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The purpose of this research is to identify at what extent e-book reading reduces global warming potential (GWP) of book reading activities relative to that of reading only paper books. Past studies assume e-books and paper books are interchangeable during consumption, but adopting e-book reading can alter reading patterns in reality. This research comparatively assessed the GWP of reading only paper books and that of reading pattern of after e-reader adoption of consumer segments.


We computed GWP of book reading activities of consumer segments that include a life cycle of paper book, e-book, and e-book reading device. Two e-book devices were considered: a designated e-book device (e-reader) and a tablet. The functional units are book reading activities per person and per person-book, which account the number of books purchased or acquired and the reading hours per person. We collected data through a web survey in the USA. Consumer segmentation was performed by analyzing the level of importance in the aspects of book reading activities as a measurement variable. To observe the changes in reading patterns upon e-reader adoption within the same population, we conducted a 3-month social experiment involving e-readers in the USA.

Results and discussion

Adopting e-readers was discovered to reduce both the GWP per person and the GWP per person-book of book reading activities. The GWP of e-books read with an e-reader and the GWP of paper books were found to break even at 4.7 books per year, provided consumers read less than 11 h a day. According to the web survey, e-reader users purchase more than seven e-books annually on average, which resulted in a smaller GWP per person-book relative to that of one paper book. Furthermore, the GWP per person in the social experiment was smaller for e-reader adopters than those who only read paper books because they substituted e-books for paper books. The overall book reading volume remains unchanged upon e-reader adoption.


Adoption of e-readers reduces the GWP from book reading activities with only paper books, provided more than 4.7 paper books are substituted by e-books annually, and provided consumers’ total consumption volume remain unchanged. E-reader adopters read sufficient number of e-books to break even with paper books. However, most e-reader adopters are yet to fully abandon paper books for e-books. Analyzing the differences in the reading experience between e-books and paper books is a future task.

This study investigates the life cycle GHG emissions of jet fuel produced via the hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) pathway from canola grown in western Canada, with a focus on characterizing regional influences on emissions. We examine the effects of geographic variations in soil type, agricultural inputs, farming practices, and direct land use changes on life cycle GHG emissions. We utilize GREET 2016 but replace default feedstock production inputs with geographically representative data for canola production across eight western Canadian regions (representing 99% of Canada's canola production) and replace the default conversion process with data from a novel process model previously developed in ASPEN in our research group wherein oil extraction is integrated with the HEFA‐based fuel production process. Although canola production inputs and yields vary across the regions, resulting life cycle GHG emissions are similar if effects of land use and land management changes (LMC) are not included; 44–48 g CO2e/MJ for the eight regions (45%–50% reduction compared to petroleum jet fuel). Results are considerably more variable, 16–58 g CO2e/MJ, when including effects of land use and LMC directly related to conversion of lands from other uses to canola production (34%–82% reduction compared to petroleum jet fuel). We establish the main sources of emissions in the life cycle of canola jet fuel (N‐fertilizer and related emissions, fuel production), identify that substantially higher emissions may occur when using feedstock sourced from regions where conversion of forested land to cropland had occurred, and identify benefits of less intense tillage practices and increased use of summerfallow land. The methods and findings are relevant in jurisdictions internationally that are incorporating GHG emissions reductions from aviation fuels in a low carbon fuel market or legislating carbon intensity reduction requirements.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study is to assess and calculate the potential impacts of climate change on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction potentials of combined production of whole corn bioethanol and stover biomethanol, and whole soybean biodiesel and stalk biomethanol. Both fuels are used as substitutes to conventional fossil-based fuels. The product system includes energy crop (feedstock) production and transportation, biofuels processing, and biofuels distribution to service station.


