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Rapid identification of the expression of oncogene products in specific cell types could potentially be useful in the diagnosis and treatment of human malignancy. We have now observed that through the use of lysolecithin permeabilization and fluorescence-activated flow cytometry, cells expressing high levels of the v-Ha-ras oncogene product, p21, can readily be distinguished from the nontransformed parent cells in a rapid and quantitative manner.  相似文献   

Interaction of ras oncogene product p21 with guanine nucleotides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nucleotide exchange reaction was observed with purified ras oncogene product p21 overproduced in Escherichia coli (Hattori, S. et al. (1985) Mol. Cell Biol. 5, 1449-1455) under various conditions. (NH4)2SO4 increased the rate of dissociation of bound GDP from c-rasH and v-rasH p21. The dissociation kinetics were those of a first order reaction, and there was a linear relationship between the rate constant and the (NH4)2SO4 concentration. At any concentration of (NH4)2SO4, the exchange rate was faster with v-rasH p21 than that with c-rasH p21. EDTA and (NH4)2SO4 synergetically stimulated the dissociation reaction. Nucleotide-free p21 was prepared by gel filtration on Sephadex G-25 in the presence of 5 mM EDTA and 200 mM (NH4)2SO4 at room temperature. The free p21 was quite thermolabile, but the addition of GDP or GTP completely protected p21 from thermal inactivation. The dissociation constants for GDP and GTP were determined with free p21 to be 8.9 and 8.2 nM, respectively, for v-rasH p21, and 1.0 and 2.6 nM for c-rasH p21. In the presence of 200 mM (NH4)2SO4, these dissociation constants increased 3- to 12-fold.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,217(2):253-259
Autophosphorylation of the purified human insulin receptor tyrosyl kinase was found to be inhibited by the ras oncogene product p21 in a concentration- and GDP-dependent manner. GDP-β-S but not Gpp(NH)p could substitute for GDP in eliciting the ras-dependent inhibition. The inhibition was seen with both normal or mutant (Lys-61) p21N-ras and normal or mutant (Val-12) p21Ha-ras. Inhibition occurred at 23°C but not 4°C and was unaffected by the presence or absence of insulin although insulin stimulated the autophosphorylation rate of the receptor β-subunit some 2-fold. The insulin receptor did not phosphorylate native p21Ha-ras in the presence or absence of added guanine nucleotide. After denaturation of p21Ha-ras with urea it became a substrate, but then failed to inhibit receptor autophosphorylation even in the presence of added GDP.  相似文献   

Purified v-rasH p21 overproduced in Escherichia coli was treated with guanosine diphospho- and triphosphopyridoxals (GP2- and GP3-PL), affinity labeling reagents specific to a lysyl residue located in the guanine nucleotide binding site. GP2-PL and GP3-PL inhibited [3H]GDP binding to p21 competitively. Incubation of p21 with GP2-PL and GP3-PL followed by reduction with NaBH4 resulted in 40 and 50% loss of [3H]GDP binding activity, respectively, whereas the addition of excess GDP completely protected p21 from the inactivation. The tryptic digest of p21 which was modified with GP2-PL or GP3-PL in the presence or absence of protective GDP and subsequently reduced by NaBH4 was analyzed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The profile of the effluent monitored by the fluorescence from the pyridoxyl moiety showed the existence of peptides which were specifically labeled only in the absence of GDP. Structural analyses of these peptides allowed us to identify the labeled residue as Lys-16. These results suggest that Lys-16 is located in the guanine nucleotide binding site, close to the beta- or gamma-phosphate group of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

The neutralizing monoclonal antibody Y13-259 severely hampers the nucleotide exchange reaction between p21-bound and exogenous guanine nucleotides but does not interfere with the association of GDP to p21. These results suggest that the nucleotide exchange reaction is critical for p21 function. Interestingly, the v-ras p21 has a much faster dissociation rate than the p21 of the c-ras proto-oncogene.  相似文献   

