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Location is a critical determinant in dictating the cellular function of protein kinase C (PKC). Scaffold proteins contribute to localization by poising PKC at specific intracellular sites. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified the centrosomal protein pericentrin as a scaffold that tethers PKC betaII to centrosomes. Co-immunoprecipitation studies reveal that the native proteins interact in cells. Co-overexpression studies show that the interaction is mediated by the C1A domain of PKC and a segment of pericentrin within residues 494-593. Immunofluorescence analysis reveals that endogenous PKC betaII colocalizes with pericentrin at centrosomes. Disruption of this interaction by expression of the interacting region of pericentrin results in release of PKC from the centrosome, microtubule disorganization, and cytokinesis failure. Overexpression of this disrupting fragment has no effect in cells lacking PKC betaII, indicating a specific regulatory role of this isozyme in centrosome function. These results reveal a novel role for PKC betaII in cytokinesis and indicate that this function is mediated by an interaction with pericentrin at centrosomes.  相似文献   

Pericentrin is a conserved protein of the centrosome involved in microtubule organization. To better understand pericentrin function, we overexpressed the protein in somatic cells and assayed for changes in the composition and function of mitotic spindles and spindle poles. Spindles in pericentrin-overexpressing cells were disorganized and mispositioned, and chromosomes were misaligned and missegregated during cell division, giving rise to aneuploid cells. We unexpectedly found that levels of the molecular motor cytoplasmic dynein were dramatically reduced at spindle poles. Cytoplasmic dynein was diminished at kinetochores also, and the dynein-mediated organization of the Golgi complex was disrupted. Dynein coimmunoprecipitated with overexpressed pericentrin, suggesting that the motor was sequestered in the cytoplasm and was prevented from associating with its cellular targets. Immunoprecipitation of endogenous pericentrin also pulled down cytoplasmic dynein in untransfected cells. To define the basis for this interaction, pericentrin was coexpressed with cytoplasmic dynein heavy (DHCs), intermediate (DICs), and light intermediate (LICs) chains, and the dynamitin and p150(Glued) subunits of dynactin. Only the LICs coimmunoprecipitated with pericentrin. These results provide the first physiological role for LIC, and they suggest that a pericentrin-dynein interaction in vivo contributes to the assembly, organization, and function of centrosomes and mitotic spindles.  相似文献   

Centrosome assembly is important for mitotic spindle formation and if defective may contribute to genomic instability in cancer. Here we show that in somatic cells centrosome assembly of two proteins involved in microtubule nucleation, pericentrin and gamma tubulin, is inhibited in the absence of microtubules. A more potent inhibitory effect on centrosome assembly of these proteins is observed after specific disruption of the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein by microinjection of dynein antibodies or by overexpression of the dynamitin subunit of the dynein binding complex dynactin. Consistent with these observations is the ability of pericentrin to cosediment with taxol-stabilized microtubules in a dynein- and dynactin-dependent manner. Centrosomes in cells with reduced levels of pericentrin and gamma tubulin have a diminished capacity to nucleate microtubules. In living cells expressing a green fluorescent protein-pericentrin fusion protein, green fluorescent protein particles containing endogenous pericentrin and gamma tubulin move along microtubules at speeds of dynein and dock at centrosomes. In Xenopus extracts where gamma tubulin assembly onto centrioles can occur without microtubules, we find that assembly is enhanced in the presence of microtubules and inhibited by dynein antibodies. From these studies we conclude that pericentrin and gamma tubulin are novel dynein cargoes that can be transported to centrosomes on microtubules and whose assembly contributes to microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

Primary microcephaly, Seckel syndrome, and microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II (MOPD II) are disorders exhibiting marked microcephaly, with small brain sizes reflecting reduced neuron production during fetal life. Although primary microcephaly can be caused by mutations in microcephalin (MCPH1), cells from patients with Seckel syndrome and MOPD II harbor mutations in ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related (ATR) or pericentrin (PCNT), leading to disturbed ATR signaling. In this study, we show that a lack of MCPH1 or PCNT results in a loss of Chk1 from centrosomes with subsequently deregulated activation of centrosomal cyclin B–Cdk1.  相似文献   

