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We previously isolated a nuclear 5.7 kb genomic fragment carrying the NAM7/UPF1 gene, which is able to suppress mitochondrial splicing deficiency when present in multiple copies. We show here that an immediately adjacent gene ISF1 (Increasing Suppression Factor) increases the efficiency of the NAM7/UPF1 suppressor activity. The ISF1 gene has been independently isolated as the MBR3 gene and comparison of the ISF1 predicted protein sequence with data libraries revealed a significant similarity with the MBRI yeast protein. The ISF1 and NAM7 genes are transcribed in the same direction, and RNase mapping allowed the precise location of their termini within the intergenic region to be determined. The ISF1 gene is not essential for cell viability or respiratory growth. However as for many mitochondrial genes, ISF1 expression is sensitive to fermentative repression; in contrast expression of the NAM7 gene is unaffected by glucose. We propose that ISF1 could influence the NAM7/UPF1 function, possibly at the level of mRNA turnover, thus modulating the expression of nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

S Takechi  H Matsui    T Itoh 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(20):5141-5147
Initiation of in vitro ColE2 DNA replication requires the plasmid-specified Rep protein and DNA polymerase I but not RNA polymerase and DnaG primase. The ColE2 Rep protein binds specifically to the origin where replication initiates. Leading-strand synthesis initiates at a unique site in the origin and lagging-strand DNA synthesis terminates at another unique site in the origin. Here we show that the primer RNA for leading-strand synthesis at the origin has a unique structure of 5'-ppApGpA. We reconstituted the initiation reaction of leading-strand DNA synthesis by using purified proteins, the ColE2 Rep protein, Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I and SSB, and we showed that the ColE2 Rep protein is a priming enzyme, primase, which is specific for the ColE2 origin. The ColE2 Rep protein is unique among other primases in that it recognizes the origin region and synthesizes the primer RNA at a fixed site in the origin region. Specific requirement for ADP as a substrate and its direct incorporation into the 5' end of the primer RNA are also unique properties of the ColE2 Rep protein.  相似文献   

The plasmid pGT5 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi replicates via the rolling circle mechanism. pGT5 encodes the replication initiator protein Rep75 that exhibits a nicking–closing (NC) activity in vitro on single-stranded oligonucleotides containing the pGT5 double-stranded origin (dso) sequence. Some mesophilic Rep proteins present site-specific DNA topoisomerase-like activity on a negatively supercoiled plasmid harbouring the dso. We report here that Rep75 also exhibits topoisomerase activity on a negatively supercoiled DNA substrate. This DNA topoisomerase-like activity is dependent on the amino acids involved in NC activity of Rep75. However, in contrast with mesophilic Rep proteins, Rep75 topoisomerase activity is not dso dependent. Moreover, although pGT5 is known to be relaxed in vivo, Rep75 was not able to act on a relaxed plasmid in vitro, whether or not it contained the dso.  相似文献   

To study the functions of the mini-P1 replication initiation protein RepA quantitatively, we have developed a method to measure RepA concentration by using immunoblotting. In vivo, there are about 20 RepA dimers per unit-copy plasmid DNA. RepA was deduced to be a dimer from gel filtration of the purified protein. Since there are 14 binding sites of the protein per replicon, the physiological concentration of the protein appears to be sufficiently low to be a rate-limiting factor for replication. Autoregulation is apparently responsible for the low protein level; at the physiological concentration of the protein, the repA promoter retains only 0.1% of its full activity as determined by gene fusions to lacZ. When the concentration is further decreased by a factor of 3 or increased by a factor of 40, replication is no longer detectable.  相似文献   

