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The molecular structure of the oxidized form of the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin isolated from the cyanobacterium Anabaena species strain PCC 7120 has been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis to a nominal resolution of 2.5 A and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 18.7%. Crystals used in this investigation belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell dimensions of a = 37.42 A, b = 38.12 A, and c = 147.12 A and two molecules in the asymmetric unit. The three-dimensional structure of this ferredoxin was solved by a method that combined X-ray data from one isomorphous heavy-atom derivative with noncrystallographic symmetry averaging and solvent flattening. As in other plant-type [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins, the iron-sulfur cluster is located toward the outer edge of the molecule, and the irons are tetrahedrally coordinated by both inorganic sulfurs and sulfurs provided by protein cysteine residues. The main secondary structural elements include four strands of beta-pleated sheet and three alpha-helical regions.  相似文献   

Hyperfine 1H NMR signals of the 2Fe-2S* vegetative ferredoxin from Anabaena 7120 have been studied by two-dimensional (2D) magnetization exchange spectroscopy. The rapid longitudinal relaxation rates of these signals required the use of very short nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) mixing times (0.5-20 ms). The resulting pattern of NOE cross-relaxation peaks when combined with previous 1D NOE results [Dugad, L. B., La Mar, G. N., Banci, L., & Bertini, I. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 2263-2271] led to elucidation of the carbon-bound proton spin systems from each of the four cysteines ligated to the 2Fe-2S* cluster in the reduced ferredoxin. Additional NOE cross peaks were observed that provide information about other amino acid residues that interact with the iron-sulfur cluster. NOE cross peaks were assigned tentatively to Leu27, Arg42, and Ala43 on the basis of the X-ray coordinates of oxidized Anabaena 7120 ferredoxin [Rypniewski, W.R., Breiter, D.R., Benning, M.M., Wesenberg, G., Oh, B.-H., Markley, J.L., Rayment, I., & Holden, H. M. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 4126-4131]. Three chemical exchange cross peaks were detected in magnetization exchange spectra of half-reduced ferredoxin and assigned to the 1H alpha protons of Cys49 and Cys79 [both of whose sulfur atoms are ligated to Fe(III)] and Arg42 (whose amide nitrogen is hydrogen-bonded to one of the inorganic sulfurs of the 2Fe-2S* cluster). The chemical exchange cross peaks provide a means of extending assignments in the spectrum of reduced ferredoxin to assignments in the spectrum of the oxidized protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sequence comparison of the heterocyst-type ferredoxin (FdxH) from Anabaena 7120 and type-I ferredoxins (PetF) from the same organism and other cyanobacteria revealed a group of positively charged residues characteristic for FdxH. Molecular modeling showed that these basic amino acids are clustered on the surface of FdxH. The corresponding domain of PetF contained acidic or nonpolar residues instead. To identify amino acids that are important for interaction with nitrogenase, we generated site-directed mutations in the fdxH gene and assayed the in vitro activity of the resulting recombinant proteins isolated from Escherichia coli. In addition to the point mutants, two chimeric proteins, FdxH : PetF and PetF : FdxH, were constructed containing the 58 N-terminal amino acids of one ferredoxin fused to the 40 C-terminal amino acids of the other. Exchange of lysines 10 and 11 of FdxH for the corresponding residues of PetF (glutamate 10 and alanine 11) resulted in a ferredoxin with greatly decreased affinity to nitrogenase. This indicates an important function of these basic amino acids in interaction with dinitrogenase reductase (NifH) from Anabaena. In addition we checked the reactivity of the recombinant ferredoxins with ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) and photosystem I. The experiments with both the chimeric and point mutated ferredoxins showed that the C-terminal part of this protein determines its activity in NADP+ photoreduction.  相似文献   

A DNA-binding factor (VF1) partially purified from Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 vegetative cell extracts by heparin-Sepharose chromatography was found to have affinity for the xisA upstream region. The xisA gene is required for excision of an 11-kilobase element from the nifD gene during heterocyst differentiation. Previous studies of the xisA upstream sequences demonstrated that deletion of this region is required for the expression of xisA from heterologous promoters in vegetative cells. Mobility shift assays with a labeled 250-base-pair fragment containing the binding sites revealed three distinct DNA-protein complexes. Competition experiments showed that VF1 also bound to the upstream sequences of the rbcL and glnA genes, but the rbcL and glnA fragments showed only single complexes in mobility shift assays. The upstream region of the nifH gene formed a weak complex with VF1. DNase footprinting and deletion analysis of the xisA binding site mapped the binding to a 66-base-pair region containing three repeats of the consensus recognition sequence ACATT.  相似文献   