Integrin Linked kinase (ILK) is a member of a multiprotein complex at focal adhesions which interacts with actin. Here, it functions as a kinase and adapter protein to regulate diverse cellular processes. Gene knockout studies have demonstrated critical roles for ILK in embryonic development and in organ and tissue homeostasis. However, ILK is overexpressed in many human cancers and experimental overexpression in non-transformed cells results in the acquisition of several oncogenic phenotypes.Proteomic based approaches to identify ILK binding partners have now identified tubulins and many centrosomal and mitotic spindle associated proteins as ILK interactors in addition to the expected focal adhesion, actin interacting, proteins. Further analysis has shown that ILK co-localizes with several of these proteins to the centrosome and inhibition or depletion of ILK causes mitotic spindle defects by disrupting Aurora A kinase/TACC3/ch-TOG interactions. Here we discuss the finding that ILK is a member of a tubulin-based multiprotein complex at the centrosome, whether this may interact with the focal adhesion pool of ILK, and identify potential mechanisms by which ILK regulates the organization of the mitotic spindle. We also discuss the implications of ILK’s mitotic role for cancer progression and highlight the potential use of ILK inhibitors as novel anti-mitotic chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   

Accurate control of spindle length is a conserved feature of eukaryotic cell division. Lengthening of mitotic spindles contributes to chromosome segregation and cytokinesis during mitosis in animals and fungi. In contrast, spindle shortening may contribute to conservation of egg cytoplasm during female meiosis. Katanin is a microtubule-severing enzyme that is concentrated at mitotic and meiotic spindle poles in animals. We show that inhibition of katanin slows the rate of spindle shortening in nocodazole-treated mammalian fibroblasts and in untreated Caenorhabditis elegans meiotic embryos. Wild-type C. elegans meiotic spindle shortening proceeds through an early katanin-independent phase marked by increasing microtubule density and a second, katanin-dependent phase that occurs after microtubule density stops increasing. In addition, double-mutant analysis indicated that gamma-tubulin-dependent nucleation and microtubule severing may provide redundant mechanisms for increasing microtubule number during the early stages of meiotic spindle assembly.  相似文献   

We previously reported that Aurora-A and the hNinein binding protein AIBp facilitate centrosomal structure maintenance and contribute to spindle formation. Here, we report that AIBp also interacts with Plk1, raising the possibility of functional similarity to Bora, which subsequently promotes Aurora-A–mediated Plk1 activation at Thr210 as well as Aurora-A activation at Thr288. In kinase assays, AIBp acts not only as a substrate but also as a positive regulator of both Aurora-A and Plk1. However, AIBp functions as a negative regulator to block phosphorylation of hNinein mediated by Aurora-A and Plk1. These findings suggest a novel AIBp-dependent regulatory machinery that controls mitotic entry. Additionally, knockdown of hNinein caused failure of AIBp to target the centrosome, whereas depletion of AIBp did not affect the localization of hNinein and microtubule nucleation. Notably, knockdown of AIBp in HeLa cells impaired both Aurora-A and Plk1 kinase, resulting in phenotypes with multiple spindle pole formation and chromosome misalignment. Our data show that depletion of AIBp results in the mis-localization of TACC3 and ch-TOG, but not CEP192 and CEP215, suggesting that loss of AIBp dominantly affects the Aurora-A substrate to cause mitotic aberrations. Collectively, our data demonstrate that AIBp contributes to mitotic entry and bipolar spindle assembly and may partially control localization, phosphorylation, and activation of both Aurora-A and Plk1 via hNinein during mitotic progression.  相似文献   

