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人工恢复与自然恢复模式下苔草草丘生态特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以哈尔滨太阳岛草丘湿地为对象,对比了人工恢复与自然恢复下苔草草丘个体和种群的生态特征,并分析其与环境因子的关系.结果表明:苔草植株生长随时间呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势(5—8月),初期(5—6月)生长迅速,6月达到峰值.人工恢复和自然恢复模式下,苔草草丘个体和种群特征差异显著:自然恢复下苔草叶面积、叶宽、单株鲜重、单株干重、丘墩高度、直径、丘顶面积、丘墩表面积、丘墩体积等苔草草丘个体特征均显著高于人工恢复,人工恢复下苔草草丘密度、盖度、生物量等种群特征显著高于自然恢复,物种多样性无显著差异.土壤含水量、水深、草丘密度、丘间距离是导致2种恢复模式下苔草草丘生长差异的主要因素,自然恢复区土壤含水量、水深、间距均显著高于人工恢复区,对草丘个体的形成和发育具有促进作用,人工恢复区高移栽密度是导致草丘密度、盖度、生物量高于自然恢复区的主要因素.建议未来开展苔草草丘湿地恢复和保护时,应参考自然恢复湿地中草丘的分布特点,适当调整丘间距离(54.22~117.89 cm)和种群密度(1.9~3.1 墩·m-2),同时采取干旱区春季适当补水措施,保持适宜的土壤含水量和水深,促进苔草草丘的生长发育和快速恢复,维持其种群长期健康稳定.  相似文献   

Petra R. Moog 《Planta》1998,207(2):189-198
Young Carex extensa Good., C. remota L. and C. pseudocyperus L. plants were subjected to aerobic or anaerobic growth conditions in nutrient solution for 40 d. Root anatomy was studied by serial transsections and longitudinal sections of the root tip. Under both growth conditions, the flooding-intolerant C. extensa developed the typical Carex root pattern, i.e. an intact cortex in the youngest part of the root, but lysogenous aerenchyma in maturing parts. In contrast, flooding-tolerant C. remota from periodically flooded habitats showed a similar root anatomy to C. extensa under aerobic conditions, but a cortex with fine intercellular spaces throughout most of the root under anaerobic conditions. The flooding-tolerant C. pseudocyperus from permanently flooded stands developed an intact cortex over most of the root length under both growth conditions. Fine intercellular spaces on four sides of each cortical cell penetrated into the very tip of the root in this species, connecting the whole root with the lacunae of the leaves and the atmosphere. In both flooding-tolerant species, morphometry showed that even under anaerobic growth conditions and despite the maintenance of a juvenile growth habit, i.e. intact cortical cells, the average root porosities were more than 20% and there was an increase in the contact area between intercellular gas spaces and the surface of cortical cells. While C. remota showed radial oxygen loss along the whole root length, C. pseudocyperus released oxygen to an oxygen-free medium only at the root tip. It is concluded that the maintenance of a juvenile root structure in combination with a system of fine intercellular spaces allows efficient nutrient uptake and plant growth during anaerobiosis in flooding-tolerant Carex species, in contrast to those species which may tolerate periods of anaerobiosis by forming aerenchyma at the cost of decreased nutrient uptake and growth. Received: 10th February 1998 / Accepted: 2nd July 1998  相似文献   