The methodology is underpinned by life cycle thinking. Crop system model and life cycle assessment (LCA) model are linked in the analysis. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer – crop system model (DSSAT-CSM) is used to simulate biomass and grain yield under different future climate scenarios generated using a combination of temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO2. Historical weather data for Gainesville, Florida, are obtained for the baseline period (1981–1990). Daily minimum and maximum air temperatures are projected to increase by +2.0, +3.0, +4.0, and +5.0 °C, precipitation is projected to change by ±20, 10, and 5 %, and atmospheric CO2 concentration is projected to increase by +70, +210, and +350 ppm. All projections are made throughout the growing season. GaBi 4.4 is used as primary LCA modelling software using crop yield data inputs from the DSSAT-CSM software. The models representation of the physical processes inventory (background unit processes) is constructed using the ecoinvent life cycle inventory database v2.0.

Results and discussion

Under current baseline climate condition, net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings per hectare from corn-integrated biomethanol synthesis (CIBM) and soybean-integrated biomethanol synthesis (SIBM) were calculated as ?8,573.31 and ?3,441 kg CO2-eq. ha?1 yr?1, respectively. However, models predictions suggest that these potential GHG emissions savings would be impacted by changing climate ranging from negative to positive depending on the crop and biofuel type, and climate scenario. Increased atmospheric level of CO2 tends to minimise the negative impacts of increased temperature.


While policy measures are being put in place for the use of renewable biofuels driven by the desire to reduce GHG emissions from the use of conventional fossil fuels, climate change would also have impacts on the potential GHG emissions reductions resulting from the use of these renewable biofuels. However, the magnitude of the impact largely depends on the biofuel processing technology and the energy crop (feedstock) type.  相似文献   

Agriculture is faced with the challenge of providing healthy food for a growing population at minimal environmental cost. Rice (Oryza sativa), the staple crop for the largest number of people on earth, is grown under flooded soil conditions and uses more water and has higher greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than most crops. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that alternate wetting and drying (AWD – flooding the soil and then allowing to dry down before being reflooded) water management practices will maintain grain yields and concurrently reduce water use, greenhouse gas emissions and arsenic (As) levels in rice. Various treatments ranging in frequency and duration of AWD practices were evaluated at three locations over 2 years. Relative to the flooded control treatment and depending on the AWD treatment, yields were reduced by <1–13%; water‐use efficiency was improved by 18–63%, global warming potential (GWP of CH4 and N2O emissions) reduced by 45–90%, and grain As concentrations reduced by up to 64%. In general, as the severity of AWD increased by allowing the soil to dry out more between flood events, yields declined while the other benefits increased. The reduction in GWP was mostly attributed to a reduction in CH4 emissions as changes in N2O emissions were minimal among treatments. When AWD was practiced early in the growing season followed by flooding for remainder of season, similar yields as the flooded control were obtained but reduced water use (18%), GWP (45%) and yield‐scaled GWP (45%); although grain As concentrations were similar or higher. This highlights that multiple environmental benefits can be realized without sacrificing yield but there may be trade‐offs to consider. Importantly, adoption of these practices will require that they are economically attractive and can be adapted to field scales.  相似文献   



The crude palm oil (CPO) extraction is normally done by a wet extraction process, and wastewater treatment of the wet process emits high levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs). A dry process extracts mixed palm oil (MPO) from palm fruit without using water and has no GHG emissions from wastewater treatment. This work is aimed at determining the GHG emissions of a dry process and at evaluating GHG savings on changing from wet to dry process, including land use change (LUC) effects.


Life cycle assessment from cradle to gate was used. The raw material is palm fruits. The dry process includes primary production, oil room, and utilities. MPO is the main product, while palm cake and fine palm residue are co-products sold for animal feed. Case studies were undertaken without and with carbon stocks of firewood and of nitrogen recycling at plantations from fronds. Allocations by mass, economic, and heating values were conducted. The trading of GHG emissions from co-products to GHG emissions from animal feed was assessed. The GHG emissions or savings from direct LUC (dLUC) and from indirect LUC (iLUC) effects and for the change from wet to dry process were determined.

