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Inside out and right side out vesicles were used to study the sidedness of Ca binding to the human red cell membrane. It was shown that these vesicles exhibited only a limited permeability to Ca, enabling the independent characterization of Ca binding to the extracellular and cytoplasmic membrane surfaces...  相似文献   

Valinomycin was tritiated by exchange and its biological activity found to be similar to that of nonlabeled drug. [3H]-valinomycin binds to red blood cell membranes following a biphasic pattern. High concentrations of the drug lead to an irreversible binding while low concentrations lead to a completely reversible binding. Maximum binding was obtained at acidic pH (pH 4.2) and physiological temperature (37°C). We demonstrate that valinomycin binds strongly to the lipidic phase of the membrane. When binding to erythrocytes and reticulocytes was compared, it was found that the mature red blood cells had less binding capacity than the reticulocytes.  相似文献   

The binding of hemoglobin to the red cell membrane was characterized over a wide range of free hemoglobin concentrations by measurement of membrane bound and supernatant hemoglobin. Scatchard analysis of the binding data revealed two classes of sites: high affinity sites with a binding constant of 1 X 10(8) M-1 and 1.2 X 10(6) sites per cell, and a second, low affinity class of sites with a binding constant of 6 X 10(6)M-1 and 6 X 10(6) sites per cell. The low affinity sites are shown to be nonspecific and appear to be a result of the ghost preparation. The high affinity sites are shown to be specific to the inner surface of the red cell membrane. The competition of hemoglobin and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase suggests band III proteins as a potential binding site for hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Net K movements in reconstituted human red cell ghosts and the resealing of ghosts to cations after osmotic hemolysis of red cells have been studied as functions of the free Ca ion concentration. The Ca-dependent specific increase in K permeability was shown to be mediated by a site close to the internal surface of the membrane with an apparent dissociation constant ap pH 7.2 for Ca (K'p1) of 3-5 X 10(-7) M, for Sr of 7 X 10(-6) M. Ba and Mg did not increase the K-permeability of the membrane but inhibited the Ca-mediated permeability changes. K'D1 decreased in a nonlinear fashion when the pH was increased from 6.0 to 8.5. Two different pK' values of this membrane site were found at pH 8.3 and 6.3. The Ca-activated net K efflux into a K-free medium was almost completely inhibited by an increase in intracellular Na from 4 to 70mM. Extracellular K antagonized this Na effect. Changes in the extracellular Na (0.1-140 mM) or K (0.1-6 mM) concentrations had little effect and did not change K'p1. The Ca-stimulated recovery of a low cation permeability in ghost cells appeared to be mediated by a second membrane site which was accessible to divalent cations only during the process of hemolysis in media of low ionic strength. The apparent dissociation constant for Ca at this site (K'p2) varied between 6 X 10(-7) and 4 X 10(-6) M at pH 7.2 Mg, Sr, and Ba could replace Ca functionally. The selectivity sequence was Ca greater than Sr greater than Ba greater than Mg. K'p2 was independent on the pH value in the range between 6.0 and 8.0 Hill coefficients of 2 were observed for the interaction of Ca with both membrane sites suggesting that more than one Ca ion is bound per site. The Hill cofficients were affected neither by the ion composition nor by the Ph values of the intra-and extracellular media. It is concluded that two different pathways for the permeation of cations across the membrane are controlled by membrane sites with high affinities for Ca: One specific for K, one unspecific with respect to cations. The K-specific "channel" has properties similar to the K channel in excitable tissues.  相似文献   

Human red cell membrane bindings of arachidonate and palmitate at pH 7.3 are investigated at temperatures between 0 and 38°C by equilibrating ghosts with the long-chain fatty acids bound to bovine serum albumin in molar ratios (v) within the physiological range (<1.7). Linearized relations of ghost uptakes and fatty acid monomer concentrations in buffer provide estimates of the binding capacities and corresponding equilibrium dissociation constants (K dm ). The temperature-independent arachidonate binding capacity, 5.5 ± 0.5 nmol g–1 packed ghosts, is approximately fivefold smaller than that of palmitate, 26.6 ± 2.0 nmol g–1. While K dm of arachidonate binding 5.1 ± 0.5 nm is temperature independent, K dm of palmitate increases with temperature from 3.7 nm at 0°C to 12.7 nm at 38°C.The large difference in binding capacities suggests the presence of at least two different fatty acid binding domains in human red cell membranes.  相似文献   

