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The self-association of proteins to form amyloid fibrils has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases. We recently reported that the myeloid scavenger receptor CD36 initiates a signaling cascade upon binding to fibrillar beta-amyloid that stimulates recruitment of microglia in the brain and production of inflammatory mediators. This receptor plays a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, prompting us to evaluate whether fibrillar proteins were present in atherosclerotic lesions that could initiate signaling via CD36. We show that apolipoprotein C-II, a component of very low and high density lipoproteins, readily forms amyloid fibrils that initiate macrophage inflammatory responses including reactive oxygen production and tumor necrosis factor alpha expression. Using macrophages derived from wild type and Cd36(-/-) mice to distinguish CD36-specific events, we show that fibrillar apolipoprotein C-II activates a signaling cascade downstream of this receptor that includes Lyn and p44/42 MAPKs. Interruption of this signaling pathway through targeted deletion of Cd36 or blocking of p44/42 MAPK activation inhibits macrophage tumor necrosis factor alpha gene expression. Finally, we demonstrate that apolipoprotein C-II in human atheroma co-localizes to regions positive for markers of amyloid and macrophage accumulation. Together, these data characterize a CD36-dependent signaling cascade initiated by fibrillar amyloid species that may promote atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Signal transduction mechanisms of CD137 ligand in human monocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bidirectional signalling, i.e. simultaneous signalling through a receptor as well as its cell surface-bound ligand has been identified for several members of the TNF and TNF receptor family members. Reverse signalling through the ligands offers the advantage of an immediate feed-back and a more precise fine tuning of biological responses. Little is known about the molecular nature of reverse signalling through the ligands. CD137 ligand, member of the TNF family is expressed on monocytes and induces activation, migration, prolongation of survival and proliferation of monocytes. Here we show that reverse signalling by CD137 ligand is mediated by protein tyrosine kinases, p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1,2, MAP/ERK kinase (MEK), Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3-K) and protein kinase A (PKA) but not by protein kinase C (PKC). This study also shows that reverse signalling relies on the same signal transduction molecules as signalling through classical receptors and is in its nature not different from it.  相似文献   

Antigenic modulation was defined as the down-regulation of a cell surface antigen expression induced by exposure to specific antibody. We investigated the modulation of CD4 surface expression in human peripheral blood lymphocytes incubated in vitro with anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Modulation of surface CD4 was achieved at 37 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C, with five different murine anti-CD4 mAbs of IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, with different epitope specificities. Modulation was dose dependent with a maximum at nonsaturating mAb concentration. It was reversible upon culture in mAb-free medium. It was accelerated and amplified in the presence of monocytes or after cross-linking of anti-CD4 mAbs. It could be induced with solid phase anti-CD4 mAbs, but not with soluble F(ab')2 fragments. Its magnitude was identical on all CD4+ lymphocytes. It was associated with a moderate down-regulation of CD2 and CD3 but not of CD8 and HLA class I surface expression. Modulation was slightly augmented by addition of inhibitors of the endosome/lysosome pathway but not by protein synthesis inhibitors. The anti-CD4 mAb initially bound to cell surface was no longer detectable after 24 hr of culture. Most of surface CD4 proteins complexed with antibody were rapidly internalized and transiently replaced by CD4 from an intracytoplasmic pool and then no longer were expressed. CD4 mRNA was moderately decreased in cells incubated with anti-CD4 mAb while beta-actin and beta 2-microglobulin mRNAs remained at stable levels. It was concluded that down-regulation of CD4 surface expression induced by anti-CD4 mAb concerned only a part of CD4 molecules and was associated with a decreased synthesis. The delay required to achieve maximal modulation is likely to reflect exhaustion of the intracytoplasmic recycling pool of CD4 molecules.  相似文献   

