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Lipocalins exhibit functional diversity, including roles in retinol transport, invertebrate cryptic coloration, and stress response. However, genome-wide identification and characterization of lipocalin in the insect lineage have not been thoroughly explored. Here, we found that a lineage-specific expansion of the lipocalin genes in Lepidoptera occurred in large part due to tandem duplication events and several lipocalin genes involving insect coloration were expanded more via tandem duplication in butterflies. A comparative analysis of conserved motifs showed both conservation and divergence of lepidopteran lipocalin family protein structures during evolution. We observe dynamic changes in tissue expression preference of paralogs in Bombyx mori, suggesting differential contribution of paralogs to specific organ functions during evolution. Subcellular localization experiments revealed that lipocalins localize to the cytoplasm, nuclear membrane, or nucleus in BmN cells. Moreover, several lipocalin genes exhibited divergent responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, and 1 lipocalin gene was upregulated by 300 fold in B. mori. These results suggest that lipocalins act as signaling components in defense responses by mediating crosstalk between abiotic and biotic stress responses. This study deepens our understanding of the comprehensive characteristics of lipocalins in insects.  相似文献   

Although membrane-associated sucrase activity has been detected in the midgut of various lepidopteran species, it has not yet been identified and characterized at the molecular level. In the present study, we identified a novel sucrose hydrolase (SUH) gene from the following three bombycoid silkworms: Bombyx mori, Trilocha varians, and Samia cynthia ricini and named them BmSuh, TvSuh, and ScSuh, respectively. The EST dataset showed that BmSuh is one of the major glycoside hydrolase genes in the larval midgut of B. mori. These genes were almost exclusively expressed in the larval midgut in all three species, mainly at the feeding stage. SUHs are classified into the glycoside hydrolase family 13 and show significant homology to insect maltases. Enzymatic assays revealed that recombinant SUHs were distinct from conventional maltases and exhibited substrate specificity for sucrose. The recombinant BmSUH was less sensitive to sugar-mimic alkaloids than TvSUH and ScSUH, which may explain the reason why the sucrase activity in the B. mori midgut was less affected by the sugar-mimic alkaloids derived from mulberry.  相似文献   

DNA extracted from 21 hamster-sheep hybrid cell lines was subjected, after Southern blotting, to hybridization with a type-II alpha 1 collagen genomic probe (COL2A1). The corresponding locus was found to be syntenic with the LDHB-PEPB-TPI-GAPD-LALBA-IGF1 group in sheep.  相似文献   

