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Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs) comprise one of the secretion pathways of the type V secretion system. The mechanism of their translocation across the outer membrane remains unclear, but it most probably occurs by the formation of a hairpin inside the β-barrel translocation unit, leading to transportation of the passenger domain from the C terminus to the N terminus through the lumen of the β-barrel. We further investigated the phenomenon of autotransportation and the rules that govern it. We showed by coexpressing different Escherichia coli immunoglobulin-binding (Eib) proteins that highly similar TAAs could form stochastically mixed structures (heterotrimers). We further investigated this phenomenon by coexpressing two more distantly related TAAs, EibA and YadA. These, however, did not form heterotrimers; indeed, coexpression was lethal to the cells, leading to elimination of one or another of the genes. However, substituting in either protein the barrel of the other one so that the barrels were identical led to formation of heterotrimers as for Eibs. Our work shows that trimerization of the β-barrel, but not the passenger domain, is necessary and sufficient for TAA secretion while the passenger domain is not.  相似文献   

The 545-residue Cln2 protein, like the other G1 cyclins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a very unstable protein. This instability is thought to play a critical role in regulating cell cycle progression. The carboxyl-terminal domains of Cln2 and the other G1 cyclins contain sequences rich in Pro, Glu (and Asp), Ser, and Thr (so-called PEST motifs) that have been postulated to make up the signals that are responsible for the rapid degradation of these and other unstable proteins. To test this hypothesis, the carboxyl-terminal 178 residues of Cln2 were fused to the C terminus of a reporter enzyme, a truncated form of human thymidine kinase (hTK delta 40). The resulting chimeric protein (hTK delta 40-Cln2) retained thymidine kinase activity but was markedly less stable than hTK, hTK delta 40, or an hTK-beta-galactosidase fusion protein, as judged by enzyme assay, immunoblotting with anti-hTK antibodies, pulse-chase analysis of the radiolabeled polypeptides, and ability to support the growth of a thymidylate auxotroph (cdc21 mutant) on thymidine-containing medium. Thus, the presence of the Cln2 PEST domain was sufficient to destabilize a heterologous protein. Furthermore, the half-life of hTK delta 40-Cln2 was similar to that of authentic Cln2, and the rate of degradation of neither protein was detectably enhanced by treatments known to cause G1 arrest, including exposure of MATa haploids to alpha-factor mating pheromone and shifting cdc28ts and cdc34ts mutants to the restrictive temperature. These results suggest that the major signals responsible for Cln2 instability are confined to its C-terminal third. Because hTK delta 40-Cln2 and Cln2 were expressed from heterologous promoters yet their half-lives both in asynchronous cultures and when arrested at various cell cycle stages were always similar, the Cln2 PEST domain contains a signal for rapid protein turnover that is constitutively active and operative throughout the cell cycle. Removal of the 37 codons that encode the most prominent PEST-like segment from either hTK delta 40-Cln2 or Cln2 decreased the turnover rate of the resulting proteins, as expected; however, an hTK delta 40 chimera containing only this 37-residue segment was not detectably destabilized, suggesting that this PEST sequence, when removed from its normal context, is not a self-contained determinant of protein instability.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae SNP1 gene encodes a protein that shares 30% amino acid identity with the mammalian U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle protein 70K (U1-70K). We have demonstrated that yeast strains in which the SNP1 gene was disrupted are viable but exhibit greatly increased doubling times and severe temperature sensitivity. Furthermore, snp1-null strains are defective in pre-mRNA splicing. We have tested deletion alleles of SNP1 for their ability to complement these phenotypes. We found that the highly conserved RNA recognition motif consensus domain of Snp1 is not required for complementation of the snp1-null growth or splicing defects nor for the in vivo association with the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle. However, the amino-terminal domain of Snp1, less strongly conserved, is necessary and sufficient for complementation.  相似文献   

