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Plankton collections from the Indian Ocean contain adults and larvae of three species of Thalassocaris: T. lucida (Dana), T. crinita (Dana) and T. obscura sp.n. The new species was previously confused with T. crinita by Borradaile and with T. lucida by Kemp.
Larvae of Thalassocaris are described for the first time. In each species there are 10–13 zoeal stages. The cephalothorax is very broad and shallow, the maxilla has only one coxal endite, and exopods develop on legs 1–4.
T. crinita is a shallow-water species with a wide distribution in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific. T. lucida and T. obscura are open ocean species. T. lucida is most common in the eastern Indian Ocean (and probably in the western Pacific) and is not recorded from the Arabian Sea. T. obscura is most common in the Arabian Sea and is not recorded from the south-eastern Indian Ocean or from the Pacific.
Larval characters do not support the inclusion of Thalassocaris in the Pandalidae. Recognition of the family Thalassocarididae, comprising the genera Thalassocaris and Chlorosocoides, is advocated.  相似文献   

The early larval stages of the deep-sea Nematocarcinidae, Nematocarcinus longirostris Bate, 1888, from the south-western Atlantic Ocean, and N. lanceopes Bate, 1888, from the high Antarctic Weddell Sea, were obtained from plankton catches, described and illustrated. Furthermore, field collected larvae of N. lanceopes were compared with larvae hatched and reared under constant laboratory conditions. The morphology of larvae in both species clearly indicates a planktotrophic and extended mode of larval development. This is an outstanding feature in deep-sea and especially in high-latitudinal caridean shrimp species, and the consequence of such reproductive trait for life history adaptations to both deep-sea and polar environments is discussed.This revised version was published online in November 2004 with corrections to the figure part lettering.  相似文献   

The systematic relationships of the freshwater shrimp family, Kakaducarididae, were examined using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Combined nuclear (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, Histone) and mitochondrial (16S rDNA) analyses placed the kakaducaridid genera, Kakaducaris and Leptopalaemon, as a strongly supported clade within the Palaemonidae, in a close relationship with the genus Macrobrachium. Monophyly of the Australian Kakaducarididae was strongly supported by the molecular data. Estimated net divergence times between Kakaducaris and Leptopalaemon using mitochondrial 16S rDNA equate to a late Miocene/Pliocene split. Within Leptopalaemon, each locality was distinct for mitochondrial COI haplotypes, suggesting long-term isolation or recent genetic bottlenecks, a lack of contemporary gene flow amongst sites and a small Ne. Mitochondrial groupings within Leptopalaemon were largely congruent with several previously recognised morphotypes. Estimated net divergence times between L. gagadjui and the new Leptopalaemon morphotypes equate to a split in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene. The hypothesis that the Kakaducarididae is comprised of relict species in specialised ecological niches is not supported by the molecular data, which instead suggest a relatively recent origin for the group in northern Australia, sometime in the late Miocene or Pliocene.  相似文献   

Biomass (CHN), respiration rate and food uptake were estimated for the larval development ofElminius modestus at three temperatures (12, 18, 24°C). Mean values of dry weight, elemental composition and energy equivalents increased exponentially with the development from nauplius II to VI. Dry weight, elemental composition and energy content exhibited the highest values at 18°C. Respiration rates increased with the larval stages expressed by a power function, but increased logarithmically with the dry weight of the larvae. The cypris larvae showed a reduced respiration rate compared with nauplius VI. The ingestion rate was measured at a concentration of 100 cells ofSkeletonema costatum μl−1. At 12 and 18°C ingestion rates increased exponentially and at 24°C by a logarithmic function. The fittings were used to estimate the energy budget ofE. modestus during larval development. The energy content of the larvae increased during the development from nauplius II to VI by a factor of 21 at 12°C, 25 at 24°C and 31 at 18°C. The estimated energy content of the freshly metamorphosed barnacle is 100 mJ (12°C), 130 mJ (24°C) and 150 mJ (18°C). The assimilation- (A/I) and gross growth efficiencies (K1) increased strongly during the development from nauplius II to VI (A/I: 6–14% in nauplius II to 50–90% in nauplius VI; K1: 4% in nauplius II to 75% in nauplius VI). The net growth efficiency (K2) showed a relatively constant level ranging between 57 and 83%.  相似文献   

