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Summary Comparisons were made of the passive electrical properties of closer muscle fibers in the dimorphic claws of snapping shrimp,Alpheus armillatus. During claw transformation the small fibers of pincer claws grow to become much larger snapper claw fibers. As muscle fibers grow, the relationship of fiber input resistance (R 0) to fiber diameter (d) is predicted by the proportionality,R 0d –3/2. Muscle fiber membrane resistance,R m, is independent of fiber diameter, but membrane capacitance,C m, grows with diameter. This results in a 40 to 50 fold reduction in fiber input impedance as fiber diameter enlarges during transformation. Reductions of muscle fiber impedance are partially compensated by 2–5 fold increases in quantal content at excitatory synapses on snapper muscle fibers. However, changes in quantal content during transformation apparently are independent of fiber diameter per se. Excitatory junction potentials in both pincer and snapper muscle fibers have equal amplitude. Because fiber input impedance decreases precipitously during transformation, and in view of the relatively small compensatory changes in quantal content at excitatory synapses, additional pre- or post-synaptic modifications must supplement increased quantal content to maintain synaptic efficacy in transformed muscle fibers.Abbreviations ejp excitatory junctional potential - epp endplate potential - mepp miniature endplate potential  相似文献   

The role of calcium in excitation-contraction coupling of lobster muscle   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Potassium contractures were induced in lobster muscle bundles under conditions which produced varying KCl fluxes into the fibers. The presence or absence of chloride fluxes during depolarization by high concentrations of potassium, had no effect on the tensions developed. The curve relating tension to the membrane potential had a typical sigmoid shape with an apparent "threshold" for tension at -60 mv. Soaking the muscles in low (0.1 mM) calcium salines for 30 min completely eliminated the potassium contractures but the caffeine contractures were only slightly reduced under these conditions. The potassium contracture could be completely restored in less than 2 min by return of the calcium ions to the saline. Evidence is presented for independent, superficial, and deep calcium sites; the superficial sites appear to be involved in the coupling mechanisms associated with potassium contractures. These sites are highly selective for Ca++, and attempts to substitute either Cd++, Co++, Mg++, Ba++, or Sr++ for Ca++ were unsuccessful. However, K+ appeared to compete with Ca++ for these sites, and the evoked tension could be reduced by prestimulation of the muscle fibers with high K+ salines. The results of studies on the influx of 45Ca during potassium contractures were compatible with the view of muscle activation by the entry of extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

Length-dependent electromechanical coupling in single muscle fibers   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In single muscle fibers from the giant barnacle, a small decrease in muscle length decreases both the calcium activation and the peak isometric tension produced by a constant current stimulus. The effect is most pronounced if the length change immediately precedes the stimulation. In some cases, the decrease in tension with shortening can be accounted for almost entirely by a decrease in calcium release rather than changes in mechanical factors such as filament geometry. During the constant current stimulation the muscle membrane becomes more depolarized at longer muscle lengths than at the shorter muscle lengths. Under voltage clamp conditions, when the membrane potential is kept constant during stimulation, there is little length dependence of calcium release. Thus, the effect of length on calcium release is mediated through a change in membrane properties, rather than an effect on a subsequent step in excitation-contraction coupling. Stretch causes the unstimulated fiber membrane to depolarize by about l mV while release causes the fiber membrane to hyperpolarize by about the same amount. The process causing this change in potential has an equilibrium potential nearly 10 mV hyperpolarized from the resting level. This change in resting membrane potential with length may account for the length dependence of calcium release.  相似文献   

