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Outer hair cells are the specialized sensory cells that empower the mammalian hearing organ, the cochlea, with its remarkable sensitivity and frequency selectivity. Sound-evoked receptor potentials in outer hair cells are shaped by both voltage-gated K+ channels that control the membrane potential and also ligand-gated K+ channels involved in the cholinergic efferent modulation of the membrane potential. The objectives of this study were to investigate the tonotopic contribution of BK channels to voltage- and ligand-gated currents in mature outer hair cells from the rat cochlea.


Findings In this work we used patch clamp electrophysiology and immunofluorescence in tonotopically defined segments of the rat cochlea to determine the contribution of BK channels to voltage- and ligand-gated currents in outer hair cells. Although voltage and ligand-gated currents have been investigated previously in hair cells from the rat cochlea, little is known about their tonotopic distribution or potential contribution to efferent inhibition. We found that apical (low frequency) outer hair cells had no BK channel immunoreactivity and little or no BK current. In marked contrast, basal (high frequency) outer hair cells had abundant BK channel immunoreactivity and BK currents contributed significantly to both voltage-gated and ACh-evoked K+ currents.


Our findings suggest that basal (high frequency) outer hair cells may employ an alternative mechanism of efferent inhibition mediated by BK channels instead of SK2 channels. Thus, efferent synapses may use different mechanisms of action both developmentally and tonotopically to support high frequency audition. High frequency audition has required various functional specializations of the mammalian cochlea, and as shown in our work, may include the utilization of BK channels at efferent synapses. This mechanism of efferent inhibition may be related to the unique acetylcholine receptors that have evolved in mammalian hair cells compared to those of other vertebrates.  相似文献   

The afferent synapse of cochlear hair cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mechanosensory hair cells of the cochlea must serve as both transducers and presynaptic terminals, precisely releasing neurotransmitter to encode acoustic signals for the postsynaptic afferent neuron. Remarkably, each inner hair cell serves as the sole input for 10-30 individual afferent neurons, which requires extraordinary precision and reliability from the synaptic ribbons that marshal vesicular release onto each afferent. Recent studies of hair cell membrane capacitance and postsynaptic currents suggest that the synaptic ribbon may operate by simultaneous multi-vesicular release. This mechanism could serve to ensure the accurate timing of transmission, and further challenges our understanding of this synaptic nano-machine.  相似文献   

Sound stimuli excite cochlear hair cells by vibration of each hair bundle, which opens mechanotransducer (MT) channels. We have measured hair-bundle mechanics in isolated rat cochleas by stimulation with flexible glass fibers and simultaneous recording of the MT current. Both inner and outer hair-cell bundles exhibited force-displacement relationships with a nonlinearity that reflects a time-dependent reduction in stiffness. The nonlinearity was abolished, and hair-bundle stiffness increased, by maneuvers that diminished calcium influx through the MT channels: lowering extracellular calcium, blocking the MT current with dihydrostreptomycin, or depolarizing to positive potentials. To simulate the effects of Ca2+, we constructed a finite-element model of the outer hair cell bundle that incorporates the gating-spring hypothesis for MT channel activation. Four calcium ions were assumed to bind to the MT channel, making it harder to open, and, in addition, Ca2+ was posited to cause either a channel release or a decrease in the gating-spring stiffness. Both mechanisms produced Ca2+ effects on adaptation and bundle mechanics comparable to those measured experimentally. We suggest that fast adaptation and force generation by the hair bundle may stem from the action of Ca2+ on the channel complex and do not necessarily require the direct involvement of a myosin motor. The significance of these results for cochlear transduction and amplification are discussed.  相似文献   

The mouse mutant Snell's waltzer (sv) has an intragenic deletion of the Myo6 gene, which encodes the unconventional myosin molecule myosin VI (K. B. Avraham et al., 1995, Nat. Genet. 11, 369-375). Snell's waltzer mutants exhibit behavioural abnormalities suggestive of an inner ear defect, including lack of responsiveness to sound, hyperactivity, head tossing, and circling. We have investigated the effects of a lack of myosin VI on the development of the sensory hair cells of the cochlea in these mutants. In normal mice, the hair cells sprout microvilli on their upper surface, and some of these grow to form a crescent or V-shaped array of modified microvilli, the stereocilia. In the mutants, early stages of stereocilia development appear to proceed normally because at birth many stereocilia bundles have a normal appearance, but in places there are signs of disorganisation of the bundles. Over the next few days, the stereocilia become progressively more disorganised and fuse together. Practically all hair cells show fused stereocilia by 3 days after birth, and there is extensive stereocilia fusion by 7 days. By 20 days, giant stereocilia are observed on top of the hair cells. At 1 and 3 days after birth, hair cells of mutants and controls take up the membrane dye FM1-43, suggesting that endocytosis occurs in mutant hair cells. One possible model for the fusion is that myosin VI may be involved in anchoring the apical hair cell membrane to the underlying actin-rich cuticular plate, and in the absence of normal myosin VI this apical membrane will tend to pull up between stereocilia, leading to fusion.  相似文献   

