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植物为宿主表达外源蛋白的系统称之为分子农场,通过农杆菌将外源基因导入植物进行表达具有高效、安全、廉价的优点,特别是植物具备一系列翻译后修饰功能,因此该系统能弥补原核表达系统的缺陷。本综述首先介绍了近些年在烟草叶片瞬时表达和水稻胚乳组织特异性表达上取得的进展,特别是一些利用分子农场进行医用蛋白表达、药物合成、疫苗制备等典型案例。在优化生物反应器、提高表达效率策略上,本综述重点探讨了蛋白翻译后水平上的调控,包括蛋白酶抑制剂的作用、糖基化修饰环节以及分子伴侣共表达等对外源蛋白表达的影响。最后,围绕外源蛋白大量囤积于内质网可能引发内质网胁迫的问题,展望了通过优化内质网环境来提高外源蛋白表达效率的可行性。  相似文献   

外源蛋白表达系统及利用植物表达外源蛋白的特点与优势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
比较了大肠杆菌,酵母,昆虫细胞/杆状病毒,哺乳动物细胞,动物乳腺以及植物等不同受体作为外源蛋白表达系统的优缺点。论述了植物外源蛋白表达系统的特点,阐述利用植物生产外源蛋白的潜在优势。  相似文献   

以豌豆植物为实验材料建立了一种瞬时表达外源蛋白的新方法-发芽种子真空侵染法。以绿色荧光蛋白作为报告基因对该体系进行优化的结果表明其最佳工作条件为:菌体工作液浓度OD600=1.0~1.5,真空压力0.08 MPa,真空侵染时间1 min。该方法操作简单,可以同时侵染大量的豌豆植物材料,并将实验周期缩短为15 d,植物侵染后12~14 d可收获外源蛋白,外源蛋白表达量与叶片注射法相当,是一种在豌豆植物中批量生产外源蛋白的新方法。  相似文献   

口蹄疫(foot-and-mouth disease,FMD)是由口蹄疫病毒(foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV)引起的一种急性、烈性、高度接触性传染病,严重危害畜牧养殖业健康发展。口蹄疫灭活疫苗是口蹄疫防控的主导产品,为控制口蹄疫流行起到了重要作用;但是也存在抗原不稳定、在生产制备过程中存在因病毒灭活不彻底而散毒的风险、生产成本较高等问题。与传统的微生物和动物生物反应器相比,通过转基因技术以植物作为生物反应器生产抗原蛋白,具有成本低廉、安全便捷、易于储运等一些优势,且无需蛋白提取纯化过程,可直接食用免疫;但也存在着表达量低、控制性差等问题。因此,通过植物生物反应器表达口蹄疫病毒抗原蛋白,可能是一种具有一定优势但仍需不断优化的疫苗生产手段。本文综述了在植物中表达活性蛋白的主要策略,以及通过植物生物反应器表达口蹄疫病毒抗原蛋白的研究进展,并讨论了目前面临的问题与挑战,以期为相关工作提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

解析基因的剪接加工机制是了解植物形态建成、生长发育和逆境胁迫应答的重要环节.与动物相比,植物中相应的研究进展较为缓慢.利用农杆菌介导的烟草瞬时表达系统,分别对单子叶植物水稻BADH2和双子叶植物拟南芥GR7基因片段在烟草叶片中的转录后剪接加工进行分析.结果表明,一些重要剪接调控元件在植物中保守存在,而烟草瞬时表达系统可以作为研究高等植物剪接调控的重要工具,快捷灵敏地检测基因的剪接加工方式.  相似文献   

植物瞬时表达技术的主要方法与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瞬时表达技术是一种获得目的基短暂的高水平表达的技术.与稳定表达相比,瞬时表达所需时间短,但未将外基整合到宿主植物染色体中,不能稳定遗传给下一代.我们简要综述了植物瞬时表达技术的各种方法,介绍了各方法的理、技术流程、影响素及其应用.关其应用,主要分析了生物制剂的合成、转录元件和转录子的克隆与分析、基沉默、亚细胞定位、蛋白互作分析、抑制子功能鉴定、选择性剪接调控、植物品种的改良和选育等方面.  相似文献   

利用电击法将带有ble基因的pSP124S转入杜氏盐藻细胞内进行瞬时表达.研究了外源基因在盐藻内的存留及表达情况,确定了合适的电击转化条件,发现利用电击法可以使大量的质粒导入盐藻细胞,质粒在细胞中逐渐降解但至少96h内可以检测得到。外源启动子能够使ble基因有效转录,转录至少可以持续72h,ble基因能够在盐藻细胞中正确翻译,可以作为盐藻遗传转化研究的筛选标记。  相似文献   

