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Two methods of measuring primary production, modulated fluorimetry (PAM) and the traditional carbon incorporation method (13C), were compared in four phytoplankton species, two diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Asterionellopsis glacialis), and two dinoflagellates (Heterocapsa sp and Karenia mikimotoï), under N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus) and Si (silicon) limited semi-continuous culture. N and Si-limited cultures showed relatively high quantum efficiency of the PSII (Fv/Fm) values, confirming that Fv/Fm is not a good proxy for nutrient stress in balanced systems, whereas P limitation had a drastic effect on many physiological parameters. In all species, the physiological capacity of phytoplankton cells to acclimate to nutrient limitations led to changes in the cellular biochemical composition and the structure of the photosynthetic apparatus. The observed physiological responses were species and nutrient specific. The values of the chlorophyll-specific absorption cross section (a*) increased with nutrient limitation due to package effect, while the carbon/Chl a ratio was higher under N and P limitations. In diatoms, Si limitation did not affect photosynthesis confirming the uncoupling between Si and carbon metabolisms. In all four species and under all treatments, significant relationships were found between photosynthetic activities, ETRChl (electron transport rate) and PChl (carbon fixation rate) estimated using PAM measurements and 13C incorporation, showing that the fluorescence technique can reliably be used to estimate carbon fixation by phytoplankton. The relationship between ETRChl and PChl can be described by the shape and the slope of the curve (ΦC.e). Linear relationships were found for dinoflagellates and P. pungens under all treatments. A decrease in ΦC.e was observed under N and P limitation probably due to structural damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. A. glacialis showed a logarithmic relationship in N and P limited conditions, due to the alternative electron flow which takes place to optimise photosynthetic performances under high light and/or nutrient stress.  相似文献   

A dense population of the phototrophic consortium “Pelochromatium roseum” was investigated in the chemocline of a temperate holomictic lake (Lake Dagow, Brandenburg, Germany). Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that the brown epibionts of “P. roseum” constituted up to 37% of the total bacterial cell number and up to 88% of all green sulfur bacteria present in the chemocline. Specific amplification of 16S rRNA gene fragments of green sulfur bacteria and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting yielded a maximum of four different DNA bands depending on the year of study, indicating that the diversity of green sulfur bacteria was low. The 465-bp 16S rRNA gene sequence of the epibiont of “P. roseum” was obtained after sorting of individual consortia by micromanipulation, followed by a highly sensitive PCR. The sequence obtained represents a new phylotype within the radiation of green sulfur bacteria. Maximum light-dependent H14CO3 fixation in the chemocline in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea suggested that there was anaerobic autotrophic growth of the green sulfur bacteria. The metabolism of the epibionts was further studied by determining stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of their specific biomarkers. Analysis of photosynthetic pigments by high-performance liquid chromatography revealed the presence of high concentrations of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) e and smaller amounts of BChl a and d and chlorophyll a in the chemocline. Unexpectedly, isorenieratene and β-isorenieratene, carotenoids typical of other brown members of the green sulfur bacteria, were absent. Instead, four different esterifying alcohols of BChl e were isolated as biomarkers of green sulfur bacterial epibionts, and their δ13C values were determined. Farnesol, tetradecanol, hexadecanol, and hexadecenol all were significantly enriched in 13C compared to bulk dissolved and particulate organic carbon and compared to the biomarkers of purple sulfur bacteria. The difference between the δ13C values of farnesol, the major esterifying alcohol of BChl e, and CO2 was −7.1%, which provides clear evidence that the mode of growth of the green sulfur bacterial epibionts of “P. roseum” in situ is photoautotrophic.  相似文献   

Objective in situ measurements of skin pigmentation are needed for accurate documentation of pigmentation disorders, in studies of constitutive and induced skin pigmentation, for testing of the efficacy of pro‐pigmentation or de‐pigmentation agents, etc. Non‐invasive instrumental measurements of skin pigmentation have been used for many decades. All are based on the ability of melanin to attenuate light. However, hemoglobin in dermal capillaries also attenuates light and needs to be accounted for when pigmentation is assessed. The methods under consideration include: (a) single point measurements, in which light reflected from a defined skin area is collected and a pigment index is calculated representing the average pigmentation over the examined area, and (b) imaging methods that attempt to generate a concentration distribution map of melanin pigment for the skin area being imaged. In this article, we describe the potentials and the limitations of the different approaches to both single point and imaging methods.  相似文献   