Within each tapering stereocilium of the cochlea of the alligator lizard is a bundle of actin filaments with > 3,000 filaments near the tip and only 18-29 filaments at the base where the bundle enters into the cuticular plate; there the filaments splay out as if on the surface of a cone, forming the rootlet. Decoration of the hair cells with subfragment 1 of myosin reveals that all the filaments in the stereocilia, including those that extend into the cuticular plate forming the rootlet, have unidirectional polarity, with the arrowheads pointing towards the cell center. The rest of the cuticular plate is composed of actin filaments that show random polarity, and numerous fine, 30 A filaments that connect the rootlet filaments to each other, to the cuticular plate, and to the membrane. A careful examination of the packing of the actin filaments in the stereocilia by thin sectin and by optical diffraction reveals that the filaments are packed in a paracrystalline array with the crossover points of all the actin helices in hear-perfect register. In transverse sections, the actin filaments are not hexagonally packed but, rather, are arranged in scalloped rows that present a festooned profile. We demonstrated that this profile is a product of the crossbridges by examining serial sections, sections of different thicknesses, and the same stereocilium at two different cutting angles. The filament packing is not altered by fixation in different media, removal of the limiting membrane by detergent extraction, or incubation of extracted hair cells in EGTA, EDTA, and Ca++ and ATP. From our results, we conclude that the stereocilia of the ear, unlike the brush border of intestinal epithelial cells, are not designed to shorten, nor do the filaments appear to slide past one another. In fact, the stereocilium is like a large, rigid structure designed to move as a lever.  相似文献   

The patch clamp technique was used to record cAMP-dependent currents of the guinea pig cochlear hair cell plasma membrane. Data obtained indicate that the channels passing this current are moderately selective for monovalent cations and are effectively blocked by L-cis-diltiazem and reversibly blocked by 1 mM Mg2+ or Ca2+. The single-channel unit conductance estimated in the absence of divalent cations is about 16 pS. The results demonstrate that cyclic nucleotide-dependent channels of cochlear hair cells are virtually identical to the photoreceptor and olfactory ones.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of barium currents in chick cochlear hair cells.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Inward barium current (IBa) through voltage-gated calcium channels was recorded from chick cochlear hair cells using the whole-cell clamp technique. IBa was sensitive to dihydropyridines and insensitive to the peptide toxins omega-agatoxin IVa, omega-conotoxin GVIa, and omega-conotoxin MVIIC. Changing the holding potential over a -40 to -80 mV range had no effect on the time course or magnitude of IBa nor did it reveal any inactivating inward currents. The activation of IBa was modeled with Hodgkin-Huxley m2 kinetics. The time constant of activation, tau m, was 550 microseconds at -30 mV and gradually decreased to 100 microseconds at +50 mV. A Boltzmann fit to the activation curve, m infinity, yielded a half activation voltage of -15 mV and a steepness factor of 7.8 mV. Opening and closing rate constants, alpha m and beta m, were calculated from tau m and m infinity, then fit with modified exponential functions. The H-H model derived by evaluating the exponential functions for alpha m and beta m not only provided an excellent fit to the time course of IBa activation, but was predictive of the time course and magnitude of the IBa tail current. No differences in kinetics or voltage dependence of activation of IBa were found between tall and short hair cells. We conclude that both tall and short hair cells of the chick cochlea predominantly, if not exclusively, express noninactivating L-type calcium channels. These channels are therefore responsible for processes requiring voltage-dependent calcium entry through the basolateral cell membrane, such as transmitter release and activation of Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channels.  相似文献   

Hair cells bear an apical bundle of stereocilia arranged in serried rows. Deflection of the bundle controls the opening and closing of mechanoelectrical transduction channels, thereby altering the conductance across the apical plasma membrane. Two locations for these channels have been proposed in the bundle, either near the bases of the stereocilia or towards their tips. One hypothesis that is consistent with the latter possibility suggests that fine extracellular filaments, which run between the tips of the shorter stereocilia and the sides of the taller stereocilia behind, operate the channels. Determining the precise position of the channels is essential to test this hypothesis. We have therefore attempted to localize them immunocytochemically. Because hair-cell transduction is amiloride sensitive, the channels may have an amiloride-binding site associated with them. We have therefore used a polyclonal antibody raised against another amiloride-sensitive ion channel to hunt for them. This antibody recognizes a 62-64 kDa band in immunoblots of cochlear tissue, and produces discrete labelling in the hair bundle. This is most concentrated just below the tips of the shorter stereocilia, coinciding with a region of specialization in the closely apposed membranes of the short and tall stereocilia but not with either end of the tip link.  相似文献   