Here, we have created a series of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) deletion mutants to examine whether the membrane spanning segment is required for membrane attachment of caveolin-1 in vivo. One mutant, Cav-1-(1-101), contains only the cytoplasmic N-terminal domain and lacks the membrane spanning domain and the C-terminal domain. Interestingly, Cav-1-(1-101) still behaves as an integral membrane protein but lacks any known signals for lipid modification. In striking contrast, another deletion mutant, Cav-1-(1-81), behaved as a soluble protein. These results implicate caveolin-1 residues 82-101 (also known as the caveolin scaffolding domain) in membrane attachment. In accordance with the postulated role of the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain as an inhibitor of signal transduction, Cav-1-(1-101) retained the ability to functionally inhibit signaling along the p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade, whereas Cav-1-(1-81) was completely ineffective. To rule out the possibility that membrane attachment mediated by the caveolin scaffolding domain was indirect, we reconstituted the membrane binding of caveolin-1 in vitro. By using purified glutathione S-transferase-caveolin-1 fusion proteins and reconstituted lipid vesicles, we show that the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain and the C-terminal domain (residues 135-178) are both sufficient for membrane attachment in vitro. However, the putative membrane spanning domain (residues 102-134) did not show any physical association with membranes in this in vitro system. Taken together, our results provide strong evidence that the caveolin scaffolding domain contributes to the membrane attachment of caveolin-1.  相似文献   

R A Katz  G Merkel  J Kulkosky  J Leis  A M Skalka 《Cell》1990,63(1):87-95
The integration of viral DNA into the host cell chromosome is an essential feature of the retroviral life cycle. The integration reaction requires cis-acting sequences at the ends of linear viral DNA and a trans-acting product of the pol gene, the integration protein (IN). Previously, we demonstrated that avian sarcoma-leukosis virus (ASLV) IN is able to carry out the first step in the integration process in vitro: nicking of the ends of linear viral DNA. In this paper, using two independent assays, we demonstrate that IN, alone, is sufficient to carry out the second step: cleavage and joining to the target DNA. These results demonstrate that the retroviral IN protein is an integrase.  相似文献   

The mammalian prion protein (PrP) is composed of an unstructured flexible N-terminal region and a C-terminal globular domain. We examined the import of PrP into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of neuronal cells and show that information present in the C-terminal globular domain is required for ER import of the N terminus. N-terminal fragments of PrP, devoid of structural domains located in the C terminus, remained in the cytosol with an uncleaved signal peptide and were rapidly degraded by the proteasome. Conversely, the separate C-terminal domain of PrP, comprising the highly ordered helix 2-loop-helix 3 motif, was entirely imported into the ER. As a consequence, two PrP mutants linked to inherited prion disease in humans, PrP-W145Stop and PrP-Q160Stop, were partially retained in the cytosol. The cytosolic fraction was characterized by an uncleaved N-terminal signal peptide and was degraded by the proteasome. Our study identified a new regulatory element in the C-terminal globular domain of PrP necessary and sufficient to promote import of PrP into the ER.  相似文献   

To understand how the molecular chaperone Hsp90 participates in conformational maturation of the estrogen receptor (ER), we analyzed the interaction of immobilized purified avian Hsp90 with mammalian cytosolic ER. Hsp90 was either immunoadsorbed to BF4 antibody-Sepharose or GST-Hsp90 fusion protein (GST.90) was adsorbed to glutathione-Sepharose. GST.90 was able to retain specifically ER, similarly to immunoadsorbed Hsp90. When cells were treated with estradiol and the hormone treatment was maintained during cell homogenization, binding, and washing steps, GST.90 still interacted efficiently with ER, suggesting that ER may form complexes with Hsp90 even after its activation by hormone and salt extraction from nuclei. The GST.90-ER interaction was consistently reduced in the presence of increasing concentrations of potassium chloride or when cytosolic ER-Hsp90 complexes were previously stabilized by molybdate, indicating that GST.90-ER complexes behave like cytosolic Hsp90-ER complexes. A purified thioredoxin-ER fusion protein was also able to form complexes with GST.90, suggesting that the presence of other chaperones is not required. ER was retained only by GST.90 deletion mutants bearing an intact Hsp90 N-terminal region (1-224), the interaction being more efficient when the charged region A was present in the mutant (1-334). The N-terminal fragment 1-334, devoid of the dimeric GST moiety, was also able to interact with ER, pointing to the monomeric N-terminal adenosine triphosphate binding region of Hsp90 (1-224) as the region necessary and sufficient for interaction. These results contribute to understand the Hsp90-dependent process responsible for conformational competence of ER.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that C-CAM1 cell adhesion molecule can suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells in vivo. In this study, we determined the minimal domain of C-CAM1 that is required for its tumor-suppressive activity. DU145 prostate cancer cells were infected with recombinant adenoviruses containing various C-CAM1 mutant genes, and the effects of the mutant C-CAM1 proteins on the growth of DU145 cells were assessed in a nude-mice xenograft model. Deletion of C-CAM1's cytoplasmic domain, which is not required for its adhesion activity, abolished the growth-suppressive activity, whereas deletion of the adhesion domain did not. This observation suggests that C-CAM1's extracellular domain may be not essential for its tumor suppressive activity. Indeed, we found that expression of the C-CAM1 cytoplasmic domain alone led to growth suppression of DU145 cells. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain of C-CAM1 is necessary and sufficient for its growth-suppressive function.  相似文献   

