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Segundo JP 《Bio Systems》2000,58(1-3):3-7
This communication introduces the topic. Foundations: Core concepts: Codings are relations summarized by rules or 'codes'. Special codings are 'neural', 'natural' (in everyday life), 'experimental' (in laboratories), 'conditional' (to partner restrictions). etc. Partial aspects are mechanisms, what partners say about each other, etc. Critical experimental issues: Trains are evaluated by when spikes occur: i.e. as point processes and timings. Trains and point process representations become synonyms. Any code must: (i) be a 'number (rate) code' and an 'interval code'; and (ii) include 'referent, train' covariations involving steady states with overall averages and fluctuations with patterns (dispersions, sequences). Seminal findings. Early data proved trains participated in codings; this is accepted unanimously. Inevitably, though accepted less readily, codings included rates, intervals, averages and patterns. Literature highlights. (1) Confirmed the seminal finding (2.2.) over vast domains; (2) Demonstrated both general and synaptic codings (referents, respectively, sensory, states, etc. and trains in directly connected neurons); (3) Revealed overlap between general and synaptic coding features. Overlap allows train participation in network dynamics; (4) Introduced natural formal contexts. (Point Process Mathematics, Communication. Information and Dynamical Systems Theories); (5) Includes confused opinions: (i) Opposition between rates and intervals; (ii) claims that averages are meaningful but patterns irrelevant. Both, overlooking foundations and evidence, are untenable.  相似文献   

Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) has been shown to enable single neurons to detect repeatedly presented spatiotemporal spike patterns. This holds even when such patterns are embedded in equally dense random spiking activity, that is, in the absence of external reference times such as a stimulus onset. Here we demonstrate, both analytically and numerically, that STDP can also learn repeating rate-modulated patterns, which have received more experimental evidence, for example, through post-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs). Each input spike train is generated from a rate function using a stochastic sampling mechanism, chosen to be an inhomogeneous Poisson process here. Learning is feasible provided significant covarying rate modulations occur within the typical timescale of STDP (~10-20 ms) for sufficiently many inputs (~100 among 1000 in our simulations), a condition that is met by many experimental PSTHs. Repeated pattern presentations induce spike-time correlations that are captured by STDP. Despite imprecise input spike times and even variable spike counts, a single trained neuron robustly detects the pattern just a few milliseconds after its presentation. Therefore, temporal imprecision and Poisson-like firing variability are not an obstacle to fast temporal coding. STDP provides an appealing mechanism to learn such rate patterns, which, beyond sensory processing, may also be involved in many cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

Sequence database searches have become an important tool for the life sciences in general and for gene discovery-driven biotechnology in particular. Both the functional assignment of newly found proteins and the mining of genome databases for functional candidates are equally important tasks typically addressed by database searches. Sensitivity and reliability of the search methods are of crucial importance.The overall performance of sequence alignments and database searches can be enhanced considerably, when profiles or hidden Markov models (HMMs) derived from protein families are used as query objects instead of single sequences.This review discusses the concept of profiles, generalised profiles and profile-HMMs, the methods how they are constructed and the scope of possible applications in gene discovery and gene functional assignment.  相似文献   

As a method for the analysis of neural spike trains, we examine fundamental characteristics of interspike interval (ISI) reconstruction theoretically with a leaky-integrator neuron model and experimentally with cricket wind receptor cells. Both the input to the leaky integrator and the stimulus to the wind receptor cells are the time series generated from the Rossler system. By numerical analysis of the leaky integrator, it is shown that, even if ISI reconstruction is possible, sometimes the entire structure of the R?ssler attractor may not be reconstructed with ISI reconstruction. For analysis of the in vivo physiological responses of cricket wind receptor cells, we apply ISI reconstruction, nonlinear prediction and the surrogate data method to the experimental data. As a result of the analysis, it is found that there is a significant deterministic structure in the spike trains. By this analysis of physiological data, it is also shown that, even if ISI reconstruction is possible, the entire attractor may not be reconstructed.  相似文献   

We consider hidden Markov models as a versatile class of models for weakly dependent random phenomena. The topic of the present paper is likelihood-ratio testing for hidden Markov models, and we show that, under appropriate conditions, the standard asymptotic theory of likelihood-ratio tests is valid. Such tests are crucial in the specification of multivariate Gaussian hidden Markov models, which we use to illustrate the applicability of our general results. Finally, the methodology is illustrated by means of a real data set.  相似文献   