Analysis of the ferredoxin of the primitive vascular plant Equisetum indicates that the cysteine residue normally found at position 18 of plant-type ferredoxins is replaced by a valine, although the spectroscopic properties of the ferredoxins are unaffected. It is concluded that the iron--sulphur cluster in plant-type ferredoxins is attached to cysteine residues 39, 44, 47 and 77.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the mouse epidermal growth factor (EGF) in solution was studied by comparison of the 1H NMR spectra of alpha EGF (1-53) and beta EGF (2-53, des-asparaginyl 1 form). Using pH dependence of chemical shifts and a two-dimensional difference spectrum, the effect of the N-terminal deletion was investigated based on the complete assignment of the proton resonances. The affected residues were all found to be located exactly in the triple-stranded, beta-sheet core in the N-terminal domain of the EGF molecule.  相似文献   

A suite of experiments are presented for the measurement of H–C, C–C, C–C and HN–N couplings from uniformly 15N, 13C labeled proteins. Couplings are obtained from a series of intensity modulated two-dimensional HN–N spectra equivalent to the common 1H–15N–HSQC spectra, alleviating many overlap and assignment issues associated with other techniques. To illustrate the efficiency of this method, H–C, C–C, and HN–N isotropic scalar couplings were determined for ubiquitin from data collected in less than 4.5 h, C–C data collection required 10 h. The resulting couplings were measured with an average error of ±0.06, ±0.05, ±0.04 and ±0.10 Hz, respectively. This study also shows H–C and C–C couplings, valuable because they provide orientation of bond vectors outside the peptide plane, can be measured in a uniform and precise way. Superior accuracy and precision to existing 3D measurements for C–C couplings and increased precision compared to IPAP measurements for HN–N couplings are demonstrated. Minor modifications allow for acquisition of modulated HN–C 2D spectra, which can yield additional well resolved peaks and significantly increase the number of measured RDCs for proteins with crowded 1H–15N resonances.  相似文献   

The leukocyte integrin alpha(X)beta(2) (p150,95) recognizes the iC3b complement fragment and functions as the complement receptor type 4. alpha(X)beta(2) is more resistant to activation than other beta(2) integrins and is inactive in transfected cells. However, when human alpha(X) is paired with chicken or mouse beta(2), alpha(X)beta(2) is activated for binding to iC3b. Activating substitutions were mapped to individual residues or groups of residues in the N-terminal plexin/semaphorin/integrin (PSI) domain and C-terminal cysteine-rich repeats 2 and 3. These regions are linked by a long range disulfide bond. Substitutions in the PSI domain synergized with substitutions in the cysteine-rich repeats. Substitutions T4P, T22A, Q525S, and V526L gave full activation. Activation of binding to iC3b correlated with exposure of the CBR LFA-1/2 epitope in cysteine-rich repeat 3. The data suggest that the activating substitutions are present in an interface that restrains the human alpha(X)/human beta(2) integrin in the inactive state. The opening of this interface is linked to structural rearrangements in other domains that activate ligand binding.  相似文献   

The expression of laminin-1 chains (beta1 and gamma1), laminin-2 (merosin), integrin receptors to laminin (alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4) and cytokeratin (CK20) were studied by immunohistochemical methods in gastric biopsies from antrum of 25 patients. H. pylori gastritis was found in 19 cases and intestinal metaplasia (IM) in four from these 19. Another 13 biopsies, all with IM were immunostained to laminin-2. Laminin-1 chains in normal and gastritis areas without IM were expressed as a strong, linear and continuous deposit in the basement membranes of the superficial and glandular epithelium. In metaplastic glands the reactivity to laminin-1 chains was decreased. Merosin was discontinuous when a moderate to accentuated H. pylori glandular colonization was present. Samples with IM were negative to laminin-2. The alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 integrins were negative only in IM gastric biopsies. The CK20 immunoreactivity was strong and homogeneous in the cells at the tip and the upper portion of foveolae in normal areas and in gastritis with IM the reactivity to CK 20 was heterogeneous. A differential expression of laminin isoforms is related to inflammation and subsequent IM caused by H. pylori. The alterations of alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 parallel both modifications in merosin and CK20 expression in H. pylori chronic gastritis.  相似文献   

The alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) integrins are cell surface collagen receptors. Cells expressing the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin preferentially adhere to collagen IV, whereas cells expressing the alpha(2)beta(1) integrin preferentially adhere to collagen I. Recombinant alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrin I domains exhibit the same collagen type preferences as the intact integrins. In addition, the alpha(2) integrin I domain binds echovirus 1; the alpha(1) I domain does not. To identify the structural components of the I domains responsible for the varying ligand specificities, we have engineered several alpha(1)/alpha(2) integrin I domain chimeras and evaluated their virus and collagen binding activities. Initially, large secondary structural components of the alpha(2) I domain were replaced with corresponding regions of the alpha(1) I domain. Following analysis in echovirus 1 and collagen binding assays, chimeras with successively smaller regions of alpha(1) I were constructed and analyzed. The chimeras were analyzed by ELISA with several different alpha(2) integrin monoclonal antibodies to assess their proper folding. Three different regions of the alpha(1) I domain, when present in the alpha(2) I domain, conferred enhanced collagen IV binding activity upon the alpha(2) I domain. These include the alpha3 and alpha5 helices and a portion of the alpha6 helix. Echovirus 1 binding was lost in a chimera containing the alphaC-alpha6 loop; higher resolution mapping identified Asn(289) as playing a critical role in echovirus 1 binding. Asn(289) had not been implicated in previous echovirus 1 binding studies. Taken together, these data reveal the existence of multiple determinants of ligand binding specificities within the alpha(1) and alpha(2) integrin I domains.  相似文献   

A docking model of the alpha(2) I-domain and collagen has been proposed based on their crystal structures (Emsley, J., King, S., Bergelson, J., and Liddington, R. C. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 28512-28517). In this model, several amino acid residues in the I-domain make direct contact with collagen (Asn-154, Asp-219, Leu-220, Glu-256, His-258, Tyr-285, Asn-289, Leu-291, Asn-295, and Lys-298), and the protruding C-helix of alpha(2) (residues 284-288) determines ligand specificity. Because most of the proposed critical residues are not conserved, different I-domains are predicted to bind to collagen differently. We found that deleting the entire C-helix or mutating the predicted critical residues had no effect on collagen binding to whole alpha(2)beta(1), with the exception that mutating Asn-154, Asp-219, and His-258 had a moderate effect. We performed further studies and found that mutating the conserved surface-exposed residues in the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) (Tyr-157 and Gln-215) significantly blocks collagen binding. We have revised the docking model based on the mutagenesis data. In the revised model, conserved Tyr-157 makes contact with collagen in addition to the previously proposed Asn-154, Asp-219, His-258, and Tyr-285 residues. These results suggest that the collagen-binding I-domains (e.g. alpha(1), alpha(2), and alpha(10)) bind to collagen in a similar fashion.  相似文献   

A series of epibatidine analogues was synthesized and characterized in vitro. These compounds are high affinity ligands for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR). They display binding selectivity for the alpha(x)beta2 subtypes of nAChRs over the alpha(x)beta4 subtypes, and especially for the alpha4beta2 and alpha2beta2 subtypes. Furthermore, most of these new nicotinic compounds display little, if any, agonist activities at alpha3beta4 nAChR. As a result they might become lead structures for the design and synthesis of highly selective ligands for nAChR subtypes containing the beta2 subunit.  相似文献   

The kinetics of CO association to and dissociation from the two isomers of monoliganded species alpha ICO beta I(alpha II beta II) and alpha I beta I (alpha II beta COII) has been studied by double-mixing stopped-flow and microperoxidase methods. The monoliganded species were generated by hybridization between excess ferric Hb and alpha CO2 beta +2 or alpha +2 beta CO2 prepared by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results indicated that: 1) there were no significant differences in the reactivities of alpha and beta chains in the first step of ligation; 2) in the second step of ligation there was significant cooperativity in the reaction of deoxyhemoglobin with 0.05 or 0.1 equivalent of CO. Diliganded species were therefore formed in significant amounts. The double-mixing HPLC results suggested that in the second step of ligation alpha chains reacted faster than the beta chains, and the main diliganded species formed was alpha I beta ICO (alpha IICO beta II) or its isomer alpha ICO I(alpha II beta IICO). These results seem to indicate that the reaction of the first CO is mostly random and in the second step of ligation CO binds more to the tetramers in which one beta chain is already ligated: alpha I beta I (alpha II beta II) + CO----alpha ICO beta I (alpha II beta II) and alpha I beta ICO (alpha II beta II) + CO----alpha I beta ICO (alpha IICO beta II).  相似文献   

