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The mature spermatozoon of Aponurus laguncula, a parasite of the unicorn leatherjacket Aluterus monoceros, was studied by transmission electron microscopy. The spermatozoon possesses 2 axonemes of the 9 + “1” trepaxonematan pattern, attachment zones, a nucleus, a mitochondrion, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane and cortical microtubules. The major features are the presence of: 1) external ornamentation in the anterior part of the spermatozoon not associated with cortical microtubules; 2) one mitochondrion; and 3) cortical microtubules arranged as a single field in the ventral side. The maximum number of microtubules is in the nuclear region. The extremities of the axonemes are characterized by the disappearance of the central core and the presence of microtubule doublets or singlets. This study is the first undertaken with a member of the Lecithasteridae and exemplifies the sperm ultrastructure for the superfamily Hemiuroidea.  相似文献   

Aponurus chelebesoi n. sp. is described from Chaetodon auriga, C. citrinellus, C. ephippium, C. flavirostris, C. lineolatus, C. melannotus, C. mertensii, C. pelewensis, C. lunulatus, C. vagabundus, Coradion altivelis, Forcipiger flavissimus, Heniochus acuminatus, H. chrysostomus and H. monoceros from the southern coast of New Caledonia. It is distinguished from most species in the genera Aponurus (synonym Brachadena) and Lecithophyllum by its claviform (as opposed to oval to subglobular) vitelline lobes. Three species, A. pyriformis, Lecithophyllum vogeae and Brachadena cheilonis, have similar claviform vitelline lobes, but differ from A. chelebesoi in their tandem testes and the distinct egg-size.  相似文献   

Sustained swimming performance of juvenile sprat, S. sprattus (29–48 mm s.l.), and herring, C. harengus (46–58 mm) was measured in a laboratory flume over a range of salinities from 18 to 33%0 at water temperatures of 16–19°C. Critical swimming speeds (CSS) of both species, relative to body length, were similar, averaging 10–12 body lengths per second (bl s−1). There was no apparent relationship with salinity.
These swimming speeds are higher than values generally quoted in the literature for sustained swimming of sprat and herring (2–7 bl s−1) and it is concluded that the better performance found in this study was a function of improved fish handling techniques, and of the size of fish used since most other studies have dealt with larger, commercial sized fish.  相似文献   

Spring-spawning herring Clupea harengus was patchily distributed over large parts of the Norwegian Sea in May 1995–2005, during the early phase of the annual feeding migration. Overall, herring tended to be found in areas with intermediate biomasses of zooplankton prey, intermediate water temperatures and relatively high salinities. Herring had more food in their stomachs in areas of relatively low water temperature and high herring abundance. Hydrographical conditions revealed that herring was feeding mainly within Atlantic water masses, and more intensely in western and northern regions of the Norwegian Sea. Zooplankton biomass was patchily distributed, and was generally higher towards the western parts of the Norwegian Sea. Here, zooplankton biomass in year i +1 was also negatively associated with herring spawning stock biomass in year i , while there was no evidence for such an association in the eastern region; indicating that herring may have a geographically structured 'top–down' effect on the recruitment of its zooplankton prey. The fact that herring was not typically associated with the areas containing the greatest zooplankton biomasses may reflect that the fish had not yet reached the most profitable feeding grounds or alternatively that herring was depleting zooplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Changes in the spatial distribution of Baltic herring larvaethrough time were investigated in the waters off Helsinki, thenorthern Baltic Sea. The average larval densities were comparableto the relatively low levels (mean around 2 larvae m–2)found in other studies in the Gulf of Finland. In shallow baysvirtually no herring larvae were found in early June. In lateJune and early July the densities of larvae longer than 10 mmincreased to 1–4 larvae m–2 in shallow areas (depth<2 m), i.e. to levels higher than those recorded in deeperwaters. In combination with data on the size distributions ofthe larvae, these observations suggest that a significant proportionof the herring larvae are found in shallow water after the yolksac stage. We conclude that shallow coastal waters are potentiallyimportant nursery areas for herring larvae and that this featureof herring larval biology should be taken into account in planningsampling programs for larval herring.  相似文献   

