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Twelve species of the harpacticoid genus Elaphoidella, most of them exclusively groundwater species, have been recorded in Slovenia (SE Europe). Their distribution and ecology are reviewed with the aim of evaluating distribution patterns, species preferences for groundwater habitats, ecological preferences and interactions with other copepod species at regional scale. Data on Elaphoidella species were obtained partly from the existing literature and partly from the author's (AB) own sampling campaigns carried out together with his co-workers. During the rich history of collecting copepods in Slovenia (from the 1920s to present), Elaphoidella species were recorded at 78 sampling sites altogether. The majority of collecting was conducted in the southern (Dinaric region) and north-western (Alpine region) Slovenia. The most intensively sampled habitats were porous aquifers of alluvial plains, springs in the karstic unsaturated zone and percolation water in caves. The highest species richness of Elaphoidella was recorded in the southern Slovenia, where 10 species were found. The strictly “Dinaric” species are E. charon, E. franci, E. karstica, E. stammeri, E. sp. 1 and E. sp. 2, while E. phreatica and E. bidens were found exclusively in the north-western Slovenia. From the latest data on the copepod distributions (2002–2004), where the environmental characteristics of sampling sites were also measured, the relationship between selected environmental characteristics of the habitats and the presence of Elaphoidella species was analysed. The distribution of Elaphoidella species in Slovenia was found to be related with the region, habitat type, altitude, conductivity and pH of the water.  相似文献   

A new species of Bryocamptus from North America, B. pilosus n. sp., is described and illustrated. Some remarks are made on the occurrence of a specific piliform seta on the ventral side of the caudal ramus in the vejdovskyi species group.  相似文献   

Steinernema sichuanense n. sp. is characterized by male, female and IJ. For male, the spicules are robust with prominent rostrum; gubernaculum has blunt anterior end; cuneus is arrow-shaped, pointed posteriorly. Second-generation male has a prominent mucron. For female, tail usually has one to four papillae-like projections on tail tip; post anal swelling is absent. For IJ, body length is about 710 microm; lateral field has six ridges; the formula of lateral field is 2, 5, 6, 4, 2 with two prominent submarginal ridges; tail usually has a dorsal depression. In Steinernema affine/intermedium group, the IJ of S. sichuanense n. sp. differs from S. affine by its absence of the internal tail spine; differs from Steinernema beddingi by its six ridges in lateral field compared to 4 for S. beddingi. For male mucron is absent in both generations of S. affine, S. intermedium and S. beddingi, whereas it is present in the second-generation of S. sichuanense sp. n. Morphology and morphometrics of spicules and gubernacula of the four species in S. affine/intermedium group are quite different based on SEM photographs. For female, the postanal swelling is absent in the first-generation of S. sichuanense n. sp. whereas S. affine and S. intermedium have slight swelling and S. beddingi has conspicuous swelling. The new species is further recognized by characterization of sequences of ITS and D2/D3 regions of the ribosomal DNA. The symbiotic bacterium associated to S. sichuanense belongs to the species Xenorhabdus bovienii.  相似文献   

Three new species of Candida and a new species of Trigonopsis are described based on their recognition from phylogenetic analysis of gene sequences from large subunit ribosomal RNA, ITS1/ITS2 rRNA, mitochondrial small subunit rRNA and cytochrome oxidase II. Candida infanticola sp. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-17858, CBS 7922) was isolated from the ear of an infant in Germany and is closely related to Candida sorbophila. Candida polysorbophila sp. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-27161, CBS 7317) is a member of the Zygoascus clade and was isolated in South Africa as a contaminant from an emulsion of white oil and polysorbate. Candida transvaalensis sp. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-27140, CBS 6663) was obtained from forest litter, the Transvaal, South Africa, and forms an isolated clade with Candida santjacobensis. Trigonopsis californica sp. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-27307, CBS 10351) represents a contaminant from wine in California, and forms a well-supported clade with Trigonopsis cantarellii, Trigonopsis variabilis and Trigonopsis vinaria.  相似文献   

Two yeast strains, producing needle-shaped ascospores under suitable conditions, were isolated from grapes grown in Hungary. Based on these two strains, Metschnikowia viticola (type strain NCAIM Y.01705, CBS 9950, JCM 12561) is proposed as a new yeast species. Considering its phenotypic features, the restriction fragment patterns of 18S rDNA and the sequence of the D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA, the proposed new species is closely related to Candida kofuensis.  相似文献   

A new species Aspalathus abbottii C.H. Stirt. & Muasya, is described. The species is known only from Oribi Flats, KwaZulu-Natal, where it grows in grassland vegetation. The new species is characterised by its rigid spreading habit, densely and shortly villous branches, glabrous bracts and bracteoles, and 1(2) bright yellow flowers borne on short lateral shoots. It is most similar to other grassland species, A. frankenioides DC. and A. gerrardii H. Bol., all from the summer rainfall area of South Africa but differs in its rigid spreading habit, few bright yellow flowers per flowering branchlet, glabrous bracts and bracteoles, villous yellowish-green seasonal shoots, and its pale brown to tan over-seasonal branches with a blackish lattice of peeled bark.  相似文献   