Results and discussion

Palm fruit and firewood were the major GHG emission sources. Nitrogen recycling on plantations from fronds significantly affects the GHG emissions. With the carbon stocks, the GHG emissions allocated by energy value were 550 kg CO2 eq/t MPO. The GHG emissions were affected by ?3 to 37% for the change from wet to dry process. When the plantation area was increased by 1 ha and the palm oil extraction was changed from wet to dry process, and the change included dLUC and iLUC, the GHG savings ranged from ?0.94 to 5.08 t CO2 eq/ha year. The iLUC was the main GHG emission source. The GHG saving mostly originated from the change of extraction process and from the dLUC effect. Based on the potential use of biodiesel production from oil palm, during 2015–2036 in Thailand, when the extraction process was changed and dLUC and iLUC effects were included, the saving in GHG emissions was estimated to range from ?35,454 to 274,774 t CO2 eq/year.


The change of palm oil extraction process and the LUC effects could minimize the GHG emissions from the palm oil industry. This advantage encourages developing policies that support the dry extraction process and contribute to sustainable developments in palm oil production.



Results of life cycle assessments (LCAs) of power generation technologies are increasingly reported in terms of typical values and possible ranges. Extents of these ranges result from both variability and uncertainty. Uncertainty may be reduced via additional research. However, variability is a characteristic of supply chains as they exist; as such, it cannot be reduced without modifying existing systems. The goal of this study is to separately quantify uncertainty and variability in LCA.


In this paper, we present a novel method for differentiating uncertainty from variability in life cycle assessments of coal-fueled power generation, with a specific focus on greenhouse gas emissions. Individual coal supply chains were analyzed for 364 US coal power plants. Uncertainty in CO2 and CH4 emissions throughout these supply chains was quantified via Monte Carlo simulation. The method may be used to identify key factors that drive the range of life cycle emissions as well as the limits of precision of an LCA.

Results and discussion

Using this method, we statistically characterized the carbon footprint of coal power in the USA in 2009. Our method reveals that the average carbon footprint of coal power (100 year time horizon) ranges from 0.97 to 1.69 kg CO2eq/kWh of generated electricity (95 % confidence interval), primarily due to variability in plant efficiency. Uncertainty in the carbon footprints of individual plants spans a factor of 1.04 for the least uncertain plant footprint to a factor of 1.2 for the most uncertain plant footprint (95 % uncertainty intervals). The uncertainty in the total carbon footprint of all US coal power plants spans a factor of 1.05.


We have developed and successfully implemented a framework for separating uncertainty and variability in the carbon footprint of coal-fired power plants. Reduction of uncertainty will not substantially reduce the range of predicted emissions. The range can only be reduced via substantial changes to the US coal power infrastructure. The finding that variability is larger than uncertainty can obviously not be generalized to other product systems and impact categories. Our framework can, however, be used to assess the relative influence of uncertainty and variability for a whole range of product systems and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Oxalate reduces calcium availability of food because it chelates calcium, forming the sparingly soluble salt calcium-oxalate. Nevertheless, fat sand rats (Psammomys obesus; Gerbillinae) feed exclusively on plants containing much oxalate. We measured the effects of calcium intake on oxalate balance by comparing oxalate intake and excretion in wild fat sand rats feeding on their natural, oxalate-rich, calcium-poor diet with commercially-bred fat sand rats feeding on an artificial, calcium-rich, oxalate-poor diet of rodent pellets. We also tested for the presence of the oxalate degrading bacterium Oxalobacter sp. in the faeces of both groups. Fat sand rats feeding on saltbush ingested significantly more oxalate than fat sand rats feeding on pellets (P < 0.001) and excreted significantly more oxalate in urine and faeces (P < 0.01 for both). However the fraction of oxalate recovered in excreta [(oxalate excreted in urine + oxalate excreted in faeces)/oxalate ingested] was significantly higher in pellet-fed fat sand rats (61%) than saltbush-fed fat sand rats (27%). We found O. sp. in the faeces of both groups indicating that fat sand rats harbor oxalate degrading bacteria, and these are able, to some extent, to degrade oxalate in its insoluble form.  相似文献   



This paper assesses facility-specific life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensities for electricity-generating facilities in the province of Ontario in 2008. It offers policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders of the Ontario electricity system with data regarding some of the environmental burdens from multiple generation technology currently deployed in the province.


