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Events after fertilisation have been carefully studied in the last decades. However, there are still several questions to be clarified in relation to the signalling pathway initiated by the sperm, the identification of proteins or factors involved in the activation of the arrested oocyte, and the inactivation of specific molecules involved in the meiotic arrest. The present state of knowledge in mammalian fertilisation allows the development of activation protocols that closely mimic the events initiated by the sperm according to certain major factors (MPF activity and MAPk activity). These protocols are successfully used for the activation of oocytes after NT giving rise to offspring. Few cloned animals have yet been produced. However, the pregnancy and the survival rates after birth are not significantly different when different activation protocols are compared. This fact argues fora major reason forthe low success in the efficiency of NT. Eventually, factors related to the recipient oocyte, the donor cell or the culture conditions are part of these major problems that the reconstructed embryo has to overcome to develop into a normal offspring. Nonetheless, the development of activation protocols that closely imitate the mechanism of activation initiated by the sperm are of special interest to improve the developmental potential of cloned embryos.  相似文献   

Understanding the adaptive significance of sperm form and function has been a challenge to biologists because sperm are highly specialized cells operating at a microscopic level in a complex environment. A fruitful course of investigation has been to use the comparative approach. This comparative study attempts to address some fundamental questions of the evolution of mammalian sperm morphometry. Data on sperm morphometry for 445 mammalian species were collated from published sources. I use contemporary phylogenetic analysis to control for the inherent non-independence of species and explore relationships between the morphometric dimensions of the three essential spermatozoal components: head, mid-piece and flagellum. Energy for flagellar action is metabolized by the mitochondrial-dense mid-piece and these combine to propel the sperm head, carrying the male haplotype, to the ovum. I therefore search for evolutionary associations between sperm morphometry and body mass, karyotype and the duration of oestrus. In contrast to previous findings, there is no inverse correlation between body weight and sperm length. Sperm mid-piece and flagellum lengths are positively associated with both head length and area, and the slopes of these relationships are discussed. Flagellum length is positively associated with mid-piece length but, in contrast to previous research and after phylogenetic control, I find no relationship between flagellum length and the volume of the mitochondrial sheath. Sperm head dimensions are not related to either genome mass or chromosome number, and there are no relationships between sperm morphometry and the duration of oestrus.  相似文献   

Mammalian sex chromosomes: Evolution of organization and function   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Comparisons of chromosome size, morphology and gene arrangements between mammals of different species permit us to deduce the genome characteristics of the common ancestor, and to chart the changes that have occurred during the divergence of the two lineages. The more distantly related are the species compared, the more remote the common ancestor whose characteristics can be deduced. This means that, providing there are sufficient similarities to warrant comparison, the more divergent the species compared, the more significant the contribution to our understanding of the organization of an ancestral mammalian genome and the process of mammalian genome evolution. One of the genetic surprises of the last decade was the discovery that, although gross karyotypes of distantly related orders of eutherian mammals (e.g. cat, cow, rabbit, man) have diverged extensively, gene mapping studies reveal the presence of large chromosome segments conserved across at least 60 million years (O'Brien et al. 1988). This finding makes it worthwhile to extend genetic comparisons to the two groups of mammals most distantly related to eutherian mammals--marsupials and monotremes. Here we will review comparisons of the sex chromosomes in these three major groups of extant mammals, and show how they have led us to a new view of the evolution of mammalian sex chromosome organization and function in sex determination and X chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   

Mammalian glycosyltransferases: genomic organization and protein structure.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
D H Joziasse 《Glycobiology》1992,2(4):271-277
In recent years, several glycosyltransferase genes and cDNAs have been cloned and characterized. Although the glycosyltransferases seem to share the same general architecture, there is only little sequence similarity between the various enzymes. Moreover, a comparison of the organization of the genes shows that there is no common pattern of intron-exon structure. In addition, there seems to be little or no correlation between glycosyltransferase exons and protein domains. Taken together, these observations suggest that many of the glycosyltransferase genes evolved independently. So far, only two glycosyltransferase gene families have been described. These families may have evolved by exon-shuffling, or by gene duplication and subsequent divergence. For specific glycosyltransferases, mechanisms such as alternative splicing and alternative promoter usage play a role in the production of multiple protein isoforms from a single gene. These isoenzymes may differ in their enzymatic properties or cellular localization.  相似文献   

