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Membrane organization of the desiccation tolerant moss Tortula ruralis was studied in several intensely dehydrated states (75% relative humidity [RH], 90% RH, plasmolysis in molar salt, freezing to −20°C) by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance and ultrastructural analyses. Both methods revealed that even at 75% RH (−400 bars), the moss cellular membranes retained extended phospholipid bilayers. Ultrastructural analyses of the fully hydrated moss showed an extensive proliferation of membrane vesicles in the endoplasmic reticulum. During dehydration, these vesicles form layers of membrane under the plasmalemma and in some cases appear to fuse with the surface membrane. This suggests that these vesicles may serve as a reservoir of membranes to accommodate for membrane surface area changes during desiccation and subsequent rehydration.  相似文献   

Bewley JD 《Plant physiology》1973,51(2):285-288
During desiccation of the moss Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) (Gaertn, Meyer and Scherb) polyribosomes are conserved. On rehydration, protein synthesis is rapidly resumed. In the presence of protein synthesis initiation inhibitors ribosome run-off from the conserved polyribosomes takes place, confirming that these retain their activity as intact structures during desiccation.  相似文献   

Total desiccation of the moss Tortula ruralis was achieved byplacing it in a dry atmosphere for 90 min. Reintroduction ofthe moss to water resulted in the recovery of its normal morphologicalform within 15–30 s. The sedimentation profile on a sucrosegradient of the ribosomal content of the totally dry moss showsthe presence of distinct polyribosomal peaks. The levels ofthese polyribosomes rise upon rehydration of the moss. The differencebetween the tolerance to water deficit by this moss and by higherplants is outlined.  相似文献   

Recovery from desiccation by Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer and Scherb was accompanied by an immediate, rapid increase in respiration (measured as oxygen uptake) at 25.5°C or 3.5°C. The respiratory burst was greater on rehydration of moss which had been rapidly desiccated over silica gel than that which had been more slowly desiccated in atmospheres of high relative humidity. No respiration was observed in dry moss. Dried moss which had been placed in liquid nitrogen resumed respiration on rewarming and rehydration but moss which had been frozen in the hydrated state respired to a lesser extent and showed signs of freeze damage. In the initial stages of slow drying a slight increase in respiration was noted, followed by a gradual decrease as drought became more severe. In contrast to observations made on many higher plants under drought stress, this moss did not exhibit any changes in its starch and sugar content during or following desiccation, nor were there any changes in free proline levels. Using (1-14C)-glucose and (6-14C)-glucose, the relative activities of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas and pentose phosphate pathways in hydrated and rehydrated moss were determined, as were the activities of specific enzymes involved in these pathways. An increased activity of the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway of glucose oxidation on rehydration of Tortula was observed. The possible significance of this latter observation is outlined.  相似文献   

Incubation of hydrated Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn., Meyer. Scherb. at temperatures down to 2°C resulted in an accumulation of polyribosomes and a decrease in single ribosomes. No changes in the levels of ribosomal subunits were detected. On rehydration of slowly dried moss, which contains no polyribosomes, these were reormed at 2, 8 and 20°C. Rapid incorporation of labelled leucine into protein was observed on reintroduction of the desiccated plant o water at 20°C and there was significant, but much reduced, ncorporation at 2°C. Previously undesiccated moss was also able o take up radioactive leucine and to synthesize protein at 2 and -2.5°C. Changes in the rate of protein synthesis at low temperature were not detected in cold hardened (winter collected or incubated at 2°C) T. ruralis. The moss appears to be adapted to survive freezing wear round and even summer-collected moss can conduct protein synthesis at low temperatures: seasonal cold hardiness changes do lot appear to take place.  相似文献   

