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Since 1968, Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur in Britain have declined in number by 70% and in breeding range by at least 25%. This study was undertaken during the 1998–2000 breeding seasons at two sites in East Anglia to examine habitat use and foraging ecology. Home ranges of radiotagged Turtle Doves were 0.3–1130 ha in size and contained more woodland than expected from availability. Radiotagged birds undertook foraging trips of up to 10 km. Turtle Doves were recorded feeding primarily at 'man-made' sites (i.e. spilt grain, animal feed and grain stores) and were only infrequently recorded feeding at 'natural' sites. Diet analysis showed that wheat and rape seed averaged 61% of the seeds eaten by Turtle Doves. This contrasts with a study undertaken in Britain in the 1960s, when the seeds of wild plants (weeds) constituted over 90% of those eaten, with wheat and rape seeds making up only 5%. The current arrangements for set-aside and agri-environmental schemes provide a framework for the establishment and maintenance of weed-rich areas on farmland as a source of wild food.  相似文献   

The migratory European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur has undergone a 69% decline in population size and a 25% contraction in breeding range in Britain over the last 30 years. An investigation of the breeding ecology of this summer visitor was undertaken in 1998–2000 at two study sites in East Anglia, England. The only previous study of Turtle Dove reproduction in Britain provided pre-decline data for comparison with the current situation in a modern agricultural environment. Territory sizes ranged from 1.91 to 3.08 ha, were established in areas with scrub, hedges and woodland and contained less cropped land than expected from its availability. The majority of nests were sited 1–3 m above ground level within thorny bushes, particularly Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna . Nests found by radiotelemetry were significantly higher above ground level and were found in greater numbers than expected in woodland and coniferous trees than those found by cold searching, which were lower and found predominantly in hedges and thorny bushes. Turtle Dove nest success rate averaged 53% during incubation and 65% during the nestling stage, so that only 35% of nests successfully produced young. A comparison with data collected during the 1960s showed that Turtle Doves today have a shorter breeding season and consequently produce about half the number of clutches and young per pair than formerly. A simple simulation model suggested that the reduction in productivity alone would lead to a population decline of 17% per annum. This study suggests that the recovery of Turtle Doves in Britain is dependent upon the provision and sympathetic management of nesting and foraging habitats. The current arrangements for set-aside and agri-environmental schemes provide the framework for delivering these requirements.  相似文献   

Behaviour has direct links to wing morphology in bird species. Many studies have postulated migration to be one of the most important forces of selection acting on wing morphology, particularly in relation to wing pointedness. Studies in passerines have found that adults have longer and more pointed wings than juveniles, especially in migratory species. We analysed differences in wing morphology between age groups of the European Turtle Dove, a non‐passerine migratory species that benefits from rounded wings during their daily activity, due to its ground‐feeding behaviour and acrobatic flight style. Our results show that adults of this species have longer but more rounded wings than juveniles. This suggests that in this species wing morphology in juveniles is selected to facilitate the first migration, whereas other selection forces (e.g. flight manoeuvrability) are more important after the first moult. These data also explain why juveniles are not as adept at escaping from predators or hunters as adults.  相似文献   

The identification of migration dates and wintering zones for migratory birds are key elements for the understanding of the Afro-Palearctic migration system. From 2015 to 2022, a large-scale survey of Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur, a vulnerable species, was established in Northwest Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. We monitored migration dates and wintering individuals using the line-transect method. We found that Turtle Doves arrived in the last week of March and left the North African region in mid-October. Compared with Morocco, Doves arrived significantly earlier in Algeria and Tunisia. Moreover, Doves were discovered wintering on nine Northwest African sites, from October to February, where individuals feed in groups. We found that the occurrence probability of wintering Turtle Doves decreased significantly with increasing temperature and rainfall. Birds wintered most often close to wetlands since the overwintering probability decreased with the increasing distance from the recording area to the nearest water body. These are the first and only detailed findings on the migration phenology of the globally vulnerable Turtle Dove in north western Africa.  相似文献   