Cadherins are transmembrane glycoproteins involved in Ca(2+)-dependent cell-cell adhesion. Using L cells coexpressing E-cadherin constructs with different epitope tags, we examined the lateral dimerization of E-cadherin and its adhesive activity by co-immunoprecipitation and aggregation assays, respectively. Although the transmembrane domain is required for dimerization, tail-less constructs possessing the transmembrane domain of either N-cadherin or CD45 show dimerization and are active in aggregation assays. Two mutant constructs having either of two amino acid substitutions, W2A or substitutions that disrupt the recognition sequence for endoproteolytic enzymes involved in removal of the precursor segment, cannot form dimers and are inactive in aggregation. These monomeric proteins, like their wild-type dimerizing counterparts, retain their Ca(2+)-dependent resistance to trypsin digestion, suggesting that dimerization per se does not induce a large conformational change. Two other constructs, having either an amino acid substitution, D134A, or a C-terminal deletion of 70 amino acid residues, retain the ability to associate laterally but are inactive in aggregation assays. Staurosporine treatment of cells expressing the latter construct increases aggregation but does not increase the extent of lateral dimerization. Thus, lateral dimerization is necessary, but not sufficient for adhesive activity.  相似文献   

During Blastocladiella emersonii germination, the regulatory (R) and the catalytic (C) subunits of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) are rapidly and concurrently degraded, after PKA activation in response to a transient increase in intracellular cAMP levels. The possibility that PEST sequences could be acting as proteolytic recognition signals in this process was investigated, and high score PEST sequences were found in both B. emersonii R and C subunits. Deletions in the PEST sequences were obtained by site-directed mutagenesis and the different PKA subunits were independently expressed in Escherichia coli. Proteolysis assays of the various R and C recombinant forms, using B. emersonii cell extracts as the source of proteases, showed a strong correlation between the presence of high score PEST sequences and susceptibility to degradation. Furthermore, the amino-terminal sequence of the proteolytic fragments indicated that the cleavage sites in both subunits are located at or near the PEST regions. The PEST sequence in B. emersonii C subunit, which when deleted or disrupted leads to resistance to proteolysis, is entirely contained in the 72-amino-acid extension located in the N-terminus of the protein. C subunit mutants carrying deletions in this region displayed little difference in their kinetic properties or enzyme thermostability. These results suggest that the N-terminal extension may only play a role in C subunit degradation.  相似文献   

