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Molecular techniques have enabled behavioural ecologists to reassess mating systems from a genetic perspective. Studies of paternity frequently reveal that mating behaviour does not always reflect parentage, and may bring to light alternative mating tactics. Here we present a comparison of behavioural and genetic measures of male reproductive success in a mammalian mating system in which both sexes are highly promiscuous. Rather than having a stable harem social structure, Soay rams (Ovis aries) on the island of Hirta, St Kilda, UK usually consort with individual oestrous ewes sequentially. Not all matings occur between consort pairs, however, and ewes have been seen to mate with up to 10 different rams on the same day. Using locus-specific polymorphism at five protein and 10 microsatellite DNA loci, we determined paternity for 236 lambs born into three cohorts, and compared paternity with estimates of mating success derived from more than one census of rutting behaviour. The correlation between the number of ewes with which each ram was witnessed in consort and the number of paternities assigned was positive and statistically significant, and rams that were observed in consort with a ewe were 18 times more likely to have sired her offspring than other candidate rams. However, most lambs (73%) were not sired by a ram seen in consort with the oestrous mother. Many juveniles, yearlings and some adult rams were rarely seen in consort with ewes, yet were assigned a significant number of paternities. These results suggest that mating tactics differ between age groups, and that alternative mating strategies among adults that do not involve forming consorts with many females also confer mating success. For these reasons, census-based observations of consort associations between individuals cannot be used to accurately estimate individual male reproductive success in this population.  相似文献   

Field observations on the relationship between male mating success and emergence timing in the funnel-web spider,Agelena limbata, were conducted.Agelena limbata is an annual species and adult males appear slightly earlier than adult females in July. As males deposit a copulatory plug at the female epigynum after copulation, copulation with virgin females is important to males. The number of copulations in males with virgin females, which strongly correlates with the longevity of males and the number of females that males courted, did not correlate with the emergence timing of males. Early emerged males and females were significantly larger in size than later ones, but the correlation coefficient between the emerged date and the cephalothorax width was not strong. Males that emerged earlier did not have any advantage in copulating with larger and more fecund females. Furthermore, virgin females first copulated on average 7.9 days after their final molt and the mortality rate of adult males increased after the final molt. These factors may favor the smaller degree of protandry in male emergence timing inA. limbata.  相似文献   

For many species in nature, a sire's progeny may be distributed among a few or many dams. This poses logistical challenges--typically much greater across males than across females--for assessing means and variances in mating success (number of mates) and reproductive success (number of progeny). Here we overcome these difficulties by exhaustively analyzing a population of green swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) for genetic paternity (and maternity) using a suite of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Genetic analyses of 1476 progeny from 69 pregnant females and 158 candidate sires revealed pronounced skews in male reproductive success both within and among broods. These skews were statistically significant, greater than in females, and correlated in males but not in females with mating success. We also compare the standardized variances in swordtail reproductive success to the few such available estimates for other taxa, notably several mammal species with varied mating systems and degrees of sexual dimorphism. The comparison showed that the opportunity for selection on male X. helleri is among the highest yet reported in fishes, and it is intermediate compared to estimates available for mammals. This study is one of a few exhaustive genetic assessments of joint-sex parentage in a natural fish population, and results are relevant to the operation of sexual selection in this sexually dimorphic, high-fecundity species.  相似文献   

The Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico contains some of the largest breeding groups of the globally distributed and critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). An improved understanding of the breeding system of this species and how its genetic variation is structured among nesting areas is required before the threats to its survival can be properly evaluated. Here, we genotype 1195 hatchlings and 41 nesting females at 12 microsatellite loci to assess levels of multiple paternity, genetic variation and whether individual levels of homozygosity are associated with reproductive success. Of the 50 clutches analyzed, only 6% have multiple paternity. The distribution of pairwise relatedness among nesting localities (rookeries) was not random with elevated within‐rookery relatedness, and declining relatedness with geographic distance indicating some natal philopatry. Although there was no strong evidence that particular rookeries had lost allelic variation via drift, younger turtles had significantly lower levels of genetic variation than older turtles, suggesting some loss of genetic variation. At present there is no indication that levels of genetic variation are associated with measures of reproductive success such as clutch size, hatching success, and frequency of infertile eggs.  相似文献   