Methods involved extraction of data and analysis from several publically accessible datasets, as well as from the LCA literature. GHG emissions data for operation of power plants came from the Government of Canada GHG registry and the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Sustainable Development reports. Facility-specific generation data came from the Independent Electricity System Operator in Ontario and the OPG.


Full life cycle GHG intensity (tonnes of CO2 equivalent per gigawatt hour) estimates are provided for 4 coal facilities, 27 natural gas facilities, 1 oil/natural gas facility, 3 nuclear facilities, 7 run-of-river hydro facilities and 37 reservoir hydro facilities, and 7 wind facilities. Average (output weighted) life cycle GHG intensities are calculated for each fuel type in Ontario, and the life cycle GHG intensity for the Ontario grid as a whole (in 2008) is estimated to be 201 t CO2e/GWh.


The results reflect only the global warming impact of electricity generation, and they are meant to inform a broader discussion which includes other environmental, social, cultural, institutional and economic factors. This full range of factors should be included in decisions regarding energy policy for the Province of Ontario, and in future work on the Ontario electricity system.  相似文献   

It is accepted that gas bubbles grow from preexisting gas nuclei in tissue. The possibility of eliminating gas nuclei may be of benefit in preventing decompression sickness. In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that hyperbaric oxygen may replace the resident gas in the nuclei with oxygen and, because of its metabolic role, eliminate the nuclei themselves. After pretreatment with oxygen, prawns were 98% saturated with nitrogen before explosive decompression at 30 m/min. Ten transparent prawns were exposed to four experimental profiles in a crossover design: 1) 10-min compression to 203 kPa with air; 2) 10-min compression with oxygen; 3) 10-min compression with oxygen to 203 kPa followed by 12 min air at 203 kPa; and 4) 10 min in normobaric oxygen followed by compression to 203 kPa with air. Bubbles were measured after explosive decompression. We found that pretreatment with hyperbaric oxygen (profile C) significantly reduces the number of bubbles and bubble volume. We suggest that hyperbaric oxygen eliminates bubble nuclei in the prawn.  相似文献   

Although the goal of doubling food demand while simultaneously reducing agricultural environmental damage has become widely accepted, the dominant agricultural paradigm still considers high yields and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity to be in conflict with one another. Here, we achieved an increase in maize yield of 70% in on‐farm experiments by closing the yield gap and evaluated the trade‐off between grain yield, nitrogen (N) fertilizer use, and GHG emissions. Based on two groups of N application experiments in six locations for 16 on‐farm site‐years, an integrated soil‐crop system (HY) approach achieved 93% of the yield potential and averaged 14.8 Mg ha?1 maize grain yield at 15.5% moisture. This is 70% higher than current crop (CC) management. More importantly, the optimal N rate for the HY system was 250 kg N ha?1, which is only 38% more N fertilizer input than that applied in the CC system. Both the N2O emission intensity and GHG intensity increased exponentially as the N application rate increased, and the response curve for the CC system was always higher than that for the HY system. Although the N application rate increased by 38%, N2O emission intensity and the GHG intensity of the HY system were reduced by 12% and 19%, respectively. These on‐farm observations indicate that closing the yield gap alongside efficient N management should therefore be prominent among a portfolio of strategies to meet food demand while reducing GHG intensity at the same time.  相似文献   

Agriculture in developing countries has attracted increasing attention in international negotiations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for both adaptation to climate change and greenhouse gas mitigation. However, there is limited understanding about potential complementarity between management practices that promote adaptation and mitigation, and limited basis to account for greenhouse gas emission reductions in this sector. The good news is that the global research community could provide the support needed to address these issues through further research linking adaptation and mitigation. In addition, a small shift in strategy by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and ongoing assistance from agricultural organizations could produce a framework to move the research and development from concept to reality. In turn, significant progress is possible in the near term providing the basis for UNFCCC negotiations to move beyond discussion to action for the agricultural sector in developing countries.  相似文献   



Australia is the largest supplier of high-quality wool in the world. The environmental burden of sheep production must be shared between wool and meat. We examine different methods to handle these co-products and focus on proportional protein content as a basis for allocation, that is, protein mass allocation (PMA). This is the first comprehensive investigation applying PMA for calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Australian sheep production, evaluating the variation in PMA across a large number of farms and locations over 20 years.

