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RNA was analyzed in the whole rod cell and in the rod cell nucleus of the rabbit retina. The analysis was performed on rod cells or rod cell nuclei after they were isolated by microdissection and collected. The nuclei were denuded by selectively lysing inner and outer segments chemically. The rod cell contained an average of 0.65 µµg RNA. About 60% of the total RNA was nuclear. RNA concentration was of the order of 0.4% w/v. RNA base composition was determined for the whole rod cell and for the rod cell nucleus, and from it the base composition of cytoplasmic RNA was derived also. Microdissection of the retina revealed that each Müller cell had firmly attached to it a certain complement of visual cells, forming a bouquet-like arrangement. The unusual susceptibility of the inner and outer segments to lysis was regarded as an indication of an unique composition of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The early stages of nuclear differentiation in spermatids of the house cricket are described with regard to the fine structural elements and chemical components which occur. Particular attention is given to the loss of nonhistone protein from the nucleus and its relation to chromatin structure. Granular elements about 25 to 80 mµ in diameter, and fibers about 8 mµ in diameter occur in the earliest spermatid nucleus. The fibers are found in diffuse and condensed chromatin while granules are found only in diffuse material. DNA and histone parallel the chromatin fibers in distribution, while nonhistone protein and RNA parallel the granules in distribution. The granules and most of the nonhistone protein are lost, simultaneously, after the early spermatid stage. The protein loss occurs without detectable change in the structure of chromatin fibers. Chromatin fibers first show a structural change in mid spermiogenesis, when they become thicker and very contorted. Unusually thin fibers (about 5 mµ) also appear in mid spermatid nuclei; they are apparently composed of nonhistone protein and free of DNA and histone.  相似文献   

The pancreatic exocrine cell of the guinea pig has a voluminous endoplasmic reticulum distinguished by extensive association with small, dense particles, and by its orderly disposition in the basal region of the cell. In addition to the small, (~15 mµ), dense particles attached to the limiting membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, numerous particles of similar appearance are found freely scattered in the cytoplasmic matrix. The various cell structures of pancreatic exocrine cells can be satisfactorily identified in pancreatic homogenates. The microsome fraction consists primarily of spherical vesicles (80 to 300 mµ), limited by a thin membrane (7 mµ) which bears small (~15 mµ) dense particles attached on its outer surface. The content of the microsomal vesicles is usually of high density. Pancreatic microsomes derive by extensive fragmentation mainly from the rough surfaced parts of the endoplasmic reticula of exocrine cells. A few damaged mitochondria and certain dense granules (~150 mµ) originating probably from islet cells, contaminate the microsome fraction. Pancreatic microsomes contain RNA, protein, and a relatively small amount of phospholipide and hemochromogen. They do not have DPNH-cytochrome c reductase activity. In six experiments the RNA/protein N ratios were found grouped around two different means, namely 0.6 and 1.3. Pancreatic microsomes are more labile than liver microsomes but react in a similar way to RN-ase-(loss of the particulate component and RNA), and deoxycholate treatment (loss of the membranous component and of phospholipide, hemochromogen, and most of the protein). Postmicrosomal fractions consisting primarly of small (~15 mµ), dense particles of ribonucleoprotein (RNA/protein N ratio = 1 to 2) were obtained by further centrifugation of the microsomal supernatant. The small nucleoprotein particles of these fractions are frequently found associated in chains or clusters.  相似文献   