We constructed and characterized the first large-insert DNA BAC library for Arabidopsis halleri, a close relative of Arabidopsis thaliana. Double size selection of high molecular weight DNA was performed to increase the average insert size. The BAC library consists of 6128 clones of which 87% have an insert size above 125 kb. Organellar DNA contamination is estimated to 1.4%. The coverage of the library is equivalent to 4.5 times the haploid genome (250 Mb), indicating the library is suitable for almost any application. We explored the possibility of generating a physical map of A. halleri using the high conserved synteny existing between this species and A. thaliana. A set of unigenes separated by 50 kb in a 850 kb region of A. thaliana chromosome II was used to probe the library. The A. halleri BAC clones isolated with these probes were grouped into two contigs. Analysis of BAC-end sequences revealed that the two A. halleri genomic contigs were highly colinear with the A. thaliana genome. Therefore, the exploitation of the conserved synteny existing between the two species will greatly facilitate the construction of a raw full physical map of A. halleri.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the effects of diflubenzuron (DFB) on the growth and development of the silkworm, Bombyx mori (L.). The DFB treatment extended abnormally the larval duration and affected negatively on larval spinning of the 5th instar. All the larvae treated with high DFB concentration (2.5 × 10-1 and 2.5x 10-1μg/μl) lost their spinning capability and finally died, whereas 62% of larvae treated with low DFB concentration (2.5 × 10-1μg/μl)) spinned cocoon. The larval weights depended sensitively on the DFB treatment period rather than on the DFB concentration. The DFB treatment decreased the larval maturity less than 6% without regard to the concentration and treatment period. All the larva, when treated with DFB before the 5th days of the 5th instar, were not matured.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在获得家蚕 Bombyx mori Bcl-2家族同源基因,并分析其在不同组织和发育阶段的时空表达模式及功能。【方法】用cDNA末端快速扩增方法(rapid amplification of cDNA ends, RACE)克隆家蚕Bcl-2家族基因BmBuffy,利用SSR分子标记连锁分析确定其染色体定位。同时,用RT-PCR和qPCR技术分析该基因在家蚕幼虫及变态期间不同组织中的表达。【结果】克隆获得全长家蚕Bcl-2家族同源基因 BmBuffy,证明该基因位于第 4号染色体上,开放阅读框长879 bp,编码292 aa,预测其分子量大小为32.4 kDa,等电点为9.94,且第130-231位氨基酸之间存在1个Bcl-2_like Superfamily结构域。系统进化发育树表明,其与黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的DmBuffy关系最近,氨基酸序列一致性为27%。BmBuffy在幼虫组织中的表达结果显示,其在马氏管中表达量最高,而且在不同组织变态期的关键时间点均有明显变化。【结论】家蚕BmBuffy具有Bcl-2家族典型结构域,BmBuffy定位于第 4号染色体上,BmBuffy在家蚕变态期的组织生理变化中起到一定作用。本文为进一步研究家蚕Bcl-2家族基因的功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

刘先方  马晓  侯成香  李冰  李木旺 《遗传》2013,35(3):373-378
家蚕长形卵(elp)、第二隐性赤蚁(ch-2)、暗化型(mln)均为第18染色体上的隐性突变, 在经典连锁图谱上的顺序和遗传距离已经排定。文章采用正常卵、正常黑蚁及正常白蛾品种P50与包含此3个隐性突变的三隐性测交系W18组配正反交群体, F1回交W18后获得回交群体(P50×W18)♀×W18♂ 和W18♀×(P50×W18)♂, 分别记作BC1F和BC1M, 利用已构建的家蚕SSR分子连锁图谱和根据家蚕基因组精细图设计的STS标记, 对这3个突变基因elp、ch-2、mln进行了分子定位研究, 并根据家蚕基因组精细图, 将第18连锁群的经典遗传图、分子连锁图和基因组物理图进行了对应。整合后的图谱遗传距离为94.2 cM, 突变基因和分子标记的排列顺序分别与形态标记连锁图和基因组精细图相一致, 研究结果对家蚕第18 染色体上其他突变的定位与克隆有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨家蚕Bombyx mori的潜在驯化基因——转录因子ZnF-706在鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)昆虫进化过程及家蚕驯化过程中的分子进化格局;并基于CRISPR/Cas9家蚕基因组编辑平台,探讨ZnF-706基因在家蚕中的功能。【方法】首先分析了家蚕ZnF-706序列特征,并利用已发表芯片数据调研该基因在家蚕幼虫组织中的表达格局;利用Phylogenetic Analysis byMaximum Likelihood (PAML)分支检验方法,分析该基因在鳞翅目不同类群中的分子进化格局。基于已发表的家蚕-野桑蚕Bombyx mandarina群体基因组多态性数据,对ZnF-706进行基因区域人工选择信号分析;对ZnF-706基因上游2 kb的调控区域进行单核苷酸多态性位点频率检测,发掘在家蚕群体中固定下来的突变位点;针对突变位点所在区域进行转录因子结合活性预测。利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术敲除ZnF-706基因,获得纯和突变体;以野生型家蚕为对照,检测突变体的茧重及蛹重变化。【结果】家蚕ZnF-706的编码蛋白具有典型的锌指蛋白结构域。ZnF-706在家蚕5龄第3天幼虫各组织中广泛表达,尤其表皮、脂肪体和生殖腺中有很高的表达量;该基因在鳞翅目、蚕蛾总科(Bombycoidea)及天蚕Antherea yamamai 3个分支中均呈现快速进化信号,在家蚕中有强烈的人工选择信号。该基因所在基因组区域的家蚕-野桑蚕种群分歧度参数Fst明显升高,家蚕群体中的群体多样性π明显降低,表明它位于一个选择扫荡区域内;该基因在家蚕-野桑蚕中的9个SNP位点存在于上游调控区,并位于转录因子结合活性区域内。该基因的纯合家蚕突变体ΔZn F-706生存力减弱,并且茧重以及蛹重与野生型家蚕相比都显著降低。但与黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster中不同的是,家蚕中该基因的突变并不致死。【结论】ZnF-706可能在鳞翅目尤其是泌丝昆虫中进化,并在家蚕驯化过程中受到选择压力,提示其对于特征性状茧丝的变异可能发挥作用。该基因可能通过对丝蛋白基因的直接调控,或通过影响家蚕的生长发育而间接地影响茧丝性状。本研究不仅为探究家养动物人工选择机制提供了来自昆虫类材料的独有证据,也为后续深入开展家蚕重要经济性状的转录调控研究提供线索。  相似文献   