Sequence comparison of the heterocyst-type ferredoxin (FdxH) from Anabaena 7120 and type-I ferredoxins (PetF) from the same organism and other cyanobacteria revealed a group of positively charged residues characteristic for FdxH. Molecular modeling showed that these basic amino acids are clustered on the surface of FdxH. The corresponding domain of PetF contained acidic or nonpolar residues instead. To identify amino acids that are important for interaction with nitrogenase, we generated site-directed mutations in the fdxH gene and assayed the in vitro activity of the resulting recombinant proteins isolated from Escherichia coli. In addition to the point mutants, two chimeric proteins, FdxH : PetF and PetF : FdxH, were constructed containing the 58 N-terminal amino acids of one ferredoxin fused to the 40 C-terminal amino acids of the other. Exchange of lysines 10 and 11 of FdxH for the corresponding residues of PetF (glutamate 10 and alanine 11) resulted in a ferredoxin with greatly decreased affinity to nitrogenase. This indicates an important function of these basic amino acids in interaction with dinitrogenase reductase (NifH) from Anabaena. In addition we checked the reactivity of the recombinant ferredoxins with ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) and photosystem I. The experiments with both the chimeric and point mutated ferredoxins showed that the C-terminal part of this protein determines its activity in NADP+ photoreduction.  相似文献   

To probe the structural and functional roles of active-site residues in the tryptophan synthase alpha(2)beta(2) complex from Salmonella typhimurium, we have determined the effects of mutation of His(86) in the beta subunit. His(86) is located adjacent to beta subunit Lys(87), which forms an internal aldimine with the pyridoxal phosphate and catalyzes the abstraction of the alpha-proton of L-serine. The replacement of His(86) by leucine (H86L) weakened pyridoxal phosphate binding approximately 20-fold and abolished the circular dichroism signals of the bound coenzyme and of a reaction intermediate. Correlation of these results with previous crystal structures indicates that beta-His(86) plays a structural role in binding pyridoxal phosphate and in stabilizing the correct orientation of pyridoxal phosphate in the active site of the beta subunit. The H86L mutation also altered the pH profiles of absorbance and fluorescence signals and shifted the pH optimum for the synthesis of L-tryptophan from pH 7.5 to 8.8. We propose that the interaction of His(86) with the phosphate of pyridoxal phosphate and with Lys(87) lowers the pK(a) of Lys(87) in the wild-type alpha(2)beta(2) complex and thereby facilitates catalysis by Lys(87) in the physiological pH range.  相似文献   

N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 2-epimerase (GlcNAc 2-epimerase) catalyzes the reversible epimerization between N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) and N-acetyl-D-mannosamine (ManNAc). We report here the 2.0 A resolution crystal structure of the GlcNAc 2-epimerase from Anabaena sp. CH1. The structure demonstrates an (alpha/alpha)(6) barrel fold, which shows structural homology with porcine GlcNAc 2-epimerase as well as a number of glycoside hydrolase enzymes and other sugar-metabolizing enzymes. One side of the barrel structure consists of short loops involved in dimer interactions. The other side of the barrel structure is comprised of long loops containing six short beta-sheets, which enclose a putative central active-site pocket. Site-directed mutagenesis of conserved residues near the N-terminal region of the inner alpha helices shows that R57, H239, E308, and H372 are strictly required for activity. E242 and R375 are also essential in catalysis. Based on the structure and kinetic analysis, H239 and H372 may serve as the key active site acid/base catalysts. These results suggest that the (alpha/alpha)(6) barrel represents a steady fold for presenting active-site residues in a cleft at the N-terminal ends of the inner alpha helices, thus forming a fine-tuned catalytic site in GlcNAc 2-epimerase.  相似文献   

Almost 10 years ago we reported in this journal the characterization of Hb Hacettepe or alpha 2 beta (2)127(H5)Gln----Glu. Unfortunately, we have to conclude that the original characterization of this Turkish variant was in error. The corrected data are presented in this short communication. The variant (alpha 2 beta (2)65(E9)Lys----Met) was (re)named Hb J-Antakya, after the city where the family resides. An abnormal Hb, observed in a Spanish family and named Hb Complutense, had the beta 127 Gln----Glu substitution, erroneously assigned to the Turkish variant.  相似文献   

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