The cultivated monkey kidney cell is subject to changes when infected with ECHO viruses 6, 9, and 19. The electron microscope reveals three stages of infection: (a) initial stage. The nucleus appears granular with chromatin condensation on the nuclear envelope. The cytoplasm contains electron transparent vesicles and vacuoles forming nests. (b) Intermediate stage. The nucleus seems to diminish, appearing more pycnotic and displaced toward the periphery. The cytoplasm is filled with electron transparent vacuoles and vesicles, and dense masses as well as some spiral bodies are seen. The mitochondria retain their shape. Dense particles are seen, which are possibly of viral nature. (c) Final stage. The nucleus is contracted to a narrow strip close to the cellular membrane or is completely destroyed. The cytoplasm shows no apparent changes. Crystals are frequently observed in cells infected with ECHO viruses 6 and 19, consisting of dense particles with an average diameter of 14.4 mµ ranging from approximately 13.2 to 15.6 mµ for ECHO virus 6, and 14.5 mµ ranging from approximately 12.5 to 16.5 mµ for ECHO virus 19. These particles are clustered in hexagonal packages forming angles of 75° and 105°. The particles in most crystals are arranged in rows separated by a constant distance, the latter varying from one crystal to another and being approximately 1.5 and 2.5 times the distance between particles. Other particles were observed which, however, are not considered to be of viral nature.  相似文献   

1. Irradiation with three short ultraviolet (UV) wave lengths, 226, 233, and 239 mµ rapidly immobilizes Paramecium caudatum, the dosage required being smaller the shorter the wave length. 85 per cent of paramecia immobilized with wave length 226 mµ recover completely. Recovery from immobilizing doses is less the longer the wave length. 2. Irradiation continued after immobilization kills the paramecia in a manner which is markedly different for very short (226, 233, and 239 mµ) and longer (267 mµ) wave lengths. 3. An action spectrum for immobilization in P. caudatum was determined for the wave lengths 226, 233, 239, 248, and 267 mµ, and found to resemble the absorption of protein and lipide in the wave length region below 248 mµ. Addition of these data to those of Giese (1945 b) gives an action spectrum resembling the absorption by albumin-like protein. 4. Division of P. caudatum is delayed by doses of wave lengths 226, 233, and 239 mµ which cause immobilization, the longest wave length being most effective. 5. Immobilization at any of the wave lengths tested (226, 233, 239, 248, 267 mµ) is not photoreversible when UV-treated paramecia are concurrently illuminated. 6. Division delay resulting from immobilizing doses of 226, 233, and 239 mµ is photoreversible by exposure to visible light concurrently with the UV. 7. Division delay induced by exposure to wave length 267 mµ is reduced by exposure to visible light applied concurrently with UV or immediately afterwards. 8. The data suggest that the shortest UV wave length tested (226 mµ) affects the cytoplasm selectively, because it is absorbed superficially as indicated by unilateral fluorescence in UV. Consequently it immobilizes paramecia rapidly but has little effect on the division rate because little radiation reaches the nucleus. 9. The data support the view that nuclear effects of UV are readily photoreversed but cytoplasmic effects are not.  相似文献   

