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Among 234 children examined annually from age three to 20 years at the Burlington Growth Centre, there was statistically significant cooccurrence of early and late emergence sequences of the permanent first and second molars relative to the central incisors and second premolars in the same jaw and in both jaws. Alternatively, mandibular molar delay was not accompanied by corresponding maxillary molar delay, and the mandibular molars emerged later than the maxillary molars. This was strongly associated with Angle Class II malocclusion, indicating a relationship between relative time of emergence and relative position of opposing molars. Delay of the mandibular molar relative to the successional teeth or maxillary molars was associated with increased frequency of four cusped first and second molars and agenesis of third molars, indicating a tendency for co-occurrence of delay in timing of molar emergence with reduction in structure of the molars. These relationships were evident even though emergences were affected by early loss of a deciduous second molar which increased M1I1 and M2P2 sequences by earlier emergence of M1 and delayed emergence of P2.  相似文献   

Schultz's rule (as reconstructed by Smith) states that there is a relationship between the pattern (or relative order) of eruption of molar versus secondary (replacement) teeth and the overall pace (or absolute timing) of growth and maturation. Species with 'fast' life histories (rapid dental development, rapid growth, early sexual maturation, short life spans) are said to exhibit relatively early eruption of the molars and late eruption of the secondary replacement teeth (premolars, canines, incisors), whereas species with 'slow' life histories are said to exhibit relatively late eruption of the molars and early eruption of the secondary dentition. In a recent review, B.H. Smith noted that primates with tooth combs might violate this rule because tooth combs tend to erupt early, regardless of the pace of life history. We show that exceptions to Schultz's rule among lemurs are not limited to the relative timing of eruption of the tooth comb. Rather, among lemurs, some species with extremely accelerated dental development exhibit a pattern of eruption of molars and of secondary teeth in direct opposition to the expectations of Schultz's rule. We focus particularly on the pattern (order) and pace (absolute timing) of dental development and eruption in Avahi and Lepilemur - two relatively small, nocturnal folivores with rapid dental development. These taxa differ markedly in their eruption sequences (the premolars erupt after M2 and M3 in Lepilemur but not Avahi ). We offer an explanation for the failure of Schultz's rule to predict these differences. Schultz's rule presumes that eruption timing is dependent on the size of the jaw and that, therefore, molar crown formation and eruption will be delayed in species with slow-growing jaws. We show that a variety of processes (including developmental imbrication) allows the crowns of permanent teeth to form and to erupt into jaws that might appear to be too small to accommodate them.  相似文献   

The teeth of over 5,000 Teso schoolchildren members of a Nilo-Hamitic tribe in East Africa, were examined for morphological traits. There was a significant difference between the sexes in the number of cusps on the lower first and second molars, in the prevalence of the cusp of Carabelli, and in variability and agenesis of the upper lateral incisor. The results showed that females consistently favoured tooth reduction. There was also a tendency among those possessing extra cusps on one molar to have extra cusps or other molars. Records kept of the prevalence of the tribal custom of extracting lower central incisors indicated that this practise is rapidly dying out. On another group of teeth which had been extracted from adults common variations of root morphology were noted, together with the fissure pattern of the lower molars. Measurements were made of those teeth which were unworn and were not broken down by dental decay, and the lower third molar was found to be the largest tooth of the series. Observations on the pattern of molar tooth wear showed that the buccal as well as the occlusal surface was strongly affected.  相似文献   

Dentition development and budding morphogenesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The development of functional teeth in the mouse has been widely used as a model to study general mechanisms of organogenesis. Compared with other mammals, in which three incisors, one canine, four premolars, and three molars may occur even in each dental quadrant, the mouse functional dentition is strongly reduced. It comprises only one incisor separated from three molars by a toothless gap diastema at the location of the missing teeth. However, mouse embryos also develop transient vestigial dental primordia between the incisor and molar germs in both the upper and lower jaws. These rudimental structures regress, and epithelial apoptosis is involved in this process. The existence of the vestigial dental structures allowed a better assessment of the periodicity in the mouse dentition, which extends opportunities for the interpretation of molecular data on tooth development. We compared the dentition development with tentative models of budding morphogenesis in other epithelial appendages lungs and feathers. We suggested how developmental control by signaling molecules, including bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp), sonic hedgehog (Shh), and fibroblast growth factor (Fgf), can be similarly involved during budding morphogenesis of dentition and other epithelial appendages. We propose that epithelial apoptosis plays an important role in achieving specific features of dentition, whose development involves both budding and its more complex variant branching. The failure of segregation of the originating buds supports the participation of the concrescence of several tooth primordia in the evolutionary differentiation of mammalian teeth.  相似文献   

