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Bisulfite mutagenesis techniques have been used to introduce single-point mutations within a region of the Rous sarcoma virus src gene defined by a BglI restriction endonuclease cleavage site. The mutants of Rous sarcoma virus that are produced by these techniques encode src proteins which contain single amino acid changes within a highly conserved amino acid sequence encompassing residues 430 to 433. DNA from the mutants CHpm26 ( Ala430 to Val), CHpm9 ( Pro431 to Ser), CHpm6 ( Glu432 to Lys), and CHpm65 ( Ala433 to Thr) each failed to transform chicken cells upon transfection, whereas DNA from CHpm59 (a third base alteration in the codon for Glu432 ) readily transformed chicken cells. Analysis of immune complexes containing the altered src proteins indicates that these proteins have decreased tyrosine protein kinase activity in vitro. In vivo labeling of cells infected with the mutant virus revealed diminished levels of the tyrosine-phosphorylated 34,000-molecular-weight protein. These data indicate that mutations within the sequence Ala430 - Pro431 - Glu432 - Ala433 lead to alterations in pp60src-specific tyrosine protein kinase activity and a concomitant loss of transforming potential of the mutant virus.  相似文献   

Cloning and sequencing of two temperature-sensitive transforming mutations of Rous sarcoma virus reveal that their lesions are due to distinct but close single amino acid changes near the carboxy terminus of the v-src gene product. Back mutations to wild type result from second mutations at either nearby or distant sites.  相似文献   

Immunoferritin labelling methods have been employed to examine the distribution of the Rous Sarcoma virus (RSV)-transforming protein pp60src in the detergent-resistant cytoskeleton of transformed cells. pp60src was found to be localized on actin microfilaments present in adhesion plaques, at adherens junctions between cells and also in microfilament bundles. This localization is consistent with the hypothesis that some of the morphological effects of transformation result from the interaction in situ of pp60src with microfilament-bound target proteins.  相似文献   

The half-life of metabolically labeled pp60src of the Prague A strain of Rous sarcoma virus and of several transformation-defective, temperature-sensitive mutants was investigated by pulse-labeling infected cells with [35S]methionine, chasing for different times, and immunoprecipitating pp60src with tumor-bearing rabbit serum. These experiments showed that pp60src has a short half-life of approximately 60 min under normal physiological conditions and that the mutant pp60src proteins have similar half-lives to the wild type, irrespective of whether the cells are kept at the nonpermissive (42 degrees C) or permissive (35 degrees C) temperature. The half-life of the pp60src -associated kinase activity was determined by monitoring its decay by the immunoglobulin G heavy chain assay after the cells had been treated with several inhibitors of protein synthesis. In these experiments the kinase half-life was much longer than expected from the half-life of pp60src. The apparent contradiction between the half-lives of the kinase activity and the [35S]methionine-labeled pp60src protein could be resolved by the observation that treatment of cells with inhibitors of protein synthesis stabilized pp60src, resulting in a greatly extended half-life. Inhibitors of protein synthesis also extended the half-life of the gag precursor polypeptide, Pr76, suggesting that a host factor(s) may be required for the efficient intracellular processing of this polypeptide to the gag proteins.  相似文献   

In vitro translation of Rous sarcoma virus virion RNA resulted in the synthesis of a protein kinase which, when immunoprecipitated with antitumor serum, phosphorylated the immunoglobulin heavy chain. Even though in vitro translation of virion RNA resulted in the synthesis of a number of polypeptides which were recognized by antitumor serum, control experiments demonstrated that an immunoprecipitable protein kinase activity was found only when an immunoprecipitable p60src, the polypeptide product of the src gene, was synthesized. A protein kinase with similar properties was therefore intimately associated with p60src which was synthesized in vitro in the reticulocyte lysate, just as it is with p60src which is obtained from transformed chick and mammalian cells. It is therefore highly unlikely that this association is artifactual. ts NY68 is a mutant of Rous sarcoma virus which is able to transform cells at 36 but not at 41 degrees C. In vitro translation of ts NY68 virion RNA at 30 degrees C resulted in efficient synthesis of immunoprecipitable p60src, but very inefficient synthesis of an immunoprecipitable protein kinase. The p60src obtained by in vitro translation of wild-type virion RNA was more than 20-fold more active as a protein kinase than was that obtained from ts NY68 RNA. The correlation in the case of ts NY68 of a deficiency in protein kinase activity with an inability to transform cells at high temperature suggests that the protein kinase activity associated with p60src is indeed critical to cellular transformation.  相似文献   