Root CO2 and O2 gas exchange were measured in young Carex extensa Good. (flooding sensitive), C. remota L. and C. pseudocyperus L. (both flooding tolerant) plants, precultured either aerobically or anaerobically. Temperature changes form 21 to 11 °C had small effects on root CO2 release from respiration. In C. extensa, root respiration rates decreased when plants were precultured anaerobically, while in C. pseudocyperus preculture conditions had no effect on root CO2 release. In contrast to CO2, temperature decrease significantly enhanced radial oxygen loss from the roots during the light phase, indicating that at 20 °C the O2 transported form the shoot to the root met the demand for root respiration quite well, while at 11 °C excess O2 entered the root and was released into the anaerobic nutrient solution. In C. remota and C. pseudocyperus, the maximal O2 concentration of a previously anaerobic nutrient solution was attained after several days of equilibration with the atmosphere through the plant body and was approximately one-third of that found in C. extensa, indicating that the diffusion resistance of the root/rhizosphere interface to O2 is much lower in the C. extensa root than in the flooding-tolerant Carex species. A calculation of the maximal attainable root length that can be sustained by pure O2 diffusion from CO2 exchange, and anatomical data obtained earlier, revealed that longitudinal diffusion of O2 through the root is sufficient for the oxygen supply of the root. It is concluded that the postulate of a gas mass-flow into the root is not necessary for the understanding of flooding tolerance of Carex species. Received: 10 February 1998 / Accepted: 2 July 1998  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in denitrification activity was measured in twoflooded water meadows, one on peaty and one on sandy soil, over a three-yearperiod. Measurements were taken during flooded and drained periods, usingthe acetylene-blockage technique, and the rates were compared to massbalance estimates of nitrate removal in the percolating water.Denitrification activity was higher in sandy soil than in peaty soil. Higherwater infiltration rate and thereby higher nitrate load was considered to bethe cause of the higher denitrification in the sandy soil. Floodingsignificantly increased denitrification, and the rates were higher in autumnand winter than in spring. This was considered to be a result of highernitrogen concentration in inflowing stream water during winter. Annualdenitrification was estimated to 430–460 kg N ha-1yr-1 in the sandy soil meadow, and 220 kg N ha-1yr-1 in the peaty soil meadow. In the sandy soil there was alarge discrepancy between nitrate removal rates and denitrification rates,which can be explained by nitrification of ammonium released from the soil.In the peaty soil nitrate disappearance and denitrification correspondedfairly well.  相似文献   

Carex rugulosa Kük. develops riverside vegetation in brackish marshes along the lower parts of rivers. Because the rhizomatous ramets grow densely (590–950/m2) in its developed population, it is expected that seedlings cannot get enough light to grow if seeds germinate in crowded ramets. We studied the reproductive contribution of seed in a marshy meadow of the Ohashi River, Japan. The number of seeds produced was 6900–14 200/m2 in 2002. The number of buried seeds in the following germination season differed among sites from 1190 to 2690/m2. No seedlings were observed at plots where the ramets from rhizomes grew densely. In contrast, seedlings appeared in plots where all rhizomatous ramets were artificially cut. The number of seedlings corresponded to 17.5–39.5% of that of buried seeds. All these seedlings were submerged and died when it rained heavily. In the genotype analysis using allozyme detection, one of the phosphoglucoisomerase loci ( Pgi-2 ) indicated a pair of alleles. Among eight plots (each plot was 50 or 60-cm square), four showed an excess of heterozygotes and two showed homozygote domination in the Pgi-2 genotype. These results suggest that: (i) seed germination is suppressed in crowded ramets; (ii) seedling survival is severely reduced by inundation; and (iii) the population is usually maintained by clonal growth. As germination is induced in open areas, it is hypothesized that the main role of seed is recovery after vegetation decline caused by environmental stresses or colonization to other areas without dense vegetation.  相似文献   

Seastedt  T. R.  White  C. T.  Tucker  C.  Beaury  E. M.  Concilio  A. L.  Gasarch  E. I.  Haggans  V. J.  Smith  J. G. 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(8):647-658
Plant Ecology - Plants often exhibit positive responses to multiple nutrient additions, but generalities about the life form and traits of the most responsive species are few. Findings from...  相似文献   

