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The HPV E6 oncoprotein maintains the malignant phenotype of HPV-positive cancer cells and represents an attractive therapeutic target. E6 forms a complex with the cellular E6AP ubiquitin ligase, ultimately leading to p53 degradation. The recently elucidated x-ray structure of a HPV16 E6/E6AP complex showed that HPV16 E6 forms a distinct binding pocket for E6AP. This discovery raises the question whether the E6AP binding pocket is druggable, i. e. whether it provides a docking site for functional E6 inhibitors. To address these issues, we performed a detailed analysis of the HPV16 E6 interactions with two small peptides: (i) E6APpep, corresponding to the E6 binding domain of E6AP, and (ii) pep11**, a peptide that binds to HPV16 E6 and, in contrast to E6APpep, induces apoptosis, specifically in HPV16-positive cancer cells. Surface plasmon resonance, NMR chemical shift perturbation, and mammalian two-hybrid analyses coupled to mutagenesis indicate that E6APpep contacts HPV16 E6 amino acid residues within the E6AP pocket, both in vitro and intracellularly. Many of these amino acids were also important for binding to pep11**, suggesting that the binding sites for the two peptides on HPV16 E6 overlap. Yet, few E6 amino acids were differentially involved which may contribute to the higher binding affinity of pep11**. Data from the HPV16 E6/pep11** interaction allowed the rational design of single amino acid exchanges in HPV18 and HPV31 E6 that enabled their binding to pep11**. Taken together, these results suggest that E6 molecular surfaces mediating E6APpep binding can also accommodate pro-apoptotic peptides that belong to different sequence families. As proof of concept, this study provides the first experimental evidence that the E6AP binding pocket is druggable, opening new possibilities for rational, structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Papillomavirus E6 oncoproteins transform mammalian cells through interaction with cellular proteins. Bovine papillomavirus type 1 E6 (BE6) interacts with three previously described cellular targets: the E6AP E3 ubiquitin ligase, the calcium-binding protein E6BP (also known as ERC-55), and paxillin, which is a focal adhesion adapter protein. BE6 interacts strongly with each of these proteins in vitro, binding to similar peptide sequences found in E6AP, E6BP, and paxillin. To determine which BE6 interactions are necessary for transformation by BE6, we used a novel selection strategy for temperature-sensitive BE6 mutants in yeast that could discriminate in their interaction between E6AP, E6BP, and paxillin. All BE6 mutants that retained transforming ability retained association with paxillin, while some mutants that were transformation positive failed to interact with E6AP or E6BP. This study demonstrates that oncogene mutants that are temperature sensitive for transformation can be selected in yeast and that the induction of anchorage-independent cell proliferation by BE6 does not require strong association of BE6 with either E6AP or E6BP. Of particular interest is the identification of a BE6 mutant that interacts strongly with the acidic charged leucine motifs of E6AP, E6BP, and paxillin but is devoid of transformation activity, thereby genetically identifying a second essential transformation function in BE6 that is independent of interaction with acidic charged leucine motifs.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(9):1704-1714
In epithelial tumors, oncoprotein E6 binds with the ubiquitin ligase E6AP to form E6/E6AP heterodimer; then this heterodimer recruits p53 to form E6/E6AP/p53 heterotrimer and induces p53 degradation. Recent experiments demonstrated that three E6 single-site mutants (F47R, R102A, and L50E) can inhibit the E6/E6AP/p53 heterotrimer formation and rescue p53 from the degradation pathway. However, the molecular mechanism underlying mutation-induced heterotrimer inhibition remains largely elusive. Herein, we performed extensive molecular dynamics simulations (totally ~13 μs) on both heterodimer and heterotrimer to elucidate at an atomic level how each p53-degradation-defective HPV16 E6 mutant reduces the structural stabilities of the two complexes. Our simulations reveal that the three E6 mutations destabilize the structure of E6/E6AP/p53 complex through distinct mechanisms. Although F47RE6 mutation has no effect on the structure of E6/E6AP heterodimer, it results in an electrostatic repulsion between R47E6 and R290p53, which is unfavorable for E6-p53 binding. R102AE6 mutation destabilizes the structure of E6/E6AP heterodimer and significantly disrupts hydrophobic and cation-π interactions between F47E6 and E286p53/L298p53/R290p53. L50EE6 mutation impairs both E6 interdomain interactions (especially F47-K108 cation-π interaction) and E6-E6AP intermolecular interactions important for the stabilization of E6/E6AP heterodimer. This study identifies the intra- and intermolecular interactions crucial for the complex stability, which may provide mechanistic insights into the inhibition of complex formation by the three HPV16 E6 mutations.  相似文献   

