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Laccase from the ascomycete Neurospora crassa is an inducible secretory enzyme. Production of this enzyme is repressed in vegetative cultures but can be induced by treatment with low concentrations of cycloheximide. Isolation and characterization of a derepressed mutant, the lah-1 mutant, that is capable of producing laccase in vegetative cultures without induction by cycloheximide are described. The lah-1 mutation is mapped between nit-2 and leu-3 on linkage group I, and it behaved as a recessive mutation in a forced heterokaryon. No differences were detected biochemically or immunologically between the laccase protein produced by the lah-1 mutant in the absence of cycloheximide and that induced with cycloheximide in the wild-type strain. This suggests that both laccases (66 kilodaltons) are products of the same structural gene. Relative amounts of laccase in the culture filtrate of the lah-1 mutant were much higher than those induced with cycloheximide in the wild-type strain, demonstrating high efficiency of the lah-1 mutant in production and secretion of laccase. The time course of laccase production by the lah-1 mutant revealed that expression of 66-kilodalton laccase was repressed in conidia and derepressed during vegetative mycelial growth. This suggests that a multiple regulatory mechanism is involved in the production and/or maturation of Neurospora laccase. The lah-1 mutant may be useful for identifying genes that regulate expression of the laccase gene in N. crassa.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new type of temperature-sensitive mutant of simian virus 40 (SV40) that is capable of productive infection in permissive cells but not of maintenance of viral DNA integration in transformed cells at the conditional temperature. Virus development is induced when cells transformed by this mutant are shifted to temperatures above 39 degrees C, but is not induced below this temperature. The plaque-purified, temperature-sensitive mutant virus confers heat inducibility to new host cells, indicating that the conditional function is a property of the viral genome. Unlike previously described temperature-sensitive SV40 mutants, in (ts)-1501 is capable of productive infection in permissive cells at the conditional temperature. The morphology, growth, and oncogenicity of in (ts)-1501-transformed cells at 37 degrees C are similar to those of cell lines transformed by wild-type SV40. HK10-c2(in(ts)-1501), a cloned cell line, transformed at 37 degrees C by the mutant virus, exhibits a transient increase in DNA synthesis before cell death at the conditional temperature. Many properties of in(ts)-1501 are analogous to those of the heat-inducible mutants of bacteriophages in which a heat-inactivated protein is responsible for the stable integration of the prophage in the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   

A filamentous division mutant, PV302, of Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 was isolated while screening for sporulation-defective mutants after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. Both phase-contrast and electron microscopy revealed that the mutant produced small spherical cells as well as filaments. It also accumulated large amounts of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate. Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate accounted for 16% of the dry weight of the mutant strain even after 28 h growth. In comparison to the parental strain, the division mutant also showed both an inability to sporulate and a reduced growth rate. All these phenotypes transduced together. Revertants gained the ability to sporulate, divide, and grow normally. Transductional mapping of the mutation, designated div-1, established a new linkage group for B. megaterium consisting of div-1 and the pyrimidine biosynthesis genes pyrD BCF. The spherical cells were separated from filaments by sucrose gradients and were tested for nucleic acid content and viability. The purified spherical cell fraction contained one-fifth the amount of DNA per mg protein as compared with the filamentous cell fraction and was shown to contain both non-viable minicells and some cells capable of growing after a lag of about 4 h. This suggests that the mutation not only causes defects in septum placement and sporulation, but may possibly affect DNA partitioning.  相似文献   

J A Hammond  R R Preston 《Genetics》2001,158(3):1061-1069
Discerning the mechanisms responsible for membrane excitation and ionic control in Paramecium has been facilitated by the availability of genetic mutants that are defective in these pathways. Such mutants typically are selected on the basis of behavioral anomalies or resistance to ions. There have been few attempts to isolate ion-sensitive strains, despite the insights that might be gained from studies of their phenotypes. Here, we report isolation of "magbane," an ion-sensitive strain that is susceptible to Mg2+. Whereas the wild type tolerated the addition of > or =20 mm MgCl2 to the culture medium before growth was slowed and ultimately suppressed (at >40 mm), mgx mutation slowed growth at 10 mm. Genetic analysis indicated that the phenotype resulted from a recessive single-gene mutation that had not been described previously. We additionally noted that a mutant that was well described previously (restless) is also highly sensitive to Mg2+. This mutant is characterized by an inability to control membrane potential when extracellular K+ concentrations are lowered, due to inappropriate regulation of a Ca2+-dependent K+ current. However, comparing the mgx and rst mutant phenotypes suggested that two independent mechanisms might be responsible for their Mg2+ lethality. The possibility that mgx mutation may adversely affect a transporter that is required for maintaining low intracellular Mg2+ is considered.  相似文献   

