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Paracoccus denitrificans is able to grow on the C1 compounds methanol and methylamine. These compounds are oxidized to formaldehyde which is subsequently oxidized via formate to carbon dioxide. Biomass is produced by carbon dioxide fixation via the ribulose biphosphate pathway. The first oxidation reaction is catalyzed by the enzymes methanol dehydrogenase and methylamine dehydrogenase, respectively. Both enzymes contain two different subunits in an 22 configuration. The genes encoding the subunits of methanol dehydrogenase (moxF andmoxI) have been isolated and sequenced. They are located in one operon together with two other genes (moxJ andmoxG) in the gene ordermoxFJGI. The function of themoxJ gene product is not yet known.MoxG codes for a cytochromec 551i , which functions as the electron acceptor of methanol dehydrogenase. Both methanol dehydrogenase and methylamine dehydrogenase contain PQQ as a cofactor. These so-called quinoproteins are able to catalyze redox reactions by one-electron steps. The reaction mechanism of this oxidation will be described. Electrons from the oxidation reaction are donated to the electron transport chain at the level of cytochromec. P. denitrificans is able to synthesize at least 10 differentc-type cytochromes. Five could be detected in the periplasm and five have been found in the cytoplasmic membrane. The membrane-bound cytochromec 1 and cytochromec 552 and the periplasmic-located cytochromec 550 are present under all tested growth conditions. The cytochromesc 551i andc 553i , present in the periplasm, are only induced in cells grown on methanol, methylamine, or choline. The otherc-type cytochromes are mainly detected either under oxygen limited conditions or under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as electron acceptor or under both conditions. An overview including the induction pattern of allP. denitrificans c-type cytochromes will be given. The genes encoding cytochromec 1, cytochromec 550, cytochromec 551i , and cytochromec 553i have been isolated and sequenced. By using site-directed mutagenesis these genes were mutated in the genome. The mutants thus obtained were used to study electron transport during growth on C1 compounds. This electron transport has also been studied by determining electron transfer rates inin vitro experiments. The exact pathways, however, are not yet fully understood. Electrons from methanol dehydrogenase are donated to cytochromec 551i . Further electron transport is either via cytochromec 550 or cytochromec 553i to cytochromeaa 3. However, direct electron transport from cytochromec 551i to the terminal oxidase might be possible as well. Electrons from methylamine dehydrogenase are donated to amicyanin and then via cytochromec 550 to cytochromeaa 3, but other routes are used also.P. denitrificans is studied by several groups by using a genetic approach. Several genes have already been cloned and sequenced and a lot of mutants have been isolated. The development of a host/vector system and several techniques for mutation induction that are used inP. denitrificans genetics will be described.  相似文献   

Data are presented on three components of the quinol oxidation branch of theParacoccus respiratory chain: cytochromec reductase, cytochromec 552, and thea-type terminal oxidase. Deletion mutants in thebc 1 and theaa 3 complex give insight into electron pathways, assembly processes, and stability of both redox complexes, and, moreover, are an important prerequisite for future site-directed mutagenesis experiments. In addition, evidence for a role of cytochromec 552 in electron transport between complex III and IV is presented.  相似文献   

The iron-sulfur protein of the cytochromebc 1 complex oxidizes ubiquinol at center P in the protonmotive Q cycle mechanism, transferring one electron to cytochromec 1 and generating a low-potential ubisemiquinone anion which reduces the low-potential cytochromeb-566 heme group. In order to catalyze this divergent transfer of two reducing equivalents from ubiquinol, the iron-sulfur protein must be structurally integrated into the cytochromebc 1 complex in a manner which facilitates electron transfer from the iron-sulfur cluster to cytochromec 1 and generates a strongly reducing ubisemiquinone anion radical which is proximal to theb-566 heme group. This radical must also be sequestered from spurious reactivities with oxygen and other high-potential oxidants. Experimental approaches are described which are aimed at understanding how the iron-sulfur protein is inserted into center P, and how the iron-sulfur cluster is inserted into the apoprotein.  相似文献   

