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The enamel knot (EK), which is a transient signaling center in the tooth germ, regulates both the differential growth of the dental epithelium and the tooth shape. In this study, the regeneration of the EK was evaluated. The EK regions were removed from the E14 and E16 dental epithelia, and the remaining epithelia were recombined with their original dental mesenchymes. All these tooth germs could develop into calcified teeth after being transplanted into the kidney capsule for 3 weeks. One primary EK was regenerated earlier, and two or three secondary EKs were regenerated later in culture. When simply recombined without removing the EK, the tooth germ, which had four secondary EKs and four cuspal areas of the dental papilla, generated one primary EK first and subsequent secondary EKs. These results indicate that the patterning of the EK in all tooth germs always starts from a primary EK independent of the direct epithelial or mesenchymal control. This suggests that neither the dental epithelium nor the dental mesenchyme can dictate the pattern or number of the EK formation, but the interaction between the dental epithelium and the dental mesenchyme is essential for the regeneration and patterning of the EKs.  相似文献   

The cell surface proteoglycan, syndecan, and the extracellular matrix glycoprotein, tenascin, are expressed in the mesenchyme during early development of many organs. We have studied the expression patterns of syndecan and tenascin during initiation of tooth development and in association with mesenchymal cell condensation and compared these with cell proliferation. Syndecan, tenascin and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation were localized by triple-labelling immunohistochemistry in serial sections of molar tooth germs of mouse embryos. Prior to formation of the epithelial tooth bud, syndecan accumulated in the mesenchymal cells which underlie the presumptive dental epithelium, but tenascin was not detected at this stage. Tenascin appeared during initiation of the epithelial down-growth at the lingual aspect of the tooth germ. During subsequent formation of the epithelial bud, at the late bud stage, syndecan and tenascin became exactly colocalized in the condensed mesenchyme which was clearly demarcated from other jaw mesenchyme. The expression of syndecan and tenascin was accompanied by rapid cell proliferation as indicated by marked BrdU incorporation. When development advanced to the cap stage, syndecan staining intensity in the dental papilla mesenchyme increased further whereas tenascin became reduced. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the expression patterns of syndecan and tenascin overlap transiently during the period of mesenchymal cell condensation and that this is accompanied by cell proliferation. Syndecan and tenascin may play a role in growth control and in compartmentalization of the dental mesenchymal cells in the condensate.  相似文献   

We have shown earlier that epidermal growth factor (EGF) inhibits morphogenesis and cell differentiation in mouse embryonic teeth in organ culture. This inhibition depends on the stage of tooth development so that only teeth at early developmental stages respond to EGF (A-M. Partanen, P. Ekblom, and I. Thesleff (1985) Dev. Biol. 111, 84-94). We have now studied the quantity and pattern of EGF binding in teeth at various stages of development by incubating the dissected tooth germs with 125I-labeled EGF. Although the quantity of 125I-EGF binding per microgram DNA stays at the same level, localization of 125I-EGF binding by autoradiography reveals that the distribution of binding sites changes dramatically. In bud stage the epithelial tooth bud that is intruding into the underlying mesenchyme has binding sites for EGF, but the condensation of dental mesenchymal cells around the bud does not bind EGF. At the cap stage of development the dental mesenchyme binds EGF, but the dental epithelium shows no binding. This indicates that the dental mesenchyme is the primary target tissue for the inhibitory effect of EGF on tooth morphogenesis during early cap stage. During advanced morphogenesis the binding sites of EGF disappear also from the dental papilla mesenchyme, but the dental follicle which consists of condensed mesenchymal cells surrounding the tooth germ, binds EGF abundantly. We have also studied EGF binding during the development of other embryonic organs, kidney, salivary gland, lung, and skin, which are all formed by mesenchymal and epithelial components. The patterns of EGF binding in various tissues suggest that EGF may have a role in the organogenesis of epitheliomesenchymal organs as a stimulator of epithelial proliferation during initial epithelial bud formation and branching morphogenesis. The results of this study indicate that EGF stimulates or maintains proliferation of undifferentiated cells during embryonic development and that the expression of EGF receptors in different organs is not related to the age of the embryo, but is specific to the developmental stage of each organ.  相似文献   

