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本试验研究脲酶/硝化抑制剂不同组合在黑土和褐土中对尿素水解和硝化作用的调控效果,旨在筛选出适合东北黑土、褐土的高效抑制剂组合.采用室内恒温、恒湿培养试验,以不施氮肥(CK)和施用普通尿素肥料(U)为对照,研究分别添加脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)及其与硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(D...  相似文献   

Value of cane trash in nitrogen nutrition of sugarcane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The significance of trash containing 0.3 to 0.5% N in the N nutrition of sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid sp.) was investigated in pot- and field experiments using15N-labelled trash. The data obtained from the pot study with 2 silty-clay loams (a Humic Nitosol and a Humic Acrisol) showed that surface-applied trash (10 tonnes/ha), although ground to pass a 1-mm sieve, contributed less than 10% of N removed by sugarcane. Uptake of trash N was most active during the initial 6 months of the experiment though at the end of the study period of 18 months less than 15% of trash N was altogether recovered by sugarcane. In the absence of fertilizer N in a field study on the Humic Acrisol (C/N ratio 22), unground trash (5 tonnes. ha−1) depressed soil N uptake by sugarcane by immobilizing available soil N. The field study moreover confirmed that the contribution of trash N in the supply of N to sugarcane is negligible. The value of trash would reside in its capacity to increase over the long term the organic matter level in the soils.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of gamma isomer of benzene hexachloride and Telodrin both in absence and presence of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen carriers on shoot and root growth and carboydrate and nitrogen constituents of sugarcane was studied. The pesticides induced shoot emergence and development of tillers and roots. Shoot growth, nitrogen intake and insoluble nitrogen content invariably increased by pesticide application while soluble carbohydrate and soluble nitrogen content of the shoot decreased. Pesticides also increased the water-soluble nitrate content of the soil.The effect of pesticides was not confined to ammonical source of nitrogen rather the pesticides proved equally effective under nitrate source of nitrogen and also in absence of additional nitrogen. Beneficial effect of pesticides on growth and development of sugarcane appears largely on account of more efficient utilisation of soil and fertilizer nitrogen. The results raise an interesting possibility of using these pesticides as growth stimulators to increase the efficiency of sugarcane plants growing under sub-optimal conditions of nitrogen  相似文献   

杨文亭  李志贤  舒磊  王建武 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6108-6115
通过田间试验探讨了甘蔗//大豆1 ∶ 1、1 ∶ 2间作模式和施氮(300 kg/hm2,525 kg/hm2)水平对甘蔗鲜重产量、甘蔗单株氮含量、土壤硝态氮、铵态氮以及微生物量氮的影响。结果表明:减量施氮(300 kg/hm2)水平下,间作甘蔗鲜重产量较单作显著下降,但间作的土地当量比均大于1,且大豆产量为1.52和3.25 t/hm2。不同施氮水平对甘蔗鲜重无显著影响,施氮水平和种植模式对甘蔗单株氮吸收量、甘蔗收获后土壤硝态氮和微生物量氮均无显著影响。土壤氮素随甘蔗大豆的不同生长时期而变化,在甘蔗分蘖末期(大豆收获期)达到最低值,此时期减量施氮水平下甘蔗//大豆间作模式(1 ∶ 1)土壤硝态氮显著高于单作。综合以上结果,从提高土地利用率和保护农业生态环境考虑,甘蔗//大豆间作模式下减量施氮具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

Summary We have compared sulfur-coated urea granules (SCU) with ammonium sulfate granules (AS) in regard to nitrogen (N) release, diffusion, nitrification and the effect of irrigation. In the experiments plastic containers were filled with six layers of soil, separated from each other by fine nylon cloths. The fertilizer granules were placed between the two central layers, and irrigation was simulated by application of tap water to the uppermost layer. Nitrogen release from the SCU was slow, and after three months, 29.5% of the applied N remained in the granules. At the end of the experiment there was a deficit of 37.1% N in the case of the AS granules, while there was virtually none with the SCU. Throughout the experiment, N from SCU remained at a relatively even level, while 95% of the N applied as AS had disappeared after irrigation. Nitrification was rapid in both cases.  相似文献   

Summary Nine insecticides (six organophosphates and three carbamates) were tested for their effects on soil nitrification, growth of legume seedlings, and growth of four species of rhizobia bacteria. No inhibition of nitrification was found at normal field rates (5 ppm) of application. Some instances of inhibition were observed at 50 ppm and at 500 ppm. Similarly, 5 ppm applications did not inhibit growth of alfalfa or sweetclover seedlings ... with one exception. Disc inhibition tests of the rhizobia bacteria showed thatRhizobium leguminosarum andRhizobium trifolii were most sensitive to the pesticides.Rhizobium meliloti, and particularlyRhizobium japonicum, were resistant to the insecticides. No consistent correlation was observed between tests on the nodulating bacteria and the tests on legume growth.Published with the approval of the Director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article No.309. Portion of a thesis presented by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree in bacteriology at North Dakota State University.  相似文献   