The successive methylations of phosphatidylethanolamine to form phosphatidylcholine were measured using exogenously added intermediates and membrane preparations from human red blood cells. The addition of phosphatidylethanolamine resulted in no increase in methylation rate over that with endogenous substrate; however, the addition of monomethylphosphatidylethanolamine (PME) and dimethylphosphatidylethanolamine (PDE) markedly increased the reaction rate and allowed studies into the kinetic mechanism for the second and third methylation reactions. The data are consistent with catalysis of the last two methylations being by a single enzyme with a random Bi-Bi sequential mechanism. Analysis of PDE:phosphatidylcholine product ratios indicates that the enzyme can conduct multiple methylations of enzyme-bound phospholipid. The nature of the acyl chain (16:0 versus 18:1) of the phospholipid had only a small effect on the value of the kinetic constants. The maximal velocities obtained with the 18:1 substrate were less than 5% lower than those obtained with the 16:0 substrate. The Km values for the two phospholipids were 20-45 and 10-14 microM for the methylation of PME and PDE, respectively. The Km for S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) was 5-9 microM with PME and 4 microM with PDE as substrates. Depending on the acyl chain and the phospholipid, the Ki(AdoMet) varied from 8 to 19 microM, the Ki(PME) from 41 to 82 microM, and the Ki(PDE) from 35 to 61 microM. The Ki for S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) was between 1.0 and 1.4 microM depending upon the variable substrate. The endogenous concentrations of PME and PDE in red blood cell membranes were estimated to be 0.49 and 0.24 mumol/liter packed cells, respectively. The product from the utilization of AdoMet, S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy), was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of its precursor, AdoMet, and a noncompetitive inhibitor of the two phospholipid substrates.  相似文献   

Amylin binding sites in a human hepatoblastoma cell line (HepG2) have been characterized in detail. 125I-Amylin (rat) bound to HepG2 cells with high affinity. Binding was reversible and selective, and dependent on time and temperature. Scatchard analysis revealed the presence of high (Kd = 0.11 ± 0.04 nM) and low (Kd = 1.3 ± 0.4 μM) affinity binding sites for 125I-amylin in HepG2 cells. The dissociation experiments also showed that 125I-amylin dissociated from high- and low-affinity sites. The association data, however, indicated the presence of only one binding site. Rat amylin was more potent than human amylin and rat calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in displacing 125I-amylin bound to HepG2 cells. Nonhomologous peptides did not displace 125I-amylin. Rat amylin was, however, less potent than rat CGRP in displacing 125I[Tyr0]CGRP from HepG2 cells. Pretreatment of HepG2 cells with rat amylin (10 nM) reduced the specific binding of 125I-amylin by 75%, whereas rat CGRP (10 nM) pretreatment had no effect on amylin binding. Calcitonin gene-related peptide, as well as rat and human amylin, stimulated the adenylate cyclase activity of HepG2 cell membrane preparation in a dose-dependent manner, with an order of potency of CGRP > rat amylin > human amylin. A CGRP antagonist, CGRP(8–37), significantly attenuated the stimulatory effect of both amylin and CGRP on adenylate cyclase activity. These investigations show that distinct receptors of amylin and CGRP are present in HepG2 cells and that amylin stimulates adenylate cyclase activity through CGRP receptors. This system could now be exploited for studying amylin receptors and amylin-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

The reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) with intact Red Blood Cells (RBCs) is biphasic with an initial rapid reduction followed by a slower second phase. This biphasic kinetics has been explained with the initial rapid phase attributed to antioxidants in the red cell which reduce membrane bound NBT and the slower phase associated with the reaction of NBT with membrane bound hemoglobin. This model has been confirmed by a utilization of a number of red cell modifications which either increase the red cell antioxidants (vitamin C and vitamin E) or damage the red cell membrane (cumene hydroperoxide and N-ethylmaleimide). The utilization of this assay for human blood samples was investigated by studying a series of 20 human subjects ranging between 34 and 87 years of age. It was possible to fit all of these samples with two adjustable parameters which reflect the red cell membrane antioxidant capacity (x) and the hemoglobin membrane interactions (m). The antioxidant capacity shows a significant (p < 002; R = -.67) decrease with age. This finding is consistent with a decrease in the level of antioxidants in aged subjects. In addition, the number of hemoglobin membrane sites are negatively correlated with the antioxidant capacity (p < .02; R = -.52) suggesting that the oxidative stress associated with reduced antioxidants results in increased hemoglobin-membrane interactions.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that the human red cell glucose transport protein and the anion exchange protein, band 3, are in close enough contact that information can be transmitted from the glucose transport protein to band 3. The present experiments were designed to show whether information could be transferred in the reverse direction, using changes in tryptophan fluorescence to report on the conformation of the glucose transport protein. To see whether tryptophan fluorescence changes could be attributed to the glucose transport protein, we based our experiments on procedures used by Helgerson and Carruthers [Helgerson, A.L., Carruthers, A., (1987)J. Biol. Chem. 262:5464–5475] to displace cytochalasin B (CB), the specificd-glucose transport inhibitor, from its binding site on the inside face of the glucose transport protein, and we showed that these procedures modified tryptophan fluorescence. Addition of 75mm maltose, a nontransportable disaccharide which also displaces CB, caused a timedependent biphasic enhancement of tryptophan fluorescence in fresh red cells, which was modulated by the specific anion exchange inhibitor, DBDS (4,4-dibenzamido-2,2-stilbene disulfonate). In a study of nine additional disaccharides, we found that both biphasic kinetics and DBDS effects depended upon specific disaccharide conformation, indicating that these two effects could be attributed to a site sensitive to sugar conformation. Long term (800 sec) experiments revealed that maltose binding (±DBDS) caused a sustained damped anharmonic oscillation extending over the entire 800 sec observation period. Mathematical analysis of the temperature dependence of these oscillations showed that 2 m DBDS increased the damping term activation energy, 9.5±2.8 kcal mol–1 deg–1, by a factor of four to 39.7±5.1 kcal mol–1 deg–1, providing strong support for the view that signalling between the glucose transport protein and band 3 goes in both directions.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for vasopressin (AVP) were located in subcellular particulate fractions of rat brain with tritiated vasopressin of high specific activity, 22.5 Ci/mmol. Rat brain tissue was dissected, placed in cold 0.32 M sucrose containing proteolytic inhibitors, homogenized and fractionated into a crude nuclear fraction (1K pellet), crude mitochondrial fractions (12K pellet), and plasma membranes and microsomes (100K pellet). Specific binding of vasopressin was found in the 12K and 100K pellets in the presence of a divalent metal ion with Ni greater than Co greater than Mg greater than Mn greater than no metal ion at pH 7.4 in 50 mM Tris-Maleate buffer. Maximum specific binding of 16 nM AVP was located in the 100K anterior cortex fraction which bound 350 fmoles/mg protein; striatum, midbrain/thalamus, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata and pons bound specifically about 200 fmoles/mg protein and frontal poles and parietal cortex about 100 fmoles/mg protein in the 100K pellet. In all of the brain regions studied, except hippocampus and septum, the 100K pellet bound specifically 2 to 4 times more 3H-AVP than the 12K pellet. In the hippocampus with 16 nM AVP, the 12K pellet bound specifically 150 fmoles/mg protein; the septum, 75 fmoles/mg protein. Little or no binding to the 100K pellet was present in these regions. Bound AVP could be dissociated rapidly from the membranes by the addition of EDTA. The 12K hippocampal pellet was further fractionated into myelin, mitochondria, and synaptosomes; purification was confirmed by marker enzyme assays.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The binding of monoiodo [125I-Tyr3]-neurotensin to human brain was characterized and visualized using radioreceptorassay and autoradiographic techniques. Specific binding to homogenates of human substantia nigra at 25 degrees C was maximal at 20 min, reversible and saturable. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium data indicated the existence of two populations of binding sites with Kd values of 0.26 nM and 4.3 nM. Corresponding binding capacities were 26 and 89 fmol/mg of protein. Neurotensin analogs inhibited the binding of iodinated neurotensin with relative potencies that demonstrated the crucial role of the C-terminal hexapeptide portion of neurotensin for binding to its receptors. Autoradiography of human substantia nigra sections incubated with iodinated neurotensin revealed high levels of specific binding in the nucleus paranigralis and substantia nigra, pars compacta, and low levels in the substantia nigra, pars reticulata.  相似文献   