Negative regulation of the Cdc25C protein phosphatase by phosphorylation on Ser 216, the 14-3-3-binding site, is an important regulatory mechanism used by cells to block mitotic entry under normal conditions and after DNA damage. During mitosis, Cdc25C is not phosphorylated on Ser 216 and ionizing radiation (IR) does not induce either phosphorylation of Ser 216, or binding to 14-3-3. Here, we show that Cdc25C is phosphorylated on Ser 214 during mitosis, which in turn prevents phosphorylation of Ser 216. Mutation of Ser 214 to Ala reconstitutes Ser 216 phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding during mitosis. Introduction of exogenous Cdc25C(S214A) into HeLa cells depleted of endogenous Cdc25C results in a substantial delay to mitotic entry. This effect was fully reversed in a S214A/S216A double-mutant, implying that the inhibitory effect of S214A mutant was entirely dependent on Ser 216 phosphorylation. A similar regulatory mechanism may also apply to another mitotic phosphatase, Cdc25B, as well as mitotic phosphatases of other species, including Xenopus laevis. We propose that this pathway ensures that Cdc2 remains active once mitosis is initiated and is a key control mechanism for maintaining the proper order of cell-cycle transitions.  相似文献   

Tubulin synthesis in the naturally synchronous plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is a markedly periodic event restricted to the late G2 period of the cell cycle. Mitosis in the plasmodium is intranuclear, and there are no cytoplasmic microtubules at any stage of the cell cycle. We have combined a biochemical investigation of the synthesis of the plasmodial tubulin isotypes and their participation in the mitotic spindle with a microscopic study (immunofluorescence) of the development of spindle microtubules throughout the cell cycle. We have shown that all four tubulin isotypes identified in the plasmodium (alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1 and beta 2) are present in the mitotic spindle. The stoichiometry of isotype usage in the mitotic spindle generally reflects the overall abundance of isotypes in the plasmodium as a whole: beta 2 greater than alpha 1 greater than alpha 2 greater than beta 1. We have also shown that tubulins synthesized in the G2 period of one cell cycle can be incorporated into the spindles of the immediately ensuing mitosis and have sufficient biological longevity to allow participation in the mitotic divisions of future cell cycles. Thus, the phenomenon of periodic tubulin synthesis does not reflect a restricted use of tubulin to the cell cycle in which it was synthesized. The major polymerization of tubulin in the nucleus occurred less than 30 min before metaphase. A novel tubulin-containing structure was, however, present in the nucleus approximately 60 min before metaphase. Polymerized tubulin is rapidly removed from the nucleus following nucleokinesis.  相似文献   

Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is a serine-threonine kinase and scaffold protein with well defined roles in focal adhesions in integrin-mediated cell adhesion, spreading, migration, and signaling. Using mass spectrometry-based proteomic approaches, we identify centrosomal and mitotic spindle proteins as interactors of ILK. alpha- and beta-tubulin, ch-TOG (XMAP215), and RUVBL1 associate with ILK and colocalize with it to mitotic centrosomes. Inhibition of ILK activity or expression induces profound apoptosis-independent defects in the organization of the mitotic spindle and DNA segregation. ILK fails to localize to the centrosomes of abnormal spindles in RUVBL1-depleted cells. Additionally, depletion of ILK expression or inhibition of its activity inhibits Aurora A-TACC3/ch-TOG interactions, which are essential for spindle pole organization and mitosis. These data demonstrate a critical and unexpected function for ILK in the organization of centrosomal protein complexes during mitotic spindle assembly and DNA segregation.  相似文献   

Rabbit antibodies against actin and tubulin were used in an indirect immunofluorescence study of the structure of the mitotic spindle of PtK1 cells after lysis under conditions that preserve anaphase chromosome movement. During early prophase there is no antiactin staining associated with the mitotic centers, but by late prophase, as the spindle is beginning to form, a small ball of actin antigenicity is found beside the nucleus; After nuclear envelope breakdown, the actiactin stains the region around each mitotic center, and becomes organized into fibers that run between the chromosomes and the poles. Colchicine blocks this organization, but does not disrupt the staining at the poles. At metaphase the antiactin reveals a halo of ill-defined radius around each spindle pole and fibers that run from the poles to the metaphase plate. Antitubulin shows astral rays, fibers running from chromosomes to poles, and some fibers that run across the metaphase plate. At anaphase, there is a shortening of the antiactin-stained fibers, leaving a zone which is essentially free of actin-staining fluorescence between the separating chromosomes. Antitubulin stains the region between chromosomes and poles, but also reveals substantial fibers running through the zone between separating chromosomes. Cells fixed during cytokinesis show actin in the region of the cleavage furrow, while antitubulin reveals the fibrous spindle remnant that runs between daughter cells. These results suggest that actin is a component of the mammalian mitotic spindle, that the distribution of actin differs from that of tubulin and that the distributions of these two fibrous proteins change in different ways during anaphase.  相似文献   