Summary Electron-microscopical studies on the organ of Corti in kanamycin-intoxicated guinea pigs showed that progressive changes occurred in the cochlear hair cells. The changes appeared first in the basal turn of the organ of Corti, and affected primarily the outer hair-cells. During the later stages of intoxication, degeneration spread from the basal turn upwards, in the direction of the apex of the cochlea and, finally, affected all the external hair-cells.The early changes caused clumping of the chromatin in the nucleus, swelling of the nuclear membrane, damage in the mitochondria, with vesiculation of the mitochondrial cristae, and the formation of lamellated structures. The lysosomes were converted into dense bodies exhibiting various degeneration patterns. The ribosomes disappeared at an early stage from the cytoplasm.Even in cells where severe changes had occurred the hairs and cuticle seemed to be intact.During the final stages the plasma membrane, as well as the hairs and cuticle, was destroyed, and only remnants of these structures remained.Even after the disappearance of the sensory cells and the afferent nerve endings, some efferent nerve endings were still present in the organ of Corti.The action of kanamycin seems to differ slightly from that of streptomycin, since the changes caused by kanamycin in the plasma membrane are a fairly late effect, whereas the earliest changes occur apparently in the RNA protein-synthesis system and in the mitochondria of the external hair-cells.
Zusammenfassung Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen am Cortischen Organ von Meerschweinchen mit Kanamycinintoxikation ergaben eine fortschreitende Schädigung der cochlearen Haarzellen. Die Veränderungen begannen in der basalen Schneckenwindung und betrafen vorwiegend die äußeren Haarzellen. In späteren Intoxikationsstadien breitete sich die Degeneration von der Basalwindung nach aufwärts bis in die Schneckenspitze aus und wurde schließlich an allen äußeren Haarzellen gesehen.Die früheren Veränderungen manifestierten sich am Kern mit Chromatinverklumpung, Schwellen der Kernmembran, Schädigung der Mitochondrion mit vesikulären Cristae mitochondriales und Bildung von Lamellenstrukturen. Die Lysosomen waren in dichte Körper verwandelt und wiesen verschiedene Degenerationsmuster auf. Die Ribosomen verschwanden früh aus dem Cytoplasma. Sogar in schwer geschädigten Zellen erschienen Haare und Cuticula intakt.In den Endstadien waren Plasmamembran, Haare und Cuticula bis auf Reste zerstört. Einige efferente Nervenendigungen waren selbst nach dem Verschwinden der Haarzellen und der afferenten Endigungen noch anzutreffen.Die Wirkung von Kanamycin ist offenbar etwas anders als die von Streptomycin, da die Veränderungen an der Plasmamembran ziemlich spät auftreten, während sich die frühesten Schäden im System der RNA-Proteinsynthese und in den Mitochondrien der äußeren Haarzellen zu manifestieren scheinen.

This investigation was supported by Grant No. NB 3956-03 from the US Public Health Service, the Swedish Medical Research Council, and Stiftelsen Therese and Johan Anderssons Minne. The skillful technical assistance of Miss Cathrine Lindholm, Miss Ann-Marie Lundberg, Miss Sonja Löfvenius, and Miss Gunilla Wiman is gratefully acknowledged. The kanamycin was kindly supplied by AB H. Lundbeck & Co.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide‐responsive beige‐like anchor protein (LRBA) belongs to the enigmatic class of BEACH domain‐containing proteins, which have been attributed various cellular functions, typically involving intracellular protein and membrane transport processes. Here, we show that LRBA deficiency in mice leads to progressive sensorineural hearing loss. In LRBA knockout mice, inner and outer hair cell stereociliary bundles initially develop normally, but then partially degenerate during the second postnatal week. LRBA deficiency is associated with a reduced abundance of radixin and Nherf2, two adaptor proteins, which are important for the mechanical stability of the basal taper region of stereocilia. Our data suggest that due to the loss of structural integrity of the central parts of the hair bundle, the hair cell receptor potential is reduced, resulting in a loss of cochlear sensitivity and functional loss of the fraction of spiral ganglion neurons with low spontaneous firing rates. Clinical data obtained from two human patients with protein‐truncating nonsense or frameshift mutations suggest that LRBA deficiency may likewise cause syndromic sensorineural hearing impairment in humans, albeit less severe than in our mouse model.  相似文献   

