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Two compounds (trans-1R,3R-chrysanthemyl R-2-methylbutanoate and R-lavandulyl R-2-methylbutanoate) identified from aeration extracts of virgin female Madeira mealybug, Phenacoccus madeirensis Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), were synthesized and tested in field bioassays in northern Taiwan over a 1-mo period. In total, 1,492 male P. madeirensis were captured in sticky traps. Our results showed that 1 microg of synthetic trans-1R,3R-chrysanthemyl R-2-methylbutanoate released from a plastic tube dispenser was attractive to the mealybugs. Different stereoisomers of chrysanthemyl 2-methylbutanoate also were tested. The insect-produced stereoisomer was the most attractive of all the isomers tested, and the stereochemistry of the acid moiety proved to be more critical than that of the alcohol moiety. The minor component found in extracts, R-lavandulyl R-2-methylbutanoate, alone was not attractive to male Madeira mealybugs nor did it act synergistically or additively with the main component.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The microdistribution of three species of insect predators in a Swedish stream was assessed using a multivariate statistical approach. Both abiotic factors and factors pertaining to the prey community were included in the analysis.
2. The factors most strongly correlated to the distribution of large Dinocras cephalotes were the densities of case less caddis larvae ( Wormaldia sp. and Hydropsyche siltalai ) and the median weight of stonefly prey. For small D. cephalotes , the density of H. siltalai and the percentage of moss cover were most important. Isoperla grammatica showed a significant correlation to blackfly density. Rhyacophila nubila occurred predominantly in patches with high prey biomass and with high densities and median weight of case less caddis larvae.
3. It was concluded that the quantity and quality of the prey, such as size, availability and species, influenced the predators'microdistribution. The distributional pattern differed between species of predators and was probably related to their different hunting strategies.  相似文献   

The plum cankerworm moth, Cystidia couaggaria couaggaria (Geometridae: Ennominae), is a defoliator of Chinese plum trees (Prunus mume). The pheromone components of the female were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) with an electro-antennographic (EAG) detector and GC coupled with mass spectrometry. The crude pheromone extract included several EAG-active components, i.e., trienyl, dienyl, and saturated hydrocarbons, with a C21-C25 straight chain. The characteristic mass spectra indicated the unsaturated hydrocarbons to be (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-trienes and (6Z,9Z)-6,9-dienes. In the fields, mixtures of the synthetic C<21 and C<23 trienes in a ratio of 2:3 and 1:4 successfully attracted males of this diurnal species during daytime. While the male antennae responded to the C25 triene and saturated hydrocarbons, their synergistic effects were not observed on the male attraction in the fields. Addition of the C21 diene interestingly inhibited the activity of the triene mixture. Males of Cystidia truncangulata, a sympatric diurnal congener of C. c. couaggaria, showed similar EAG responses to the unsaturated hydrocarbons, but no C. truncangulata males were attracted by the lures tested for C. c. couaggaria males, indicating that the identified hydrocarbons comprised the species-specific pheromone of C. c. couaggaria females.  相似文献   

The pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is a highly polyphagous pest that invaded Florida in 2002 and has recently been reported from several locations in Louisiana. Although identification of its sex pheromone in 2004 improved monitoring capabilities tremendously, the effectiveness and efficiency of different pheromone trap designs for capturing males has not been evaluated. We deployed green Delta, Pherocon IlB, Pherocon V, Jackson, and Storgard Thinline traps in Homestead, FL, and compared the number of male M. hirsutus captured per trap, the number captured per unit of trapping surface area, the amount of extraneous material captured, and the time taken to count trapped mealybugs. Pheromone-baited traps with larger trapping surfaces (green Delta, Pherocon IIB, and Pherocon V) captured more males per trap than those with smaller surfaces (Jackson and Storgard Thinline), and fewest males were captured by Storgard Thinline traps. However, Jackson traps captured as many or more males per square centimeter of trapping surface as those with larger surfaces, and the time required to count males in Jackson traps was significantly less than in green Delta, Pherocon IIB, and Pherocon V traps. Although all trap designs accumulated some debris and nontarget insects, it was rated as light to moderate for all designs. Based on our measures of effectiveness and efficiency, the Jackson trap is most suitable for monitoring M. hirsutus populations. Additionally, unlike the other traps evaluated, which must be replaced entirely or inspected in the field and then redeployed, only the sticky liners of Jackson traps require replacement, enhancing the efficiency of trap servicing.  相似文献   