Middleton  Beth 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(1):89-110
Equilibrium theory predicts that after disturbance, ecosystemseventually regain the structural and functional properties characteristic oftheir predisturbance condition. This study tested this idea by examining theeffects of cattle grazing and exclusion on the long-term structuralcharacteristics of sedge meadows in southern Wisconsin. To compare structuralchanges in mean percentage cover and height, repeated measures analysis wasconducted on two sedge meadows over a twenty year period from 1977 to 1997. Onesedge meadow was recovering from cattle grazing (cattle excluded in 1973) andthe other was a reference area (nearly undisturbed). Both of these study siteschanged structurally from 1977 to 1997, supporting non-equilibrium theory.Additional observations were made in a heavily and lightly grazed sedge meadowthat were surveyed in 1977. As based on the positions of subunits in anordination graph produced using Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS), therecovery sedge meadow became less structurally similar to the grazed and moresimilar to the reference site over the 20 year study. However, from theperspective of mean maximum height in another NMS analysis, the recovery sedgemeadow became less similar to the reference site over time likely because by1997, a shrub carr of Cornus sericea had developed in therecovery sedge meadow that had been dominated by graminoids and forbs in 1977(mean maximum height: 1977 vs. 1997; 0 vs. 47 cm). Seedlings ofCornus sericea were invading the grazed sedge meadows andin the recovery sedge meadow (cattle excluded 4 years earlier) in 1977. A shrubcarr did not develop in the reference sedge meadow. Changes in the referencesite were relatively minor over this time interval; certain species eitherincreased or decreased in dominance, e.g., Carex strictaincreased in cover (1977 vs. 1997, 20 and 28 mean percentage (%) cover,respectively). A few short-term species of the recovery sedge meadow followedthe tenets of equilibrium theory. These became less common or disappeared4–9 years after cattle exclusion including Asterlanceolatus, Calamagrostis canadensis,Poa compressa, Solidago altissima andVerbena hastata. Some of these species were eaten andlikely spread by the cattle. This study suggests that the progression of sedgemeadow to shrub carr may not be an inevitable outcome of succession but insteadcan be a consequence of past cattle grazing history. Also, because the recoveryand the reference sedge both changed structurally over time, the tenets ofnon-equilibrium theory were supported by this study.  相似文献   

Prediction capacity of three main shoot population dynamics methods (age structure, net shoot recruitment per plagiotropic rhizome and shoot census) have been tested for a period of four years (2002-2006) on a Posidonia oceanica meadow. Accuracy of each method was checked by comparing measured and predicted densities at the end of the study period. Predicted densities came from the evolution of initial densities (measured in 2002) by a basic exponential model of population growth. The exponential model used the different net shoot recruitment rate estimates by each population dynamics method on three depths (upper, medium and lower limit) and three localities at each depth. Predictions performed by shoot census and net shoot recruitment per plagiotropic rhizome methods matched with measured densities at the end of the study period. Conversely, age structure method underestimated shoot densities at each depth, indicating an unreal decrease of shoot population in the meadow.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the germinable soil seed bank of tall‐tussock grasslands along an altitudinal gradient in the mountains of central Argentina. We selected 10 sampling plots at three altitudinal levels (1200 m, 1600 m and 2200 m). We assessed the composition of the established vegetation and took ten compound soil samples (0 ‐ 5 cm depth) at each plot in autumn and spring. The soil samples were sieved, chilled, and incubated in a glasshouse to assess the composition of the seed bank. The similarity between the composition of the seed bank flora and that of the established vegetation was low throughout the gradient. Most species did not change their seed bank strategy along the gradient. Seed bank richness and density increased with altitude. Most species had a persistent seed bank at all altitudinal levels, and the proportion of such species increased with altitude. These results suggest that a cold climate directly and/or indirectly favours the formation of seed banks and seed persistence in the soil.  相似文献   