Fertilization in mice is initiated by species-specific binding of sperm to mZP3, one of three mouse zona pellucida (ZP) glycoproteins. At nanomolar concentrations, purified egg mZP3 binds to acrosome-intact sperm heads and inhibits binding of sperm to eggs in vitro. Although several reports suggest that sperm recognize and bind to a region of mZP3 encoded by mZP3 exon-7 (so-called, sperm combining-site), this issue remains controversial. Here, exon-swapping and an IgG(Fc) fusion construct were used to further evaluate whether mZP3 exon-7 is essential for binding of sperm to mZP3. In one set of experiments, hamster ZP3 (hZP3) exon-6, -7, and -8 were individually replaced with the corresponding exon of mZP3. Stably transfected embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell lines carrying the recombinant genes were produced and secreted recombinant glycoprotein was purified and assayed for the ability to inhibit binding of sperm to eggs. While EC-hZP3, a recombinant form of hZP3 made by EC cells, is unable to inhibit binding of mouse sperm to eggs in vitro, the results suggest that substitution of mZP3 exon-7 for hZP3 exon-7, but not mZP3 exon-6 or -8, can impart inhibitory activity to EC-hZP3. In this context, a fusion construct consisting of human IgG(Fc) and mZP3 exon-7 and -8 was prepared, an EC cell line carrying the recombinant gene was produced, and secreted chimeric glycoprotein, called EC-huIgG(Fc)/mZP3(7), was purified and assayed. It was found that the chimeric glycoprotein binds specifically to plasma membrane overlying sperm heads to a similar extent as egg mZP3 and, at nanomolar concentrations, inhibits binding of mouse sperm to eggs in vitro. Collectively, these observations provide new evidence that sperm recognize and bind to a region of mZP3 polypeptide immediately downstream of its ZP domain that is encoded by mZP3 exon-7. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The B cell receptor complex (BcR) is essential for normal B lymphocyte function, and surface BcR expression is a crucial checkpoint in B cell development. However, functional requirements for chains of the BcR during development remain controversial. We have used retroviral gene transfer to introduce components of the BcR into chicken B cell precursors during embryonic development. A chimeric heterodimer, in which the cytoplasmic domains of chicken Igalpha and Igbeta are expressed by fusion with the extracellular and transmembrane domains of murine CD8alpha and CD8beta, respectively, targeted the cytoplasmic domains of the BcR to the cell surface in the absence of extracellular BcR domains. Expression of this chimeric heterodimer supported all early stages of embryo B cell development: bursal colonization, clonal expansion, and induction of repertoire diversification by gene conversion. Expression of the cytoplasmic domain of Igalpha, in the absence of the cytoplasmic domain of Igbeta, was not only necessary, but sufficient to support B cell development as efficiently as the endogenous BcR. In contrast, expression of the cytoplasmic domain of Igbeta in the absence of the cytoplasmic domain of Igalpha failed to support B cell development. The ability of the cytoplasmic domain of Igalpha to support early B cell development required a functional Igalpha immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif. These results support a model in which expression of surface IgM following productive V(D)J recombination in developing B cell precursors serves to chaperone the cytoplasmic domain of Igalpha to the B cell surface, thereby initiating subsequent stages of development.  相似文献   

In Salmonella enterica, ThiI is a bifunctional enzyme required for the synthesis of both the 4-thiouridine modification in tRNA and the thiazole moiety of thiamine. In 4-thiouridine biosynthesis, ThiI adenylates the tRNA uridine and transfers sulfur from a persulfide formed on the protein. The role of ThiI in thiazole synthesis is not yet well understood. Mutational analysis described here found that ThiI residues required for 4-thiouridine synthesis were not involved in thiazole biosynthesis. The data further showed that the C-terminal rhodanese domain of ThiI was sufficient for thiazole synthesis in vivo. Together, these data support the conclusion that sulfur mobilization in thiazole synthesis is mechanistically distinct from that in 4-thiouridine synthesis and suggest that functional annotation of ThiI in genome sequences should be readdressed. Nutritional studies described here identified an additional cysteine-dependent mechanism for sulfur mobilization to thiazole that did not require ThiI, IscS, SufS, or glutathione. The latter mechanism may provide insights into the chemistry used for sulfur mobilization to thiazole in organisms that do not utilize ThiI.  相似文献   