Action spectra for photoreactivation (light-induced recovery from ultraviolet radiation injury) of Escherichia coli B/r and Streptomyces griseus ATCC 3326 were determined. The spectral region explored was 365 to 700 mµ. The action spectrum for S. griseus differed from that for E. coli, indicating that the chromophores absorbing reactivating energy in the two species were not the same. Reactivation of S. griseus occurred in the region 365 mµ (the shortest wave length studied) to about 500 mµ, with the most effective wave length lying near 436 mµ. This single sharp peak in the spectrum at 436 mµ suggested the Soret band typical of porphyrins. Reactivation of E. coli occurred in the region 365 to about 470 mµ, with the most active wave length lying near 375 mµ. The single, non-pronounced peak near 375 was probably not due to a Soret band, and the identification of the substance absorbing reactivating light in E. coli is uncertain. In neither species was the region 500 to 700 mµ active. The implications of these action spectra and their differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Digitonin extracts have been prepared from the retinae of a dozen species of marine and euryhaline teleost fishes from turbid water habitats. Spectrophotometric analysis of the extracts shows that the photosensitive retinal pigments of these species have maximum absorption above 500 mµ. In nine species there are retinene1 pigments with λmax between 504 and 512 mµ. In the marine but euryhaline mullet, Mugil cephalus, there is a porphyropsin with λmax 520 mµ. A mixture of rhodopsin and porphyropsin in an extract of a marine puffer, Sphoeroides annulatus, was disclosed by partial bleaching with colored light. In addition, one other species has a 508 mµ pigment, of which the nature of the chromophore was not determined. The habitats in which these fishes live are relatively turbid, with the water greenish or yellowish in color. The spectral transmission of such waters is probably maximal between 520 and 570 mµ. It is suggested that the fishes have become adapted to these conditions by small but significant shifts in spectral absorption of their retinal pigments. These pigments are decidedly more effective than rhodopsin in absorption of wavelengths above 500 mµ. This offers a possible interpretation of the confusing array of retinal pigments described from marine and euryhaline fishes.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the rod-bipolar synapse is described and illustrated. Each rod spherule possesses a large, single, oval or elongate mitochondrion approximately 0.5 x 2.0 microns. Surrounding the mitochondrion are elements of agranular endoplasmic reticulum. The bipolar dendrite projects into the lower pole of the spherule and usually terminates in two lobes separated by a cleft. The plasma membranes appear dense and thicker in the region of the synapse. In the rod spherule cytoplasm, contiguous with the plasma membrane is a dense, slightly concave arciform structure, the rod arciform density, extending from the base of the bipolar bifid process through the cleft to an equivalent point on the opposite side. Also within the spherule, and external (towards the sclera) to the rod arciform density, is a parallel, dense, thin lamella, the rod synaptic lamella. This is approximately 25 mµ in thickness and 400 mµ in width at its widest extent. This halfmoon-shaped plate straddles the cleft between the two lobes of the bipolar process. The lamella appears to consist of short regular rodlets or cylinders 5 to 7 mµ in diameter, oriented with their long axes perpendicular to the plane of the lamella. Minute cytoplasmic vesicles found in the cytoplasm of both the rod spherule and the bipolar terminal are most abundant near the rod synaptic lamella.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle of strips of rabbit aorta, placed in a state of active tonic contraction by addition of a stimulating drug, relaxes during exposure to light. The relaxation is reversible. The extent of relaxation produced by a standard exposure depends on the preexposure level of active contraction but not on the nature of the stimulating drug used to produce contraction. With strips brought to an intermediate level of contraction, the degree of relaxation (steady state levels) is a rectangular hyperbolic function of radiation intensity. The kinetics of the relaxation process during irradiation and the recovery process following irradiation are consistent with the hypothesis that the primary photoactivated material initiates a reaction or reactions leading to a product which inhibits some process involved in the production of active contraction. The photorelaxation does not require the presence of oxygen. It is potentiated by reducing the temperature of the aortic strip. The action spectrum of the photorelaxation shows relatively low effectiveness at wavelengths above 450 mµ. The effectiveness increases markedly and progressively as the wavelength is lowered below 450 mµ, reaching a peak at 310 mµ. A deep trough occurs at 280 mµ. However, both peak and trough probably result from internal filtering due to absorption by proteins in the aortic strip. It is surmised that if a correction could be made for this internal filtering, the action spectrum would rise continuously down to wavelengths at least as low as 250 mµ.  相似文献   