DNA extracted from 25 hamster-sheep hybrid cell lines was subjected, after Southern blotting, to hybridization with CASB, CASK, LALBA, IGF-1 and AMH cDNA probes. CASB and CASK segregated together and IGF-1 and LALBA were found syntenic with the LDHB-PEPB-TPI-GAPD-SHMT-KRTB group. No other synteny was observed with any of the previously described groups using the same hybrid cell panel. Gene nomenclature: ACO 1: aconitase 1 (soluble); ADA: adenosine deaminase; AMH: antiMüllerian hormone; ARA 1: murine sarcoma 3611 viral (v-raf) oncogene homologue 1; CASB: beta-casein; CASK: kappa-casein; ENO 1: enolase 1 (alpha); G6PD: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; GALA (or GLA): glactosidase (alpha); GAPD: glyceraldehyde -3- phosphate dehydrogenase; GPI: glucose phosphate isomerase; GSR: glutathione reductase; HBG: haemoglobin gamma; HPRT: hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase; IDH 1: isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (soluble); IGF-1: insulin growth factor 1; ITPA: inosine triphosphatase; KRTA: keratin (acid); KRTB: keratin (basic); LALBA: alpha-lactalbumin; LDHA: lactate dehydrogenase A; LDHB: lactate dehydrogenase B; MDH 2: malate dehydrogenase NAD (soluble); ME 1: malic enzyme (soluble); MPI: mannose phosphate isomerase; NP: nucleoside phosphorylase; OLA: ovine leucocyte antigen; OTC: ornitine carbamoyltransferase; PAIS: phosphoribosyl amino imidazole synthetase; PEPA, PEPB, PEPC: peptidase A, B, C; PGD: phospho gluconate dehydrogenase; PGK: phosphoglycerate kinase; PGM 3: phospho glucomutase 3; PKM 2: pyruvate kinase (muscle); PLP: proteolipid protein; PRGS: phosphoribosyl glycinamide synthetase; RCP: red cone pigment; SHMT: serine hydroxymethyl transferase; SOD 1: superoxide dismutase 1 (soluble); SYN 1: synapsin 1; TPI l: triose phosphate isomerase 1.  相似文献   