The development of the lower incisor in the mouse was investigated from histological sections using computer-aided 3D reconstructions. At ED 13.0, the incisor was still at the bud stage. At ED 13.5, the initial cap was delimited by a short cervical loop, the development of which proceeded on the labial side, but was largely retarded on the medial side. This difference was maintained up to ED 15.0. From ED 16.0, the bell stage was achieved. Metaphases had a ubiquitous distribution both in the enamel organ and in the dental papilla from the bud to early bell stage. Apoptosis gradually increased in the mesenchyme posteriorly to the labial cervical loop from ED 13.5 to 14.0 and then disappeared; this apoptosis was not related to the posterior growth of the incisor. From ED 13.5, a high apoptotic activity was observed in the stalk. A focal area of apoptosis was observed at ED 13.5 in the enamel organ, approaching the epithelio-mesenchymal junction at the future tip of the incisor. There, the inner dental epithelium formed a bulbous protrusion towards dental papilla, reminiscent of the secondary enamel knot of mouse molars. This epithelial protrusion was still maintained at the bell stage. The enamel knot in the incisor demonstrated specific features, different from those characterizing the enamel knot in the molar: the concentric arrangement of epithelial cells was much less prominent and the occurrence of apoptosis was very transitory in the incisor at ED 13.5. The disappearance of the enamel knot despite a low apoptotic activity and the maintenance of the protrusion suggested a histological reorganization specific for rodent incisor.  相似文献   

陶寺、上马、延庆古代人群臼齿磨耗速率的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
何嘉宁 《人类学学报》2007,26(2):116-124
本文采用Scott定义的臼齿磨耗级别系统,对陶寺、上马、延庆三组人牙的第一、第二臼齿磨耗情况进行观察,并通过主轴回归分析对其磨耗速率进行比较和讨论。在经济类型上,陶寺和上马属于农业经济,但陶寺的狩猎在其经济生活中占有一定地位;延庆畜牧业则比较发达。分析表明三组人牙均表现出臼齿磨耗速率下颌快于上颌的特点,而在性别上没有明显差异。在组间差别上,上马组的磨耗速率似略快于其他两组。磨耗速率的组内、组间差异与上下颌牙齿咬合关系、口腔咀嚼生理以及不同经济文化古人群的食物构成等差异有关。  相似文献   

‘Symmetrodontans’ are extinct mammals characterized by having a reversed‐triangle molar pattern in which three main cusps define a triangular molar crown. This dental morpholgy has been regarded as being intermediate between the ‘triconodont’ tooth and the tribosphenic pattern characterizing therians; it is a key feature in taxonomy of Mesozoic mammals and one to understand mammalian evolution and palaeobiology. Here we report a new genus and species of ‘symmetrodontan’ mammal, Lactodens sheni, from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota, represented by a partial skeleton with dentary and upper and lower teeth with dental morphologies well‐preserved. The new species has a dental formula of three upper incisors, one canine, three premolars, and six molars/three lower incisors, one canine, five premolars and six lower molars, double‐rooted canines, extremely low‐crowned and transversely thin premolars, and acute angled molars. The dental morphologies of molars and peculiar deciduous premolars are similar to those of Spalacolestes from North America. The associated upper and lower dentitions from one individual animal helped to clarify tooth identification of some spalacotheriids represented only by fragmentary material. Phylogenetic analyses indicate a close relationship of the new species to North American spalacolestines and faunal interchanges between Eurasia and North America, thus supporting the notion that small‐bodied spalacotheriids were diverse and had a pan‐Laurasian distribution during the Early Cretaceous. Absence of the Meckelian groove suggests acquisition of the definitive mammalian middle ear in spalacolestines, and deciduous canines and premolars in the slim and extremely long dentary imply a faunivorous diet.  相似文献   