Freshwater caridean shrimps account for approximately a quarter of all described Caridea, numerically dominated by the Atyidae and Palaemonidae. With the exception of Antarctica, freshwater shrimp are present in all biogeographical regions. However, the Oriental region harbours the majority of species, whilst the Nearctic and western Palaearctic are very species-poor. Many species are important components of subsistence fisheries, whilst the Giant River Prawn forms the basis of an extensive aquaculture industry. A total of 13 species are threatened or endangered, with one species formally extinct. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Cai  Yixiong  Ng  Peter K. L. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,487(1):59-83
The taxonomy of the palaemonid freshwater prawns of Myanmar is reviewed and 19 species are recorded. These belong to three genera, with 17 species of Macrobrachium, one species of Palaemonetes and one species of Leptocarpus. The identities of Palaemon spinipes birmanicus Schenkel, 1902, and Palaemon naso Kemp, 1918, are clarified with both recognised as distinct taxa. The taxonomy of several poorly known species of Macrobrachium,viz. M. villosimanus (Tiwari, 1949), M. peguense (Tiwari, 1952), M. hendersoni (De Man, 1906) and M. platyrostrum (Tiwari, 1952) is revised and discussed. Five species are reported from Myanmar for the first time, viz. Macrobrachium lamarrei (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837), M. dayanum (Henderson, 1893), M. lanchesteri (De Man, 1911), M. nipponense (De Haan, 1894), and Palaemonetes sinensis (Sollaud, 1911). One new species, Macrobrachium lanatum, which is closely allied to M. scabriculum (Heller, 1862) and M. dolichodactylus (Hilgendorf, 1879), is described and figured.  相似文献   

Collections of Atyoida serrata (CS Bate, 1888) are reported from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa for the first time. This species is currently known only from the lower reaches of the Mgeni, Vungu and Mtamvuna river systems where it occupies rocky cascades and rock crevices in torrential habitats.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the Japanese snapping shrimp Alpheus japonicus Miers (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) is presented here. A comparative analysis based on the currently available mitochondrial genomic data revealed many previously unknown characteristics of the mitochondrial genomes of caridean shrimps. The A. japonicus mitochondrial genome is 16487 bp long and contains the typical set of 37 metazoan genes. The gene arrangements in the mitochondrial genomes of four previously studied carideans (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, M. nipponense, M. lanchesteri and Halocaridina rubra) were found to be identical to the pancrustacean ground pattern; thus, it was considered that gene rearrangements probably did not occur in the suborder Caridea. In the present study, a translocation of the trnE gene involving inversion was found in Alpheus mitochondrial genomes. This phenomenon has not been reported in any other crustacean mitochondrial genome that has been studied so far; however, the translocation of one transfer RNA gene (trnP or trnT) was reported in the mitochondrial genome of Exopalaemon carinicauda. When the ratios of the nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions rates (Ka/Ks) for the 13 protein coding genes from two Alpheus species (A. japonicus and A. distinguendus) and three Macrobrachium species (M. rosenbergii, M. nipponense, M. lanchesteri) were calculated, the Ka/Ks values for all the protein coding genes in Alpheus and Macrobrachium mitochondrial genomes were found to be less than 1 (between 0.0048 and 0.2057), indicating that a strong purification selection had occurred. The phylogenetic tree that was constructed based on the mitochondrial protein coding genes in the genomes of nine related species indicated that Palaemonidae and Alpheidae formed a monophyly and shared a statistically significant relationship, (Palaemonidae+Alpheidae)+Atyidae, at the family level.  相似文献   