The new species Gladiolus halophila Goldblatt & J.C.Manning from near Keetmanshoop in southern Namibia is described and illustrated. It is closely allied to G. longicollis and G. tristis from southwestern and eastern South Africa but is distinguished by its lilac flowers with shorter perianth tube, 35–40 mm long. The flowers last just one day and are self-compatible. The species, which is restricted to saline seepages, is known from just two populations, one of which is due to be inundated by a planned dam, and it is therefore classified as Endangered. The action of the Namibian Government in commissioning a search for additional localities serves as a valuable example in similar instances.  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Eclysis K.H. Barnard, 1932 and its type species, E. similis Barnard, are redescribed based upon a newly discovered second specimen. The genus Bathypanoploea Schellenberg, 1939 is reviewed; B. schellenbergi Holman and Watling, 1983 is fixed as the type species. B. polarsterni n. sp. is described; Alexandrella pulchra Ren in Ren and Huang, 1991 is a new junior synonym of B. schellenbergi. The morphology of Eclysis and Bathypanoploea is examined, as well as their relationships to the Astyridae and Stilipedidae.See also Electronic Supplement at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/05-03.htm  相似文献   

Two strains of xylose-containing and Q-10-having ballistoconidiogenous yeasts isolated from plant leaves collected in Taiwan were found to represent two new species of the genus Bullera. In the phylogenetic trees based on the sequence analysis of 18S rDNA and D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA, these species are located in the Bullera variabilis (Bulleribasidum) cluster in Hymenomycetes. They are described as Bullera begoniae sp. nov. and Bullera setariae sp. nov., respectively.  相似文献   

Commiphora buruxa Swanepoel, described here as a new species, is known only from the Gariep Centre of Endemism, southwestern Namibia. It appears to be most closely related to C. cervifolia Van der Walt. Diagnostic morphological characters of C. buruxa include a viscous, cream-coloured exudate, variably simple to trifoliolate leaves, and a putamen covered by a small cupular pseudo-aril. Illustrations of the plant and a distribution map are provided. The species is known from less than 20 plants.  相似文献   

记述采集山西横皱叶蝉属1新种:黑面横皱叶蝉Oncopsis nigrofaciala sp. nov.。新种近似于黑带横皱叶蝉 O. nigrofasciata Xu, Liang & Li, 2006,但前者颜面大面积黑色,背连索中部的细长突起和阳茎的形状明显不同。  相似文献   

Parastenocaris lorenzae n.sp. is described from rhithrostygal of the Sangro river (Abruzzo, Central Italy). Parastenocaris glacialis Noodt, 1952 is for the first time recorded from Italy. The presence of borealpine elements in ground waters of Central Apennines is briefly discussed.Contribution to the knowledge of the groundwater fauna in central Research supported by grants from M.P.I. (40%) and C.N.R. (Gruppo and southern Italy: XLIV. Nazionale di Biologia Naturalistica).  相似文献   

A novel anamorphic yeast species belonging to the genus Candida has been isolated from cellar surfaces in North Patagonia. Morphological and physiological observation and phylogenetic analysis were performed. Pseudomycelium was plentifully produced. No sexual reproduction was observed. From sequence analysis of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region, Candida bituminiphila and Zygoascus hellenicus were the closest species with 40 and 79 bp substitutions, respectively. C. bituminiphila differed physiologically from the novel species in its ability to assimilate sucrose and erythritol, in not fermenting any sugars, in growing without some vitamin compounds, and in growing at 40°C. All these data support the hypothesis that the new yeast, named Candida patagonica, is a novel species related to C. bituminiphila. The type strain is UNCOMA 159.5 (= CECT 12029 = CBS 10443).  相似文献   

As part of a study to examine the phylogenetic history of the taxonomically challenging species Phytophthora cryptogea and P. drechsleri, a distinct monophyletic group of isolates, previously described as P. drechsleri or P. cryptogea, were characterised. Analysis of their rDNA ITS sequences indicated that these isolates were distinct from P. drechsleri, P. cryptogea, and all members of Phytophthora ITS clades 1–8, clustering instead alongside basal groups previously described as clades 9 and 10. This group comprised six isolates all of which were isolated from woody plants, such as pistachio (Pistacia vera, Iran and USA), fig (Ficus carica, Iran), and almond (Prunus dulcis, Greece). Analysis of sequence data from nuclear (β-tubulin and translation elongation factor 1α) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) genes confirmed the ITS-based analysis as these isolates formed a distinct monophyletic group in all NJ trees. The isolates were fast growing with a relatively high optimum growth temperature of 30 °C and, in most cases, rapid colony growth even at 37 °C. The isolates produced complex colony patterns on almost all media, especially corn meal agar (CMA). Phylogenetic analysis and examination of all the other morphological and physiological data lead us to infer that this taxon has not been described previously. As this taxon was first isolated and described from Iran we propose that this taxon be formally designated as Phytophthora parsiana.  相似文献   

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