Lebas NR 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(1):193-203
It is now evident that the genetic mating system can be very different to the observed mating system. However, it is less well known what makes particular individuals more (or less) successful than expected from the observed system. In this study the observed territorial structure of a field population of the agamid lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus, was compared with the mating system as evidenced by microsatellite parentage assignment. This study also investigated whether any male traits predicted reproductive success. Sixty-five per cent of clutches were sired at least partially by a male other than the main territory-holding male and 35% of clutches were sired by a male with no overlap of the female's territory. Multiple paternity was moderately frequent at 25% of clutches. Male chest patch size predicted territory size and the number of females in the territory, but did not predict reproductive success. Instead, male head depth and body size were independently related to the number of offspring sired. As male head depth also predicted the number of females in a territory, these males are likely to be gaining increased reproductive success as a consequence of the higher number of females in their territories. Larger body size males, however, did not have a greater number of females in their territory and instead had more extra-territorial copulations. Whether these extra-territorial copulations are due to female choice or success in male competition is unknown.  相似文献   

The mating success of individually identified males of a stream goby, Rhinogobius sp. CB (cross‐band type), was recorded over one breeding season. One to 3 year‐old males were active in mating, but 3 year‐old males, which accounted for 36% of the population, amounted to c . 70% of the total males guarding eggs in the nest. Three quarters of the breeding males had only one brooding cycle, but the others had two or three. All the latter males changed their nest sites between cycles within a riffle. In 1 and 2 year‐old males, the number of brooding cycles contributed more to the mating success than egg mass size in one brooding cycle. For mating success of 3 year‐old males, the egg mass size in one brooding cycle, which can be enhanced by spawning with a large female or multiple females, was as important as the number of brooding cycles. These male reproductive tactics could be attributed to the age‐related ability of nest construction and mate acquisition.  相似文献   

Lifetime mating success of males in a natural population of the papilionid butterfly, Atrophaneura alcinous, was investigated and causes of the variation were examined. The most successful males mated with 5 females, whereas about 73% of the males failed to mate. Body size of males was not correlated with their eclosion date, longevity and lifetime mating success. There was no trade-off between mating success and longevity, and long-lived males had a disproportionately high mating success. Although number of available females per male per day was not variable among males with different longevities, long-lived males had higher mating efficiency. Time interval between matings by non-virgin males was shorter than that from eclosion to the first mating. High lifetime mating success of long-lived males was strongly related to their mating experience, not to their age per se.  相似文献   

  • 1 The adaptive significance of multiple mating by female Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer) was investigated.
  • 2 Multiple mating prevented the depletion of sperm stores and, therefore, maintained high hatching success. This may not, however, explain the high frequency of remating in this species.
  • 3 Male-derived egg stimulants known to be passed with sperm at mating increased the number of eggs produced only when females mated throughout their lifespans.
  • 4 Spermatophore consumption appeared to provide nutrients which, while they did not increase the quantity of eggs, increased egg quality as indicated by weight. Females who consumed spermatophores had a greater hatching success.
  • 5 While females may derive non-genetic benefits from mating, these are apparently long-term benefits; females must mate throughout their lives in order to accrue them.
  • 6 Since the benefits of mating may not be derived from individual males, the spermatophores and their contents in this species are best considered as mating effort.

  • 1 Multiple mating and its effect on reproductive performance of female Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) moths were studied under controlled conditions.
  • 2 The age at which the moths mated for the first time ranged from the first to the tenth day after emergence, but 71% of first matings were during the first 3 days.
  • 3 The majority (63%) of females had one or two spermatophores in the bursa copulatrix. Some (24%) were found with three to five spermatophores, whereas no successful mating occurred among 13% of individuals. The number of matings was partly dependent on the number of mates available to the female. Between the range of sex ratios of one male to one female and four males to one female maximal mating success occurred at the ratio of three males to one female.
  • 4 Virgin females were capable of egg-laying, but mating stimulated and accelerated oviposition. Mated individuals laid twice as many eggs as unmated ones.
  • 5 The level of copulatory activity did not influence the longevity of females irrespective of the number of males available to them.
  • 6 Sex ratios with greater than one male to a female improved the reproductive success by marginally increasing fecundity and fertility.
  • 7 It is concluded that multiple mating would enhance population growth, and is of particular benefit to populations with a preponderance of females, as is known to occur naturally in this species.