Present groupings of Caridea are notoriously unsatisfactory at the superfamily level. Principles of phylogenetic systematics are used to reconstruct 14 monophyletic subgroups of Caridea, based on 19 synaomorphies of adults. The following sequenced phylogenetic classification is provided (main diagnostic character for each superfamily within brackets): 1. Atyoidea (distal lash of Mxp, reduced); Oplophoridae; Atyidae; Pasiphaidae; Agostocarididae; Alvinocarididae; Bresiliidae; Psalidopodidae; Disciadidae; 2. Stylodactyloidea (mandibular palp with 2 segments or absent); Stylodactylidea; Campylonotidae; 3. Eugonatonotoidea (abdominal somite III with dorsal carina bifurcate); Eugonatonotidae; 4. Palaemonoidea (basal segment of antennular peduncle with distolateral tooth); Rhynchocinetidae; Palaemonidae; 5. Nematocarcinoidea (ventral lobe of scaphognathite narrowly triangular); Nematocarcinidae; 6. Pandaloidea (P1 with chela microscoic or absent); Pandalidae; “Plesionikidae”; Heterocarpidae; Heterocarpoididae; Dorodoteidae; Thalassocarididae; Physetocarididae; 7. Crangonoidea (incisor process of mandible absent); Barbouriidae; Lysmatidae; Merguiidae, fam. n.; Processidae; Glyphocrangonidae; Crangonidae; 8. Alpheoidea (carpus of P2 with less than 17 segments); Merhippolytidae, fam. n.; Nauticarididae; Alopidae; Bythocarididae; Thoridae; Hippolytidae; Pterocarididae, fam. n.; Ogyrididae; Alpheidae. The monotypic hippolytid taxon Thorellinae, subfam. n., has been formally diagnosed. A survey of the lower Caridea has furnished 276 enera and 2418 species and subspecies. The new superfamily system is simpler, genealogically informative and more precisely diagnosed than previous schemes. These have failed as general reference systems because they were based on the wrong premises that similarities indicate phylogenetic relationships or can be used to construct a single acceptable hierarchy.  相似文献   

Siphonostomes (Copepoda — Cyclopoida) from the InternationalIndian Ocean Expedition collections were studied. The groupwas represented by Pontoeciella abyssicola of family Pon-toeciellidaeand Ratania flava of family Rataniidae. This study has extendedthe distribution of both the species considerably, and includesthe first record of the male of P. abyssicola from the IndianOcean and of both species from the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two species of decapod crustacean are recorded from the Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Upper Hauterivian – Lower Barremian) of the Neuquén Basin of west‐central Argentina, namely Astacodes falcifer Bell and a new species of Palaeohomarus, P. pacificus. The preservation of the specimens is exceptional, some showing delicate compound eyes and a stridulatory apparatus, features rarely found in fossil forms. Many specimens are preserved articulated inside calcareous nodules, within dark‐grey shales. The lobster‐bearing sediments accumulated in a low‐energy marine environment and diagenetic mineralization occurred very rapidly, prior to significant decay, thus allowing exceptional preservation of specimens. Palaeohomarus was a rare genus in the Cretaceous with a palaeogeographic distribution restricted to the Mediterranean Tethys, the eastern USA and Madagascar, while Astacodes falcifer has been recorded only from Speeton (eastern England) and Neuquén.  相似文献   

Rimicaris kairei new species (Alvinocarididae: Caridea: Decapoda) is described based on materials, from the active hydrothermal vent field, "Kairei Field," on the Central Indian Ridge, the Indian Ocean. The new species is clearly distinguishable from the unique congener, R. exoculata Williams & Rona, 1986, which is known from the Atlantic Ocean. The following morphological differences were identified: (1) all punctations on carapace strongly ornamented by tufts of short stiff setae in R. exoculata, whereas without any setae in R. kairei; (2) antennal flagella in R. exoculata shorter than in R. kairei; (3) walking legs in R. exoculata more robust than in R. kairei.  相似文献   