Results of a 7-month field test of in situ bioremediation of carbon tetrachloride (CT) under denitrifying conditions are reported. The demonstration was conducted in a portion of a several-square-mile CT and nitrate plume. Pretest CT and nitrate levels were 12.5 ± 0.14 μM and 3.87 ± 0.26 mM, respectively. During the test, the CT concentration dropped by 3.71 ± μM, representing an estimated total of 1.42 kg of CT destroyed. The total quantities of acetate and nitrate injected during the demonstration were 221 and 300 kg, respectively. Nitra injection was composed of short-duration, high-concentration pulses added with acetate pulses, and continuously injected nitrate that was present in the surrounding groundwater. Biomass was distributed successfully within the flow field without fouling the injection well. Levels of planktonic denitrifiers increased 10- and 5-fold in monitoring wells 3 and 6 m downstream from the injection well, respectively. A distributed growth pattern was indicated through reductions in the concentrations of acetate, nitrate, and nitrite between these wells. Chloroform (CF) production was controlled by adjusting acetate and nitrate pulsing to keep low levels of nitrate in most of the flow field. Under this regime only 1 mol% of transformed CT appeared as CF. In contrast, approximately 33 mol% of CT transformed to appear as CF when nutrient-feeding conditions were adjusted so that nitrate was consistently absent.  相似文献   

The formation of viscous foams on aeration basins and secondary clarifiers of activated sludge plants is a common and widespread problem. Foam formation is often attributed to the presence of mycolic acid-containing actinomycetes (mycolata). In order to examine the relationship between the number of mycolata and foam, we developed a group-specific probe targeting the 16S rRNA of the mycolata, a protocol to permeabilize mycolata, and a statistically robust quantification method. Statistical analyses showed that a lipase-based permeabilization method was quantitatively superior to previously described methods (P << 0.05). When mixed liquor and foam samples were examined, most of the mycolata present were rods or cocci, although filamentous mycolata were also observed. A nested analysis of variance showed that virtually all of the measured variance occurred between fields of view and not between samples. On this basis we determined that as few as five fields of view could be used to give a statistically meaningful sample. Quantitative fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to examine the relationship between foaming and the concentration of mycolata in a 20-m3 completely mixed activated sludge plant. Foaming occurred when the number of mycolata exceeded a certain threshold value. Baffling of the plant affected foaming without affecting the number of mycolata. We tentatively estimated that the threshold foaming concentration of mycolata was about 2 × 106 cells ml−1 or 4 × 1012 cells m−2. We concluded that quantitative use of FISH is feasible and that quantification is a prerequisite for rational investigation of foaming in activated sludge.  相似文献   

Partitioning of CO2 incorporation into oxygenic phototrophic, anoxygenic phototrophic, and chemolithoautotrophic guilds was determined in a freshwater lake (Lake Cisó, Banyoles, Spain). CO2 incorporation into the different types of microorganisms was studied at different depths, during diel cycles, and throughout the year. During winter holomixis, the whole lake became anoxic and both the anoxygenic and chemolithoautotrophic guilds were more active at the surface of the lake, whereas the activity of the oxygenic guild was negligible. During stratification, the latter guild was more active in the upper metalimnion, whereas the anoxygenic guild was more active in the lower metalimnion. Specific growth rates and doubling times were estimated for the most conspicuous phototrophic microorganisms. Doubling times for Cryptomonas phaseolus ranged between 0.5 and 192 days, whereas purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae-like) ranged between 1.5 and 238 days. These growth rates were similar to those calculated with a different approach in previous papers and indicate slow-growing populations with very large biomass. Overall, the annual total CO2 incorporation in Lake Cisó was 220 g C m−2. Most of the CO2 incorporation, however, was due to the chemolithoautotrophic guild (61% during holomixis and 56% during stratification), followed by the anoxygenic phototrophic guild (35 and 19%, respectively) and the oxygenic phototrophs (4 and 25%, respectively), making dark carbon fixation the key process in the autotrophic metabolism of the lake.  相似文献   

To evaluate leaf carbon balance during rapid pod-fill in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill), measurements were made of CO2 assimilation at mid-day and changes in specific leaf weight, starch, and sucrose concentrations over a 9-hour interval. Assimilate export was estimated from CO2 assimilation and leaf dry matter accumulation. Chamber-grown `Amsoy 71' and `Wells' plants were subjected on the day of the measurements to one of six photosynthetic photon flux densities in order to vary CO2 assimilation rates.