RNA species from the haploid gametophyte generation of the moss Tortula ruralis exhibit typical eukaryotic characteristics. The major ribosomal and soluble RNA species are stable during drying and rehydration. RNA synthesis occurs rapidly on reintroduction of the moss to water and incorporation into high molecular weight RNA fractions was detected after 20 to 30 minutes of rehydration and into low molecular weight fractions after 30-60 minutes. Newly synthesized ribosomal RNA was detected in ribosomes within 2 hours of rehydration, but not in polysomes. It is apparent that the ribosomal and transfer RNA conserved during desiccation is involved in the re-establishment of early protein synthesis during subsequent rehydration and that, initially, there is no requirement for newly synthesized material.  相似文献   

The activities of glutathione reductase (EC, glutathione peroxidase (EC, and glutathione S-transferase (EC were found to increase during slow drying or during rehydration following rapid drying of the drought-tolerant moss Tortula ruralis. Little change was observed in the activity of malate deydrogenase (NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC during dehydration or subsequent rehydration. When the tissue was treated with cycloheximide, actinomycin D, or cordycepin, the increase in the activities of glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase was largely prevented while effect on glutathione peroxidase was much smaller. Concomitantly, oxidized glutathione (GSSG) as percentage of total glutathione increased. GSSG level was correlated positively with the levels of lipid peroxidation and solute leakage and negatively with the rate of protein synthesis. The results show that GSSG level is a good indicator of oxidation stress and provide support to the suggestion that GSSG mediates, at least in part, the drought stress-induced inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Upon rehydration of the moss Tortula ruralis following desiccation at a rapid or slow rate, there is increasing utilization of newly synthesized-poly(A)+ RNA for protein synthesis. Initially, poly(A)+ RNA conserved in the dry moss is associated with polysomes, but by 2 hours of rehydration there is an overwhelming recruitment of newly synthesized poly(A)+ RNA, at the expense of conserved messages. In rehydrated moss, there is a marked synthesis in vivo of new proteins, which are separable by two-dimensional electrophoresis, and identifiable by fluorography. These new proteins, termed rehydration proteins, are synthesized after both rapid and slow desiccation, but their synthesis persists longer after rapid desiccation. The protein patterns obtained following in vitro translation of bulk RNA from hydrated, desiccated, and rehydrated moss were qualitatively identical. Thus the differences in protein patterns observed in vivo must result from preferential selection of specific mRNAs from the same pool, which is indicative of control of protein synthesis at the translational level. The implications of these observations in relation to the response of the moss to drying in its natural environment are discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of ATP and ADP on the oxidation of malate by coupled and uncoupled mitochondria prepared from etiolated hypocotyls of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.).

In coupled mitochondria, ATP (1 millimolar) increased pyruvate production and decreased oxaloacetate formation without altering the rate of oxygen consumption. ATP also significantly decreased oxaloacetate production and increased pyruvate production in mitochondria that were uncoupled by carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone plus oligomycin.

In coupled mitochondria, ADP (1 millimolar) increased the production of both pyruvate and oxaloacetate concomitantly with the acceleration of oxygen uptake to the state 3 rate. The effects of ADP were largely eliminated in uncoupled mitochondria. These results indicate that, whereas the ADP stimulation of oxaloacetate and pyruvate production in the coupled mitochondria is brought about primarily as the result of the accelerated rates of electron transport and NADH oxidation by the respiratory chain in state 3, ATP has significant regulatory effects independent of those that might be exerted by control of electron transport.


