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Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells [also known as mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)] are currently being studied as a cell-based treatment for inflammatory disorders. Experimental animal models of human immune-mediated diseases have been instrumental in establishing their immunosuppressive properties. In this review, we summarize recent studies examining the effectiveness of MSCs as immunotherapy in several widely-studied animal models, including type 1 diabetes, experimental autoimmune arthritis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, inflammatory bowel disease, graft-vs-host disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus. In addition, we discuss mechanisms identified by which MSCs mediate immune suppression in specific disease models, and potential sources of functional variability of MSCs between studies.  相似文献   

在过去的100年里,动物模型的研究已在人类疫苗的发展中起到至关重要的作用。动物模型的使用不仅有助于疫苗从基本研究转到临床应用,而且动物模型通常能够预测疫苗实用的潜能,从而帮助疫苗的生产商预测财政风险。由于每种动物模型都有其自身的优缺点,选择一种合适的动物模型可促进疫苗研发的顺利进行。  相似文献   

围绕疾病所开展的基础研究已成为当今生物医学研究领域中的主要内容,而利用模式动物建立疾病的动物模型已是其研究的重要手段,对疾病的基础研究和转化研究均具有重要意义,已成为影响该领域发展的一个关键因素。我国医学研究领域中加强人类疾病动物模型研究既是一个现实问题,更是一个迫切问题,国家自然科学基金委员会医学科学部将在这方面予以倾斜支持。  相似文献   

发展对人类疾病有效的预测、预防、诊断和治疗等途径,一直是人口健康领域关注的焦点.任何人类疾病似乎都可归咎于遗传背景和环境因素的共同作用,并影响到疾病的发生、病程、药物疗效和预后等.最有效的研究策略足直接针对患者的各方面临床研究,但这一策略常常会而临着同一临床症状却有不同病因(异质性)、个体差异显著(如治疗效果因人而异)以及难以回溯性地研究人类疾病的发生、发展(如发病以前的事件或经历)等问题,而且医学伦理学的要求使得大量医学研究和新药新疗法不能直接应用于人体,必须先有动物实验阐明其安全性和必要性.最佳的研究策略足创建人类疾病的动物模型,因为可严格地控制病因、遗传背景、环境因子等,也可跟踪性研究动物模型病症的发生、发展、治疗反应和结局等,但这一策略也常常面临着一系列问题和误解.对此,在<动物学研究>出版<灵长类动物与人类疾病模型>专刊之际,撰写此评述性论文,将系列问题和误解一一提出,并讨论其应对策略.  相似文献   

In this paper, we respond to arguments made concerning our position regarding animal models (Shelley, 2010) by briefly examining the fact that animals (human and nonhuman) are complex systems that have different evolutionary trajectories. This historical fact has implications for using animals as predictive models for human response to drugs and disease.  相似文献   

随着人类生活方式和饮食结构的改变,高尿酸血症和腹型肥胖的发病率逐年升高,且临床研究发现高尿酸血症与腹型肥胖经常在同一个体上出现,两者密切相关。研究发现高尿酸血症并腹型肥胖已成为常见的代谢性疾病,是心脑血管疾病的危险因子。高尿酸血症并腹型肥胖模型的研究,对于阐释高尿酸血症并腹型肥胖的病理及药理机制十分重要。本文就高尿酸血症并腹型肥胖动物模型研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

There are more than 40 different forms of inherited lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) known to occur in humans and the aggregate incidence has been estimated to approach 1 in 7000 live births. Most LSDs are associated with high morbidity and mortality and represent a significant burden on patients, their families, and health care providers. Except for symptomatic therapies, many LSDs remain untreatable, and gene therapy is among the only viable treatment options potentially available. Therapies for some LSDs do exist, or are under evaluation, including heterologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT), enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), and substrate reduction therapy (SRT), but these treatment options are associated with significant concerns, including high morbidity and mortality (BMT), limited positive outcomes (BMT), incomplete response to therapy (BMT, ERT, and SRT), life-long therapy (ERT, SRT), and cost (BMT, ERT, SRT). Gene therapy represents a potential alternative therapy, albeit a therapy with its own attendant concerns. Animal models of LSDs play a critical role in evaluating the efficacy and safety of therapy for many of these conditions. Naturally occurring animal homologs of LSDs have been described in the mouse, rat, dog, cat, guinea pig, emu, quail, goat, cattle, sheep, and pig. In this review we discuss those animal models that have been used in gene therapy experiments and those with promise for future evaluations.  相似文献   