Sperm-egg interaction is a carbohydrate-mediated species-specific event which initiates a signal transduction cascade resulting in the exocytosis of sperm acrosomal contents (i.e., the acrosome reaction). This step is believed to be a prerequisite which enables the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa to penetrate the zona pellucida (ZP) and fertilize the egg. Successful fertilization in the mouse and several other species, including man, involves several sequential steps. These are (1) sperm capacitation in the female genital tract; (2) binding of capacitated spermatozoa to the egg's extracellular coat, the ZP; (3) induction of acrosome reaction (i.e., sperm activation); (4) penetration of the ZP; and (5) fusion of spermatozoon with the egg vitelline membrane. This minireview focuses on the most important aspects of the sperm acrosome, from its formation during sperm development in the testis (spermatogenesis) to its modification in the epididymis and function following sperm-egg interaction. Special emphasis has been given to spermatogenesis, a complex process involving multiple molecular events during mitotic cell division, meiosis, and the process of spermiogenesis. The last event is the final phase when a nondividing round spermatid is transformed into the complex structure of the spermatozoon containing a well-developed acrosome. Our intention is also to briefly discuss the functional significance of the contents of the sperm acrosome during fertilization. It is important to mention that only the carbohydrate-recognizing receptor molecules (glycohydrolases, glycosyltransferases, and/or lectin-like molecules) present on the surface of capacitated spermatozoa are capable of binding to their complementary glycan chains on the ZP. The species-specific binding event starts a calcium-dependent signal transduction pathway resulting in sperm activation. The hydrolytic and proteolytic enzymes released at the site of sperm-zona interaction along with the enhanced thrust of the hyperactivated beat pattern of the bound spermatozoon, are important factors in regulating the penetration of the zona-intact egg.  相似文献   

Mammalian sperm metabolism: oxygen and sugar, friend and foe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mammalian spermatozoa expend energy, generated as intracellular ATP, largely on motility. If the sperm cell cannot swim by use of its flagellar motion, it cannot fertilize the egg. Studies of the means by which this energy is generated span a period of six decades. This review gives an overview of these studies, which demonstrate that both mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, for which oxygen is friend, and glycolysis, for which sugar is friend, can provide the energy, independent of one another. In mouse sperm, glycolysis appears to be the dominant pathway; in bull sperm, oxidative phosphorylation is the predominant pathway. In the case of bull sperm, the high activity of the glycolytic pathway would maintain the intracellular pH too low to allow sperm capacitation; here sugar is enemy. The cow's oviduct has very low glucose concentration, thus allowing capacitation to go forward. The choice of the pathway of energy generation in vivo is set by the conditions in the oviduct of the conspecific female. The phospholipids of the sperm plasma membrane have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids represented in their acyl moieties, rendering them highly susceptible to lipid peroxidation; in this case oxygen is enemy. But the susceptibility of the sperm membrane to lethal damage by lipid peroxidation allows the female oviduct to dispose of sperm that have overstayed their welcome, and so keep in balance sperm access to the egg and sperm removal once this has occurred.  相似文献   

In mammalian eggs, the fertilizing sperm evokes intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) oscillations that are essential for initiation of egg activation and embryonic development. Although the exact mechanism leading to initiation of [Ca2+]i oscillations still remains unclear, accumulating studies suggest that a presently unknown substance, termed sperm factor (SF), is delivered from the fertilizing sperm into the ooplasm and triggers [Ca2+]i oscillations. Based on findings showing that production of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) underlies the generation of [Ca2+]i oscillations, it has been suggested that SF functions either as a phospholipase C (PLC), an enzyme that catalyzes the generation of IP3, or as an activator of a PLC(s) pre-existing in the egg. This review discusses the role of SF as the molecule responsible for the production of IP3 and the initiator of [Ca2+]i oscillations in mammalian fertilization, with particular emphasis on the possible involvement of egg- and sperm-derived PLCs, including PLCzeta, a novel sperm specific PLC.  相似文献   

Much progress has been made in recent years in establishing mammalian sperm chemotaxis and understanding sperm capacitation. Thus far, chemotaxis to follicular fluid has been established by a variety of means in human and mouse spermatozoa. It was found that only a small fraction of a given sperm population (averaging around 10%) is chemotactically responsive and that this fraction constitutes capacitated (ripe) spermatozoa. Both the chemotactic responsiveness and the capacitated state are transient (with a lifetime of 50 min to 4 h) and they occur only once in the sperm's lifetime. It has been proposed that the role of sperm chemotaxis in mammals (at least in humans) is selective recruitment of capacitated spermatozoa for fertilizing the egg, and that the role of the continuous replacement of chemotactic/capacitated spermatozoa is to prolong the time during which capacitated spermatozoa are available in the female reproductive tract. The sperm chemoattractants have not been identified, but they appear to be heat‐stable peptides. Although the molecular mechanism and the in vivo location of sperm chemotaxis are not known, a number of possible mechanisms and locations are discussed. Dev. Genet. 25:87–94, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Oviduct length was measured in 48 species representing 33 genera of mammals in order to examine possible relationships between female morphology and the occurrence of sperm competition due to matings with multiple males. Multiple regression analyses revealed that residuals of oviduct length were positively correlated both with residuals of testes weight and with sperm midpiece volume in the genera and species studied. These correlations remained significant after application of comparative analysis of independent contrasts to control for possible phylogenetic biases in the data set. These results indicate that sexual selection (relating to sperm competition and cryptic female choice) has influenced co-evolution of oviduct length, testes size and sperm morphology in mammals.  相似文献   