Rate of accumulation of leaf dry matter and rate of export both increased as CO2 assimilation rate increased in each cultivar.

Starch concentrations were greater in Amsoy 71 than in Wells at all CO2 assimilation rates. At low CO2 assimilation rates, export rates in Amsoy 71 were maintained in excess of 1.0 milligram CH2O per square decimeter leaf area per hour at the expense of leaf reserves. In Wells, however, export rate continued to decline with decreasing CO2 assimilation rate. The low leaf starch concentration in Wells at low CO2 assimilation rates may have limited export by limiting carbon from starch remobilization.

Both cultivars exhibited positive correlations between CO2 assimilation rate and sucrose concentration, and between sucrose concentration and export rate. Carbon fixation and carbon partitioning both influenced export rate via effects on sucrose concentration.


New rRNA-targeting oligonucleotide probes permitted the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) identification of freshwater fungi in an Austrian second-order alpine stream. Based on computer-assisted comparative sequence analysis, nine taxon-specific probes were designed and evaluated by whole-fungus hybridizations. Oligonucleotide probe MY1574, specific for a wide range of Eumycota, and the genus (Tetracladium)-specific probe TCLAD1395, as well as the species-specific probes ALacumi1698 (Alatospora acuminata), TRIang322 (Tricladium angulatum), and Alongi340 (Anguillospora longissima), are targeted against 18S rRNA, whereas probes TmarchB10, TmarchC1_1, TmarchC1_2, and AlongiB16 are targeted against the 28S rRNA of Tetracladium marchalianum and Anguillospora longissima, respectively. After 2 weeks and 3 months of exposure of polyethylene slides in the stream, attached germinating conidia and growing hyphae of freshwater fungi were accessible for FISH. Growing hyphae and germinating conidia on leaves and in membrane cages were also visualized by the new FISH probes.  相似文献   

A simple screening method was developed to detect in situ biosurfactant production by exploiting the relationship between surface tension (ST) and surfactant concentration. Filtered groundwater from contaminated wells with ST values of 60 to 70 dynes/cm decreased to 29 dynes/cm after being concentrated 10 to 15 times in a rotary evaporator, indicating that biosurfactants in the sample reached the critical micelle concentration (CMC). Samples from uncon-taminated groundwater concentrated 25 times showed no decrease in ST below 72 dynes/cm, suggesting that biosurfactants were not present. Microorganisms from soil cores were cultured on diesel fuel and identified using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found at very low numbers in uncontami-nated soil but was the dominant species in contaminated soil, indicating that hydrocarbon release impacted microbial diversity significantly. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify rhamnolipids, biosurfactants produced by P. aeruginosa, in concentrated ground-water samples. Rhamnolipid concentrations in samples from contaminated soil were observed equal to their CMC (50 mg/L), but were not detected in samples from un-contaminated wells. We conclude that biosurfactant production may be an indicator of intrinsic bioremediation.  相似文献   

Innovative in situ treatment technologies show promise as efficient methods for remediating the nation's waste sites. Unfortunately, due to various barriers, some innovative technologies that have been demonstrated at full scale are never transferred for commercial application. The National Research Council (NRC) has recently presented recommendations on how to overcome these barriers (NRC, 1997). User-friendly screening software, which specifically addresses each of the NRC recommendations, is presented for use by site managers to determine the appropriateness of an innovative remediation technology, in situ aerobic cometabolic bioremediation, to clean up a contaminated site with specified hydrogeologic and contaminant characteristics. The software estimates the performance and cost of the technology at the site. Software, such as the one presented, can be used to aid in the transfer and implementation of innovative remediation technologies.  相似文献   