The dentition of a medieval population from the former Spandau Burgwall in Berlin was investigated with regard to caries and other abnormities of the teeth, the palate and the jaws. The caries frequency amounts to 7.9%, while 63.6% of the individuals had a caries dentition. The diminuation of the caries frequency from the juveniles to the 40--60 years old individuals depends on the high rate of loss of tooth during life. Probably, all teeth which have been lost during life can be evaluated as decayed teeth. X-ray pictures have shown that three sets of teeth have hypercementotic alterations at the roots, eight permanent dentitions have cysts and apical parodontitis. Supernumerary cuspids at the toothcrowns are to be seen as a tuberculum paramolare and a tuberculum intermedium. A second upper molar has a reduced crown with only two cuspids and shows the tendency of reduction to a bicuspid. Toothrotation and other deviations of teeth from their position in the row are frequent in this material. Four deciduous dentitions of children were investigated, too. Three carious teeth were found among 45 available teeth, two deciduous molars and one first upper molar show a Carabelli's tubercle, the other first molar has a fovea carabelli.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the possibly different feeding strategies of Diplodus sargus to crustaceans, molluscs, worms, and small fish. The buccal jaws are built strongly and bound together by numerous ligaments. The dentition is heterodont: incisors in front and molars in the middle and hind parts. The principal originality of the musculature of this species is the forward insertion of the adductores mandibulae. These are very thick and insert on both the upper and lower jaws, so that contraction of any individual muscle acts on the buccal pieces as a whole, which thus constitute a remarkable crushing device. The pharyngeal jaws are frail as in primitive perciforms: the lower ones are well separated, being bound only anteriorly, while the upper ones consist of the second and third pharyngobranchials and a posterior toothed plate. When feeding on crabs, Diplodus sargus always sucks in the prey and seizes it with the buccal jaws. Mouth opening is accompanied by extensive protrusion of the mouth, with or without neurocranial elevation. Mouth sucking and seizing movements vary little. Once seized, the prey is usually moved to the molars and crushed. The crushing movements may be fast and ample or slow. In the latter case, deformation of the prey is observable. Crushing usually results in the crab being broken into pieces. The pharyngeal jaws grip one part of the prey and shift it to the oesophagus, then seize the second part. Diplodus sargus adapts its feeding behaviour to the type of prey. A snail, for instance, is crushed by the buccal or pharyngeal teeth, the pieces of shell are ejected, and the soft parts conveyed with difficulty to the oesophagus by the pharyngeal jaws. A fish on the other hand, is sucked tail first into the mouth cavity and quickly shifted to the digestive tract by the pharyngeal bones. Behaviour toward different prey differs by the presence or absence of parts of the sequence of feeding movements (for example crushing) or by the fact that certain movements or parts of the sequence are repeated. The variability of any movement in the sequence is the same whatever the sort of prey. Crushing occurs between the buccal incisors and molars and was observed twice between the pharyngeal teeth. Usually, it seems, the latter are involved in transport only. In transport, the left and right pharyngeal jaws may perform different functions: their movements, unlike the symmetrical movements of the buccal jaws, sometimes differ.  相似文献   

斯氏黄河猴(哺乳动物纲,灵长目)较完整下颌骨的发现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新发现的下颌骨说明斯氏黄河猴下齿式为 2?, 1,3, 3。 p2为双根齿,其前后有短的齿隙;p3具有低小的后跟;p4未臼齿化,无下前尖,有初始的下后尖,在较大的跟盆上,有明显的下次尖和很小的下内尖?; m1下前尖小,有些前后收缩(与Rencunius zhowi比较),m3下次小尖不如正模发育。下颌骨联合部倾斜,不愈合。黄河猴的下臼齿在形态上与西瓦兔猴亚科和原始类人猿──渐新猿亚科有许多共同点,但上臼齿形态差异显著。黄河猴类可能出自亚洲的cercamoniine形的兔猴形灵长类。  相似文献   

The sequence of tooth eruption and replacement in Reeves' muntjac was determined from captive animals of known age. Pronounced sexual dimorphism is shown by the permanent upper canine which in the male is large, tusk-like and is used as a weapon. The upper canine was the first deciduous tooth to be replaced in males, at approximately 21 weeks of age, compared with 53–57 weeks in the female. The permanent mandibular teeth erupted in the order: molars, first and second incisors, premolars, third incisor and canine. The maxillary teeth erupted in the order: first molar, canine (in male), second and third molars, canine (in female), premolars. The full complement of 34 functional permanent teeth was attained by 83–92 weeks of age.  相似文献   

The teeth of 10,371 male and 11,013 female Israel Jews were examined. Prevalence of all hypodontia was 4.60% with no significant difference between the sexes; 2.11% lacked upper lateral incisors, the females having a significantly higher prevalence than males. Second premolars were missing in 1.87% of the population, with no significant differences between the sexes. Missing lower incisors was diagnosed in 0.68% of the children, with a higher prevalence in males. Prevalence of missing lower incisors was similar in the Ashkenazi and in the non-Ashkenazi. The teeth most frequently missing in descending order were the upper lateral incisors and the lower second premolars.  相似文献   