Three criteria are presented that permit a distinction to be made between the conventional rapid equilibrium Random Bi Bi mechanism and a unique Ordered Bi Bi mechanism in which the rapid equilibrium assumption is made[C. Frieden (1976) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 68, 914–917]. A choice between these mechanisms cannot be made using kinetic procedures now in vogue for differentiating between Ordered and Random Bi Bi mechanisms. However, transition state analogs, pulse-chase experiments, and pre-equilibrium isotope exchange procedures can be employed to make this distinction.  相似文献   

Receptors for galanin in membranes from the rat gastric and jejunal smooth muscle were studied using [125I] radioiodinated synthetic porcine galanin. Specific binding was time and temperature dependent. At 32 degrees C radioligand was degraded in the presence of smooth muscle membranes in a time-dependent manner. At optimal experimental conditions, the equilibrium binding analyses showed the presence of a single population of high affinity binding sites in both the rat stomach and jejunum (Kd value of 2.77 +/- 0.78 nM and 4.93 +/- 1.74 nM for stomach and jejunal smooth muscle membranes, respectively). The concentration of the high affinity binding sites was 58.19 +/- 11.04 and 32.36 +/- 5.68 fmol/mg protein, for gastric and jejunal preparations, respectively. Specific binding was completely inhibited by 10(-6) M of nonradioactive galanin; was 75% blocked by 1 microM of galanin(9-29); it was 10% blocked by 1 microM of galanin(15-29). Galanin(1-15) at a concentration of 1 microM was ineffective for inhibiting [125I]galanin binding. Deletion of four C-terminal amino acid residues from galanin(9-29) to give galanin(9-25) also resulted in almost complete loss of affinity. Radioiodinated galanin and N-terminally deleted fragments had receptor binding potency in the following order: galanin(1-29) greater than galanin(9-29) greater than galanin(15-29). We conclude that the C-terminal part of the galanin chain is important for the rat gastric and jejunal smooth muscle membrane receptor recognition and binding and that N-terminal amino acid sequences are probably not so important, since galanin(1-15) was not active but galanin(9-29) retained most of the receptor binding activity.  相似文献   

Characterization of serotonin binding sites on human platelets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P A McBride  J J Mann  B McEwen  A Biegon 《Life sciences》1983,33(20):2033-2041
A high affinity, saturable 3H-spiroperidol binding site was identified for the first time on the intact human platelet, with drug affinities comparable to the serotonin-2 (S-2) receptor in human frontal cortex. The site was characterized by a KD of 2.7 +/- 0.3nM and a Bmax of 1.4 +/- 0.2 pmoles/10(8) platelets. A 3H-serotonin binding site was also found, with a KD of 42 +/- 8 nM, which appeared to represent the serotonin uptake site. No 3H-serotonin binding site with features of the serotonin-1 (S-1) receptor in brain was found on the platelet. Assay of 3H-spiroperidol binding to platelets may serve as an easily applied model for studying S-2 receptor function in man, and its relationship to age, hormonal, drug, and disease effects.  相似文献   

Binding sites for prolactin were identified in a plasma-membrane-enriched fraction isolated from livers of mature female rats. 125I-labelled sheep prolactin prepared by the lactoperoxidase procedure retained the same molecular integrity and binding affinity as the native hormone at physiological pH. The receptors bound prolactin from different species, whereas non-lactogenic hormones were not bound. The binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin was activated equally by bivalent and univalent cations, bivalent cations exerting their maximal effect at much lower concentrations. The association of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin with the receptor was a time- and temperature-dependent process. Partial dissociation was detected. The binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin was strongly influenced by pH, with an optimum observed at pH 6.5. Receptor activity was destroyed by Pronase and phospholipase C, whereas neuraminidase increased binding. Treatment of the membranes by ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease did not affect the binding. Binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin was inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, dithiothreitol and by brief exposure to high temperatures. Scatchard analysis of the binding of 125I-labelled sheep prolactin to receptors indicated that prolactin has a high affinity for its receptor. Binding of prolactin to liver membranes showed some properties different from those observed with mammary cells. Binding by these tissues differed in pH optimum, in effects of ions, and in response to neuraminidase.  相似文献   