At the bud stage of tooth development the neural crest derived mesenchyme condenses around the dental epithelium. As the tooth germ develops and proceeds to the cap stage, the epithelial cervical loops grow and appear to wrap around the condensed mesenchyme, enclosing the cells of the forming dental papilla. We have fate mapped the dental mesenchyme, using in vitro tissue culture combined with vital cell labelling and tissue grafting, and show that the dental mesenchyme is a much more dynamic population then previously suggested. At the bud stage the mesenchymal cells adjacent to the tip of the bud form both the dental papilla and dental follicle. At the early cap stage a small population of highly proliferative mesenchymal cells in close proximity to the inner dental epithelium and primary enamel knot provide the major contribution to the dental papilla. These cells are located between the cervical loops, within a region we have called the body of the enamel organ, and proliferate in concert with the epithelium to create the dental papilla. The condensed dental mesenchymal cells that are not located between the body of the enamel organ, and therefore are at a distance from the primary enamel knot, contribute to the dental follicle, and also the apical part of the papilla, where the roots will ultimately develop. Some cells in the presumptive dental papilla at the cap stage contribute to the follicle at the bell stage, indicating that the dental papilla and dental follicle are still not defined populations at this stage. These lineage-tracing experiments highlight the difficulty of targeting the papilla and presumptive odontoblasts at early stages of tooth development. We show that at the cap stage, cells destined to form the follicle are still competent to form dental papilla specific cell types, such as odontoblasts, and produce dentin, if placed in contact with the inner dental epithelium. Cell fate of the dental mesenchyme at this stage is therefore determined by the epithelium.  相似文献   

A non-collagenous protein, extracted from rat incisor dentin, is a dentin sialoprotein (DSP). We examined immunohistochemically the developmental appearance and tissue distribution of DSP in 1 to 3-day-old rat molar and incisor tooth germs. The earliest staining for DSP was observed in newly differentiated odontoblasts. In more advanced stages, immunostaining for DSP gradually increased in pre-dentin, odontoblasts and dentin, and appeared in many cells of the dental papilla. In early stages of development before the breakdown of the dental basement membrane, pre-ameloblasts were also positive for DSP. This staining disappeared from the ameloblast cell body soon after deposition of the first layer of mineralized dentin. Radiolabelling of tooth matrix proteins with 14C-serine in vitro followed by immunoprecipitation and fluorography confirmed that DSP was synthesized by tooth-forming cells. The immunolocalization for DSP was different from that of either collagen type-I, osteocalcin or the amelogenins. Whereas collagen type-I and osteocalcin were restricted to the mesenchymal dental tissues, the amelogenins were detectable in both epithelial and mesenchymal dental cells and tissues at the epithelio-mesenchymal interface at early stages of development, prior to the onset of dentin mineralization. We conclude that DSP is expressed in and secreted by odontoblasts and some dental papilla cells from early stages of dentinogenesis onwards, i.e. later than type-I collagen, but before deposition of the first layer of mineralized dentin. In pre-mineralizing stages, some of the matrix proteins may be endocytosed from the pre-dentin by both cell types involved in the epithelio-mesenchymal interaction.  相似文献   

Syndecan from embryonic tooth mesenchyme binds tenascin.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Syndecan is a cell surface heparan sulfate-rich proteoglycan found on various epithelial cells but also in some embryonic mesenchymal tissues. We have immunoisolated syndecan from embryonic tooth mesenchyme that appeared as a 250-300-kDa molecule (Kav = 0.3 in Sepharose 4B), containing only heparan sulfate side chains (Mr = 35,000). Northern analysis of whole tooth germs and tooth mesenchymes also revealed high expression of syndecan mRNAs (2.6 and 3.4 kilobases). In the binding assay utilizing nitrocellulose as a solid phase to immobilize matrix molecules, syndecan immunoisolated from tooth mesenchyme revealed binding to tenascin, and this interaction was shown to be mediated via heparan sulfate side chains. In contrast, syndecan from mouse mammary epithelial cells showed only weak interaction with tenascin. We propose that syndecan and tenascin may represent interactions of a cell surface receptor and a matrix ligand involved in mesenchymal cell condensation and differentiation during early organogenesis.  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of glycogen deposits were investigated in the murine tooth germ by histochemical periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining and transmission electron microscopy. Lower and upper first molars were examined in mouse embryos at embryonic days 11.5–17 (E11.5–E17) and in 2-day-old postnatal (P2) mice. The oral and dental epithelia and the mesenchymal cells were generally PAS-positive during tooth morphogenesis. PAS-negative cells were present at E13 in the distal tip of the tooth bud epithelium and in the contacting mesenchyme, and this complete lack of PAS reactivity continued in the dental papilla mesenchyme and inner enamel epithelium during the cap and bell stages. The lack of glycogen deposits in the interacting epithelium and mesenchyme during early morphogenesis may be associated with their demonstrated high signaling activities. Mesenchymal cells in the dental follicle consistently possessed small clusters or large pools of glycogen, which disappeared by P2. Since an intense PAS reaction was seen in mesenchymal cells at future bone sites, the glycogen in the dental follicle cells may be associated with their development into hard-tissue-forming cells. Ultrastructural observation of the enamel organ cells from the cap to early bell stages (E14–E15) revealed the occurrence of glycogen pools, which were associated with the Golgi apparatus and with vesicles having amorphous contents. Glycogen particles were also occasionally present inside vesicles or in the extracellular matrix. These may be associated with the exocytosis of glycosaminoglycan components into extracellular spaces and the formation of the stellate reticulum. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 17 January 1999  相似文献   

