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实验室条件下,研究了针刺种皮、酸蚀、药物、激素、低盐、变温和低温层积等不同处理对大叶藻种子萌发和幼苗建成的影响。结果表明:经30 d萌发实验,低盐处理对大叶藻种子萌发产生了显著影响(P0.05),其中盐度25处理组的种子萌发率和发芽指数分别为对照组(0.67%和0.07)的36.3倍和58.9倍,平均萌发历期降至9.3 d,且随着处理盐度的降低,种子萌发率与发芽指数逐渐增高,平均萌发历期则逐渐缩短;针刺种皮也显著促进大叶藻种子萌发,其种子萌发率和发芽指数分别为对照组的26.9倍和42.7倍,平均萌发历期降至12.6 d;而酸蚀、药物、激素、变温与低温层积等处理并未明显促进大叶藻种子的萌发。对萌发幼苗的培养显示,经30 d实验,低盐处理组幼苗建成率显著高于对照组(P0.05),其中低盐10~25处理组较高,但生长状况与对照组差异不大,而针刺种皮处理组无幼苗存活。综合分析可知,低盐处理可显著促进大叶藻种子的快速萌发,适宜盐度为10~25。  相似文献   

对威海双岛湾大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)种群的有性生殖特性进行了研究。结果表明:该水域中,大叶藻种群于3月下旬或4月上旬进入生殖枝始现期,5月上旬进入始花期,6月下旬进入种子散落高峰期,7月上旬进入生殖枝死亡始期,7月下旬生殖期结束,其有性生殖物候进程与水温密切相关,15℃是其开花适宜水温;生殖枝的侧枝数和扇状聚伞花序数在进入始花期时达到最大,分别为4.4和4.9个·株-1,佛焰苞数和生殖枝高度均在种子散落始期最大,分别为18.6个·株-1和96.2 cm,种子败育率较高,平均为40%,成熟种子产量为44.8粒·株-1;生殖枝密度在始花期时达到最大,为64株·m-2,生殖枝分化率平均仅有12.6%,有性生殖期间营养枝密度和种群总密度的下降幅度超过40%;生殖枝生物量在初果期达到最大(27.9 g·m-2),从始花期至种子散落高峰期平均种群生物量分配格局为地下部38.4%,营养枝52.4%,生殖枝9.2%,生殖分配较低,成熟种子产量为1859粒·m-2。  相似文献   

大叶藻(Zostera marina)是典型的海洋盐生植物和重要的盐生植物资源,本文从形态、生理和分子三个方面叙述了大叶藻对高盐环境的响应。传统研究多以形态结构的适应和生理机制的调节为主;随着高通量测序技术的不断发展和大叶藻基因组序列信息的相继公布,涉及其分子机制方面的研究日渐增多,为研究典型耐盐植物的耐盐机理提供研究基础。  相似文献   

大叶藻居群微卫星遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用4对微卫星引物对大叶藻的7个地理居群进行了遗传多样性与遗传结构分析。扩增148株大叶藻得到57个等位基因, 每个位点平均等位基因数为6, 大叶藻居群的平均期望杂合度(He)为0.687, 平均观测杂合度(Ho)为0.417。青岛湾居群的遗传多样性最高(A=7.750, AR=7.043), 俚岛居群最低(A=4.750, AR=4.543)。从Fst值来看, 7个大叶藻居群间属于中度分化。UPGMA系统发育树显示, 中国4个大叶藻居群聚类到一起, 其遗传分化可能是由于历史大海草场的遗留小片段居群产生, 而中国、韩国、日本和爱尔兰居群间的遗传分化则主要是由于地理隔离造成的。自由交配估计结果支持海草的东亚起源说。青岛湾居群遗传多样性较高, 可优先作为大叶藻移植修复的材料和基因库, 并进行重点保护。  相似文献   