The cell-free synthesis of three major proteins from virion RNA of nondefective Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), but not from RNA of transformation-defective deletion mutants, has been observed. The apparent molecular weights of these transformation-specific proteins are approximately 60,000 (60K), 25K, and 17K. Tryptic maps of methionine-containing peptides revealed the 17K, 25K, and 60K proteins to be overlapping in sequence. However, only partial homology was observed between the 17K, 25K and 60K proteins synthesized from Schmidt-Ruppin strain, subgroup D, RSV RNA and those synthesized from Prague strain, subgroup B, RSV, RNA. About half of the methionine peptides in the Schmidt-Ruppin strain, subgroup D, 60K protein were shared with the Prague strain, subgroup D, 60K protein, and the rest were distinct to each. The virion RNAs coding for the 60K, 25K, and 17K proteins were found to be polyadenylated and to sediment with maximal mRNA activity at about 23, 19 to 20, and 18S, respectively. In addition, transformation-specific proteins with molecular weights of 39K and 33K were observed by in vitro synthesis. These proteins are also related to the 60K, 25K, and 17K proteins and were synthesized from polyadenylated RSV RNA of approximately 21 to 22S. RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides were analyzed in parallel, and the src-specific oligonucleotides were found to be first present in equimolar amounts in those gradient fractions sedimenting at 21 to 22S. Our data suggest that synthesis of the 60K protein is initiated near the 5' terminus of the src gene, whereas the 39K, 33K, 25K, and 17K proteins are initiated internally in the src gene. All of these proteins appear to be initiated independently, but they may have a common termination site.  相似文献   

F/St mice are unique in producing high levels of both ecotropic and xenotropic murine leukemia virus. The high ecotropic virus phenotype is determined by three or more V (virus-inducing) loci. A single locus for inducibility of xenotropic murine leukemia virus was mapped to chromosome 1 close to, but possibly not allelic to, Bxv-1. Although the high ecotropic virus phenotype is phenotypically dominant, the high xenotropic virus phenotype was recessive in all crosses tested. Suppression of xenotropic murine leukemia virus is governed by a single gene which is not linked to the xenotropic V locus.  相似文献   

Transformation of cells by Rous sarcoma virus is mediated by the product of the viral src gene, pp60src. A hybridoma cell line producing an immunoglobulin G3 antibody to pp60src was isolated after lymph node cells from immune mice were fused with mouse myeloma cells (P3-NS1-1). Mice were immunized with p60src purified from Escherichia coli cells expressing the src gene product. The monoclonal antibody immunoprecipitated pp60src from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells and recognized an antigenic determinant located in the amino-terminal third of the pp60src protein.  相似文献   

The 10,000-nucleotide RNA genome of the Prague strain, subgroup B (PR-B) of Rous sarcoma virus, was found to contain 11.6 ± 0.5 residues of m6Ap by quantitative analysis of 32P-labeled virion RNA after complete RNAase digestion. Approximately ten of the m6Ap residues are located, without obvious clustering, in that region of the genome between 500 and 4000 nucleotides from the 3′ poly(A) end. The src gene, which is required for transformation, and part of the env gene, which codes for the major viral envelope glycoprotein, have previously been mapped in this region of the viral genome. A transformation-defective deletion mutant of PR-B Rous sarcoma virus, which lacks the src gene, has 7.0 ± 0.2 m6Ap residues per RNA subunit. This supports our mapping of a portion of the m6A residues in src and suggests that this methylation is specific to certain regions of the genome. The possible significance of this result for Rous sarcoma virus RNA processing and translation is discussed.  相似文献   

We isolated 28 recombinants of Rous sarcoma virus at early (24 h) and late (7 days) times after infection. These recombinants were selected for wild type in the pol and src genes and analyzed for their env and gag phenotypes. We were unable to show strong linkage between any two markers, including two markers within a single gene (gag).  相似文献   

The RNAs of transformation-defective (td) deletion mutants of the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus were found to vary in size when compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three of seven td mutants appeared to recombine with a mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (Schmidt-Ruppin), which has a temperature-sensitive sarcoma (src) gene and is termed ts68, to give rise to recombinants with a reduced temperature sensitivity. The results suggested that different clones of td mutants exist: some in which the src gene appears to be deleted, and others in which the src gene is only partially deleted. A direct correlation between RNA size and the extent of src gene deletion measured by recombination was not obtained, possibly because the recombination assay could only detect src sequences homologous to the lesion(s) of ts68, whereas the electrophoretic analysis of the RNA measured src deletions as well as other possible alterations of the RNA.  相似文献   