The expressions of the c- and N- myc proto-oncogenes during oral development of midgestational mouse embryos were examined by in situ hybridization in order to analyze their roles. In the mandibular rudiment, c- myc RNA was strongly expressed in the mesenchymal condensation around the ossification center in which high-level expression of 2 ar (osteopontin) was detected. In tooth germs, c- myc was strongly expressed in the epithelia at the bud stage, and its expression gradually became restricted to the inner enamel epithelia from the cap to bell stages. In contrast, N- myc expression was detected in the undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of the dental papilla. Incorporation of BrdU was examined immunohistochemically to study the relationship between the expressions of c- and N- myc and cell proliferation. Unexpectedly, the distribution of BrdU labelled regions was not coincident with the expressions of c- and N- myc . These results suggest that the level of myc expression is not necessarily related to cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Vascularization is essential for organ and tissue development. Teeth develop through interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme. The developing capillaries in the enamel organ, the dental epithelial structure, occur simultaneously by mechanisms of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis at the onset of dentinogenesis. The vascular neoformation in the dental mesenchyme has been reported to start from the cap stage. However, the mechanisms of vascularization in the dental mesenchyme remain unknown. In the hope of understanding the mechanisms of the formation of dental mesenchymal vasculature, mouse lower molar germs from embryonic day (E) 13.5 to E16.5 were processed for immunostaining of CD31 and CD34, terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, the role of apoptosis for the vascularization in dental mesenchyme was examined by in vitro culture of E14.0 lower molars in the presence of the apoptosis inhibitor (z-VAD-fmk) and a subsequent subrenal culture. Our results showed that CD31- and CD34-positive cells progressively entered the central part of the dental papilla from the peridental mesenchyme. For TEM, angioblasts, young capillaries with thick endothelium and endothelial cells containing vacuoles were observed in peripheral dental mesenchyme, suggesting vasculogenesis was taking place. The presence of lateral sprouting, cytoplasmic filopodia and transluminal bridges in the dental papilla suggested angiogenesis was also occurring. Inhibition of apoptosis delayed the angiogenic vascularization of the dental papilla. Therefore, these data demonstrated that molar mesenchyme is progressively vascularized by mechanisms of both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis and apoptosis partially contributes to the vascularization of the dental papilla.  相似文献   