Ras p21 proteins cycle between inactive, GDP-bound forms and active GTP-bound forms. Hydrolysis of bound GTP to GDP is mediated by proteins referred to as GAPs, two forms of which have been described. The first, p120-GAP, contains regions of homologies with tyrosine kinase oncogenes, and interacts with tyrosine phosphoproteins as well as with ras proteins; p120-GAP may therefore connect signalling pathways that involve tyrosine kinase and ras p21 proteins. The second type of GAP is the product of the neurofibromatosis type 1 gene (NF1-GAP). This is a protein of 325,000 Da that is defective in patients with NF1; NF1-GAP is regulated by signalling lipids, and may serve to connect ras p21 with phospholipid second messenger systems. The significance of ras p21 interaction with distinct GAPs is discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of ras oncogene product by protein kinase C   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Harvey (H)-ras oncogene product, p21, can be phosphorylated by protein kinase C in vitro at sites distinct from the site of autophosphorylation of p21. Serine was found to be the main phosphate acceptor. Kinetic studies revealed a high apparent affinity but a much lower turnover for the phosphorylation of p21 as compared with that of the phosphorylation of histone by protein kinase C. Indirect association between protein kinase C and p21 was suggested by the co-immunoprecipitation of both proteins with either anti-protein kinase C or anti-p21 antibodies.  相似文献   

Conformational, GTP binding, and GTP hydrolytic studies are carried out with synthetically prepared N-terminal 34 residue segments (residues 2-35) of p21 ras oncogenic (12-Val) and non-oncogenic (12-Gly) proteins. It was found that these N-terminal regions bind nucleotides through their phosphate groups, and that substitution of valine for glycine produces a more pronounced alpha-helical structure and decreases the conformational flexibility. The glycine containing peptide, when compared to the valine containing analog, catalyses the hydrolysis of GTP 6 times more efficiently. Results suggest that restriction of conformational adaptation may contribute to the transforming capacity of the Val-12 p21 protein.  相似文献   

The v-ras oncogene of Harvey murine sarcoma virus encodes a 21,000-dalton protein, p21, which mediates transformation produced by that virus. Previous work has shown that both p21v-rasH and the cellular homolog p21c-rasH appear to bind guanine nucleotides. We report here the expression in Escherichia coli of v-rasH to produce a biochemically active p21 fusion protein which retains both guanine nucleotide binding and autophosphorylating activity. Furthermore, direct interaction of this protein with GTP is unequivocally demonstrated by photoaffinity labeling it with [alpha-32P]GTP.  相似文献   

Several distinct and high-conserved genes comprise the ras gene family of rodents and humans, i.e., rodent Harvey and Kirsten, and human Harvey, Kirsten and neuroblastoma. Transformation, either by a point-mutation resulting in a change in one amino acid of the 21 kDa ras gene product (p21), or by increased expression of ras p21, has been demonstrated to be mediated by members of this gene family. We report here the development of direct binding liquid competition radioimmunoassays for the detection and quantitation of the ras oncogene and proto-oncogene products. Using these radioimmunoassays and ras p21 purified from Escherichia coli containing the full-length T24 mutant human Harvey ras gene protein product as a standard, we have defined the actual amount of ras p21 per micrograms of total cellular protein, or per cell, in various ras transformed and 'normal' mammalian cell lines. One of the radioimmunoassays developed is group-specific, since the antigenic determinant recognized is shared by both the point-mutated and proto-forms of Harvey, Kirsten and neuroblastoma members of the ras gene family, while the second may be termed type-selective, since it recognizes an antigenic determinant localized primarily on the Harvey ras p21. Both radioimmunoassays are interspecies, since they detect a ras p21 antigenic determinant common to cells of human and rodent origin. These studies thus describe the first means for defining absolute values of any oncogene or proto-oncogene protein product. The assays described, when used in combination with specific c-DNA probes to define specific ras proto-oncogenes or point-mutated oncogenes being expressed, will now permit truly quantitative analyses of ras p21 expression in experimental cell culture systems, animal models and human biopsy material.  相似文献   

The presence of guanine nucleotide binding proteins in mouse and human cell lines was investigated using [gamma-35S]GTP gamma S and [gamma-32P]GTP. Cell lysate polypeptides were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose. Incubation of the nitrocellulose blots with [gamma-35S]GTP gamma S identified 9 distinct GTP-binding polypeptides in all lysates. One of these is the ras oncogene product, p21, as demonstrated by subsequent immunochemical staining of the nitrocellulose blots. We have shown that this procedure provides a sensitive method for detection of p21 in culture cell lines.  相似文献   