慢性抗thy1抗体肾炎模型由于其疾病过程与人类IgA肾病及其他的系膜增生性肾炎的疾病进程相似,可以用作研究慢性肾脏病的发病机制以及新的治疗策略,本文就慢性抗thy1抗体肾炎模型的建立方法、病理演变过程、发病机制及治疗进展做一综述.  相似文献   

A workshop on 'Improving translation of animal models for nervous system disorders' held at the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, in Washington, DC, 28-29 March 2012, was organized to discuss the issues that contribute to the poor translation of results from animal models to human nervous system disorders, to consider strategies to increase the scientific rigor of preclinical testing, to identify methods to maximize bidirectional translation between basic and clinical research, and to determine the next steps for improvement of the development and testing of animal models of nervous system disorders. The proceedings of this workshop will be of great interest to those doing research in genes, brain and behaviour.  相似文献   

Neuroinflammation is present in the majority of acute and chronic neurological disorders. Excess or prolonged inflammation in the brain is thought to exacerbate neuronal damage and loss. Identifying modulators of neuroinflammation is an active area of study since it may lead to novel therapies. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) are anti-inflammatory in many non-neural tissues; their role in neuroinflammation is less studied. This review summarizes the relationship between n-3 PUFA and brain inflammation in animal models of brain injury and aging. Evidence by and large shows protective effects of n-3 PUFA in models of sickness behavior, stroke, aging, depression, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and cytokine- and irradiation-induced cognitive impairments. However, rigorous studies that test the direct effects of n-3 PUFA in neuroinflammation in vivo are lacking. Future research in this area is necessary to determine if, and if so which, n-3 PUFA directly target brain inflammatory pathways. n-3 PUFA bioactive metabolites may provide novel therapeutic targets for neurological disorders with a neuroinflammatory component.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed principally at bioinformaticians and biologists as an introduction to recent advances in mouse mutagenesis, concentrating on genome-wide screens utilising the powerful mutagen N-ethyl-N-nitroso-urea (ENU). It contains a brief background to the underlying genetics as well as details of the practical aspects of organisation and data capture for such projects.  相似文献   

Ooplasmic segregation in the late interphase zygote of the leech Theromyzon trizonare is accomplished by reorganization of an ectoplasmic cytoskeleton formed by polar rings and meridional bands. The dynamic properties of this cytoskeleton were explored by time-lapse confocal and video microscopy. Cytoskeleton assembly was investigated in zygotes pulse-labeled with microinjected fluorophore-tagged or biotin-tagged dimeric tubulin and G-actin. Cytoskeleton disassembly was studied by comparing the linear dimensions of the cytoskeleton at different time points during late interphase. The relative distributions of F- and-G-actin were determined after microinjection of rhodamine-labeled actin and fluorescein-labeled DNase I. Results showed that labeled precursors were readily incorporated into a network of microtubules or actin filaments. Bipolar translocation of the rings and meridional bands was accompanied by the rapid assembly and disassembly of microtubules and actin filaments. Because labeled microtubules and microfilaments gradually decreased, the rate of cytoskeleton disassembly was greater than the rate of cytoskeleton assembly. Hence, ooplasmic segregation was accompanied by the rapid turnover of cytoskeletal components. Co-distribution of F- and-G-actin during mid and late interphase may favor polymer-monomer interchange. We conclude that cytoskeleton reorganization during foundation of cytoplasmic domains can be conveniently studied in the live leech zygote after microinjection of labeled precursors.  相似文献   

Animal models provide myriad benefits to both experimental and clinical research. Unfortunately, in many situations, they fall short of expected results or provide contradictory results. In part, this can be the result of traditional molecular biological approaches that are relatively inefficient in elucidating underlying molecular mechanism. To improve the efficacy of animal models, a technological breakthrough is required. The growing availability and application of the high-throughput methods make systematic comparisons between human and animal models easier to perform. In the present study, we introduce the concept of the comparative systems biology, which we define as "comparisons of biological systems in different states or species used to achieve an integrated understanding of life forms with all their characteristic complexity of interactions at multiple levels". Furthermore, we discuss the applications of RNA-seq and ChIP-seq technologies to comparative systems biology between human and animal models and assess the potential applications for this approach in the future studies.  相似文献   