The E6 protein of the high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) and the cellular ubiquitin-protein ligase E6AP form a complex which causes the ubiquitination and degradation of p53. We show here that HPV16 E6 promotes the ubiquitination and degradation of E6AP itself. The half-life of E6AP is shorter in HPV-positive cervical cancer cells than in HPV-negative cervical cancer cells, and E6AP is stabilized in HPV-positive cancer cells when expression of the viral oncoproteins is repressed. Expression of HPV16 E6 in cells results in a threefold decrease in the half-life of transfected E6AP. E6-mediated degradation of E6AP requires (i) the binding of E6 to E6AP, (ii) the catalytic activity of E6AP, and (iii) activity of the 26S proteasome, suggesting that E6-E6AP interaction results in E6AP self-ubiquitination and degradation. In addition, both in vitro and in vivo experiments indicate that E6AP self-ubiquitination results primarily from an intramolecular transfer of ubiquitin from the active-site cysteine to one or more lysine residues; however, intermolecular transfer can also occur in the context of an E6-mediated E6AP multimer. Finally, we demonstrate that an E6 mutant that is able to immortalize human mammary epithelial cells but is unable to degrade p53 retains its ability to bind and degrade E6AP, raising the possibility that E6-mediated degradation of E6AP contributes to its ability to transform mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Be X  Hong Y  Wei J  Androphy EJ  Chen JJ  Baleja JD 《Biochemistry》2001,40(5):1293-1299
E6AP is a cellular protein that binds cancer-related papillomaviral E6 proteins. The E6 binding domain, called E6ap, is located on an 18-amino acid segment of E6AP. The corresponding peptide was synthesized and its structure determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The overall structure of the peptide is helical. A consensus E6-binding sequence among different E6 interacting proteins contains three conserved hydrophobic residues. In the structure of the E6AP peptide, the three conserved leucines (Leu 9, Leu 12, and Leu 13) form a hydrophobic patch on one face of the alpha-helix. Substitution of any of these leucines with alanine abolished binding to E6 protein, indicating that the entire hydrophobic patch is necessary. Mutation of a glutamate to proline, but not alanine, also disrupted the interaction between E6 and E6AP protein, suggesting that the E6-binding motif of the E6AP protein must be helical when bound to E6. Comparison of the E6ap structure and mutational results with those of another E6-binding protein (E6BP/ERC-55) indicates the existence of a general E6-binding motif.  相似文献   