毛尖紫萼藓(Grimmia pilifera)是典型石生耐旱藓类,水分是其生存繁衍的关键影响因素。为探究微生境对毛尖紫萼藓水分生理的影响,在安徽省大龙山国家森林公园低山丘陵区选择3种典型微生境(竹林遮蔽S-1,向阳裸岩E,薜荔灌丛遮蔽S-2),对比研究毛尖紫萼藓个体大小、饱和含水量及脱水过程中的含水量指标在不同微生境间的差异性,综合判断微生境对苔藓水分胁迫耐受性的影响及其权衡特征。结果表明:3种微生境毛尖紫萼藓个体大小及饱和含水量差异显著,其中竹林遮蔽生境毛尖紫萼藓具有较小的个体但拥有较高的内、外含水量。向阳裸岩和薜荔灌丛遮蔽生境植株大小及外吸水量接近,但前者内含水量更高。两荫蔽生境苔藓外吸水量是内吸水量的7倍,显著高于向阳裸岩生境的5.8倍。脱水过程中相同时间点向阳裸岩生境苔藓各含水量指标均高于两遮蔽生境,且达到相同含水量的时间差也随脱水进程持续而逐渐增大,这为向阳裸岩生境苔藓的有效光合作用(即相对含水量不低于35%时)及脱水后期的生理和结构调整赢得更多时间。综合而言,向阳裸岩生境毛尖紫萼藓比荫蔽生境具有更强的脱水耐受性,但后者可以通过增加外部吸水量来弥补失水过快的缺陷,这可能是不同微生境毛尖紫萼藓对水分吸收和保持的权衡策略。  相似文献   

Oliver MJ 《Plant physiology》1991,97(4):1501-1511
Desiccation tolerance of the moss Tortula ruralis is characterized by a desiccation-induced change in gene expression that becomes evident upon rehydration. As reported earlier, this change in gene expression is apparently brought about by a change in the control of translation and does not include a major shift in mRNA abundance. A full qualitative and quantitative analysis of the alteration in gene expression, which is characterized by the loss of (or greater than fivefold decrease in) the synthesis of 25 hydration (h) proteins and initiation (or greater than fivefold increase) of the synthesis of 74 rehydration (r) proteins, is given in this report. Exposure to a desiccating atmosphere, for times that result in varying levels of water loss, enabled the determination that the control of synthesis of r proteins is different from the control of synthesis of h proteins. The r and h protein synthesis responses are internally coordinate, however. Similarly, the return to normal levels of h protein synthesis differs from that of the r proteins. The return to normal synthetic levels for all h proteins is synchronous, but the rate of loss of r protein synthesis varies with each individual r protein. Run-off translation of polysomes isolated from gametophytes during the drying phase demonstrates that there are no novel mRNAs recruited and no particular mRNA is favored for translation during desiccation. These findings add credence to the argument that translational control is the major component of the desiccation-induced alteration in gene expression in this plant, as discussed. Aspects of the response of protein synthesis to desiccation are consistent with the hypothesis that T. ruralis exhibits a repair-based mechanism of desiccation tolerance.  相似文献   

Hamerlynck  E.P.  Tuba  Z.  Csintalan  Z.  Nagy  Z.  Henebry  G.  Goodin  D. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(1):55-63
Most desiccation-tolerant plants alter shoot structure during drying, making it possible to use changes in surface reflectance as a proxy measure of plant water status. Diurnal courses of surface reflectance (albedo) and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of the ectohydric moss, Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn, were measured to assess the coordination between anatomical and physiological features under field conditions. Albedo showed a sigmoidal relationship with relative humidity and the deviation of moss mat temperature from dew point. Maximum photosynthetic quantum yield (F v/F m) also displayed a sigmoidal relationship pooled across three days differing in light, temperature, and relative humidity. Depending on the light conditions and rapidity of drying during the morning, there were distinct differences in the ability of T. ruralis to establish thermal dissipation of excess light energy (NPQ) across a range of light levels following rehydration through the day. These findings suggest that there is a coordinated suite of architectural and physiological characteristics maintaining the photosynthetic integrity of these plants in highly variable arid and semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Upon desiccation of gametophytes of the desiccation-tolerant moss Tortula ruralis preexisting pools of poly(A) RNA (rRNA) remain inact, regardless of the speed at which desiccation is achieved. Preexisting poly(A)+ RNA pools (mRNA) are unaffected by slow desiccation but are substantially reduced during rapid desiccation. Poly(A) RNA involved in protein synthesis is also unaffected by desiccation, whereas the levels of polysomal poly(A)+ RNA in rapid- and slow-dried moss closely reflect the state of the protein synthetic complex in these dried samples.