气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins, OBPs)在昆虫与外界环境化学信息交流过程中起着重要作用, 对昆虫的觅食、 求偶、 繁殖具有重要意义。触角结合蛋白(antennal binding protein, ABP)是OBP家族中的重要成员之一。为进一步探明家蚕Bombyx mori ABP与ABPX基因的结构、 表达及功能, 本研究利用染色体定位、 基因分析及半定量表达分析方法对其进行了研究。染色体定位分析表明, BmABP和BmABPX分别位于家蚕第5和第26染色体上, 基因结构差异较大, 可能功能上有较大差异。对家蚕胚胎、 幼虫和成虫不同发育阶段的雌、 雄虫多种组织进行基因表达谱分析发现, BmABP在家蚕发育的各个虫态、 多种组织器官中都有较高表达, 无时间特异性和组织特异性; BmABPX在不同发育时期和不同组织间差异显著(P<0.05), 相对表达量以触角中最高, 其他非嗅觉组织中也多有表达, 性别间差异不大。结果提示, BmABP和BmABPX除了具有嗅觉相关功能外, 很可能还具有其他未知的生理功能。  相似文献   

S100 proteins are calcium-binding proteins, which exist only in vertebrates and which constitute a large protein family. The origin and evolution of the S100 family in vertebrate lineages remain a challenge. Here, we examined the synteny conservation of mammalian S100A genes by analysing the sequence of available vertebrate S100 genes in databases. Five S100A gene members, unknown previously, were identified by chromosome mapping analysis. Mammalian S100A genes are duplicated and clustered on a single chromosome while two S100A gene clusters are found on separate chromosomes in teleost fish, suggesting that S100A genes existed in fish before the fish-specific genome duplication took place. During speciation, tandem gene duplication events within the cluster of S100A genes of a given chromosome have probably led to the multiple members of the S100A gene family. These duplicated genes have been retained in the genome either by neofunctionalisation and/or subfunctionalisation or have evolved into non-coding sequences. However in vertebrate genomes, other S100 genes are also present i.e. S100P, S100B, S100G and S100Z, which exist as single copy genes distributed on different chromosomes, suggesting that they could have evolved from an ancestor different to that of the S100A genes.  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of two single-copy genes, Ser-1 and CI-13, in silkworm (Bombyx mori) were detected at the molecular cytogenetics level by fluorescence in situ hybridization in the study. The results showed that Ser-1 is located near the distal end of the 11th linkage group, relatively at the 12.5±1.4 position in pachytene; and that CI-13 has been mapped near the distal end of the 2nd linkage group, relatively at the 8.2±1.2 position in pachytene. Furthermore, their location model map-FISH map on silkworm chromosome was drawn. The FISH technique and its application to silkworm are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Canine tricuspid valve malformation (CTVM) maps to canine chromosome 9 (CFA9), in a region syntenic with gene-dense human chromosome 17q. To define synteny blocks, we analyzed 148 markers on CFA9 using radiation hybrid mapping and established a four-way comparative map for human, mouse, rat, and dog. We identified a large number of rearrangements, allowing us to reconstruct the evolutionary history of individual synteny blocks and large chromosomal segments. A most parsimonious rearrangement scenario for all four species reveals that human chromosome 17q differs from CFA9 and the syntenic rodent chromosomes through two macroreversals of 9.2 and 23 Mb. Compared to a recovered ancestral gene order, CFA9 has undergone 11 reversals of <3 Mb and 2 reversals of >3 Mb. Interspecies reuse of breakpoints for micro- and macrorearrangements was observed. Gene order and content of the ctvm interval are best extrapolated from murine data, showing that multispecies genome rearrangement scenarios contribute to identifying gene content in canine mapping studies.  相似文献   

Karyotype evolution in one of the most diverse and species‐rich group of insects, moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera), has interesting features that remain to be resolved. Recent studies showed that fluorescence in situ hybridization using bacterial artificial chromosome clones (BAC‐FISH) is an efficient cytogenetic method for identification and gene mapping of lepidopteran chromosomes. Using comparative mapping by BAC‐FISH, extensive synteny of genes was revealed between chromosomes of different lepidopteran species based on Bombyx mori genomic information. However, this comparative mapping has been done only in representatives of advanced groups of Lepidoptera. Here we constructed a BAC library of Endoclita excrescens, which belongs to the primitive lepidopteran family Hepialidae. High molecular weight DNA for the library construction was prepared from the pupae by using a rapid nuclear isolation method known in plants. The BAC clones of E. excrescens contain 66.6 kb inserts on average. The successful application of BAC‐FISH showed that the BAC library of E. excrescens is a useful tool for comparative gene mapping on chromosomes of this species.  相似文献   

