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Deep sequencing will soon generate comprehensive sequence information in large disease samples. Although the power to detect association with an individual rare variant is limited, pooling variants by gene or pathway into a composite test provides an alternative strategy for identifying susceptibility genes. We describe a statistical method for detecting association of multiple rare variants in protein-coding genes with a quantitative or dichotomous trait. The approach is based on the regression of phenotypic values on individuals'' genotype scores subject to a variable allele-frequency threshold, incorporating computational predictions of the functional effects of missense variants. Statistical significance is assessed by permutation testing with variable thresholds. We used a rigorous population-genetics simulation framework to evaluate the power of the method, and we applied the method to empirical sequencing data from three disease studies.  相似文献   

Recent developments in sequencing technologies have made it possible to uncover both rare and common genetic variants. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) can test for the effect of common variants, whereas sequence-based association studies can evaluate the cumulative effect of both rare and common variants on disease risk. Many groupwise association tests, including burden tests and variance-component tests, have been proposed for this purpose. Although such tests do not exclude common variants from their evaluation, they focus mostly on testing the effect of rare variants by upweighting rare-variant effects and downweighting common-variant effects and can therefore lose substantial power when both rare and common genetic variants in a region influence trait susceptibility. There is increasing evidence that the allelic spectrum of risk variants at a given locus might include novel, rare, low-frequency, and common genetic variants. Here, we introduce several sequence kernel association tests to evaluate the cumulative effect of rare and common variants. The proposed tests are computationally efficient and are applicable to both binary and continuous traits. Furthermore, they can readily combine GWAS and whole-exome-sequencing data on the same individuals, when available, and are also applicable to deep-resequencing data of GWAS loci. We evaluate these tests on data simulated under comprehensive scenarios and show that compared with the most commonly used tests, including the burden and variance-component tests, they can achieve substantial increases in power. We next show applications to sequencing studies for Crohn disease and autism spectrum disorders. The proposed tests have been incorporated into the software package SKAT.  相似文献   

Accounting for gene–environment (G×E) interactions in complex trait association studies can facilitate our understanding of genetic heterogeneity under different environmental exposures, improve the ability to discover susceptible genes that exhibit little marginal effect, provide insight into the biological mechanisms of complex diseases, help to identify high-risk subgroups in the population, and uncover hidden heritability. However, significant G×E interactions can be difficult to find. The sample sizes required for sufficient power to detect association are much larger than those needed for genetic main effects, and interactions are sensitive to misspecification of the main-effects model. These issues are exacerbated when working with binary phenotypes and rare variants, which bear less information on association. In this work, we present a similarity-based regression method for evaluating G×E interactions for rare variants with binary traits. The proposed model aggregates the genetic and G×E information across markers, using genetic similarity, thus increasing the ability to detect G×E signals. The model has a random effects interpretation, which leads to robustness against main-effect misspecifications when evaluating G×E interactions. We construct score tests to examine G×E interactions and a computationally efficient EM algorithm to estimate the nuisance variance components. Using simulations and data applications, we show that the proposed method is a flexible and powerful tool to study the G×E effect in common or rare variant studies with binary traits.  相似文献   

Multiple rare variants either within or across genes have been hypothesised to collectively influence complex human traits. The increasing availability of high throughput sequencing technologies offers the opportunity to study the effect of rare variants on these traits. However, appropriate and computationally efficient analytical methods are required to account for collections of rare variants that display a combination of protective, deleterious and null effects on the trait. We have developed a novel method for the analysis of rare genetic variation in a gene, region or pathway that, by simply aggregating summary statistics at each variant, can: (i) test for the presence of a mixture of effects on a trait; (ii) be applied to both binary and quantitative traits in population-based and family-based data; (iii) adjust for covariates to allow for non-genetic risk factors and; (iv) incorporate imputed genetic variation. In addition, for preliminary identification of promising genes, the method can be applied to association summary statistics, available from meta-analysis of published data, for example, without the need for individual level genotype data. Through simulation, we show that our method is immune to the presence of bi-directional effects, with no apparent loss in power across a range of different mixtures, and can achieve greater power than existing approaches as long as summary statistics at each variant are robust. We apply our method to investigate association of type-1 diabetes with imputed rare variants within genes in the major histocompatibility complex using genotype data from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium.  相似文献   

The availability of a large number of dense SNPs, high-throughput genotyping and computation methods promotes the application of family-based association tests. While most of the current family-based analyses focus only on individual traits, joint analyses of correlated traits can extract more information and potentially improve the statistical power. However, current TDT-based methods are low-powered. Here, we develop a method for tests of association for bivariate quantitative traits in families. In particular, we correct for population stratification by the use of an integration of principal component analysis and TDT. A score test statistic in the variance-components model is proposed. Extensive simulation studies indicate that the proposed method not only outperforms approaches limited to individual traits when pleiotropic effect is present, but also surpasses the power of two popular bivariate association tests termed FBAT-GEE and FBAT-PC, respectively, while correcting for population stratification. When applied to the GAW16 datasets, the proposed method successfully identifies at the genome-wide level the two SNPs that present pleiotropic effects to HDL and TG traits.  相似文献   