The heat shock protein 70 kDa sequences (HSP70) are of great importance as molecular chaperones in protein folding and transport. They are abundant under conditions of cellular stress. They are highly conserved in all domains of life: Archaea, eubacteria, eukaryotes, and organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts). A multiple alignment of a large collection of these sequences was obtained employing our symmetric-iterative ITERALIGN program (Brocchieri and Karlin 1998). Assessments of conservation are interpreted in evolutionary terms and with respect to functional implications. Many archaeal sequences (methanogens and halophiles) tend to align best with the Gram-positive sequences. These two groups also miss a signature segment [about 25 amino acids (aa) long] present in all other HSP70 species (Gupta and Golding 1993). We observed a second signature sequence of about 4 aa absent from all eukaryotic homologues, significantly aligned in all prokaryotic sequences. Consensus sequences were developed for eight groups [Archaea, Gram-positive, proteobacterial Gram-negative, singular bacteria, mitochondria, plastids, eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) isoforms, eukaryotic cytoplasmic isoforms]. All group consensus comparisons tend to summarize better the alignments than do the individual sequence comparisons. The global individual consensus ``matches' 87% with the consensus of consensuses sequence. A functional analysis of the global consensus identifies a (new) highly significant mixed charge cluster proximal to the carboxyl terminus of the sequence highlighting the hypercharge run EEDKKRRER (one-letter aa code used). The individual Archaea and Gram-positive sequences contain a corresponding significant mixed charge cluster in the location of the charge cluster of the consensus sequence. In contrast, the four Gram-negative proteobacterial sequences of the alignment do not have a charge cluster (even at the 5% significance level). All eukaryotic HSP70 sequences have the analogous charge cluster. Strikingly, several of the eukaryotic isoforms show multiple mixed charged clusters. These clusters were interpreted with supporting data related to HSP70 activity in facilitating chaperone, transport, and secretion function. We observed that the consensus contains only a single tryptophan residue and a single conserved cysteine. This is interpreted with respect to the target rule for disaggregating misfolded proteins. The mitochondrial HSP70 connections to bacterial HSP70 are analyzed, suggesting a polyphyletic split of Trypanosoma and Leishmania protist mitochondrial (Mt) homologues separated from Mt-animal/fungal/plant homologues. Moreover, the HSP70 sequences from the amitochondrial Entamoeba histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis species were analyzed. The E. histolytica HSP70 is most similar to the higher eukaryotic cytoplasmic sequences, with significantly weaker alignments to ER sequences and much diminished matching to all eubacterial, mitochondrial, and chloroplast sequences. This appears to be at variance with the hypothesis that E. histolytica rather recently lost its mitochondrial organelle. T. vaginalis contains two HSP70 sequences, one Mt-like and the second similar to eukaryotic cytoplasmic sequences suggesting two diverse origins. Received: 29 January 1998 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Ro HS  Koh BH  Jung SO  Park HK  Shin YB  Kim MG  Chung BH 《Proteomics》2006,6(7):2108-2111
We have developed a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based protein microarray to study protein-protein interactions in a high-throughput mode. As a model system, triple protein interactions have been explored with human papillomaviral E6 protein, tumor suppressor p53, and ubiquitin ligase E6AP. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is known to be a causative agent of cervical cancer. Upon infection, the viral E6 protein forms a heterotrimeric protein complex with p53 and E6AP. The formation of the complex eventually results in the degradation of p53. In the present study, a GST-fused E6AP protein was layered onto a glutathione (GSH)-modified gold chip surface. The specific binding of GST-E6AP protein onto the gold chip surface was facilitated through the affinity of GST to its specific ligand GSH. The interacting proteins (E6 and/or p53) were then spotted. Detection of the interaction was performed using a SPR imaging (SPRI) technique. The resulting SPRI intensity data showed that the protein-protein interactions of E6AP, E6, and p53 were detected in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that the SPRI-based microarray system can be an effective tool to study protein-protein interactions where multiple proteins are involved.  相似文献   

The CYP7B1 cytochrome P450 enzyme hydroxylates carbons 6 and 7 of the B ring of oxysterols and steroids. Hydroxylation reduces the biological activity of these substrates and facilitates their conversion to end products that are readily excreted from the body. CYP7B1 is expressed in the liver, reproductive tract, and brain and performs different physiological functions in each tissue. Hepatic CYP7B1 activity is crucial for the inactivation of oxysterols and their subsequent conversion into bile salts. Loss of CYP7B1 activity is associated with liver failure in children. In the reproductive tract, the enzyme metabolizes androgens that antagonize estrogen action; mice without CYP7B1 have abnormal prostates and ovaries. The role of CYP7B1 in brain is under investigation; recent studies show that spastic paraplegia type 5, a progressive neuropathy, is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the human gene.There are two general types of cytochrome P450 enzymes, those that act on endogenous substrates like lipids and those whose primary function is to act on exogenous substrates like drugs and environmental chemicals. Deciding whether a new P450 acts on endogenous versus exogenous substrates is difficult in the absence of experimental analysis. This was the case for the P450 now known as CYP7B1, whose cDNA was initially isolated from a rat hippocampal library and described in the Journal of Biological Chemistry as a new P450 with 39% sequence identity to cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) (1). The latter enzyme acts on an endogenous substrate (cholesterol) and plays an important role in bile salt synthesis (2), but what role did CYP7B1 play? Subsequent biochemical experiments showed that CYP7B1 also acted on endogenous substrates, hydroxylating dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone, and other steroids (3) as well as two oxysterols, 25-hydroxycholesterol (4) and 27-hydroxycholesterol (5). Here, we review the biochemistry, physiology, and genetics of CYP7B1, which reveal the enzyme to be a multifunctional P450.  相似文献   