Materials and methods

Inventory data for two superfine wool Merino farms were obtained from farmer records, interviews and site visits in study 1. Livestock GHG emissions were modelled using Australian National GHG Inventory methods. A comparison was made of mass, protein mass and economic allocation and system expansion methods for handling co-production of wool and sheep meat. In study 2, typical crossbred ewe, Merino ewe and Merino wether flocks in each of the 28 locations in eight climate zones were modelled using the GrassGro/GRAZPLAN simulation model and historical climatic data to examine the variation in PMA values for different enterprise types.

Results and discussion

Different methods for handling co-products in study 1 changed allocated GHG emissions more than fourfold, highlighting the sensitivity to method choice. In study 2, enterprise, climate zone and year and their interactions had significant effects on PMA between wool and liveweight (LW) sold. The wool PMA (wool protein as proportion of total protein sold) least square means (LSM) were 0.61?±?0.003 for wethers, 0.43?±?0.003 for Merino ewes and 0.27?±?0.003 for crossbred ewe enterprises. The wool PMA LSM for the main effect of Köppen climate zone varied from 0.39 to 0.46. Two zones (no dry season/warm summer and distinctively dry and hot) had significantly lower wool PMA LSM, of 0.39 and 0.41, respectively, than the four other climate zones.


Effects of superfine wool production on GHG emissions differed between regions in response to differences in climate and productivity. Regarding methods for handling co-production, system expansion showed the greatest contrast between the two studied flocks and highlighted the importance of meat from wool production systems. However, we also propose PMA as a simple, easily applied allocation approach for use when attributional life cycle assessment (LCA) is undertaken.

In the current economic and environmental context, the selection of livestock phenotypes combining high feed efficiency (FE) and low greenhouse gas emissions is interesting. This study aimed to quantify methane (CH4) emissions and other gas flows (carbon dioxide (CO2) and dihydrogen (H2) emissions, oxygen (O2) consumption) in growing bulls fed with two contrasting diets in order to (i) evaluate the persistence of individual variability in gas flows through time, and (ii) assess the inter-individual relationship between gas flows and FE across diets. Charolais bulls were fattened for 6 months during two consecutive years in two independent batches (50–51 per year). In each batch, half of the animals received a total mixed ad libitum ration either based on maize silage (62% dietary DM) or high-starch concentrate (MS-S), and half based on grass silage (59% dietary DM) and high-fibre concentrate (GS-F). The absolute gas flows (g/d) were individually measured with 2 GreenFeed systems during 88 days (group 1) and 64 days (group 2). All gas flows were also expressed in g/kg DM intake (gas yield), in g/kg average daily gain (CH4 intensity) and residual of daily emissions for CH4 (R CH4). Different FE metrics (residual feed intake (RFI), residual gain (RG) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE)) were investigated during the same period. The relationships between gas flows and FE metrics were tested by linear regression with the diet as fixed effect. For both diets, we observed a consistent individual variability over the measurement period for absolutes values (g/d) of CH4, CO2, and O2 (repeatability >0.7 for GS-F and >0.6 for MS-S). Gas flows (g/d) were positively correlated with RFI with both diets: animals that ingested food in excess of their theoretical maintenance and growth requirements emitted more CH4, CO2 and consumed more O2. The positive relationship between absolute CH4 emissions and RFI highlighted the interest for low-CH4 emitters and efficient growing bulls when fed with high-energy diets rich in starch or fibre. For both diets, RCH4, CH4 yield and CH4 intensity were not related to RFI whereas a significant negative relationship was reported between CH4 intensity and RG, and FCE. These data suggest that intake is the main driver of the phenotypic relationships between CH4 traits and RFI. Further studies including larger numbers of animals on highly contrasting energy diets are needed to investigate the underlying biological regulatory mechanisms of the methanogenic potential of an animal in relation to production traits.  相似文献   