Purified Rep (or RepA) protein, a replication initiator of plasmid pSC101, is present almost solely in the dimer form, and its binding activity for the directly repeated sequences (iterons) in the replication origin (ori) is very low. When Rep protein was treated with guanidine hydrochloride followed by renaturation, it was shown to bind to the iterons with very high efficiency. A gel shift experiment suggested that guanidine-treated Rep bound to iterons as a monomer form. The Rep monomer bound noncooperatively to the three iterons and induced bending of the DNA helix axis in the same direction (about 100 degrees ). The configuration of the IHF box that is a binding site of another DNA bending protein IHF, the three iterons and an AT-rich region between these sequences was important for efficient bending of the ori region. Furthermore, a mutant Rep protein (Rep(IHF)) which can support the plasmid replication in IHF-deficient host cells was purified, and it was found that affinity of the Rep(IHF) monomer for iterons was similar to that of wild-type Rep and bent DNA only 14 degrees more strongly than did the wild-type Rep. Rep(IHF)-dependent plasmid replication, however, required both enhancer regions, par and IR-1, in addition to "core ori" as a minimal essential ori, whereas only one of these two enhancers was necessary for wild-type Rep-dependent replication. How Rep(IHF) can support plasmid replication in the absence of IHF is discussed.  相似文献   

The plasmid ColE2-P9 (ColE2) origin (32bp) is specifically recognized by the plasmid-specified Rep protein that initiates DNA replication. The ColE2 origin is divided into at least three functional subregions (I, II, and III), and three sites (a, b, and c) found in subregions I and II play important roles in Rep protein binding. We performed SELEX experiments of plasmid ColE2 to determine the optimal sequences for specific binding of the Rep protein. From these experiments, we obtained a common 16-bp sequence (5'-TGAGACCANATAAGCC-3'), which corresponds to about one half of the minimal ColE2 origin and contains sites a and b. Gel mobility shift assays using single-point mutant origins and the Rep protein further indicated that high affinity sequence-specific recognition by the Rep protein requires sites a, b, and c, but that mutations in site c were less disruptive to this recognition than those in sites a and b.  相似文献   

Han M  Yagura M  Itoh T 《Journal of bacteriology》2007,189(3):1061-1071
The replication initiator protein (Rep) of plasmid ColE2-P9 (ColE2) is multifunctional. We are interested in how Rep binds to the origin (Ori) to perform various functions. We used the wild type and variants of Rep to study the Rep-Ori interaction by both in vitro and in vivo approaches, including biochemical analyses of protein-DNA interactions and an in vivo replication assay. We identified three regions (I, II, and III) of Rep, located in the C-terminal half, and three corresponding binding sites (I, II, and III) in Ori which are important for Rep-Ori interaction. We showed that region I, containing a putative helix-turn-helix motif, is necessary and sufficient for specific Ori recognition, interacting with site I of the origin DNA from the major groove. Region II interacts with site II of the origin DNA, from the adjacent minor groove in the left half of Ori, and region III interacts with site III, next to the template sequence for primer synthesis, which is one and one-half turn apart from site I on the opposite surface of the origin DNA. A putative linker region located between the two DNA binding domains (regions II and III) was identified, which might provide Rep an extended conformation suitable for binding to the two separate sites in Ori. Based on the results presented in this paper, we propose a model for Rep-Ori interaction in which Rep binds to Ori as a monomer.  相似文献   

Abstract pT181 is a Staphylococcus aureus rolling circle replicating plasmid whose copy number is controlled by regulating the synthesis and activity of the initiator protein, RepC. The RepC dimer is modified during pT181 replication by the addition of an oligodeoxynucleotide, giving rise to a new form, RepC*. To purify RepC*, RepC was expressed in S. aureus as a fusion protein with a polyhistidine tail. The histidine-tagged RepC retains its initiation and topoisomerase activities in vitro. Histagged RepC/RepC and RepC/RepC* were purified in a two-step procedure. Peptide mapping, mass spectrometric analysis and protein sequencing of purified RepC and RepC* were carried out, and both proteins appeared identical, except that the peptide containing the RepC active site tyrosine used in nicking activity was absent when the purified RepC* sample was analyzed. The absence of the active site in RepC* suggests that this site was modified during replication. The results provide the first direct biochemical evidence that RepC* is a modified form of RepC, and support a model in which RepC replication of pT181 leaves RepC with an oligonucleotide blocking the active site of one of its subunits.  相似文献   