In the present study, we characterized in monocytes the rise in [Ca(2+)](i) evoked by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to aminopeptidase N (APN)/CD13, showing a two-phase calcium increase with a small-belled [Ca(2+)](i) rise due to the release of calcium from intracellular stores and a more sustained plateau due to the influx of calcium from the extracellular environment. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors were able to inhibit the rise in [Ca(2+)](i) induced by ligation APN/CD13, as were inhibitors of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. For the first time we can show that mAbs to APN/CD13 provoke phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK1/2, JNK, and p38. Furthermore, we show that mRNA of the chemotactic cytokine IL-8 is upregulated under the influence of APN/CD13 ligation. Although the in vivo ligand as well as possible cooperating membrane molecules remains to be identified, our results suggest that the membrane ectoenzyme APN/CD13 is a novel signal transduction molecule in monocytes.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptors recently have been related to Alzheimer's disease, although it is still unclear whether they contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease or reflect an inflammatory response to the deposition of amyloid beta-protein (Abeta). In this study we demonstrate that CD36, a class B scavenger receptor, is highly expressed in the cerebral cortex of Alzheimer's disease patients and cognitively normal aged subjects with diffuse amyloid plaques compared with age-matched amyloid-free control brains. Moreover, in vitro experiments indicated that Abeta is able to induce CD36 expression in neuronal cells after 24 h treatment. The interaction between CD36 and Abeta has been reported to trigger oxidant production by macrophages and microglia. In line with this observation, we found an increased presence of nitrated proteins in brains showing Abeta loads and CD36 overexpression, independent of the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease pathologic features.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes must promote protective immune responses while still maintaining self-tolerance. Stimulation through the T cell receptor (TCR) can lead to distinct responses in naive and memory CD4 T cells. Whereas peptide antigen stimulates both naive and memory T cells, soluble anti-CD3 antibodies and bacterial superantigens stimulate only naive T cells to proliferate and secrete cytokines. Further, superantigens, like staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), cause memory T cells to become anergic while soluble anti-CD3 does not. In the present report, we show that signal transduction through the TCR is impaired in memory cells exposed to either anti-CD3 or SEB. A block in signaling leads to impaired activation of the kinase ZAP-70 so that downstream signals and cell proliferation do not occur. We further show that the signaling defect is unique to each agent. In anti-CD3-treated memory T cells, the src kinase Lck is only transiently activated and does not phosphorylate and activate ZAP-70. In SEB-treated memory T cells, ZAP-70 does not interact with the TCR/CD3 complex to become accessible to Lck. Finally, we provide evidence that alternative signaling pathways are initiated in SEB-treated memory cells. Altered signaling, indicated by an elevation in activity of the src kinase Fyn, may be responsible for memory cell anergy caused by SEB. Thus, differentiation of naive T cells into memory cells is accompanied by alterations in TCR-mediated signaling that can promote heightened recall immunity or specific tolerance.  相似文献   

Epithelial cancer cells secrete mucins carrying carbohydrate antigens such as a sialyl-Tn antigen into cancer tissues and/or the bloodstream, in which mucins may interact with CD22 (Siglec-2). Mucins isolated from colon cancer cells and bovine submaxillary mucins bound to CD22 cDNA transfectants and a human B cell line, Daudi cell, and the binding of soluble recombinant CD22 to the mucins was confirmed by means of a plate assay. The binding specificity was demonstrated by the fact that the mucins bound to the recombinant CD22 with an intact ectodomain but not to that with a mutated ectodomain. Daudi cells were stimulated with anti-IgM F(ab′)2 in the presence or absence of mucins. Ligation of mucins to CD22 decreased the phosphorylation of CD22 and SHP-1 recruitment, and the phosphorylation of ERK-1/2 prominently. The in vivo effect of mucins on splenic B cells in the tumor-bearing state was investigated using mucin-producing (TA3-Ha) and non-producing (TA3-St) mammary adenocarcinoma-bearing mice. When fluorescence-labeled epiglycanins were administered to normal mice, a portion of them was taken up by the spleen and became associated with splenic B cells. We found that splenic B cells were reduced in TA3-Ha-bearing mice but not in TA3-St-bearing ones. These results suggest that in the tumor-bearing state a portion of the mucins in the bloodstream was taken up by the spleen and ligated to CD22 expressed on splenic B cells, which may have led to down-regulation of signal transduction.  相似文献   

We evaluated the capacity of freshly isolated blood monocytes to mediate antibody-dependent cellular-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) in cooperation with murine anti-tumor monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Blood monocytes isolated from most donors by adherence selection to fibronectin-coated plastic surfaces and subsequently depleted of natural killer/killer (NK/K) cells exhibited significant ADCC activity against tumor cell lines in combination with an IgG3 antitumor MAb (BR55-2). However, significant variation in ADCC competence was observed among donors. Culture parameters influencing monocyte ADCC activity were evaluated and optimized. The influence of MAb isotype on ADCC capacity of anti-tumor MAbs was also evaluated using anti-tumor class-switch variant hybridoma proteins and a panel of anti-tumor MAbs. MAbs of the IgG2a and IgG3 subclasses exhibited high ADCC potential, whereas MAbs of the IgG2b subclass exhibited no ADCC activity. One of two IgG1 MAbs tested exhibited high ADCC activity with monocyte effectors. The role of monocytes or macrophages in tumor remission of cancer patients undergoing MAb immunotherapy is not known. However, correlative studies of monocyte ADCC capacity and responsiveness of cancer patients to MAb immunotherapy may help to establish the role of these effectors in MAb-mediated tumor remissions.  相似文献   