Densities of Bombus flavifrons and B. rufocinctus were measured over one summer in 23 and 11 discrete subalpine meadows, respectively. I assessed the relation between observed bee densities and meadow size, elevation, floristics, temperature, and time of day by multiple regression. Multivariate regression solutions for each week of observation accounted for 38 to 61% of the variation in density for B. flavifrons and 47 to 87% for B. rufocinctus . Temperature or time of day consistently accounted for the most variation in density of the two species. In early summer meadow size or elevation also accounted for a large proportion of explained variation in B. flavifrons density; as the summer progressed meadow floristics increasingly contributed to the explanation of variation in both species.
In mid- to late summer a statistically significant portion of the variation in densities not explained by habitat characteristics was accounted for by densities of congeners: i.e., densities of B. flavifrons and B. rufocinctus were negatively related in eight meadows where they co-occurred. In experimental meadows where all Bombus but one of the two target species were removed. B. rufocinctus underwent significant positive density compensation but B. flavifrons did not. To the extent that B. flavifrons appeared to limit the density of B. rufocinctus these statistical and experimental results are consistent with the hypothesis that competition limits local bumblebee densities.  相似文献   

Haase  Peter  Pugnaire  Francisco I.  Clark  S.C.  Incoll  L.D. 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):327-339
Seasonal changes in leaf demography and gas exchange physiology in the tall evergreen tussock grass Stipa tenacissima, one of the few dominant plant species in the driest vegetation of Europe, were monitored over a period of two years at a field site in semi-arid south-eastern Spain. Three age-classes of leaves – young, mature and senescent – were distinguished in the green canopy. Production of new leaves and extension growth of older leaves occurred exclusively from October–November to May–June. The rate of extension was significantly correlated with gravimetric soil water content. Leaf growth ceased after gravimetric soil water content fell below 0.015 g g–1 at the beginning of the dry season which corresponded to pre-dawn leaf water potentials of -3.0 MPa. Leaf senescence and desiccation reduced green leaf area by 43–49% during the dry season. Diurnal changes in the net photosynthetic rate of all three cohorts of leaves were bimodal with an early morning maximum, a pronounced midday depression and a small recovery late in the afternoon. Maximum photosynthetic rates of 10–16 mol CO2 m–2 s–1 were attained from November 1993 to early May 1994 in young and mature leaves. Photosynthetic rate declined strongly during the dry season and was at or below compensation in September 1994. Gas exchange variables of young and mature leaves were not significantly different, but photosynthetic rate and diffusive conductance to water vapour of senescing leaves were significantly lower than in the two younger cohorts. Leaf nitrogen content of mature leaves varied seasonally between 2.9 and 5.2 g m–2 (based on projected area of folded leaves), but was poorly correlated with maxima of the photosynthetic rate. There was a stronger linear relationship between the daily maxima of leaf conductance and pre-dawn leaf water potential than with atmospheric water vapour saturation deficit. Seasonal and between-year variation in daily carbon assimilation were caused mainly by differences in climatic conditions and canopy size whereas the effect of age structure of canopies was negligible. Since water is the most important limiting factor for growth and reproduction of S. tenacissima, any future rise in mean temperature, which might increase evapotranspiration, or decrease in rainfall, may considerably reduce the productivity of the grasslands, particularly at the drier end of their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the influence of non-monsoon sediment arrival on the high-diversity SE Indian seagrass meadows of the Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar. We used a gradient-based approach to examine the influence of increasing sediment loads on species composition and shoot density. In addition, for the ubiquitous seagrass (Cymodocea serrulata), we tested the influence of sediment on its biomass and productivity. We identified three sites in Palk Bay and four sites in Gulf of Mannar (SE India) along a gradient of sediment input. At each of the seven locations, sediment traps were deployed to measure sedimentation rates. Nine seagrass cores were taken systematically along 50 m transects at a constant sub-tidal depth to measure shoot density and biomass. A few shoots of C. serrulata were marked to estimate the above ground seagrass growth rate. Our results indicate that sedimentation rates that ranged from 8.6 to 62.4 mg DW cm−2 d−1 could not explain species composition of the meadow or shoot density of the observed species. C. serrulata was, by far, the most abundant species and present in all sediment conditions. Sedimentation rates did not alter shoot elongation rates in C. serrulata, ranging from 1.54 ± 0.29 SD to 0.25 ± 0.02 SD cm d−1, but in contrast, increased vertical rhizome elongation rate. This increase was reflected in an increase in below ground biomass along the sediment gradient (R2 = 0.582, p = 0.01). C. serrulata appears to be able to adapt to the sediment dynamics in this area by allocating resources to rhizomes and roots to counteract burial and stabilizing sediments. Given that siltation is one of the most important threats to seagrass meadows, understanding the species-specific adaptive mechanisms of seagrass species in these high-sediment, high diversity South Asian meadows is an important first step in ensuring their long-term survival and functioning.  相似文献   

