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A new approach to establish morphological coexistence using computerized image analysis is described. With this technique, the coexisting pattern in two images is revealed by recording the images via a TV camera on a Zeiss/Kontron IBAS interctive image analyzer. Using an arithmetic or a Boolean algebraic operation, the computer then directly compares the respective patterns obtained for different neuroactive substances and shows the resulting coexisting cells (in white) on a TV-monitor. Also non-coexisting system can be showed in various shades of grey. The method allows for a non-biased, rapid and exact scanning of tissue sections where a possible coexistence may be present.  相似文献   

Analysis of nucleoproteins in resting human embryonic fibroblasts in vitro at different population doubling levels (PDL) using electron microscopy revealed the disappearance of non-nucleolar ribonucleoprotein structures at high PDL, the nucleoli became larger and the filamentous masses containing the nascent nucleolar RNA displayed a fibrillo-granular pattern which has never been described previously. In addition, conventional fixation revealed the disappearance of most of the stainable chromatin whose threads were unusually spaced and shortened specially at the nuclear surface after loosening. We interpret these changes in chromatin organization as the consequence of the alkali-sensitive sites that accumulate during senescence.  相似文献   

A nuclear matrix fraction was prepared from ovaries of the achiasmatic flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, by removal of the chromatin, using detergent treatment of homogenized ovaries or dissected ovary tips followed by DNase digestion and high salt extraction. Removal of DNA and histones from the nuclei was demonstrated by Feulgen staining and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), respectively. By light microscopy, ribbon-like structures similar in dimension to the synaptonemal complex were observed in the oocyte after digestion of the chromosomes. Electron microscopic examination of matrix preparations of pachytene cells showed a defined synaptonemal complex structure with both lateral and central elements. Such structures were not found in either the fully differentiated nurse cells or in follicle cells which were exposed to the same preparative technique concurrently. However, in early post-pachytene nurse cells the typical polycomplex structures, formed in these cells from the synaptonemal complex, were found in nuclear matrix preparations. The results suggest an association of synaptonemal complexes with the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Protein composition and ultrastructure of the mature spermatozoa of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were studied upon gradual decondensation of the nuclei with increasing NaCl concentration. Three types of protein were found, associated with the sperm DNA: (1) the sperm-specific proteins S1, S2 and S3 (80% of the acid-soluble proteins); (2) the four core histones (20%); (3) three non-histone proteins tightly bound to DNA (about 4 micrograms protein per 100 micrograms DNA). The sperm-specific protein S3 was the first to dissociate at about 0.5 M NaCl and electron micrographs of spread nuclei indicated its participation in the final compaction of the nucleus. Hypotonically treated sperm nuclei revealed the presence of 21-25 nm large granules irregularly scattered along some of the DNA fibers. These granules correspond to the 'superbeads' of histone-containing chromatins. The tightly bound non-histone proteins were represented by a triplet in the range 60-80 kD. They formed 30-60 nm large annular bodies holding DNA fibers and resisting high salt-detergent treatment.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of EGF and transferrin receptor by human keratinocytes in culture has been followed using specific monoclonal antibodies. In addition, keratinocytes are shown to synthesise a Mr 47 000 protein that binds to gelatin-Sepharose. Peptide mapping confirms the identity of this protein with colligin, a newly described cell surface-associated glycoprotein that also binds to native collagens (Kurkinen et al., J biol chem 259 (1984) 5915) [9]. Vitamin A and its analogues have profound effects on the differentiation, morphology and motility of human keratinocytes in culture. We show here that retinoic acid (RA) has no effect on the growth rate of the cells or the synthesis of EGF receptor and colligin, but stimulates the synthesis of transferrin receptor.  相似文献   