Transglycosylation activity of endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase HS (Endo HS) was investigated using native human transferrin as a donor of an asparagine-linked oligosaccharide and p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-glucose (PNP-beta-d-Glc) as an acceptor of the oligosaccharide. The amount of the product increased dependent on the concentration of the acceptors. Absorption spectrum, exoglycosidase digestion and matrix assisted laser desorption and ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass analysis of the transglycosylation product indicated that the asialobiantennary complex type oligosaccharide of human transferrin was transferred to PNP-beta-d-Glc. Endo HS also transferred the oligosaccharide of human transferrin to PNP-alpha-d-Glc, PNP-alpha-d-Gal, PNP-beta-d-Gal, PNP-beta-d-Man, PNP-beta-d-Xyl, PNP-beta-d-GlcNAc, and PNP-glycerol at a different rate. No apparent difference in the K(m) value for human transferrin as an oligosaccharide donor was observed using different acceptors, PNP-beta-d-Glc and PNP-glycerol. The amount of the transglycosylation product successively increased and became constant and then very slightly decreased during the course of enzyme reaction. Endo HS was also transferred the triantennary complex type oligosaccharide of calf fetuin and the bi-, tri-, and tetrantennary complex type oligosaccharides of human alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein to PNP-beta-d-Glc. Furthermore, Endo HS transferred an asparagine-linked oligosaccharide from a hen egg glycopeptide to PNP-beta-d-Glc. The results demonstrate that Endo HS can transfer a wide variety of asparagine-linked complex type oligosaccharides to various monosaccharides. Endo HS was distinct from other enzymes in the specificity for oligosaccharide donors and acceptors.  相似文献   

The major histocompatability class II heterodimer (class II) is expressed on the surface of both resting and activated B cells. Although it is clear that class II expression is required for Ag presentation to CD4(+) T cells, substantial evidence suggests that class II serves as a signal transducing receptor that regulates B cell function. In ex vivo B cells primed by Ag receptor (BCR) cross-linking and incubation with IL-4, or B cell lines such as K46-17 micromlambda, class II ligation leads to the activation of protein tyrosine kinases, including Lyn and Syk and subsequent phospholipase Cgamma-dependent mobilization of Ca(2+). In this study, experiments demonstrated reciprocal desensitization of class II and BCR signaling upon cross-linking of either receptor, suggesting that the two receptors transduce signals via common processes and/or effector proteins. Because class II and BCR signal transduction pathways exhibit functional similarities, additional studies were conducted to evaluate whether class II signaling is regulated by BCR coreceptors. Upon cross-linking of class II, the BCR coreceptors CD19 and CD22 were inducibly phosphorylated on tyrosine residues. Phosphorylation of CD22 was associated with increased recruitment and binding of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. Similarly, tyrosine phosphorylation of CD19 resulted in recruitment and binding of Vav and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Finally, co-cross-linking studies demonstrated that signaling via class II was either attenuated (CD22/SHP-1) or enhanced (CD19/Vav and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase), depending on the coreceptor that was brought into close proximity. Collectively, these results suggest that CD19 and CD22 modulate class II signaling in a manner similar to that for the BCR.  相似文献   

A possible role for the PI-linked CD14 molecule in human monocyte and granulocyte signal mediation was investigated. Using flow cytometry and the fluorescent indicators Fluo-3 and dihydrorhodamine-123 it was shown that crosslinking of the CD14 molecule induces an increase in monocyte and granulocyte cytoplasmic calcium concentration and monocyte H2O2 production. These responses were found to be independent of IgG Fc receptors and suggest an intrinsic signal mediating capacity of the CD14 molecule.  相似文献   