营养盐是影响海草生长的关键因子, 目前有关海草不同组织对不同形式氮和磷的吸收特征尚不明确。该研究通过利用海草地上和地下组织分隔培养装置, 设置不同的氨态氮、硝态氮和磷酸盐浓度, 探究了大叶藻(Zostera marina)植株及其地上和地下组织对氮磷营养盐的吸收动力学特征。结果显示: (1)大叶藻对氮磷的吸收符合饱和吸收动力学特征, 吸收速率和水体氮磷浓度可用米式方程描述; (2)大叶藻植株对NH4+-N的最大吸收速率(Vmax, 52 μmol·g-1·h-1)显著高于其对NO3--N的Vmax (39 μmol·g-1·h-1); (3)大叶藻地上组织和地下组织均可吸收氮磷, 但地上组织对氨态氮、硝态氮、磷酸盐的Vmax分别为43.1、30.5和15.6 μmol·g-1·h-1, 为地下组织的2.6、1.2和6倍。结果表明, 大叶藻对氨态氮的吸收能力高于硝态氮, 且对氮磷的吸收可能主要依赖地上组织(叶片)。结果为查明大叶藻对氮磷的吸收利用机制及评估大叶藻的海洋生态效应提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本研究利用生物信息学方法,对大叶藻基因组中8个铵根转运蛋白(ZmAMTs)基因特征、氨基酸组成成分、理化性质以及二级结构进行预测和分析,同时还分析了大叶藻与拟南芥、水稻、烟草及百脉根的AMT基因家族之间的联系。大叶藻基因组中8个AMT基因分为AMT1 (5个成员)和AMT2 (3个成员)两个子家族,所编码的蛋白质含有9~11个跨膜区,且均为疏水性蛋白质,二级结构均由α螺旋、直链延伸和无规卷曲三种形式构成。除此之外,大叶藻AMT家族蛋白具有相似的三维结构,多数成员定位于细胞质、质膜和叶绿体膜上。本研究对大叶藻铵根转运蛋白进行了详细的生物信息学分析,可为今后深入研究该家族基因的结构特征和功能提供参考。  相似文献   

通过设置玻璃化法超低温保存的3个关键要素,即冰冻保护液处理、玻璃化溶液脱水时间和冷冻处理,研究了玻璃化法超低温保存对大叶藻种子活力的影响.结果表明:冰冻保护液处理和玻璃化溶液脱水时间对大叶藻种子活力无显著影响;冷冻处理组种子活力显著低于对照组,而冰冻保护液和玻璃化脱水处理对冷冻后种子活力的影响不显著,表明冰冻保护液和玻璃化溶液未对种子起到明显的保护作用;未冰冻保护液处理组玻璃化溶液脱水4h时种子活力显著低于其他脱水时间,而冰冻保护液处理组脱水4h时与其他脱水时间无明显不同,表明较长时间的玻璃化溶液脱水处理需使用冰冻保护液进行预处理.研究结果为超低温保存大叶藻种子提供了参考.  相似文献   

材料取自罗布麻第一年的实生株,结果看出,罗布麻茎的皮层厚度一般白麻较厚,红麻较薄,白麻新4茎的皮层厚度达350-400μm,而红麻晋1呈150μm。但纤维束白麻一般较小而少,红麻则一般较大也较多。茎的薄壁组织中红麻淀粉较多,白麻较少或极少,红麻木质部导管一般较大且多,白麻相对较小而少。罗布麻红,白麻叶有明显区别,红麻叶片背腹木质部导管一般较大且多,白麻相对较小而少。罗布麻红,白麻叶有明显区别,红麻叶片背腹性明显,背面有长形细胞构成紧密的栅栏面积,而腹面为圆形或长圆形细胞组成疏松的海组织,属两面叶。白麻叶片背腹性不明显,背腹面均有栅栏组织。属等面叶。白麻叶厚,叶横切面测定,白麻新1叶厚400-425μm,红麻鲁15叶厚度125-150μm。  相似文献   