Amphipoda and Isopoda were sampled in 40 Tunisian wetlands, and their fauna were compared at four different types: lagoon, sebkhas, dams and hill reservoir. At each station, eight quadrates of 50 × 50 cm were randomly placed. Amphipoda and Isopoda were collected by hand. They were identified to species level. At each station, analyses of organic matter, sodium, calcium and heavy metals content from the soil collected in each station were performed. We recorded 19 and eight species for respectively Isopoda and Amphipoda and caught 3,035 specimens in total. The highest isopod's species richness (11 species) was noted around hill reservoirs and dams, a quite similar richness in the banks of lagoons (10 species) but only six species in the sebkhas. Eight amphipod species were recorded in the supralittoral zone of lagoons, three species around sebkhas but no amphipods were found in samples from dams and hill reservoirs. Isopod species richness was positively correlated with soil humidity. However, the distribution of the species Orchestia mediterranea, Orchestia gammarellus, Orchestia montagui, Orchestia stephenseni and Platorchestia platensis was related to soil metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Aim  To identify the wintering grounds of the threatened western European Lesser Kestrels to focus conservation efforts in those areas.
Location  Huelva Province, southern Spain, as breeding range, and western Africa (Senegal and Mauritania), as wintering range.
Methods  We used archival light level geolocators (1.5 g) to map the wintering areas and determine some characteristics of the migratory journeys of 20 adult Lesser Kestrels from the Iberian Peninsula tagged in 2007.
Results  Thirteen geolocators were recovered the following breeding season (2008) after attachment in 2007. Four recovered geolocators provided useful data. According to kernel density analyses, kestrels wintered near the Senegal River (border between Mauritania and Senegal). Pre-nuptial migration took longer than the post-nuptial migration, which may be the consequence of a loop migration.
Main conclusions  Geolocators have solved a crucial conservation question (i.e. the winter destination of western European Lesser kestrels), and these devices have thus proved useful to determine the location of the winter quarters of small sized migratory species. Our data indicate that European Lesser Kestrels winter in West Africa, in accordance with previous suggestions based on scattered observations during the winter months. This valuable information should serve to focus conservation efforts both in northern Senegal and southern Mauritania. Large roosts gathering thousands of lesser kestrels had been recorded in these areas over the years, but there was no previous confirmation of individuals staying all winter long. Specific and sustained protection of the roost sites, where the birds may be most vulnerable, should be sought in conjunction with local authorities.  相似文献   

1. Global change may strongly affect population dynamics, but mechanisms remain elusive. Several Arctic goose species have increased considerably during the last decades. Climate, and land-use changes outside the breeding area have been invoked as causes but have not been tested. We analysed the relationships between conditions on wintering and migration staging areas, and survival in Svalbard pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus. Using mark-recapture data from 14 winters (1989-2002) we estimated survival rates and tested for time trends, and effects of climate, goose density and land-use. 2. Resighting rates differed for males and females, were higher for birds recorded during the previous winter and changed smoothly over time. Survival rates did not differ between sexes, varied over time with a nonsignificant negative trend, and were higher for the first interval after marking (0.88-0.97) than afterwards (0.74-0.93). Average survival estimates were 0.967 (SE 0.026) for the first and 0.861 (SE 0.023) for all later survival intervals. 3. We combined 16 winter and spring climate covariates into two principal components axes. F1 was related to warm/wet winters and an early spring on the Norwegian staging areas and F2 to dry/cold winters. We expected that F1 would be positively related to survival and F2 negatively. F1 explained 23% of survival variation (F1,10=3.24; one-sided P=0.051) when alone in a model and 28% (F1,9=4.50; one-sided P=0.031) in a model that assumed a trend for survival. In contrast, neither F2 nor density, land-use, or scaring practices on important Norwegian spring staging areas had discernible effects on survival. 4. Climate change may thus affect goose population dynamics, with warmer winters and earlier springs enhancing survival and fecundity. A possible mechanism is increased food availability on Danish wintering and Norwegian staging areas. As geese are among the main herbivores in Arctic ecosystems, climate change, by increasing goose populations, may have important indirect effects on Arctic vegetation. Our study also highlights the importance of events outside the breeding area for the population dynamics of migrant species.  相似文献   