The retina is a part of the central nervous system that has organized architecture, with neurons in layers from the photoreceptors, both rods and cones in contact with the retinal pigmented epithelium in the most distant part on the retina considering the direction of light, and the ganglion cells in the most proximal distance. This architecture allows the isolation of the photoreceptor layer by vibratome sectioning. The dissected neural retina of a mouse aged 8 days is flat-embedded in 4% gelatin on top of a slice of 20% gelatin photoreceptor layer facing down. Using a vibratome and a double edged razor blade, the 100 µm thick inner retina is sectioned. This section contains the ganglion cells and the inner layer with notably the bipolar cells. An intermediary section of 15 µm is discarded before 200 µm of the outer retina containing the photoreceptors is recovered. The gelatin is removed by heating at 37 °C. Pieces of outer layer are incubated in 500 µl of Ringer''s solution with 2 units of activated papain for 20 min at 37 °C. The reaction is stopped by adding 500 µl 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) in Dulbecco''s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), then 25 units of DNAse I is added before centrifugation at RT, washed several times to remove serum and the cells are resuspended in 500 µl of DMEM and seeded at 1 x 105 cells/cm2. The cells are grown to 5 days in vitro and their viability scored using live/dead assay. The purity of the culture is first determined by microscopic observation during the experiment. The purity is then validated by seeding and fixing cells on a histological slide and analyzing using a rabbit polyclonal anti-SAG, a photoreceptor marker and mouse monoclonal anti-RHO, a rod photoreceptor specific marker. Alternatively, the photoreceptor layer (97% rods) can be used for gene or protein expression analysis and for transplantation.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivities of the dorsal ocelli of cockroaches (Periplaneta americana, Blaberus craniifer) and worker honeybees (Apis mellifera) have been measured by electrophysiological methods. The relative numbers of quanta necessary to produce a constant size electrical response in the ocellus were measured at various wave lengths between 302 and 623 mµ. The wave form of the electrical response (ERG) of the dark-adapted roach ocellus depends on the intensity but not the wave length of the stimulating light. The roach ocellus appears to possess a single photoreceptor type, maximally sensitive about 500 mµ. The ERG's of bee ocelli are qualitatively different in the ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum. The bee ocellus has two types of photoreceptor, maximally sensitive at 490 mµ and at about 335 to 340 mµ. The spectral absorption of the ocellar cornea of Blaberus craniifer was measured. There is no significant absorption between 350 and 700 mµ.  相似文献   

Absorption curves have been obtained in the spectral region of 450 to 900 mµ for the water soluble cell juice of four species of photosynthetic bacteria, Spirillum rubrum (strain S1), Rhodovibrio sp. (strain Gaffron), Phaeomonas sp. (strain Delft), and Streptococcus varians (strains C11 and orig.). These curves all show maxima at 790 and 590 mµ due to bacteriochlorophyll, whose highest band, however, occurs at 875, 855, or 840 mµ depending on the species. The bacteria that appear red rather than brown have a band at 550 mµ due to a carotinoid pigment. An absolute absorption curve of bacteriophaeophytin has maxima at 530 and 750 mµ. The extraction of cell juice by supersonic vibration does not change the position of the absorption bands or of the light absorbing capacity of the pigment.  相似文献   

1. The cytokinase (tissue activator of plasminogen) content of several mammalian tissues was evaluated by a quantitative casein hydrolysis method. 2. An alkaline (pH10·5) extraction of cytokinase from rabbit kidney lysosome–microsome fraction, followed by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose at pH7·6 with stepwise or linear increase in concentration of phosphate buffer, gave an 86-fold purification of the enzyme. The purified material was non-proteolytic against casein and heated fibrin and was freeze-dried without significant loss of activity or solubility. 3. Cytokinase is a protein with E0·1%1cm.=0·87 at 280mμ, and does not possess sufficient hexose or sialic acid to be classified as a glycoprotein. It has S20,w 2·9–3·1s and molecular weight 50000 when measured on a calibrated Sephadex G-100 column. It has an isoelectric point between pH8 and pH9, and is maximally active and stable at pH8·5. It is inactivated by heat at 78°. 4. Cytokinase and human urokinase have the same Km value and are inhibited in a partially competitive manner by -aminohexanoic acid and aminomethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid. They are also inhibited by cysteine and arginine, but are unaffected by iodoacetamide and p-chloromercuribenzoate. 5. On the basis of this and other evidence it is suggested that rabbit kidney cytokinase and human urokinase are similar, if not identical, enzymes.  相似文献   