The existence of tissue-specific isozymes of cytochromec oxidase has been widely documented. We have now studied if there are differences between subunits of mitochondrialbc 1 complexes isolated from liver and heart. For this purpose, we have developed a method for the purification of an active ubiquinol-cytochromec oxidoreductase from adult bovine liver that includes solubilization of submitochondrial particles with deoxycholate, ammonium acetate fractionation, resolubilization with dodecyl maltoside, and ion exchange chromatography. The electrophoretic pattern of the liver preparation showed the presence of 11 subunits, with apparent molecular weights identical to the ones reported for the heart complex. Western blot analysis and isoelectric focusing followed by two-dimensional gels ofbc 1 complexes from liver and heart were compared, and no qualitative differences were observed. In addition, the high-molecular-weight subunits of the purified complexes from both tissues, subunits I, II, V, and VI, were isolated by PAGE in the presence of Coomasie Blue and subjected to limited proteolysis and to chemical digestion with cyanogen bromide and BNPS-skatol, and the peptide patterns were compared. Finally, two of the small-molecular-weight subunits from the liver complex were isolated (subunits VII and X), partially analyzed by amino terminal sequencing, and found to be identical with the reported sequence of their heart counterparts. The data suggest that, in contrast to the case of cytochromec oxidase,bc 1 complexes from liver and heart do not exhibit tissue-specific differences.  相似文献   

Electron transport in theParacoccus denitrificans respiratory chain system is considerably more rapid when it includes the membrane-bound cytochromec 552 than with either solubleParacoccus c 550 or bovine cytochromec; a pool function for cytochromec is not necessary. Low concentrations ofParacoccus or bovine cytochromec stimulate the oxidase activity. This observation could explain the multiphasic Scatchard plots which are obtained. A negatively charged area on the back side ofParacoccus c which is not present in mitochondrialc could be a control mechanism forParacoccus reactions.Paracoccus oxidase and reductase reactions with bovinec show the same properties as mammalian systems; and this is true ofParacoccus oxidase reactions with its own soluble cytochromec if added polycation masks the negatively charged area. Evidence for different oxidase and reductase reaction sites on cytochromec include: (1) stimulation of the oxidase but not reductase by a polycation; (2) differences in the inhibition of the oxidase and reductases by monoclonal antibodies toParacoccus cytochromec; and (3) reaction of another bacterial cytochromec withParacoccus reductases but not oxidase. Rapid electron transport occurs in cytochromec-less mutants ofParacoccus, suggesting that the reactions result from collision of diffusing complexes.  相似文献   

The effects of nitric oxide (NO) on electron transfer were studied with a photodenitrifier, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans. NO inhibited the oxidation of cytochrome c induced by continuous illumination in intact cells. NO inhibited the re-reduction of cytochrome c, the slow phase of the carotenoid bandshift, and the oxidation of cytochrome b after a flash illumination, suggesting that NO inhibited the photosynthetic cyclic electron transfer through the cytochrome b-c 1 region. NO also inhibited the nitrite (NO 2 - ) and NO reductions with succinate as the electron donor in intact cells, but did not inhibit the NO 2 - and NO reductions in chromatophore membranes with ascorbate and phenazine methosulfate as the electron donors. NO reversibly inhibited the ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase of the membranes, suggesting that NO inhibited the electron transfer through the cytochrome b-c 1 region and that the cytochrome b-c 1 complex also was involved in the electron transport in both NO 2 - and NO reductions. The catalytic site of NO reduction was distinct from the inhibitory site of NO.Abbreviations UHDBT 5-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole - UHNQ 3-undecyl-2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propane-sulfonic acid - PMS phenazine methosulfate - DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - DDC diethyl-dithiocarbamate  相似文献   

The clinical and biochemical findings of 14 patients with an isolated defect of thebc 1 complex have been summarized. The heterogeneity of this group of disorders reflects the severity and tissue specific expression of the defect and the complexity of this multisubunit protein with components that are coded on both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. The data on several patients with a combined defect of cytochrome oxidase and thebc 1 complex or with multiple respiratory chain defects have also been presented and discussed in relation to our knowledge of the biosynthesis and assembly of the respiratory chain complexes. The severity of the defectin vivo is illustrated in one patient with isolated complex III deficiency by measurement of O2 consumption and CO2 production following exercise, or by31P-NMR. The latter also provides a means by which response to therapy can be followed.  相似文献   