Our previous study has shown that fucoidin, an algal heteropolysaccharide, is a potent inhibitor of sperm-zona binding in the guinea pig, hamster and human. To visualize the surface site of fucoidin binding, a biotinated derivative (B-Fuc) of the native fucoidin was prepared. B-Fuc retained the inhibitory activity and was used in conjunction with FITC-avidin to localize its binding sites on guinea pig spermatozoa using fluorescence microscopy. In living acrosome-reacted spermatozoa, B-Fuc bound predominantly to the inner acrosomal membrane and equatorial segment domains. The binding was effectively competed by a 10-fold excess of native fucoidin, but not by a 10-fold excess of heparin or a 20-fold excess of biotinated normal rabbit serum IgG. B-Fuc binding patterns on dead spermatozoa were quite different from that of living spermatozoa. The post-acrosomal region, rather than the inner acrosomal membrane and equatorial domains, was intensely labeled. This indicates the importance of using living cells in assessing true surface binding sites whenever possible. We conclude that the inner acrosomal membrane and/or equatorial domains are critical for zona binding in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

In both the presence and absence of serum, 3Y1 rat fibroblastic cells synchronized at early S phase by aphidicolin entered M phase 6 h after removal of aphidicolin. However, in the second generation their entry into S phase in the presence of serum was delayed due to the deprivation of serum in the first generation. A similar delaying effect in the second generation was observed when the resting cells were stimulated by serum and then deprived of serum during a period of 8 h preceding mitosis. In both cases, the interval between mitosis and entry into S phase in the second generation was almost equal to that required for the resting cells to enter S phase when stimulated by serum. A similar delaying effect was also observed when the cells, synchronized at early S phase, were kept in suspension culture in the presence of serum for a period in the first generation. Results of a similar type of experiments using various combinations of growth factors showed that, when the G1 period in the second generation was shortened by exposure to growth factors in the first generation, and when the resting cells were stimulated to enter S phase, the same combination of growth factors was required. These and previous results suggest that the preparation for entry into S phase is controlled in both previous and present generations of 3Y1 cells.  相似文献   

Treatment of a pluripotent teratocarcinoma cell line with retinoic acid (RA) results in the disappearance of peanut agglutinin (PNA) receptors, accompanied with the decrease in F9 antigens and the enhanced secretion of plasminogen activator. However, this type of differentiation was inhibited by feeder cells. Furthermore, the transition of PNA receptor was reversible on the cells treated with RA for 2 days and became irreversible by an additional 2-day treatment with RA. Thus, two stages of teratocarcinoma cell differentiation—reversible and irreversible—were demonstrated.  相似文献   

High hydrostatic pressure applied between sperm attachment and the onset of cortical granule exocytosis will inhibit this exocytotic event in sea urchin eggs. Such pressure-treated zygotes, nevertheless, are activated and capable of development. Thus, this technique can be used as a tool to study the relationship between cortical granule breakdown and other fertilization-related responses. We have studied whether the exocytosis of cortical granules is necessary for proton efflux (acid release) to occur. Our results indicate that although Ca2+ is released while the eggs are under pressure (a prerequisite for the following events to take place), cortical granule exocytosis and acid release are pressure-sensitive and completely inhibited at pressures above 400 atm (6000 psi) and 275 atm (4000 psi), respectively. However, upon decompression, acid release is initiated which amounts to 65–70% of that seen in the unpressurized controls, suggesting that the efflux mechanism does not require cortical granule exocytosis and must result from some modification of the original plasma membrane of the egg. The remaining 30–35% of the acid release is related to cortical granule exocytosis, since it can be obtained upon induction of the cortical granule fusion 30 min later under atmospheric pressure. The initiation of acid release after decompression indicates that the efflux mechanism is not transiently turned on at fertilization, but undergoing long-term modification; the recovery of the ability to induce cortical granule fusion after fertilization under pressure suggests a refilling of cytoplasmic Ca2+ stores within this time course.  相似文献   

Pure human alpha and recombinant gamma interferons had differential effects on two strains of fetal lung fibroblasts in vitro. Alpha interferon had little effect on long-term cell growth, whereas gamma interferons, both glycosylated and non-glycosylated, were cytotoxic. However, when synchronized cells were studied, alpha interferon prolonged both G1 and S + G2 phases of the cell cycle, whereas gamma interferon only affected the G1 phase.  相似文献   