Analysis of laboratory video-recordings of herring feeding by biting and filtering on Calanus finmarchicus and three sizes of Artemia enabled the capture rates of the two methods to be estimated at different prey concentrations. At low concentrations the fish feed by selective capture of individual particles, but the capture rate achievable by this method is constrained by the maximum rate at which they can bite. Filter-feeding is not subject to this constraint because capture rate is directly proportional to prey concentration and above a critical prey concentration its capture rate exceeds that of biting. The possession of two feeding methods allows the fish to maximize prey intake over a wide range of concentrations and the phenomenon of switching between feeding methods can be explained by their relative profitabilities at different concentrations. The observation that less than 50% of fish are filtering when capture rates by the two methods are equal suggests that filtering is energetically more costly than biting. Estimates of the energy cost of filtering indicated that it may be from 1.4 to 4.6 times higher than that of biting.  相似文献   

The occurrence of larval Anisakis in North Sea herring was examined during the period 1965-1972 using a sampling method which yielded comparable data for all eight years. Data on abundance of infestation in several herring stocks pointed to remarkable fluctuations over the study period with an increase in the period 1966-1968 followed by a decrease in the period 1968-1972. Of various hypotheses that may explain this situation, it is concluded that changes in the migration behaviour of the herring may be responsible. Other data and statistics are discussed with special reference to variations in infestation level in different samples and to the occurrence of adult nematodes in marine mammals.  相似文献   

Herring larvae were sampled in the Outer Thames Estuary and the River Blackwater Estuary in the springs of 1978, 1979 and 1980. Data were collected on larval stage, yolk sac and post yolk sac, larval length and total larval numbers. Newly hatched larvae were 6.8±0.5 mm long and the growth rate of yolk sac larvae was estimated at 0.18 mm d−1 ( L = 6.8±0.186 t ). The growth rate of post yolk sac larvae increased to 0.43mm d−1 ( L = 11±48.0±43 t ). Mortality estimates, derived from total numbers in the summed estuary segments, varied between the years and the cohorts within the year. In 1979 the mortality rates were 0.061 d−1 and 0.074 d−1 for the two cohorts. The mean size of the larval population was estimated at 2.48×109 (1.63–3.77 × 109) which agreed well with population size estimates from egg laying and from catch in numbers at age together with estimated fishing mortality rates.  相似文献   

The development of gill rakers in the herring, Clupea harengus L. was followed from the larva to the adult. The first rakers appear on the gill arches at a total length ( t.l .) of about 16 mm. Their number then increases rapidly until the fish are about 50 mm t.l . when the rate of addition becomes much slower. The length of individual rakers and the space between them continues to increase throughout life. The rakers on the first gill arch account for almost 60% of the whole filtering area. The observed particle retention capabilities of the fish when filter-feeding were lower than those expected on the basis of the estimated spaces between the rakers. Several reasons are suggested for the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Neural and alimentary cholecystokinin (CCK) levels in Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, were analyzed from hatching to 40days after hatching (DAH). The head compartment representing the neural pool was quantitatively dominant (>80% of the total CCK content) while the digestive tract pool represented 6-10%. During ontogeny the CCK level in whole larvae increased almost 15-fold from 0 to 40 DAH, being particularly marked from 14 to 20 DAH. Larvae of 24 to 26 DAH were examined for potential occurrence of a circadian rhythm and to analyze the effects of feeding. Fed and fasted larvae were significantly different, where fed larvae showed higher CCK levels. There were large fluctuations in CCK levels analyzed at 3h intervals without an apparent diurnal pattern. Shorter sampling intervals of 1h in the morning when lights were switched gradually on and food was offered to the larvae demonstrated a marked drop in the relative gut CCK levels and a concurrent increase in the CCK carcass to gut ratio, 1h after introduction of food followed by a return to prefeeding levels after 2h. This response probably results from a release and re-synthesis of CCK in the gut after initiation of feeding. Taken together, these results support earlier reports that CCK participates in the regulation of digestive processes in herring larvae, but CCK does not seem to have a circadian rhythm independent of feeding.  相似文献   