Poly(A) RNA pools, both total and polysomal, are also stable during the rehydration of both rapid- and slow-dried moss. The total poly(A)+ RNA pool decreases upon rehydration, but this reduction is simply an expression of the normal turnover of poly(A)+ RNA in this moss. Analysis of polysomal fractions during rehydration reveals the continued use of conserved poly(A)+ RNA for protein synthesis. The rate of synthesis of poly(A)+ RNA upon rehydration appears to depend upon the speed at which prior desiccation is administered. Rapidly dried moss synthesizes poly(A)+ RNA at a faster rate, 60 to 120 minutes after the addition of water, than does rehydrated slowly dried moss. Recruitment of this RNA into the protein synthetic complex also follows this pattern. Comparative studies involving the aquatic moss Cratoneuron filicinum are used to gain an insight into the relevance of these findings with respect to the cellular mechanisms associated with desiccation tolerance.


Glutathione pool and redox status, as well as chlorophyll fluorescencewere measured in Tortula ruralis which was treated withheavy metals and exposed to different desiccation treatments. Two hours afterre-wetting, the ratio of oxidised glutathione to total glutathione poolreturnedto the steady state level (14%) in slowly dried unpolluted plants. Cdtreatment doubled this ratio, as did rapid drying without the heavy metaltreatment. When Cd and rapid drying were applied together, the ratio of GSSGreached 45% indicating a clear additive effect of these two stressfactors. RFd, a chlorophyll fluorescence parameter followed a similar pattern.Lead did not cause the depletion of the glutathione pool but increased theratioof GSSG. It is suggested that Cd and rapid desiccation exert their damageadditively. This might also entail a lowered degree of desiccation tolerance inareas polluted with metals and therefore a retreat of the mosses to mesicmicrohabitats.  相似文献   

以新鲜葡萄柚(Citrus paradise)种子为材料,使用3种脱水速率处理至约20%含水量,然后用饱和盐溶液平衡至10种不同的含水量,再进行简化的二步法超低温保存;同时,以经过15 ℃、50%相对湿度(RH)条件脱水至含水量约12%的葡萄柚种子为材料,使用程序降温仪进行5个降温速率和3个预冷温度的传统二步法超低温保存。结果表明,葡萄柚种子对脱水敏感,种子含水量越低,成苗率越低。而且,脱水速率越快,对种子的损伤越大,成苗率呈现75% RH>50% RH>15% RH;冷冻处理对种子有进一步的伤害,含水量6%~8%的种子超低温保存效果最佳,但脱水速率对超低温保存的种子成苗率的影响不明显。用传统二步法超低温保存葡萄柚种子,与预冷对照相比,经液氮冷冻的种子成苗率都有明显下降。在预冷对照组中,-2.5 ℃·min-1降温速率的种子成苗率最高,在冷冻保存中-0.5 ℃·min-1和-0.25 ℃·min-1的降温速率最有利于超低温保存。预冷温度从-40 ℃降至-60 ℃,未超低温处理种子的发芽率降低,但超低温处理种子的发芽率提高。  相似文献   

Air temperature and humidity, moss surface temperature, moss water content, and photosynthetically active radiation were measured through a clear dry night and early morning in July 1998; CO2 gas exchange of the moss was measured by infra-red gas analysis. The measurements showed progressive absorption of water by the moss through much of the night. The moss reached sufficient water content for about 1.5 h of positive net CO2 uptake immediately after dawn. The cumulative net carbon balance on this occasion was negative, but mornings with heavier dew could give a positive daily carbon balance, and short, early morning periods of photosynthesis during prolonged dry weather may mitigate long-term desiccation damage and allow for regular molecular repair.  相似文献   

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