The prediction that single spider species (as exemplary generalist predators) limit associated prey populations to the same extent that species assemblages do was tested in a well controlled and replicated old field experiment involving the following treatments: (1) the natural spider assemblage (2) a numerically prominent web building spider, (3) a numerically prominent wandering spider, (4) a biomass prominent web-builder, and (5) a biomass prominent wandering spider. Pest insect numbers were significantly higher in spider removal controls than in any spider treament over the four month period of the study, both in terms of total numbers and per spider effects. The individual spider species, in general, showed reduced prey limitation effects relative to that of the spider assemblage, though the magnitudes of these differences were small when compared to those exhibited between the various treatments and the spider removal control. When insect numbers were partitioned according to taxa, no treatment was found to have limited the predaceous insects nor the phytophagous hemipterans. All treatments, however, showed significant limiting effects on the phytophagous homopterans, coleopterans, and dipterans in the old field system, and other taxa were significantly reduced in at least one treatment in addition to the spider assemblage as a whole.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2000,21(3):161-173
Fish larvae were collected monthly between March and September 1997 in the Mira and Guadiana estuaries (southern Portugal). Hydrological parameters were registered and zooplankton samples were obtained simultaneously. Densities of fish larvae (ind·100 m–3) were calculated from 211 samples and larval nutritional condition measured as RNA/DNA ratios were obtained for 346 individuals, using a fluorimetric method for nucleic acid quantification. Correlating variables were further studied using multiple regression analysis in order to assess the relative importance of abiotic and biotic factors affecting within-year trends in abundance and nutritional condition of estuarine fish larvae. Results indicated that: 1) the abundance of fish larvae seems conditioned by temperature and predation; and 2) their nutritional condition is dependent on temperature and prey availability. Temperature is an important variable structuring estuaries and therefore conditions the behaviour and physiology of fish larvae. Furthermore, the co-occurrence of predators and larvae might be related to similar feeding patterns or comensalism. Whenever feeding conditions are suitable, they usually determine enhanced growth and nutritional condition. However, predation seems to control this latter relationship through its effect on larval mortality.  相似文献   

Female sex pheromone of a clearwing moth Nokona feralis (Leech) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), a pest of kiwifruit, was identified to be a 7:3 mixture of (3E,13Z)-3,13-octadecadienyl acetate (E3,Z13-18:OAc) and (3E,13Z)-3,13-octadecadien-1-ol (E3,Z13-18:OH) by GC-EAD and GC/MS analyses. Males were attracted to wide-range mixtures of E3,Z13-18:OAc and E3,Z13-18:OH, and a 7:3 mixture of those two compounds strongly attracted the males in the field.  相似文献   

The plant bug, Adelphocoris fasciaticollis, has begun to resurge and become a key pest for cotton and alfalfa in northern China, along with the widespread cultivation of Bt cotton. To control this plant bug without pesticides, we attempted to develop a new approach by utilizing sex pheromone. The sex pheromone components from the whole‐body extracts were analysed by GC‐MS and gas chromatography–electroantennogram detector analysis (GC‐EAD). (E)‐4‐Oxo‐2‐hexenal and hexyl butyrate, identified as the major components in the extracts of female bugs, elicited strong EAD responses. Field tests indicated that either (E)‐4‐oxo‐2‐hexenal or hexyl butyrate attracted few A. fasciaticollis males and was significantly less active than virgin females and the binary blend. Their ratio was optimized to be 1 : 11. Our results could expand acknowledge of the pheromone of mirids and provide novel approaches to monitor and control this plant bug without pesticides.  相似文献   

In a multi‐prey system, predators kill different kinds of prey according to their availability, where “availability” is a function of prey abundance and vulnerability (e.g. anti‐predator behavior). We hypothesized that prey availability changes seasonally, for instance because reproduction leads to a higher abundance of young in spring and summer or because changes in behavior such as during the mating season makes the prey periodically more vulnerable. We tested this hypothesis in a simple predator‐prey system in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland and France, where a single large mammalian predator, the Eurasian lynx, preys upon two ungulate species, the roe deer and the chamois. In 1996 and 1997 we were able to assign a total of 190 roe deer and 54 chamois killed by lynx to a specific age and sex class (males, females or juveniles). As expected, the proportion of juveniles killed varied considerably among periods, being at the highest from 1st of June to 15th of August. No significant seasonal differences were detected regarding the frequency of predation on males versus females. In particular, the interaction between species and period, expected because of different timing of the rutting period between roe deer and chamois, was not significant. Females were killed only slightly more often during gestation. The relationship between prey abundance and vulnerability is highly complex, as the lynx’ prey selection needs to be analyzed not only horizontally (changes of a specific prey category with season) but also vertically (an increase in the vulnerability of one category releases predation pressure on others). Second, we predicted that certain activities, such as feeding, expose prey to predation more than others. We found more chamois predated when feeding, whereas roe deer were predated mainly when ruminating. This interspecific discrepancy reflects differences either in the anti‐predator behavior of roe deer and chamois or in the relative time allocation to feeding and ruminating between the two species.  相似文献   

