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The sequence-based map of a part of the rhesus macaque major histocompatibility complex (MHC) extended class II region is presented. The sequenced region encompasses 67,401 bp and contains the SACM2L, RING1, FABGL and KE4 genes, as well as the HTATSF1-like and ZNF-like pseudogenes. Similar to human, but different from rat and mouse, no class I genes are found in the SACM2L- RING1 interval. The rhesus macaque extended MHC class II region shows a high degree of conservation of exonic as well as intronic and intergenic sequences compared with the respective human region. It is concluded that this particular genomic organization of the extended class II region-i.e., the absence of class I genes and the presence of the HTATSF1-like and ZNF-like pseudogenes-can be traced back to a common ancestor of humans and rhesus macaques about 23 million years ago.  相似文献   

The RPL10A gene encodes the RPL10 protein, required for joining 40S and 60S subunits into a functional 80S ribosome. This highly conserved gene, ubiquitous across all eukaryotic super-groups, is characterized by a variable number of spliceosomal introns, present in most organisms. These properties facilitate the recognition of orthologs among distant taxa and thus comparative studies of sequences as well as the distribution and properties of introns in taxonomically distant groups of eukaryotes. The present study examined the multiple ways in which RPL10A conservation vs. sequence changes in the gene over the course of evolution, including in exons, introns, and the encoded proteins, can be exploited for evolutionary analysis at different taxonomic levels. At least 25 different positions harboring introns within the RPL10A gene were determined in different taxa, including animals, plants, fungi, and alveolates. Generally, intron positions were found to be well conserved even across different kingdoms. However, certain introns seemed to be restricted to specific groups of organisms. Analyses of several properties of introns, including insertion site, phase, and length, along with exon and intron GC content and exon–intron boundaries, suggested biases within different groups of organisms. The use of a standard primer pair to analyze a portion of the intron-containing RPL10A gene in 12 genera of green algae within Chlorophyta is presented as a case study for evolutionary analyses of introns at intermediate and low taxonomic levels. Our study shows that phylogenetic reconstructions at different depths can be achieved using RPL10A nucleotide sequences from both exons and introns as well as the amino acid sequences of the encoded protein.  相似文献   

A clone containing the H1 histamine receptor (H1HR)-encoding gene was isolated from a human genomic DNA library. The 5′-UTR of the H1HR gene reported here differs upstream from bp −142 from that reported previously [Fukui et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 201 (1994) 894–901]. PCR amplification utilizing primer pairs derived from the 5′-UTR reported herein amplified a DNA fragment of the expected size from human genomic DNA whereas 5′-UTR primers derived from the Fukui et al. sequence did not yield a PCR product. The 5′-UTR of H1HR contains potential TATA and CCAAT boxes, a CACCC sequence, potential GREs and other DNA-binding motifs.  相似文献   

TheHLA-D region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is characterized by a remarkable diversity. Most of theHLA class II genes are highly polymorphic, and in addition, the number and organization of individual loci in that region varies in different haplotypes. This extensive allelic polymorphism of immune response genes has well-known functional implications. Within theHLA-D region, two loci,DQA2 andDQB2 (formerly calledDX andDX), represent a very special case: the detailed structure of these two genes is entirely compatible with expression, yet their expression has never been demonstrated in any tissue. Consequently, there exists no known corresponding protein product. Pseudogenes are known to accumulate mutations, as observed for instance in the case ofHLA-DPA2,-DPB2, or-DRB2 genes. We have therefore investigated the extent of DQ2 genes' polymorphism by DNA sequence comparison and by oligonucleotide hybridization across a large number of different haplotypes, and compared it with other genes in theHLA-D region. We show here that, contrary to the adjacentDQ1 genes,DQ2 genes exhibit little and possibly no polymorphism. This conservation ofDQ2 genes in many haplotypes indicates that the DQ 1-DQ2 duplication event must have preceeded the extensive diversification ofDQ1 genes and raises the puzzling question of whyDQ2 genes have remained nonpolymorphic. This suggests that either these genes correspond to an unusually invariant region of the MHC or they are under a strong selective pressure for the conservation of the amino acid sequence of a putative DQ2 gene product. The latter would imply that theHLA-DQ2 genes are expressed into a protein product endowed with essential functional properties.  相似文献   

When individual dsDNA molecules are stretched beyond their B-form contour length, they reveal a structural transition in which the molecule extends 1.7 times its contour length. The nature of this transition is still a subject of debate. In the first model, the DNA helix unwinds and combined with the tilting of the base pairs (which remain intact), results in a stretched form of DNA (also known as S-DNA). In the second model the base pairs break resulting effectively in two single-strands, which is referred to as force-induced melting. Here a combination of optical tweezers force spectroscopy with fluorescence microscopy was used to study the structure of dsDNA in the overstretching regime. When dsDNA was stretched in the presence of 10 nM YOYO-1 an initial increase in total fluorescence intensity of the dye–DNA complex was observed and at an extension where the dsDNA started to overstretch the fluorescence intensity leveled off and ultimately decreased when stretched further into the overstretching region. Simultaneous force spectroscopy and fluorescence polarization microscopy revealed that the orientation of dye molecules did not change significantly in the overstretching region (78.0°± 3.2°). These results presented here clearly suggest that, the structure of overstretched dsDNA can be explained accurately by force induced melting.  相似文献   