Males with enhanced traits relative to conspecifics often show increased mating and reproductive success and thus have a fitness advantage. The opportunity or potential for sexual selection is predicted to occur under these conditions. Here, we investigated proximate determinants of mating success in male copperhead snakes (Agkistrodon contortrix), a medium‐sized pitviper of North America. Specifically, we investigated the relationships of body size (snout‐vent length, body mass), body condition index, spatial metrics (total distance moved, home range size), and plasma testosterone concentration on mating success in males. The single mating season lasts from August through September. We compared a set of candidate linear mixed models and selected the best‐fitting one using the adjusted Akaike Information Criterion (AICc). The AICc‐selected model (model 2), with testosterone, body condition index, and home range size as predictor variables, showed that male mating success was positively correlated with testosterone. To our knowledge, this is the first report to show the relationship of testosterone and individual mating success in any snake species. A parallel study conducted on male fitness in A. contortrix of the same population used microsatellite markers to assign parentage of fathers (known mothers). Unlike our study, they found that snout‐vent length was positively correlated with reproductive success and that males were experiencing greater sexual selection. This relationship has been detected under natural conditions in other species of snakes. Although behavioural data are important in any mating system analysis, they should not stand alone to infer parentage, relationships or selection metrics (e.g. Bateman gradients). Long‐term sperm storage by females, female cryptic choice, and other factors contribute to the complexity of mating success of males. Accordingly, we thus conclude that estimates of reproductive success and fitness in cryptic species, such as copperheads and other snakes, require robust molecular methods to draw accurate conclusions regarding proximate and evolutionary responses. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 185–194.  相似文献   

A pedigree approach is used to estimate the effective population size yn two population cages of the butterfly, Bicyclus anynana. Each cage was founded with 54 individually marked adults of each sex. Matings were recorded over a 3‐day period. Eggs were then collected from each female over a similar period before the numbers of hatching larvae were counted to assess progeny number. The males showed a higher variance in reproductive success than the females. Since about one‐quarter of all females mated more than once, we also examined the pattern of sperm precedence using molecular markers or, in separate crossing experiments, wing pattern mutants. Both instances of complete first and last male sperm precedence, as well as of sperm mixing, were found. In some crosses a ‘leakiness’ was found in which some of the early eggs laid by a female were fertilized by a male partner which was subsequently completely unsuccessful. However, the estimates of effective population size were largely unaffected by the pattern of sperm precedence. Estimates for Ne : N in each cage were close to 0.60. The possibility of obtaining comparable estimates in selected natural populations of butterflies is discussed.  相似文献   

Male sticklebacks display multiple ornaments, and these ornamentshave been shown to be preferred by females in laboratory experiments.However, few field data exist, and it is not known whether thesepreferences are simultaneously or sequentially operative ina single population. We report correlates of reproductive successin two stickleback populations that differ in their ecology,over several periods within their breeding season. In both populationslarger males had higher reproductive success, but not in all periodsof the breeding season. Reproductive success increased withredness of the throat only in the Wohlensee population, andonly in one period that was characterized by low average success.In the Wohlensee population, the parasitic worm Pomphorhynchuslaevis is abundant, and reproductive success decreased withthe presence of the parasite. In the Roche population, maleswith nests concealed in a plant had higher mating success. Thesenests were less likely to fail, suggesting that females preferredto spawn in concealed nests because of higher offspring survivorship.The different sexual traits appear to reveal different aspectsof male quality (multiple message hypothesis): females probablyfind large males attractive because of their higher paternalquality, but it seems more likely that red males are preferred forbetter genetic qualities. Females also discriminate on territoryquality, and male traits may be important in competition forthese territories. The correlates of reproductive success werenot consistent during the season, probably due to changes inthe availability of ripe females. Such fluctuating selectionpressures will contribute to the maintenance of genetic variationin sexual traits.  相似文献   

Female age: Male preference and reproductive success in primates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey of the literature on male sexual preferences according to the age of the female partner supported the hypothesis that adult males should prefer older females of higher parity. Reproductive success was also surveyed by age and parity, and younger females of lower parity were universally found to have lower success than older females of higher parity. This appears to be true for either age or parity independently, as well as in combination. These findings are discussed and applied to human societies, where similar trends would be expected.  相似文献   