Small changes in lipogenic enzyme activity induced by dietary fats of different composition may, over the long term, have significant impact on the development of obesity. We have investigated the effect of high fat diets (45% of calories as fat) on abundance of mRNA encoding fatty acid synthetase (FAS) and glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) in male Sprague-Dawley rats. When caloric intake was equal, the relative amount of hepatic FAS mRNA was greater in rats fed a saturated compared to a polyunsaturated fat diet. This difference could not be attributed to diet-induced changes in plasma insulin concentration. However, both fat diets suppressed hepatic FAS mRNA compared to a sucrose diet. Close correlation between FAS specific activity and the relative amount of mRNA suggested that regulation was mainly at a pre-translational level. Adipose tissue FAS mRNA was suppressed by the two fat diets equally while GPDH mRNA was unaffected by dietary composition. Retroperitoneal fat pads were significantly larger in rats fed saturated compared to those fed polyunsaturated fat for 26 weeks. We concluded that dietary saturated fats fail to suppress hepatic de novo lipogenesis as effectively as polyunsaturated fats, which may have implications for the prevention of obesity in humans.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutter ant nests are biogeochemical hot spots where ants live and import vegetation to grow fungus. Metabolic activity and (in wet tropical forests) soil gas flux to the nest may result in high nest CO2 concentrations if not adequately ventilated. Wind-driven ventilation mitigates high CO2 concentrations in grasslands, but little is known about exchange for forest species faced with prolonged windless conditions. We studied Atta cephalotes nests located under dense canopy (leaf area index > 5) in a wet tropical rainforest in Costa Rica, where wind events are infrequent. We instrumented nests with thermocouples and flow-through CO2 sensing chambers. The results showed that CO2 concentrations exiting leaf-cutter ant nests follow a diel pattern with higher values at night. We developed an efflux model based on pressure differences that evaluated the observed CO2 diel pattern in terms of ventilation by (1) free convection (warm, less dense air rises out the nest more prominently at night) and (2) episodic wind-forced convection events providing occasional supplemental ventilation during daytime. Average greenhouse gas emissions were estimated through nest vents at about 78 kg CO2eq nest−1 year−1. At the ecosystem level, leaf-cutter ant nest vents accounted for 0.2% to 1% of total rainforest soil emissions. In wet, clayey tropical soils, leaf-cutter ant nests act as free convection-driven conduits for exporting CO2 and other greenhouse gases produced within the nest (fungus and ant respiration, refuse decay), and by roots and soil microbes surrounding the nest. This allows A. cephalotes nests to be ventilated without reliable wind conditions.  相似文献   

Excess fatty acids and carbohydrates have both been implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, and both can reproduce essential features of the disease including insulin resistance and beta cell failure. It has been proposed that both nutrients may regulate metabolism through a common fuel sensing mechanism, namely hexosamine synthesis. We have previously shown that transgenic overexpression of the rate-limiting enzyme for hexosamine synthesis, glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase (GFA), targeted to muscle and fat, leads to insulin resistance mediated by increased O-linked glycosylation of nuclear and cytosolic proteins. We report here that hexosamine-induced insulin resistance is not additive with that induced by high fat feeding. In control mice fed a high fat diet, glucose disposal rates during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia were decreased by 37% (p < 0.02) compared to mice on a low fat diet. Transgenic mice overexpressing GFA and fed a low fat diet exhibited a 51% decrease in glucose disposal compared to controls on a low fat diet (p < 0.001), but no further decrease was evident in the transgenic mice fed a high fat diet. Decreased glucose disposal rates were mirrored by increases in skeletal muscle levels of the principal end product of the hexosamine pathway, UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine. Serum leptin levels, which are modulated both by feeding and hexosamine flux, also show no additivity in their stimulation by GFA overexpression and high fat feeding. These data are consistent with a shared nutrient sensing pathway for high fat and carbohydrate fluxes and a common pathway by which glucose and lipids induce insulin resistance.  相似文献   

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