1. In the rods of fresh-water and some anadromous fishes, rhodopsin is replaced by the purple photolabile pigment porphyropsin. This participates in a retinal cycle identical in form with that of rhodopsin, but in which new carotenoids replace retinene and vitamin A. 2. Porphyropsin possesses a broad absorption maximum at 522 ± 2 mµ, and perhaps a minimum at about 430 mµ. The vitamin A-analogue, vitamin A2, possesses a maximum in chloroform at 355 mµ and yields with antimony trichloride a deep blue color due to a band at 696 mµ. The retinene-analogue, retinene2, absorbs maximally in chloroform at 405 mµ and possesses an antimony chloride maximum at 706 mµ. 3. Its non-diffusibility through a semi-permeable membrane, salting-out properties, and sensitivity to chemical denaturants and to heat, characterize porphyropsin as a conjugated carotenoid-protein. 4. The porphyropsin cycle may be formulated: porphyropsin See PDF for Structure. retinene2-protein (2) vitamin A2-protein (3) porphyropsin. Isolation of the retina cuts this cycle at (3); denaturation procedures or extraction of porphyropsin into aqueous solution eliminate in addition (1) and (2). 5. The primary difference between the rhodopsin and porphyropsin systems appears to be the possession by the latter of an added ethylenic group in the polyene chain.  相似文献   

In this study of the electroretinograms of dragonflies (adults and nymphs) the objectives were to determine the number of classes of photoreceptors present in the visual system and to allocate these to particular morphological regions. There are probably five classes of photoreceptors present with peak sensitivities near 550, 530, 518, 420, and < 380 mµ. The dorsal ocelli contain two classes (518 mµ and < 380 mµ). The ventral (anterior) ommatidia of the adult compound eye contain at least two classes (near 518 mµ and < 380 mµ) and probably a third class (near 550 mµ). The dorsal ommatidia of the adult compound eye contain one class (420 mµ) and possibly another class (< 380 mµ). The compound eye of the nymph contains one class (530 mµ) and possibly another class (420 mµ).  相似文献   

Different preparations of chromatin isolated from mycelia of Neurospora crassa were analyzed for DNA-associated RNA and proteins. The UV absorption spectra, the ultrastructure of chromatin, and the amino acid composition of the acid-extractable proteins were studied. The protein:DNA ratios range from 1.5 to 2.8; the RNA:DNA ratios range from 0.5 to 1.24. UV absorption shows a macimum at 259 mµ and a minimum at 238–239 mµ. The E280/E260 ranges from 0.59 to 0.70. Electron microscopy reveals a fibrous structure with individual fibers of 120–150 A average diameter. Attempts were made to study the protein by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and amino acid analysis. The results indicate that Neurospora chromatin does not contain basic proteins comparable to calf thymus histone. The ratios of basic to acidic amino acids range from 0.93 to 1.19. On electrophoresis, no bands are seen whose positions correspond to those of histones. Staining for basic proteins with fast green or eosin Y at pH 8.2 also shows a negative reaction, suggesting the absence of histones.  相似文献   

Thylakoids isolated from leaves of winter rye (Secale cereale L. cv Puma) grown at either 20 or 5°C were extracted with the nonionic detergents Triton X-100 and octyl glucoside. Less total chlorophyll was extracted from 5°C thylakoids by these detergents under all conditions, including pretreatment with cations. Thylakoids from either 20 or 5°C leaves were solubilized in 0.7% Triton X-100 and centrifuged on sucrose gradients to purify the light harvesting complex (LHCII). Greater yields of LHCII were obtained by cation precipitation of particles derived from 20°C thylakoids than from 5°C thylakoids. When 20 and 5°C thylakoids were phosphorylated and completely solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate, no differences were observed in the 32Pi-labeling characteristics of the membrane polypeptides. However, when phosphorylated thylakoids were extracted with octyl glucoside, extraction of LHCII associated with the 5°C thylakoids was markedly reduced in comparison with the extraction of LHCII from 20°C membranes. Since 20 and 5°C thylakoids exhibited significant differences in the Chl content and Chl a/b ratios of membrane fractions produced after solubilization with either Triton X-100 or octyl glucoside, and since few differences between the proteins of the two membranes could be observed following complete denaturation in sodium dodecyl sulfate, we conclude that the integral structure of the thylakoid membrane is affected during rye leaf development at low temperature.  相似文献   

