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The plankton of an acidic, polymictic, brown-water lake was investigated over a one-year period. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Chlamydomonas sp., Melosira varians and Peridinium pusillum during different times of the year. Densities were abnormally low, with a maximum of only 13,781 individuals per liter during the March bloom. The water column was nearly void of phytoplankton during the fall. These low densities were attributed to several of the physical and chemical characteristics of the water, including low pH, low levels of nutrients and light limitation. The latter factor was important because of low light transmission into the highly colored water, shading from macrophytes and the nearly continuous transport of the phytoplankton into the aphotic zone due to mixing of the water column by sea breezes.The zooplankton was dominated by Diaptomus floridanus, Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella cochlearis and Daphnia ambigua. The observed densities were typical of southeastern oligotrophic lakes. The zooplankton community did not exhibit a decrease in density that corresponded with the observed low phytoplankton densities, suggesting the possibility that they relied heavily on bacterial and detrital food sources.  相似文献   

In this article, we show by mesocosm experiments that winter and spring warming will lead to substantial changes in the spring bloom of phytoplankton. The timing of the spring bloom shows only little response to warming as such, while light appears to play a more important role in its initiation. The daily light dose needed for the start of the phytoplankton spring bloom in our experiments agrees well with a recently published critical light intensity found in a field survey of the North Atlantic (around 1.3 mol photons m?2 day?1). Experimental temperature elevation had a strong effect on phytoplankton peak biomass (decreasing with temperature), mean cell size (decreasing with temperature) and on the share of microplankton diatoms (decreasing with temperature). All these changes will lead to poorer feeding conditions for copepod zooplankton and, thus, to a less efficient energy transfer from primary to fish production under a warmer climate.  相似文献   

Ciliate microzooplankton are important grazers in most pelagic ecosystems and among them, tintinnids, with their largely species‐specific loricas, allow relatively easy assessment of questions of diversity and distributions. Herein, we present the results of a survey of species records of tintinnids from the Southern Ocean (locations below 40°S) reported in 56 publications yielding 2,047 species records (synonyms included) from 402 locations. The 192 species reported can be parsed into two main groups: 32 endemic Southern Ocean species, known only from 40°S and further south, and a second group of 181 widespread species, forms with extensive geographic ranges extending into the Southern Ocean. Widespread species reported from the Southern Ocean can be further divided into a group of 81 species, each recorded multiple times in the Southern Ocean waters and 70 apparent “stray” species which have only been found but once. The endemic and widespread species of the Southern Ocean show both distinct distributional patterns and morphological differences. The assemblage of Southern Ocean endemics is found mostly within the Antarctic zone delimited by the average location of the Polar Front and contains a relatively large portion of wide‐mouthed forms. We give suggestions for future study.  相似文献   

We present two simple plankton population models: one has instantaneous predation, another has delayed predation. The models consist of two coupled differential equations representing the interaction between phytoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton with additional effect of zooplankton predation by a constant fish population. We study the dynamical behaviour and investigate the conditions to guarantee the coexistence of two species, and address the stability and bifurcation under different density of fish, with or without the maturation time delay. Analytical methods and numerical simulations are used to obtain information about the qualitative behaviour of the models.  相似文献   