We have studied in detail the effects of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) on the redox activity of the mitochondrialbc 1 complex, and on the binding of its most specific inhibitor antimycin. An inhibitory action of the reagent has been found only at high concentration of the diimide and/or at prolonged times of incubation. Under these conditions, DCCD also displaced antimycin from its specific binding site in thebc 1 complex, but did not apparently change the antimycin sensitivity of the ubiquinol-cytochromec reductase activity. On the other hand, using lower DCCD concentrations and/or short times of incubation, i.e., conditions which usually lead to the specific inhibition of the proton-translocating activity of thebc 1 complex, no inhibitory effect of DCCD could be detected in the ubiquinol-cytochromec reductase activity. However, a clear stimulation of the rate of cytochromeb reduction in parallel to an inhibition of cytochromeb oxidation has been found under these conditions. On the basis of the present work and of previous reports in the literature about the effects of DCCD on thebc 1 complex, we propose a clarification of the various effects of the reagent depending on the experimental conditions employed.  相似文献   

The comparison of primary structures is extended to 22 cytochromesb orb 6, 12 cytochromesc 1 orf, and 8 Rieske FeS proteins. Conclusions are drawn as to their phylogenetic relationship as well as on conserved, functionally important amino acids and secondary structures. The results are in favor of two independent quinone binding sites at opposite surfaces of the membrane, topping one of the two hemes of cytochromeb each.  相似文献   

Cells of Paracoccus denitrificans grown autotrophically with H2 as energy source contained a branched respiratory chain. The presence of two terminal oxidases was indicated by two cyanide sensitive sites (K i =10-5 M and K i =10-3 M). While oxidation of NADH and succinate apparently proceeded via both electron pathways as shown by the inhibition of respiration with cyanide and Antimycin A, oxidation of H2 involved only the terminal oxidase which was less sensitive to KCN. Oxidation of H2 was not inhibited by rotenone, and sensitive to only relatively high concentrations of Antimycin A (50 nmol/mg).Under our growth conditions, autotrophic cells contained only very small amounts of cytochrome a +a 3 . A cytochrome b was able to bind CO (with a peak at 418 nm and a trough at 434 nm in the reduced plus CO minus reduced difference spectrum). This cytochrome b had the spectral characteristics of cytochrome o and could be the alternate oxidase. The respiratory chain contained two b cytochromes (b 556 and b 562 at 77°K); under steady state conditions only b 556 was significantly reduced by NADH and succinate while both b 556 and b 562 were reduced by H2.Measurement of respiration-driven proton translocation by spheroplasts showed that the oxidation of H2 by O2 was associated with a vectorial ejection of H+ (in the outward direction) with aH+/O value of 6 to 7.A similar result was obtained with succinate. Oxidation of endogenous substrates gave H+/O values corresponding to a H+/site ratio of 3 with 3 sites functioning in absence of inhibitors, two sites in the presence of rotenone and one site in the presence of antimycin. The H+/O values indicated that two energy transducing sites were involved in the oxidation of H2 by O2.Measurement of ATP synthesis in membrane vesicles confirmed that phosphorylation was coupled to H2 oxidation. However, such determinations which necessitated the use of inverted vesicles, gave P/O values too low to allow any conclusions to be made on the number of coupling sites.  相似文献   

The EPR spectral parameters of aa(3) oxidase and cyt c(552) from Paracoccus denitrificans were studied in purified oxidase and enriched cyt c(552). The orientation of the g-tensors of hemes a and c(552) were determined on partially ordered membranes, enriched cyt c(552) and a c(552):aa(3) subcomplex. The known correlation of g-tensor to molecular axes in histidine/methionine ligated hemes permits us to position cyt c(552) with respect to the parent membrane. Taken together with previous data on the interaction surface between aa(3) oxidase and cyt c(552), these results allow us to arrive at a single conformation for the c(552):aa(3) electron transfer complex.  相似文献   

