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The effects of the radioresistance factor rar-3 on the X-ray induction of various types of genetic damage in immature oocytes (about stage7) of Drosophila melanogaster were studied.

The dose-reduction factors previously postulated for rar-3 with respect to dominant lethals (1.58), sex-linked recessive lethals (1.87), non-disjunction of major chromosomes (1.58), and homologous interchanges (1.58)_were confirmed experimentally. It is concluded that all effects attributed arbitrarily to rar-3 are contributed by the single genetic factor rar-3.

No difference were found in quality of sex-linked recessive lethals (Y suppression, distribution over the X) induced in either rar-3 or rar-3+. Recombination frequencies were normal in unirradiated rar-3.  相似文献   

In earlier work, immature oocytes of the irradiated population RÖI4 of Drosophila melanpgaster were found to be radioresistant relative to those of the basic population RÖI and to those of the control population Berlin wild (+K). The resistance of RÖI4 relative to RÖI was previously attributed to a hypothetical “factor” rar-3. In the present paper, evidence is presented to show that rar-3 is a single, recessive genetic factor, located on chromosome 3 at a map position of about 49.8. The action of rar-3 is apparently independent of that of rar-1 and rar-2, the factors already present in RÖI.  相似文献   

Selection responses of the laboratory stock Berlin wild (+60, +K) of Drosophila melanogaster to the mutagenic effects of high, accumulated exposures of X-rays were studied in several sub-populations with long irradiation histories. Interest was focussed on adaptive adjustments of mutation rates. In samples from the populations, radiosensitives of immature oocytes were tested, by using dominant lethals (A), X-chromosome losses (B) and sex-linked recessive lethals (C) as end-points of genetic radiation damage.

Populations RÖ II and RÖ V are similar to the previously studied population RÖ I and were exposed to 2100 R/generation, delivered to oocyte stages 6–14, mature sperm, and spermatids. RÖ II (first tests after 160 generations) is radioresistant relative to +60 (control). The resistance was characterized by dose-reduction factors (DRFs) of 1.72 (with respect to end-points A,B) and 1.53 (C), and these were similar to those previously obtained for RÖ I. The resistance of RÖ II was inherited semidominantly as was that of RÖ I, and the radiosensitivity of the hybrids RÖ I / RÖ II was similar to that of RÖ I and RÖ II with respect to end-points A and B. RÖ V did not become resistant within 25 generations of irradiation history (A).

Populations RÖ III (6000 R/generation) and RÖ IV (7000 R/generation) have histories of irradiations given to oogonia and spermatogonia. Radiosensitivities of immature oocytes of RÖ III did not differ from those of +K after 55 generations, but after 105 and 135 generations of irradiation history, DRFs of 1.2 (A) and 1.44 (B) were observed. RÖ IV was characterized in generations 55–135 by DRFs of 1.31 (A) and 1.72 (B).

Selection for relative radioresistance of immature oocytes was found (1) to be reproducible (RÖ II–RÖ V) (2) not to require genetic pre-adaptation (RÖ V), and (3) to be, in part, also achieved by ‘indirect’ selection (RÖ III, RÖ IV). It is concluded that mutation rates in populations are selectively adjusted to evolutionary requirements.  相似文献   



Populations of Drosophila melanogaster show differences in many morphometrical traits according to their geographic origin. Despite the widespread occurrence of these differences in more than one Drosophila species, the actual selective mechanisms controlling the genetic basis of such variation are not fully understood. Thermal selection is considered to be the most likely cause explaining these differences.  相似文献   

Summary The vermilion gene was used as a target to determine the mutational specificity of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) in germ cells of Drosophila melanogaster. To study the impact of DNA repair on the type of mutations induced, both excision-repair-proficient (exr +) and excision-repair-deficient (exr ) strains were used for the isolation of mutant flies. In all, 28 mutants from the exr + strain and 24 from the exr strain, were characterized by sequence analysis. In two mutants obtained from the exr + strain, small deletions were observed. All other mutations were caused by single base-pair changes. In two mutants double base-pair substitutions had occurred. Of the mutations induced in the exr + strain, 22 (76%) were GCAT transitions, 3 (10%) ATTA transversions, 2 (6%) GCTA transversions and 2 (6%) were deletions. As in other systems, the mutation spectrum of EMS in Drosophila is dominated by GCAT transitions. Of the mutations in an exr background, 12 (48%) were GCAT transitions, 7 (28%) ATTA transversions, 5 (20%) GCTA transversions and 1 (4%) was a ATGC transition. The significant increase in the contribution of transversion mutations obtained in the absence of an active maternal excision-repair mechanism, clearly indicates efficient repair of N-alkyl adducts (7-ethyl guanine and 3-ethyl adenine) by the excision-repair system in Drosophila germ cells.  相似文献   