Contractile protein populations were determined, using gel electrophoresis, during development of the claw closer muscles of the lobster Homarus americanus. In the adult the paired claw closer muscles are asymmetric, consisting of a crusher muscle with all slow fibers and a cutter muscle with a majority of fast and a few slow fibers. The electrophoretic banding pattern of these adult fast and slow fibers shows a similarity in the major proteins including myosin, actin, and tropomyosin which are common to both fiber types. Paramyosin is slightly heavier in fast fibers than in slow. However, fast fibers have three proteins and slow fibers have four proteins which are unique to themselves. Several of these unique proteins belong to the regulatory troponin complexes. In juvenile 4th stage lobster, where the paired closer muscles are undifferentiated, the banding pattern reveals the presence of proteins common to both fiber types including myosin, actin, and tropomysin but the conspicuous absence of all unique fast fiber proteins as well as one unique slow fiber protein. By the juvenile 10th stage most of these unique proteins are present except for one unique slow fiber protein. Thus lobster fast and slow fiber differentiation entails coordinate gene activation to add unique contractile proteins.  相似文献   

The patch clamp technique has been used to study channels in a membrane inside a cell. A single muscle fiber is skinned in relaxing saline (high K+, low Ca2+ with EGTA and ATP), leaving the native sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane exposed for patching. Fibers are dissected from the second antenna remotor muscles of the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy confirm the large volume fraction of SR (approximately 70%) and absence of sarcolemma in this unusual skinned preparation. The resting potential of the SR was measured after the resistance of the patch of membrane was broken down. It is near 0 mV (-0.4 +/- 0.6 mV). The average input resistance of the SR is 842 +/- 295 M omega. Some 25% of patches contain a K+-selective channel with a mean open time of seconds and the channel displays at least two conducting states. The open probability is weakly voltage dependent, large at zero and positive potentials (cytoplasm minus SR lumen), and decreasing at negative potentials. The maximal conductance of this channel is 200 +/- 1 pS and the substate conductance is 170 +/- 3 pS in symmetrical 480 mM K+ solution. The current-voltage relation of the open channel is linear over a range of +/- 100 mV. The selectivity is similar to the SR K+ channel of vertebrates: PK/PNa is 3.77 +/- 0.03, determined from reversal potential measurements, whereas gamma K/gamma Na is 3.28 +/- 0.06, determined from open-channel conductance measurements in symmetrical 480 mM solutions. Voltage-dependent block in the lobster SR K+ channel is similar to, but distinct from, that reported for the vertebrate channels. It occurs asymmetrically when hexamethonium is added to both sides of the membrane. The block is more effective from the cytoplasmic side of the channel.  相似文献   

The properties of sustaining fibers (SuF's), whose firing frequency is related to the ambient light intensity, were studied in the rock lobster. Most of the firing patterns shown under various conditions were demonstrated to be physiological, by using chronic implantation techniques. Unusual activity at high light intensities suggests that the lobster visual system is equipped to function only under dim light conditions. Unlike the crayfish, the lobster SuF's do not always indicate light levels but only changes in light intensity. It is suggested that the input from these fibers has a large influence on locomotor activity.  相似文献   