The effects of biomanipulation were studied in ten Finnish lakes to determine responses in fish and plankton communities and water quality after mass removal of cyprinids. From 1997 to 2001, the fish communities shifted from the dominance of large cyprinids to an explosion of small cyprinids and a higher proportion of piscivores in effectively biomanipulated lakes (>200 kg ha−1 3 yr−1). The biomass of cyanobacteria decreased, and the duration of the blooms shortened and shifted towards the autumn. Decreased concentrations and slower cycling of nutrients and increased grazing by cladocerans probably affected the declined biomass of cyanobacteria. Less intensive sediment disturbance and increased phosphorus-retention in fast growing fish biomass may have turned the role of the fish assemblage from ‘nutrient recycler’ to ‘nutrient storage’. Increased potential grazing pressure, higher proportion of edible algae, and lower chlorophyll a:total phosphorus ratio indicated strengthened herbivore control. A high mass removal catch in relation to trophic state, low background turbidity, and bearable external loading favoured the successful biomanipulation, whereas intensive cyprinid reproduction, high nutrient loading and non-algal turbidity hindered the recovery. Three important issues should be noticed before biomanipulation in Finland: (1) careful selection of target lake, (2) well-planned, effective and long-lasting biomanipulation and (3) sustainable management of piscivores. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The relationship between physicochemical factors and plankton abundance in the newly created Bui reservoir was studied during 2011 and 2012. The objective was to assess the influence of physicochemical factors on plankton abundance and provide data for monitoring the hydrobiology of the newly created Bui reservoir. Two sampling stations were selected on the Black Volta upstream (Bui) and downstream (Bamboi) of the dam, with samples taken pre‐ and postimpoundment during the study period. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to trace temporal plankton community changes and to examine the relationships between species composition and physicochemical variables. The relative abundance of some phytoplankton species such as Anabaena sp., Planktothrix sp. and Scenedesmus sp. was directly correlated to nitrates. CCA indicated that physicochemical variables explained 41–64% of zooplankton and 8–12% of phytoplankton variation. Hence, there were correlations between environmental variables and the structure of plankton assemblages. This feature should therefore be used for bio‐monitoring of environmental variables of the river by the Bui Power Authority to ensure protection of the aquatic biota downstream of the Bui dam.  相似文献   

Planktonic herbivores forage on phytoplankton cells which were produced at some earlier time and at a distant place. A steady state, one dimension model of the birth, death and eddy diffusion of phytoplankton illustrates phytoplankton smooth both temporal and spatial variations as they are transported. When the eddy diffusivity is k and the phytoplankton doubling time is b, the average distance traveled by a phytoplankton cell is (kb)1/2 and the average time spent doing so is b. Only those spatial variations with wavelengths greater than 2π(kb)1/2 and temporal variations with periods greater than 2πb will be observed in the phytoplankton distributions at more than half their original amplitude. Both k and b control the length scale of phytoplankton distributions in a cartesian coordinate system. Planktonic herbivores view the phytoplankton from a diffusing coordinate system in which the spatial scales of the phytoplankton distribution are transformed into time scales.  相似文献   

三亚珊瑚礁分布海区浮游生物的群落结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了更好地了解珊瑚礁区生物群落应对环境变化的生态响应机制,以及浮游生物群落结构与珊瑚礁发展发育的关系,我们于2006年10月26日至11月10日对三亚珊瑚礁保护区9个有珊瑚礁分布的站点进行了浮游生物群落结构的调查.共鉴定出浮游植物种类61属130种(包括变种、变型),其中硅藻门48属101种,甲藻门10属25种,蓝藻门2属3种,金藻门1属1种.硅藻门的角毛藻属(Chaetoceros)种类最多,根管藻属(Rhizosolenia)的种类次之.调查海区浮游植物的细胞丰度范围为348-11,320个/L,平均为3,247个/L.在浮游植物群落中硅藻占绝对优势,平均丰度为3,230个/L,占总密度的99.5%.调查海区共鉴定出浮游动物76种,其中桡足类29种,水母类17种,浮游幼虫10种,毛颚类7种,被囊类6种,浮游腹足类4种,十足类、多毛类和介形类各1种.调查海区浮游动物的密度范围为43-190个/m3,平均为114个/m3.优势类群为桡足类、各类幼虫和毛颚类,平均分别占浮游动物总密度的28.5%,27.7%和13.6%.各站位浮游植物的多样性指数和均匀度平均分别为3.98和0.70,浮游动物的多样性指数和均匀度平均分别为4.37和0.87.鹿回头和大东海海域的浮游植物密度大,而生物多样性指数低.活的造礁石珊瑚种数和覆盖率高的站点的浮游生物多样性也较高.  相似文献   