Our previous studies showed a down-regulation of GRIM-19 in primary human cervical cancers, and restoration of GRIM-19 induced tumor regression. The induction of tumor suppressor protein p53 ubiquitination and degradation by E6 oncoportein of high risk-HPV through forming a stable complex with E6AP is considered as a critical mechanism for cervical tumor development. The aims of this study were to determine the potential role of GRIM-19 in rescuing p53 protein and inducing cervical cancer cell apoptosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The protein levels of GRIM-19 and p53 were detected in normal cervical tissues from 45 patients who underwent hysterectomy for reasons other than neoplasias of either the cervix or endometrium, and cervical cancer tissues from 60 patients with non-metastatic squamous epithelial carcinomas. Coimmunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assay were performed to examine the interaction of GRIM-19 with 18E6 and E6AP in vivo and in vitro respectively. The competition of 18E6 with E6AP in binding GRIM-19 by performing competition pull-down assays was designed to examine the disruption of E6/E6AP complex by GRIM-19. The augment of E6AP ubiquitination by GRIM-19 was detected in vivo and in vitro ubiquitination assay. The effects of GRIM-19-dependent p53 accumulation on cell proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis were explored by MTT, flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy respectively. The tumor suppression was detected by xenograft mouse model.


The levels of GRIM-19 and p53 were concurrently down regulated in cervical cancers. The restoration of GRIM-19 can induce ubiquitination and degradation of E6AP, and disrupt the E6/E6AP complex through the interaction of N-terminus of GRIM-19 with both E6 and E6AP, which protected p53 from degradation and promoted cell apoptosis. Tumor xenograft studies also revealed the suppression of p53 degradation in presence of GRIM-19. These data suggest that GRIM-19 can block E6/E6AP complex; and synergistically suppress cervical tumor growth with p53.  相似文献   

A newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) protein was combined with conventional measures of enzyme activity in a study of 15 brain regions from six control cases (non-neurological deaths), six cases of Alzheimer's disease, and six cases of Huntington's disease. In the control brains, the mean AChE activity varied 100-fold from region to region (cortex lowest, striatum highest). The variation in enzyme activity was exactly paralleled by a variation in protein immunoreactivity. Overall, the homospecific activity of AChE averaged 0.26 +/- 0.007 mU/pg, close to the value for electrophoretically homogeneous enzyme isolated from red blood cells. Similar homospecific activities were observed in samples from Huntington's and Alzheimer's brains. Evidently, AChE that is immunoreactive but enzymatically inactive does not accumulate in any of the three conditions examined. Huntington's brain samples showed normal total contents of AChE, but Alzheimer's brains showed significant decreases of both enzyme activity and immunoreactivity in all seven cortical regions and in two out of the eight subcortical structures examined, hippocampus and nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

Cervical cancers evolve from lesions generated by genital human papillomaviruses (HPV). "Low-risk" genital HPVs cause benign proliferations whereas "high-risk" types have the potential to progress into cancer. High-risk HPV E6 oncoproteins interact with the ubiquitin ligase E6AP and target several cellular proteins, including p53 and proteins of the MAGI family, towards ubiquitin-mediated degradation. E6AP, like other E6 binding proteins such as E6BP, IRF-3 and paxillin, interacts with E6 via a consensus leucine-charged motif. Here we have investigated the kinetics of the interactions of a 15-mer peptide containing the LxxvarphiLsh motif of E6AP with E6. For this we have developed a Biacore assay based on antibody-capture on the sensor surface of GST- and/or MBP-E6AP peptide constructs followed by E6 protein injection. Our experiments show that E6 oncoproteins from four major high-risk (16, 18, 33 and 58) HPV types bind to E6AP with equilibrium dissociation constants in the low micromolar range. The kinetic dissociation parameters of these interactions are remarkably similar. On the other hand, low-risk HPV 11 E6 does not interact with E6AP even at relatively high concentrations. We also show that the two zinc-binding domains of E6 are required for E6AP recognition. Finally, we have analysed the binding properties of site-directed mutants of the E6AP-derived peptide. We demonstrate the importance for binding of conserved aliphatic side-chains and the moderate role of the global negative charge of the peptide. This work provides the first quantitative data on an HPV E6-mediated interaction, which support the current models of E6AP-mediated degradation.  相似文献   

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