1. The properties of rhodopsin in solution have been examined in preparations from marine fishes, frogs, and mammals. 2. The bleaching of neutral rhodopsin in solution includes a photic and at least three thermal ("dark") processes. Thermal reactions account for approximately half the total fall in extinction at 500 mµ. 3. Bleaching has been investigated at various pH''s from 3.9 to about 11. With increase in pH the velocity of the thermal components increases rapidly. Though the spectrum of rhodopsin itself is scarcely affected by change in pH, the spectra of all product-mixtures following irradiation are highly pH-labile. 4. The spectrum of pure rhodopsin—or of the rhodopsin chromophore—is fixed within narrow limits. The extinction at 400 mµ lies between 0.20 to 0.32 of that at the maximum. 5. Within the limitations of available data, the spectrum of pure rhodopsin corresponds in form and position with the spectral sensitivity of human rod vision, computed at the retinal surface. 6. The nature of bleaching of rhodopsin in solution, its kinetics, and its significance in the retinal cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

A combined centrifugal, biochemical, and electron microscopic study of the cytoplasmic particulates present in 0.88 M sucrose homogenates of rat liver has been carried out. Size distribution analyses of particles containing pentose nucleic acid (PNA) and exhibiting several types of enzymatic activity revealed three major size groups within the range of particle radius between 10 and 500 mµ. A different array of biochemical properties was associated with each size group. The largest particles, with an average radius (assuming spherical shape) in the region of 220 to 260 mµ, contained all of the succinic dehydrogenase activity of the cytoplasmic extract, 29 per cent of the diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN)-cytochrome c reductase activity, and minor amounts of PNA and acid phosphatase activity. Cytologically, this group of particles was identified with the mitochondria. All of the uricase activity, 58 per cent of the acid phosphatase activity, and 26 per cent of the PNA was apparently associated with a second size group of particles (average radius 120 mµ) which were tentatively identified by electron microscopy with vesicular structures derived from the ergastoplasm of the intact cell. The third particle group demonstrated by centrifugation exhibited a major size distribution peak at 25 mµ and a second smaller peak at 55 mµ. Over 50 per cent of the total cytoplasmic PNA and DPN-cytochrome c reductase activity was associated with particles in this size group. Electron microscopy revealed a morphologically heterogeneous population of particles within this size range.  相似文献   

To relate exposure to adverse health effects, it is necessary to know where particles in the submicron range deposit in the respiratory tract. The possibly higher vulnerability of children requires specific inhalation studies. However, radio-aerosol deposition experiments involving children are rare because of ethical restrictions related to radiation exposure. Thus, an in vivo study was conducted using three baboons as a child respiratory tract model to assess regional deposition patterns (thoracic region vs. extrathoracic region) of radioactive polydisperse aerosols ([d16–d84], equal to [0.15 µm–0.5 µm], [0.25 µm–1 µm], or [1 µm–9 µm]). Results clearly demonstrated that aerosol deposition within the thoracic region and the extrathoraic region varied substantially according to particle size. High deposition in the extrathoracic region was observed for the [1 µm–9 µm] aerosol (72%±17%). The [0.15 µm–0.5 µm] aerosol was associated almost exclusively with thoracic region deposition (84%±4%). Airborne particles in the range of [0.25 µm–1 µm] showed an intermediate deposition pattern, with 49%±8% in the extrathoracic region and 51%±8% in the thoracic region. Finally, comparison of baboon and human inhalation experiments for the [1 µm–9 µm] aerosol showed similar regional deposition, leading to the conclusion that regional deposition is species-independent for this airborne particle sizes.  相似文献   

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