火烧对草地土壤氮总矿化、硝化及无机氮消耗速率的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用同位素^15N库稀释技术结合扰动较小的管型取样法,测定了羊草草地火烧区与未烧区不同季节土壤氮的总矿化速率、总硝化速率、无机氮消耗速率.结果表明,火烧地的氮总矿化与硝化速率在牧草返青后的4、5月份均高于未烧地,7月份差异不显著,到生长季末的9月份又低于未烧地;火烧地NH^4-N的消耗速率7月份以前均高于未烧地,9月份低于未烧地,N03^--N的消耗4、5份火烧地要高于未烧地,7、9月份又低于未烧地;火烧地土壤NH4^ -N含量在4、5和7月份均高于未烧地,9月份基本没有差别,而N03^--N在4、5月份无大差别,7、9月份高于未烧地.  相似文献   

不同生育时期增铵营养对小麦生长及氮素利用的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
通过两年的田间试验,研究了不同生育时期增铵营养(EAN)对小麦生长和氮素利用的影响.结果表明,田间增铵营养促进了小麦植株的生长和氮素吸收.其中基肥、分蘖期、拔节期EAN提高了小麦的干物质积累量、地上部氮积累量、有效穗数、叶面积指数、叶片叶绿素含量以及小麦的籽粒产量;孕穗期EAN效果不明显;全生育期EAN在促进生长方面的效果并无明显优势,但可有效降低土壤NO3^--N的淋溶损失.与对照相比,EAN提高了氮流效率和吸收效率,但以拔节前处理最为明显.拔节期EAN主要在于改善后期的叶片光合性能,并促进同化物向籽粒的再分配,而基肥和分蘖期EAN主要在于提高有效分蘖数.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, rate of photosynthesis (P) of the youngest fully emerged leaf lamina on a shoot, whether taken from a 4 or 8 month old sugarcane plant, increased approximately linearly with specific leaf nitrogen content (SLN) from < 1.0 to c. 1.7 g m-2; the rate of increase was greater the higher the incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) flux density, over the range 80 to 1600 μmol m-2s-1. In a field crop receiving standard fertiliser, including 150 kg N ha-1, SLN of the green leaf canopy decreased more or less linearly with depth, from > 1.7 g m-2at the top to c. 1.0 g m-2at the bottom at 15 wk of age, and progressively with time to 1.2 to 0.85 g m-2from top to bottom of the canopy by week 45. Where an extra 300 N ha-1were applied in top-dressings, the decrease in SLN with time was somewhat smaller, to 1.3 to 0.9 g m-2from top to bottom of the canopy by week 45. Calculations with a model, using the data from laboratory and field, suggest a decrease of about 25% in canopy gross P and about 30% in canopy net P from wk 15 to wk 45 in the crop receiving standard fertiliser only; the calculated decreases where the crop received additional nitrogen were about 17% and 20% respectively. There would seem to be a need for a change in type of cultivar to make profitable use of augmented nitrogen fertiliser.  相似文献   

通过两年的田间试验,研究了不同生育时期增铵营养(EAN)对小麦生长和氮素利用的影响.结果表明,田间增铵营养促进了小麦植株的生长和氮素吸收.其中基肥、分蘖期、拔节期EAN提高了小麦的干物质积累量、地上部氮积累量、有效穗数、叶面积指数、叶片叶绿素含量以及小麦的籽粒产量;孕穗期EAN效果不明显;全生育期EAN在促进生长方面的效果并无明显优势,但可有效降低土壤N3--N的淋溶损失.与对照相比,EAN提高了氮流效率和吸收效率,但以拔节前处理最为明显.拔节期EAN主要在于改善后期的叶片光合性能,并促进同化物向籽粒的再分配,而基肥和分蘖期EAN主要在于提高有效分蘖数.  相似文献   

Streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats increased the activities of the three mitochondrial enzymes, carbamylphosphate synthetase, ornithine transcarbamylase and N-acetylglutamate synthetase, but not of the cytosolic N-acetylglutamate deacylase. Levels of both N-acetylglutamate and arginine, which are activators of carbamylphosphate synthetase and N-acetylglutamate synthetase respectively, increased in diabetes. These results serve to explain the increase both of mitochondrial citrulline and urea formation in hepatocytes and the increased urea excretion in diabetes.  相似文献   

Interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition in determining growth   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
In this paper we discuss the differences and similarities in the growth response of tomato plants to N and P limitation, and to their interaction. Two detailed growth experiments, with varied N or P supply, were conducted in order to unravel the effects of N and P limitation on growth of young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Relative growth rate (RGR) initially increased sharply with increasing plant P concentration but leveled off at higher plant P concentrations. In contrast, RGR increased gradually with increasing plant N concentration before it leveled off at higher plant N concentrations. The relationship of RGR with organic leaf N and P showed the same shape as with total N and P concentrations, respectively. The difference in response is most likely due to the different roles of N and P in the machinery of the plant's energy metabolism (e.g., photosynthesis, respiration). Plant N concentration decreased with increasing P limitation. We show that this decrease cannot be explained by a shift in dry-mass partitioning. Our results suggest that the decrease in N concentration with increasing P limitation may be mediated by a decrease in leaf cytokinin levels and is less likely due to decreased energy availability at low P conditions. Dry-mass partitioning to the roots was closely linearly related to the leaf reduced-N concentration. However, treatments that were severely P limited deviated from this relationship.  相似文献   

Uptake capabilities for ammonium (NH4+) and urea by diatoms(Thalassiosira pseudonana and Skeletonema costatum) growingon oxidized forms of nitrogen were studied in short-term uptakeexperiments. Even when nutrient-saturated, an enhanced uptakecapability not coupled with the growth rate was present forNH4+ and urea. No such enhanced uptake ability was seen forNO2 or NO3 under either nutrient-saturated ornutrient-depleted conditions. The presence of NH4+ decreasedthe enhanced ability to take up urea, but the urea uptake ratein 5 min incubations remained greater than the growth rate evenwhen NH4+ was present.  相似文献   

p. 383, Figure 2. The legend to Figure 2 should read: Fig. 2. Cumulative urea-N taken up as % total cellular N vs.time of incubation for T. pseudonana. Closed symbols = ureauptake; open symbols =urea uptake in the presence of NH4+. = pre-depletion ([NO2 ] in culture medium = 5.0 µg-atomNO2-N 1–1 ), • = at depletion, = post-depletion(16 h after nitrogenous nutrient could no longer be detectedin culture medium).  相似文献   

抑制剂尿素施用对芹菜生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在盆栽条件下,研究了添加硝化抑制剂双氰胺、硝化抑制剂3,5-二甲基吡唑、硝化抑制剂双氰胺与脲酶抑制剂氢醌组合的尿素(D-U、DMP-U、H-D-U)对芹菜生长及硝酸盐含量等影响。结果表明,施用抑制剂尿素能提高芹菜的地上部干重及其占总生物量的比例,降低芹菜叶、茎中的硝酸盐含量,提高芹菜叶、茎中的维生素C、氨基酸和粗蛋白的含量。H-D-U对减少芹菜体内的硝酸盐累积具有最明显的效果。  相似文献   

Marine oil spills are catastrophic events that cause massive damage to ecosystems at all trophic levels. While most of the research has focused on carbon-degrading microorganisms, the potential impacts of hydrocarbons on microbes responsible for nitrification have received far less attention. Nitrifiers are sensitive to hydrocarbon toxicity: ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea being 100 and 1000 times more sensitive than typical heterotrophs respectively. Field studies have demonstrated the response of nitrifiers to hydrocarbons is highly variable and the loss of nitrification activity in coastal ecosystems can be restored within 1–2 years, which is much shorter than the typical recovery time of whole ecosystems (e.g., up to 20 years). Since the denitrification process is mainly driven by heterotrophs, which are more resistant to hydrocarbon toxicity than nitrifiers, the inhibition of nitrification may slow down the nitrogen turnover and increase ammonia availability, which supports the growth of oil-degrading heterotrophs and possibly various phototrophs. A better understanding of the ecological response of nitrification is paramount in predicting impacts of oil spills on the nitrogen cycle under oil spill conditions, and in improving current bioremediation practices.  相似文献   

Abstract. The growth and photosynthetic responses to high and low N nutrition were measured in 2 NADP-malic enzyme and 4 NAD-malic enzyme C4 subtype Panicum species to evaluate whether differences in C4 photosynthetic biochemistry result in differences in the N requirement for growth. All species had lower biomass production, photosynthesis rates, and shoot N concentrations at low N, and no consistent differences between the C4 subtypes were apparent. The assimilation rates (biomass accumulated over the period of growth) for the NADP-malic enzyme species were higher than the NAD-malic enzyme species at high N but not at low N. When assimilation rates were evaluated on a shoot N basis a higher N-use-efficiency was found for the NADP-malic enzyme species at high N. Thus the NADP-malic enzyme Panicum species had a greater amount of growth for a given shoot N concentration, but only above a certain level of shoot N concentrations.  相似文献   

在农业生产中,化学氮肥的投入大幅度增加了粮食产量,然而过量或不合理的施肥措施对农业生态环境造成了严重破坏.因此,挖掘植物自身的生物学特性,寻求其他有效的氮素来源,对农业减肥增效至关重要.其中,植物与微生物之间的生物固氮作用,能为宿主提供大量的清洁氮源,在农业生产中发挥着不可替代的作用.本文以甘蔗为代表,综述了植物联合固...  相似文献   

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