In vivo, chromosomes due to dynamic association with protein factors fold to form three-dimensional structures. Many experiments have paved the way to understand folding and the nuclear architecture of the genome. On the basis of these experiments and models a fundamental understanding of the key principles that drive the physical organization has become possible through the concepts of loop and entropy. Using the concept of loop, models are now able to reproduce the results from several of the experiments within the framework of loop and entropy. Linking biological function to structure they moreover are able to make predictions.  相似文献   

During mammalian fertilization sperm bind to the egg's zona pellucida (ZP) after undergoing capacitation. Capacitated mouse sperm bind to mZP3 (one of three ZP glycoproteins), undergo the acrosome reaction, penetrate the ZP, and fuse with egg plasma membrane. Sperm protein 56 (sp56), a member of the C3/C4 superfamily of binding proteins, was identified nearly 20 years ago as a binding partner for mZP3 by photoaffinity cross‐linking of acrosome‐intact sperm. However, subsequent research revealed that sp56 is a component of the sperm's acrosomal matrix and, for sperm with an intact acrosome, should be unavailable for binding to mZP3. Recently, this dilemma was resolved when it was recognized that some acrosomal matrix (AM) proteins, including sp56, are released to the sperm surface during capacitation. This may explain why uncapacitated mammalian sperm are unable to bind to the unfertilized egg ZP.  相似文献   

Aging and nuclear organization: lamins and progeria   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The discoveries of at least eight human diseases arising from mutations in LMNA, which encodes the nuclear A-type lamins, have revealed the nuclear envelope as an organelle associated with a variety of fundamental cellular processes. The most recently discovered diseases associated with LMNA mutations are the premature aging disorders Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) and atypical Werner's syndrome. The phenotypes of both HGPS patients and a mouse model of progeria suggest diverse compromised tissue functions leading to defects reminiscent of aging. Aspects of the diseases associated with disrupted nuclear envelope/lamin functions may be explained by decreased cellular proliferation, loss of tissue repair capability and a decline in the ability to maintain a differentiated state.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a new nuclear structure from spermatozoa of the golden Syrian hamster which we term the nuclear annulus. The nuclear annulus was located at the implantation fossa, the point at which the tail is joined to the sperm head, inside the nucleus adjacent to the inner nuclear envelope. Extraction of sperm nuclei with 2 M NaCl and 10 mM dithiothreitol caused the solubilization of the protamines and DNA decondensation. This released the DNA from its structural constraints except that the DNA remained anchored to the nuclear annulus, which survived the extraction procedure. Nuclear annuli were isolated and examined by scanning electron microscopy. The nuclear annulus was a double-crescent, ring-shaped structure, 2.10 +/- 0.16 micron long and 1.36 +/- 0.13 micron wide. We believe that the nuclear annulus may play an important role in the organization of sperm DNA.  相似文献   

Mammalian chromosome banding--an expression of genome organization   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Banding of metaphase chromosomes is an invaluable aid to analysing the complex genomes of vertebrates, but the biochemical basis for this phenomenon is poorly understood. Advances in molecular biology are beginning to point to features of genome organization that may play roles in chromosome banding.  相似文献   

For plants and animals alike, eggs and sperm carry life from one generation to the next through the process of fertilisation. Gametes are designed to ensure that fertilisation takes place successfully so that the species is maintained. In this context, the dissimilar appearance of eggs and sperm simply reflects the dissimilar duties they carry out during the process of fertilisation. Progress in elucidating the pathway of fertilisation in mice has revealed some of the gamete organelles and macromolecules involved in critical steps of this pathway. Certain of these macromolecules are located on the surface of gametes and support species-specific interactions between eggs and sperm during fertilisation. Interestingly, it seems that large differences in the appearance of eggs and sperm belie mechanistic themes common to both gametes during the course of fertilisation.  相似文献   

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