We have examined the phosphorylation of a 50,000-dalton cellular polypeptide associated with the Rous sarcoma virus (FSV) transforming protein pp60-src. It has been shown that pp60src forms a complex with two cellular polypeptides, an 89,000-dalton heat-shock protein (89K) and a 50,000-dalton phosphoprotein (50K). The pp60src-associated protein kinase activity phosphorylates at tyrosine residues, and the 50K polypeptide present in the complex contains phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine. These observations suggest that the 50K polypeptide may be a substrate for the protein kinase activity of pp60src. To examine this possibility, we isolated the 50K polypeptide by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from lysates of uninfected or virally infected cells. Tryptic phosphopeptide analysis indicated that the 50K polypeptide isolated by this method was the same polypeptide as that complexed to pp60src. In uninfected cells or cells infected by a transformation-defective mutant, the 50K polypeptide contained phosphoserine but little or no phosphotyrosine. In cells infected by Schmidt-Ruppin or Prague RSV, there was a 40- to 50-fold increase in the quantity of phosphotyrosine in the 50K protein. Thus, the phosphorylation of the 50K polypeptide at tyrosine is dependent on the presence of pp60src. However, the 50K polypeptide isolated from cells infected by temperature-sensitive mutants of RSV was found to be phosphorylated at tyrosine at both permissive and nonpermissive temperatures; this behavior is different from that of other substrates or putative substrates of the pp60src kinase activity. It is possible that the 50K polypeptide is a high-affinity substrate of pp60src.  相似文献   

Two recovered avian sarcoma viruses (rASVs), rASV157 and rASV1702, encode src products which contain novel, nonmyristoylated N-terminal amino acids. These viruses transform chicken embryo fibroblasts and cause tumors in chicks. However, the tumors rASVs induce are small and regress within 2 weeks. To determine whether this regression results from weak tumorigenicity or from the active immunity of the host, we injected 1-week-old chicks with rASV and several days later injected the chicks with challenge virus of a different subgroup. Of the rASV1702-preinfected chicks challenged 5 days later with Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), 40% showed no subsequent tumor formation and 60% formed tumors which regressed within 1 week. The potency of this protective effect depended on the dosage of preinfection virus used and increased as the interval between preinfection and challenge infection was lengthened (when the interval was 9 days, none of the challenged chicks formed tumors). rASV157-preinfected chicks challenged with RSV after 9 days showed only partial protection: 42% formed tumors which regressed, whereas 58% formed tumors which continued to grow. Challenging rASV-preinfected chicks with Fujinami sarcoma virus or a RSV vector encoding the v-fps oncogene or polyomavirus middle T resulted in no suppression of tumor formation. Preinfection with src mutants or a RSV vector encoding polyomavirus middle T antigen, both of which induce slow-growing tumors, failed to elicit the protective effect. Finally, a novel N-terminal domain encoded by rASV1702 src was shown to be involved in but not sufficient for full protection. These data indicate that determinants on or induced by rASV157 and rASV1702 can elicit a potent protection against the tumorigenic potential of RSV-encoded p60v-src.  相似文献   

All retroviruses have a layer of matrix protein (MA) situated directly beneath the lipid of their envelope. This protein is initially expressed as the amino-terminal sequence of the Gag polyprotein, where it plays an important role in binding Gag to the plasma membrane during the early steps of the budding process. Others have suggested that MA may provide additional functions during virion assembly, including the selective incorporation of viral glycoproteins and the RNA genome into the emerging virion. To further study the role of the Rous sarcoma virus MA sequence in the viral replication cycle, we have pursued an extensive deletion analysis. Surprisingly, the entire second half of MA (residues 87 to 155) and part of the neighboring p2 sequence were found to be dispensable not only for budding but also for infectivity in avian cells. Thus, all of the functions associated with the Rous sarcoma virus MA sequence must be contained within its first half.  相似文献   

The localization of pp60src within adhesion structures of epithelioid rat kidney cells transformed by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus was compared to the organization of actin, alpha-actinin, vinculin (a 130,000-dalton protein), tubulin, and the 58,000-dalton intermediate filament protein. The adhesion structures included both adhesion plaques and previously uncharacterized adhesive regions formed at cell-cell junctions. We have termed these latter structures "adhesion junctions." Both adhesion plaques and adhesion junctions were identified by interference-reflection microscopy and compared to the location of pp60src and the various cytoskeletal proteins by double fluorescence. The results demonstrated that the src gene product was found within both adhesion plaques and the adhesion junctions. In addition, actin, alpha-actinin, and vinculin were also localized within the same pp60src-containing adhesion structures. In contrast, tubulin and the 58,000-dalton intermediate filament protein were not associated with either adhesion plaques or adhesion junctions. Both adhesion plaques and adhesion junctions were isolated as substratum-bound structures and characterized by scanning electron microscopy. Immunofluorescence revealed that pp60src, actin, alpha-actinin, and vinculin were organized within specific regions of the adhesion junctions. Heavy accumulations of actin and alpha-actinin were found on both sides of the junctions with a narrow gap of unstained material at the midline, whereas pp60src stain was more intense in this central region. Antibody to vinculin stained double narrow lines defining the periphery of the junctional complexes but was excluded from the intervening region. In addition, the distribution of vinculin relative to pp60src within adhesion plaques suggested an inverse relationship between the presence of these two proteins. Overall, these results establish a close link between the src gene product and components of the cytoskeleton and implicate the adhesion plaques and adhesion junctions in the mechanism of Rous sarcoma virus-induced transformation.  相似文献   