We studied determinants of breeding dispersal (the distance that an animal shifts its mean home range co-ordinate between reproductive events) in an individually marked population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) in south west Sweden during 1987–1991. Female breeding dispersal was not determined by age, size, body condition, or number of partners, and females and males that dispersed further did not experience a higher mortality. However, females with a low reproductive output dispersed further than females that reproduced more successfully, and males that lost in bodily condition dispersed further than males that better maintained body condition. We also looked for relationships between age-differences and band-sharing similarity (DNA fingerprinting = DFP) in three categories of lizards — all females, all males, and males and females — to establish whether males would be likely to mate with close kin. Age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing in only one category, males and females. When males were older than females this relationship was not significant. However, when females were older than males, age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing. Furthermore, females that were old enough to be the mothers of the courting males shared significantly more bands with these males than did the younger females, including the females of the same age as the males. Although parental-specific DFP bands necessary for establishing paternity among our adult lizards were inaccessible to us, we suggest that our circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that some males mate with their mothers. Males that were more closely related with their neighbours also moved further when we controlled statistically for age and mating success. We suggest that by mating with many partners males not only increase their mating success, but also increase the probability of mating with females with ‘good genes’: mean heterozygosity of parents (as revealed by micro-satellites) were strongly correlated with offspring survival.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Adults of many species of Lepidoptera, principally the males, frequent mud puddles, edges of streams, carrion and animal excreta where they imbibe moisture, an activity referred to as 'puddling' Sodium ions are the only known stimulus present which cause males of at least two lepidopteran species to drink for extended periods. In the European skipper Thymelicus lineola (Ochsenheimer) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), only males puddle, even though they have concentrations of abdominal sodium 2–3 times that of females at emergence. During their first mating, males transfer 32% of their abdominal sodium to females. This could be of considerable importance given that an average egg complement contains >50% of the total body sodium of females at emergence. Virgin females, as well as having reduced fecundity, have reduced longevity. This is attributed to virgins not obtaining important nutrients which males transfer to females during mating. Access to sodium ions increases the total number of matings by c. 50% for males living >15 days. Access to sodium ions by once-mated males increases the percentage of males which re-mate on the day following first mating; the percentage of females, mated to the twice-mated males, which lay >50% fertile eggs; and the drought resistance of eggs laid by those females.  相似文献   

The Swedish sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) is a relict species from the period of warmth following the last glacial episode and has a fragmented distribution in central Sweden and a more continuous distribution in the southern part of the country. We used this model system of colonization–extinction for a study of genetic variability within and among Swedish populations from different parts of the distribution range using multilocus DNA fingerprinting. The results from the Swedish populations are then contrasted with those from a large Hungarian population in the centre of the species geographical distribution range, which is likely to closely resemble the ancestral founding population of Sweden. Swedish populations have a low level of genetic variability compared with the Hungarian reference population, which showed a genetic variability within the range described for outbred populations. Within the Swedish populations, the average bandsharing was 0.61, the mean heterozygosity 0.45 and the estimated number of alleles 2.7. The figures for the Hungarian population were a bandsharing of 0.19, a heterozygosity of 0.89 and an estimated number of alleles of 9.8. A population bottleneck, common to all Swedish sand lizards, is indicated by less than 20% of the alleles in the Hungarian population being retained in the Swedish populations, and higher bandsharing similarity between different Swedish populations (0.33) as opposed to the Hungarian population (0.19). The limited variability found in Swedish sand lizards is strongly subdivided between populations, with an average FST of 0.32, indicating a very limited gene flow between the isolated populations, as well as between populations in the region where the sand lizard has a more or less continuous distribution (FST = 0.41).  相似文献   

Seasonal occurrence patterns of adults of both sexes, intensity of male-male interactions, and mating success in the spider,Nephila clavata, were examined in the field. Adult males began to attend female webs about 2 weeks before female maturation. Large adult males were abundant in the early breeding season, but small males increased later in the season. From the distribution of males among female webs and size relationship of males within a web, male-male interactions seemed to be more intense when most females were still subadult. This was verified by a field experiment in which males were artificially introduced to female webs that were attended by other males. It was found that the probability of introduced males remaining on subadult female webs was lower than that on adult webs. As mating occurred mostly in the period shortly after the female final molt and first male sperm precedence was known in all spiders reported so far, intense male-male competition on subadult female webs seemed to be reasonable. Male longevity had an important influence on the mating success of males with just-molted females. Mating success was also affected by the relative body size of males present in a given period. Since larger males occupied the position closest to females within a web and stayed there longer, relative body size appeared to influence mating success through male-male competition. Female body size at maturation declined with time; hence, males that attained sexual maturity earlier had the advantage of mating with larger and more fecund females. Therefore, early maturation as well as larger size seem to be two important trairs influencing the reproductive success of males.  相似文献   

We describe the patterns of paternity success from laboratory mating experiments conducted in Antechinus agilis, a small size dimorphic carnivorous marsupial (males are larger than females). A previous study found last‐male sperm precedence in this species, but they were unable to sample complete litters, and did not take male size and relatedness into account. We tested whether last‐male sperm precedence regardless of male size still holds for complete litters. We explored the relationship between male mating order, male size, timing of mating and relatedness on paternity success. Females were mated with two males of different size with either the large or the small male first, with 1 day rest between the matings. Matings continued for 6 h. In these controlled conditions male size did not have a strong effect on paternity success, but mating order did. Males mating second sired 69.5% of the offspring. Within first mated males, males that mated closer to ovulation sired more offspring. To a lesser degree, variation appeared also to be caused by differences in genetic compatibility of the female and the male, where high levels of allele‐sharing resulted in lower paternity success.  相似文献   

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