The essential oil from inflorescences of Artemisia alba Turra (Compositae) was analysed by GLC; 33 different components were detected, 21 of which were identified by GC-MS. The composition of the extract changes with environmental and climatic conditions of the sites of collection (Adriatic area-NE Italy). Artemisia alba produces mainly sesquiterpene hydrocarbons when growing in thermophytic plant communities and mostly oxygenated monoterpenes in mesophytic plant communities. The results of ordination and cluster analysis performed on chemical data allowed the identification of four chemical types of A. alba.  相似文献   

The influence of soil nutrients on woody plants is poorly understood. Are trees – fire and other disturbance factors being equal – generally promoted by nutrient‐rich or by nutrient‐poor soils? To determine the edaphic parameters controlling woody cover, we sampled soils and summed the extent of the crowns of trees and tall shrubs on 364 plots at 20 sites in Namibia and adjacent South Africa, ranging from desert lichen‐fields to caesalpiniaceous woodland with associated mean annual rainfall of 11 mm to 535 mm. Our analysis included the macro‐nutrients N, P, Mg, K and Ca and the trace elements Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn. A boundary line analysis showed that woody cover was densest, with the greatest large‐scale heterogeneity, at intermediate nutrient contents, but consistently constrained at extreme nutrient richness as well as poverty. If aridity exerted the ultimate constraint at extreme nutrient richness, no such correlation with climate apparently applies at extreme nutrient poverty, where our graphs show an ‘oligotrophic decline’. Notwithstanding the importance of water, we suggest that extreme nutrient richness and poverty both favour grasses over tree seedlings. This is because catabolic dystrophy – a regime in which the supply of catabolic nutrients shortfalls their demand – is unlikely in environments where nutrient richness allows catabolic rates to match anabolic rates or where nutrient poverty constrains anabolic rates. We also reason that surpluses of photosynthate resulting from dystrophy can be allocated to lignin and that the potential for woody growth thus corresponds to soils of intermediate nutrient content. This explains why woody cover is consistently but not homogeneously densest in nutritionally intermediate plots in our dataset. Hence, the abundance of woody plants in various biomes may be determined partly by soil nutrient content, particularly of Cu, Zn, and other elements indispensible for catabolism.  相似文献   

The onset of migration in birds is assumed to be primarily under endogenous control in long-distance migrants. Recently, climate changes appear to have been driving a rapid change in breeding area arrival. However, little is known about the climatic factors affecting migratory birds during the migration cycle, or whether recently reported phenological changes are caused by plastic behavioural responses or evolutionary change. Here, we investigate how environmental conditions in the wintering areas as well as en route towards breeding areas affect timing of migration. Using data from 1984 to 2004 covering the entire migration period every year from observatories located in the Middle East and northern Europe, we show that passage of the Sahara Desert is delayed and correlated with improved conditions in the wintering areas. By contrast, migrants travel more rapidly through Europe, and adjust their breeding area arrival time in response to improved environmental conditions en route. Previous studies have reported opposing results from a different migration route through the Mediterranean region (Italy). We argue that the simplest explanation for different phenological patterns at different latitudes and between migratory routes appears to be phenotypic responses to spatial variability in conditions en route.  相似文献   