Single crab (Callinectes danae) fibers were equilibrated with isotonic, high KCl solutions and were subsequently returned to the control saline. This caused marked swelling of the T tubules. Fibers treated with 100 mM KCl had a 2.5-mV residual depolarization, a 50% decrease in effective membrane resistance (Reff) and a 75% reduction in membrane time constant (tau m). These fibers exhibited large increases in membrane conductance upon depolarization and were inexcitable; membrane depolarization with current pulses elicited no contraction. The effects of the KCl treatment on membrane properties were not reproduced by treatment with high potassium gluconate solutions, which did not cause tubular swelling. Tetrabutylammonium (10 mM) or Ba ions (10-20 mM), but not tetraethylammonium (40-100 mM), Sr ions (15-70 mM), or procaine (1-8 mM) reversed the effects of the KCl treatment on Reff, tau m, membrane excitability, and excitation-contraction coupling. The time course of the Ba effects was consistent with the suggestion that the KCl treatment increases the K conductance of the tubular membranes, which in turn prevents the activation of voltage-dependent Ca channels located in the membranes of the T system. This results in inhibition of the Ca-dependent electrogenesis and consequently, the absence of contraction upon depolarization of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of the "chaotropic" anion, perchlorate, on the activation of contraction has been studied in voltage clamped frog skeletal muscle fibers. It was found that the voltage dependence of either the contractile force or the intramembrane charge movement was shifted towards more negative membrane potentials. The maximum values of force or charge movement attained with large depolarizing pulses did not change significantly. It is concluded that a specific perchlorate effect on the movement of charged particles can explain the potentiating effect of perchlorate anions on contractile force, strengthening the view that these charged particles serve as voltage sensors regulating Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The consequences of ionic current flow from the T system to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscle are examined. The Appendix analyzes a simple model in which the conductance gx, linking T system and SR, is in series with a parallel resistor and capacitor having fixed values. The conductance gx is supposed to increase rapidly with depolarization and to decrease slowly with repolarization. Nonlinear transient currents computed from this model have some of the properties of gating currents produced by intramembrane charge movement. In particular, the integral of the transient current upon depolarization approximates that upon repolarization. Thus, equality of nonlinear charge movement can occur without intramembrane charge movement. A more complicated model is used in the text to fit the structure of skeletal muscle and other properties of its charge movement. Rectification is introduced into gx and the membrane conductance of the terminal cisternae to give asymmetry in the time- course of the transient currents and saturation in the curve relating charge movement to depolarization, respectively. The more complex model fits experimental data quite well if the longitudinal tubules of the sarcoplasmic reticulum are isolated from the terminal cisternae by a substantial resistance and if calcium release from the terminal cisternae is, for the most part, electrically silent. Specific experimental tests of the model are proposed, and the implications for excitation-contraction coupling are discussed.  相似文献   

The evidence that calcium (Ca) plays an important role in electrical activity and an essential role in excitation--contraction (E--C) coupling in crustacean muscles is reviewed. These muscles produce graded electrical and mechanical responses to applied depolarizations. Removal of Ca from the bath solution eliminates both responses. Addition of Ba2+ or Sr2+ to Ca-free saline restores membrane electrogenesis, and all-or-none action potentials can be induced. With Sr2+ vigorous contractions are produced, whereas Ba action potentials evoke minimal or no tension, showing that rapid depolarization of the membrane potential is not sufficient per se for E--C coupling in crab and barnacle muscle. Several inorganic (e.g., multivalent cations) and organic (e.g., aminoglycoside antibiotics) which block membrane Ca channels block electrogenesis and contraction. However, the "Ca antagonists" verapamil and D600 also block Ca uptake at intracellular storage sites, resulting in spontaneous contractions and the delayed relaxation of small contractions associated with residual Ca currents. The evidence that the Ca which enters the fibres needs to release Ca from intracellular storage sites to produce contractions is detailed and discussed. Finally, a model for E--C coupling is discussed. This model includes the sites and mechanisms of action for several chemicals which modify E--C coupling in crustacean muscle fibres.  相似文献   

The membrane properties of individual skeletal muscle cells were studied with intracellular microelectrodes as the fibers developed, in vitro, from mononucleated precursor cells. Passive membrane constants were determined from analysis of transmembrane potential responses to pulses of current assuming the myotubes could be represented as sealed, finite cylinders. Resting membrane potentials increased from 10–15 mV in the shortest, youngest myotubes to ca. 60 mV in the longest, most mature fibers. The increase in membrane potential was not associated with a change in membrane resistivity. Action potentials occurred spontaneously in the most mature cells and repetitive spikes could be evoked by depolarizing current pulses. Spikes and twitches could be evoked in young myotubes provided the membrane was first hyperpolarized to 60–70 mV. Apparently the membrane potential is the rate limiting factor in the maturation of excitation-contraction mechanisms.  相似文献   