A novel regulatory protein for rhoB p20, a ras p21-like GTP-binding protein (G protein), was partially purified from the cytosol fraction of rabbit intestine. This protein, designated as rhoB p20 GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI), inhibited the dissociation of GDP from rhoB p20. rhoB p20 GDI also inhibited the binding of guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S) to the GDP-bound form of rhoB p20 but not of that to the guanine nucleotide-free form. GDI did not affect the GTPase activity of rhoB p20 and by itself showed no GTP gamma S-binding activity. GDI was inactive for other ras p21/ras p21-like G proteins including c-Ha-ras p21, smg p21 and smg p25A. The Mr value of GDI was estimated to be about 27,000 from the S value. These results indicate that rabbit intestine contains a novel regulatory protein that inhibits the dissociation of GDP from and thereby the subsequent binding of GTP to rhoB p20.  相似文献   

ras p21 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) has been proposed to interact with the putative effector domain of ras p21s, and smg p21, a ras p21-like guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), has been shown to have the same amino acid sequence as ras p21s in this region. In the present studies, we examined the effects of ras p21 GAP on the GTPase activity of smg p21 purified from human platelets, of smg p21 on the ras p21 GAP-stimulated GTPase activity of c-Ha-ras p21 purified from Escherichia coli, and of c-Ha-ras p21 on the smg p21 GAP1- or -2-stimulated GTPase activity of smg p21. ras p21 GAP stimulated the GTPase activity of c-Ha-ras p21 but not that of smg p21. The GTP-bound form of smg p21, however, inhibited the ras p21 GAP-stimulated GTPase activity of c-Ha-ras p21 in a dose-dependent manner. The half-maximum inhibition by smg p21 was obtained at 0.4 microM which was more potent than previously observed for ras p21 (2-200 microM). The GDP-bound form also inhibited the ras p21 GAP-stimulated GTPase activity of c-Ha-ras p21, but the efficiency was 40-50% that of the GTP-bound form. smg p21 GAP1 and -2 stimulated the GTPase activity of smg p21 but not that of c-Ha-ras p21. c-Ha-ras p21 did not inhibit the smg p21 GAP1- or -2-stimulated GTPase activity of smg p21. These results indicate that ras p21 GAP interacts with smg p21 without the subsequent stimulation of its GTPase activity.  相似文献   

B Antonny  P Chardin  M Roux  M Chabre 《Biochemistry》1991,30(34):8287-8295
We have substituted leucine 56 or tyrosine 64 of p21 ras with a tryptophan. The intrinsic fluorescence of this tryptophan was used as an internal conformational probe for time-resolved biochemical studies of the ras protein. The slow intrinsic GTPase, GDP/GTP exchange induced by the SDC25 "exchange factor", and the fast GTP hydrolysis induced by GAP were studied. Tryptophan fluorescence of mutated ras is very sensitive to magnesium binding, GDP/GTP exchange, and GTP hydrolysis (changes in tyrosine fluorescence of wild-type ras are also observed but with a lower sensitivity). Nucleotide affinities, exchange kinetics, and intrinsic GTPase rates of the mutated ras could be measured by this method and were found to be close to those of wild-type ras. The SDC25 gene product enhances GDP/GTP exchange in both mutants. In both mutants, a slow fluorescence change follows the binding of GTP gamma S; its kinetics are close to those of the intrinsic GTPase, suggesting that a slow conformational change precedes the GTPase and is the rate-limiting step, as proposed by Neal et al. (1990) (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 3562-3565). GAP interacts with both mutant ras proteins and accelerates the GTPase of (L56W)ras but not that of (Y64W)ras, suggesting a role for tyrosine 64 in GAP-induced GTP hydrolysis. However, GAP does not accelerate the slow conformational change following GTP gamma S binding in either of the mutated ras proteins. This suggests that the fast GAP-induced catalysis of GTP hydrolysis that is observed with (L56W)ras bypasses the slow conformational change associated with the intrinsic GTPase and therefore might proceed by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