家蚕蛹和成虫期GOBP/PBP亚家族基因簇基因定位与表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫的气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins, OBPs)在昆虫与外界环境化学信息交流过程中起着重要作用, 对昆虫觅食、求偶、繁殖具有重要意义。普通气味结合蛋白/性信息素结合蛋白(general odorant binding protein/ pheromone binding protein, GOBP/PBP)是鳞翅目昆虫OBP家族的一个重要单系群。为进一步明确家蚕Bombyx mori GOBP/PBP基因的结构、表达及功能, 本研究利用染色体定位及半定量表达分析方法对其进行了分析。染色体定位分析显示, 这些基因以基因簇的形式存在于第19染色体的nscaf3052上, 基因结构相似, 转录方向一致, 表明这些基因可能由同源基因复制产生, 并具有类似功能。对家蚕蛹和成虫不同发育阶段的雌、雄虫多种组织中进行表达分析发现, 这些基因的表达在不同发育时期和不同组织间差异明显(P<0.05), 相对表达量均以触角中为最高, 其他非嗅觉组织中也多有表达, 性别间差异不大, 说明了该基因簇基因除了具有嗅觉相关的功能外, 很可能具有其他尚未被发现的功能。  相似文献   

The yellow color of the cocoon of the silkworm Bombyx mori is controlled by three genes, Y (Yellow haemolymph), I (Yellow inhibitor) and C (Outer‐layer yellow cocoon), which are located on linkage groups 2, 9 and 12, respectively. Taking advantage of a lack of crossing over in females, reciprocal backcrossed F1 (BC1) progeny were used for linkage analysis and mapping of the C gene using silkworm strains C108 and KY, which spin white and yellow cocoons, respectively. DNA was extracted from individual pupae and analyzed for simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The C gene was found to be linked to seven SSR markers. All the yellow cocoon individuals from a female heterozygous backcross (BC1 F) showed a heterozygous profile for SSR markers on linkage group 12, whereas individuals with light yellow cocoons showed the homozygous profile of the strain C108. Using a reciprocal heterozygous male backcross (BC1 M), we constructed a linkage map of 36.4 cM with the C gene located at the distal end, and the closest SSR marker at a distance of 13.9 cM.  相似文献   

We produced mouse antisera against synthetic peptides corresponding to the sequences of the Samia cynthia ricini homologues of the Bombyx mori PTTH and bombyxin. Immunohistochemical analyses of the Samia cephalic neuroendocrine system using these antisera were performed to identify the neurosecretory cells (NSC) containing the PTTH and bombyxin homologues and to examine the developmental changes in their amounts in the NSC. The results show that the PTTH and bombyxin homologues are produced by two pairs of dorsolateral and 16 pairs of dorsomedial NSC of Samia brain, respectively, and both are transported to, and released from, the corpora allata. No clear-cut correlation was found between the fluctuation in the amount of immunoreactive substances in the brain NSC and the endocrinologically anticipated timings of PTTH secretion. From Samia brain extract, two forms of PTTH activity (∼30 kDa and ∼5 kDa) were resolved through Sephadex gel filtration. The ∼30 kDa and ∼5 kDa PTTH seem to represent the PTTH and bombyxin homologues, respectively. We discuss that the ∼30 kDa PTTH homologue is the true PTTH of Samia .  相似文献   