外源基因在转基因植物中的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外源基因在转基因植物中的表达王忠华夏英武舒庆尧(浙江农业大学核农所,杭州310029)近十几年来,人们通过各种方法将外源基因导入植物体内产生许多转基因植物,包括水稻、小麦、棉花、烟草、大豆、番茄、马铃薯等重要粮食作物和经济作物。据不完全统计目前已获得...  相似文献   

以本氏烟草(Nicotiana benthamiana)为植物材料,分析了不同农杆菌菌株(LBA4404菌株、EHA105菌株、GV3101菌株)、菌液浓度以及侵染时间在瞬时转化过程中对报告基因GFP荧光表达量的影响。结果显示,不同的农杆菌菌株瞬时表达外源基因的最适浓度和时间均有所不同:LBA4404菌株在菌悬液OD600值为0.8时所介导的瞬时表达效率最高;而EHA105和GV3101菌株在菌悬液OD600值为0.6时可达到最高瞬时表达效率。LBA4404菌株所介导的瞬时表达在农杆菌注射后第2天时表达量最高,而EHA105和GV3101菌株所介导的瞬时表达在农杆菌注射后第4天时表达量最高。不同菌株间比较分析表明,LBA4404菌株所介导的瞬时表达效率最高。上述结果表明,农杆菌菌株以及浓度和侵染时间等转化条件均是影响瞬时表达效率的重要因素。  相似文献   

通过在拟南芥原生质体中瞬时表达重组酶删除系统,以拟南芥热激蛋白Hsp18.2基因的启动子诱导加入马铃薯StLs1基因第2个内含子的重组酶表达,证明瞬时转化质粒DNA中位于识别位点之间的基因元件可以被有效删除。建立了一种快速验证重组酶外源基因删除系统的方法。  相似文献   

The review represents the latest results of the experiments carried out at the Department of genetic engineering of the Institute of cell biology and genetic engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the field of creation oftransgenic and transplastomic plants as well as the use of transient expression for production of recombinant proteins. The new approaches of promoterless gene expression in transgenic plants and construction of transplastomic plants using "clipboard" species are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an extremely powerful tool for plant functional genomics. We used Tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-derived VIGS vectors expressed from binary vectors within Agrobacterium to induce RNA silencing in plants. Leaf infiltration is the most common method of agroinoculation used for VIGS but this method has limitations as it is laborious for large-scale screening and some plants are difficult to infiltrate. Here we have developed a novel and simple method of agroinoculation, called 'agrodrench', where soil adjacent to the plant root is drenched with an Agrobacterium suspension carrying the TRV-derived VIGS vectors. By agrodrench we successfully silenced the expression of phytoene desaturase (PDS), a 20S proteasome subunit (PB7) or Mg-protoporphyrin chelatase (Chl H) encoding genes in Nicotiana benthamiana and in economically important crops such as tomato, pepper, tobacco, potato, and Petunia, all belonging to the Solanaceae family. An important aspect of agrodrench is that it can be used for VIGS in very young seedlings, something not possible by the leaf infiltration method, which usually requires multiple fully expanded leaves for infiltration. We also demonstrated that VIGS functioned to silence target genes in plant roots. The agrodrench method of agroinoculation was more efficient than the leaf infiltration method for VIGS in roots. Agrodrench will facilitate rapid large-scale functional analysis of cDNA libraries and can also be applied to plants that are not currently amenable to VIGS technology by conventional inoculation methods.  相似文献   

Flowering plants represent the most significant branch in the tree of land plants, with respect to the number of extant species, their impact on the shaping of modern ecosystems and their economic importance. However, unlike so many persistent phylogenetic problems that have yielded to insights from DNA sequence data, the mystery surrounding the origin of angiosperms has deepened with the advent and advance of molecular systematics. Strong statistical support for competing hypotheses and recent novel trees from molecular data suggest that the accuracy of current molecular trees requires further testing. Analyses of phytochrome amino acids using a duplicate gene-rooting approach yield trees that unite cycads and angiosperms in a clade that is sister to a clade in which Gingko and Cupressophyta are successive sister taxa to gnetophytes plus Pinaceae. Application of a cycads + angiosperms backbone constraint in analyses of a morphological dataset yields better resolved trees than do analyses in which extant gymnosperms are forced to be monophyletic. The results have implications both for our assessment of uncertainty in trees from sequence data and for our use of molecular constraints as a way to integrate insights from morphological and molecular evidence.  相似文献   