The presence of cellular alterations, usually associated with transformation, has been studied in two permanent myogenic cell lines, L6 and L8, that retain the ability to differentiate in vitro. We present evidence that, beside being immortal, both cell lines are anchorage-independent for proliferation, a feature not found in primary muscle cells. L6 secretes constitutively high levels of plasminogen activator. L8 is able to undergo multinucleation in the presence of cytochalasin B (cytB) and is tumorigenic in vivo. Single anchorage-independent clones were shown to possess differentiative potentials similar to those of the parental line. Moreover, cell fusion could be directly observed in L8 while still growing as colonies in soft agar. We discuss our data with respect to (i) the reported differences in the regulation of differentiation between primary myogenic cells and continuous cell lines; (ii) the relationship between transformation and differentiation in muscle cells.  相似文献   

The production of γ-interferon (IFNγ) in human peripheral blood T lymphocytes was induced by stimulation with PHA. For identification of the producer cell of IFNγ, double fluorescence studies were undertaken and titers of interferon were determined in preparatively separated T-cell subpopulations reactive with one of the monoclonal antibodies OKT3, OKT4, OKT8, and OKIa1. Production of IFNγ was found in OKT3+, OKT4+, and OKT8+ cells. However, IFNγ production occurred only in T cells also reactive with the monoclonal antibody OKIa1. Addition of macrophages had no substantial effect on interferon titers in these subpopulations. It is suggested that the T cell subset producing IFNγ is characterized by its reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies OKT3, OKT4 or OKT8, and OKIa1.  相似文献   

Four subclones with single species of mitochondria and three subclones with both parental mitochondria were isolated from a mouse-rat hybrid cell line H2. The effects of the coexistence of different species of mitochondria on cellular properties were examined in these clones. Growth properties were studied by comparing the plating efficiencies and doubling times. The numbers of growing colonies and the doubling times of all the subclones were found to be almost the same, indicating that these growth properties were not affected by the presence of both mouse and rat mitochondria within the cells. The correlation between the expression of chloramphenicol (CAP)-resistance and the relative contents of mtDNA of CAP-resistant (CAPr) rat and CAP-sensitive (CAPs) mouse parent cells in the subclones were also examined. The expression of CAP resistance was measured as the relative plating efficiency. Subclones with a high content of mtDNA from CAPr rat parent cells showed high relative plating efficiency.  相似文献   

Isolated rat liver cells were pulse-labelled with tritiated uridine and post-incubated in the presence of an excess of unlabelled uridine and of adenosine analog DRB (5-6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl benzimidazole). Nuclear radioactivity was detected with high resolution autoradiography. A significant labelling of the interchromatin granules was revealed in these conditions. Pretreatments of cells with low doses of actinomycin D in order to preferentially inhibit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis prevented the labelling of the interchromatin granules during subsequent DRB treatments. These observations indicate that in DRB-treated cells, the interchromatin granules are sites of transfer or of accumulation of nucleolar RNA. Our results are discussed in connection with our knowledge of the action of DRB on RNA metabolism in mammalian cells and with recent data concerning the still enigmatic interchromatin granules which are present in the nuclei of most cells.  相似文献   

Human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells could be induced to differentiate morphologically and biochemically in the presence of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), retinoic acid (RA), or a combination of these two substances. The phenotypical changes induced by these substances differed, but one effect of both was an inhibition of the cell growth. Addition of TPA or RA to non-treated cells had no effect on the activation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC, EC, while a change to fresh medium stimulated the ODC to maximum activity after 4-6 h. The activity was not altered by the presence of RA in the fresh medium, but TPA partially inhibited the medium-stimulated ODC activity. Cells treated for 4 or 8 days with TPA or a combination of TPA and RA had a low ODC activity which could not be induced by fresh medium. However, RA-treated (and thus growth-inhibited) cells still responded to a change of medium by exhibiting an ODC activity of the same magnitude and duration as in medium-stimulated control cells. The results seem to suggest that the growth inhibition induced by TPA and RA, respectively, is mediated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

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