Correlations between dental morphology, arch configuration, and jaw movement patterns were quantitatively investigated in 23 ceboid species to elucidate integrative aspects of occlusal functional anatomy in an adaptive and evolutionary context. Differential maxillary-mandibular arch widths are primary in guiding lateral jaw movements. These movements are characterized according to their associated condylar shifts as either predominantly translatory or rotational. Predominantly translatory movements result from peripheral contact relationships between maxillary arches which are considerably wider posteriorly than their opposing mandibular arches. The greatest degree of mandibular movement is in the molar region in functional association with wide “primitive” maxillary molars, narrow mandibular molars, constricted maxillary intercanine widths, and narrow maxillary incisors. In contrast, predominantly rotational masticatory jaw movements result from differential arch widths which are greatest in the maxillary canine and incisor regions. Here most jaw movement is in the anterior segment and this is reflected in small maxillary-mandibular molar width differences, a high degree of premolarization, wide-set maxillary canine teeth, and wide maxillary incisors. Possible selectional factors in the putative evolution of rotational predominance in mastication from the more primitive translatory pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the effect of prenatal androgenization on the clinical eruption of permanent teeth expressing dimorphism and bimaturism. The eruption curves of permanent teeth (except third molars), including those that make up the canine complex (permanent canines, lower first premolars), are compared among opposite sex twins (OS twins) relative to single‐born boys and girls. The comparisons are made with regard to three phases of eruption (pierced mucosa, half‐ erupted, and completely erupted) from a cross‐sectional sample of dental casts, using Kaplan–Meier survival and Cox regression analyzes. The casts were collected from 2159 school children from the US Collaborative Perinatal Project, including 39 pairs of OS‐twins, of which 12 pairs (30.8%) were Euro‐Americans and 27 pairs (69.2%) were of African‐American ancestry. The eruption patterns of the incisors, upper first molars, and lower canines were found to be significantly masculinized (delayed) among OS twin girls. The differences in most other teeth were either not significant, or the number of observations of active eruption phases were too few, such as in the upper first molars and incisors, to yield strong evidence and meaningful results. The masculinization of the tooth eruption pattern in OS twin girls is intriguing because of the lower canine responses during puberty, as well as canine primordial formation during early fetal androgenization of their co‐twin during the 8th to 14th gestational weeks. The present results offer a challenge for future research exploring tooth eruption mechanisms, and may also highlight some cases of delayed or ectopic canines, which are biased toward females. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:566–572, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Histological analysis of an ontogenetic series of the dasyurid marsupial,Sminthopsis virginiae, from birt to 60 days old, was undertaken to assess the developmental homologies of the deciduous and successional teeth. This period covers the time from the initiation of all teeth as epithelial buds up until the time of early eruption of some teeth. In addition, two older specimens, aged 81 and 97 days, were examined to provide additional information on the state of differentiation of the unerupted third premolar. In the postcanine dentition, only a single tooth position, dP3, was characterized by the later development of a replacing successional tooth (P3), following developmental pathways identical to those in eutherian mammals. In contrast, the anterior dentition is characterized by the formation of rudimentary, nonerupting deciduous incisors and canines, and by the accelerated development of normal, erupting successional incisors and canines in both jaws. Comparison of relative developmental stages for each tooth position throughout its preeruptive ontogeny suggests thatheterochrony (both developmental acceleration and retardation) has played an important role in the evolutionary history of the dasyurid dentition. Differing aspects of this phenomenon are identified and discussed for the anterior dentition, the anterior two premolars, P3, and the lower molars. Further evidence is presented to corroborate the identification of the anterior two premolars in the adult as dP1 and dP2, based on the relative retardation of their initiation and their lack of successor tooth germs. This developmental heterochrony has probably occurred in all three-premolared marsupials.  相似文献   