This article focuses on conducting global testing for association between a binary trait and a set of rare variants (RVs), although its application can be much broader to other types of traits, common variants (CVs), and gene set or pathway analysis. We show that many of the existing tests have deteriorating performance in the presence of many nonassociated RVs: their power can dramatically drop as the proportion of nonassociated RVs in the group to be tested increases. We propose a class of so-called sum of powered score (SPU) tests, each of which is based on the score vector from a general regression model and hence can deal with different types of traits and adjust for covariates, e.g., principal components accounting for population stratification. The SPU tests generalize the sum test, a representative burden test based on pooling or collapsing genotypes of RVs, and a sum of squared score (SSU) test that is closely related to several other powerful variance component tests; a previous study (Basu and Pan 2011) has demonstrated good performance of one, but not both, of the Sum and SSU tests in many situations. The SPU tests are versatile in the sense that one of them is often powerful, although its identity varies with the unknown true association parameters. We propose an adaptive SPU (aSPU) test to approximate the most powerful SPU test for a given scenario, consequently maintaining high power and being highly adaptive across various scenarios. We conducted extensive simulations to show superior performance of the aSPU test over several state-of-the-art association tests in the presence of many nonassociated RVs. Finally we applied the SPU and aSPU tests to the GAW17 mini-exome sequence data to compare its practical performance with some existing tests, demonstrating their potential usefulness.  相似文献   

Increasing empirical evidence suggests that many genetic variants influence multiple distinct phenotypes. When cross-phenotype effects exist, multivariate association methods that consider pleiotropy are often more powerful than univariate methods that model each phenotype separately. Although several statistical approaches exist for testing cross-phenotype effects for common variants, there is a lack of similar tests for gene-based analysis of rare variants. In order to fill this important gap, we introduce a statistical method for cross-phenotype analysis of rare variants using a nonparametric distance-covariance approach that compares similarity in multivariate phenotypes to similarity in rare-variant genotypes across a gene. The approach can accommodate both binary and continuous phenotypes and further can adjust for covariates. Our approach yields a closed-form test whose significance can be evaluated analytically, thereby improving computational efficiency and permitting application on a genome-wide scale. We use simulated data to demonstrate that our method, which we refer to as the Gene Association with Multiple Traits (GAMuT) test, provides increased power over competing approaches. We also illustrate our approach using exome-chip data from the Genetic Epidemiology Network of Arteriopathy.  相似文献   

A key step toward the discovery of a gene related to a trait is the finding of an association between the trait and one or more haplotypes. Haplotype analyses can also provide critical information regarding the function of a gene; however, when unrelated subjects are sampled, haplotypes are often ambiguous because of unknown linkage phase of the measured sites along a chromosome. A popular method of accounting for this ambiguity in case-control studies uses a likelihood that depends on haplotype frequencies, so that the haplotype frequencies can be compared between the cases and controls; however, this traditional method is limited to a binary trait (case vs. control), and it does not provide a method of testing the statistical significance of specific haplotypes. To address these limitations, we developed new methods of testing the statistical association between haplotypes and a wide variety of traits, including binary, ordinal, and quantitative traits. Our methods allow adjustment for nongenetic covariates, which may be critical when analyzing genetically complex traits. Furthermore, our methods provide several different global tests for association, as well as haplotype-specific tests, which give a meaningful advantage in attempts to understand the roles of many different haplotypes. The statistics can be computed rapidly, making it feasible to evaluate the associations between many haplotypes and a trait. To illustrate the use of our new methods, they are applied to a study of the association of haplotypes (composed of genes from the human-leukocyte-antigen complex) with humoral immune response to measles vaccination. Limited simulations are also presented to demonstrate the validity of our methods, as well as to provide guidelines on how our methods could be used.  相似文献   



Cathepsin S, a protein coded by the CTSS gene, is implicated in adipose tissue biology–this protein enhances adipose tissue development. Our hypothesis is that common variants in CTSS play a role in body weight regulation and in the development of obesity and that these effects are influenced by dietary factors–increased by high protein, glycemic index and energy diets.


Four tag SNPs (rs7511673, rs11576175, rs10888390 and rs1136774) were selected to capture all common variation in the CTSS region. Association between these four SNPs and several adiposity measurements (BMI, waist circumference, waist for given BMI and being a weight gainer–experiencing the greatest degree of unexplained annual weight gain during follow-up or not) given, where applicable, both as baseline values and gain during the study period (6–8 years) were tested in 11,091 European individuals (linear or logistic regression models). We also examined the interaction between the CTSS variants and dietary factors–energy density, protein content (in grams or in % of total energy intake) and glycemic index–on these four adiposity phenotypes.