Electronic connection between Qo and Qi quinone catalytic sites of dimeric cytochrome bc1 is a central feature of the energy-conserving Q cycle. While both the intra- and inter-monomer electron transfers were shown to connect the sites in the enzyme, mechanistic and physiological significance of the latter remains unclear. Here, using a series of mutated hybrid cytochrome bc1-like complexes, we show that inter-monomer electron transfer robustly sustains the function of the enzyme in vivo, even when the two subunits in a dimer come from different species. This indicates that minimal requirement for bioenergetic efficiency is to provide a chain of cofactors for uncompromised electron flux between the catalytic sites, while the details of protein scaffold are secondary.  相似文献   

The availability of the three dimensional structure of mitochondrial enzyme, obtained by X-ray crystallography, allowed a significant progress in the understanding of the structure-function relation of the cytochrome bc1 complex. Most of the structural information obtained has been confirmed by molecular genetic studies of the bacterial complex. Despite its small size and simple subunit composition, high quality crystals of the bacterial complex have been difficult to obtain and so far, only low resolution structural data has been reported. The low quality crystal observed is likely associated in part with the low activity and stability of the purified complex. To mitigate this problem, we recently engineered a mutant [S287R(cytb)/V135S(ISP)] from Rhodobacter sphaeroides to produce a highly active and more stable cytochrome bc1 complex. The purified mutant complex shows a 40% increase in electron transfer activity as compared to that of the wild type enzyme. Differential scanning calorimetric study shows that the mutant is more stable than the wild type complex as indicated by a 4.3 °C increase in the thermo-denaturation temperature. Crystals formed from this mutant complex, in the presence of stigmatellin, diffract X-rays up to 2.9 Å resolution.  相似文献   

A comparison of the mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase and the energy-transducing NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) ofParacoccus denitrificans revealed that both systems have similar electron-transfer and energy-transduction pathways. In addition, both complexes are sensitive to the same inhibitors and contain similar electron carriers, suggesting that theParacoccus NDH-1 may serve as a useful model system for the study of the human enzyme complex. The gene cluster encoding theParacoccus NDH-1 has been cloned and sequenced. It is composed of 18,106 base pairs and contains 14 structural genes and six unidentified reading frames (URFs). The structural genes, URFs, and their polypeptides have been characterized. We also discuss nucleotide sequences which are believed to play a role in the regulation of the NDH-1 gene cluster andParacoccus NDH-1 subunits which may contain the binding sites of substrates and/or electron carriers.  相似文献   

At the heart of the Q cycle hypothesis, the cytochrome bc1 complex (bc1) is required to separate the two electrons from a quinol molecule at the quinol oxidation site. Recent studies have brought to light an intricate mechanism for this bifurcated electron transfer. A survey of the protein data bank shows 30 entries for the structures of bc1 and the homologous b6 f complex. These structures provide considerable insights into the structural organization of mitochondrial, bacterial, and plant enzymes. Crystallographic binding studies of bc1 with either quinone reduction (QN) and/or quinol oxidation (QP) site inhibitors offer atomic details on how these compounds interact with residues at their respective sites. Most importantly, the different locations and apparent flexibility observed in crystals for the extrinsic domain of the iron-sulfur protein (ISP) subunit suggest a mechanism for electron bifurcation at the QP site. Analyses of various inhibitor-bound structures revealed two classes of QP site inhibitors: Pm inhibitors that promote ISP mobility and Pf inhibitors that favor the fixation of the ISP conformation. Those analyses also shed light on a possible process by which the ISP motion switch is controlled. The first phase reduction of ISP is shown to be comparable to the reduction of the bL heme by pre-steady state kinetic analysis, whereas the second phase reduction of ISP share similar kinetics with the reduction of the bH heme. The reduction of cyt c1 is measured much slower, indicating that the reduced ISP remains bound at the QP site until the reduced heme bL is oxidized by the heme bH and supporting the existence of a control mechanism for the ISP motion switch.  相似文献   