MacKay Altman R 《Biometrics》2004,60(2):444-450
In this article, we propose a graphical technique for assessing the goodness-of-fit of a stationary hidden Markov model (HMM). We show that plots of the estimated distribution against the empirical distribution detect lack of fit with high probability for large sample sizes. By considering plots of the univariate and multidimensional distributions, we are able to examine the fit of both the assumed marginal distribution and the correlation structure of the observed data. We provide general conditions for the convergence of the empirical distribution to the true distribution, and demonstrate that these conditions hold for a wide variety of time-series models. Thus, our method allows us to compare not only the fit of different HMMs, but also that of other models as well. We illustrate our technique using a multiple sclerosis data set.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Computationally identifying non-coding RNA regions on the genome has much scope for investigation and is essentially harder than gene-finding problems for protein-coding regions. Since comparative sequence analysis is effective for non-coding RNA detection, efficient computational methods are expected for structural alignments of RNA sequences. On the other hand, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have played important roles for modeling and analysing biological sequences. Especially, the concept of Pair HMMs (PHMMs) have been examined extensively as mathematical models for alignments and gene finding. RESULTS: We propose the pair HMMs on tree structures (PHMMTSs), which is an extension of PHMMs defined on alignments of trees and provides a unifying framework and an automata-theoretic model for alignments of trees, structural alignments and pair stochastic context-free grammars. By structural alignment, we mean a pairwise alignment to align an unfolded RNA sequence into an RNA sequence of known secondary structure. First, we extend the notion of PHMMs defined on alignments of 'linear' sequences to pair stochastic tree automata, called PHMMTSs, defined on alignments of 'trees'. The PHMMTSs provide various types of alignments of trees such as affine-gap alignments of trees and an automata-theoretic model for alignment of trees. Second, based on the observation that a secondary structure of RNA can be represented by a tree, we apply PHMMTSs to the problem of structural alignments of RNAs. We modify PHMMTSs so that it takes as input a pair of a 'linear' sequence and a 'tree' representing a secondary structure of RNA to produce a structural alignment. Further, the PHMMTSs with input of a pair of two linear sequences is mathematically equal to the pair stochastic context-free grammars. We demonstrate some computational experiments to show the effectiveness of our method for structural alignments, and discuss a complexity issue of PHMMTSs.  相似文献   

Kropp M  Gabbiani F  Prank K 《Systems biology》2005,152(4):263-268
The ubiquitous Ca2(+)-phosphoinositide pathway transduces extracellular signals to cellular effectors. Using a mathematical model, we simulated intracellular Ca2+ fluctuations in hepatocytes upon humoral stimulation. We estimated the information encoded about random humoral stimuli in these Ca2+ spike trains using an information-theoretic approach based on stimulus estimation methods. We demonstrate accurate transfer of information about random humoral signals with low temporal cutoff frequencies. In contrast, our results suggest that high-frequency stimuli are poorly transduced by the transmembrane machinery. We found that humoral signals are encoded in both the timing and amplitude of intracellular Ca2+ spikes. The information transmitted per spike is similar to that of sensory neuronal systems, in spite of several orders of magnitude difference in firing rate.  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of two simultaneously observed trains of neuronal spikes is described, using as a conceptual framework the theory of stochastic point processes.The first statistical question that arises is whether the observed trains are independent; statistical techniques for testing independence are developed around the notion that, under the null hypothesis, the times of spike occurrence in one train represent random instants in time with respect to the other. If the null hypothesis is rejected—if dependence is attributed to the trains—the problem then becomes that of characterizing the nature and source of the observed dependencies. Statistical signs of various classes of dependencies, including direct interaction and shared input, are discussed and illustrated through computer simulations of interacting neurons. The effects of nonstationarities on the statistical measures for simultaneous spike trains are also discussed. For two-train comparisons of irregularly discharging nerve cells, moderate nonstationarities are shown to have little effect on the detection of interactions.Combining repetitive stimulation and simultaneous recording of spike trains from two (or more) neurons yields additional clues as to possible modes of interaction among the monitored neurons; the theory presented is illustrated by an application to experimentally obtained data from auditory neurons.A companion paper covers the analysis of single spike trains.  相似文献   