A detailed sampling programme during the ice-free season (July–September) in the oligotrophic lake Las Yeguas (Southern Spain) has shown a well-defined time lag between phytoplankton and zooplankton maximum standing stocks, the former displaying a peak (23 μgC l-1) just after the ice-melting, and the latter by the end of September (80 μgC l-1). A ratio of autotrophs to heterotrophs lower than 1 which lasted more than two thirds of the study period may suggest a high algal productivity per unit of biomass. The estimated strong top-down regulation of phytoplankton by zooplankton indicates an efficient utilization of resources. A comparative analysis between the available food supply and the critical food concentration that is necessary to maintain the population of Daphnia pulicaria (which constitutes up to 98% of the heterotrophic biomass) proves this species to be food-limited in the lake under study. To explain the dominance (and development) of such large-bodied cladoceran population, we discuss the possibility of the utilization of naked protozoan ciliates (Oligotrichidae) as a complementary high quality food source, and the exploitation of benthic resources through a coupled daily migration behaviour.  相似文献   

微塑料作为一种新型的环境污染物,大量存在于水环境中,给水生生物带来了极大的危害.浮游生物是水生食物链的基础,是水生生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要环节;同时,浮游生物也是对各种环境污染物最敏感的类群.了解微塑料对浮游生物的影响是评价其生态风险的重要依据.本文介绍了环境中微塑料来源、特征及水生态系统微塑料污染现状,阐述了...  相似文献   

建立了一类含分布时滞的革新传播模型dU(t)/dt=-(α+βA(t))U(t)-pU(t)+p,dA(t)/dt=∫+∞ 0 αE(τ)U(t-τ)dτ+βU(t)A(t)-(p+k)A(t)。研究了分布时滞对传播过程的影响,讨论了正平衡点的存在性和唯一性及其局部与全局的渐近稳定性,当分布时滞的核函数取δe^-δτ时,证明了正平衡点是绝对渐近稳定的。  相似文献   

Climatic and hydrological variability is usually high in the Pampa Plain (Argentina). However it has not studied yet how this variability may affect the phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and community structure in aquatic systems of this region. The main purpose of this study was to assess flushing effects on nutrient and plankton dynamics in two interconnected very shallow lakes of the Pampa Plain. In order to study the impact of hydrology on the plankton biomass and community structure, we compared the summer plankton community among three consecutive years with contrasting hydrological characteristics. Water residence time varied an order of magnitude among years and this variability was correlated to strong changes in physicochemical and biological lake characteristics. Depending on the water discharge level, the hydrological regime within the lakes ranged from lentic to more lotic conditions. Nutrient and phytoplankton biomass were positively related to water discharges. During high flushing periods, nutrients import from intensive agriculture lands leads to a dramatic increase in trophic conditions. On the other hand, macrozooplankton biomass was positively related to water residence time and showed a dramatic decrease during high flushing years. Rotifers biomass was not affected by interannual water discharge variability during the study period. Our results support that in case of lakes with high flushing rates, zooplankton development is dependent on water residence time and that hydrology may have stronger effects on macrozooplankton biomass than top-down control by planktivores.  相似文献   

We assessed the long-term (16 years) effects of introducing piscivores (northern pike) into a small, boreal lake (Lake 221, Experimental Lakes Area) containing abundant populations of two planktivorous fish species. After the introduction, pearl dace were extirpated and yellow perch abundance was greatly reduced. Daphnia species shifted from D. galeata mendota to larger bodied Daphnia catawba, but the total zooplankton biomass did not increase, nor did the biomass of large grazers such as Daphnia. Phytoplankton biomass decreased after the northern pike introduction, but increased when northern pike were partially removed from the lake. Phosphorus (P) excretion by fish was ∼0.18 mg P m−2 d−1 before pike addition, declined rapidly to approximately 0.03–0.10 as planktivorous perch and dace populations were reduced by pike, and increased back to premanipulation levels after the pike were partially removed and the perch population recovered. When perch were abundant, P excretion by fish supported about 30% of the P demand by primary producers, decreasing to 6–14% when pike were abundant. Changes in phytoplankton abundance in Lake 221 appear to be driven by changes in P cycling by yellow perch, whose abundance was controlled by the addition and removal of pike. These results confirm the role of nutrient cycling in mediating trophic cascades and are consistent with previous enclosure experiments conducted in the same lake.  相似文献   