To elucidate the roles of fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in tooth development, we have analyzed the expression patterns of fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) in mouse teeth by in situ hybridization and studied the effects of FGF-2, -4, -8, and -9 on cell proliferation in vitro by local application with beads on isolated dental mesenchymes. mRNAs of FGFR-1, -2, and -3 were localized by probes specific for the alternative splice variants IIIb and IIIc. The expression patterns of FGFR1, -2, and -3 were completely different, and the two splicing variants of FGFR1 and 2 exhibited different expression domains. FGFR4 was not expressed in the developing teeth. The IIIb splice forms of FGFR1 and -2 were expressed in the dental epithelium during morphogenesis. The IIIc splice form of FGFR1 was expressed both in epithelium and mesenchyme whereas FGFR2 IIIc was confined to the mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle. Both splice forms of FGFR3 were expressed in dental papilla mesenchyme. None of the FGF-receptors was detected in the primary enamel knot, the putative signaling center regulating tooth morphogenesis. This may explain the fact that enamel knot cells do not proliferate, although they express intensely mitogenic FGFs. Beads releasing FGF-2, -4, -8, or -9 proteins stimulated cell proliferation in cultured dental mesenchymes. These data, together with our earlier data on FGF expression [Kettunen and Thesleff (1998): Dev Dyn 211:256–268] suggest that FGF-8 and -9 mediate epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during tooth initiation. During advancing morphogenesis FGF-3, -4, and -9 may act both on mesenchyme and epithelium. Finally, the intense expression of FGFR1 in odontoblasts and ameloblasts, and FGFR2 IIIb in ameloblasts suggests that FGFs participate in regulation of their differentiation and/or secretory functions. Dev. Genet. 22:374–385, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is known that high-molecular-weight (HMW) membrane proteins mediate interactions with constituents of the extracellular matrix and/or with cytoskeletal elements. To study participation of HMW membrane proteins in odontoblast or ameloblast differentiation, an immunological approach has been adopted. Antibodies directed against membrane proteins (Mr, 110-190) from mouse embryos have been produced by the hybridoma technique. Supernatants of hybridoma cultures were screened for their ability to stain dental tissues and also tested for their biological activities on dental cells in primary culture or on developing tooth germs in organ culture. An IgM monoclonal antibody, MC16A16, directed against a 165-kDa antigen present in plasma membrane preparations, reacted strongly with the dental epithelium and weakly with the mesenchyme. MC16A16 also reacted with the cell surface of nonpermeabilized cultured dental cells and could detach epithelial cells cultured on glass, but not mesenchymal cells which maintained vinculin-containing focal contacts. This antibody, which affected the organization of dental-cell microfilaments in primary culture, also inhibited the polarization of odontoblasts, but not that of ameloblasts.  相似文献   

Interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme are important for organ and tissue development. In this study, in order to mimic interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme during native tooth development, we constructed three-dimensional culture systems in vitro using a collagen membrane. Two types of collagen membrane-based in vitro culture systems were constructed in which dental epithelial and dental follicle cell lines were cultured. One co-culture method involved inoculation of one cell line into one side of the collagen membrane, and the other cell line into the opposite side of the membrane (sandwich co-culture). As a control, the second method involved culture of one of the cell lines on a culture dish and the second cell line on a collagen membrane, facing away from the first cell line (separate co-culture). The HAT-7 cells were also grown as a monolayer culture on collagen. Ameloblast differentiation in these cultures was investigated by analysis of the mRNA and/or protein expression of ameloblastin and amelogenin. Our results suggest that interaction of epithelial and mesenchymal cells via the extracellular matrix is important for tooth differentiation in vitro. Our culture system should be a useful method for investigation of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions.  相似文献   

Here, we report on the first attempt to bioengineer tooth using a spontaneously immortalized mesenchymal cell line. To assess the odontogenic potential of this cell line, odontoblast-lineage cells (OLC) were re-associated with competent dental epithelium isolated from E14.5 mice. A novel three-dimensional organ germ culture method was applied to nurture the constructs in vitro. Additionally, recombinants were transplanted under the kidney capsule in host animals for 2 weeks. Transplants developed into tooth tissues in one-third of the cases. OLC-derived GFP-positive cells could be identified in mineralizing tooth germs by immunohistochemistry. OLCs were capable of intercellular and cell-matrix communication, thus they eventually differentiated into functional odontoblasts. In summary, we managed to utilize OLCs for dental mesenchyme substitution in tooth regeneration experiments. Therefore, our spontaneously transformed cell line proved its potential for future complex, tooth developmental and bioengineering studies.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that tooth size is determined by dental mesenchymal factors. Exogenous bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)4, Noggin, fibroblast growth factor (FGF)3 and FGF10 have no effect on tooth size, despite the expressions of Bmp2, Bmp4, Fgf3, Fgf10 and Lef1 in the dental mesenchyme. Among the wingless (Wnt) genes that are differentially expressed during tooth development, only Wnt5a is expressed in the dental mesenchyme. The aims of the present study were to clarify the expression pattern of Wnt5a in developing tooth germs and the role of Wnt5a in the regulation of tooth size by treatment with exogenous WNT5A with/without an apoptosis inhibitor on in vitro tooth germs combined with transplantation into kidney capsules. Wnt5a was intensely expressed in both the dental epithelium and mesenchyme during embryonic days 14–17, overlapping partly with the expressions of both Shh and Bmp4. Moreover, WNT5A retarded the development of tooth germs by markedly inducing cell death in the non-dental epithelium and mesenchyme but not widely in the dental region, where the epithelial–mesenchymal gene interactions among Wnt5a, Fgf10, Bmp4 and Shh might partly rescue the cells from death in the WNT5A-treated tooth germ. Together, these results indicate that WNT5A-induced cell death inhibited the overall development of the tooth germ, resulting in smaller teeth with blunter cusps after tooth-germ transplantation. Thus, it is suggested that Wnt5a is involved in regulating cell death in non-dental regions, while in the dental region it acts as a regulator of other genes that rescue tooth germs from cell death.  相似文献   