A patch of herring larvae located within 24 h of hatching froma spawning bed on the shelf west of the Outer Hebrides, wasfollowed for 7 days. Dispersion of the larvae was modelled usingsimple turbulent diffusion theory. The mortality rate, estimatedfrom the rate of decrease in the total population size, was–2% day–1 over the tracking period which is verymuch less than rates calculated for herring larvae in otherareas by previous investigators. Successive observations ofthe length, weight, and the incidence of food in the intestinesof larvae, indicated that feeding commenced 5 days after hatchingand that the growth rate was 0.17 mm day–1.  相似文献   

The effects on standard length of storing laboratory-rearedlarval herring (9–19 mm live length) in 4% buffered formaldehydeor 70% buffered ethanol with and without simulated capture bytowed net were assessed. Lengths during storage were consideredstable after 15 days for larvae placed directly in formaldehyde,and after 30 days for larvae placed directly into alcohol orfor larvae treated by net-capture simulation before storage.The following linear regressions described the relationshipsbetween live length and the stored lengths of larvae after thesetimes: for larvae stored directly in formaldehyde, L = 1.765+ 0.867 x X1 for larvae stored directly in alcohol, L = 0.564+ 0.971 x X1; for larvae subjected to net-capture simulationthen stored in formaldehyde, L = 0.984 + 0.993 x X1; and forlarvae subjected to net-capture simulation then stored in alcohol,L = 0.532 + 0.989 x X1 where L = live standard length and X1= standard length after storage. The non-linear regression formulaparameterized by Theilacker (Fish. Bull US, 78,685–692,1980) for northern anchovy larvae provided a good fit to thedata for herring larvae subjected to net-capture simulationand then stored in formaldehyde. However, the model had to bere-parameterized to provide a good fit for larvae stored inalcohol. The precision achieved in length measurements usinga computer-aided measuring system is also discussed.  相似文献   

The efficiencies of water absorption from the guts of the larvae of herring ( Clupea harengus L.) and turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus L.) were estimated by two methods, The first method was based on the differences in the rates of accumulation, by drinking, and clearance from the gut of radiolabelled inert markers. The second method used the equilibrium level of radioactivity in the larvae to measure the concentration of the markers in the gut above background as water is absorbed from the gut. Water absorption efficiencies for herring larvae drinking sea water were estimated to be 77% using both methods. When external salinity was reduced to 50% sea water, drinking rates and water absorption efficiency in herring larvae fell substantially.
Estimates of water absorption efficiency of seawater-adapted turbot larvae were similar (71–84%) to that of herring using both methods. Although temperature had a marked effect on both the rate of drinking and water absorption, there was no significant thermal effect on the efficiency of absorption from the guts of turbot larvae. The limitations of the techniques and the implications of the estimates in terms of water balance in fish larvae are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, a batch of 38 herring from Shetland was gutted immediately on capture (0 h) and further batches were gutted 14 and 37 h after capture and storage on ice. The numbers of Anisakis larvae in the body-cavity and in the flesh (detected by pepsin-HCl digest) were then counted. The proportion of fish with worms in the flesh was higher at 14 and 37 h than at 0 h. The percentage of the total worm burden in the flesh increased between cash each time interval, which suggests that a large-scale migration of larvae into the flesh occurs in ungutted fish. There was a positive association between the numbers of larvae in the viscera and the numbers in the flesh. Most larvae occurred in the hypaxial muscles. The results are discussed in relation to the observations of earlier workers.  相似文献   

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