 We characterized an amphioxus NK-2 homeobox gene (AmphiNk2–1), a homologue of vertebrate Nkx2–1, which is involved in the development of the central nervous system and thyroid gland. At the early neurula stage of amphioxus, AmphiNk2–1 expression is first detected medially in the neural plate. By the mid-neurula stage, expression is localized ventrally in the nerve cord and also begins in the endoderm. During the late neurula stage, the ventral neural expression becomes transiently segmented posteriorly and is then down-regulated except in the cerebral vesicle at the anterior end of the central nervous system. Within the cerebral vesicle AmphiNk2–1 is expressed in a broad ventral domain, probably comprising both the floor plate and basal plate regions; this pattern is comparable to Nkx2–1 expression in the mouse diencephalon. In the anterior part of the gut, expression becomes intense in the endostyle (the right wall of the pharynx), which is the presumed homologue of the vertebrate thyroid gland. More posteriorly, there is transitory expression in the midgut and hindgut. In sum, the present results help to support homologies (1) between the amphioxus endostyle and the vertebrate thyroid gland and (2) between the amphioxus cerebral vesicle and the vertebrate diencephalic forebrain. Received: 4 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 October 1998  相似文献   

A cloned DNA segment 1.25 kilobases (kb) upstream from the joining segments of the human heavy chain immunoglobulin gene revealed extensive polymorphic variation at this locus, and the polymorphic pattern was stably transmitted to the next generation. Genomic restriction analysis showed that the polymorphism was caused by insertions/deletions within an MspI/BamHI fragment. Sequencing of one allele, 848 base pairs (bp) long, revealed eleven 50-base-pair tandem repeats. A second allele, 648 bp long, was cloned from a human genomic cosmid library, sequenced, and found to contain four fewer repeats than the first allele. A survey of 186 chromosomes from unrelated individuals of primarily northern European descent revealed at least six alleles.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo investigate in silico the presence of nucleotide sequence complementarity between the RNA genome of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and human non-coding (nc)RNA genes.MethodsThe FASTA sequence (NC_045512.2) of each of the 11 SARS-CoV-2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1 genes was retrieved from NCBI.nlm.nih.gov/gene and the Ensembl.org library interrogated for any base-pair match with human ncRNA genes. SARS-CoV-2 gene-matched human ncRNAs were screened for functional activity using bioinformatic analysis. Finally, associations between identified ncRNAs and human diseases were searched in GWAS databases.ResultsA total of 252 matches were found between the nucleotide sequence of SARS-CoV-2 genes and human ncRNAs. With the exception of two small nuclear RNAs, all of them were long non-coding (lnc)RNAs expressed mainly in testis and central nervous system under physiological conditions. The percentage of alignment ranged from 91.30% to 100% with a mean nucleotide alignment length of 17.5 ± 2.4. Thirty-three (13.09%) of them contained predicted R-loop forming sequences, but none of these intersected the complementary sequences of SARS-CoV-2. However, in 31 cases matches fell on ncRNA regulatory sites, whose adjacent coding genes are mostly involved in cancer, immunological and neurological pathways. Similarly, several polymorphic variants of detected non-coding genes have been associated with neuropsychiatric and proliferative disorders.ConclusionThis pivotal in silico study shows that SARS-CoV-2 genes have Watson-Crick nucleotide complementarity to human ncRNA sequences, potentially disrupting ncRNA epigenetic control of target genes. It remains to be elucidated whether this could result in the development of human disease in the long term.  相似文献   

The H1° gene has a long 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of 1,125 nucleotides in the rat and 1,310 in humans. Analysis of the sequences shows that they have features of simple DNA that suggest involvement of replication slippage in their evolution. These features include the length imbalance between the rat and human sequences; the abundance of single-base repeats, two-base runs and other simple motifs clustered along the sequence; and the presence of single-base repeat length polymorphisms in the rat and mouse sequences. Pairwise comparisons show numerous short insertions/deletions, often flanked by direct repeats. In addition, a proportion of short insertions/deletions results from length differences in conserved single-base repeats. Quantification of the sequence simplicity shows that simple sequences have been more actively incorporated in the human lineage than in the rodent lineage. The combination of insertions/deletions and nucleotide substitutions along the sequence gives rise to three main regions of homology: a highly variable central region flanked by more conserved regions nearest the coding region and the polyA addition site. Correspondence to: P. Suau  相似文献   

We have isolated a new marker (cos11-5TH) that detects an MspI restriction fragment length polymorphism in the 5 region of the human tyrosine hydroxylase gene (TH) on chromosome band 11p15.5. This region of human chromosome 11 contains several important loci for disease phenotypes including Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), Wilms' tumor, and embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. Thus, identification of new polymorphic markers in this region are important for future gene mapping and linkage analyses. To better define the region of 11p15.5 deleted in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, this new marker was used to investigate allelic losses in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma tumors.  相似文献   