Maspin is a 42 kDa serine protease inhibitor that possesses tumor suppressive and anti-angiogenic activities. Despite of a huge amount of data concerning the expression pattern of maspin in various tissues and its relevance to the biological properties of a variety of human cancer cells, little is known on the maspin expression in skeletal and tooth tissues. Recently, we reported that maspin may play an important role in extracellular matrix formation in bone by enhancing the accumulation of latent TGF-β in the extracellular matrix. This study was performed to elucidate the possible role of maspin in tooth development. First, an immunohistochemical analysis for human tooth germs at the late bell stage showed the expression of maspin by active ameloblasts and odontoblasts that were forming enamel and dentin, respectively. During rat tooth development, maspin expression was observed for the first time in inner and outer enamel epithelial cells and dental papilla cells at early bell stage. The neutralizing anti-maspin antibody inhibited the proper dental tissue formation in organ cultures of mandibular first molars obtained from 21-day-old rat embryos. In addition, the proliferation of HAT-7 cells, a rat odontogenic epithelial cell line, and human dental papilla cells were suppressed in a dose-dependent manner with anti-maspin antibody. Moreover, RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of mRNA for tooth-related genes including dentin matrix protein 1, dentin sialophosphoprotein and osteopontin in human dental papilla cells was inhibited when treated with anti-maspin antibody. These findings suggest that maspin expressed in ameloblasts and odontoblasts plays an important physiological role in tooth development through the regulation of matrix formation in dental tissues.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of tenascin during tooth development   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Tenascin is an extracellular matrix molecule that was earlier shown to be enriched in embryonic mesenchyme surrounding the budding epithelium in various organs including the tooth. In the present study tenascin was localized by immunohistology throughout the course of tooth development in the mouse and rat using polyclonal antibodies against chick tenascin. The results indicate that tenascin is expressed by the lineage of dental mesenchymal cells throughout tooth ontogeny. The intensity of staining with tenascin antibodies in the dental papilla mesenchyme was temporarily reduced at cap stage when the tooth grows rapidly and undergoes extensive morphogenetic changes. During the bell stage of morphogenesis, the staining intensity increased and tenascin was accumulated in the dental pulp even after completion of crown development and eruption. Tenascin was present in the dental basement membrane at the time of odontoblast differentiation. The dental papilla cells ceased to express tenascin upon differentiation into odontoblasts and tenascin was completely absent from dentin. It can be speculated that the remarkable expression of tenascin in the dental mesenchymal cells as compared to other connective tissues is associated with their capacity to differentiate into hard-tissue-forming cells.  相似文献   