Summary Three gammaridean amphipods coming under the family Amphilochidae are described and figured. Two of these are considered new. In the light of this study, J. L. Barnard's (1962) observations on the family are critically examined and a reassessment of the characters made use of in separating some of the genera under the family is made.
Zusammenfassung Es werden drei gammaride Amphipoden der Familie Amphilochidae beschrieben und abgebildet. Zwei davon werden als neu bezeichnet. J. L. Barnard's (1962) Befindungen über diese Familie werden kritisch betrachtet und die Merkmale zur Differenzierung einiger Genera dieser Familie werden, im Lichte des Gefundenen, revidiert.

Eder  Erich 《Hydrobiologia》2002,486(1):39-47
This paper presents a SEM documentation of the larval development of the two most abundant Austrian conchostracan species, Imnadia yeyetta (Limnadiidae) and Leptestheria dahalacensis (Leptestheriidae). As in several previously examined spinicaudatan species, five larval stages were documented: Nauplius 1, Nauplius 2, Metanauplius, Peltatulus, and Heilophore. Additionally, three postlarval stages of L. dahalacensis and the first larval instars of Eoleptestheria ticinensis and Limnadia lenticularis are shown and compared with the examined stages. Species identification of conchostracan larval stages is possible by using surface structures, and using SEM methods, except for L. lenticularis which can be identified more easily on the characteristic shape of the labrum.  相似文献   

Early life history patterns were studied in the caridean shrimp, Campylonotus vagans Bate, 1888, from the subantarctic Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego). As a consequence of very large egg size (minimum 1.4 mm), fecundity was low, ranging from 83 to 608 eggs per female (carapace length [CL] 11-22.5 mm). Egg size increased continuously throughout embryonic development, reaching prior to hatching about 175% of the initial diameter. Due to low daily numbers of larval release, hatching of an egg batch lasted for about 2-3 weeks. The complete larval and early juvenile development was studied in laboratory cultures fed with Artemia sp. nauplii. At 7.0±0.5 °C, development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted for about 6 weeks. It comprised invariably two large zoeal stages and one decapodid, with mean stage durations of 12, 17, and 15 days, respectively. Larvae maintained without food survived on average for 18 days (maximum: 29 days), but did not reach the moult to the zoea II stage. Size increments at ecdysis were low in all larval stages (2.1-3.9%), indicating partial utilisation of internal energy reserves. A clearly higher increment (14%) was observed in the moult from the first to the second juvenile stage. Low fecundity, large size of eggs and larvae, an abbreviated mode of larval development, high larval survival rates during absence of food, demersal behaviour of the early life history stages, and an extended hatching period with low daily release rates are interpreted as adaptations to conditions typically prevailing in subantarctic regions, namely low temperatures (causing long durations of development) in combination with a pronounced seasonality in plankton production (i.e., short periods of food availability).  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the shallow-water Caribbean porcellanid crab, Petrolisthes politus (Gray, 1831), is described and illustrated from specimens reared in the laboratory. Petrolisthes politus hatches as a prezoea, which persist for less than 90 minutes, and then molts through two subsequent zoeal stages, which are completed in 6 to 7 and 14 to 16 days, respectively, before the megalopal stage is reached. From a total of about 2000 zoeae that were cultured, only two reached the megalopal stage. The two megalopae survived for up to 5 days but did not molt to the first crab stage. The zoeae of P. politus are compared with those of Petrolisthes rufescens (Heller, 1861), Petrolisthes lamarckii (Leach, 1820), Petrolisthes carinipes (Heller, 1861), Petrolisthes coccineus (Owen 1839) and Petrolisthes pubescens (Stimpson, 1858), which were hitherto the only species having bifid lateral spines on the telson of the first zoeal stage.  相似文献   

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