Recombinant murine retroviruses containing the src gene of the avian retrovirus Rous sarcoma virus were isolated. Such viruses were isolated from cells after transfection with DNAs in which the src gene was inserted into the genome of the amphotropic murine retrovirus 4070A. The isolated viruses had functional gag and pol genes, but they were all env defective since the src gene was inserted in the middle of the env gene coding region. Infectious transforming virus could be isolated only from cells transfected with DNA constructions in which the src gene was in the same polarity as that of a long terminal repeat of the amphotropic viral genome. These recombinant viruses encoded a pp60src protein with a molecular weight similar to that of the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus. In addition, the src protein(s) of these recombinant viruses was as active as protein kinases in the immune complex protein kinase assay. Intravenous injection of helper-independent Moloney and Friend murine leukemia virus pseudotypes of the src recombinant viruses into 6-week-old NIH Swiss mice resulted in the appearance of splenic foci within 2 weeks, splenomegaly and, later after infection (8 to 10 weeks), anemia. Infectious transforming virus could be recovered from the spleens of diseased animals. Such viruses encoded pp60src but not p21ras or mink cell focus-forming virus-related glycoproteins.  相似文献   

We have compared the polypeptide products of the src gene of several strains of Rous sarcoma virus produced by in vitro translation of heat-denatured 70S virion RNA in the nuclease-treated reticulocyte lysate with those present in chick cells transformed by these viruses. We have done this by immunoprecipitation, using sera from rabbits injected at birth with Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus. In vitro translation results in the synthesis of at least nine polypeptides which appear to be encoded by the src gene. These range in size from 17,000 to 60,000 daltons. The sera from tumor-bearing rabbits precipitated these polypeptides arising from the in vitro translation of RNA from Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus of both subgroup A and subgroup D and from one stock of Prague Rous sarcoma virus of subgroup C. In each case, all of this family of related polypeptides could be precipitated except the smallest, the 17,000-dalton polypeptide. No precipitation of analogous polypeptides resulting from the translation of RNA from other strains of Rous sarcoma virus was observed. Cells transformed by these three strains of Rous sarcoma virus contain easily detectable amounts of a polypeptide, p60src, essentially identical to the 60,000-dalton in vitro product. With one exception, they do not contain significant amounts of polypeptides analogous to the smaller in vitro products which can be precipitated by these sera. Cells transformed by one stock of Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus of subgroup A did contain a 39,000-dalton polypeptide, which was related, by peptide mapping, to the 60,000-dalton polypeptide and was similar in size to a precipitable in vitro product. The 60,000-dalton polypeptide present in transformed cells appeared to be phosphorylated 10 to 25 min after its synthesis, metabolically very stable, and not derived from a precursor polypeptide. All immunoprecipitates from transformed cells which contained p60src also contained an 80,000-dalton phosphoprotein. This polypeptide is unrelated to p60src, as determined by peptide mapping, and may well be a host cell polypeptide which is specifically associated with p60src.  相似文献   

T Tamura  H Bauer 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(12):1479-1485
A monoclonal mouse antibody has been prepared against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the six carboxy-terminal amino acids (C' peptide) of the src gene product pp60v -src of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV). The antibody was able to precipitate pp60v -src and to bind pp60v -src kinase activity in a competition test, indicating that this peptide can serve as an antibody-binding site (epitope). Furthermore, the finding that three out of 28 pp60src-specific tumor-bearing rabbit (TBR) sera contained antibody against the C' peptide argues for an in vivo role for the carboxy terminus of pp60src. C' peptide-specific IgG was purified from one TBR serum using affinity chromatography, and was shown to precipitate significant amounts of pp60src, and bind most of the pp60src kinase activity from SRA, PrA, and B77-C strains of avian sarcoma virus (ASV), but not endogenous pp60c -src, a cellular homologue to the viral pp60v -src. Similar results were obtained with IgG isolated from a C' peptide immune rabbit serum. None of the three C' peptide-specific IgGs could serve as a phosphate acceptor in an immune complex protein kinase reaction.  相似文献   

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