After the reduction in the use of broad-spectrum insecticides, Adelphocoris suturalis (Hemiptera: Miridae) has become an important pest of transgenic cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., in China. A. suturalis is a highly mobile insect, moving rapidly in and out of crop fields, and traps baited with sex pheromones may be useful in monitoring and controlling its numbers. However, little is currently known regarding the chemical communication based on sex pheromones by this species. To use the synthesized sex pheromone effectively as part of the integrated pest management, some fundamental biological parameters under which the pheromone is produced must be understood. In this study, attractiveness of adult females or males of A. suturalis to conspecific individuals was examined by Y-tube bioassay; we also investigated the female sexually mature age and circadian rhythm of male attraction to females of A. suturalis in the field in 2008 and 2010. Y-tube bioassay results indicated that only males were attracted to odors from sexually mature virgin females. Two-year field trapping experiments showed that 4-18-d-old virgin females effectively attracted males, and males were attracted to virgin females during the scotophase, with a peak between 1900 and 2300 hours. These results improve our understanding of the sexual communication behavior of A. suturalis and provide evidence of female-produced sex pheromone in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The effects of pheromone dose, trap size and trap design on the capture of male Matsucoccus feytaudi were studied in maritime pine forests of Portugal, France and Italy, and Matsucoccus josephi in Aleppo pine stands of Israel. 2 Males of both species respond to racemic mixtures of the respective sex pheromone at a dosage as low as 25 µg. However, for low population densities of M. feytaudi, a 50 µg dosage was needed to guarantee male catches significantly different from the control trap. 3 Male capture increased with increasing dosage up to a threshold level for both species. Overdose repellence was not observed even with baits containing 1600 and 2200 µg of the pheromone of M. josephi and M. feytaudi, respectively. 4 For M. feytaudi, a higher dose–response was observed at medium population densities, whereas lesser captures were registered at low and high population densities, suggesting female competition in the latter case. 5 Catches of M. feytaudi males were not affected by trap design, whereas M. josephi males were caught in significantly greater numbers in delta traps. Large traps caught significantly more males of both species. 6 The relative higher male catches in the marginal zone of the sticky traps is probably related to males landing behaviour in the vicinity of the pheromone source. 7 The shape and size of the trap did not affect the bias of the estimates of male catches. However, the plate traps provided higher precision. Both bias and precision improved with increasing dose.  相似文献   

Pheromones have been detected in all fungal phylogenetic lineages. This came as a surprise, as the general role of pheromones in mate attraction was not envisioned for some fungi. Pheromones and pheromone receptor genes have been identified, however, in members of all true fungal lineages, and even for mycelia forming organisms of plant and amoeba lineages, like oomycetes and myxomycetes. The mating systems and genes governing the mating type are different in fungi, ranging from bipolar with two opposite mating types to tetrapolar mating systems (with four possible mating outcomes, only one of which leads to fertile sexual development) in homobasidioymcetes with more than 23,000 mating types occurring in nature. Pheromones and receptors specifically recognizing these pheromones have evolved with slightly different functions in these different systems. This review is dedicated to follow the evolution of pheromone/receptor systems from simple, biallelic bipolar systems to multiallelic, tetrapolar versions and to explain the slightly different functions the pheromone recognition and subsequent signal transduction cascades within the fungal kingdom. The biotechnological implications of a detailed understanding of mating systems for biological control and plant protection, in medicine, and in mushroom breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

