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Combtooth blennies have recurved, fang-like caniniform teeth at the rear end of a single row of incisiform teeth. The lengths and positions of these canines were measured in the lower jaws of males of 14 species of Mediterranean Blenniidae. In four species, lower jaw canines were measured in males and females, while in one species, the upper jaw canines of both sexes were also measured. Relative (to body length) canine length in males tends to be significantly greater (10–40%) than in females. There are significant interspecific differences in relative canine length, with smaller species tending to have relatively larger teeth. No significant correlation was obtained between canine length and importance of animal prey in the diet, nor with 'hole fit' of males, which may be related with the intensity of paternal care. We suggest that canines in combtooth blennies are predominately used for predator deterrence and agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

The dentition of fishes can be quite striking and is often correlated with a specific diet. Combtooth blennies have long incisiform oral teeth, unlike most actinopterygians. It has been suggested that the long tooth morphology is an adaptation for detritivory, but given the diversity of diets (detritus, coral polyps, polychaetes, and pieces of other fishes), are blenny teeth indeed monomorphic? Or does tooth variation associated with diet still exist at this extreme? To explore tooth and diet diversification, we used a new phylogenetic hypothesis of Blenniidae, measured tooth shape, number, and mode of attachment, and quantified blenniid diet. The ancestral diet of blennies contained detritus and diversified into many different diets, including almost exclusively detritivory. Our results reveal a dental cline that may be constrained by tooth shape, but has not prevented diet diversification. Ancestral state reconstruction of tooth morphologies suggests that the ancestor of blennies had many unattached teeth and featured transitions to fewer attached teeth, with several transitions back to attached or unattached teeth. The dentition of blenniids is not monotypic; rather it is diverse and small changes in tooth shape are accompanied by changes in size, number, attachment, and often diet.  相似文献   

A dataset including novel and publicly available mtDNA COI sequences of 14 Mediterranean combtooth blenny species belonging to nine genera was assembled in order to provide a reference dataset for DNA barcoding studies. Some inconsistencies in the current taxonomy of some genera were observed. In particular, the monophyly of the genera Parablennius and Salaria is not supported by the present dataset and the absence of reciprocal monophyly between the morphospecies Salaria basilisca and S. pavo questions their status and stresses the need of a revision of the genus Salaria.  相似文献   

Ophioblennius atlanticus is a shallow-water, surge zone Caribbean species, invariably as adult found in permanent territories on a solid substrate. As such it controls space within a complex community. Planar dimensions of the territories of adults show a mean area of about 05 m2. Antagonistic reactions of different degree are shown to both transgressing and intruding conspecifics, and to a much lesser extent to other species. It is hypothesized that interstitial territories of immature specimens provide the nuclei of future territories. Non-reproductive, extra-territorial activity is not common, but does occur. Evidence is presented to show that dispossessed adult blennies have great difficulty in establishing new territories. Territories that have been vacated are subsequently shared by neighbouring fish. Territory provides space, food and shelter for its resident, and as an occupied, but not impermeable space, it is an agent of control of distribution of Redlip blennies and other species of fish.  相似文献   

The distribution and habitat associations of detrivorous blennies on a tropical coral reef were investigated at several spatial scales and compared with other fish that feed on the epilithic algal matrix to assess density and biomass contributions of small detrivorous fishes to these assemblages. At broad spatial scales total blenny abundance and biomass were highest on the tops of reefs exposed to prevailing winds. On the finer scale of microhabitat use, all species showed a preference for non-living corals, although the type of coral utilised differed between species. The high abundance of blennies on reef tops and non-living corals may be partially related to the quality and availability of detritus in these habitats. Comparisons of total blenny abundance and biomass with other territorial detrivores found that blennies accounted for approximately 60% of this functional group's density and 21% of their biomass on exposed reef tops. Overall, territorial detrivores were found to constitute approximately 37% of the density and 26% of the biomass of the detrivorous/herbivorous fish assemblage on exposed reef tops. Small detrivorous fish therefore represent a substantial proportion of fish assemblages that feed on epilithic algae and associated detritus on coral reefs.  相似文献   

The male reproductive organs of 16 species of Mediterranean Blenniidae ( Aidablennius sphynx, Blennius ocellaris, Coryphoblennius galerita, Lipophrys adriaticus, L. canevae, L. dalmatinus, L. nigriceps, Parablennius gattorugine, P. incognitus, P. sanguinolentus, P. rouxi, P. tentacularis, P. zvonimiri, Paralipophrys trigloides, Salaria pavo and Scartella cristata ) consist of pairs of testes, testicular glands, spermatic ducts, and blind pouches. Three main types of accessory sex organs were found by comparing the external morphology of the male gonads. Differences between species were observed in the volume of the testicular gland in relation to the volume of the testis and in the size and length of the spermatic ducts, and blind pouches. The anatomy of the testicular glands of all species investigated do not differ. Each gland consists of ducts that appear to be tubules which terminate at the testis periphery on one side and at the spermatic duct on the other side. Contrary to previous claims, A. sphynx has no fat body in place of the testicular gland; the gland of this species was not distinguishable from that of the other species investigated. In the Lipophrys species, in P. trigloides , and in B. ocellaris , a transition zone between testis and testicular gland is present. The testicular blind pouches empty into the spermatic ducts, into the ureter, or separately on the genital papilla. In most species, the epithelium has no or low folds, while in S. pavo it possesses high folds that nearly fill the lumen of the blind pouches. The morphological results are discussed in connection with taxonomy, ecology, and behaviour of the fishes.  相似文献   