The fraction of planktonic heterotrophic bacteria capable of incorporating dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and leucine was determined at two coastal sites by microautoradioagraphy (AU). In Gulf of Mexico seawater microcosm experiments, the proportion of prokaryotes that incorporated sulfur from [35S]DMSP ranged between 27 and 51% of 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-positive cells, similar to or slightly lower than the proportion incorporating [3H]leucine. In the northwest Mediterranean coast, the proportion of cells incorporating sulfur from [35S]DMSP increased from 5 to 42% from January to March, coinciding with the development of a phytoplankton bloom. At the same time, the proportion of cells incorporating [3H]leucine increased from 21 to 40%. The combination of AU and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that the Roseobacter clade (α-proteobacteria) accounted for 13 to 43% of the microorganisms incorporating [35S]DMSP at both sampling sites. Significant uptake of sulfur from DMSP was also found among members of the γ-proteobacteria and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium groups. Roseobacter and γ-proteobacteria exhibited the highest percentage of DAPI-positive cells incorporating 35S from DMSP (around 50%). Altogether, the application of AU with [35S]DMSP combined with FISH indicated that utilization of S from DMSP is a widespread feature among active marine bacteria, comparable to leucine utilization. These results point toward DMSP as an important substrate for a broad and diverse fraction of marine bacterioplankton.  相似文献   

In fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), the efficiency of hybridization between the DNA probe and the rRNA has been related to the accessibility of the rRNA when ribosome content and cell permeability are not limiting. Published rRNA accessibility maps show that probe brightness is sensitive to the organism being hybridized and the exact location of the target site and, hence, it is highly unpredictable based on accessibility only. In this study, a model of FISH based on the thermodynamics of nucleic acid hybridization was developed. The model provides a mechanistic approach to calculate the affinity of the probe to the target site, which is defined as the overall Gibbs free energy change (ΔG°overall) for a reaction scheme involving the DNA-rRNA and intramolecular DNA and rRNA interactions that take place during FISH. Probe data sets for the published accessibility maps and experiments targeting localized regions in the 16S rRNA of Escherichia coli were used to demonstrate that ΔG°overall is a strong predictor of hybridization efficiency and superior to conventional estimates based on the dissociation temperature of the DNA/rRNA duplex. The use of the proposed model also allowed the development of mechanistic approaches to increase probe brightness, even in seemingly inaccessible regions of the 16S rRNA. Finally, a threshold ΔG°overall of −13.0 kcal/mol was proposed as a goal in the design of FISH probes to maximize hybridization efficiency without compromising specificity.  相似文献   

A field-scale study was conducted in a 4000 m2 plot of land contaminated with an oily sludge by use of a carrier-based hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial consortium for bioremediation. The land belonged to an oil refinery. Prior to this study, a feasibility study was conducted to assess the capacity of the bacterial consortium to degrade oily sludge. The site selected for bioremediation contained approximately 300 tons of oily sludge. The plot was divided into four blocks, based on the extent of contamination. Blocks A, B, and C were treated with the bacterial consortium, whereas Block D was maintained as an untreated control. In Block A, at time zero, i.e., at the beginning of the experiment, the soil contained as much as 99.2 g/kg of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). The application of a bacterial consortium (1 kg carrier-based bacterial consortium/10 m2 area) and nutrients degraded 90.2% of the TPH in 120 days, whereas in block D only 16.8% of the TPH was degraded. This study validates the large-scale use of a carrier-based bacterial consortium and nutrients for the treatment of land contaminated with oily sludge, a hazardous hydrocarbon waste generated by petroleum industry. Received: 20 October 2000 / Accepted: 22 March 2001  相似文献   

