tubular cristae or loss of cristae, and reduced crista membrane. Additionally, the crista junction opening diameter was reduced to 50% suggesting remodeling of cristae in the absence of ChChd3. Analysis of the ChChd3-binding proteins revealed that ChChd3 interacts with the IM proteins mitofilin and OPA1, which regulate crista morphology, and the outer membrane protein Sam50, which regulates import and assembly of β-barrel proteins on the outer membrane. Knockdown of ChChd3 led to almost complete loss of both mitofilin and Sam50 proteins and alterations in several mitochondrial proteins, suggesting that ChChd3 is a scaffolding protein that stabilizes protein complexes involved in maintaining crista architecture and protein import and is thus essential for maintaining mitochondrial structure and function.  相似文献   

We present here findings obtained on a large number of human tissues over a period of more than ten years, by our modification of the Osmium maceration method for high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM). Data are documented by original pictures which illustrate both some 3-D intracellular features not previously shown in human tissues, and results obtained in our current studies on mitochondrial morphology and on the secretory process of salivary glands. We have demonstrated that mitochondria of cells of practically all human tissues and organs have usually tubular cristae, and that even the cristae that look lamellar are joined to the inner mitochondrial membrane by tubular connexions similar to the crista junctions later seen by electron tomography. Concerning salivary glands an important result is the development of a morphometric method that allows the quantitative evaluation of the secretory events.  相似文献   

The use of electron tomography has allowed the three-dimensional membrane topography of the mitochondrion to be better understood. The most striking feature of this topology is the crista junction, a structure that may serve to divide functionally the inner membrane and intermembrane spaces. In situ these junctions seem to have a preferred size and shape independent of the source of the mitochondrion with few exceptions. When mitochondria are isolated and have a condensed matrix the crista junctions enlarge and become nondiscrete. Upon permeation of the inner membrane and subsequent swelling of the matrix space, the uniform circular nature of the crista junction reappears. We examine the distribution of shapes and sizes of crista junctions and suggest a thermodynamic model that explains the distribution based on current theories of bilayer membrane shapes. The theory of spontaneous curvature shows the circular junction to be a thermodynamically stable structure whose size and shape is influenced by the relative volume of the matrix. We conclude that the crista junction exists predominantly as a circular junction, with other shapes as exceptions made possible by specific characteristics of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Myoneural junctions in Anolis are characterized by the formation of troughs in the surface of the muscle fibers in which small branches of the terminal axon lie. The muscle surface membrane lining the troughs is thrown into complex branching and anastomosing folds, which compose the subneural apparatus of Couteaux. A compound membrane 500 to 700 A thick separates axoplasm from sarcoplasm at the endings. This consists of five distinct layers and is described in detail. A thin layer of cytoplasm (probably Schwann) separates terminal axoplasm from extracellular space at the surfaces of the junctional troughs. Terminal axoplasm lacks axoplasmic filaments and contains numerous vesicular or tubular appearing structures about 300 to 500 A in diameter. Both terminal axoplasm and sarcoplasm contain numerous mitochondria.  相似文献   

Mitochondria in Gonyaulax polyedra Stein have a highly variable morphology which depends on their location within the cell. The morphology ranges from mitochondria, 1 μm in cross section, with highly dense cristae which are located within the central sphere of golgi bodies to giant pleomorphic mitochondria, 5–8 μm in cross section containing condensed “chromosome” structures and located in the more peripheral regions of the cell. Elongated mitochondria containing microtubule-like elements ware also observed.  相似文献   

In recent years, electron tomography has provided detailed three-dimensional models of mitochondria that have redefined our concept of mitochondrial structure. The models reveal an inner membrane consisting of two components, the inner boundary membrane (IBM) closely apposed to the outer membrane and the cristae membrane that projects into the matrix compartment. These two components are connected by tubular structures of relatively uniform size called crista junctions. The distribution of crista junction sizes and shapes is predicted by a thermodynamic model based upon the energy of membrane bending, but proteins likely also play a role in determining the conformation of the inner membrane. Results of structural studies of mitochondria during apoptosis demonstrate that cytochrome c is released without detectable disruption of the outer membrane or extensive swelling of the mitochondrial matrix, suggesting the formation of an outer membrane pore large enough to allow passage of holo-cytochrome c. The possible compartmentation of inner membrane function between the IBM and the cristae membrane is also discussed.  相似文献   