  • 1 We propose a quantitative zonation of Switzerland based on the distribution of breeding birds. We use a combined dataset from two nationwide bird censuses 20 years apart to account for distribution changes between the censuses. This approach approximates the ‘potential’ distribution of species more closely than a dataset from one period only.
  • 2 A numerical approach with correspondence analysis and non‐hierarchical clustering resulted in five avifaunal regions, consisting of two lowland regions north of the alpine arch, two alpine regions and one region of southern alpine valleys.
  • 3 We identified characteristic species for each region using the indicator value analysis of Dufrêne & Legendre (1997) and determined environmental conditions separating the regions with discriminant analysis.
  • 4 Our zonation partly corresponds with previous subdivisions of Switzerland, but has the advantage of being based on a numerical approach instead of expert knowledge.
  • 5 We discuss avifaunal and ecological differences between the regions and relate our zonation to the classical biogeographic regions of Europe. Finally, we evaluate the importance of the zonation for bird conservation.

Cyanobacterial blooms occur regularly in summer in central parts of the Baltic Sea. They are mainly composed of Aphanizomenon sp. and Nodularia spumigena. Both species have almost similar ecological requirements and can roughly be considered a uniform functional group. In order to identify factors that might favour bloom development, water quality data from monitoring programmes were compared with bloom distribution. A salinity from 3.8 to 11.5 PSU proved important for the spatial distribution of the bloom development. The bloom's onset was triggered by temperatures approximating 16°C provided that global radiation was > 120 W/m2 (daily mean) and wind speed was < 6 m/s. Nutrient concentrations decreased immediately before the bloom. The bloom's development ceased with poor weather conditions characterized by low irradiation or high wind speed.  相似文献   

1.  Linking the movement and behaviour of animals to their environment is a central problem in ecology. Through the use of electronic tagging and tracking (ETT), collection of in situ data from free-roaming animals is now commonplace, yet statistical approaches enabling direct relation of movement observations to environmental conditions are still in development.
2.  In this study, we examine the hidden Markov model (HMM) for behavioural analysis of tracking data. HMMs allow for prediction of latent behavioural states while directly accounting for the serial dependence prevalent in ETT data. Updating the probability of behavioural switches with tag or remote-sensing data provides a statistical method that links environmental data to behaviour in a direct and integrated manner.
3.  It is important to assess the reliability of state categorization over the range of time-series lengths typically collected from field instruments and when movement behaviours are similar between movement states. Simulation with varying lengths of times series data and contrast between average movements within each state was used to test the HMMs ability to estimate movement parameters.
4.  To demonstrate the methods in a realistic setting, the HMMs were used to categorize resident and migratory phases and the relationship between movement behaviour and ocean temperature using electronic tagging data from southern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus maccoyii ). Diagnostic tools to evaluate the suitability of different models and inferential methods for investigating differences in behaviour between individuals are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The approach of the birds to use physical and alimentary resources in degraded and modified natural habitats is an important aspect of their adaptation. This study was undertaken during 2016-2017 at forty habitats in the Moulouya plain, Morocco to examine behavioral diet, habitat use and foraging ecology of turtle dove, Streptopelia turtur. We monitored turtle doves in four major plots namely cereal plots, lucerne farms, apple orchards, and stations in the Ansgmir River covering 40 habitats. Digestive tract contents were also identified and evaluated for 68 Turtle Doves shot by hunters during two consecutive years. The results showed that the turtle doves use a variability of feeding habitats. The cereal cultivation seemed to be more preferable habitat for feeding especially in the month of May, the first breeding phase of the year. But, during the months of August and July, the riverbanks were the preferred habitat for turtle doves. The diet of this species is polyphagous and diverse with a granivorous tendency. Diet analysis showed that soft wheat and barley seeds constituted 44.53% and 38.74% respectively followed by barley seeds with 38.74% and sand stones (9.16%) of the seeds eaten by Turtle Doves. However, moderate proportion of elements (7.32%) remained undefined. All these aspects, including the variability of feeding habitats and the wide diet seem to be an adaptive strategy followed by turtle dove to counter the degradation and the modification of its natural feeding habitats.  相似文献   