Summary The mutagen-sensitive mutant mus(1)104 D1 of Drosophila melanogaster maps to a position on the X chromosome very close to the meiotic mutant mei-41 D5 . Both mutants have been characterized as mutagen-sensitive and defective in post-replication repair. In the present report we show by complementation studies that mus(1)104 and mus(1)103 are allelic with mei-41. In addition, two reported alleles of mus(1)104 lie between the mei-41 alleles A10 and D5. The size of the mei-41 locus is estimated to be about 0.1 centimorgans (cM). Because several alleles of mei-41 have been shown to reduce recombination and increase meiotic chromosome loss and nondisjunction, mus(1)104 D1 females were examined for defects in meiosis. Although there was no evidence for reduced recombination on the second chromosome in homozygous mus(1)104 D1 females, heterozygous mus(1)104 D1 /mei-41 >D5 and mus(1)104 D1 /deficiency females showed reduced levels of recombination. However, there was no evidence of an increase in nondijunction in these females.We dedicate this article to the memory of Larry Sandler, who passed away suddenly on February 7, 1987  相似文献   

Summary Data on 46 mutations in the structural gene, Ddc. for dopa decarboxylase and 33 mutations in the methyl dopa hypersensitive gene, 1(2)amd, in Drosophila melanogaster are presented including information on their isolation, their effects on DDC activity, and their sensitivity to dietary methyl dopa. Intragenic complementation of both loci is documented, the effects of heteroallelic complementing heterozygosity on DDC activity, in vitro thermolability of DDC, and on temperature sensitive viability are presented. Data are marshalled to support rejection of the hypothesis that Ddc mutations and 1(2)amd, mutations are lesions in a single gene.  相似文献   

Summary The RpII215 region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated to identify genetic functions and correlate these with the known molecular organization of the region. Five genetic loci were identified in a subregion that is reported to transcribe nine or more messages. One locus is nod, which causes meiotic abnormalities, and three other loci are recessive lethal mutations whose developmental lesions are unknown. The fifth and most mutable of the loci is RpII215, which encodes the 215,000 dalton subunit of RNA polymerase II. Mutant effects of RpII215 alleles include: temperature-dependent (heat and cold) survival, altered sensitivity to -amanitin, male sterility, maternal effects and epistatic enhancement of mutant effects of other loci.  相似文献   

The vestigal (vg) gene encodes a nuclear protein which plays a major role in the formation of the wing of Drosophila. Resistance or sensitivity to aminopterin, an inhibitor of the dihydrofolate reductase enzyme in D. melanogaster, seems to be associated with a specific alteration in vg gene function. Wild-type and vg mutant strains selected for growth on increasing concentrations of aminopterin display changes in physiological and biochemical parameters such as viability on normal and aminopterin-containing media, duration of development, wing phenotype, dihydrofolate reductase activity, and cross-resistance to fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) and to methotrexate. Our results indicate that the mechanisms of resistance differ in the wild-type and mutant strains. The vg 83b27 mutant, in which the major part of intron 2 of the vg gene is deleted, is associated with a high rate of resistance to FUdR, an inhibitor of thymidylate synthetase. Moreover, vg 83b27/vg BGheterozygotes, which are wild type when grown on normal medium, display a strong vg phenotype when grown on aminopterin. Our results indicate a role for the vestigial locus in mediating resistance to inhibitors of dTMP synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the Notch8 deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster affects a number of enzyme activities localized in the mitochondria, such as NADH oxidase (activity of the complete respiratory chain), NADH dehydrogenase (the first step in the respiratory chain before transfer to ubiquinone), Succinate dehydrogenase and -Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. The experiments reported here do not exclude the possibility of involvement of other genes in the deficiency. The effect of duplications of the Notch locus on NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase suggest that this locus determines the enzyme activities.The dosage effects of the Notch locus on activity suggest that this locus contains the structural genes for these enzymes.  相似文献   

虽然甲醛对人及动物多种器官的毒性作用已经有了大量研究,但不同浓度甲醛影响动物寿命的研究还极其少见.本文用黑腹果蝇作为模式生物,在食物中添加不同浓度的甲醛,观察果蝇寿命及其在应激条件下耐受性的变化.实验结果显示,雌性果蝇的寿命表现出对甲醛浓度的依赖,0.037%甲醛可以极显著地延长雌性果蝇的寿命,较高浓度甲醛(≥0.185%)可以极显著地缩短雌性果蝇与雄性果蝇的寿命.0.037%甲醛还可以极显著地增强雌性和雄性果蝇对饥饿以及高温的耐受性,但减弱其对活性氧的耐受性.这些结果有助于从新的途径研究果蝇寿命及其在应激条件下耐受性的分子机制.  相似文献   