Establishing the correct orientation of the mitotic spindle is an essential step in epithelial cell division in order to ensure that epithelial tubules form correctly during organ development and regeneration. While recent findings have identified some of the molecular mechanisms that underlie spindle orientation, many aspects of this process remain poorly understood. Here, we have used the 3D‐MDCK model system to demonstrate a key role for a newly identified protein complex formed by IQGAP1 and the epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) in controlling the orientation of the mitotic spindle. IQGAP1 is a scaffolding protein that regulates many cellular pathways, from cell‐cell adhesion to microtubule organization, and its localization in the basolateral membrane ensures correct spindle orientation. Through its IQ motifs, IQGAP1 binds to EGFR, which is responsible for maintaining IQGAP1 in the basolateral membrane domain. Silencing IQGAP1, or disrupting the basolateral localization of either IQGAP1 or EGFR, results in a non‐polarized distribution of NuMA, mitotic spindle misorientation and defects in single lumen formation.  相似文献   

Dynamic turnover of the spindle is a driving force for chromosome congression and segregation in mitosis. Through a functional genomic analysis, we identify DDA3 as a previously unknown regulator of spindle dynamics that is essential for mitotic progression. DDA3 depletion results in a high frequency of unaligned chromosomes, a substantial reduction in tension across sister kinetochores at metaphase, and a decrease in the velocity of chromosome segregation at anaphase. DDA3 associates with the mitotic spindle and controls microtubule (MT) dynamics. Mechanistically, DDA3 interacts with the MT depolymerase Kif2a in an MT-dependent manner and recruits Kif2a to the mitotic spindle and spindle poles. Depletion of DDA3 increases the steady-state levels of spindle MTs by reducing the turnover rate of the mitotic spindle and by increasing the rate of MT polymerization, which phenocopies the effects of partial knockdown of Kif2a. Thus, DDA3 represents a new class of MT-destabilizing protein that controls spindle dynamics and mitotic progression by regulating MT depolymerases.  相似文献   