Selenium is a constituent in Escherichia coli of the anaerobic enzyme formate dehydrogenase in the form of selenocysteine. Selenium is also present in the tRNA of E. coli in the modified base 5-methylaminomethyl-2-selenouracil (mnm5Se2U). The pathways of bacterial selenium metabolism are largely uncharacterized, and it is unclear whether nonspecific reactions in the sulfur metabolic pathways may be involved. We demonstrated that sulfur metabolic pathway mutants retain a wild-type pattern of selenium incorporation, indicating that selenite (SeO32-) is metabolized entirely via selenium-specific pathways. To investigate the function of mnm5Se2U, we isolated a mutant which is unable to incorporate selenium into tRNA. This strain was obtained by isolating mutants lacking formate dehydrogenase activity and then screening for the inability to metabolize selenium. This phenotype is the result of a recessive mutation which appears to map in the general region of 21 min on the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome. A mutation in this gene, selA, thus has a pleiotropic effect of eliminating selenium incorporation into both protein and tRNA. The selA mutant appears to be blocked in a step of selenium metabolism after reduction, such as in the actual selenium insertion process. We showed that the absence of selenium incorporation into suppressor tRNA reduces the efficiency of suppression of nonsense codons in certain contexts and when wobble base pairing is required. Thus, one function of mnm5Se2U in tRNA may be in codon-anticodon interactions.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the isolation of a novel strain of Candida albicans which is a mycelium at ambient temperatures. Mutagenesis of C. albicans ATCC 10261 with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine followed by plating on solid media at 28 degrees C yielded colony morphology variants which were characterized by a raised, rough-surfaced colony of irregular outline in marked contrast to the flat, shiny circular colonies of the parental 10261 strain. One mutant colony, hOG301, was studied in detail. Strain hOG301 was stable and exhibited mycelial morphology over a wide temperature range (5 to 40 degrees C) in several media. The hyphae comprising hOG301 mycelium were examined by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy and showed morphological features described in the literature as being typical of both true hyphae and pseudohyphae. In contrast to 10261, hOG301 was not pathogenic after intraperitoneal injection in mice. This is the first report of a mycelial C. albicans that is stable at ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

A cycloheximide-resistant mutant was isolated from the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii Neff. Drug resistance was found to be due to a ribosomal modification.  相似文献   

A morphological mutant ofClaviceps paspali can produce a significant amount of conidia in the production phase of the fermentation process. The mutant was isolated after γ- irradiation of a high-production mycelial strain. Differences in the morphology between the isolate and the parent strain were significant especially in submerged cultures. It was also proved that conidiation is not favorable for alkaloid production which was markedly reduced.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli K12, highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, has been isolated. Preliminary tests show that this mutant is also resistant to mitomycin C, nalidixic acid, fluorouracil and thymineless death. The mutant strain apparently repairs its damaged DNA more efficiently than wild-type E. coli K12 strains and, to do so, constitutively produces 35 times more DNA polymerase I and 12 times more endonuclease I than the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

K Sakka  T Watanabe  R Beers    H C Wu 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(8):3400-3408
We isolated a globomycin-resistant, temperature-sensitive mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 strain AB1157. The mutation mapped in dnaE, the structural gene for the alpha-subunit of DNA polymerase III. The in vivo processing of lipid-modified prolipoprotein was more resistant to globomycin in the mutant strain 307 than in its parent. The prolipoprotein signal peptidase activity was also increased twofold in the mutant, and there was a threefold increase in the activity of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. The results suggest that a mutation in dnaE may affect the expression of the ileS-lsp operon in E. coli. In addition, strain 307 showed a reduced level of streptomycin resistance compared with its parental strain AB1157 (rpsL31). Strain 307 was killed by streptomycin at a concentration of 200 micrograms/ml, which did not affect the rate of bulk protein synthesis in this mutant. A second mutation which was involved in the reduced streptomycin resistance in strain 307 was identified and found to be closely linked to or within the rpsD (ramA, ribosomal ambiguity) gene. Both dnaE and rpsD were required for the reduced streptomycin resistance in strain 307.  相似文献   

A Lyt- mutant with reduced autolytic activity was isolated after Tn551 mutagenesis of the methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus laboratory strain RN450. The Lyt- phenotype could be transferred back into the parent and into a variety of other S. aureus strains by transduction of the transposon marker. Southern analysis has located the Tn551 insert to a 3.2-kb HindIII DNA fragment on the SmaI B fragment of the staphylococcal chromosome. The Lyt- phenotype included reduced rates of cell wall turnover and autolysis induced by detergent or methicillin treatment; however, the rate of methicillin-induced killing was not affected. Peptidoglycans prepared from the parental and mutant cells showed identical muropeptide compositions, as resolved by a high-resolution high-pressure liquid chromatography technique. On the other hand, LiCl extracts of the mutant cells contained reduced amounts of total protein and lower specific cell wall-degrading activity compared with those of extracts of parental cells. The profile of bacteriolytic enzymes as detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed multiple band differences between mutant and parental cells; a major lytic band with properties characteristic of the staphylococcal endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase was completely absent from the Lyt- cells. The Lyt- phenotype transduced into a series of methicillin-resistant strains of both homogeneous and heterogeneous phenotypes caused only a modest decrease in the level of methicillin resistance, as determined by population analysis.  相似文献   

V Damjanovic 《Cryobiology》1972,9(6):565-568
Although the relatively successful freeze-drying of streptomycin-dependent mutant Shigella vaccines has been reported previously, further studies have been undertaken for the following reasons: (1) To improve the survival rate of the vaccine strains after freeze-drying. (2) To see whether monosodium glutamate can be eliminated as a stabilizer as it is reported to produce pharmacological effects in man.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive dnaK mutant (strain MT112) was isolated from Escherichia coli B strain H/r30RT by thymineless death selection at 43 degrees C. By genetic mapping, the mutation [dnaK7(Ts)] was located near the thr gene (approximately 0.2 min on the may). E. coli K-12 transductants of the mutation to temperature sensitivity were assayed for their susceptibility to transducing phage lambda carrying the dnaK and/or the dnaJ gene. All of the transductants were able to propagate phage lambda carrying the dnaK gene. When macromolecular synthesis of the mutant was assayed at 43 degrees C, it was observed that both deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid syntheses were severely inhibited. Thus, it was suggested that the conditionally defective dnaK mutation affects both cellular deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid syntheses at the nonpermissive temperature in addition to inability to propagate phage lambda at permissive temperature.  相似文献   

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