双生病毒科(Geminiviridae)菜豆金黄花叶病毒属病毒是一类重要的植物病毒,主要危害番茄、烟草、棉花等多种经济作物,自然条件下主要由介体昆虫烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci传播。菜豆金黄花叶病毒属病毒在田间的暴发受多种因素的影响,其中一个最重要的因素就是其介体昆虫烟粉虱。因此,明确烟粉虱在田间传播和扩散特定病毒中的作用及影响因素,对于解析病毒病流行的生物学基础具有重要意义。本文综述了烟粉虱对菜豆金黄花叶病毒属病毒的传播及影响因素,并讨论了病毒对媒介昆虫的适应及其机制。菜豆金黄花叶病毒属病毒和烟粉虱都为全球分布的有害生物,通过生物信息学的分析发现,两者都呈现地域相关的遗传多样性。而在生物学的研究中发现,烟粉虱隐存种往往对与其起源于同一地区的病毒具有较高的传播效率。这些发现为进一步解析烟粉虱对菜豆金黄花叶病毒属病毒的传播提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Discrete patches of aphids were artificially created in winter wheat fields in 1982 and in 1983 using field cages.
2. Aggregation by polyphagous predators at these patches following cage removal was measured using pitfall traps in patch and control areas.
3. Several species of polyphagous beetle (Carabidae and Staphylinidae) aggregated in these patches while other species did not.
4. The consequences of aggregation by polyphagous predators to a single prey species are discussed.  相似文献   

Field experiments were performed in artificial ponds to evaluate how the density of predatory diving beetles (Dytiscidae) would affect the population levels of mosquito larvae (Culicidae). Mosquitoes colonizing the ponds were predominantly species of the genus Culex. In 2000, most of the dytiscids colonizing the ponds were small (Hydroporus spp.), and these predators had no impact on the size of larval mosquito populations, not even in ponds with added dytiscids. In 2001, larger beetles (Ilybius, Rhantus, and Agabus spp.) were more common, and there were significantly fewer mosquito larvae in ponds with the highest numbers of dytiscids. There was a negative correlation between numbers of diving beetles in the ponds and the mean body length of mosquito larvae. In neither year could dytiscid densities be maintained above a certain level owing to emigration. In laboratory tests, there were marked differences between three common dytiscid species in regard to preferences for Daphnia and Culex species as prey: Colymbetes paykulli Erichson chose mosquito larvae more often, whereas both Ilybius ater (De Geer) and I. fuliginosus (Fabricius) preferred Daphnia spp. All of the tested dytiscids consumed large numbers of prey. Since some dytiscid species can efficiently decrease populations of mosquito larvae, they are probably important in the natural control of these dipterans.  相似文献   

Flavobacteria and Enterobacteriaceae have been previously reported as scale insect endosymbionts. The purpose of this work was twofold: first, to screen different scale insect families for the presence of these endosymbionts by PCR analyses and second, to elucidate the history of cophylogeny between these bacteria and the insects by analysing a portion of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene sequences by two reconciliation tools, CoRe‐PA and Jane. From a survey of 27 scale insects within seven families, we identified Flavobacteria and Enterobacteriaceae as coexisting in ten species that belong to the Ortheziidae, Monophlebidae, Diaspididae and Coccidae families, and we frequently found two closely related enterobacteria harboured in the same individual. Analyses performed with CoRe‐PA and Jane suggest that Flavobacteria from the scale insects analysed have a unique origin, except for Candidatus Brownia rhizoecola (Flavobacteria of Pseudococcidae, Phenacoccinae), which seems to come from a nonscale insect. Nevertheless, cospeciation between Flavobacteria and scale insects is suggested only within the families Monophlebidae, Ortheziidae and Diaspididae, and host switches seem to have occurred from the ancestors of Monophlebidae and Ortheziidae to insects from families Coccidae, Lecanodiaspididae, Eriococcidae and Pseudococcidae. Our analyses suggest that Enterobacteriaceae underwent more evolutionary events (losses, duplications and host switches), and their phylogenies showed a lower proportion of congruent nodes between host and bacteria, indicating a more relaxed relationship with scale insects compared with Flavobacteria.  相似文献   

The brown-winged green stink bug, Plautia stali Scott (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an important fruit-piercing bug. A monitoring study on the seasonal density change of P. stali using traps baited with methyl (E,E,Z)-2,4,6-decatrienoate, the aggregation pheromone of the P. stali, resulted in the first capture of adult tachinid flies, Gymnosoma rotundatum (Diptera: Tachinidae), in Korea. The parasitoid fly may worth studying as a biological control agent in the management of P. stali.  相似文献   

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