Water movement from intracristal spaces in isolated liver mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When analyzing mitochondria isolated in a sucrose medium that had been embedded for thin sectioning according to one low denaturation embedding technique, large intracristal spaces were present in close to 90% of the mitochondria. The two crista membranes were closely apposed in only 40% of all cristae. When the mitochondria were transferred to an incubation medium, the percentage of mitochondria with intracristal spaces was reduced to 40%. About 90% of all cristae were lacking any space separating the two crista membranes. The presence of inorganic phosphate in the medium was required for the closing of the intracristal spaces. The percentage of cristae lacking an intracristal space remained the same after addition of substrate for respiration (state 4) and of ADP (state 3). Inhibition or uncoupling of respiration led to an increase in the percentage of intracristal spaces, showing that oxidative phosphorylation is required to maintain the crista membranes closely apposed. The appearance and disappearance of the intracristal spaces was an indication of water movements across the crista membranes. The mean volume of the mitochondria increased 33% when they were transferred from the sucrose medium to the incubation medium, showing that the removal of water from the cristae was not caused by a passive osmotic effect. Addition of substrate made the volume decrease by 28%. After further addition of ADP, the volume decreased another 23%. No change in volume was associated with inhibition or uncoupling of respiration. The observations revealed that water can move into or out of the cristae independently of water movement out from the entire mitochondrion. Therefore, the water moving out from or into the cristae is translocated across the cristae membrane. The observations are interpreted to reveal the presence of a mechanism that actively prevents water from accumulating in the crista membrane. This mechanism allows for a low water activity to be maintained within the membrane. The variations in the frequency of intracristal spaces occurred without any simultaneous changes in the width of the space appearing between the two surface membranes after isolation of the mitochondria. The observations, therefore, do not agree with the concept that there is an outer compartment that communicates freely with intracristal spaces.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane contains a large protein complex crucial for membrane architecture, the mitochondrial inner membrane organizing system (MINOS). MINOS is required for keeping cristae membranes attached to the inner boundary membrane via crista junctions and interacts with protein complexes of the mitochondrial outer membrane. To study if outer membrane interactions and maintenance of cristae morphology are directly coupled, we generated mutant forms of mitofilin/Fcj1 (formation of crista junction protein 1), a core component of MINOS. Mitofilin consists of a transmembrane anchor in the inner membrane and intermembrane space domains, including a coiled-coil domain and a conserved C-terminal domain. Deletion of the C-terminal domain disrupted the MINOS complex and led to release of cristae membranes from the inner boundary membrane, whereas the interaction of mitofilin with the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) and the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM) were enhanced. Deletion of the coiled-coil domain also disturbed the MINOS complex and cristae morphology; however, the interactions of mitofilin with TOM and SAM were differentially affected. Finally, deletion of both intermembrane space domains disturbed MINOS integrity as well as interactions with TOM and SAM. Thus, the intermembrane space domains of mitofilin play distinct roles in interactions with outer membrane complexes and maintenance of MINOS and cristae morphology, demonstrating that MINOS contacts to TOM and SAM are not sufficient for the maintenance of inner membrane architecture.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are complex organelles with a highly dynamic distribution and internal organization. Here, we demonstrate that mitofilin, a previously identified mitochondrial protein of unknown function, controls mitochondrial cristae morphology. Mitofilin is enriched in the narrow space between the inner boundary and the outer membranes, where it forms a homotypic interaction and assembles into a large multimeric protein complex. Down-regulation of mitofilin in HeLa cells by using specific small interfering RNA lead to decreased cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis, suggesting abnormal mitochondrial function. Although gross mitochondrial fission and fusion seemed normal, ultrastructural studies revealed disorganized mitochondrial inner membrane. Inner membranes failed to form tubular or vesicular cristae and showed as closely packed stacks of membrane sheets that fused intermittently, resulting in a complex maze of membranous network. Electron microscopic tomography estimated a substantial increase in inner:outer membrane ratio, whereas no cristae junctions were detected. In addition, mitochondria subsequently exhibited increased reactive oxygen species production and membrane potential. Although metabolic flux increased due to mitofilin deficiency, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was not increased accordingly. We propose that mitofilin is a critical organizer of the mitochondrial cristae morphology and thus indispensable for normal mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

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