Tooth morphogenesis and differentiation of the dental cells are guided by interactions between epithelial and mesenchymal tissues. Because the extracellular matrix is involved in these interactions, the expression of matrix receptors located at the cell surface may change during this developmental sequence. We have examined the distribution of an epithelial cell surface proteoglycan antigen, known to behave as a receptor for interstitial matrix, during tooth morphogenesis. Intense staining was seen around the cells of the embryonic oral epithelium as well as the dental epithelium at the early bud stage. With development, expression was greatly reduced in the enamel organ. Differentiation of these cells into ameloblasts was associated with the loss of expression, while the epithelial cells remaining in the stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum regained intense staining. The PG antigen was weakly expressed in the loose neural crest-derived jaw mesenchyme but it became strongly reactive in the condensed dental papilla mesenchyme when extensive morphogenetic movements took place. With development, the PG antigen disappeared from the advanced dental papilla mesenchyme but persisted in the dental sac mesenchyme, which gives rise to periodontal tissues. The PG antigen was not expressed by odontoblasts. Hence, the expression of the PG antigen changes during the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions of tooth development and is lost during terminal cell differentiation. The expression follows morphogenetic rather than histologic boundaries. The acquisition and loss of expression in epithelial and mesenchymal tissues during tooth development suggest that this proteoglycan has specific functions in the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that guide morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Odontogenesis is the result of the reciprocal interactions between epithelial–mesenchymal cells leading to terminally differentiated odontoblasts. This process from dental papilla mesenchymal cells to odontoblasts is regulated by a complex signaling pathway. When isolated from the developing tooth germs, odontoblasts quickly lose their potential to maintain the odontoblast-specific phenotype. Therefore, generation of an odontoblast-like cell line would be a good surrogate model for studying the dental mesenchymal cell differentiation into odontoblasts and the molecular events of dentin formation. In this study, immortalized dental papilla mesenchymal cell lines were generated from the first mouse mandibular molars at postnatal day 3 using pSV40. These transformed cells were characterized by RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, Western blot, and analyzed for alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralization nodule formation. One of these immortalized cell lines, iMDP-3, displayed a high proliferation rate, but retained the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics similar to primary cells as determined by expression of tooth-specific markers and demonstrated the ability to differentiate and form mineralized nodules. Furthermore, iMDP-3 cells had high transfection efficiency as well as were inducible and responded to BMP2 stimulation. We conclude that the establishment of the stable murine dental papilla mesenchymal cell line might be used for studying the mechanisms of dental cell differentiation and dentin formation.  相似文献   

Tooth enamel is formed by epithelially-derived cells called ameloblasts, while the pulp dentin complex is formed by the dental mesenchyme. These tissues differentiate with reciprocal signaling interactions to form a mature tooth. In this study we have characterized ameloblast differentiation in human developing incisors, and have further investigated the role of extracellular matrix proteins on ameloblast differentiation. Histological and immunohistochemical analyses showed that in the human tooth, the basement membrane separating the early developing dental epithelium and mesenchyme was lost shortly before dentin deposition was initiated, prior to enamel matrix secretion. Presecretary ameloblasts elongated as they came into contact with the dentin matrix, and then shortened to become secretory ameloblasts. In situ hybridization showed that the presecretory stage of odontoblasts started to express type I collagen mRNA, and also briefly expressed amelogenin mRNA. This was followed by upregulation of amelogenin mRNA expression in secretory ameloblasts. In vitro, amelogenin expression was upregulated in ameloblast lineage cells cultured in Matrigel, and was further up-regulated when these cells/Matrigel were co-cultured with dental pulp cells. Co-culture also up-regulated type I collagen expression by the dental pulp cells. Type I collagen coated culture dishes promoted a more elongated ameloblast lineage cell morphology and enhanced cell adhesion via integrin α2β1. Taken together, these results suggest that the basement membrane proteins and signals from underlying mesenchymal cells coordinate to initiate differentiation of preameloblasts and regulate type I collagen expression by odontoblasts. Type I collagen in the dentin matrix then anchors the presecretary ameloblasts as they further differentiate to secretory cells. These studies show the critical roles of the extracellular matrix proteins in ameloblast differentiation.  相似文献   

目的 为探索一种组织工程化牙齿异位培养的理想环境,检测全牙胚、牙乳头及成釉器在肾被膜环境下的发育能力.方法 利用剖腹产取出胚龄18 d的大鼠胎儿,显微外科分离牙胚,并将之进一步分为牙乳头和成釉器两部分.使用特制玻璃移植管分别将获得的全牙胚、牙乳头及成釉器植入异体大鼠肾被膜下.2周后取出培养物,HE染色观察其发育情况.结果 在肾被膜微环境下,全牙胚在肾被膜下发育良好,形成较为完整的牙齿形态和结构,单独的牙乳头可以形成牙本质,而单独的成釉器无法形成特定形态的牙冠,也无法分化成釉质.结论 证明肾被膜下是牙齿异位生长的适宜环境,ED18后成釉器发育仍然受到牙乳头调控,与此相反,牙乳头发育不再依赖成釉器的信号.  相似文献   

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