Understanding how plant communities respond to plant invasions is important both for understanding community structure and for predicting future ecosystem change. In a system undergoing intense plant invasion for 25 years, we investigated patterns of community change at a regional scale. Specifically, we sought to quantify how tussock grassland plant community structure had changed and whether changes were related to increases in plant invasion. Frequency data for all vascular plants were recorded on 124, permanent transects in tussock grasslands across the lower eastern South Island of New Zealand measured three times over a period of 25 years. Multivariate analyses of species richness were used to describe spatial and temporal patterns in the vegetation. Linear mixed‐effects models were used to relate temporal changes in community structure to the level and rate of invasion of three dominant invasive species in the genus Hieracium while accounting for relationships with other biotic and abiotic variables. There was a strong compositional gradient from exotic‐ to native‐dominated plant communities that correlated with increasing elevation. Over the 25 years, small‐scale species richness significantly decreased and then increased again; however, these changes differed in different plant communities. Exotic species frequency consistently increased on some transects and consistently declined on others. Species richness changes were correlated with the level of Hieracium invasion and abiotic factors, although the relationship with Hieracium changed from negative to positive over time. Compositional changes were not related to measured predictors. Our results suggest that observed broad‐scale fluctuations in species richness and community composition dynamics were not driven by Hieracium invasion. Given the relatively minor changes in community composition over time, we conclude that there is no evidence for widespread degradation of these grasslands over the last 25 years. However, because of continuing weed invasion, particularly at lower elevations, impacts may emerge in the longer term.  相似文献   

三江平原小叶樟和毛果苔草中N素营养动态分析   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
讨论了沼泽湿地优势种小叶樟(Calamagrostis angustifolia)和毛果苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)生物量和生长率变化情况,不同生长期各器官中N素含量及储量动态变化,以及植物对N素利用和区域养分限制情况。结果表明,两种植物地上生物量生长符合模式p=γ+at+βt^2,地下生物量符合曲线p+a0+b0t;受土壤水分、养分、气温和植物本身特点及其对N素选择吸收作用等多种因素  相似文献   

了解山东省草地生态系统碳库现状和碳通量变化规律对于全国尺度草地生态系统碳源/汇核算有着重要的意义。该研究采用野外面上调查取样和固定加强点静态箱法(LI-840红外分析仪联用)相结合的方法, 分析了山东省暖性草丛生态系统的固碳现状、碳通量季节动态以及净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)对各种环境因子的响应。研究结果表明: 山东暖性草丛生态系统平均碳密度为2.74 Mg C·hm -2, 碳密度的构成排序为土壤碳密度(89%) >生物量碳密度(9%) >凋落物碳密度(2%), 山东暖性草丛碳库总储量约为15.88 Tg C; 结缕草(Zoysia japonica)暖性草丛生态系统NEE的季节动态总体表现为夏季低, 冬季高, 非生长季节(11月至次年4月)向外界净排放CO2, 表现为碳源效应; 生长季节(4-9月)则为净吸收CO2 , 表现为碳汇效应, 峰值月份的平均固碳速率在-2.58- -4.46 μmol CO2·m -2·s -1之间; 2012和2013年泰山小流域暖性草丛NEE年平均值分别为-0.43 μmol CO2·m -2·s -1和-0.31 μmol CO2·m -2·s -1, 都表现为碳汇效应; 光合有效辐射(PAR)、大气温度(Ta)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)和土壤10 cm深度温度(Ts)和含水量(W)是结缕草暖性草丛生态系统NEE动态的主要影响因素, 但不同月份NEE动态的影响因素各异, 且因子间存在着互作效应, 主成分分析表明, NEE的季节动态主要受温度、水分和光强等因子控制。  相似文献   