The contractility of the frog sartorius muscle was suppressed after treatment with a Ringer solution added with ethylene glycol (EGR). No contraction was elicited by nerve stimulation when the muscle was brought back to normal Ringer solution after having been soaked in 876 mM EGR for 4 hr or in 1095 mM EGR for 2 hr. However, the action potential of normal amplitude was generated and followed by a depolarizing afterpotential. The resting membrane potential was slightly decreased from the mean normal value of –91.1 mv to –78.8 mv when 1095 mM EGR was used, and to –82.3 mv when 876 mM EGR was used, but remained almost constant for as long as 2 hr. The afterpotential that follows a train of impulses and a slow change in membrane potential produced by a step hyperpolarizing current (so-called "creep") were suppressed after treatment with ethylene glycol. The specific membrane capacity decreased to about 50% of the control values while the specific membrane resistance increased to about twice the control values Therefore, the membrane time constant remained essentially unchanged. The water content of the muscle decreased by about 30% during a 2 hr immersion in 1095 mM EGR, and increased by about 30% beyond the original control level after bringing the muscle back to normal Ringer. The intracellular potassium content did not change significantly during these procedures. Some differences between the present results and those obtained with glycerol are discussed.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle fibers, action potentials elicit contractions by releasing calcium ions (Ca(2+)) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Experiments on individual mouse muscle fibers micro-injected with a rapidly responding fluorescent Ca(2+) indicator dye reveal that the amount of Ca(2+) released is three- to fourfold larger in fast-twitch fibers than in slow-twitch fibers, and the proportion of the released Ca(2+) that binds to troponin to activate contraction is substantially smaller.  相似文献   

Crustacean neuromuscular synapses arising from a single excitor axon are known to be well differentiated among different muscle fibers but little is known about their condition along single fibers. Focal recording techniques were used to examine the quantal transmitter release and facilitation properties of synapses in the single excitatory innervated distal accessory flexor muscle of the lobster, Homarus americanus. Synapses were reliably differentiated with respect to quantal output so that those located near the tendon end were 1.15–4.12 times greater than those at the opposite, exoskeletal end (p < 0.01, paired t-test). Regional differences were also seen in the amount of facilitation determined from twin pulse experiments. The fine structural basis for these differences was determined by serial section electron microscopy of 10-μm segments at each end to ensure that the area of focal recording was sampled. No quantitative differences were found in the terminals or synapses in the two regions. Instead, the physiological diversity was correlated with number and size of presynaptic dense bars. Thus, the tendon end had a greater number and larger mean surface area of dense bars compared to the exoskeletal end. This heterogeneity of excitatory multiterminal innervation is correlated with the axonal branching pattern. Thus, the main axon and the larger primary axon branches lie in close proximity to the tendon end of the muscle fibers, whereas the exoskeletal end is innervated by smaller secondary and tertiary axonal branches. This proximity to the large axonal branches of the higher quantal output synapses at the tendon end may be regulated by some neural influence including a timing of innervation and/or access to greater amounts of metabolites in the larger branches which may be conducive to forming high-output synapses.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of the sulfhydryl reagents on contractile responses, using either electrically stimulated single muscle fibers or short muscle fibers that were voltage-clamped with a two-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique that allows the fiber tension in response to membrane depolarization to be recorded. The sulfhydryl inhibitors para- chloromercuribenzoic acid (PCMB) and parahydroximercuriphenyl sulfonic acid (PHMPS), at concentrations from 0.5 to 2 mM, cause loss of the contractile ability; however, before this effect is completed, they change the fiber contractile behavior in a complex way. After relatively short exposure to the compounds, < 20 min, before the fibers lose their contractile capacity, secondary tension responses may appear after electrically elicited twitches or tetani. After losing their ability to contract in response to electrical stimulation, the fibers maintain their capacity to develop caffeine contractures, even after prolonged periods (120 min) of exposure to PHMPS. In fibers under voltage-clamp conditions, contractility is also lost; however, before this happens, long-lasting (i.e., minutes) episodes of spontaneous contractile activity may occur with the membrane polarized at -100 mV. After more prolonged exposure (> 30 min), the responses to membrane depolarization are reduced and eventually disappear. The agent DTT at a concentration of 2 mM appears to protect the fibers from the effects of PCMB and PHMPS. Furthermore, after loss of the contractile responses by the action of PCMB or PHMPS, addition of 2 mM DTT causes recovery of tension development capacity.  相似文献   

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