In addition to evidence for bipedality in some fossil taxa, molar enamel thickness is among the few characters distinguishing (thick-enameled) hominins from the (thin-enameled) African apes. Despite the importance of enamel thickness in taxonomic discussions and a long history of scholarship, measurements of enamel thickness are performed almost exclusively on molars, with relatively few studies examining premolars and anterior teeth. This focus on molars has limited the scope of enamel thickness studies (i.e., there exist many fossil hominin incisors, canines, and premolars). Increasing the available sample of teeth from which to compare enamel thickness measurements from the fossil record could substantially increase our understanding of this aspect of dental biology, and perhaps facilitate greater taxonomic resolution of early hominin fossils. In this study, we report absolute and relative (size-scaled) enamel thickness measurements for the complete dentition of modern humans and chimpanzees. In accord with previous studies of molars, chimpanzees show lower relative enamel thickness at each tooth position, with little overlap between the two taxa. A significant trend of increasing enamel thickness from anterior to posterior teeth is apparent in both humans and chimpanzees, indicating that inter-taxon comparisons should be limited to the same tooth position in order to compare homologous structures. As nondestructive imaging techniques become commonplace (facilitating the examination of increasing numbers of fossil specimens), studies may maximize available samples by expanding beyond molars.  相似文献   

The distribution of dental tissues in mammalian herbivores can be very different from taxon to taxon. While grazers tend to have more elaborated and complexly folded enamel ridges, browsers have less complex enamel ridges which can even be so far reduced that they are completely lost. The gradient in relative enamel content and complexity of structures has so far not been addressed within a single species. However, several studies have noted tooth position specific wear rates in small mammals (rabbits, guinea pigs) which may be related to individual tooth morphology. We investigate whether differentiated enamel content by tooth position is also to be found in large herbivores. We use CT-scanning techniques to quantify relative enamel content in upper and lower molar teeth of 21 large herbivorous mammal species. By using a broad approach and including both perissodactyls and artiodactyls, we address phylogenetic intraspecific differences in relative enamel content. We find that enamel is highly unevenly distributed among molars (upper M1, M2, M3 and lower m1, m2, m3) in most taxa and that relative enamel content is independent of phylogeny. Overall, relative enamel content increases along the molar tooth row and is significantly higher in lower molars compared to upper molars. We relate this differential enamel content to prolonged mineralisation in the posterior tooth positions and suggest a compensatory function of m3 and M3 for functional losses of anterior teeth.  相似文献   

Correlation between the timing of permanent first molar eruption and weaning age in extant primates has provided a way to infer a life history event in fossil species, but recent debate has questioned whether the same link is present in human infants. Deciduous incisors erupt at an age when breast milk can be supplemented with additional foods (mixed feeding), and weaning is typically complete before permanent first molars erupt. Here, I use histological methods to calculate the prenatal rate by which enamel increases in thickness and height on human deciduous incisors, canines, and molars (n = 125). Growth trajectories for each tooth type are related to the trimesters and assessed against the eruption sequence and final crown height. Analyses show that central incisors initiate early in the second trimester with significantly faster secretion rates relative to canines and second molars, which initiate closer to birth. Even though initial extension rates were correlated with crown height and scaled with positive allometry within each tooth class, the relatively short incisors still increased in height at a significantly faster rate than the taller canines and molars. The incisor prenatal “fast track” produces a greater proportion of the crown before birth than all other tooth types. This growth mechanism likely facilitates early incisor eruption at a time when the mixed feeding of infants can be initiated as part of the weaning process. Findings provide a basis from which to explore new links between developmental trends along the tooth row and mixed feeding age in other primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:407–421, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Observations on morphological characters of milk and permanent teeth, based on 648 pairs of dental casts of 356 male and 292 female Jat children of Haryana (India) are reported. Deciduous teeth show high frequencies of bilateral winging of maxillary central incisor, Carabelli's cusp of maxillary second molar, and deflecting wrinkle of mandibular second molar. Reduction of maxillary molar cusps is more marked in males than in females. Y pattern is very common in deciduous molars. Permanent teeth have high frequencies of grooved cingulum of incisors, cingular nodule of lateral incisors and canines, and distal accessary ridge of canines. Low frequencies of Carabelli's cusp and winging are also common. The tendency towards faintly developed shovelling in milk incisors occurs more often than in the permanent teeth.  相似文献   

Prenatal dental development was investigated in 19 black howler monkey fetuses that ranged in crown-rump length from 84 mm to 170.5 mm. During this period of fetal development, all of the deciduous teeth and the first permanent molars were found to pass through various stages of crown and root formation. The deciduous incisors, canines, and first molars each calcified from a single calcification center. The second deciduous molars each calcified from two separate calcification centers. And, the third deciduous and first permanent molars each calcified from four separate calcification centers. The morphogenetic events involved in the establishment of the molar crown patterns were found to differ markedly from those of their counterparts among catarrhine primates. In all cases, however, the calcification sequence was found to be directly related to the morphology of the developing crown.  相似文献   

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