In species in which intense intermale competition for the access to females is present males of lower competitive ability may adopt alternative reproductive tactics (ART) to get access to mates. These ART translate in many cases into male sexual polymorphism, with individuals following distinctly different tactics. Usually two alternative male morphs can be recognized in species with ART: (1) bourgeois males that compete for access to mates invest in typically male behaviors, such as building elaborated nests or displaying ornaments; and (2) parasitic males that take advantage of the success of the bourgeois males in attracting females and attempt "sneaker" fertilizations (e.g., sneaker and satellite males). In combtooth blennies (Blenniidae) the co-occurrence of ART and male sexual polymorphism has been described for two temperate species: the peacock blenny, Salaria pavo, and the Azorean rock-pool blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis. Interestingly, while in the peacock blenny the alternative male morph adopts a sneaker tactic, in the rock-pool blenny parasitic males act as satellites to nest-holder males. Thus, this variation in the ART expressed in these two closely related species allows for a comparative study of the proximate and ultimate factors affecting the expression of the two ART. In this article we summarize the available information on androgen levels in bourgeois and parasitic males of natural populations of the two species and of recent studies on the effect of exogenous administration of androgens on tactic switching in parasitic males of the two species. The information is discussed within the frame of the relative plasticity hypothesis, which predicts that plastic alternative morphs should show differences in hormone levels and that the administration of sex steroids should be effective in promoting the switch from the parasitic to bourgeois tactic. The evidence is only partly consistent with this hypothesis. Alternatively, a social transduction hypothesis that better fits the available data on androgens and ART in teleost is proposed. It states that the observed differences in androgen levels between alternative morphs should not be interpreted as an organization vs activation effect of steroids, but rather as the limited vs lifelong responsiveness of the neuroendocrine axis to social regulation.  相似文献   

The testicular blind pouches (TBPs) of Lipophrys canevae and Solaria pavo have an annual reproductive cycle with an active secretion phase during spawning, a regression phase correlated with necrotic processes during post-spawning, an inactive regeneration phase during inter-spawning and prespawning. As revealed by fine structure and enzyme-histochemistry the TBPs of L. canevae and S. pavo are involved in the production of steroid glucuronides, which possibly act as pheromones, Further functions are in the secretion of small amounts of sialomuciri and in lytic activity.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):435-448
Between February and December 1988, a total of 261 specimens of Lipophrys pholis were caught in eleven intertidal pools on the western coast of Asturias. This blenniid species mainly feeds on different groups of invertebrates, although algal remains also appear. Mollusca is the most highly represented taxon with the largest number of prey being Gastropoda, followed by Bivalvia and, to a lesser degree, Polyplacophora. Crustacea is well represented by Cirripedia. Isopoda also stands out and Amphipoda, Tanaidacea and Decapoda appear sporadically. Temporal diet analysis throughout the year shows no great differences. Likewise, a great similarity was observed among the feeding of L. pholis specimens collected in pools at a different tidal level, of variable size and with different algal cover. Changes in diet are appreciable as size increases, especially from a length of 6 cm on.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the relationships between dominance rank and access to shelters in captive groups of Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita, as well as the effects of group size and shelter availability. Dominance rank was strongly correlated with size in juvenile L. pholis and with sex and size in adult C. galerita, males being dominant over females of similar size. Access to shelters was significantly correlated with dominance rank. For both species, most interactions occurred out of shelters. Direct disputes over shelters were always initiated by the dominant fish and the initiator was always the winner. The rate of aggression per fish per unit time decreased with an increase in the number of fish in L. pholis but not in C. galerita. No significant differences were found in groups differing in the number of shelters. C. galerita showed a higher rate of agonistic interactions and a higher proportion of overt aggression than L. pholis. It is suggested that one of the functions of agonistic interactions in these fishes is the control of a set of shelters, in the network of pathways used by each individual within its home range, minimising the time required to hide in case of danger. Received in revised form: 29 January 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Three species of rust fungi were reported based on the specimens collected in the islands of the Yaeyama group and Okinawa, Japan.Puccinia tarennicola onTarenna gracilipes andUredo daphniphylli onDaphniphyllum teijsmannii were described as new species.Villebrunea frutescens was added to the host plants ofUredo pipturi. Contribution No. 115, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   