基于大叶藻成苗率的新型海草播种技术评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛤蜊播种技术是一种新型海草播种技术,该技术中,种子通过糯米糊粘在蛤蜊贝壳上,随蛤蜊穴居被埋入底质。为评价蛤蜊和糯米糊对种子成苗率的影响,以菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)和大叶藻(Zostera marina)种子为试验对象,设置了直接播撒种子(A1组)、直接埋种(A2组)、包埋糯米后播撒(B1组)、包埋糯米后埋入底质(B2组)、蛤蜊播种(C)5种处理,每种处理设置3个重复,在实验室的水槽中对其进行试验。结果表明:糯米糊对种子萌发有负面影响,但由于蛤蜊的行为使底质具有透气性,减轻了糯米糊对种子萌发的影响,种子成苗率可达到23.2%;海区试验中利用蛤蜊播种的两个样方中的成苗率分别为19.1%和9.9%。试验表明,蛤蜊播种技术适合作为一种经济、有效的播种技术用于海区海草床的建立和修复。  相似文献   

为探讨大叶相思幼苗耐强酸胁迫的生理机制, 试验采用水培法, 设置了pH 3.0、pH 2.0 和pH 5.8 (CK)酸胁迫梯度和3 天、9 天两个持续胁迫时间, 观测了大叶相思幼苗在不同强度酸胁迫下叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量, 脯氨酸(Pro)含量以及抗氧化酶如过氧化物酶(POD)、谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)等活性的响应特征。结果表明: (1)酸胁迫加重过程中, PSⅡ 最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)表现出下降趋势; (2)与CK比较, 在pH 3.0胁迫下, Pro无显著变化, 但在pH 2.0 持续胁迫下显著上升, 表明当pH 值低至2.0 时, 大叶相思幼苗受到严重胁迫; (3)与CK 比较, 在pH 值为 3.0和 2.0 持续3 天、9 天的胁迫下, MDA 含量无显著变化, 表明大叶相思幼苗在极强酸胁迫下膜脂过氧化程度并未显著提高; (4)与CK 比较, 在pH 3.0 胁迫下GST 和GPX 活性显著上升, 但在pH 2.0 胁迫下无显著变化; 与CK 比较, 在pH 3.0 胁迫下GR和POD 活性无显著差异, 但在pH 2.0 胁迫下有所下降, 表明大叶相思幼苗体内不同抗氧化酶在应对不同程度强酸胁迫时表现不同, 其中GST 对强酸胁迫响应最为敏感。综合分析各指标在不同梯度酸胁迫下的变化, 认为大叶相思幼苗耐强酸胁迫的生理调节阈值可能在pH 3.0 左右.  相似文献   

A conceptual model is proposed, describing potential Zostera marina habitats in the Wadden Sea, based on reported data from laboratory, mesocosm and field studies. Controlling factors in the model are dynamics, degree of desiccation, turbidity, nutrients and salinity. A distinction has been made between a higher and a lower zone of potential habitats, each suitable for different morphotypes of Z. marina. The model relates the decline of Z. marina in the Wadden Sea to increased sediment and water dynamics, turbidity, drainage of sediments (resulting in increased degree of desiccation) and total nutrient loads during the twentieth century. The upper and lower delineation of both the higher and the lower zone of potential Z. marina habitats appear to be determined by one or a combination of several of these factors. Environmental changes in one of these factors will therefore influence the borderlines of the zones. The lower zone of Z. marina will be mainly affected by increased turbidity, sediment dynamics, degree of desiccation during low tide and nutrient load. The higher zone will be affected by increases in water and sediment dynamics, desiccation rates and nutrient loads. Potential Z. marina habitats are located above approx. –0.80 m mean sea level (when turbidity remains at the same level as in the early 1990s) in sheltered, undisturbed locations, and preferably where some freshwater influence is present. At locations with a high, near-marine, salinity, the nutrient load has to be low to allow the growth of Z. marina. The sediment should retain enough water during low tide to keep the plants moist. Our results suggest that the return of Z. marina beds within a reasonable time-scale will require not only suitable habitat conditions, but also revegetation measures, as the changes in the environment resulting from the disappearance of Z. marina may impede its recovery, and the natural import of propagules will be unlikely. Furthermore, the lower zone of Z. marina may require a genotype that is no longer found in the Wadden Sea. Received: 26 April 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 October 1999 / Accepted: 16 October 1999  相似文献   