CD2 mediates T cell adhesion via its ectodomain and signal transduction utilizing its 117-amino acid cytoplasmic tail. Here we show that a significant fraction of human CD2 molecules is inducibly recruited into lipid rafts upon CD2 cross-linking by a specific pair of mitogenic anti-CD2 monoclonal antibodies (anti-T11(2) + anti-T11(3)) or during cellular conjugate formation by CD58, the physiologic ligand expressed on antigen-presenting cells. Translocation to lipid microdomains is independent of the T cell receptor (TCR) and, unlike inducible TCR-raft association, requires no tyrosine phosphorylation. Structural integrity of rafts is necessary for CD2-stimulated elevation of intracellular free calcium and tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular substrates. Whereas murine CD2 contains two membrane-proximal intracellular cysteines, partitioning CD2 into cholesterol-rich lipid rafts constitutively, human CD2 has no cytoplasmic cysteines. Mapping studies using CD2 point mutation, deletion, and chimeric molecules suggest that conformational change in the CD2 ectodomain participates in inducible raft association and excludes the membrane-proximal N-linked glycans, the transmembrane segment, and the CD2 cytoplasmic region (residues 8-117) as necessary for translocation. Translocation of CD2 into lipid rafts may reorganize the membrane into an activation-ready state prior to TCR engagement by a peptide associated with a major histocompatibility complex molecule, accounting for synergistic T cell stimulation by CD2 and the TCR.  相似文献   

RNA binding proteins belonging to the TIS11/TTP gene family regulate the stability of multiple targets. Their inactivation or deregulated expression has recently been related to cancer, and it has been suggested that they are capable of displaying tumor suppressor activities. Here we describe three new targets of ZFP36 (PIM-1, PIM-3 and XIAP) and show by different approaches that its ectopic expression is capable of impairing glioblastoma cell lines viability and invasiveness by interfering with different transduction pathways. Moreover, we provide evidence that compounds capable of inducing the expression of TIS11/TTP genes determine a comparable biological effect on the same cell contexts.  相似文献   

The members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family play pivotal roles in the regulation of the immune system. LIGHT is a type II transmembrane protein belonging to the TNF family that was originally identified as a weak inducer of apoptosis. This cytokine has been extensively studied for its role in T cell regulation. Recently, we identified its role in inducing maturation of dendritic cells, such as LIGHT upregulated CD86 expression on dendritic cells in our previous report. However, the signal transduction pathway on this regulation remains unknown. In this study, we found that LIGHT activated NF-kappaB, p44/42 MAPK, but not JNK. LIGHT upregulates CD86 expression on DCs through activation of NF-kappaB, but not p44/42 signal pathway, because inhibition of NF-kappaB activity by its inhibitor could blunt the effect of LIGHT in up-regulation of CD86 expression, but neither inhibitor of p44/42 MAPK nor JNK inhibitor has this effect. Thus we demonstrate that LIGHT regulates CD86 expression through NF-kappaB signal transduction pathway but neither p44/42 MAPK nor JNK/AP-1 signaling pathway. We conclude that NF-kappaB signal plays a key role in LIGHT-mediated upregulation of CD86 expression.  相似文献   

The effects of heparin (180 micrograms/ml) on steady state mRNA levels for fibronectin, thrombospondin, actin and collagen types I and III were investigated in human umbilical artery smooth muscle cells. Heparin caused a 120% increase in thrombospondin mRNA levels and a 60% and 180% increase in the mRNA levels of procollagen chains alpha 2(I) and alpha 1(III), respectively. No change in fibronectin or actin mRNA levels resulted from heparin treatment. We reported earlier (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 148:1264, 1987) that heparin increases smooth muscle cell synthesis of both fibronectin and thrombospondin. These data show that heparin coordinately regulates thrombospondin mRNA and protein levels. The heparin induced increase in fibronectin biosynthesis apparently reflects control at the translational or post-translational level.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that engagement of the human monocytic Ag CD14 by murine mAb induces lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1/intercellular adhesion molecule-1-dependent homotypic adhesion. To determine whether CD14 plays a role in monocyte-T cell interactions, we tested the effect of anti-CD14 mAb on the proliferation of human T cells. Our results show that anti-CD14 mAb strongly inhibited T cell proliferation induced by Ag, anti-CD3 mAb, and mitogenic lectins. Inhibition by anti-CD14 mAb was epitope-dependent and required physical contact between monocytes and T cells. CD14 engagement did not affect IL-2R expression or IL-2 synthesis but induced a state of unresponsiveness that was not IL-2 specific; proliferation of anti-CD3-activated T cell blasts in response to both IL-2 and IL-4 was abrogated by addition of monocytes preincubated with anti-CD14 mAb. Inhibition of T cell proliferation after engagement of CD14 on monocytes was likely to result from delivery of a negative signal to T cells, rather than from disruption of a costimulatory monocyte-derived signal, because incubation of monocytes with anti-CD14 mAb also inhibited monocyte-independent T cell proliferation induced by PMA and ionophore. These results, together, point to a role of CD14 in the monocyte-dependent regulation of T cell proliferation.  相似文献   

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