Replication of P1 plasmid requires both the plasmid-specific initiator, RepA, and the host initiator, DnaA. Here we show that DnaA can make the P1 origin reactive to the single-strand specific reagents KMnO4 and mung bean nuclease. Addition of RepA further increased the KMnO4 reactivity of the origin, although RepA alone did not influence the reaction. The increased reactivity implies that the two initiators interact in some way to alter the origin conformation. The KMnO4 reactivity was restricted to one strand of the origin. We suggest that the roles of DnaA in P1 plasmid and bacterial replication are similar: origin opening and loading of the DnaB helicase. The strand-bias in chemical reactivity at the P1 origin most likely indicates that only one of the strands is used for the loading of DnaB, a scenario consistent with the unidirectional replication of the plasmid.  相似文献   

The demands for recombinant proteins, in addition to plasmid DNA, for therapeutic use are steadily increasing. Bacterial fermentation processes have long been and still are the major tool for production of these molecules. The key objective of process optimization is to attain a high yield of the required quality, which is determined, to a large extent, by plasmid replication rates, metabolic capacity and the properties of the specific gene construct. When high copy number plasmids are used, the metabolic capacity of the host cell is often overstrained and efficient protein production is impaired. The plasmid copy number is the key parameter in the exploitation of the host cell, and can be maximized by optimal control of the flux ratios between biosynthesis of host cell proteins and recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Proteins from the Rep family of DNA replication initiators exist mainly as dimers, but only monomers can initiate DNA replication by interaction with the replication origin (ori). In this study, we investigated both the activation (monomerization) and the degradation of the broad‐host‐range plasmid RK2 replication initiation protein TrfA, which we found to be a member of a class of DNA replication initiators containing winged helix (WH) domains. Our in vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrated that the ClpX‐dependent activation of TrfA leading to replicationally active protein monomers and mutations affecting TrfA dimer formation, result in the inhibition of TrfA protein degradation by the ClpXP proteolytic system. These data revealed that the TrfA monomers and dimers are degraded at substantially different rates. Our data also show that the plasmid replication initiator activity and stability in E. coli cells are affected by ClpXP system only when the protein sustains dimeric form.  相似文献   

We previously identified the origin of replication of p703/5, a small cryptic plasmid from the KBL703 strain of Enterococcus faecalis. The origin of replication contains putative regulatory cis-elements required for replication and a replication initiator (RepA) gene. The replicon of p703/5 is similar in its structural organization to theta-type plasmids, and RepA is homologous to a family of Rep proteins identified in several plasmids from Gram-positive bacteria. Here, we report molecular interactions between RepA and the replication origin of p703/5. DNase I footprinting using recombinant RepA together with electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed the binding of RepA to the replication origin of p703/5 via iterons and an inverted repeat. We also demonstrated the formation of RepA dimers and the different binding of RepA to the iteron and the inverted repeat using gel filtration chromatographic analysis, a chemical crosslinking assay, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays in the presence of guanidine hydrochloride. Our results suggest that RepA plays a regulatory role in the replication of the enterococcal plasmid p703/5 via mechanisms similar to those of typical iteron-carrying theta-type plasmids.  相似文献   

pT181, a 4.4-kilobase multicopy plasmid of Staphylococcus aureus, encodes a trans-acting initiator protein, RepC, which was rate limiting for replication. Deletions in a 500-base-pair region of the plasmid external to the minimal replicon decreased the ability of the plasmid to compete with a coexisting incompatible plasmid. These deletions, which define a region called cmp (for competition), appeared to affect the interaction of RepC and the plasmid origin of replication. However, in the homoplasmid state the deletions affected neither copy number nor plasmid stability. The Cmp phenotype is orientation independent, and cmp defects could not be complemented in trans.  相似文献   

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