Segmentation of yeast DNA using hidden Markov models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The ever increasing speed of DNA sequencing widens the discrepancy between the number of known gene products, and the knowledge of their function and structure. Proper annotation of protein sequences is therefore crucial if the missing information is to be deduced from sequence‐based similarity comparisons. These comparisons become exceedingly difficult as the pairwise identities drop to very low values. To improve the accuracy of domain identification, we exploit the fact that the three‐dimensional structures of domains are much more conserved than their sequences. Based on structure‐anchored multiple sequence alignments of low identity homologues we constructed 850 structure‐anchored hidden Markov models (saHMMs), each representing one domain family. Since the saHMMs are highly family specific, they can be used to assign a domain to its correct family and clearly distinguish it from domains belonging to other families, even within the same superfamily. This task is not trivial and becomes particularly difficult if the unknown domain is distantly related to the rest of the domain sequences within the family. In a search with full length protein sequences, harbouring at least one domain as defined by the structural classification of proteins database (SCOP), version 1.71, versus the saHMM database based on SCOP version 1.69, we achieve an accuracy of 99.0%. All of the few hits outside the family fall within the correct superfamily. Compared to Pfam_ls HMMs, the saHMMs obtain about 11% higher coverage. A comparison with BLAST and PSI‐BLAST demonstrates that the saHMMs have consistently fewer errors per query at a given coverage. Within our recommended E‐value range, the same is true for a comparison with SUPERFAMILY. Furthermore, we are able to annotate 232 proteins with 530 nonoverlapping domains belonging to 102 different domain families among human proteins labelled “unknown” in the NCBI protein database. Our results demonstrate that the saHMM database represents a versatile and reliable tool for identification of domains in protein sequences. With the aid of saHMMs, homology on the family level can be assigned, even for distantly related sequences. Due to the construction of the saHMMs, the hits they provide are always associated with high quality crystal structures. The saHMM database can be accessed via the FISH server at http://babel.ucmp.umu.se/fish/ . Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a new multilocus method for the fine-scale mapping of genes contributing to human diseases. The method is designed for use with multiple biallelic markers-in particular, single-nucleotide polymorphisms for which high-density genetic maps will soon be available. We model disease-marker association in a candidate region via a hidden Markov process and allow for correlation between linked marker loci. Using Markov-chain-Monte Carlo simulation methods, we obtain posterior distributions of model parameter estimates including disease-gene location and the age of the disease-predisposing mutation. In addition, we allow for heterogeneity in recombination rates, across the candidate region, to account for recombination hot and cold spots. We also obtain, for the ancestral marker haplotype, a posterior distribution that is unique to our method and that, unlike maximum-likelihood estimation, can properly account for uncertainty. We apply the method to data for cystic fibrosis and Huntington disease, for which mutations in disease genes have already been identified. The new method performs well compared with existing multi-locus mapping methods.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Hidden Markov models (HMMs) calculate the probability that a sequence was generated by a given model. Log-odds scoring provides a context for evaluating this probability, by considering it in relation to a null hypothesis. We have found that using a reverse-sequence null model effectively removes biases owing to sequence length and composition and reduces the number of false positives in a database search. Any scoring system is an arbitrary measure of the quality of database matches. Significance estimates of scores are essential, because they eliminate model- and method-dependent scaling factors, and because they quantify the importance of each match. Accurate computation of the significance of reverse-sequence null model scores presents a problem, because the scores do not fit the extreme-value (Gumbel) distribution commonly used to estimate HMM scores' significance. RESULTS: To get a better estimate of the significance of reverse-sequence null model scores, we derive a theoretical distribution based on the assumption of a Gumbel distribution for raw HMM scores and compare estimates based on this and other distribution families. We derive estimation methods for the parameters of the distributions based on maximum likelihood and on moment matching (least-squares fit for Student's t-distribution). We evaluate the modeled distributions of scores, based on how well they fit the tail of the observed distribution for data not used in the fitting and on the effects of the improved E-values on our HMM-based fold-recognition methods. The theoretical distribution provides some improvement in fitting the tail and in providing fewer false positives in the fold-recognition test. An ad hoc distribution based on assuming a stretched exponential tail does an even better job. The use of Student's t to model the distribution fits well in the middle of the distribution, but provides too heavy a tail. The moment-matching methods fit the tails better than maximum-likelihood methods. AVAILABILITY: Information on obtaining the SAM program suite (free for academic use), as well as a server interface, is available at http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/sam.html and the open-source random sequence generator with varying compositional biases is available at http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/gen_sequence  相似文献   

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