植物生物反应器是一种新兴的重组蛋白表达系统,是分子农业的核心内容之一。本研究在本氏烟草(Nicotiana benthamiana)中表达了抗八肽(DYKDDDDK, FLAG)标签抗体,并对其进行纯化与鉴定。通过多次免疫小鼠获得高效价抗FLAG抗体并测出其编码序列,然后亚克隆至植物DNA病毒表达载体,最后通过农杆菌介导转染烟草叶片。经Western blotting检测了转染后2−9 d抗体的表达情况:3 d后FLAG抗体开始在烟草叶片中表达,5 d后表达量达到峰值,每千克鲜叶估计可表达66 mg FLAG抗体。抗体经过分离纯化后浓缩为1 mg/mL,按1:10 000稀释仍可识别1 ng/mL的抗原,表明植物生产的FLAG抗体具有高亲和力。植物生物反应器可用于生产高亲和力抗体,并具有简易、成本低和生产周期短等特点,具有很高的应用价值。  相似文献   

A binary vector containing two reporter gene cassettes has been developed. This vector is ideal for optimising new plant transformation systems. Following optimisation, one of the reporter genes can be replaced with a gene of interest; the second can be used as a marker to confirm transgenic lines, and to estimate locus number and determine zygosity. This allows simple, efficient and economical screening for homozygous single-insert lines and azygous controls.  相似文献   

We have constructed a chimeric gene encoding a Brazil nut methionine-rich seed protein which contains 18% methionine. This gene has been transferred to tobacco and expressed in the developing seeds. Tobacco seeds are able to process the methionine-rich protein efficiently from a larger precursor polypeptide of 17 kDa to the 9kDa and 3 kDa subunits of the mature protein, a procedure which involves three proteolytic cleavage steps in the Brazil nut seed. The accumulation of the methionine-rich protein in the seeds of tobacco results in a significant increase (30%) in the levels of the methionine in the seed proteins of the transgenic plants. Our data indicate that the introduction of a chimeric gene encoding a methionine-rich seed protein into crop plants, particularly legumes whose seeds are deficient in the essential sulfur-containing amino acids, represents a feasible method for improving the nutritional quality of seed proteins.  相似文献   

An infectious clone of the Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus (PfDNV) has been constructed and the PfDNV genome can rescue from the plasmid and replicate as the wild-type virus in nymphs of P. fuliginosa. To investigate the ability of the cloned PfDNV genome to be used as a stable and persistent expression vector, we constructed seven recombinant plasmids in which the GFP reporter gene was inserted into the genome of PfDNV. When these recombinant constructs were transfected into hosts, the GFP was expressed efficiently in every clone. Southern blot analysis revealed that recombinant plasmids had integrated into host genome. Infectious recombinant virions could be produced from plasmids in which the GFP gene was downstream of and in frame with the NS3 and NS1 coding regions. These results indicate that PfDNV genome can be used as an insect vector for the transfer and persistent expression of an exogenous gene.  相似文献   

The transient expression of foreign genes in the protoplasts of Porphyrayezoensis was examined using three recombinant vectors, pYez-Rub-GUS, pYez-Rub-GFP and pYez-Rub-LUC, which were constructed with the promoter sequence of the ribulose-bisphosphate-carboxylase / oxygenase (Rubisco) gene as a promoter and the bacterial β-glucuronidase (GUS), mutant of green fluorescent protein (S65T-GFP) and firefly luciferase (LUC) genes, respectively, as reporter genes. When the pYez-Rub-GUS was introduced into protoplasts by electroporation, cells stained dark blue by indigotin were observed after the histochemical GUS assay. GUS activity was also detected by quantitative enzyme assays with a chemiluminescent substrate. When the pYez-Rub-GFP was electroporated into protoplasts, the expression of GFP could be detected in vivo observations with fluorescence microscopy. However, the rates of gene expression cells to the total number of cells were different between the GUS and GFP genes. LUC activity was also detected by assay with a chemiluminescent substrate after the introduction of pYez-Rub-LUC into protoplasts, although the activity levels were considerably lower. Relatively high expression rates of introduced GUS genes were observed 3 to 5 days after electroporation. These results show that the promoter sequence of the chloroplast Rubisco gene functions as a promoter of foreign gene expression and that transient expression occurred in protoplasts of P. yezoensis after the introduction of foreign genes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Yang L  Wang H  Liu J  Li L  Fan Y  Wang X  Song Y  Sun S  Wang L  Zhu X  Wang X 《Journal of biotechnology》2008,134(3-4):320-324
Due to the laborious and scale-up limitation we have developed a simple system named "root absorption" to express foreign proteins in plants successfully. It has been shown that GFP was expressed in tobacco plants by root absorbing the Agrobacterium suspension containing TMV-based P35S-30B-GFP vector. Various factors influencing the gene expression were studied including Agrobacterium cell density, seedling age, plant materials and inoculation conditions. This system has the special advantages as simple and convenient work process, ease to scale-up and higher level of expression than leaf infiltration. Interestingly, GFP was expressed at 24h post-absorption. We assume that the root absorption system will facilitate the large-scale production of the recombinant pharmaceutical proteins in plants by means of transient expression.  相似文献   

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