Summary Single point mutations in the upstream region of exon 6 of the -galactosidase A gene were found in two Japanese cases of the cardiac form of Fabry disease; 301ArgGln (902GA) in a case that has already been published and 279GlnGlu (835CG) in a new case. They both expressed markedly low, but significant, amounts of residual activity in COS-1 cells. In contrast, two unrelated cases with classic Fabry disease were found to have different point mutations, which showed a complete loss of enzyme activity in a transient expression assay; 328GlyArg (982GA) in the downstream region of exon 6 in one case and two combined mutations, 66GluGln (196GC)/112ArgCys (334CT), in exon 2 in the other. We conclude, on the basis of the results recorded in this study and those in previous reports, that the pathogenesis of atypical Fabry disease is closely associated with point mutations in the upstream region of exon 6 of the -galactosidase A gene.  相似文献   

Von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis or type l neurofibromatosis (NF1), is one of the most common autosomal dominant disorders. NF1 is characterized by neurofibromas, café-au-lait spots and Lisch nodules of the iris. The NF1 gene is located in 17q11.2. The restriction fragment length polymorphism reported here will be useful in linkage analysis in NF1 families.  相似文献   

The deterministic properties of a two-locus model with mutation and selection have been investigated. The mutation process is unidirectional, and the model is so constructed that the genetic variation at one locus is selectively neutral in the absence of a mutant allele at the other locus. All genotypes with three or four mutant alleles are deleterious, while the double heterozygotes may have the same fitness as the standard genotype. If one of the mutant alleles becomes fixed in the population, then the other locus will show a regular one-locus mutation-selection balance. Such a boundary equilibrium may be unstable or stable in the full two-locus setting. In the symmetric case, which is analyzed in details, the population will either go to one of the two boundary equilibria, or to a fully polymorphic equilibrium at which both the mutant alleles are rare. The origin of reproductive separation between two populations via the fixation of complementary deleterious mutants at different loci, and the fixation of nonfunctional alleles at duplicated loci, are two biological processes which both can be studied with the present model. In the last part of the paper we show how the results from the deterministic analysis can be used to predict how different factors will influence the rates of evolution in these systems.  相似文献   

SHIV-CN97001 played an important role in assessing the immune effect and strategy of the AIDS vaccine which included genes of the predominant prevalent HIV-1 strain in China. In this study, SHIV-CN97001 was in vivo passaged serially to construct pathogenic SHIV-CN97001/rhesus macaques model. To identify variation in the gp120 region of SHIV-CN97001 during passage, the fragments of gp120 gene were amplified by RT-PCR from the plasma of SHIV-CN97001 infected animals at the peak viral load time point and the gene distances (divergence, diversity) were calculated using DISTANCE. The analysis revealed that the genetic distances of SHIV-CN97001 in the third passage animals were the highest during in vivo passage. It had a relationship between viral divergence from the founder strain and viral replication ability. The nucleic acid sequence of the V3 region was highly conservative. All of the SHIV-CN97001 strains had V3 loop central motif (GPGQ) and were predicted to be using CCR5 co-receptor on the basis of the critical amino acids within V3 loop. These results show that there was no significant increase in the genetic distance during serial passage, and SHIV-CN97001 gp120 gene evolved toward ancestral states upon transmission to a new host. This could partly explain why there was no pathogenic viral strain obtained during in vivo passage.  相似文献   

Summary Overlapping genomic clones of the human 2-macroglobulin (2M) gene were isolated from a cosmid library and were used to map 80 kb of the chromosomal region of this gene. Fragments carrying the two exons encoding the bait region and the exon encoding the thiolester site were partially sequenced and PCR primers were designed for the amplification of both functional domains. By direct genomic sequencing of these domains in 30 healthy individuals and in 30 patients with chronic lung disease three mutations were detected. The first was a sequence polymorphism occurring near the thiolester site of the gene, changing Val1000(GTC) to Ile1000(ATC), with allele frequencies of 0.30 (GTC) and 0.70 (ATC), respectively. No difference of 2M serum levels was observed for these two alleles. The second mutation occured within the thiolester site of one patient, changing Cys972(TGT) to Tyr972(TAT). Since activation of the internal thiolester formed between Cys972 and Gln975 in each of the subunits of the tetrameric 2M is involved in the covalent cross-linking of the activating proteinase, this mutation is predicted to interfere with 2M function. The 2M serum level was within the normal range in this patient. In one healthy individual we detected an alteration of the bait region sequence, which is usually encoded by two different exons separated by an intron of size 1.6kb. In this individual, PCR amplification of genomic DNA using the bait region primers produced the common fragment of size 1.8 kb and an additional variant fragment of size 0.23kb. This finding, and the genomic sequencing data of this individual, indicate that he carries two different alleles of the 2M gene: one with the regular structure (bait exon I-intron-bait exon II), the other with the two bait exons fused into one. Direct genomic sequencing of the two 2M functional domains is a useful tool for the detection of the genetic, and possibly the functional, heterogeneity of 2M. This, in turn, may provide some insight into the hitherto unknown physiological role(s) of 2M, by studying in vivo effects of naturally ocurring mutations of the gene.  相似文献   

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