Aims: The objective was to study the response of Cronobacter sakazakii ATCC 29544 cells to heat, pulsed electric fields (PEF), ultrasound under pressure (Manosonication, MS) and ultraviolet light (UV‐C) treatments after exposure to different sublethal stresses that may be encountered in food‐processing environments. Methods and Results: Cronobacter sakazakii stationary growth‐phase cells (30°C, 24 h) were exposed to acid (pH 4·5, 1 h), alkaline (pH 9·0, 1 h), osmotic (5% NaCl, 1 h), oxidative (0·5 mmol l?1 H2O2, 1 h), heat (47·5°C, 1 h) and cold (4°C, 4 h) stress conditions and subjected to the subsequent challenges: heat (60°C), PEF (25 kV cm?1, 35°C), MS (117 μm, 200 kPa, 35°C) and UV‐C light (88·55 mW cm?2, 25°C) treatments. The inactivation kinetics of Csakazakii by the different technologies did not change after exposure to any of the stresses. The combinations of sublethal stress and lethal treatment that were protective were: heat shock–heat, heat shock–PEF and acid pH–PEF. Conversely, the alkaline shock sensitized the cells to heat and UV‐C treatments, the osmotic shock to heat treatments and the oxidative shock to UV‐C treatments. The maximum adaptive response was observed when heat‐shocked cells were subjected to a heat treatment, increasing the time to inactivate 99·9% of the population by 1·6 times. Conclusions: Cronobacter sakazakii resistance to thermal and nonthermal preservation technologies can increase or decrease as a consequence of previous exposure to stressing conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results help in understanding the physiology of the resistance of this emerging pathogen to traditional and novel preservation technologies.  相似文献   

Timing of arrival/emergence to the breeding grounds is under contrasting natural and sexual selection pressures. Because of differences in sex roles and physiology, the balance between these pressures on either sex may differ, leading to earlier male (protandry) or female (protogyny) arrival. We test several competing hypotheses for the evolution of protandry using migration data for 22 bird species, including for the first time several monochromatic ones where sexual selection is supposedly less intense. Across species, protandry positively covaried with sexual size dimorphism but not with dichromatism. Within species, there was weak evidence that males migrate earlier because, being larger, they are less susceptible to adverse conditions. Our results do not support the ‘rank advantage’ and the ‘differential susceptibility’ hypotheses, nor the ‘mate opportunity’ hypothesis, which predicts covariation of protandry with dichromatism. Conversely, they are compatible with ‘mate choice’ arguments, whereby females use condition‐dependent arrival date to assess mate quality.  相似文献   

Conservation planning in the face of global change is still in its infancy. A suggested approach is to incorporate environmental gradients into conservation planning as they reflect the ecological and evolutionary processes generating and maintaining diversity. Our study provides a framework to identify the dominant environmental gradients determining floristic composition and pattern. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling was used on 2155 sampling plots in savanna and grassland habitat located across the province of KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa (94 697 km2), a floristically rich region having steep environmental gradients, to determine the dominant gradients. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to group similar plots which were then used in a Classification and Regression Tree analysis to determine the environmental delimiters of the identified vegetation clusters. Temperature‐related variables were the strongest delimiters of floristic composition across the province, in particular mean annual temperature. Frost duration was the primary variable in the Classification and Regression Tree analysis with important implications for savanna/grassland dynamics. Soil properties (base, pH status) and moisture variables accounted for most of the variation for the second and third axes of floristic variation. Given that climatic and edaphic variables were well correlated with floristic composition, it is anticipated that a changing climate will have a marked influence on floristic composition. We predict warmer temperatures may facilitate the spread of frost sensitive savanna species into previously cooler, grassland areas. Species associated with specific soil types will not easily be able to move up the altitudinal gradient to cooler climes because geology is aligned in an approximately north‐south direction compared with increasing altitude from east‐west. Future conservation planning should take cognisance of these gradients which are surrogates for ecological and evolutionary processes promoting persistence.  相似文献   

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