Emerging infectious diseases threaten a wide diversity of animals, and important questions remain concerning disease emergence in socially structured populations. We developed a spatially explicit simulation model to investigate whether—and under what conditions—disease-related mortality can impact rates of pathogen spread in populations of polygynous groups. Specifically, we investigated whether pathogen-mediated dispersal (PMD) can occur when females disperse after the resident male dies from disease, thus carrying infections to new groups. We also examined the effects of incubation period and virulence, host mortality and rates of background dispersal, and we used the model to investigate the spread of the virus responsible for Ebola hemorrhagic fever, which currently is devastating African ape populations. Output was analyzed using regression trees, which enable exploration of hierarchical and non-linear relationships. Analyses revealed that the incidence of disease in single-male (polygynous) groups was significantly greater for those groups containing an average of more than six females, while the total number of infected hosts in the population was most sensitive to the number of females per group. Thus, as expected, PMD occurs in polygynous groups and its effects increase as harem size (the number of females) increases. Simulation output further indicated that population-level effects of Ebola are likely to differ among multi-male–multi-female chimpanzees and polygynous gorillas, with larger overall numbers of chimpanzees infected, but more gorilla groups becoming infected due to increased dispersal when the resident male dies. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of social system on the spread of disease in wild mammals.  相似文献   

由于树鼩在进化上接近于灵长类动物,在生理、生化及解剖学等生物学特性方面与人类有着相似之处,树鼩得到越来越多的关注,研究人员运用与其他动物相比具有多种优势的树鼩建立了一系列的疾病模型,如病毒类疾病、神经系统、肿瘤等,本文着重就树鼩在人类病毒疾病方面的研究进展进行概述。  相似文献   

Human enterovirus 71 (EV71) has emerged as a neuroinvasive virus that is responsible for several outbreaks in the Asia-Pacific region over the past 15 years. Appropriate animal models are needed to understand EV71 neuropathogenesis better and to facilitate the development of effective vaccines and drugs. Non-human primate models have been used to characterize and evaluate the neurovirulence of EV71 after the early outbreaks in late 1990s. However, these models were not suitable for assessing the neurovirulence level of the virus and were associated with ethical and economic difficulties in terms of broad application. Several strategies have been applied to develop mouse models of EV71 infection, including strategies that employ virus adaption and immunodeficient hosts. Although these mouse models do not closely mimic human disease, they have been applied to determine the pathogenesis of and treatment and prevention of the disease. EV71 receptor-transgenic mouse models have recently been developed and have significantly advanced our understanding of the biological features of the virus and the host-parasite interactions. Overall, each of these models has advantages and disadvantages, and these models are differentially suited for studies of EV71 pathogenesis and/or the pre-clinical testing of antiviral drugs and vaccines. In this paper, we review the characteristics, applications and limitation of these EV71 animal models, including non-human primate and mouse models.  相似文献   

rib and raw mutations prevent cells in a number of tissues from assuming specialized shapes, resulting in abnormal tubular epithelia and failure of morphogenetic movements such as dorsal closure. Mutations of zip, which encodes the nonmuscle myosin heavy chain, suppress the phenotypes of rib and raw, suggesting that rib and raw are not directly required for myosin function. Abnormal formation of the actin cytoskeletal structures underlying embryonic cuticular hairs suggests possible roles for rib and raw in organizing the actin cytoskeleton. The actin prehair structures are absent in rib mutants and abnormally shaped in raw mutants, indicating that the two genes have different functions required for organizing the actin cytoskeleton. Received: 4 December 1998 / Accepted: 26 January 1999  相似文献   

The mammalian superior colliculus (SC) and its non-mammalian homolog, the optic tectum are implicated in sensorimotor transformations. Historically, emphasis on visuomotor functions of the SC has led to a popular view that it operates as an oculomotor structure rather than a more general orienting structure. In this review, we consider comparative work on the SC/optic tectum, with a particular focus on non-visual sensing and orienting, which reveals a broader perspective on SC functions and their role in species-specific behaviors. We highlight several recent studies that consider ethological context and natural behaviors to advance knowledge of the SC as a site of multi-sensory integration and motor initiation in diverse species.  相似文献   

Elements of episodic-like memory in animal models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Representations of unique events from one’s past constitute the content of episodic memories. A number of studies with non-human animals have revealed that animals remember specific episodes from their past (referred to as episodic-like memory). The development of animal models of memory holds enormous potential for gaining insight into the biological bases of human memory. Specifically, given the extensive knowledge of the rodent brain, the development of rodent models of episodic memory would open new opportunities to explore the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, neurophysiological, and molecular mechanisms of memory. Development of such animal models holds enormous potential for studying functional changes in episodic memory in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, amnesia, and other human memory pathologies. This article reviews several approaches that have been used to assess episodic-like memory in animals. The approaches reviewed include the discrimination of what, where, and when in a radial arm maze, dissociation of recollection and familiarity, object recognition, binding, unexpected questions, and anticipation of a reproductive state. The diversity of approaches may promote the development of converging lines of evidence on the difficult problem of assessing episodic-like memory in animals.  相似文献   

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