At metaphase, the amount of tubulin assembled into spindle microtubules is relatively constant; the rate of tubulin association equals the rate of dissociation. To measure the intrinsic rate of dissociation, we microinjected high concentrations of colchicine, or its derivative colcemid, into sea urchin embryos at metaphase to bind the free tubulin, thereby rapidly blocking polymerization. The rate of microtubule disassembly was measured from a calibrated video signal by the change in birefringent retardation (BR). After an initial delay after injection of colchicine or colcemid at final intracellular concentrations of 0.1-3.0 mM, BR decreased rapidly and simultaneously throughout the central spindle and aster. Measured BR in the central half-spindle decreased exponentially to 10% of its initial value within a characteristic period of approximately 20 s; the rate constant, k = 0.11 +/- 0.023 s-1, and the corresponding half-time, t 1/2, of BR decay was approximately 6.5 +/- 1.1 s in this concentration range. Below 0.1 mM colchicine or colcemid, the rate at which BR decreased was concentration dependent. Electron micrographs showed that the rapid decrease in BR corresponded to the disappearance of nonkinetochore microtubules; kinetochore fiber microtubules were differentially stable. As a control, lumicolchicine, which does not bind to tubulin with high affinity, was shown to have no effect on spindle BR at intracellular concentrations of 0.5 mM. If colchicine and colcemid block only polymerization, then the initial rate of tubulin dissociation from nonkinetochore spindle microtubules is in the range of 180-992 dimers per second. This range of rates is based on k = 11% of the initial polymer per second and an estimate from electron micrographs that the average length of a half-spindle microtubule is 1- 5.5 micron. Much slower rates of tubulin association are predicted from the characteristics of end-dependent microtubule assembly measured previously in vitro when the association rate constant is corrected for the lower rate of tubulin diffusion in the embryo cytoplasm. Various possibilities for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Epithelial morphogenesis and homeostasis are essential for animal development and tissue regeneration,and epithelial disorganization is associated with developmental disorders and tumorigenesis.However,the molecular mechanisms that contribute to the morphogenesis and homeostasis of the epithelium remain elusive.Herein,we report a novel role for the cylindromatosis(CYLD)tumor suppressor in these events.Our results show that CYLD depletion disrupts epithelial organization in both Drosophila egg chambers and mouse skin and intestinal epithelia.Microscopic analysis of proliferating cells in mouse epithelial tissues and cultured organoids reveals that loss of CYLD synergizes with tumor-promoting agents to cause the misorientation of the mitotic spindle.Mechanistic studies show that CYLD accu?mulates at the cell cortex in epithelial tissues and cultured cells,where it promotes the formation of epithelial adherens junctions through the modulation of microtubule dynamics.These data suggest that CYLD controls epithelial morphogenesis and homeostasis by modulating the assembly of adherens junctions and ensuring proper orientation of the mitotic spindle.Our findings thus provide novel insight into the role of CYLD in development,tissue homeostasis,and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Formation of a new centriole adjacent to a pre-existing centriole occurs only once per cell cycle. Despite being crucial for genome integrity, the mechanisms controlling centriole biogenesis remain elusive. Here, we identify RBM14 as a novel suppressor of assembly of centriolar protein complexes. Depletion of RBM14 in human cells induces ectopic formation of centriolar protein complexes through function of the STIL/CPAP complex. Intriguingly, the formation of such structures seems not to require the cartwheel structure that normally acts as a scaffold for centriole formation, whereas they can retain pericentriolar material and microtubule nucleation activity. Moreover, we find that, upon RBM14 depletion, a part of the ectopic centriolar protein complexes in turn assemble into structures more akin to centrioles, presumably by incorporating HsSAS-6, a cartwheel component, and cause multipolar spindle formation. We further demonstrate that such structures assemble in the cytoplasm even in the presence of pre-existing centrioles. This study sheds light on the possibility that ectopic formation of aberrant structures related to centrioles may contribute to genome instability and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Precise spatiotemporal control of microtubule nucleation and organization is critical for faithful segregation of cytoplasmic and genetic material during cell division and signaling via the primary cilium in quiescent cells. Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) govern assembly, maintenance, and remodeling of diverse microtubule arrays. While a set of conserved MAPs are only active during cell division, an emerging group of MAPs acts as dual regulators in dividing and nondividing cells. Here, we elucidated the nonciliary functions and molecular mechanism of action of the ciliopathy-linked protein CCDC66, which we previously characterized as a regulator of ciliogenesis in quiescent cells. We showed that CCDC66 dynamically localizes to the centrosomes, the bipolar spindle, the spindle midzone, the central spindle, and the midbody in dividing cells and interacts with the core machinery of centrosome maturation and MAPs involved in cell division. Loss-of-function experiments revealed its functions during mitotic progression and cytokinesis. Specifically, CCDC66 depletion resulted in defective spindle assembly and orientation, kinetochore fiber stability, chromosome alignment in metaphase as well as central spindle and midbody assembly and organization in anaphase and cytokinesis. Notably, CCDC66 regulates mitotic microtubule nucleation via noncentrosomal and centrosomal pathways via recruitment of gamma-tubulin to the centrosomes and the spindle. Additionally, CCDC66 bundles microtubules in vitro and in cells by its C-terminal microtubule-binding domain. Phenotypic rescue experiments showed that the microtubule and centrosome-associated pools of CCDC66 individually or cooperatively mediate its mitotic and cytokinetic functions. Collectively, our findings identify CCDC66 as a multifaceted regulator of the nucleation and organization of the diverse mitotic and cytokinetic microtubule arrays and provide new insight into nonciliary defects that underlie ciliopathies.

The ciliopathy-linked protein CCDC66 is only known for its ciliary functions. This study reveals that CCDC66 also has extensive non-ciliary functions, localizing to the spindle poles, spindle midzone, central spindle and midbody throughout cell division, where it regulates mitosis and cytokinesis by promoting microtubule nucleation and organization.  相似文献   

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