A multidiscriplinary study was carried out during the summer of 1982 in the area of the Ushant tidal front at the entrance of the English Channel. The stratified water masses (West of the front) and the mixed water masses (East of it) are characterized with respect to their main physical, chemical and biological properties and a comparative budget of organic carbon is presented. Several physiological, biochemical or taxonomical indices of phytoplankton and zooplankton populations are investigated. The effects of the tidal regime on space-time variability and nutrient enrichment are emphasized.  相似文献   

大鹏湾浮游动物种群密度变化的一次数学模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大鹏湾浮游动物种群密度变化的一次数学模拟郭远琼(暨南大学华侨医院计算机室,广州510633)黄伟建韩博平齐雨藻(暨南大学水生生物研究所,广州510632)TheIdentificationofaMechanismModeloftheZooplankt...  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of phytoplankton and major primary consumers were analyzed during the development of seasonal algal blooms in the Bahía Blanca estuary, situated on the southern coast of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Trinity Bay, at Sunnyside, on the eastern coast of Newfoundland (Canada). Primary consumers in the Bahía Blanca estuary were zooplankton dominated by the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa. At Sunnyside, the primary consumers were the sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus, an ecological and economical important benthic bivalve. The study shows that in spite of obvious differences between the two environments and the analytical approaches employed in each case, the analyses of fatty acid biomarkers can provide relevant ecological information. The fatty acid composition of the lipids of Bahía Blanca phytoplankton (high concentrations of the fatty acids 14:0, 16:4ω1, and 20:5ω3) reflected the presence of diatoms as a major component throughout the bloom. Fatty acid markers of the post-bloom phytoplankton in Bahía Blanca indicated a decline of phytoplankton biomass, and a relatively high input of detritus and terrestrial plant materials to the particulate organic matter of the estuary. Linoleic acid (18:2ω6), a typical “terrestrial” fatty acid, was conspicuous in the lipids of the post-bloom particulate matter of the Bahía Blanca estuary; 18:2ω2 was subsequently incorporated into zooplankton lipids diatom markers were also prominent in the lipids of pre-bloom and bloom phytoplankton at Sunnyside; post-bloom phytoplankton showed higher proportions of 18:0, 18:1ω9, and 18:4ω3, characteristic and often major fatty acids of dinoflagellates. The fatty acids of the digestive gland of P. magellanicus reflected the fatty acid composition of the phytoplankton, whereas those of the adductor muscle were practically unaffected by the composition of the food. This organ-specific response of an animal to the fatty acid composition of the diet is examined in terms of different applications of the fatty acid marker concept.  相似文献   

The development of a heavy phytoplankton bloom (chl. a = 360 mg/m3), which occurred in the summer 1983 in a shallow reservoir, Divor, is described. The study shows that remobilization of phosphate from the sediment was initiating the phytoplankton bloom. This was confirmed not only by calculations of the change in iron-phosphate pool, but also supported by sorption experiments carried out with the sediment. It is discussed that turbidity of the water due to suspended matter caused the reduction in standing stock of phytoplankton to approx. 50 mg chl. a/m3 in late summer.  相似文献   

Additions of iron and NTA had minor stimulatory effects on the phytoplankton productivity of samples of water from two calcareous Michigan lakes in autumn and winter contrary to effects at other seasons. Added Daphnia pulex significantly reduced phytoplankton productivity by grazing at this time of year, in all tests at all levels of addition from 4–32 animals/l, greatly in excess of any possible beneficial effects of increased nutrient availability.  相似文献   

A comparison between a large plankton trap with a capacity of 23 litres and a modern towed net was made in the course of zooplankton production studies in the Baltic. On the average, the net efficiency was 75% of that of the trap. Both methods were equally efficient in catching naupliar stages of copepods. The net efficiency was especially low during the zooplankton maximum for adult copepods and cladocerans (41 and 51%, respectively), probably due to the active avoidance of the net by fast swimming species. The net was only about 66% as efficient as the trap for catching rotifers. This difference is probably caused by the loss of small and softbodied forms through the mesh. Only about 65% of the total zooplankton biomass retained in the trap was collected by the net. Net sampling is not recommended for quantitative zooplankton studies.  相似文献   

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