Body masses of wild-caught habu,Trimeresurus flavoviridis, were measured with known error range. Habu larger than mature female size had steeper slope in length-mass regression than smaller individuals. Females outweighed males in most snout-ventlength classes and in early summer. Gravid females outweighed non-gravid ones by about 20% on the average, but the body mass ranges of the two groups overlapped. Through the body mass change in mature females, the proportion of gravid females was estimated to be about 0.5.  相似文献   

The spawning behavior and early embryogenesis of Palythoa tuberculosa (Anthozoa, Zoantharia) were observed in August 2009 off Okinawa Island, Japan. P. tuberculosa released zygotes just after high tide around new moon nights. The mean diameter of zygotes was 365.6 ± s.d.14.8 μm, and zygotes did not contain any symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae). About 2 h after spawning, the first cleavage furrow appeared on one side of the zygotes, although it was uncertain when eggs were fertilized. After second cleavage, the arrangement of blastomeres was pseudospherical. At 9 h after spawning, the embryo became a concave-convex dish shape, then gastrulation occurred and the blastopore was formed. Seven-day old larvae were ellipsoid and about 700 μm long, with an open mouth at one end. Two weeks after spawning, the larvae developed a longitudinal band of long cilia (= ventral ciliate band) that is characteristic of zoanthella larvae. In P. tuberculosa, larvae show a non-radial body plan and then metamorphose to almost-radial (in outward appearance) polyps after settlement. These results may support a hypothesis that a common ancestor of Cnidaria had a bilateral body plan that has been secondarily lost in some extant cnidarians.  相似文献   

A new snake-eel,Apterichtus keramanus, is described on the basis of a single 276-mm TL specimen trawled from the coast of Kerama Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The species is unique in the genus in having the posterior nostril opening entirely inside the mouth and a dark band running from the anteroventral margin of the eye to the upper lip.  相似文献   


Priolepis duostella sp. nov. (Perciformes: Gobiidae) is described based on a single specimen of 28.8 mm in standard length collected from an artificial reef released established for 2.5 years in ca. 100 m depth off Kashiwa-jima Island, Kochi, southern Japan. Within the three species grades of the genus, the new species is included in the “Priolepis profunda” grade, characterized by the presence of predorsal scales and well-developed transverse papillae rows on the cheek. The new species can be clearly distinguished from congeners by its distinctive coloration, including two black blotches, each crossed by a vertical white stripe, on the caudal fin, four white stripes on the head, and six white bars on body, the second bar curved, continuous with the anteriormost diagonal stripe on the first dorsal fin, the third bar bent at the middle, originating on the second dorsal-fin origin, and the fourth bar curved. Although most similar in coloration to Priolepis akihitoi Hoese and Larson 2010, the new species can be distinguished from the latter by the following: a large eye, its diameter 31.4% of head length (HL) (vs. 26.1–30.3), a wide interorbital space, its width 10.9% HL (vs. 5.3–7.8), six bars on the body, second to fourth curve or bent (vs. eight, all straight), black blotches on the lower caudal fin (vs. absent), and three anterior transverse interorbital papillae (ATI) (vs. one or two); and four or five posterior transverse interorbital papillae (PTI) (vs. one or two).


Marine benthic dinoflagellates within the genus Coolia have been reported to produce natural products, some of which are known to be toxic (i.e., cooliatoxin). To date, five species of Coolia have been reported in tropical and temperate waters around the world; however, very few studies have combined detailed morphological and molecular data with chemical analyses. In this study, a clonal culture of Coolia malayensis was isolated and mass cultivated from a coral reef on the island of Okinawa, Japan. Analysis of the thecal plate morphology and molecular phylogeny from 28S rDNA strongly supported the close relationship between this new isolate of C. malayensis from Okinawa and other isolates of C. malayensis from around the world. Following methanol extraction of 250 L of mass culture, chemical analyses using NanoLiquid chromatography mass spectrometry revealed the mass profiles of water-soluble and ethyl acetate-soluble parts. High-resolution mass spectrometry derived the molecular formulas of three novel disulphated polyether analogs of yessotoxin (C56H78O18S2 1102.4 (Compound 1), C57H80O18S2 1116.4 (Compound 2), and C57H78O19S2 1130.4 (Compound 3)); two potential homologous compounds (Compounds 4 and 5) were also observed on the high-resolution mass, albeit with low signal intensity. The five compounds in the C. malayensis from Okinawa are composed of less oxygen, compared to cooliatoxin and other analogs of yessotoxin, suggesting the metabolites produced by C. malayensis are unique to those previously reported from other strains of Coolia.  相似文献   

Age and growth were studied for Gerres oyena (Forsskål, 1775) on Okinawa Island, southern Japan from November 2002 to November 2005. A total of 408 samples was collected ranging from 5.85 to 19.65 cm standard length (LSL). Male fish age was estimated at up to 6+ years, whereas females reached 8+ years as estimated by sectioned otoliths. The length–weight relationships and the von Bertalanffy growth curve were described for all individuals as: and Lt = 20.54{1 − e−0.1807(t+2.8462)}, respectively. Opaque rings were formed from April to August during the spring–summer seasons.  相似文献   

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