2009年利用植株枚订移植法在我国北方典型澙湖——山东荣成天鹅湖逐月进行大叶藻(Zostera marina)植株移植, 并于当年逐月对移植植株的存活率、定居时间和生长进行监测, 分析该方法在我国北方澙湖的有效性和适宜性。结果显示: (1) 4-6月移植植株的存活率为76.5%-90.4%, 其中4月移植植株的存活率最低, 7-9月移植植株的存活率达到100%; (2) 6-9月移植植株的定居时间均为1个月, 5月移植植株的定居时间为2个月, 而4月移植植株的定居时间长达4个月; (3)除个别监测月份外, 移植植株的叶长和叶鞘长均显著小于天然植株, 而茎节直径和根长均与天然植株无明显差异; (4)我国北方澙湖较适宜大叶藻植株移植的区域为海水透明度高、水深不超过1 m的潮下带, 且底质为泥含量较高的泥砂底质海区, 9月份是适宜的移植时间。  相似文献   

2009年利用植株枚订移植法在我国北方典型澙湖——山东荣成天鹅湖逐月进行大叶藻(Zostera marina)植株移植,并于当年逐月对移植植株的存活率、定居时间和生长进行监测,分析该方法在我国北方澙湖的有效性和适宜性。结果显示:(1)4–6月移植植株的存活率为76.5%–90.4%,其中4月移植植株的存活率最低,7–9月移植植株的存活率达到100%;(2)6–9月移植植株的定居时间均为1个月,5月移植植株的定居时间为2个月,而4月移植植株的定居时间长达4个月;(3)除个别监测月份外,移植植株的叶长和叶鞘长均显著小于天然植株,而茎节直径和根长均与天然植株无明显差异;(4)我国北方澙湖较适宜大叶藻植株移植的区域为海水透明度高、水深不超过1 m的潮下带,且底质为泥含量较高的泥砂底质海区,9月份是适宜的移植时间。  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,83(3):161-174
The photosynthetic and repiratory metabolism of Zostera marina and maerl communities was compared, in the same area of the Bay of Brest in March–April, using benthic chambers. PE curves for both oxygen and carbon were established for bottom irradiances between 0 and 525 μmol m−2 s−1. An exponential function was fitted to calculate daily production. Community metabolic quotients did not differ for maerl and seagrass beds. Community photosynthetic quotients were significantly higher (1.19) whereas community respiratory quotients were lower (0.70) than 1. Maerl and seagrass bed PE curves mainly differed by the minimum saturating irradiance (Ek). Net community production was estimated to 26.8 mmol C m−2 d−1 for Z. marina meadows and 8.6 mmol C m−2 d−1 for maerl beds. The two communities can, therefore, be considered as autotrophic during the March–April period. Community respiration did not differ between Z. marina meadows and maerl beds, with an average value of 53.8 mmol C m−2 d−1 during a day. In similar environmental conditions, the production of maerl beds corresponds to approximately one third that of seagrass meadows. The maerl communities, therefore, form productive ecosystems, relevant to temperate coastal ecosystems functioning.  相似文献   


Data on geographical and depth distribution, sediment granulometry, salinity, biomass variability, below/aboveground biomass ratio, and reproductive strategies of seagrass communities in the Mediterranean Sea were analysed to describe their dynamics patterns.

Notwithstanding their different latitudinal distribution, they have a similar seasonal biomass variability, deriving both from extrinsic forcing (e.g. light and temperature) and intrinsic species-specific components (e.g. reproduction pattern), these latter being responsible for their different structure and seasonal dynamics.  相似文献   