The type IIA voltage-gated sodium Na(+) channel from rat brain is composed of a large, pore-forming alpha subunit and the auxiliary subunits beta1 and beta2. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the beta1 subunit modulates the gating properties of the type IIA alpha subunit, resulting in acceleration of both inactivation and recovery from inactivation and in a negative shift in the voltage dependence of fast inactivation. The beta1 subunit is composed of an extracellular domain with a single immunoglobulin-like fold, a single transmembrane segment, and a small intracellular domain. A series of chimeras with exchanges of domains between the Na(+) channel beta1 and beta2 subunits and between beta1 and the structurally related protein myelin P0 were constructed and analyzed by two-microelectrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes. Only chimeras containing the beta1 extracellular domain were capable of beta1-like modulation of Na(+) channel gating. Neither the transmembrane segment nor the intracellular domain was required for modulation, although mutation of Glu(158) within the transmembrane domain altered the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation. A truncated beta1 subunit was engineered in which the beta1 extracellular domain was fused to a recognition sequence for attachment of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor. The beta1(ec)-glycosylphosphatidylinositol protein fully reproduced modulation of Na(+) channel inactivation and recovery from inactivation by wild-type beta1. Our findings demonstrate that extracellular domain of the beta1 subunit is both necessary and sufficient for the modulation of Na(+) channel gating.  相似文献   

The importance of c-myc as a target of the Blimp-1 repressor has been studied in BCL-1 cells, in which Blimp-1 is sufficient to trigger terminal B-cell differentiation. Our data show that Blimp-1-dependent repression of c-myc is required for BCL-1 differentiation, since constitutive expression of c-Myc blocked differentiation. Furthermore, ectopic expression of cyclin E mimicked the effects of c-Myc on both proliferation and differentiation, indicating that the ability of c-Myc to drive proliferation is responsible for blocking BCL-1 differentiation. However, inhibition of c-Myc by a dominant negative form was not sufficient to drive BCL-1 differentiation. Thus, during Blimp-1-dependent plasma cell differentiation, repression of c-myc is necessary but not sufficient, demonstrating the existence of additional Blimp-1 target genes.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (ConA), one of the most studied plant lectins, is formed in jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) seeds. ConA is synthesized as an inactive glycoprotein precursor proConA. Different processing events such as endoproteolytic cleavages, ligation of peptides and deglycosylation of the precursor are required to generate the different polypeptides constitutive of mature ConA. Among these events, deglycosylation of the prolectin appears as a key step in the lectin activation. The detection of deglycosylated proConA in immature jack bean seeds indicates that endoproteolytic cleavages are not prerequisite for its deglycosylation. Both the structure of the lectin precursor N-glycans Man8-9GlcNAc2 and the capacity of Endo H to cleave these oligosaccharide from native proConA in vitro favoured Endo H-type glycosidases as candidates for proConA deglycosylation in planta. Evidence for pH-dependent changes in the prolectin folding were obtained from analysis of the N-glycan accessibility and activation of the deglycosylated lectin precursor in acidic conditions. These data are consistent with the observation that both deglycosylation and acidification of the pH are the minimum requirements to convert the inactive precursor into an active lectin.  相似文献   

T-cell activation requires two signaling events. One is provided by the engagement of the T-cell antigen receptor, and the second represents a costimulatory signal provided by antigen-presenting cells. CD28 mediates a costimulatory signal by binding its ligands, B7-1 and B7-2, on antigen-presenting cells, but the signaling pathway activated by CD28 has not been identified. A homologous molecule, CTLA-4, expressed on activated T cells, also binds to B7-1 and B7-2, but whether it has a signaling function is not known. We performed a structure-function analysis of CD28 to identify the functional domain which activates signal transduction. Truncation of the 40-amino-acid CD28 cytoplasmic tail abrogated costimulatory signaling. Chimeric constructs containing the extracellular and transmembrane regions of CD8 linked to the cytoplasmic region of CD28 had a costimulatory signaling function. Similar chimeras containing the cytoplasmic tail of CTLA-4 did not signal. Thus, the cytoplasmic region of CD28, but not CTLA-4, is sufficient to mediate costimulatory signaling. In addition, after CD28 stimulation, the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase activity were found in CD28 immunoprecipitates. The CD8-CD28 chimera, which has a costimulatory signaling function, associates with p85, while the nonfunctioning CD8-CTLA-4 chimera and a CD8-zeta chimera do not associate with p85. These results suggest that phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase is specifically activated by CD28 and may mediate proximal events in the costimulatory signaling pathway regulated by CD28.  相似文献   

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