Earlier, we put forward a hypothesis on the role of the FOXO-dependent mechanism of stressresponse gene activation in radiation adaptive response and hormesis at the level of an entire organism [1]. To confirm this assumption, we analyzed the influence of γ-irradiation on the duration of larval development and imago lifespan in Drosophila strains with different FOXO function activity. We revealed that hormesis and adaptive response, manifested in the increased duration of larval development and lifespan after low-dose irradiation, were absent in homozygous strains for the FOXO hypomorphic allele in contrast to wild-type Canton-S strain and FOXO heterozygotes.  相似文献   

Olfaction provides chemical information to an animal about its environment. When environmental conditions change, individuals should be able to adequately maintain function. Temperature may influence olfaction in a double manner, as it modifies the concentrations of gaseous compounds and affects biological processes. Here, we address acclimatization to environmental temperature in the olfactory system of Drosophila melanogaster using heat and cold treatments. Because the consequences of temperature shifts persist for some time after the treatment's end, comparison of olfactory behaviors at the same temperature in treated and untreated flies allows us to infer the biological effects of temperature in olfaction.At intermediate odorant concentrations heat always generates a reduction of olfactory sensitivity, as they would be expected to compensate for the increase of volatiles in the air. Cold produces the opposite effect. These changes are observed in both sexes and in natural populations as well as in standard laboratory stocks.Short applications suffice to cause detectable olfactory perception changes, but even prolonged temperature treatments have only a transitory effect. Together, these results suggest that olfaction in Drosophila underlies acclimatization to environmental temperature. However, sensitivity changes are not immediate and may cause imperfect adjustment of olfactory function for short time periods.  相似文献   

Two major forms of glutathione S-transferase are known in Drosophila melanogaster: GST D and GST 2. In the present paper we report the existence of a third major form of glutathione S-transferase in Drosophila simulans. Induction with phenobarbital revealed a different regulation of GST between these species. Despite the fact that these two species are closely related, there was a difference in the expression profile of the enzyme implicated in the detoxification system, suggesting variations in capacity to suit their environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of the genetic and cytological analysis of 144 sex-linked recessive lethals, plus 1 non-lethal. All of them were induced by IR hybrid dysgenesis. This collection of mutants was pooled from experiments involving inducer chromosomes that differ in the chrosomal position of their I elements. Our results show that 30% of the recessive lethals are associated with chromosomal rearrangements which depend on the strength of the IR interaction. These lethals are induced on both inducer- and reactive-origin chromosomes, and their frequency is dependent on the structure of the inducer chromosome used. The IR-induced lethals occur along the entire length of the X chromosome. These sites probably correspond to specific loci which are more or less homologous with I. The complementation relationshups showed that some specific loci were more frequently involved in all the lethal mutations tested. The most sensitive loci are, in order of observation: l(1)J1, ct, f, ma1 and m. Among induced recessive lethals considered to be point mutation, complementation tests showed that many of them are in fact multilocius deficiencies which can be detected only at the molecular level.

It seems that the production of IR rearrangements (cytologically visible or not) may be the most important mechanism leading to lethal mutations. These mutations probably occur during the transposition of I elements, hence their importance from an evolutionary standpoint.  相似文献   

This review surveys the organization of the olfactory and gustatory systems in the imago and in the larva of Drosophila melanogaster, both at the sensory and the central level. Olfactory epithelia of the adult are located primarily on the third antennal segment (funiculus) and on the maxillary palps. About 200 basiconic (BS), 150 trichoid (TS) and 60 coeloconic sensilla (CS) cover the surface of the funiculus, and an additional 60 BS are located on the maxillary palps. Males possess about 30% more TS but 20% fewer BS than females. All these sensilla are multineuronal; they may be purely olfactory or multimodal with an olfactory component. Antennal and maxillary afferents converge onto approximately 35 glomeruli within the antennal lobe. These projections obey precise rules: individual fibers are glomerulus-specific, and different types of sensilla are associated with particular subsets of glomeruli. Possible functions of antennal glomeruli are discussed. In contrast to olfactory sensilla, gustatory sensilla of the imago are located at many sites, including the labellum, the pharynx, the legs, the wing margin and the female genitalia. Each of these sensory sites has its own central target. Taste sensilla are usually composed of one mechano-and three chemosensory neurons. Individual chemosensory neurons within a sensillum respond to distinct subsets of molecules and project into different central target regions. The chemosensory system of the larva is much simpler and consists essentially of three major sensillar complexes on the cephalic lobe, the dorsal, terminal and ventral organs, and a series of pharyngeal sensilla.  相似文献   

Geentic analysis was performed to locate the factors involved in the defective repair mechanism in the occytes of Ubx e4/Payne ca females. The results demonstrate that at least three third-chromosome factors may be involved in the control of maternal repair, the two most effective ones being located on the right arm of the third chromosome, one near the Ubx locus and the other neat the ca locus.  相似文献   

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