The use of in situ air sparging (IAS) has increased rapidly since the early 1990s, and it is now likely to be the most practiced engineered in situ remediation option when targeting the treatment of hydrocarbon-impacted aquifers. To date, IAS system design has remained largely empirical, with significant variability in approaches and results. Here, the valuable knowledge gained from IAS studies and applications over the past decade has been integrated into a new paradigm for feasibility assessment, pilot testing, design, and operation. The basis for this Design Paradigm, the initial feasibility assessment, monitoring, and the overall design approach are discussed in detail here; other referenced documents contain the details of specific recommended activities. The proposed design approach is unique in that it contains two design routes; the first is a non-site-specific approach requiring minimal site characterization and testing (Standard Design Approach), while the second is a more site-specific approach (Site-Specific Design Approach).  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to unify amplification, labeling, and microarray hybridization chemistries within a single, closed microfluidic chamber (an amplification microarray) and verify technology performance on a series of groundwater samples from an in situ field experiment designed to compare U(VI) mobility under conditions of various alkalinities (as HCO3) during stimulated microbial activity accompanying acetate amendment. Analytical limits of detection were between 2 and 200 cell equivalents of purified DNA. Amplification microarray signatures were well correlated with 16S rRNA-targeted quantitative PCR results and hybridization microarray signatures. The succession of the microbial community was evident with and consistent between the two microarray platforms. Amplification microarray analysis of acetate-treated groundwater showed elevated levels of iron-reducing bacteria (Flexibacter, Geobacter, Rhodoferax, and Shewanella) relative to the average background profile, as expected. Identical molecular signatures were evident in the transect treated with acetate plus NaHCO3, but at much lower signal intensities and with a much more rapid decline (to nondetection). Azoarcus, Thaurea, and Methylobacterium were responsive in the acetate-only transect but not in the presence of bicarbonate. Observed differences in microbial community composition or response to bicarbonate amendment likely had an effect on measured rates of U reduction, with higher rates probable in the part of the field experiment that was amended with bicarbonate. The simplification in microarray-based work flow is a significant technological advance toward entirely closed-amplicon microarray-based tests and is generally extensible to any number of environmental monitoring applications.  相似文献   

Lorica volume, carbon, nitrogen, and ATP content were measuredin nine species of tintinnid ciliates spanning a size rangeof two orders of magnitude. Tintinnid carbon was linearly relatedto both lorica volume and ATP content. The mean C:ATP ratiowas 65. Tintinnid ATP as a percentage of total ATP in the <153µm fraction averaged 7% over an annual cycle in NarragansettBay. It is concluded that ATP is a useful indicator of livingphytoplankton carbon in pre-screened, small-volume samples duringperiods of moderate to high phytoplankton biomass, but thatprotozoan microzooplankton interference is significant whenphytoplankton standing stocks are low.  相似文献   

The geochemistry and microbiology of a uranium-contaminated subsurface environment that had undergone two seasons of acetate addition to stimulate microbial U(VI) reduction was examined. There were distinct horizontal and vertical geochemical gradients that could be attributed in large part to the manner in which acetate was distributed in the aquifer, with more reduction of Fe(III) and sulfate occurring at greater depths and closer to the point of acetate injection. Clone libraries of 16S rRNA genes derived from sediments and groundwater indicated an enrichment of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the order Desulfobacterales in sediment and groundwater samples. These samples were collected nearest the injection gallery where microbially reducible Fe(III) oxides were highly depleted, groundwater sulfate concentrations were low, and increases in acid volatile sulfide were observed in the sediment. Further down-gradient, metal-reducing conditions were present as indicated by intermediate Fe(II)/Fe(total) ratios, lower acid volatile sulfide values, and increased abundance of 16S rRNA gene sequences belonging to the dissimilatory Fe(III)- and U(VI)-reducing family Geobacteraceae. Maximal Fe(III) and U(VI) reduction correlated with maximal recovery of Geobacteraceae 16S rRNA gene sequences in both groundwater and sediment; however, the sites at which these maxima occurred were spatially separated within the aquifer. The substantial microbial and geochemical heterogeneity at this site demonstrates that attempts should be made to deliver acetate in a more uniform manner and that closely spaced sampling intervals, horizontally and vertically, in both sediment and groundwater are necessary in order to obtain a more in-depth understanding of microbial processes and the relative contribution of attached and planktonic populations to in situ uranium bioremediation.  相似文献   

本文介绍了原位PCR的主要进展、基本步骤,并对其在外源基因检测、基因变异、基因表达及定位等方面的应用作一综述 。  相似文献   

静态箱法原位观测草原CO2通量的探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
杜睿  王庚辰  吕达仁  万晓伟  孔琴心 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2167-2174
根据IMGRASS研究计划,分析草原土壤-植被系统CO2排放与吸收的生物机理和静态箱法在草地CO2通量原位观测实验中所遇到的难点问题,研究设计一套简单易行的静态箱实验方法,通过1999,2000年连续两年在内蒙古半干旱草原的原位观测实验尝试,解决了利用静态箱法原位观测草原土壤-植被系统与大气间CO2交换通量偏离实际的难题,校正了观测值的偏离,并实例分析校正了1998年内蒙古半干旱典型草原羊草草原土壤-植被系统CO2通量。揭示了羊草草原CO2通量的变化规律特征。  相似文献   

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