p21ras is palmitoylated on a cysteine residue near the C-terminus. Changing Cys-186 to Ser in oncogenic forms produces a non-palmitoylated protein that fails to associate with membranes and does not transform NIH 3T3 cells. To examine whether palmitate acts in a general way to increase ras protein hydrophobicity, or is involved in more specific interactions between p21ras and membranes, we constructed genes that encode non-palmitoylated ras proteins containing myristic acid at their N-termini. Myristoylated, activated ras, without palmitate (61Leu/186Ser) exhibited both efficient membrane association and full transforming activity. Unexpectedly, we found that myristoylated forms of normal cellular ras were also potently transforming. Myristoylated c-ras retained the high GTP binding and GTPase characteristic of the cellular protein and, moreover, bound predominantly GDP in vivo. This implied that it continued to interact with GAP (GTPase-activating protein). While the membrane binding induced by myristate permitted transformation, only palmitate produced a normal (non-transforming) association of ras with membranes and must therefore regulate ras function by some unique property that myristate does not mimic. Myristoylation thus represents a novel mechanism by which the ras proto-oncogene protein can become transforming.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis with trypsin of smg p21B, a ras p21-like small GTP-binding protein having the same putative effector domain as ras p21s, produced the N-terminal fragment and the C-terminal tail of Lys-Lys-Ser-Ser-geranylgeranyl-Cys methyl ester. The Mr values of the intact smg p21B, the N-terminal fragment, and the C-terminal tail were estimated to be about 22,000, 20,500, and less than 1,000, respectively, by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both the GDP- and GTP-bound forms of the intact smg p21B bound to various membranes and phosphatidylserine-linked Affi-Gel. However, both the GDP- and GTP-bound forms of the N-terminal fragment failed to bind to membranes and phosphatidylserine-linked Affi-Gel. In contrast, the C-terminal tail bound to membranes and phosphatidylserine-linked Affi-Gel. The N-terminal fragment contained a GDP/GTP-binding and GTPase domain and exhibited these two activities, but the C-terminal tail did not show any such activity. A GTPase-activating protein for smg p21 stimulated the GTPase activity of both the intact smg p21B and the N-terminal fragment. In contrast, a GDP/GTP exchange protein for smg p21, named GDP dissociation stimulator, stimulated the GDP/GTP exchange reaction of the intact smg p21B but not that of the N-terminal fragment. These results indicate 1) that smg p21B is composed of at least two functionally different domains, the N-terminal GDP/GTP-binding and GTPase domain and the C-terminal membrane-binding domain, 2) that smg p21B binds to membranes through its C-terminal hydrophobic and basic domain, and 3) that this C-terminal domain is also essential for the smg p21 GDP dissociation stimulator action but not for the smg p21 GTPase-activating protein action.  相似文献   

The expression of oncogene products related to cell growth (c-erbB-2, c-myc, ras p21, EGFR) was investigated in benign (15 cases) and malignant breast lesions (20 cases) by means of immunohistochemistry using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the staining positivity and various morphological and biological features, such as tumour type, grading, hormone receptor status and cell kinetic parameters. In benign breast lesions, as expected, the kinetic parameters were low, both for Ki-67 and LI. All the specimens showed a diploid condition (the DI being equal to 1) and we found a limited degree of immunoreactivity for all the growth factors and oncogene products. In breast cancer we studied the distribution of immunohistochemical positivity for EGFR, c-erbB-2, c-myc, ras p21 and Ki-67, which was related to age, nodal status, ER and PgR receptor status, LI, DI and histopathological grading. A significant positive correlation was found both between ras p21 expression and nodal status and ER-ICA positivity. We observed a strong correlation between LI and Ki-67 and an inverse relation between Ki-67 and ER expression. These findings suggest the importance of studying the relationship between prognostic factors which may provide preoperative prediction in the biological behaviour of breast cancer, not only on biopsy specimens, but also on fine needle aspirates.  相似文献   

Although the rules which describe the atomic basis of structure-function relationships of proteins have yet to be deciphered, they are nevertheless coded within the framework of the amino acid and nucleotide sequence. The objectives of the present investigations were to document a composite, new approach for the evaluation of the structure-function dependencies of proteins based on the analysis of the informational content of the primary amino acid sequence as well as the topological and functional regions of a protein. This approach is validated with the example of the p21 Ha-ras oncogene family of proteins. Using this approach, amino acids crucial for p21 transforming activity have been identified and these amino acid residue assignments compared with experimental data.  相似文献   

GDP-dissociation stimulators (GDSs) are the key element for the regeneration of the active state of ras proteins, but despite intensive investigations, little is so far known about their functional and structural properties, particularly in mammals. A growing number of genes from various organisms have been postulated to encode GDSs on the basis of sequence similarity with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC25 gene, whose product acts as a GDS of RAS proteins. However, except for CDC25 and the related SDC25 C-domain, no biochemical evidence of ras GDS activity for these CDC25-like proteins has yet been available. We show that the product of a recently isolated mouse CDC25-like gene (CDC25Mm) can strongly enhance (more than 1000 times) the GDP release from both human c-Ha-ras p21 and yeast RAS2 in vitro. As a consequence, the CDC25Mm induces a rapid formation of the biologically active Ras.GTP complex. This GDS is much more active on the GDP than on the GTP complex and has a narrow substrate specificity, since it was found to be inactive on several ras-like proteins. The mouse GDS can efficiently substitute for yeast CDC25 in an in vitro adenylylcyclase assay on RAS2 cdc25 yeast membranes. Our results show that a cloned GDP to GTP exchange factor of mammalian ras belongs to the novel family of CDC25-like proteins.  相似文献   

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