Aims Nutrient availability is an external factor that affect the growth of seagrasses. However, the demand for and absorption of different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus by different tissues of seagrasses are unclear. In this study, the uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by Zostera marina was studied to determine the nutrient uptake kinetics. The objectives of this research are to: 1) investigate the absorption characteristics of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus in Z. marina; 2) evaluate the differences in absorption between the different forms of nitrogen; and 3) analyse the differences in absorption between the different tissues of Z. marina.Methods Equipment was used to separate the aboveground and belowground tissues of Z. marina. Six concentration levels of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus were established to experimentally test the uptake kinetics of nutrients by Z. marina. The nutrient concentrations in different parts of seawater column were measured to determine the nutrient changes and calculate the kinetic characteristics of nutrient uptake.Important findings 1) The absorption of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus by Z. marina was consistent with the characteristics of saturated absorption kinetics. The relationship between the absorption rate and the nutrient concentrations in water could be described by the Michaelis-Menten equation. 2) The maximum absorption rate (Vmax) of ammonia nitrogen by Z. marina (52 μmol·g-1·h-1) was significantly higher than that of nitrate nitrogen (39 μmol·g-1·h-1). 3) Both aboveground and belowground tissues of Z. marina could absorb nutrient, but the Vmax of leaves (aboveground tissues) for ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus absorption were 43.1, 30.5 and 15.6 μmol·g-1·h-1, respectively, which were 2.6-fold, 1.2-fold and 6-fold higher than the corresponding Vmax of belowground tissues. The results show that the absorption capacity of Z. marina for ammonia nitrogen is higher than that for nitrate nitrogen, and the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus may depend primarily on the aboveground tissues (leaves). The results provide a theoretical basis for the study of the mechanisms of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake and utilization by Z. marina and the evaluation of marine ecological impacts.  相似文献   

Decomposition processes of eelgrass,Zostera marina L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In Lake Grevelingen decomposition of eelgrass was studied in the field with the litter bag method from July 1977 till February 1978. After 6 months only 6% refractory matter remained in the bags. Under aerobic conditions the decomposition of eelgrass is completed within one year. The organic fraction decreased from 80 to 55%. Chlorophyll a was always present in the detritus, but with this parameter no decomposition stages could be distinguished. Fragmentation was mainly physical, and a particle size spectrum showed a maximum towards the small pieces.The POC content was fairly constant, and the N and P content changed during the decomposition. The C/N and C/P ratios increased the first 10 weeks (leaching) and decreased after 10 weeks (microbial colonization). This did not correspond with the three decomposition stages, based on the dry weight loss per day. The C/N ratio does not seem to be a simple index for the decomposition stage in eelgrass.Communication no. 235 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Sulphide intrusion in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sudden events of seagrass die‐off have been suggested to be induced by invasion of the phytotoxin sulphide under environmental stress generating low oxygen supply in seagrass tissues. Laboratory experiments were conducted with eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to measure intra‐plant changes in oxygen and sulphide by means of microelectrodes at different oxygen concentrations in the water column. The objectives were to examine whether sulphide intrusion into seagrass tissues can be induced, to determine the role of plant oxygen status for sulphide intrusion and to determine how fast internal sulphide pools are depleted after internal oxygen supplies have been restored. Under conditions with oxygen partial pressures (pO2) above 7.4 kPa (> 35% of air saturation) within eelgrass rhizomes or meristematic tissues no intrusion of sulphide occurred in spite of high sediment concentrations of gaseous sulphide (> 1000 µm ). Lack of sulphide intrusion at high internal pO2 suggested that oxygen release from the roots ensured complete re‐oxidation of sulphide in the rhizosphere. Under oxygen stress, however, the experiments clearly demonstrated intrusion of sulphide in eelgrass rhizomes and meristematic tissues. Rates of sulphide intrusion were controlled by internal pO2, which in turn was controlled by water column oxygen concentrations. Maximum internal sulphide content reached 325 µm which by far exceeded the 1–10 µm known to inhibit mitochondrial activity in eukaryotic cells. Sulphide and low levels of oxygen could coexist in the eelgrass tissues reflecting fast internal transport of sulphide and slow rates of sulphide re‐oxidation. Upon re‐establishment of high internal oxygen concentrations the depletion of the sulphide pool was slow (half‐life = 20–30 min) indicating, that sulphide re‐oxidation within the eelgrass tissue was not bacterially or enzymatically facilitated but occurred by simple chemical oxidation. The results of this study are consistent with the proposed detrimental role of sulphide intrusion in events of sudden seagrass die‐off.  相似文献   

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