Characterization of cortisol binding sites in chicken liver plasma membrane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The presence of sites specifically binding [3H]cortisol in plasma membrane isolated from chicken liver has been determined. The kinetic parameters of this binding are: Kd = 4.5 nM and Bmax = 2225 fmol/mg protein in presence of 10(-6) M progesterone. 2. The affinities of several natural and synthetic steroids for the membrane binding site respect to the binding of 4 nM [3H]cortisol without competitor increased in the following order: Testosterone less than pregnenone less than dexamethasone less than progesterone less than prednisolone less than corticosterone less than deoxycorticosterone. 3. Other steroids such as estradiol, ouabain and triamcinolone acetonide does not bind to the plasma membrane. 4. Metal ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ did not modify the binding of [3H]cortisol. 5. Neither propranolol nor phentolamine, beta- and alpha-adrenergic antagonists affected [3H]cortisol binding to the plasma membranes. 6. The result suggest that the binding site detected is more specific for glucocorticoids and it is different of nuclear glucocorticoid receptor and progesterone receptor.  相似文献   

Summary Procedures were developed for preparation of red cell membranes almost free of hemoglobin but with minimal loss of membrane proteins. Two water-soluble protein fractions are described, each constituting about 25% of the ghost protein. The first is ionically bonded and can be solubilized in water rapidly at pH 7.0 and more slowly at higher ionic strength solutions, with a minimal rate at 20mm. This fraction contains four major components with molecular weights ranging from 30,000 to 48,000. The second fraction can only be solubilized at an appreciable rate if Ca++ is absent and at higher pH (9.0). It is predominantly a single molecular weight component (150,000). It tends to aggregate at higher ionic strength and in the presence of Ca++. Evidence is presented suggesting that the water-soluble proteins are present at the inner face of the membrane. The lipids remain in a water-insoluble residue that contains four major protein components ranging in molecular weight from 30,000 to 100,000. The latter is the predominant component. Only the residue contains the Na+–K+-activated ATPase, the cholinesterase, antigenic activity and most of the sialic acid and carbohydrate. The first water-soluble fraction contains a Mg++-activated ATPase. The extraction of the water-soluble proteins is accompanied by anatomical changes resulting finally in the formation of small membranous vesicles.  相似文献   

A fluorescent estradiol macromolecular complex was used to study and to characterize steroid binding to membranes of living target cells. Ligand binding to plasma membranes was quantitated with a sensitivity of 0.1 nM. In this way, we found two types of estradiol-binding sites on hormone sensitive MCF-7 cells. Type A sites (8000-16000 sites per cell) were rapidly saturated at low concentrations of the estradiol-bovine serum albumin-fluorescein isothiocyanate macromolecular complex (E2-BSA-FITC). They had a greater affinity for the complex than did the type B sites for which a phenomenon of cooperative fixation was shown. The complex binding was displaced by estrogenic molecules, but not by non-estrogenic compounds, such as cortisol or progesterone. We also studied complex binding on another breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231 (MDA), without intracellular estrogen receptors. These cells showed a specific plasma membrane binding system for estrogen, but lacked the high affinity type A binding site. Then, we report the effects of enzyme treatments (trypsin, phospholipase A2 and neuraminidase) on E2-BSA-FITC binding to MCF-7 cell membranes. The quantity of complex bound to membranes decreased after phospholipase and neuraminidase treatments and increased after trypsin. But, in the three cases, the binding was no longer specific because it could not be displaced by E2-BSA or by estradiol. The enzymatic effects were reversible and specific binding was totally restored within 24 h. However, in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, no restoration of specific binding occurred on trypsin-treated cells. Estrogen binding to MCF-7 and MDA cell plasma membranes thus possesses the three characteristics of all mediated transport processes across biological membranes: saturability, substrate specificity, and specific inhibition. However, the high affinity type A binding site was found only on the estrogen-sensitive cell line, MCF-7.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane components of five human B-cell lines and three human T-cell lines were separated by dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, incubated with the radioactive labeled lectins from lentil, castor bean, wheat germ, Phaseolus bean, peanut, gorse and the Roman snail and the molecular weights of the binding sites determined. The lentil, castor bean and wheat germ lectin bound to multiple components from molecular weights (Mr) 20 000 to 200 000 within the plasma membranes, whereas peanut lectin bound preferentially to glycoproteins of Mr 150 000 and 83 000 in B-cells, and 150 000 and 130 000 in T-cells. The gorse lectin bound to a 220 000 component in B-cells which was not labeled in T-cells.  相似文献   

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