We found several associations between CTSS polymorphisms and anthropometric traits including baseline BMI (rs11576175 (SNP N°2), p = 0.02, β = −0.2446), and waist change over time (rs7511673 (SNP N°1), p = 0.01, β = −0.0433 and rs10888390 (SNP N°3), p = 0.04, β = −0.0342). In interaction with the percentage of proteins contained in the diet, rs11576175 (SNP N°2) was also associated with the risk of being a weight gainer (pinteraction = 0.01, OR = 1.0526)–the risk of being a weight gainer increased with the percentage of proteins contained in the diet.


CTSS variants seem to be nominally associated to obesity related traits and this association may be modified by dietary protein intake.  相似文献   

We propose a general statistical framework for meta-analysis of gene- or region-based multimarker rare variant association tests in sequencing association studies. In genome-wide association studies, single-marker meta-analysis has been widely used to increase statistical power by combining results via regression coefficients and standard errors from different studies. In analysis of rare variants in sequencing studies, region-based multimarker tests are often used to increase power. We propose meta-analysis methods for commonly used gene- or region-based rare variants tests, such as burden tests and variance component tests. Because estimation of regression coefficients of individual rare variants is often unstable or not feasible, the proposed method avoids this difficulty by calculating score statistics instead that only require fitting the null model for each study and then aggregating these score statistics across studies. Our proposed meta-analysis rare variant association tests are conducted based on study-specific summary statistics, specifically score statistics for each variant and between-variant covariance-type (linkage disequilibrium) relationship statistics for each gene or region. The proposed methods are able to incorporate different levels of heterogeneity of genetic effects across studies and are applicable to meta-analysis of multiple ancestry groups. We show that the proposed methods are essentially as powerful as joint analysis by directly pooling individual level genotype data. We conduct extensive simulations to evaluate the performance of our methods by varying levels of heterogeneity across studies, and we apply the proposed methods to meta-analysis of rare variant effects in a multicohort study of the genetics of blood lipid levels.  相似文献   

With the advent of next-generation sequencing technology, rare variant association analysis is increasingly being conducted to identify genetic variants associated with complex traits. In recent years, significant effort has been devoted to develop powerful statistical methods to test such associations for population-based designs. However, there has been relatively little development for family-based designs although family data have been shown to be more powerful to detect rare variants. This study introduces a blocking approach that extends two popular family-based common variant association tests to rare variants association studies. Several options are considered to partition a genomic region (gene) into “independent” blocks by which information from SNVs is aggregated within a block and an overall test statistic for the entire genomic region is calculated by combining information across these blocks. The proposed methodology allows different variants to have different directions (risk or protective) and specification of minor allele frequency threshold is not needed. We carried out a simulation to verify the validity of the method by showing that type I error is well under control when the underlying null hypothesis and the assumption of independence across blocks are satisfied. Further, data from the Genetic Analysis Workshop are utilized to illustrate the feasibility and performance of the proposed methodology in a realistic setting.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing technology has propelled the development of statistical methods to identify rare polygenetic variation associated with complex traits. The majority of these statistical methods are designed for case–control or population-based studies, with few methods that are applicable to family-based studies. Moreover, existing methods for family-based studies mainly focus on trios or nuclear families; there are far fewer existing methods available for analyzing larger pedigrees of arbitrary size and structure. To fill this gap, we propose a method for rare-variant analysis in large pedigree studies that can utilize information from all available relatives. Our approach is based on a kernel machine regression (KMR) framework, which has the advantages of high power, as well as fast and easy calculation of p-values using the asymptotic distribution. Our method is also robust to population stratification due to integration of a QTDT framework (Abecasis et al., Eur J Hum Genet 8(7):545–551, 2000b) with the KMR framework. In our method, we first calculate the expected genotype (between-family component) of a non-founder using all founders’ information and then calculate the deviates (within-family component) of observed genotype from the expectation, where the deviates are robust to population stratification by design. The test statistic, which is constructed using within-family component, is thus robust to population stratification. We illustrate and evaluate our method using simulated data and sequence data from Genetic Analysis Workshop 18.  相似文献   