We have previously reported that Bmdsx, a homologue of the sex-determining gene, doublesex (dsx), was found to be sex-specifically expressed in various tissues at larval, pupal, and adult stages in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, and was alternatively spliced to yield male- and female-specific mRNAs. To reveal sex-specific differences in splicing patterns of Bmdsx pre-mRNA, the genomic sequence was determined and compared with male- and female-specific Bmdsx cDNA sequences. The open reading frame (ORF) consisted of five exons. Exons 3 and 4 were specifically incorporated into the female type of Bmdsx mRNA. On the other hand, exon 2 was spliced to exon 5 to produce the male type mRNA of Bmdsx. As in the case of Drosophila dsx, the OD2 domain was separated by a female-specific intron into sex-independent and sex-dependent regions. Sex-specific splicing occurred in equivalent positions in the Drosophila dsx gene. However, unlike Drosophila dsx, the female-specific introns showed no weak 3′ splice sites, and the TRA/TRA-2 binding site related sequences were not found in the female-specific exon, nor even in any other regions of the Bmdsx gene. Moreover, an in vitro splicing reaction consisting of HeLa cell nuclear extracts showed that the female-type of Bmdsx mRNA represented the default splicing. These findings suggest that the structural features of the sex-specific splicing patterns of Bmdsx pre-mRNA are similar to those of Drosophila dsx but the regulation of sex-specific alternative splicing of Bmdsx pre-mRNA is different.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidases (PPOs) are involved in the time-dependent darkening and discolouration of Asian noodles and other wheat end products. In this study, a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from Chara (moderately high PPO activity)/WW2449 (low PPO activity) was screened for PPO activity based on l-DOPA and l-tyrosine assays using whole seeds. Both these assays were significantly genetically correlated (r=0.91) in measuring the PPO activity in this DH population. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis utilising a skeleton map enabled us to identify a major QTL controlling PPO activity based on l-DOPA and l-tyrosine on the long arm of chromosome 2A. The simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker GWM294b explained over 82% of the line mean phenotypic variation from samples collected in both 2000 and 2003. Four SSR markers were validated for PPO linkage in genetically diverse backgrounds and proven to correctly predict the PPO activity in more than 92% of wheat lines. Physical mapping using deletion lines of Chinese Spring has confirmed the location of the GWM294b, GWM312 and WMC170 on chromosome 2AL, between deletion breakpoints 2AL-C to 0.85. In order to identify functional gene markers, data searches for alignments between rice BAC/PAC clones assembled on chromosome 1 and 4, chromosome 7, and (1) the wheat expressed sequence tags mapped in deletion bin (2AL-C to 0.85) and (2) the coding sequence of a previously cloned wheat PPO gene were made and found significant sequence similarities with the PPO gene or common central domain of tyrosinase. Available PPO gene sequences in the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database have revealed that there is a significant molecular diversity at the nucleotide and amino acid level in the wheat PPO genes.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在克隆获得家蚕 Bombyx mori Caspase家族基因,并通过RNAi技术初步分析其在家蚕细胞水平细胞凋亡中的功能。【方法】 用cDNA末端快速扩增方法(rapid amplification of cDNA ends, RACE)克隆家蚕Caspase家族一个新基因,用RNAi和流式细胞术初步分析该基因在家蚕细胞凋亡中的功能。【结果】将克隆获得的家蚕Caspase家族基因命名为 BmCaspase-X,其全长为2 105 bp,开放阅读框长为1 494 bp,编码497 aa,分子量为57.8 kDa,等电点为5.29。BmCaspase-X含有Caspase特有的结构位点。系统进化分析表明,BmCaspase-X与家蚕ICE同其他昆虫Caspase-4同源物先聚在一起,再与具有长前体结构域的昆虫其他因子聚为一类。RNAi初步结果显示该基因干扰后没有出现明显的细胞凋亡。【结论】BmCaspase-X具有典型Caspase特征,属于Caspase家族成员。目前RNAi实验结果表明 BmCaspase-X 未能引起家蚕细胞凋亡的改变。本文为进一步研究该基因的功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

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