了解山东省草地生态系统碳库现状和碳通量变化规律对于全国尺度草地生态系统碳源/汇核算有着重要的意义。该研究采用野外面上调查取样和固定加强点静态箱法(LI-840红外分析仪联用)相结合的方法, 分析了山东省暖性草丛生态系统的固碳现状、碳通量季节动态以及净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)对各种环境因子的响应。研究结果表明: 山东暖性草丛生态系统平均碳密度为2.74 Mg C·hm -2, 碳密度的构成排序为土壤碳密度(89%) >生物量碳密度(9%) >凋落物碳密度(2%), 山东暖性草丛碳库总储量约为15.88 Tg C; 结缕草(Zoysia japonica)暖性草丛生态系统NEE的季节动态总体表现为夏季低, 冬季高, 非生长季节(11月至次年4月)向外界净排放CO2, 表现为碳源效应; 生长季节(4-9月)则为净吸收CO2 , 表现为碳汇效应, 峰值月份的平均固碳速率在-2.58- -4.46 μmol CO2·m -2·s -1之间; 2012和2013年泰山小流域暖性草丛NEE年平均值分别为-0.43 μmol CO2·m -2·s -1和-0.31 μmol CO2·m -2·s -1, 都表现为碳汇效应; 光合有效辐射(PAR)、大气温度(Ta)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)和土壤10 cm深度温度(Ts)和含水量(W)是结缕草暖性草丛生态系统NEE动态的主要影响因素, 但不同月份NEE动态的影响因素各异, 且因子间存在着互作效应, 主成分分析表明, NEE的季节动态主要受温度、水分和光强等因子控制。  相似文献   

The dynamics of seedling establishment, and growth of native cotton grass-tussock tundra species were studied during the natural revegetation of small bare areas excavated in tussock tundra. The seedlings of Eriophorum vaginatum spp. spissum and Carex bigelowii , two sedge species, established most successfully. Few seedlings of nonsedge species emerged with the small disturbances. Most seedling emergence occurred early in the first growing season following the excavation of the bare areas. The density of emerged seedlings was higher in bare areas excavated in the autumn preceding the observations, rather than in bare areas excavated at the start of the first season of observation. After two growing seasons, survival of seedlings was not affected by the time the seedling emerged within the growing season. Eriophorum vaginatum was the most abundant species because it: (1) had the highest seedling emergence rates, particularly early in the growing season: (2) produced more tillers per seedlings; and (3) had a higher growth rate per seedling than C. bigelowii .  相似文献   

The revegetation of sedge meadows has been problematic because natural recolonization does not occur under many circumstances and because planted propagules often fail to reestablish successfully. In this study, detached rhizomes of Carex lacustris Willd. and Carex stricta Lam. were transplanted in both fall (September) and spring (May) into three experimental wetlands to determine the effects of both planting season and hydrology on survival and establishment. Each experimental wetland had the same mean water depth across 5% slopes, but one had a constant water depth (0.5 m) throughout the growing season, another fell from a mean depth of 0.75 m to 0.25 m, and a third rose from a mean depth of 0.25 m to 0.75 m. Initial rhizome survival, shoot growth, and soil characteristics were recorded over 2 years. Neither planting proved successful (6.9% versus 0.5%) for C. stricta, a tussock-forming sedge. For C. lacustris, a sedge with spreading rhizomes, spring planting had greater rhizome survival (53.2% survival) than fall planting (0.7%). Since both species initiate new shoots in the fall, they are susceptible to transplant failure during this season. The highest survival rates (71–100%) and plant production (736.0 and 494.5 g/m2) for C. lacustris occurred near the water’s edge in both the constant and falling basins. In the rising basin, establishment and growth of this species was high at all water depths (71–96%; 399 g/m2). C. lacustris grew optimally at the same elevations where rhizome survival was greatest, suggesting that shoots are more sensitive to early-season than late-season water levels.  相似文献   

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