Genotype imputation has become standard practice in modern genetic studies. As sequencing-based reference panels continue to grow, increasingly more markers are being well or better imputed but at the same time, even more markers with relatively low minor allele frequency are being imputed with low imputation quality. Here, we propose new methods that incorporate imputation uncertainty for downstream association analysis, with improved power and/or computational efficiency. We consider two scenarios: I) when posterior probabilities of all potential genotypes are estimated; and II) when only the one-dimensional summary statistic, imputed dosage, is available. For scenario I, we have developed an expectation-maximization likelihood-ratio test for association based on posterior probabilities. When only imputed dosages are available (scenario II), we first sample the genotype probabilities from its posterior distribution given the dosages, and then apply the EM-LRT on the sampled probabilities. Our simulations show that type I error of the proposed EM-LRT methods under both scenarios are protected. Compared with existing methods, EM-LRT-Prob (for scenario I) offers optimal statistical power across a wide spectrum of MAF and imputation quality. EM-LRT-Dose (for scenario II) achieves a similar level of statistical power as EM-LRT-Prob and, outperforms the standard Dosage method, especially for markers with relatively low MAF or imputation quality. Applications to two real data sets, the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey study and the Women’s Health Initiative Study, provide further support to the validity and efficiency of our proposed methods.  相似文献   

Biological evidence suggests that multiple causal variants in a gene may cluster physically. Variants within the same protein functional domain or gene regulatory element would locate in close proximity on the DNA sequence. However, spatial information of variants is usually not used in current rare variant association analyses. We here propose a clustering method (abbreviated as “CLUSTER”), which is extended from the adaptive combination of P-values. Our method combines the association signals of variants that are more likely to be causal. Furthermore, the statistic incorporates the spatial information of variants. With extensive simulations, we show that our method outperforms several commonly-used methods in many scenarios. To demonstrate its use in real data analyses, we also apply this CLUSTER test to the Dallas Heart Study data. CLUSTER is among the best methods when the effects of causal variants are all in the same direction. As variants located in close proximity are more likely to have similar impact on disease risk, CLUSTER is recommended for association testing of clustered rare causal variants in case-control studies.  相似文献   

G. Thaller  L. Dempfle    I. Hoeschele 《Genetics》1996,143(4):1819-1829
Maximum likelihood methodology was applied to determine the mode of inheritance of rare binary traits with data structures typical for swine populations. The genetic models considered included a monogenic, a digenic, a polygenic, and three mixed polygenic and major gene models. The main emphasis was on the detection of major genes acting on a polygenic background. Deterministic algorithms were employed to integrate and maximize likelihoods. A simulation study was conducted to evaluate model selection and parameter estimation. Three designs were simulated that differed in the number of sires/number of dams within sires (10/10, 30/30, 100/30). Major gene effects of at least one SD of the liability were detected with satisfactory power under the mixed model of inheritance, except for the smallest design. Parameter estimates were empirically unbiased with acceptable standard errors, except for the smallest design, and allowed to distinguish clearly between the genetic models. Distributions of the likelihood ratio statistic were evaluated empirically, because asymptotic theory did not hold. For each simulation model, the Average Information Criterion was computed for all models of analysis. The model with the smallest value was chosen as the best model and was equal to the true model in almost every case studied.  相似文献   

Recently more and more evidence suggest that rare variants with much lower minor allele frequencies play significant roles in disease etiology. Advances in next-generation sequencing technologies will lead to many more rare variants association studies. Several statistical methods have been proposed to assess the effect of rare variants by aggregating information from multiple loci across a genetic region and testing the association between the phenotype and aggregated genotype. One limitation of existing methods is that they only look into the marginal effects of rare variants but do not systematically take into account effects due to interactions among rare variants and between rare variants and environmental factors. In this article, we propose the summation of partition approach (SPA), a robust model-free method that is designed specifically for detecting both marginal effects and effects due to gene-gene (G×G) and gene-environmental (G×E) interactions for rare variants association studies. SPA has three advantages. First, it accounts for the interaction information and gains considerable power in the presence of unknown and complicated G×G or G×E interactions. Secondly, it does not sacrifice the marginal detection power; in the situation when rare variants only have marginal effects it is comparable with the most competitive method in current literature. Thirdly, it is easy to extend and can incorporate more complex interactions; other practitioners and scientists can tailor the procedure to fit their own study friendly. Our simulation studies show that SPA is considerably more powerful than many existing methods in the presence of G×G and G×E interactions.  相似文献   

In spite of the success of genome-wide association studies (GWASs), only a small proportion of heritability for each complex trait has been explained by identified genetic variants, mainly SNPs. Likely reasons include genetic heterogeneity (i.e., multiple causal genetic variants) and small effect sizes of causal variants, for which pathway analysis has been proposed as a promising alternative to the standard single-SNP-based analysis. A pathway contains a set of functionally related genes, each of which includes multiple SNPs. Here we propose a pathway-based test that is adaptive at both the gene and SNP levels, thus maintaining high power across a wide range of situations with varying numbers of the genes and SNPs associated with a trait. The proposed method is applicable to both common variants and rare variants and can incorporate biological knowledge on SNPs and genes to boost statistical power. We use extensively simulated data and a WTCCC GWAS dataset to compare our proposal with several existing pathway-based and SNP-set-based tests, demonstrating its promising performance and its potential use in practice.  相似文献   

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