The central nervous system provides feedback regulation at several points within the peripheral auditory apparatus. One component of that feedback is inhibition of cochlear hair cells by release of acetylcholine (ACh) from efferent brainstem neurons. The mechanism of hair cell inhibition, and the character of the presumed cholinergic receptor, however, have eluded understanding. Both nicotinic and muscarinic, as well as some non-cholinergic ligands can affect the efferent action. We have made whole-cell, tight-seal recordings from short (outer) hair cells isolated from the chick's cochlea. These are the principal targets of cochlear efferents in birds. ACh hyperpolarizes short hair cells by opening a cation channel through which Ca2+ enters the cell and subsequently activates Ca(2+)-dependent K+ current (Fuchs & Murrow 1991, 1992). Both curare and atropine are effective-antagonists of cholinergic inhibition at 3 microM, whereas trimethaphan camsylate and strychnine block at 1 microM. The normally irreversible nicotinic antagonist, alpha-bungarotoxin, reversibly blocked the hair cell response, as did kappa-bungarotoxin. The half-blocking concentration for alpha-bungarotoxin was 26 nM. It is proposed that the hair cell AChR is a ligand-gated cation channel related to the nicotinic receptor of nerve and muscle.  相似文献   

The role of outer hair cell motility in cochlear tuning.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The mammalian cochlea's remarkable sensitivity and frequency selectivity are thought to be mediated by the mechanical feedback action of outer hair cells. New tools for measuring the movement of cochlear elements, and recent advances in modeling are increasing our knowledge of cochlear mechanics.  相似文献   



Cochlear hair cells are high-frequency sensory receptors. At the onset of hearing, hair cells acquire fast, calcium-activated potassium (BK) currents, turning immature spiking cells into functional receptors. In non-mammalian vertebrates, the number and kinetics of BK channels are varied systematically along the frequency-axis of the cochlea giving rise to an intrinsic electrical tuning mechanism. The processes that control the appearance and heterogeneity of hair cell BK currents remain unclear.  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular recordings were made from the midbrain auditory area to determine the limits of auditory frequency sensitivity in a variety of birds. The audiograms of some species show a consistent missing frequency range of 1/3 to 1/2 an octave, to which no neurons are tuned. All species, except owls, have a low upper frequency limit in comparison with mammals of similar headwidth. A consideration of both the upper frequency limits and the missing frequency ranges led to the conclusion that frequencies which do not generate localization cues are not represented in the midbrain. The upper frequency limit appears to match the upper limit of generation of significant interaural and monaural intensity cues to localization. The variation of these cues with frequency was examined through a simple model of the birds' sound receiving system which incorporated the interaural canal and considered the tympanic membranes as pressure difference receivers. Apart from coraciiform species, which have low upper frequency limits matching the frequency of the primary missing frequency band of other species, and owls, which have high upper frequency limits, the upper frequency limits of the birds studied are inversely related to head-width.The argument for missing frequency ranges being related to nonlocalizable frequencies is simpler, for it has been found previously, using cochlear microphonic recording, that within a bird's audiogram there are frequency regions with poor directionality cues. These regions appear to correspond to the missing frequency ranges.Abbreviation nMLD nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis dorsalis  相似文献   

Yu L  Tang H 《生理科学进展》2008,39(1):53-56
近几年的研究发现,在耳蜗基底膜的外毛细胞膜上有一种新奇的蛋白质:prestin(马达蛋白),它能感受细胞膜电位的变化,进而发生构象改变,引发外毛细胞的形状和表面积的改变.Prestin作为一种独特的马达蛋白,能驱动耳蜗外毛细胞的电能动性(electromotility),产生耳蜗的放大器作用,因而使哺乳动物的听觉具有高度的敏感性,广阔的听觉域,敏锐的频率选择性.这种蛋白质的缺失或基因的突变会导致听觉功能严重受损,对于prestin的深入细致的研究,也许可以使人们进一步认识和理解哺乳动物的听觉调谐机制,通过对这种蛋白质基因的表达的调控,是否能够防治一些与之相关的疾病?这或许将是今后听觉研究领域的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-fracture, freeze-etching and thin sections have been used to determine features of the structural organisation of the lateral walls in cochlear outer hair cells. The presence of an organised meshwork of filaments in the lateral cortex of the cell is confirmed in intact unfixed cells. This meshwork showed morphological features similar to the cytoskeletal lattice. The lateral plasma membrane is shown to be protein-rich and to contain cholesterol. The membranes of the subplasmalemmal lateral cisternae contain much less protein, and little cholesterol as judged by their responses to filipin and tomatin. These findings indicate differences in the physical properties of the two membrane systems. On the fracture faces of the plasma membrane there is a high density of intramembrane particles and this particle population is heterogeneous. Some particles show morphological features consistent with those of transmembrane channels. Regularly spaced pillars crossing the space between the plasma and cisternal membranes were identified both in thin sections and in freezeetched preparations, but neither the plasma nor cisternal membrane fracture faces showed any feature corresponding directly to the pillar. This suggests the pillars do not insert directly into either membrane. Freeze-fracture and freeze-etching of unfixed cells indicated that the pillar is indirectly associated with the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane, and, at its inner end, linked to the cortical cytoskeletal lattice on the outer surface of the cisternal membrane.  相似文献   

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