Depletion of endogenous ubiquinone by pentane extraction of mitochondrial membranes lowered succinate-ferricyanide reductase activity, whereas quinone reincorporation restored the enzymatic activity as well as antimycin sensitivity. The oxidant-induced cytochromeb extrareduction, normally found upon ferricyanide pulse in intact mitochondria in the presence of antimycin, was lost in ubiquinone-depleted membranes, even if cytochromec was added. Readdition of ubiquinone-2 restored the oxidant-induced extrareduction with an apparent half saturation at 1 mol/molbc 1 complex saturating at about 5 mol/mol. These findings demonstrate a requirement for the ubiquinone pool of the cytochromeb extrareduction. Since the initial rates of cytochromeb reoxidation upon ferricyanide addition, in the presence of antimycin, did not saturate by any ferricyanide concentration in ubiquinone-depleted mitochondria, a direct chemical reaction between ferricyanide and reduced cytochromeb was postulated. The fact that such direct reaction is much faster in ubiquinone-depleted mitochondria may explain the lower antimycin sensitivity of the succinate ferricyanide reductase activity after removal of endogenous ubiquinone.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bc(1) complex catalyzes electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c by a protonmotive Q cycle mechanism in which electron transfer is linked to proton translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane. In the Q cycle mechanism proton translocation is the net result of topographically segregated reduction of quinone and reoxidation of quinol on opposite sides of the membrane, with protons being carried across the membrane as hydrogens on the quinol. The linkage of proton chemistry to electron transfer during quinol oxidation and quinone reduction requires pathways for moving protons to and from the aqueous phase and the hydrophobic environment in which the quinol and quinone redox reactions occur. Crystal structures of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc(1) complexes in various conformations allow insight into possible proton conduction pathways. In this review we discuss pathways for proton conduction linked to ubiquinone redox reactions with particular reference to recently determined structures of the yeast bc(1) complex.  相似文献   

By using the gene encoding the C-terminal part of thecd 1-type nitrite reductase ofPseudomonas stutzeri JM300 as a heterologous probe, the corresponding gene fromParacoccus denitrificans was isolated. This gene,nirS, codes for a mature protein of 63144 Da having high homology withcd 1-type nitrite reductases from other bacteria. Directly downstream fromnirS, three othernir genes were found in the ordernirECF. The organization of thenir gene cluster inPa. denitrificans is different from the organization ofnir clusters in some Pseudomonads.nirE has high homology with a S-adenosyl-L-methionine:uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase (uro'gen III methylase). This methylase is most likely involved in the hemed 1 biosynthesis inPa. denitrificans. The third gene,nirC, codes for a small cytochromec of 9.3 kDa having high homology with cytochromec 55X ofPs. stutzeri ZoBell. The 4th gene,nirF, has no homology with other genes in the sequence databases and has no relevant motifs. Inactivation of either of these 4 genes resulted in the loss of nitrite and nitric oxide reductase activities but not of nitrous oxide reductase activity.nirS mutants lack thecd 1-type nitrite reductase whilenirE, nirC andnirF mutants produce a small amount ofcd 1-type nitrite reductase, inactive due to the absence of hemed 1. Upstream from thenirS gene the start of a gene was identified which has limited homology withnosR, a putative regulatory gene involved in nitrous oxide reduction. A potential FNR box was identified between this gene andnirS.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - NBT nitroblue tetrazolium - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

From polluted water of a lagoon pond a new type of denitrifying photosynthetic purple bacteria was isolated. With respect to morphology, fine structure, photopigments, requirement for growth factors, the range of utilization of organic substrates for phototrophic growth and DNA base ratio, the denitrifying strains show the closest resemblance to Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and were therefore described as a subspecies named R. sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans. The new isolates grow well with nitrate anaerobically in the dark accompanying the evolution of nitrogen gas. They cannot assimilate nitrate as the nitrogen source for growth.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequences are now available for the pet (fbc) operons coding for the three electron carrying protein subunits of the cytochrome bc 1 complexes of four photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacteria. It has been demonstrated that, although the complex from one of these bacteria may contain a fourth subunit, three subunit complexes appear to be fully functional. The ligands to the three hemes and the one [2Fe-2S] cluster in the complex have been identified and considerable progress has been made in mapping the two quinone-binding sites present in the complex, as well as the binding sites for quinone analog inhibitors. Hydropathy analyses and alkaline phosphatase fusion experiments have provided considerable insight into the likely folding pattern of the cytochrome b peptide of the complex and identification of the electrogenic steps associated with electron transport through the complex has allowed the orientation within the membrane of the electron-carrying groups of the complex to be modeled.  相似文献   

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